[Q] Possible to share my computer internet to my phone? - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

As I said in my topic i want to share my computer internet to my phone. I tried ad hoc but my phone is not connecting. Please help
Using MiniCM7 Pro on X10 mini pro.


[Q] WPA-Enterprise and EAP-PEAP and install certificates

I've an xperia x10 mini pro.
Well I'm having alot of problems with my xperia because it doesn't implement all protocols I need to connect to my school wireless network. We have eduroam here, and it needs WPA-enterprise and EAP-TTLS with PAP or EAP-PEAP with MSCHAPv2.
In addition I also need to install one certificate.
I haven't found any option on my phone to install certificates and it doesn't implement any of that protocols. Is any solution to this?
Should I wait for the 2.1 update.
Can anyone help me please?

[Q] internet sharing

can any one please tellme hw to share internet frm my pc on to my xperia x10.xperia wont detect adhoc connection so wifi wont do.....tried bzeek but its too lagging,...can some one ..suggest smthng...by the by.... am on wolfbreak CM6.1.3
this method worked only on stock rom for me. On other roms, I got wifi errors, I am using Bzeek to create hotspot on windows vista.

[Q] How To Spoof MAC Address In X10 Mini

Hello Everybody,
I Want To Change My X10 mini's Wifi MAC Address.It Is Possible To Do It??
Please Help.
Thanx In Advanced.
i think there is none like that. i can see my mac add but not changing it.

SE live with Walkman adhoc?

Hi guys!!
Someone can tell me how it´s possible (if is it) to make detectable adhoc networks in SE LWW with .58?
Thanks in advance.
Use Search, there was a topic about that not long ago.
I want to do that with OFW if possible!
i searched
i have wt19i too
when i was on .58 i searched for the adhoc
found some moded files like wpasupplicant and others
but none of them worked as it meant to be
at last i used a software on my pc named connectify
it turns you pc wireless adapter to a wifi access point

Factory KI Pro

Hello gang, I see the forum is a bit different or maybe is my cell phone's browser anyway I got this KI Pro never install differnet ROM I have always used it as is, now I want to play with the OSCAM but I have tried box ip :8080, 8888 but no go, anyone can help me how to connect via web if? Thanks in advance.....IPTVKid

