Siri on Android Market - XPERIA X8 Themes and Apps

Android is a great OS, in currently iphone users being shocked by app called "Siri".
in market a lot of applications that can be compared with Siri. maybe more fun than siri
Vlingo Virtual Assistant (Free, $2 to remove ads)
With over one million downloads, a price tag that you can’t argue with, and a feature set that looks remarkably similar to Siri, Vlingo is probably the best voice-control app for Android. Vlingo lets you send texts and emails, voice dial, find local restaurants and businesses, buy movie tickets, open apps, update Twitter or Facebook, and more, all with your voice.
The best way to see how Vlingo works is to watch the video below, but basically it’s an app that runs and stays in the foreground — and then you tap the “Speak it” button to give a command. There’s also a hands-free “InCar” module that wakes up whenever you say “Hi Vlingo!” It isn’t quite as smooth as Siri, but considering it’s an app and isn’t baked into the OS, it’s impressive.
Sonalight Text by Voice (Freemium)
Next up is a brand-new app for Android 2.2 and later that does exactly what it says on the tin: you can draft and send SMS texts just by using your voice. Sonalight advertises itself as an excellent companion for driving, if you want to tell your loved one that you’ll be home late, without taking your hands off the wheel or entering into an (ugh!) conversation.
Sonalight also reads back SMSes that arrive — but that’s it, as far as functionality goes. It’s a free download, but the app appends a Market link to the end of each of your messages unless you upgrade, which costs $20 per year. Speaking to TechCrunch, its developers say that the monetization approach may change, too.
Google Voice Search/Actions (Free)
You might know this already, but Google actually provides an app that functions a lot like Siri: Voice Search (Android 2.2+). Once it’s installed you can access Voice Search by clicking the microphone button on the home screen Google gadget, and then simply call out your command. You can ask Voice Search/Actions to send an SMS, email, give you directions, and more.
The only problem with Voice Search is that there isn’t much to configure, it isn’t capable of reading responses out to you, and it requires a fair bit of on-screen button pushing to make it work.
Edwin, Speech-to-Speech (Free)
Very similar to Vlingo, Edwin (Android 2.1+) gives you voice control — and spoken responses — of various features. Like Siri, Edwin is hooked up to Wolfram Alpha, so you can ask it all sorts of odd questions, but you can also use Edwin to make calls, give you map directions, tweet, and so on.
To use Edwin, you will also need to install SpeechSynthesis (free), and TTS Extended (free).
Speaktoit Assistant (Free)
Finally, if the feature you most like about Siri is the idea of telling a woman to do things for you, check out Speaktoit Assistant (Android 2.1+). Speaktoit is basically the same deal as Siri or Vlingo, but instead of a boring text-only interface, you get to interact with an animated avatar!
By default your assistant is a perky brunette, but you can change it to a busty blonde librarian, and there are two male avatars included too. You can even customize the avatar’s skin color, hair style, clothing.


Tablet <-> Phone interoprability

I am starting this thread to point out apps, that integrate the phone-tablet combo experience and make it seamless to switch between phone and tablet.
A lot of things are sync automatically thanks to google account, but there are still small things, that require extra settings.
Phone calls
?? still have not came up with an app, that could route phone calls to my phone, so I can get the audio and mic forward to my tablet.
Google Voice calls
Google voice is not available in CZ so visit the thread to get more info.
Pushes received messages to tablet app and allows tablet to compose messages that are pushed back and sent from the phone.
Looking for a way to synchronize Reader book states, bookmarks, etc.
A great way to keep files and folders synced across devices.
Anyone has any other tips and recommendations?
Check out TexTab /
Thanks for the tip. I have a 3G tablet, so I don't mind SynsSMS use dropbox to synchronize my messages over the internet, but this a definitely a competitor to consider - especially for people with WiFi-only tablets.
I will do some tests on the battery life with bluetooth always on.
Checkout GrooVe IP... Uses your GV account to send and receive Voice calls... Works great on the EVO View...

[APP] SpeakToIt Virtual Assistant (Siri KILLER) :D

Talking buddy for your smartphone. Answers questions, performs tasks, notifies.
Speaktoit Assistant is a virtual buddy for your Android device that uses natural language technology to answer questions, find information, launch apps and connect you with various web services, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and many others.
The Assistant works with your smartphone to get maps, search for news and images, look up weather reports, convert currency and measurements, send email, and much more.
No need to memorize special commands or complex interfaces - simply speak or type in everyday language and the Assistant will understand and respond with what you need.
You can also choose assistant's appearance whether it be pretty blonde or brunette girl, handsome agent or old professor. You can also set up different voices with SVOX or Loquendo TTS.
Compare to Apple Siri, Nuance, Dragon Go, Vlingo, Voice Actions, Voice Search, Wolfram Alpha, Iris, IBM Watson and voice control applications.
This is a beta version - if the assistant doesn't answer some of your questions we will fix it really soon.
Previous release changes:
Dial, text and email people from your contacts!
You can now start the Assistant from the widget
Save your notes in Evetnote
Long tap on Search button to start the Assistant
If you want the Assistant to look more formal, you can set up the microphone image instead of an avatar (Settings > Appearance)
Keywords: chat, speak, talk, talking, speak to it, chatbot, voice, speaking, speech, assistant, concierge
The apk link - The market link

Best location based app for Android?

I'm looking for a good location based app.
Something like Siri where I can use speech to text. If I want to find a Chinese restaurant nearby, I could just speak "find me a Chinese restaurant".
I've tried Vlingo, Personal Assistant and Voice Search.
What else is there?
I believe there is a Wolfram Alpha app. It's based off the same tech Siri uses.

Why doesn't google integrate hangouts into the OS like iOS integrates iMessage and FT

It would make everything so much more easier! Instead of downloading apps, signing in, having everyone online in order to call/text/video call, it would be so much better if Hangouts was just integrated into the OS. On iOS all you do is sign in to your Apple ID when you first buy and turn on the phone. Same thing happens on android, so why not just integrate hangouts into this process so that if I text another android user, it automatically sends as a hangout message instead of text. This would make video calling so much easier and since hangouts is cross-platform, almost everyone would instantly be accessible for video calling/texting/VoIPing. Make the whole process transparent like on iOS and you have yourself a winning platform for doing your VoIP and video calling almost instantly.

alternative to Googles voice typing keyboard??

I am looking for an alternative to Googles voice typing keyboard. It’s very handy to be able to dictate notes, text messages, and emails but I’m not a fan of sending my audio to google. I’m also looking to cut out many of the fancy features like internet searches, gifs, and excessive notifications.
The way this hunt started, I was tired of the Google app; it was trying to be a little too helpful. So I disabled the Google app in the android settings. Then I realized that disabling it broke my text to speech keyboard.
I would like suggestions for simple voice to text keyboard that would not rely on the Google app. I prefer open source but that would not be strictly necessary if there is a good commercial alternative.
Anyone have suggestions?

