[ROM] Compatible firmware S51SE with ST15. [21/12/2011] - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Hello, I have succeeded in using the device firmware on my Xperia Xperia S51SE ST15, they treat the same apparatus but the firmware has S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 & 4.0.2.A.0.61.
The S51SE is produced in Japan, but has multiple languages,
FW also comes with some apps Japanese, but as root successfully obtained using method Doomlord, uninstalling it did not enjoy!
What I tried:
CWM works naa recovery
Method of root Doomlord zergrush
Tested and approved the operation KRsH Custom kernel (2.0 Mini) FW58 & FW61
Note: you will only be able FW61 root after installing Kernel KRsH.
Differences that I felt compared to ST15:
Several new widgets
Some more megs of ram free
about 150 more points in quadrant
One thing I noticed is that the app SMS and MMS is different from commonly used by ST15.
App SMS / MMS as stock (ST15):
Install the app conversations native ST15 will work perfectly.
For the same used WotanServer

Sorry, wrong question...

Gustavo RD78 said:
Hello, I have succeeded in using the device firmware on my Xperia Xperia S51SE ST15, they treat the same apparatus but the firmware has S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58.
The S51SE is produced in Japan, but has multiple languages,
FW also comes with some apps Japanese, but as root successfully obtained using method Doomlord, uninstalling it did not enjoy!
What I tried:
CWM works naa recovery
Method of root Doomlord zergrush
Differences that I felt compared to ST15:
Several new widgets
Some more megs of ram free
about 150 more points in quadrant
One thing I noticed is that the app SMS and MMS is different from commonly used by ST15.
App SMS / MMS as stock (ST15):
Install the apps and conversations wappush native ST15 will work perfectly.
For the same used WotanServer
I'm having trouble getting the file FTF, if someone could it be posted in this topic for sharing!
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Gustavo, vc poderia me dizer como vc conseguiu atualizar para S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 ? De onde vc baixou a atualização ? Abraço...
Gustavo, could you tell me how did you get updated to S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 ? From where did you got this update ? Thanks...

serajr said:
Gustavo, could you tell me how did you get updated to S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 ? From where did you got this update ? Thanks...
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He just did?

r33p said:
He just did?
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Yes, it is tested and approved! : P

serajr said:
Gustavo, vc poderia me dizer como vc conseguiu atualizar para S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 ? De onde vc baixou a atualização ? Abraço...
Gustavo, could you tell me how did you get updated to S51SE 4.0.2.A.0.58 ? From where did you got this update ? Thanks...
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Wotanserver I used to flash!
FW61 is now available


[MOD] The increase in volume!

Not much kick if you have headphones with a speaker will burn!
Looking for the right ROOT
You must copy AudioFilterPlatform.csv, AudioFilterProduct.csv from the archive to a folder /system/etc/ and set permission like this...
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And reboot!
This is for the original firmware, 100 % work on E10, E15, W8, U20 with the version firmware 2.1.1.A.0.6 and 2.1.1.C.0.0
Works on:
Srom-2.2.1Froyo-v7 PRO for U20
Firmware from W8 to U20i
FroyoComb v1.401 for U20
CM Floyo v0.25 by Racht
MiniCM 6/7 For E10, U20
Rom for U20 from HTC WildFire
LG Optimus One in speech speaker the sound becomes more accurate!
X8 kuyaDROID-87 - modified v.86
RemiX10 V2.3 REVOLUTION" XL & XS (GingerBread) For E10
RemiX10 V3.2 REVOLUTION" XL & XS (Froyo) For E10
Srom-2.3.3Gingerbread-v1 For E10
Srom-2.2.1Froyo-v8 For E10
On others I do not know! Test and from below write model and an insertion or custom rom.
what do your files exactly
Yes this is mine. I scratch at your leisure in the files on the phone.
Will check this tommorow..
One tip, check your language. It is hard to understand what you mean.. And why are it 3 files for download? Can you describe which one i should flash?
Sent from my U20i using Tapatalk
Updated instructions. Sorry I do not know much English, Google Translate too badly know English!
Google translate is the worst crap to use when translating sentences, cause google translate only translate wordly and not full sentences.
just use volume+ free from here ..it will make ur speaker louder than ever..had stereo widening too..realy love it..but u must have 2.3..
This mod I did for the original firmware.
ow thats why i think i didnt notice any change..
I tested on Android 2.1 original. With an insertion 2.1.1.A.0.6
Spasiba za twaju prohramu, ja panimaju nimnozka po ruskie ,jesli choczysz napiszy minia szto ty choczysz skazac a ja eto pierewadu na anhlijski
Sent from my U20i using XDA Premium App
And I while learn English!
А я пока учу английский!
A ya poka uchu English
@paul-xxx will it harm my speaker or headphone if on full volume , also what about battery drain, also will it work on froyo comb... plz help.
1 post has updated. Try to establish version 4
@paul xxx i don't understand what u want to say can u please tell me is that harmfull for speaker, what about battery drain,
also why there are many versions of audio zip, i have froyocomb which one is for me..
thanks again for your kind work
Это разные версии. Кому что понравится!
These are different versions. To whom that will be pleasant!
Eto raznye versii. komu chto ponravitsya!
@paul where is your hd recording thread.........
Which mod is compatible with X10? Is this patch increase the incall volume?
Does it works on Xperia X10i 2.2.1 custom rom ?

Xperia Walkman 2.1 moded App's

I modified some applications of w8 (walkman SE) ​​for our mini x10
They are only valid for version 2.1
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Download: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6829048_8549008_64560
Root explorer: Take 644 permisions and copy in system/app
Change log:
walkman: change icon and blackground's
home: change icons screen bar
music widget: edit buttons and icons
the widget is still cut off at edges can you fix this?
I have tried to reduce it to 75% and I have achieved but is still leaving the message too large.
If you install the home you see Settings -> Applications -> manage applications and data deleted Semc home and the widget appears on the third screen on the right
Sesme said:
I have tried to reduce it to 75% and I have achieved but is still leaving the message too large.
If you install the home you see Settings -> Applications -> manage applications and data deleted Semc home and the widget appears on the third screen on the right
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1. resizing images is not enough xml need to be edited
2. no need to delete data for Semc home just add the widget in landscape mode
<3D said:
1. resizing images is not enough xml need to be edited
2. no need to delete data for Semc home just add the widget in landscape mode
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for pro no problem's the problem is mini
resizing all xml 75%
no run's
What is permission 644?
MCPoppa said:
What is permission 644?
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------Read -Write - Execute
hola excelente tu aporte pero una pregunta no habra forma de que el widget de la musica no salga incompleto para que se vea bien en un xperia x10 mini
Link doesnt work.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
V4lve said:
Link doesnt work.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
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Link run's ok!!!
I can't upload on mediafyre you need?
Managed to download it from my browser and installed fine. Nice job! Seems the Android XDA app didn't like it.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
Sesme said:
I modified some applications of w8 (walkman SE) ​​for our mini x10
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Hola amigo! Tengo una duda, ¿Con que software modificas las apps? ¿usaste ApkManager? ¿Podrias decirme como?
Yo consigo errores usando Apkmanager.
Hello friend! I have a question, How to modified software apps? ApkManager did you use? Could you tell me how?
I get errors using Apkmanager.
Xperia mini style
I posted my version of this app here. It is similar to Xperia mini's music player. Removed the walkman logos and name.

[MOD]Stock Look and FEEL for CM7 based roms

Despite i admire a lot the efforts of programmers in themes creation they are usually bad. The abuse of black colors and overglow features really anoys me.
So, im my conception, there is nothing better than a stock look and feel. STock Launcher, Stock Icons, Stock Colors. That state-of-art cant be archieved in custons roms, yet.
But it can be archieved now. You can Install the STock Launcher from x10 mini and use the theme manager to revamp the look of the phone.
There is some options, The SONy ERICSON, THE SAMSUNG and the MIUI.
Simply instal and apply throught theme manager.
It is working for sure in CM 7.
Im using cm7 2.1.1 version with naa2 kernel.
Reference thread:
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Stock Launcher:(stelios97 thread)
STOCK MUSIC PLAYER: (Pranav110089 thread)
Configuration of CM7 (pedrocel85 thread)
Here a thread for best out-of-box configuration in CM7:
Wallpapers Sellection(by nono from Brasildroid)
Here you go the wallpapers i use(ass seen in screemshots above)
Apesar de admirar os esforços de artistas ao redor do mundo que se desdobram na tentativa de criar temas bonitos para os celulares eu sempre achei os temas STOCK mais bonitos, organizados, finalizados.
Se voce esta no o CyanogenMod 7 instalado e odeia aqueles temas "full black" e cheios de "glow" esses temas são para voce.
A instalação é via apk e a aplicação é via Theme Chooser.
pedrocel85 said:
Despite i admire a lot the efforts of programmers in themes creation they are usually bad. The abuse of black colors and overglow features really anoys me.
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I agree
I like this a lot. Thanks!
But...Does it work with GinTonic and ZombiePanic?
XxLordxX said:
But...Does it work with GinTonic and ZombiePanic?
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No my friend.
As stated in Title, its only for Cyanogen Mod 7 ou CM7 based roms.
Ginger DX, Mini CM and others...
Cuz it works with T-mobile theme manager, the major kick ass feature till today in android development.
pedrocel85 said:
No my friend.
As stated in Title, its only for Cyanogen Mod 7 ou CM7 based roms.
Ginger DX, Mini CM and others...
Cuz it works with T-mobile theme manager, the major kick ass feature till today in android development.
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in gintonic theme manager works just fine
dave481985 said:
in gintonic theme manager works just fine
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So, gintonic is cm7 based rom.
sorry, i cant figure out in slade topic.
thanks. So its 100% compatible with gintonic rom.
Thank you
Did u resize the notification tray? Cz it doesnt fit to the screen (a bit short)......can u resize the tray to full size as the touchbug has been fixed

[Request] Iberia TFT

Please, can anyone upload ftf file with 2.3.4 IBERIA for Neo MT15i? I didnt find it! Thanks!
Google: xperia neo firmware xda
MT15i_4.0.2.A.0.42_GLOBAL.7z is the one You need, right?
No, I whant the specific versión of Iberia. I dont know the SI. Doesnt matter if is GB.
@OP: do you
1)have dead phone and you really need to flash ftf and its only way or you already have Iberia fw on your phone, and seus can flash phone while it's turned off.
2)can get to build.prop and can edit it with cdf number from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604559 and update it with pcc or seus?
Pick one
I have 4.0.3 from Xperia Neo V in my Xperia Neo. I want to flash the most compatible version (Which is Iberia). I tried to change the CDF code, but SEUS and PC Companion say me that I have a Xperia Neo V... So, i think the only way to have Iberia Firmware is flashing the TFT, but I dont find it.
Try with this build.prop, don't forget to set permissions and of course reboot your phone after replacing, then connect it to PCC or SEUS.
p.s. remove .rar from filename
Madfysh said:
@OP: do you
1)have dead phone and you really need to flash ftf and its only way or you already have Iberia fw on your phone, and seus can flash phone while it's turned off.
2)can get to build.prop and can edit it with cdf number from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604559 and update it with pcc or seus?
Pick one
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Iberia fw is not available yet.
Use global. I am in Portugal and I am using 4.0.4 global. Works fine
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Enviado desde mi MT11i usando Tapatalk 2
allurba said:
View attachment 1112780
Enviado desde mi MT11i usando Tapatalk 2
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Thanks! But, they are for Xperia Neo or Xperia Neo V?
Gracias, pero son para Xperia neo o Xperia neo V?
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Neo V
Enviado desde mi MT11i usando Tapatalk 2
allurba said:
Neo V
Enviado desde mi MT11i usando Tapatalk 2
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But I have a Neo Mt15i... I'm trying the build.prop, Pc companion says me that i own a Neo V, i'm going to try to repare the firmware...
Edit: I cant update by Pc Companion neither Seus. So, I'm still waiting for Iberia TFT or Iberia SI for XPERIA NEO :S
@pablots1: download .62 fw from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24113310&postcount=64
and then edit your build.prop with Iberia CDF, or you can try using build.prop I posted few posts above.
Or flash 4.0.4. ftf for Neo, and root, then edit build.prop.
ICS Iberia for MT15i is already in WotanServer. How can we get the ftf?
Has anyone of you 2(pablots1&jvbferrer) tried what I suggested above, post#12?
My bootloader is locked.
jvbferrer said:
My bootloader is locked.
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Yes, and?
Madfysh said:
Yes, and?
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How will I edit build.prop?
jvbferrer said:
How will I edit build.prop?
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By root-ing.
Unlocked BL is not necessary for root.

[DRIVER UPDATE] Adreno Driver for Sony 2011 Line [11-Dec-2012]

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few hours ago i was searching on the internet and got an update for our GPU adreno 205 (video card). this pack is an update to our GPU, so i deepened further and discovered that sony used a beta version for our video card!!!
advantages of this driver:
Best playback of videos (some videos before giving some minor bugs has now been finalized)
Better performance on 3d games and much better in 2d games, gives notice to eminent quality
best performance in Home and Live 3D wallpaper
Quality camera, camcorder and panaroma slightly improved with perceived quality
Touch screen with improved agility and better and smoother scrolling
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1. Download Adreno Driver's V3
2. install through CWM
3. Wipe Dalvic Cache
4. Reboot and EnjOy :cyclops:
first time the device will take time to start but once it starts you'll see the power of adreno driver
benchmark your device before and after, so you can see the huge difference:victory:​
only for stock ics​
ps: i'm not responsible if you damage your device, make backup first before updating the driver
source link
Thank you ....working on my live with walkman
Edit: ICS only... Sorry
Nice! Gonna try in a min, thx.
Those Drivers were posted before in ray sub forum & also in this forum too. I am using them already.
thanks for sharing. Using now
before install adreno driver antutu told me my score: 5523. After intalling my score is now 5513. I didnt see any change with new drivers. Then, at least for me, did not work.
Smultronic v5.0, mesa kernel 2.5 ics, 1ghz.
How to update cm10 ROM user CPU?
Gr8 ..!! Job mate.. !! Working perfectly on my mini pro..!! Camera quality is bit improved..!!
can it be used on stock based roms like ExMIUI??
Only ics??? Not useful in GB??
Edit: sorry didn't read op properly
can it be used on stock based roms like ExMIUI??
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Yes you can unless it is stock 'ICS' !
i have tried it.. and work
using rom optimax, panic, 1ghz
test before flash 39 after flash 43
Can i install cm 10 fxp 150 ?
khanjui said:
Can i install cm 10 fxp 150 ?
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Nope it's only for stock ICS..!!... Plzz read op correctly
WanLuc said:
thanks for sharing. Using now
before install adreno driver antutu told me my score: 5523. After intalling my score is now 5513. I didnt see any change with new drivers. Then, at least for me, did not work.
Smultronic v5.0, mesa kernel 2.5 ics, 1ghz.
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Smultronic has drivers ICS updated and combined for better performance
Fala amigão, eu tenho adicionado em Smultronic uma combinação de drivers ICS que me deram um ótimo desempenho
Thanks mate!!!
Sent from my WT19i
hi OP thanks for sharing but the real source of this drivers is this:
Gustavo RD78 said:
Smultronic has drivers ICS updated and combined for better performance
Fala amigão, eu tenho adicionado em Smultronic uma combinação de drivers ICS que me deram um ótimo desempenho
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Fala mano!!!! But this already is in v 5? É o Adreno Driver v3 mesmo?
officiallysonyrebel said:
Nope it's only for stock ICS..!!... Plzz read op correctly
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okey, can i install stock base ics rom?

