Optimus V soft bricked - need help - Optimus One, P500, V General

I am trying to help a friend fix his phone. He tried to root it himself and somehow manged to mess up his phone. When you turn it on, it shows the LG logo then it shows the boot animation but then it freezes. Plus When I try to get into recovery (Power + Vol dwn + home) I just get a black screen and when I try to get into emergency mode (Power + vol up + return) I also get a black screen. I know next to nothing about this phone so any help on this matter would be REALLY appreciated. I do have an Evo so I am familiar with flashing and adb.
Thank you in advance!

nevermind I figured it out!! FOr anyone else that may come across this thread with the same problem this is how I mangaed to fix it. (And might I say that I thought it was the coolest thing in the world breiflywhen I could see the recovery screen on my computer even though the screen on the Optimus V was black!)
Quote from bigsupersquid over at android central:
"Using your black-screened custom recovery the 'easy' way (one guy did it)
No walkthrough, just the general idea. Sorry. Never could get Android Screencast to work in Linux myself.
Find Android Screencast on Google Code. Follow their instructions to install.
Use it to navigate your recovery with your PC. Put one of these kernel-hacked recoveries on your SD card, and use the blacked-out recovery to install one you can see, then reboot the phone into the new recovery and proceed to install your ROM."
*edit* All I did was google Android Screencast and it took me to the file I needed to download. I will hang on to it and if anyone else needs it I would be more than willing to share
It Works!! Really it does!

ok, so now I have installed a recovery that works just fine and I can see it on the screen. I also managed to root the phone I think (If I go into adb and type adb shell <enter> then su <enter> it shows me su so I have root right?)
Well now the problem is that no matter which rom I have installed (so far only the stock, rooted rom that is in the optimus root thread) it does not show on the screen of the phone but it DOES show on the tool in the above post.
Any ideas?

Klown80 said:
ok, so now I have installed a recovery that works just fine and I can see it on the screen. I also managed to root the phone I think (If I go into adb and type adb shell <enter> then su <enter> it shows me su so I have root right?)
Well now the problem is that no matter which rom I have installed (so far only the stock, rooted rom that is in the optimus root thread) it does not show on the screen of the phone but it DOES show on the tool in the above post.
Any ideas?
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You either need to flash a compatible kernel (pica07remix) with the older Froyo roms like Harmonia, Bumblebee (basically anything older than Sept 1st, 2011) or flash an IHO Gingerbread ROM build after Sept 1st. The newer Optimus V come with Optimus S screens which require a different driver than the one used as default in the older ROMS.
Sounds like you have a compatible recovery now, just need to either flash a new kernel or a new ROM.
There's a bunch of threads here regarding that, but the most relevant one is the IHO repository with the github links.

Yeah I found one about 11 pm last night and forgot to update my lil thread here. Thanks for the reply none the less! You saved me some time from writing out the answer so thank you for that too.


[SOLVED] LG Optimus V - Blank Screen

I have yet to find an answer to this while searching for the past day, so I'm going to ask about it here.
My LG Optimus V's (just got it a few days ago as a birthday present) screen seems to be permanently blank... In case someone asks... yes, it is activated.
What Happened:
I rooted the phone using Gingerbreak 1.2, installed rom manager/clockwork recovery mod, then attempted to backup my phone in case something went wrong. However, when I started the backup, I noticed that the screen was completely blank. I was kinda freaking out, so I just took a shower while it did it's thing. When I came back, it was done creating the backup and it showed up in Rom Manager. After toying with some of the things I can do with it rooted (I only rooted it to see how much of a difference it would make without changing the kernel), I decided to recover that backup. When my phone restarted to recover the backup, the screen was blank once again. After waiting for over an hour, I concluded that it must have finished (since my HTC Hero would finish restoring and never reboot until I tell it to) and took out the battery. Afterwards, it would show the LG splash screen... then the blank screen.
What I Did:
I was thinking about the android screencast java application a few hours after my problem first developed. I plugged my phone into my computer, got adb working, and android screencast showed me that my phone was actually getting stuck at the clockwork recovery mod screen. I tried many things... I installed a CM7 rom, flashed 3 different recoveries, flashed an overclocked stock rom, etc. Eventually, I flashed the stock rom (no changes whatsoever) and stock recovery. Now I can hear my phone, but cannot see it. However, I should note that while using CM7 the same thing happened. The only difference being that I could use android screencast to see the screen (the phone was actually working) with CM7. Now with the stock rom, adb is disabled and I cannot see the screen or do... anything.
What I Think I Should Do:
I'm thinking about calling Virgin Mobile and telling them that my screen is defected. If they see the issue they'll probably think that it's a hardware issue (for all I know, it could be) and they'll probably give me a replacement. However, if anyone as had the same problem and fixed it, I would love to know.
I would love you hear your opinion on this and, if possible, a fix. Thanks in advance!
(JIC, if I posed in the wrong section, I'm sorry...)
you poor souls reporting the symptoms of getting the newer screen hardware from the optimus s in your v's don't number in the double digits yet, but it's getting closer.
I posted a fix on AndroidCentral, see it:
good luck! the fix has worked for everyone I pointed to it so far.
btw, the screencast idea is excellent!
crud. stock recovery, you may be SOL.
you'll probably have to boot into custom recovery to use screencast or adb now.
use the unplug phone -> pull&replace battery -> hold home+volume down -> keep holding, press and hold power until lg screen goes blank to enter recovery. maybe adb will work in stock recovery, I dunno.
Thank you very much for the reply!
Yeah, you're right, I'm probably SOL... I still have one option though! Theoretically, I should be able to turn on ADB without being able to see my screen. I know how to access the settings without seeing it, but navigating myself to the "Applications", "Development", "USB Debugging" may be a little hard. I will attempt to do so. I will report my progress in a bit.
However, if you (or somebody else) could provide screenshots of a step-by-step process to turn on USB Debugging in the stock rom (since it's kinda hard to do remember where everything is and screenshots of different phones is kinda different) then I would appreciate it VERY much!
I shall update this in an hour or so.
UPDATE (9/2/11 - 9 PM):
I'm going to take a break for now. Good thing I give everyone my Google Voice number, I doubt anyone will notice a change. I'm going to flash a stock rom onto my HTC Hero so I can figure out where things are on the LG Optimus V (Same screen size) in an hour or so. I'll update my progress in like 2 hours.
UPDATE (9/3/11 - 8:10 AM):
I have been unable to turn on USB Debugging and it seems to be because I don't know where the confirmation after turning it on is located. However, I should note that when I boot into (I think) recovery, "adb devices" states that the device is attached but offline. If there is a way to make it "online" from stock recovery then I would love to know. For now, I will try everything I can.
UPDATE (9/3/11 - 8:22 AM):
Ok. I plugged my phone into the back of my computer and now when I do "adb devices" it detects the device in recovery mode. However, when I try "adb shell" it says "- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory <2> -". I'll try some more stuff, but does anyone have any idea of what I can do? Android Screencast doesn't work either, so that's not an option.
UPDATE (9/3/11 - 9:42 AM):
Crap... now it's indefinatly booting into recovery... I had something like this happen before, I'll report my status in an hour or so...
UPDATE (9/3/11 - 12:36 PM):
My friend finally got my phone booting out of recovery again! Now all I have to do is get "USB Debugging" on and it SHOULD work!
I <think> there's a key combination to power up into the bootloader. if you can find it with searching here and android central.
I haven't been able to track that down today. If you can get into the bootloader, you can fix it. Search for asadullah's fastboot root instructions here if you find a way to get into the blue screen (the bootloader, which fastboot talks to.)
otherwise, I'll be done taking the kids to the (ugh) pool in a few hours and I'll search more.
try pulling your battery for a few minutes and see if the reboot cyle stops that way, at least it might get into recovery or the rom.
glad you got back into recovery again, not too sure how to help at this stage though, since I can't find a way to get into the bootloader with a power-on key combo. just emergency mode (useless to the V since the firmware from LG is missing a file) and safe mode. boo.
there is a youtube video for enabling usb debugging on the v, maybe it'll help you find the right spots to press.
edit: you can also try to reboot into the bootloader with adb, even though it's missing the shell... it's worth a try, and if it works you can flash xionia recovery with fastboot and things would be a lot easier from that point.
adb reboot bootloader
if that works but you need more help, a battery pull is the only way to power off with the bootloader except "fastboot reboot" will try to boot your rom.
Awesome, thanks for the replies! I'm going to try your suggestions now. I'll let you know how things work out in a few hours. I would have replied earlier, but to my satisfaction there was a surprise party planned for me, lol. I will defiantly try these out now.
Once again, thank you very much. I honestly did not expect a reply for something that happens to such few people.
bigsupersquid said:
I <think> there's a key combination to power up into the bootloader. if you can find it with searching here and android central.
I haven't been able to track that down today. If you can get into the bootloader, you can fix it. Search for asadullah's fastboot root instructions here if you find a way to get into the blue screen (the bootloader, which fastboot talks to.)
otherwise, I'll be done taking the kids to the (ugh) pool in a few hours and I'll search more.
try pulling your battery for a few minutes and see if the reboot cyle stops that way, at least it might get into recovery or the rom.
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I'm honestly not sure what my friend did, lol. She was just messing with it while it was, apparently, in recovery and it ended up rebooting and loading the rom. I, honestly, don't want to risk getting stuck in recovery anymore since taking out the battery for an hour didn't do anything... If I'm unable to get adb on using what I know from that video then I'll try booting into the bootloader. Like I said before, I'll report my status in a few hours. I really appreciate your help up to now!
EXTREMELY HAPPY UPDATE!!! (9/4/11 - 1:22 AM)
I was able to turn on ADB! I used what I learned from that video and how turning on ADB works on my HTC Hero to get it working and it's FINALLY ON! Now I can attempt to flash the recovery, kernel, and everything else in order to get it working! Thank you VERY much! I will let you know how everything turn out
Another Wonderful Update! (9/4/11 - 2:03 AM)
I have flashed the recovery.img (the Xionia CWMA one) and can see my screen in recovery! I haven't seen anything on my screen besides the LG splash screen so I'm overwhelmed with joy! I'm flashing a new ROM and the other stuff now!
Final Update! (9/4/11 - 2:09 AM)
2:05 AM - I see the rom's boot screen!
2:06 AM - I see the CM7 Mod boot screen!
2:08 AM - I see the UI on my screen and everything seems to be working! Thank you VERY much!
Quick question though... If I want to install a new ROM, do I need to flash the xionia anykernel one directly afterwards?
ah, excellent! glad it's working now.
you're the most persistent (and maybe technically apt) person I've helped with this so far.
I still think that using screencast was the best new idea I've seen yet.
yes, you'll need to flash the xionia kernel after flashing any rom or rom update.
roms come with their own kernel in the boot.img, and none of them currently out for the v have the video drivers from the newer sprint kernels.
right now, xionia kernel is the only thing that works.
and, you'll need to flash the key swap after changing roms, as well, but at least forgetting to do that won't take out your display.
now that you've got xionia recovery on your phone, it should be a lot easier next time.
Thank you for both the help and the compliment!
I don't like giving up when it's something I know I can do. I figured that if I was able to mount my SD card without being able to see the screen, I should be able to turn on USB Debugging as well. About the Android Screencast... I didn't actually think about it until it until I plugged in my phone while the screen was blank, ran "adb devices", and saw that my device was detected within recovery. I figured that I might as well give it a shot... and it worked.
Alright, that's what I figured. Hopefully someone realizes what's happening with refurbished Optimus V smartphones and ports the newer sprint kernels to the Optimus V. I feel like I got ripped-off though... I bought my phone "new" and got a refurbished one. I can't really do anything though, we're not technically supposed to be rooting our Virgin Mobile phones anyways, lol. I'll be sure to do that everytime now though. For now, I think I'm good with the Bumblebee rom.
Once again, thank you VERY much for your help! I know I would not have been able to fix my phone without your help.
Oh yeah, btw, if the Optimus V ever gets stuck in stock recovery, press the "back" button then "home" button to boot into the rom. Not sure why it works (I was never able to see the screen), but it worked.
There is a key combo!
First time caller long time listener... I bricked my own Optmus V with a bogus ROM. To boot into recovery without adb press (Home)+(Volume Down)+(Power) Now rocking CM7!

[Q] Possible "Brick" on the Optimus V

Ok the web just glitched on me so this is the second time of me writing this novel and patience has grown very thin. First i would never be asking for this help if i didnt already do my 5 days of research and exhaust all solutions i can see. And since this is my second time writing this im sorry but im going to give the short version. I did the fatal mistake of lg style reset while i was rooted i know its a rookie mistake i thought i was completely unrooted and didnt double check it before i continued. i cant boot into recovery at all or if i can its just a black screen. when i boot normally it goes to the lg logo then to a black screen. i can access emergency mode however i cant get my pc ( running xp sp3 ) to recognize the device. I can get it to be recognized when i boot it normally to the black screen and even gain acces to root through adb, When in emergency i get nothing though and i have attempted recovery and flashing through adb, kdz, romtools, lgmdp and a few more randoms i could find in the forums ( i have done a lot of research ) when i do establish root though i cant seem to push or pull files, flash, mount or anything besides adb shell, the rest is filled with error: 0's and sbin/sh "whatever" not found, etc. since i can establish root it leads me to believe this can be fixed. THANK YOU in advance for any help you can throw my way and I'm sorry if this post is vague, poorly written ( like i said second time going through this ) or gets under your skin i know better that you veterans hate reading these posts and im only asking for help because now i am at my wits end. Thank you again
hey it would be nice if you could tell something about lg style reset and that rooted thing..... I don't have any info. about bricking the device like this.... ;-)
just wanted to know as a word of caution....
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
I m not aware if lg p500/optimus one clockwork mod recovery will work on optimus v.
If recoveries of both phones are same you can follow http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1318750 to install custom recovery of lg p500/optimus one from emergency mode.
fundoozzz said:
hey it would be nice if you could tell something about lg style reset and that rooted thing..... I don't have any info. about bricking the device like this.... ;-)
just wanted to know as a word of caution....
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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Rooting is the process of essentially gaining Administrator rights to your phone ( So you can access files and gain privilages you wouldn't normally have ) Think of it like a computer and your signed in as a guest when you root your signed in as the Admin, Hope that helps. LG style reset is the factory reset of the phone from the recovery menu to restore the phone to its original state, Which is a huge no no while rooted or a custom recovery is installed.
mak.3736 said:
I m not aware if lg p500/optimus one clockwork mod recovery will work on optimus v.
If recoveries of both phones are same you can follow http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1318750 to install custom recovery of lg p500/optimus one from emergency mode.
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I attempted that and its a no go. The main problem being i can not get my phone to be recognized by the computer while it is emergency mode and i can not even select an image or anything. I booted it normally ( into the black screen i get after LG logo ) And i dont recieve a pop up with image and i recieve a error everytime i attempt to backup my nv its doesnt seem to be found, Nothing, but the device does get recognized at least.
AbattoirX said:
I attempted that and its a no go. The main problem being i can not get my phone to be recognized by the computer while it is emergency mode and i can not even select an image or anything. I booted it normally ( into the black screen i get after LG logo ) And i dont recieve a pop up with image and i recieve a error everytime i attempt to backup my nv its doesnt seem to be found, Nothing, but the device does get recognized at least.
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Are you able to connect to phone from lgmdp when booted normally ( into the black screen you get after LG logo ).
If yes then
dont back up nv
no need the pop up window, press on "select image" in lgmdp and browse to recovery extracted folder for "image folder"
then press "start or download"
I'd've posted it here on xda, too, but it's quite enough manainance dealing with it in one forum already.
the problem is that lg started shipping the optimus v with cheaper hitachi screens instead of the novatek screen it was released with. so the older custom recoveries and roms use a kernel that isn't configured to use the hitachi screen and you only get to see the backlight with no display.
mak.3736 said:
I m not aware if lg p500/optimus one clockwork mod recovery will work on optimus v.
If recoveries of both phones are same you can follow http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1318750 to install custom recovery of lg p500/optimus one from emergency mode.
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the p500 kernel is incompatible (different chipset.) so the recovery won't work even it the mtd map is the same.
bummer, as that's be a nice easy fix.
Mak Thank you for the progress i have made so far i did manage to get the phone connected through lgmpd as i have before however this was the first time when connected it went straight to emergency ready ( in the lgmpd screen ) I am going ahead to assume that is good i was never able to get it that far. The problem i face now when i press the "select image" button nothing happens, as long as the button is pushed down the word ready in the bottom left disappears and when released the word reappears, However i dont recieve the option to browse any menu for the image. Is there a specific folder i should have extracted to? I'll continue my research too if i find out the problem i wil post it immediately, Thank you again for your help i'm not there yet but definately making progress.
Squid, I knew about that topic too i remember reading it during my research, It must of slipped my mind before i even though about posting this. I'm Sorry ill be more careful about making these posts in the future
Also Squid since the chipsets are different i assume thats a no go, Would it still hurt to try? i'm running on hopes and dreams at the moment. Also when booted normally to my black screen i can obtain root access via adb leading me to believe if i can do that a fix is present somewhere
AbattoirX said:
Also Squid since the chipsets are different i assume thats a no go, Would it still hurt to try? i'm running on hopes and dreams at the moment. Also when booted normally to my black screen i can obtain root access via adb leading me to believe if i can do that a fix is present somewhere
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yes, a no-go. when I flashed a p500 kernel to my v for experimental purposes, it wouldn't boot right for a day even after putting a working kernel back on it. it had to sit with the battery pulled for a few minutes between boots or it would just freeze on the lg logo.
if you follow the adb instructions to install a compatible recovery (currently, BobZhome IHO recovery is advised) in the thread I linked to, you should be fine.
AbattoirX said:
Mak Thank you for the progress i have made so far i did manage to get the phone connected through lgmpd as i have before however this was the first time when connected it went straight to emergency ready ( in the lgmpd screen ) I am going ahead to assume that is good i was never able to get it that far. The problem i face now when i press the "select image" button nothing happens, as long as the button is pushed down the word ready in the bottom left disappears and when released the word reappears, However i dont recieve the option to browse any menu for the image. Is there a specific folder i should have extracted to? I'll continue my research too if i find out the problem i wil post it immediately, Thank you again for your help i'm not there yet but definately making progress.
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yes, as long as pressing the "select image" button ready in the bottom left disappears. But when you release button you should get a window poped up to select image folder.
Try again to connect in emergency mode and see.
AbattoirX said:
when i do establish root though i cant seem to push or pull files, flash, mount or anything besides adb shell, the rest is filled with error: 0's and sbin/sh "whatever" not found, etc.
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I did follow those instructions previously ( 2 days ago i believe ) When i attempted that i was not able to push the needed files to my sd card unfortunately and i did try multiple times using Xionia recovery. I understand user error so I'll try again with a fresh mind just to be certain and get back to all of you.
AbattoirX said:
Rooting is the process of essentially gaining Administrator rights to your phone ( So you can access files and gain privilages you wouldn't normally have ) Think of it like a computer and your signed in as a guest when you root your signed in as the Admin, Hope that helps. LG style reset is the factory reset of the phone from the recovery menu to restore the phone to its original state, Which is a huge no no while rooted or a custom recovery is installed
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I know what rooting is....infact I myself is on CM 6.5.8
what I didn't knew was that factory reset with custom recovery can brick our device..
but I feel this is not true as many people had done factory reset when they had problems after restoring nandroid backup....
I know a corrupted /system partition will cause the 'system/bin/sh not found' with adb if you're booting into the rom, I hadn't seen that booting into recovery.
if you have an older optimus v (2.2.1 froyo original, pv5 baseband) you can
adb reboot bootloader
to get to the bootloader and use fastboot to flash the recovery or even the whole system.
2.2.2 optimus v with pv7 firmware has the bootloader locked, so trying to reboot into the bootloader just tries to boot to the normal ROM.
My apologies Fundoozzz i was not insulting your intelligence just covering all basis, And from what i understand when you choose lg style reset from recovery it is the same as perform the factory reset from the settings menu which i guess your not suppose to. I by no means am not an expert on any of this obviously, I'm just simply relaying the information i have read on these and android forums as well as my personal experience.
Squid, I purchased this in the beginning of sept. and as i understand the revamped the Optimus in August?? So yes im running the later version and to double back on the posts I tried to push files again and attempted fastboot before still with the sbin/sh not found error....I am still hopeful that this is not a paper wieght however it very well could be thank you both again
have you tried booting into the blacked recovery before using adb?
(hold home+vol down while pressing power until lg logo goes black)
it sounds like your rom was corrupted (so adb is fairly useless there,) and recovery might be working but you just can't see it if you do have a newer OV.
to force reboot to recovery without the button-smashing,
adb reboot recovery
while you're booted normally.
then try adb again.
please cut/paste the errors you're getting with the commands you're using, here in this thread..
Well all be cheese and crackers, Thank you Squid it did the trick to actually push the image to my sd card here are the commands that I used....
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>cd c:\android\platform-tools
C:\Android\platform-tools>reboot recovery
'reboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb shell
~ # reboot recovery
reboot recovery
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb push vm670nh_recovery.img /sdcard/
2608 KB/s (4200448 bytes in 1.572s)
Now before i move further just to humor me all i need to do is push the flash_image and reboot to recovery and i should be good from there to flash a new rom. I ask only so i dont mess this up any worse than i have
if you're in the recovery, flash_image is already in the PATH.
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/vm670nh_recovery.img
adb reboot recovery
then you should be ready to see your recovery.
format cache, data, and system.
install the rom.zip as usual.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, How I wasn't able to obtain this I'm not too sure lack of knowledge or user errors possibly regardless I am now in CWM recovery and will format and flash my new rom. Any suggestions by the way? I was considering CM7 but i heard mixed reviews about it on the Optimus v. Oh well I'll do some research Thank you again Squid if i can repay this debt let me know, Lets face the facts in reality you just saved me over a hundred dollars and countless more headaches. Thank you again to everyone, much appreciated!
AbattoirX said:
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, How I wasn't able to obtain this I'm not too sure lack of knowledge or user errors possibly regardless I am now in CWM recovery and will format and flash my new rom. Any suggestions by the way? I was considering CM7 but i heard mixed reviews about it on the Optimus v. Oh well I'll do some research
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I really enjoy the IHO cm7 flavors, all of them.
I advise giving one a whirl, froyo just doesn't compare to gingerbread for my personal use.
They use more battery than harmonia, but the features! the features!
Thank you again Squid if i can repay this debt let me know, Lets face the facts in reality you just saved me over a hundred dollars and countless more headaches. Thank you again to everyone, much appreciated!
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if you're financially solvent, I have a donate button in the sidebar... I like to help people out, but my woman really appreciates it when I get more from helping than warm fuzzies.
the thanks are appreciated, though, and if your income is like mine, don't send any money
Well if a promise is worth anything in this day and age, when I am slightly more financially stable I'll send enough for a six pack your way or some flowers so your girl won't mind you helping us for a while longer Thanks again and I'll load up CM7 now
Well easy come and easy go back to a new LG screen. So after managing to get the recovery working i went to flash CM7 on the Optimus using information here http://androidforums.com/optimus-v-all-things-root/366620-cm7-installation-my-optimus-v.html Anyway I am now experiencing this problem, I get stuck back at the lg screen again. I did wipe the cache data system 3 times to be safe before flashing the rom and i only have access to emergency mode and this screen ( regular boot and recovery mode come up and end the exact same way ). I'll explain what i see step by step...
1. The black and silver LG Logo
2. A green Android guy next to a box with arrow coming out and these words come up on the screen. " with out the numbers of course "
(1) Android Recovery
(2) Do Not Pull Battery
(3) Formatting Data:...
(4) Formatting cache:...
(5) Factory Reset...
(6) Rebooting...
3. Then reboots back to the black and silver LG Logo screen.
4. Finally stops and freeze's up on the screen with a pinkish/reddish LG symbol with LG next to it and www.lgmobile.com written underneath it.
Question being is this some sort of recovery boot loop? And if it is what can be done about it? Furthermore many if not all files on the phone so far seem to be " read only " .... well i guess I'm ready for round two!

[Q] CM7 Bootloop

I installed CM7 Alpha Final (SD card version) and was working on getting the interface back to how I had it on the previous version. I used CWM to install "transparent status bar icons.zip" from this thread...
Upon installation I went to reboot and now I'm stuck on the CyanogenMod7 boot screen and looping endlessly.
If anyone has any idea how I can fix this, I'd really appreciate some help.
I just remembered that I did NOT have this installed on the previous version on CM7. On CM7 i had a standard theme dock, so I think I installed something that just wasn't compatible with CM7 at all. What do I do now?
Most likely that transparent icons xip was not built for cm7 and rather was built for stock firmware. They are not compatible. Reinstall cm7.
What method can I use to reinstall? Since I'm in a bootloop I can't get to CWM. Or is there some kind of "safe mode" I can boot into?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
Turn the unit on, when you get to the n screen, hold the power button until it turns off. Repeat 8 times and you will be forced into CWM.
If you have adb installed on your pc, plug it in, turn it on and check devices. If you are listed, do an adb shell reboot recovery and that will put you into recovery instantly.
I tried the 8-boot method two different ways...
1. Pressed the power button and released. When I saw the N screen, I pressed again and held until the unit powered down.
2. Pressed and HELD the button through it powering on and not releasing until it shut back down again.
Does it matter which of the above ways I do it? I wasn't able to get it to work. Does it have to be exactly 8 times? I don't think I stopped short but I might've done it more than 8...
Regarding the ADB method, I went ahead and installed the SDK but I'm not seeing my devices in ADB DEVICES. Since this is a new computer, I think I just don't have the right drivers installed. I went to Indirect's root thread to get those drivers but his dropbox link is disabled due to high traffic. Is there somewhere else I could get the appropriate driver? And once I have the correct driver and can see my device in ADB DEVICES (I'm assuming I'll be able to see it even though I'm bootlooping the whole time?), what is the code/line to get it into recovery?
Thanks for your help thus far. I really appreciate someone taking the time the time to help me out.
Oh, and a correction to my original post - I used the internal root method, not SD.
I found a working link for the drivers.
I installed them and I can access my tablet now. I can see my device and its responding to commands.
So all I need now is the command to get into CWM. I tried "adb reboot [bootloader:recovery]" which I saw in the cmd window, but it just gave me a standard reboot.
EDIT: I tried "adb reboot recovery" and that did it. I'm back in business! Thanks for the help, Know-Fear. Although in my n00bishness, step-by-step handholding would've been nice, your replies gave me enough for me to at least know what general direction to look in. I still couldn't get the 8-boot method to work, but maybe that's just a dexterity issue. The adb method worked perfectly once I stumbled my way to the command line.
Make sure when you reinstall you do a partition wipe.
Glad you got it working thus far. Hopefully no more problems will arise after the new install.

[Q] ill pay money for help. brick

LG C800
Device will not enter fastboot.
Can't get into recovery mode.
Each time it boots it hard resets. There is an unofficial CWM Recovery Rom on this forum from chui101 which is for this exact phone, but I have as of yet not had any luck in getting the phone to take it.
So far i've tried Flash_image recovery.img (renamed chui's CWM recovery file to recovery.img)
Doesn't seem to matter what I do the phone starts(LG on screen), resets (the LG goes away for a sec then comes back), does a hard reset (a white box with an arrow pointing out of it an to a little android), again resets the phone one last time for a "normal" boot.
I've tried a few different things to try and flash anything overtop of the stock recovery but nothing works. It seems like very early in the bootstrap is a command to do a hard reset and anything that gets put in AFTER that command is ignored. (And the phone hard resets and anything else it was supposed to do is gone.)
Device is rooted with SuperSU.
Phone is fully functional except that it hard resets every boot, and if its plugged in when off it doesn't go to a charging screen, it starts the phone 100% up.
Adb devices CAN see the phone.
I CAN get into Download (sometimes called Emergency) mode.
"reboot recovery" doesn't do anything but reboot the phone as described above.
I can't afford a new phone guys, so I'm over a barrel at this point.
i'll pay whoever provides meaningful help in getting this thing fixed.
You should start fresh. So, flash the stock rom FTF of your phone, then the phone should boot up normally. Then you could either root it and install a CUSTOM recovery, or flash a pre-rooted custom kernel that already contains a recovery. From there, just flash the custom rom you want
Just press thanks if I helped, no need for money
stock rom FTF?
From the factory?
I'd love to do that. But am bewildered as to how when every guide I've found says use fastboot -- which doesn't work on my device. And every guide without fastboot thus far has not worked. I've been reading 10 hrs a day for the last 3 days looking for a solution to this.
If there was a way to completely wipe the entire phone and then install stock rom I'd be glad to do it.... I have found no such guide... only those to replace recovery. (not a 100% clearing as if it came right off the line with no software yet installed)
Additional information:
mv /system/recovery-from-boot.p /system/recovery-from-boot.p-bak
Spits out a "No such file or directory" error
I don't know about you, but for Xperia Devices there is a PC software called Flashtool to flash stock roms and custom kernels and stuff from the PC. There should also be a software like that for your device. You just download the stock FTF for your phone (just type in google "download stock FTF for LG C800") and flash it in Flashmode that should be working
One more thing, this issue is not called bricked
press thanks if i helped
There is an LG tool but it says current software is up to date.
Other option is run recovery, which just reboots the phone as is.
No, this software I am talking about is not made by LG or Sony in my case. It should be a general tool for all LG devices. it should root, flash, install busybox, etc......
blakstar said:
No, this software I am talking about is not made by LG or Sony in my case. It should be a general tool for all LG devices. it should root, flash, install busybox, etc......
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Thats the one that so far doesn't work.
the one named:
He doesn't appear to support GSM phones. Plus I hit "Read info from phone" button... it gets almost everything -- correctly -- then crashes.
IT wants kdz files... looking for them now... chui has a dl link for the stock recovery but even though its a few mb it looks like only a zipped folder hierarchy with no files.
Slightly mis-read. still not finding any "generic" flashing software
trying octopus now....
run as admin..... ah... you need their hardware which is hundreds of dollars...
Flash image gui, phone is not supported.
ok, a couple cyanogen dev's have both told me i'm screwed. Imma try for the rest of today and then just never turn it off again.
ok, paying lg to fix it... anybody guess what that will cost?
Try flashing CyanogenMod on your phone as no stock firmware is avaiable currently for your phone cyanogenmod shall fix the problem and you should boot normally (first flash CWM)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1752704 - flashing cwm recovery (do it!)
Flashing cyanogenmod (requires usb debugging on)
First to put the cyanogenmod rom in the sdcard use adb push - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1667929
Page 1 (Pre Requisites - http://droidnoob.com/update-lg-c800-to-android-4-0-4-ics-via-cm9.html
Page 2(The actual flashing part :victory - http://droidnoob.com/update-lg-c800-to-android-4-0-4-ics-via-cm9.html/2
Probably will fix the problem....
hi techmasta,
I'd love to flash cyanogenmod, but the phone never enters fastboot to flash anything. The first link you posted says to use fastboot. I can't do that. The phone doesn't goto fastboot, it runs its recovery first.
EDIT: if there is a way to force it while the phone is in download mode that could probably work.
secondly, I've spend more than 40 hours on this issue, mostly reading forums but still a great deal on google.
I'm pretty unhappy with google as neither of those droidnoob forums ever come up. And believe me, there isn't much out there referring to the lg c800 so they should have!

[Q&A] [REF] LG Optimus FUEL lgl34c

I picked up this device from walmart for $29.99 with the intentions of learning some new development stuff.I
thought for 30 bucks there's gonna be a lot of these little "duallies" running around why not a cheap candidate?
So far as i can tell there is little info found about this device so I'm looking to collect what little is known about
it in one place in hopes to get a jump on it. First things first, I am responsible for my own actions as you are yours.
If your not sure ask or simply dont do, some of this stuff can brick your device!
These are the instructions I followed to root.
dont forget to install supersu
and busybox afterwards!
Downloaded "TWRP Manager" from play store.
twrp settings, I enabled the sd card patch.
Install twrp\device name :l34c\version i instaled: openrecovery-twrp-
click install... wait... things will pop up..... things will go away... wait some more...
finally a dialogue that states sucess.
I have "injected" twrp manager into the system using titanium backup (link2sd will work also). This seems to
prevent any issues I have read about previously mentioned. Also I have successfully preformed backups as
well as restores, both before and after wiping. I have not figured out how to enter twrp recovery upon boot
yet, so be careful of what you do!
yet to come
I use "titanium backup" from the play store, still trimming.I can get it down to about 230MB
available "free" ram at the moment but not consistently.
Ok had an issue with a task manager improperly reporting free available ram... true availability was
around 150mb free. There are apps that have to be replaced when removed, for example a launcher
for a launcher but some do not. Again I'm still trimming and experimenting, right now my system rom
around 244mb free. Most every thing I have done has been on the phone its self without the need of a P.C.
Yet to come
Any candidates for a true stock rom? Ive hacked the crap out of this one so far without the need of a back up... i know tisk tisk tisk!
I'm going for a debloated deodexed stock rom, hopefully!
The only ones I could find that actually work. The Verizon drivers mentioned for the g2, not surprising since it runs on vz towers!
using the android wifi tether 3.3beta2
all settings untouched except
device profile
lg optimus 3d
device access does work as well as encryption
Does work, im using 2.6.1.
The app I'm using for safe keeping to test dpi settings
200 not working
170 works
160 native
150 works
140 works
130 works
120 works (looks good)
110 works
Temporarily went back to native dpi for debloating purposes. Will revisit later.
After messing with DPI settings I'm having a"contacts has stopped working " when tapping on the phone app.
DPI set to 120 when I noticed. All dpi switches affect lg home launcher
so you will need another launcher.
ok so far thats what i got. whats the nexts step to a stock AOSP rom?
questions and/or constructive comments wecome
I've got a few of these that are bootlooping. They show the LG logo, and then TracPhone Wireless splash screen infinitely in a loop.
Two questions.
1 - Is there any way to recover them? I'm hoping for some sort of a dev tool that I could flash a stock image or something (like Odin is for Samsung phones)
2- When these phones started bootlooping, I installed TWRP on the other Fuels that I have, thinking that I didn't want it to happen to them. My understanding of the TWRP that's installed from TWRP manager doesn't flash a modified boot image, so you can't enter TWRP from a powered off (or in my case, bootlooping) phone. Is that correct? I flashed a custom boot image from elsewhere that allows me to tap vol up at the LG logo to boot to TWRP. Any idea if this is enough of a safeguard to in the even of similar boot loops?
Any chance you know how to get it in diag mode? I need to connect it to DFS but can't without diag. Thanks for your help!
DrPhant0m said:
I've got a few of these that are bootlooping. They show the LG logo, and then TracPhone Wireless splash screen infinitely in a loop.
Two questions.
1 - Is there any way to recover them? I'm hoping for some sort of a dev tool that I could flash a stock image or something (like Odin is for Samsung phones)
2- When these phones started bootlooping, I installed TWRP on the other Fuels that I have, thinking that I didn't want it to happen to them. My understanding of the TWRP that's installed from TWRP manager doesn't flash a modified boot image, so you can't enter TWRP from a powered off (or in my case, bootlooping) phone. Is that correct? I flashed a custom boot image from elsewhere that allows me to tap vol up at the LG logo to boot to TWRP. Any idea if this is enough of a safeguard to in the even of similar boot loops?
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My apologies for the delayed response. I have a lot going on in life.
As for recovering them, use the device you have closest to stock to make a backup. Do this before you attach your account or put any thing in to it after a "fresh wipe". To the best of my knowledge there isnt a tool like odin available, i could be wrong though. You can push a back up to the looping devices via adb. in order to do this you must have previously enabled usb debugging. The instructions are available on the web, i my self dont know how to do this. If you can establish an adb connection im sure you can command it to boot into twrp. For setup and testing use one of the devices that doesnt have a problem to establish adb. There is a little info on another thread i created about investigating the boot process the link is in my signature for the defy. Please be patient with me as i have two jobs and a single father, im not a hacker or developer. just a normal guy that is fascinated by my little robot willing to learn any thing. now that I know this thread is becoming active Ill monitor a little closer. Also if there is any thing i can help with ill be glad to do so. Im wanting to get a second fuel just for dev and learning purposes.
Is there a way to access recovery on the lg fuel? I am stuck in a boot loop because I disabled the home screen service as well as other things that I did not pay attention to. I do not have a custom recovery installed.
I've never been able to boot to recovery by way of button press. Seems like there's a way to get into boot loader mode though. Just can't remember off the top of my head, I'm at work now and don't have the fuel with me. I'll see what I can figure out in a few hours when I get home. In the mean time you can try button combos upon boot to include the home button. If we can get ADB talking to it there's a chance I can send you copies of the files needed. Give me more details of what you have done just before the boot looping.
Sent from my ALCATEL A564C using XDA Free mobile app
I bought the optimus fuel a few months ago and i've been using it primarily for a music player/run keeping devices during my jogs. I turned off mobile data and i've noticed that i still see signal bars on the top notification area - does this mean that the radios are still on?
I was wondering if there was some way to completely disable the cellular radios so that i could conserve battery life inbetween days where I don't run?
This is a pretty cool app....
Airplane mode and then turn WiFi back on does the trick. "Radios off" = ton more juice
Has anyone found out anything else for this little phone? I have the LG Optimus Fuel. Had it for a few months now. I rooted it as soon as I got it and uninstalled a few system apps like the LG keyboard, the default SMS app and Chrome along with 2 or 3 other Google apps. It's still running fine.
I installed TWRP recovery and a custom boot image so I could boot into recovery by pressing the up volume button. Works great. I made a full system backup and saved it to my external SD card and saved it to my Debian laptop.
Right now I'm just looking for a custom ROM for this little phone but can't find one. I'd love to get Cyanogenmod on this phone but there are none. I'd port it myself but I'm not able to at the moment.
reemobeens19 said:
These are the instructions I followed to root.
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I'll expand on the above link because no one can view all of the info in that thread w/o registering for that site [PITA].
Load towelroot (www.towelroot.com). Upon running towelroot, press "welcome to towelroot v3" 3-times (quickly). Change 1337 0 1 0 4 0 to 1337 0 0 0 4 0 (change only the ONE to a ZERO), click "make it ra1n" and you're rooted. :good:
This was verified on an L34C running Android 4.4, Kernel 3.4.0+, build KRT16S.L34CV10c, Sw ver L34CV10c.
My apologies for the inconvenience, I was unaware for the need to register.
What I would like to do with the L34C is find a ROM with all the phone functionality removed, and few to no Google Apps (let me just add the ones I need). I am not planning on using it as a phone (I still have my old Casio flip-phone, need nothing else). My intention was to experiment with creating a PalmPDA "replacement", something small to carry around for addresses, notes/memos, calendar (you know, the stuff you used to do on PalmOS), and in addition figure out how to do record-level synchronization **locally** (as in I don't need to send my data to some dirt-floor shack in Bangalore just to have it sent back to a device 2 feet away from my computer). Additionally, would line to use it as a basic portable media player. Essentially, trying to re-create the Palm LifeDrive on Android.
To my knowledge there are no roms available for this device. Your best bet in my opinion is to remove apps 1 by 1 after rooting. Google each and find out what the risk and severity of removing them are. I have donated my device to a less fortunate fellow employee. So as of now I'm unable to help with testing. This method is what I do for all of my devices until I'm finally happy with its performance and functionality. Think of Android as the swiss army knife of the computer world, you can do just about any thing with it, you just gotta figure out what tools are useful to you and the ones you can do with out, then you gotta ask Google witch ones Android can function with out. I hope you find what your looking for in the little robot, its a really neat world inside there!
I hate to bump an old thread but, I also don't it necessary to start a new one, at least not yet anyway but, I too am looking for a way to flash stock ROM. I have LG34Cs to use as a reference..
Where is the link to exposed framework at for this phone?
All official twrp 3 images are broken on official site. Last good working was
Here is working twrp 3.1.1 if anyone interested:
majexuj said:
All official twrp 3 images are broken on official site. Last good working was]
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What does broken mean in detail? Do I risk to brick my L34C when I flash official twrp 3 images?
Mac23 said:
What does broken mean in detail? Do I risk to brick my L34C when I flash official twrp 3 images?
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Broken as in doesn't boot into recovery. The phone will still boot into android, assuming you have a working system, and within android with root you can flash a working recovery image over a broken flash with the dd command on the twrp device info page (twrp.me/lg/lgoptimusfuel.html). So no real risk of brick, just possible inconvenience that might require a battery pull.
I built twrp 3.2.1 with same sources but I have not tested it since my battery seems to have completely died and the phone won't boot with usb power alone.
Here is link anyway in case anyone is interested:

