[Q] Flashing and Reflashing Kernels - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently flashed KGB 12/2 with SC3 0.5 not realizing that 12/2 had issues. Anyway when KGB 12/12 got released I flashed that. It resolved all the slowdown problems.
This is the first kernel I have ever flashed. I just flashed the 12/12 kernel over the 12/2 kernel. Then I started to have internal memory issues. i.e. market apps wouldn't update due to low space on device.
I thought I found a solution after searching a while and thought it was because I flashed 12/12 over 12/2 without disabling lagfix. I then disabled lagfix, cleared both caches and then flashed 12/12.
Since I was unable to find a Q&A directly related to kernel flashing I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
What is the best way to flash the new kernel over an existing kernerl? Specifically regarding KGB kernels. I just used CWM but I feel like I should have used ODIN. Before I do anything further to mess this phone up I wanted to throw this out here.
Thanks in advance.

Kernel flashing is the same as flashing anyother zip. Wipe cache and dalvik then install zip from sd. If you are still having issues odin back to stock and start over. There also is a kernel cleaning script you can try before odining, but your best bet is to start over imo.

Ok...I installed the new kernel just like I would install any patch. I saw the kernel clearing script on a forum for another version of this device, but I'm assuming it will work. I'll give that a shot first. After all if it screws me up I'll be going back to stock anyway.

i switch kernels all the time but i do use a cleaning script every now and then just to be on the safe side. starting over would hurt a thing either.


[Q] MIUI and GLitch Touchkey Issues

I have searched fairly thoroughly on this and have yet to see even one post. I am on MIUI and *trying* Glitch v.12. (although I did try with older versions of both to no avail). My touchkeys become completely non-functional upon install of the Glitch kernal with MIUI. If I leave it with the stock kernal---no issues. But I know the Glitch runs much more efficient and want to use that one.
Has anyone had this problem occur? Just to note, I'm not talking about BLN, but total functionality. Makes it a real pain to use your phone of you cant go back a screen.
did you wipe cache and dalvik in cwm before flashing glitch?
On top of the cache wipes, I also use Kernel Cleaner script, before flashing.
I'm using JTs 1016 Kernel on Miui right now.
I have done BOTH of those to no avail. I am so confused by this...
If you can afford it, try the glitch kernel updater app: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.glitch.updater
it will give you gltich v13 which fixed that issue.

Wifi Error - fixed -- any explanation?

Mods, I'd have liked to have posted this as a reply to Andybones' thread, but I'm under 10 posts, so please move as needed.
So, I got my Rezound from eBay and figured I'd root it and update it.
Went through the HTC Unlock Bootloader process.
Setup Perm Root
Installed Amon Ra Recovery 3.1.3
Allowed OTA to take place to get to 2.01.605.11.
Went into Amon Ra and had it install superuser and su.
Figured it was an eBay phone and should be wiped clean, so from bootloader did a Factory Reset
After it rebooted a few times, phone came up and "Wifi Error". Everything else working perfectly- 3g, 4g, voice, bluetooth... just no WiFi. Unable to stop or start it in settings GUI.
Hunted online for "WiFi Error" and Rezound and found a few posts asking about clearing cache and dalvik; another few were referencing Kernel and/or module installs.
Cleared cache and dalvik to no avail.
Searched for 2.01.605.11 Kernel and found Andybones post. Installed the Kernel and Wifi was working with everything else again.
So the question-- now that it is fixed and working-- what the heck happened to have broken my WiFi for that duration? Was it when I did the Factory Reset that I somehow screwed up my Wifi Kernel Module? If so, how? Did Factory Reset install some older module or Kernel? Or, was there something broken in my OTA? I saw mention of one other person whose WiFi was broken after OTA to 2.01.605.11-- he also resolved by using the Andybones post to install the Kernel.
Unfortunately, after seeing that the WiFi wasn't working, I didn't think to check what Settings showed for my Kernel, or to try checking mass storage for file dates or versions-- I know those could probably have helped in ascertaining what occurred.
Anybody else experience WiFi broken after OTA?
Thanks in advance!
After I got the OTA I restored my Ineffabilis GB nand and didn't have working wifi even though I flashed the original 1.x stock kernel with it. I didn't get it working until I flashed the dsb kernel, which I had been running when I made my nand. I suspect that is because installing that kernel is more than just flashing the boot.img, there's an install using other folders that happens before the boot.img flash so I guess it is altering something else.
(I didn't try flashing the modules for the new kernel since I wasn't trying to use the new kernel, at that point I was wondering why I couldn't get wifi with the same kernels others were getting it on the same ROM.)
However, even when I did a clean flash of Ineffabilis I had the same problem of not having wifi even with the stock rooted kernel posted with that ROM. I would think at that point I would not have had any traces of the dsb kernel but that was the only thing that got me wifi so I have to assume that had something to do with it.
I would think you would have had wifi working on stock OTA since you should have had the 2.x kernel and everything else.
So it would seem that both of us had broken wifi in instances when it would seem we should have had working wifi, albeit for possible different reasons. I too would like to know why. I like fixes but I prefer to know why they work and what is being fixed.
Are you willing to factory reset again? I'm thinking of going back to stock OTA again and starting over with my ROM and seeing about switching kernels. One of my concerns in my situation is am I going to be able to switch from the dsb kernel if that's the only one that got my wifi working now? Others had wifi working with other 1.x kernel using the same ROM so I know the others work, just not on my phone atm.
feralicious said:
After I got the OTA I restored my Ineffabilis GB nand and didn't have working wifi even though I flashed the original 1.x stock kernel with it. I didn't get it working until I flashed the dsb kernel, which I had been running when I made my nand. I suspect that is because installing that kernel is more than just flashing the boot.img, there's an install using other folders that happens before the boot.img flash so I guess it is altering something else.
(I didn't try flashing the modules for the new kernel since I wasn't trying to use the new kernel, at that point I was wondering why I couldn't get wifi with the same kernels others were getting it on the same ROM.)
However, even when I did a clean flash of Ineffabilis I had the same problem of not having wifi even with the stock rooted kernel posted with that ROM. I would think at that point I would not have had any traces of the dsb kernel but that was the only thing that got me wifi so I have to assume that had something to do with it.
I would think you would have had wifi working on stock OTA since you should have had the 2.x kernel and everything else.
So it would seem that both of us had broken wifi in instances when it would seem we should have had working wifi, albeit for possible different reasons. I too would like to know why. I like fixes but I prefer to know why they work and what is being fixed.
Are you willing to factory reset again? I'm thinking of going back to stock OTA again and starting over with my ROM and seeing about switching kernels. One of my concerns in my situation is am I going to be able to switch from the dsb kernel if that's the only one that got my wifi working now? Others had wifi working with other 1.x kernel using the same ROM so I know the others work, just not on my phone atm.
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dsb's kernel installs wifi modules, so since u made the nand using that kernel, that is why u got an error, until u added original stock 1x kernel wifi modules ud get an error.. or flash dsb's kernel like u did.
also when u did a fresh install of ineffibiliss is does install wifi kernel modules, but no a kernel. so you would of still had dsb's kernel even after doing a full fresh instal of inefibiliss. flashing the stock 1x kernel would fix wifi as it has the stock 1x wifi modules.
this is why when people updated to the OTA, and had the new kernel and then did a nand, or a fresh install of ineffibiliss they had wifi error, they needed the new OTA wifi modules.
andybones said:
dsb's kernel installs wifi modules, so since u made the nand using that kernel, that is why u got an error, until u added original stock 1x kernel wifi modules ud get an error.. or flash dsb's kernel like u did.
also when u did a fresh install of ineffibiliss is does install wifi kernel modules, but no a kernel. so you would of still had dsb's kernel even after doing a full fresh instal of inefibiliss. flashing the stock 1x kernel would fix wifi as it has the stock 1x wifi modules.
this is why when people updated to the OTA, and had the new kernel and then did a nand, or a fresh install of ineffibiliss they had wifi error, they needed the new OTA wifi modules.
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But the only way I could get wifi back was flashing dsb. That's why I'm wondering about what that extra stuff is in the dsb package. After going stock I flashed the original stock rooted kernel that was posted with the ROM before and after flashing Ineffabilis again and still no wifi. But others who did those same steps did have wifi. This makes me concerned about being able to switch from dsb. I want to go back to stock anyway and start fresh since my status bar is crashing and uninstalling the apps I installed right before that started hasn't fixed it. So I'll experiment some more.
Trust me, I get what you're saying and it makes sense, unfortunately that hasn't been the case which is what all my previous posts were about.
Also the OP was completely stock and didn't have wifi and that doesn't fit the equation either.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
feralicious said:
But the only way I could get wifi back was flashing dsb. That's why I'm wondering about what that extra stuff is in the dsb package. After going stock I flashed the original stock rooted kernel that was posted with the ROM before and after flashing Ineffabilis again and still no wifi. But others who did those same steps did have wifi. This makes me concerned about being able to switch from dsb. I want to go back to stock anyway and start fresh since my status bar is crashing and uninstalling the apps I installed right before that started hasn't fixed it. So I'll experiment some more.
Trust me, I get what you're saying and it makes sense, unfortunately that hasn't been the case which is what all my previous posts were about.
Also the OP was completely stock and didn't have wifi and that doesn't fit the equation either.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
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i had this problem a few times...the last two times i think it was because i had wifi tether on then stupidly i turned on verizon tether app and so wifi and verizon mobile hotspot/wifi tether stopped working and kept giving an error message...i had to flash a version of incredikernel i had laying on my card and everything worked fine..kind of wierd but whatever lol and once i believed it just happened out of nowhere so i just reflashed everything..that time wiping and flashing the rom all over again worked but all other times i needed to flash a kernel. i believe i was running clean rom all those times and once happened on ICS i think..running the latest clean rom 1.6.5 and havent had those issues yet( knock on wood)
feralicious said:
I would think you would have had wifi working on stock OTA since you should have had the 2.x kernel and everything else.
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That's what I'd have thought, too. I am/was completely stock and my update was OTA. Didn't touch any 3rd party kernels or ROMs. I want to make sure phone works as intended before considering messing with other ROMs/Kernels.
EDIT: Found this older thread which is very similar -- mods can probably close mine or migrate the posts over to the older one since my query resembles what SquireSCA experienced.
feralicious said:
Are you willing to factory reset again?
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Yeah, tempted to give it a shot after doing an Amon Ra backup to see if it was the factory reset that did me in. I can head back to the Andybones kernel thread to recover again if needed. Probably not going to test it right away though. Still settling in with the phone.
One variable that I didn't consider-- when I did my OTA-- I did not re-lock the bootloader prior. Any possibility of correlation?
I would say that's very possible. I didn't relock the first time so I redid the update using con247's Stock OTA ROM with his update file.
I have a nand of my phone from right after I did my OTA without relocking. When I get around to doing my fresh installs I will restore that and check it to see if I have the same issue. I'll probably do it when I get back home later tonight. I'll post back afterwards to let you know.
So I just restored my nand from when I went back to stock recovery, ROM and kernel (all 1.x) and then accepted OTA. wifi was broken until I flashed the new 2.x stock kernel. That was from when I got the OTA without relocking the phone. I meant to check what the kernel said before I flashed the 2.x stock one but forgot. Argh... now I want to go back to Ineff and do this again to check it.
EDIT: Well, I went back to my stock OTA nand again and the kernel shows as dsb. So I can't replicate what I did earlier since I had flashed the stock kernel before getting the OTA and I guess the nand doesn't back up/restore the kernel.
I don't know what condition wifi was in when I made the nand since I didn't know to check and I just made that as a safety copy and went back to Ineffabilis right away.
I did flash the stock 2.x kernel to get wifi working on stock OTA, then restored my Ineffabilis nand and again, the only way to get my wifi back was to flash the dsb kernel. The stock rooted kernel that came with Ineffabilis didn't do it. Gonna go post on the dsb forum and see what they say. Also, tomorrow I'm going to run the RUU and factory reset and try to get this thing totally clean and see if I can use a different kernel than dsb. Ineff was just updated to 2.x so perhaps flashing the new ROM will break the chains.
feralicious said:
I would say that's very possible. I didn't relock the first time so I redid the update using con247's Stock OTA ROM with his update file.
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Soooo... I was reading some of the ICS threads and getting really curious about installing. Saw a post by someone mentioning they're on baseband Went to check mine, and I'm on . Checked the Verizon site and OTA 2.01.605.11 provides . Did some more digging to figure out how I got left behind using the official OTA and came upon this post:
Baseband does not update without a re-lock first.
EDIT: found plan of attack via http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1467329 and will give it a shot this evening.
Read the last part of the first post.
EmerikL said:
Read the last part of the first post.
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Off-topic: Any alternatives to using Filefactory or Dev-host to download the RUU? Has anyone done a sniff during the OTAs to see what URL is used to download the RUU? Does VZW restrict what IPs/MACs can download the updates? Or do they use a proprietary protocol? Or are the updates strictly via their CDMA/LTE, without WiFi?
Mission accomplished-- I now have radio on my 2.01.605.11.
I did follow the http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1467329 directions, and I'm posting the commands used for future ref in case needed again:
1) downloaded vigorOTAStockRooted.zip after midnight pacific time (download didn't die) and then copied it to the sdcard.
2) {boot into Amon Ra} adb reboot recovery
a. backup everything
b. install vigorOTAStockRooted.zip
3) {install drops the ph98img.zip file on external sdcard-- but it won't install with unlocked bootloader. need to lock the bootloader} fastboot oem lock
4) {installation finished up, let phone boot up and prep it with devel setting} settings/applications/development/usb debugging
5) {go into bootloader} adb reboot bootloader
6) {get token to submit to htcdev.com; once displayed, plop in the token, and wait for email} fastboot oem get_identifier_token
7) {once email with token received, flash it} fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
8) {let phone boot up and prep it with devel setting} settings/applications/development/usb debugging
9) {reboot into bootloader to install Amon Ra Recovery} adb reboot bootloader
10) {install Amon Ra} fastboot flash recovery recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img
11) {enter recovery - from HTC bootloader, go to recovery} select menu item to go to recovery
12) {restore} from Amon Ra recovery, restore the backup from step 2a and then reboot

Siyah -V3.1RC6 and not bricked yet

Im on 3.0.28-Siyah -V3.1RC6+Foxhound since a week ago and I cant see any problem.
What if theres no camera issues or wifi problem.
Should I act,and if so...what to do?
YES,Im a noob,just rooted my phone with CF-Root-SGS2_XX_XEO_LPQ-v5.3-CWM5.tar
and then flashed FoxHound_PsychoMantis_V2_LP7_ICS_GSII_By_SnakeS (which include Siyah -V3.1RC6 as I understand)
and as I said..it works great,cant see any issues.
You could always download the known 'good' version (it was only one build of rc6 that caused problems & this was removed almost immediately it was established it was causing problems) of rc6 from gokhanmoral.com & flash that just to make sure if you're paranoid
It can brick your phone if u wipe anything from recovery, but i had that version to and did full wipe with it and flashed a new rom,no prob. At all. But why take that chance. Just dl. a newer siyah and flash it.
as in can see many of the users had dualboot on AND did a wipe with that special version.maybe its related. Maybe.


hey guys. Ive been experimenting with all the new roms from shostock to aokp to ultimatum.. I've tried them all. lately my phone started having a weird (random) problem.. Id call people but i can't hear it ring... they cant hear me and I cant hear them but the call does go through. I haven't been able to reproduce it.
I reverted back to gingerbread by way of cwm. did kernel cleaning script, wipe factory, wipe cache,wipe dalvik. then binnacle beta 7. I am experiencing the same problem . i also flashed a new modem. do you think its a hardware issue? i try putting it on speaker phone and no go either but my music resumes right after i end the call. I found a thread online that they seem to be experiencing the same issue but they dont explain what version of android they run very well. I am in an area with excellent signal. btw
thanks for any input
I have had that problem. The only time I had it was when I used the wrong Kernel (mic swap vs no mic swap). Im sorry I cant be more helpful. Im sure another more experienced member will help.
Yeah, sounds like you just flashed the wrong kernel at some point. If you haven't been able to reproduce it in a while, it probably just means you flashed back to a good kernel a while ago. So nothing to worry about.
No its not the kernel. I was using the one that came with shostock 2 I didnt do anything fancy with it. and then I flashed back to gingerbread (binnacle beta 7) and used entropys dd included in that and It happened to me as well. I used oding to flash to complete stock and repartitioned.. flashed entropys dd to get root and cwm and now going to try binnacle. Reasoning for flashing to bare stock was maybe 4.0.4 installed a file where the average wipe/data doesnt get to and was interfering.

[Q] VillainROM 2.4.2 to CM9

I installed VillainROM 2.4.2 (ninphetamine-2.0.4 kernel) on my Bell Galaxy S2 phone a really long time ago and have been satisfied with it so I never bothered updating or anything. Now I'm a little bored with it and have been thinking about trying out ICS via CM9 nightlies. I just have a few questions before I give this a go since I'm out of the loop when it comes to modding:
1) To install CM9, do I just put it on my SD card and flash with CWM after doing a factory reset and clearing the cache? Or does jumping from a GB kernel/ROM to an ICS kernel/ROM require an extra step?
2) My version of CWM is probably old, so will I run into any problems trying to install CM9? I don't remember what the version is, but it's whatever version that came with the ninphetamine-2.0.4 kernel. If I need a more current version of CWM, how would I go about installing it?
I think that's all.. Thank you for reading.
As long as you follow the instructions, it doesn't matter what you're coming from. See full instructions here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419102
Notice that for the CWM method, the third instruction is to flash a particular CWM recovery to avoid potential problems. There are instructions on how to flash on the link to it.
n125 said:
I installed VillainROM 2.4.2 (ninphetamine-2.0.4 kernel) on my Bell Galaxy S2 phone a really long time ago and have been satisfied with it so I never bothered updating or anything. Now I'm a little bored with it and have been thinking about trying out ICS via CM9 nightlies. I just have a few questions before I give this a go since I'm out of the loop when it comes to modding:
1) To install CM9, do I just put it on my SD card and flash with CWM after doing a factory reset and clearing the cache? Or does jumping from a GB kernel/ROM to an ICS kernel/ROM require an extra step?
2) My version of CWM is probably old, so will I run into any problems trying to install CM9? I don't remember what the version is, but it's whatever version that came with the ninphetamine-2.0.4 kernel. If I need a more current version of CWM, how would I go about installing it?
I think that's all.. Thank you for reading.
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Easy enough upgrade path
If you are worried about doing this, flash the ODIN "resurrector" CM9 package - it should sort out wiping and everything else for you.
If you want to do it via zip, put the zip file on the SD, do a nandroid backup, wipe data and cache, then flash the zip and latest ICS gapps.
I don't think you'll have any issues with installing CM9 using that CWM. If you do, ODIN flash latest Siyah Kernel. Go to recovery and flash CM from there and you'll be fine
Thanks for the help guys. I went with the CM9 Odin Resurrection method and then updated to the latest nightly (20120511) with CWM.
I'm very impressed with what I see so far. I'll have to keep an eye on it, but I am a little worried about the battery life. (Though considering that I am on a nightly build, less than optimal battery life might be expected..)
Also, my signal strength seems to be fluctuating a bit, usually between 3 and 4 bars, although sometimes it will go down to 2 bars. The modem that came with this build is XXLPQ. Is there a better modem that I can try, or is it just a matter of going through all of them? I was on MUGKG2 previously and it was quite stable for me.
I think LPQ must be your earlier Modem which is retained after instlling CM9, if I am not wrong CM9 doesnt contain a modem.
try KE7 modem, I have got a very nice experience with KE7 on ICS roms

