semi-ish-bricked?? - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

every time I try to install an app it pulls up the apk handler asking me how I want to install problem right? Well, now it's repetitively opening it probably 300x/minutes and closing it...won't allow me to select to install it at all...
This wouldn't be that big of a problem except that I have Thumb Keyboard installed and I can't type until I reinstall thumb keyboard b/c of the rebooting/power glitch of thumb keyboard not sticking.
I can't hit the home button because when I try to it asks which home to default to (I JUST installed ADWEx launcher and then my tablet auto-rebooted on its own after I tried to change the wallpaper)...It gets stuck in the same loop cycle that the installation process gets stuck in...except this time it's with the default home launcher.
Any ideas?

Try the failed boot restore. Interrupt the boot, ten times, and it will do a complete system restore.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Any other options outside of this?
I was able to send zeam launcher via downloading from
That enabled me to get to the AppMenu where I could change my keyboard to the stock keyboard...
I now have a keyboard back up and working.
What I don't have? I cannot install any apps or set a default home. Do you think this has something to do with the Nook Home replacement app that I had downloaded?
I guess to add a description...
So I can't open any menus that don't already have default applications...when I try to, they keep popping up over and over and over again.
I can never select anything when the popups are going on. I can double-tap nook home and it takes me back to the stock home. I installed
Nook Color Apps Manager via (it has push install so I didn't have to worry about choosing a package installer)
I uninstalled ADW Ex, the Nook Home Launcher Replacement for rebinding the Nook key, Go Launcher Ex, and Zeam.
Next Update:
After uninstalling Dolphin and Firefox nightlies, it took me back to default Browser. I was then able to reboot the NT. My problem of not being able to select on a screen that didn't have a default app already disappeared.
However, after redownloading the HomeCatcher.apk, I was unable to rebind the double tap to my launcher of choice.
A reboot and a fresh download of HomeCatcher.apk has it working again.
Everything is pretty much back up and running at this point.
Final Update
Everything is back up and working. I hope this thread is helpful to someone at some point if they struggle with this same problem.

I'm posting updates as I go in case anyone encounters this same problem...maybe what I am doing will help you fix the issue without having to do an entire factory reset:S


Home Screen Button Problem

Alright so I just got a Samsung Fascinate through a trade here on XDA and everything seemed to be in working order...except for the actual software in the phone. For one, the home button doesn't take me home, it simply takes me to a blank screen. I can pull down the notification bar and everything...but I can't get home to actually access and apps or anything. The only way I can access anything is when I hold down the home button to get most recent apps.
I've tried multiple times to hard reset..battery pulls..everything. Someone please help me out. I contacted the previous owner of the phone and he said you just have to press the home button a little harder...that didn't work.
It obviously works because it takes me to a blank screen and allows me to access the most recent apps..but it won't actually take me home.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys
Considering the Hines button is capacitive, pushing harder does nothing.
Is the phone rooted or stock?
If stock, try to Odin fresh stock. If rooted, try a different rom
Try installing a different launcher such as Adw, launcher pro or zeam to see if the problem goes away.
Now it does have a crack, but I don't think thats the problem because when I press it it still takes me to a blank screen so it must work.
And he gave me those options..and said it was semi-rooted? Considering I just came fresh from a Moto Droid I really know nothing about the process. Is Odin like SBF? I just want to have the phone in its original state to see if I even like it first..
AlgorithmX said:
Try installing a different launcher such as Adw, launcher pro or zeam to see if the problem goes away.
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I would second this suggestion. Often, launchers can have individual settings for what the home button does (i.e., with Go Launcher EX, the home button can be set to take you to your home screen, and if already on your home screen, pressing the home button will open up a shortcut, app, preview homescreens, etc.). So, by installing another launcher, it my clear away whatever setting is on the phone you got (i.e., launching a blank screen). Another option would be to go into your Setting > Manage Applications, and find your default launcher. Open it, and then "Clear Defaults."
Alright I got it to work by restoring completely with odin and changing the home screen launcher.
Thanks guys! It's much appreciated

default launcher wont stay default.

on villain rom 2.4.2 and use launcher pro
last few days whatever launcher I choose , the launcher won't stay as default after ive ticked the box.
happens on tw launcher asell so is not launcher pro.
have cleared defaults in mange applications numerous times
have reinstalled launcher pro.
have frozen some apps, so that could be a culprit. but none I would of thought would cause this issue.
anyone got any ideas?
any help much appreciated before I reflash vr.
have also tried home switcher app to clear the defaults and choose but still same issue.
a restart has fixed the issue for about 5 mins before, but it always starts again
this unfortunately happens from time to time with launcher pro. I love the launcher but the application has not been updated in a while. just press the home button and it should automatically bring back launcher pro.
blunted09 said:
this unfortunately happens from time to time with launcher pro. I love the launcher but the application has not been updated in a while. just press the home button and it should automatically bring back launcher pro.
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just pressing the home button leaves the select your launcher window up. I think our problems are different.
launcher pro is working fine, even if I select touch wiz as my default launcher, enter an app, then press the home key it asks me again to select the launcher and the default tick box.
same as when I reboot the phone, first thing it asks me is what launcher I want!
think I'm gonna wipe and reflash, but just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this problem. as this only started a week after I flashed villain rom, so don't think, its rom related either.
Other than having to change my default launcher on boot, I'm quite happy with my nexus 7. Wonder if the stock launcher can be removed without crippling the system.

Having problems installing shortcuts

I have rooted my nook tablet. Using a honeycomb launcher
by syndicate apps. Now my problem is I can't place shortcuts in
my home screen. I've been trying to get anycut to work but after
making a shortcut newshortcut > activity > android keyboard debug
nothing shows up (Im trying to change the keyboard)
I've tried searching for a solution here but haven't found one. Anyone
found a way to solve this?
Have you tried unchecking and rechecking both USB debugging boxes? Occasionally that messes up the functionality of apps that require root to function (think Anycut does). What you're doing should work.
I did that and still nothing
Have you tried a power cycle? Worked for me.
BryanSo said:
I have rooted my nook tablet. Using a honeycomb launcher
by syndicate apps. Now my problem is I can't place shortcuts in
my home screen. I've been trying to get anycut to work but after
making a shortcut newshortcut > activity > android keyboard debug
nothing shows up (Im trying to change the keyboard)
I've tried searching for a solution here but haven't found one. Anyone
found a way to solve this?
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The first time I tried Anycut, I was using ADW Launcher and the shortcuts wouldn't appear on its home screen. Then I happened to go into Go Launcher which was installed but I wasn't really using at the time, and there were the shortcuts I had created. I have since switched to Go Launcher as my only launcher and the shortcuts appear every time. Just a thought, but maybe try having Go Launcher installed at least next time you try Anycut & see if they show up there. Worked for me.
150pilot said:
The first time I tried Anycut, I was using ADW Launcher and the shortcuts wouldn't appear on its home screen. Then I happened to go into Go Launcher which was installed but I wasn't really using at the time, and there were the shortcuts I had created. I have since switched to Go Launcher as my only launcher and the shortcuts appear every time. Just a thought, but maybe try having Go Launcher installed at least next time you try Anycut & see if they show up there. Worked for me.
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I'm running into the same problem as BryanSo. I've tried all the aformentioned suggestions and I still can't make shortcuts or folders. When I try, the word "Honeycomb Launcher" in a box shows up on the top of the screen and disappears a few seconds later.
Sounds like a problem with honeycomb launcher. Did you guys try GoLauncher like 150pilot suggested?
When you install any alternate launcher, it should bring back the option to switch to it with the n key- so you can always try it, and then uninstall it and reset your default.
Same happens to me. Alrite ill give go launcher a try
Got it to work it was a problem with the launcher thanks
I am having this same problem with Honeycomb Launcher. I will try Go Launcher...

[Q] -SOLVED- Work around twlauncher crash loop w/o wipe?

--twlauncher crash problem solved, see below. Feel free to answer general question though
Hi all!
Ran into a problem with my Galaxy S that I'd be really greatful if you could help me with.
Is there some way of accessing the phone from my PC via USB and changing settings?
I have been running my system without problem for a while. Haven't made a backup though, stupid #%ยค as I am. When I was using the (stock) Internet browser I tried to add a (mobile) web page to the Start panel (or whatever it is called). Since then I get the error message "The application Start (process has stopped unexpectedly." Gives option to "Force Close". Whenever I do, the error comes back after a few seconds if I am at the default screen and don't quickly go into the phone or sms app. Basically, I can't do anything that my Ericsson T10 couldn't do in 1999...
I think all of my "start screens" were already filled with apps, that there wasn't room for another, and this might be the problem that causes the twlauncher crash loop.
THE QUESTION (again, in context):
So, is there some way of accessing the phone from my PC via USB and changing settings? During my searching I've come to believe that two possible solutions might be to clear twlauncher's settings or to set another launcher as default, but in the current state I can't get to the settings neither from the started phone or from the Darky recovery console.
I know I could just wipe and reinstall everything but that feels like nuking a mosquito...and it's so tedious... If there is some smoother way to get at the problem that would be nice. Also I'm curious if it can be done, and I'm probably not alone.
Samsung Galaxy S (GT I9000)
Android 2.2.1
Darkys' ROM v9.4 Extreme edition
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!
Ok folks, I am happy again!
It seems things fix themselves for me if I only write a thorough post on some forum...
I went to android market with my PC, logged in with my google account (where I had apparently added my phone before) and downloaded another launcher (ADW) to replace my crashed twlauncher. After that I fiddled some more with the phone - obviously turned off network mode from the power menu (the menu that you get when holding the power button 3 sec). And then I wrote the above post.
Just now I was going to make a phone call (which was about the only thing working, remember?) but the screen had gone all black except from the status bar at the top, which didn't respond when I tried to pull its menu down. Brought up the power menu. At first it didn't respond to my touch but after a while it agreed to turn on network mode for me. Then ADW downloaded and installed itself. I still couldn't pull down the status bar menu to click on the "Download complete" icon and launch ADW that way, but I pressed the Home button and got a menu asking "Complete this task with:" and some choices. I ticked the box "always use this program" and selected ADW. Now, ADW started and I am back on track! No wipe or reinstall needed!
SO, short version solution to twlauncher crash loop: log into your Android market account from a PC, search for "launcher" and install one of your choice, then wait for the phone to download and install it. Then press Home, tick "Always use this program to complete this task" and select your new launcher!
Yeah, that solved my problem with Tw.launcher but if anyone has an answer to the question in the thread - is there a way to log into the phone from a PC to change settings - feel free to share your knowledge!
Addition - resetting twlauncher to be able to use Kies
Ok, after installing another launcher as described above, proceed with the following to prevent twlauncher from crashing in the future. You will need to this do if you want to connect with your computer using Kies, since Kies apparently cannot connect to other launchers (such as GO launcher or ADW).
1. Open Settings | Applications | Manage Applications.
2. Go to the tab "All" and scroll down and tap on twlauncher (or maybe it is called something else, on mine it is "Start" - check the twlauncher crash message to get it, or follow the instructions below under "Another way..." to find it in the Home button menu. You still need to complete the whole procedure to get it running though).
3. Tap the "Clear data" button. This clears your settings, i.e. the app shortcuts that you put on your start screens.
In my case I believe the twlauncher crash was due to adding one more shortcut to an already full app drawer, so when I cleared the settings I can use twlauncher again.
Now you can use the Home Swithcher app to launch twlauncher if you want to use Kies, and when you are done you can use Home Switcher again to switch back if you prefer the other launcher you installed.
Another way to get back to twlauncher if you don't have Home Switcher, is to go to Settings | Applications | Manage Applications, find your current launcher (e.g. GO launcher or ADW) and tap the "Clear default" button. Then (when you have exited back to the start screen) if you press the Home button, you will be asked which launcher you would like to use to complete the task. Select twlauncher (or "Start" whatever it's called). After you're done with Kies you can switch back the same way if you don't want to use twlauncher as default.
maratonic said:
Ok, after installing another launcher as described above, proceed with the following to prevent twlauncher from crashing in the future. You will need to this do if you want to connect with your computer using Kies, since Kies apparently cannot connect to other launchers (such as GO launcher or ADW).
1. Open Settings | Applications | Manage Applications.
2. Go to the tab "All" and scroll down and tap on twlauncher (or maybe it is called something else, on mine it is "Start" - check the twlauncher crash message to get it, or follow the instructions below under "Another way..." to find it in the Home button menu. You still need to complete the whole procedure to get it running though).
3. Tap the "Clear data" button. This clears your settings, i.e. the app shortcuts that you put on your start screens.
In my case I believe the twlauncher crash was due to adding one more shortcut to an already full app drawer, so when I cleared the settings I can use twlauncher again.
Now you can use the Home Swithcher app to launch twlauncher if you want to use Kies, and when you are done you can use Home Switcher again to switch back if you prefer the other launcher you installed.
Another way to get back to twlauncher if you don't have Home Switcher, is to go to Settings | Applications | Manage Applications, find your current launcher (e.g. GO launcher or ADW) and tap the "Clear default" button. Then (when you have exited back to the start screen) if you press the Home button, you will be asked which launcher you would like to use to complete the task. Select twlauncher (or "Start" whatever it's called). After you're done with Kies you can switch back the same way if you don't want to use twlauncher as default.
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Such a great thread and no one else has added anything else to it I'm dealing with this crap atm and it is even worst. Holding power doesn't pop up the power menu. Cant access settings. I can bring the notification bar down and turn on wifi but it doesnt actuallly connect to my wifi so I can't do the remote app installation from the web store. I really don't want to do a factory reset.
as was asked here, is there a way to clear the data of the TWLAUNCHER app by using my pc and usb connection to the phone? I'm able to turn on usb storage and access it. Halp!

Can't get TaskXP default to "stick"

I love TaskXP and using it to make my n button act more or less like an iphone's; I click once to return to the Android desktop, and twice to get a list of running apps that I can switch to, close, or other things.
The problem is that every time I restart my nook, it forgets that I've chosen to make TaskXP the default program for when I press the n button, and so it reprompts me (do I want the default to be the Nook launcher, GoLauncherEx, or TaskXP) and I have to select "set as default" and then select "TaskXP" all over again.
Does anyone know how I might be able to make it the default relatively permanently? Or what I should look at to see if there's something erasing the defaults or something like that?
I had that problem before as well. Made me stop using it... you could try to move the taskxp APK from /data/app to /system/app and install it from there. After that reboot and see if the problem is still there. Usually installing certain apps as system apps will get rid of any bugs concerning the setting of defaults.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium

