Where should I start? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I want to become an android developer. I am 13 and have had lots of experience with java and linux. I am running Ubuntu right now. I have a kindle fire with a CM7 ROM. I am still very new to android and do not have a good understanding on how it works. my long term goal is to be porting roms to other devices and fixing bugs. And advice?

a good way to start is to follow this articles steps (link found below)
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This article will help you understand and to create a connection with android SDK and java which is the environment needed for android apps. It also has other links that are guides to help you learn building and creating apps at first (simple hello world app). Then it will teach you about the android API.
The article will also tell you how to register as a android developer using an appropriate account that costs 25$ and it will also give a few tips how to make an app go viral
N.B: not all countries can release apps as paid on the market (simple google search will give you the list of countries)
If this article helped you please press the thanks button mate i am sure that another XDA member will come and give you better advice at this very soon, but this article is good to start learning mate.
PS: Good Luck

I started with some online, free and easy videotutorials from thenewboston. They are oriented to application development, but maybe they are useful for you too.
Well, I can´t post external links yet, so type "thenewboston android" in Google and you´ll find them.


Starting with Android app development

I have very little programming experience, just some in C and C++. But I'd like to start learning how to develop for Android.
Any good books/ebooks which will help me started? Or any guide or anything such?
Ill help you out if you want. Email me [email protected].
i wanted to start too, i just wanted to know if it is harder to learn to program for android than for example to programm with c#. and what's the best way to get started
meaningQo said:
i wanted to start too, i just wanted to know if it is harder to learn to program for android than for example to programm with c#. and what's the best way to get started
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Just like me...
1. Start with learning Java as a programming language.
Don't waste time on learning how to create GUI in java as it is irrelevant to Android, but make sure you know the basics of how threading works, what collections you can use, learn the java event listeners model (concept only) etc.. Also make sure you're using Eclipse as it would probably be your primary IDE for Android development. For an experienced C++ programmer this step should take no longer than a week.
2. Install the Android SDK (follow http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html).
3. Read the developers guide basics.
4. Learn from examples!
The Android SDK comes with many example projects, just add a new Android project in eclipse and choose "from example" in the window that will follow.
There are also many open source Android projects you can learn from.
roee88 said:
1. Start with learning Java as a programming language.
Don't waste time on learning how to create GUI in java as it is irrelevant to Android, but make sure you know the basics of how threading works, what collections you can use, learn the java event listeners model (concept only) etc.. Also make sure you're using Eclipse as it would probably be your primary IDE for Android development. For an experienced C++ programmer this step should take no longer than a week.
2. Install the Android SDK (follow http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html).
3. Read the developers guide basics.
4. Learn from examples!
The Android SDK comes with many example projects, just add a new Android project in eclipse and choose "from example" in the window that will follow.
There are also many open source Android projects you can learn from.
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good advice. but consider IntelliJ as well as Eclipse. i find IntelliJ nicer and faster to use
Another useful thread on this topic is here:
[Q] How did you learn to develop?
As mentioned there, it would be good to get a general noob dev guide set up on here so that people can get started with developing.
Well i just started learning development in android as well,i have been trying hard to find sources to help me understand until i stumbled upon a gold mine....!
here it is:http://www.youtube.com/user/CornboyzAndroid
this guys videos are awesome explains in detail....
Hope this helps all new learners like me,also the user in those videos has been doing this out of his busy schedule for free,if those videos teach you something or help you in anyway then please consider making him a small donation....!
I would also suggest to post your questions (or find answers) on the stackoverflow website (http://stackoverflow.com). It is full of smart guys
Another approach would be to build your apps in html / javascript using frameworks like JQuery, and then use a tool like PhoneGap which will bundle it into an app that will run cross platform
Found another good book:
android application devlopment for dummies.....!
great book see if u can find it,if u dont then let me know i will upload it ...!
its the best book i have seen for android
edit: ok here is a link for the book,i am doing this just because many ppl pmed me to upload it,if the mods feel the link shouldnt exist u can always delete it
link added to the above post
Thanks for this, good resources.
adicool said:
Found another good book:
android application devlopment for dummies.....!
great book see if u can find it,if u dont then let me know i will upload it ...!
its the best book i have seen for android
edit: ok here is a link for the book,i am doing this just because many ppl pmed me to upload it,if the mods feel the link shouldnt exist u can always delete it
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I would love to get that book but the link is not good. Thanks anyway.
i will be uploading it tonight then,u will see a link soon
Found the book here for download: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sour...s61ws8oFg&sig2=vQS3EtQFTFUaJWLnsmYGXQ&cad=rjt
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Ok another few of my good resources as always for laerning android:
Get hold of Android course videos by Plural sight
Android with java essential videos by Lynda.com
Android using essential java by O reilly
adicool said:
Ok another few of my good resources as always for laerning android:
Get hold of Android course videos by Plural sight
Android with java essential videos by Lynda.com
Android using essential java by O reilly
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I have all 3 . They are really great sources. I've been learning development on android past 2 months.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
you can also develop apps in adobe air. I have been able to port over some of my flex code into adobe air. You can compile into android, blackberry playbook, and the IOS with flash builder 4.5.1 only problem is flash builder is not free.
I'm currently churning my way through Thinking In Java. There's a free version on the official mindview.net website.
Learning Java as a programming language will pay off in the long run (I believe) as C# shares many fundamental areas with Java and so adapting to it should be easier if you have a good foundation in Java.
If you have previous experience with C++, then Java should not be too big a step for you.
I've heard that all those "Java for Dummies" books are pretty useless as they focus a lot on basic stuff and less on programming structure/patterns, etc.
as for the leap from Java -> Android Apps, I think the official android dev site is pretty sweet.

[Q] Beginner Help: GIS app

Hey DEVs,
I've been a power user for almost a year now. I really really dig Android and I feel its about time that I should start developing for this awesome platform too.
I've previously worked in Java and MySQL but I'm completely new to Android Development. Noob is another word to sum it all up. I've tried few video tutorials by setting up SDK and Eclipse. So far that has worked pretty fine for me. I'm now planning to work on a GIS app that could at least incorporate local POIs of where I live.
Its just that I don't really know where to start things from. I've already spent few days looking for appropriate stuff but whatever I came across, was more like scattered pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle. Google Map APIs is another thing that I need alot to learn about ! so Kindly guide me through and give me something to start with ....... I'l be very very grateful !!
an aspiring dev !
I wrote a custom GIS android app in flash builder 4.5.1, the code base is flex and actionscript using ESRI's arcserver flex api and uses adobe air for native integration on a mobile device. The web service is a local service I am serving up through the town I work for, it is using ArcServer to serve the data. You can check out the app in the android market its called Vernon GIS Fire. ESRI also has an app in the market, it allows you to search their resource center for different web services, you could upload your own data in the resource center and serve it up using their resoucres
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Build own App

I was wondering what is the best program or site to build your own android apps?
you are long way from home, my friend. there is GOOGLE and your going to spend a day on reading its not like posting on this forum.
the web site "Stack Overflow" helps me a lot!
and if i had problem,i google it.
If you have to ask, app developing probably isn't for you...
The official Android Developer's Guide has a pretty good intro to Android app development. However, you need to know how to program in Java before you start with this guide.
If you know C++ you could make it without Java, since you can build apps using C++ if your target platform runs Android version 2.3 or higher. I would however recommend learning how to develop apps in Java first.
Sorry, I can't link to the developers guide because this is my second post in this forum and outside links are not allowed, but you could search for "android developer guide" on google and you should find it.
Happy deving, wish you best of luck
In my experiment, best way to learn new tech is try to make something with it rather than read document and tutorial.
There are many open source android on code.google.com, choose one of theme then try to custom it by adding feature, improve user experiment...
anddev and stackoverflow is good place to solver issue.
mobitourist said:
In my experiment, best way to learn new tech is try to make something with it rather than read document and tutorial.
There are many open source android on code.google.com, choose one of theme then try to custom it by adding feature, improve user experiment...
anddev and stackoverflow is good place to solver issue.
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I actually just started learning Java and it's quite difficult for a beginner to learn all this stuff in short amount of time. It will probably take years to fully understand this sort of stuff.
Sites to learn Android App Development from
Lars Vogel Android Tutorial
Official Android Developer Site
TheNewBoston Video Tutorial on YouTube
The best software to develop Android Apps would be
Eclipse - Juno - Either the Java or the JEE version (I personally use the Java x64 version)
Photoshop - for image editing
Illustrator - for SVG based image editing
There are instructions on the Android Dev Site on setting up Eclipse for App Dev
PS-im new so i cant post url's if u want the specific url's feel free to PM me

Android Application Development...

Hey guys!
I need to develop an android app for my summer project but I don't know how or where to start. I have some very basic knowledge of C++. What I want to make is a news app or something like that. The app would connect to a news website, whatever the user selects, (say xyz.com) and all the headlines and everything could be presented in a nice app layout.
I want to make a very simple app that would just turn on and off the wifi, mobile data, GPS and all. A toggle app basically.
How can I make any of these?? Seriously need some help as I have to submit my project in about a week or so.
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Start by finding a reference book or site on the basics of Java.
Download the Android SDK and set up your dev environment. I recommend you use Eclipse (with ADT plugin). Guides on how to do this can be found by doing a simple web search.
Next start going through intro tutorials. Create a hello world type app.
Android app development is not that hard. There are tons of tutorials and references online. Just gotta figure out what you want to develop.
Have fun!
This is usually a good place to start:
They have a lot of demos and tutorials.
The second best place is StackOverflow! Literally! You'll find loads of tips by searching for the right things.
hey, i do develop apps, the project u have thought about, is very easy to execute, i use java and xml to make projects, u can use NDK if u have greater c++ knowledge,,,
but i would advise u to use java only, 1st set up eclipse with android plugins, adt and sdk, then create an android project and for the layout buttons/listview u can just have a webView activity to open up, its a library, this can be completed in 6 hrs, enjoy
thank me if i helped u
s4shyam95 said:
hey, i do develop apps, the project u have thought about, is very easy to execute, i use java and xml to make projects, u can use NDK if u have greater c++ knowledge,,,
but i would advise u to use java only, 1st set up eclipse with android plugins, adt and sdk, then create an android project and for the layout buttons/listview u can just have a webView activity to open up, its a library, this can be completed in 6 hrs, enjoy
thank me if i helped u
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AceRoom said:
This is usually a good place to start:
They have a lot of demos and tutorials.
The second best place is StackOverflow! Literally! You'll find loads of tips by searching for the right things.
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theInfected1 said:
Start by finding a reference book or site on the basics of Java.
Download the Android SDK and set up your dev environment. I recommend you use Eclipse (with ADT plugin). Guides on how to do this can be found by doing a simple web search.
Next start going through intro tutorials. Create a hello world type app.
Android app development is not that hard. There are tons of tutorials and references online. Just gotta figure out what you want to develop.
Have fun!
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thanks guys! i'll download the SDK and learn about all these things, google is my friend!
at least I know where to start now!

[Q] Where/How to start devoleping?

For awhile now I've wanted to start getting into coding/development.. I want to make apps for Android, but I don't know where to start, or how I would go about learning. I currently use Code Academy to get the basics down, but I was wondering if anyone could actually help me get going?
(Also sorry if I posted in the wrong area. I'm kinda new to the whole forum thing)
WickedWireZ said:
For awhile now I've wanted to start getting into coding/development.. I want to make apps for Android, but I don't know where to start, or how I would go about learning. I currently use Code Academy to get the basics down, but I was wondering if anyone could actually help me get going?
(Also sorry if I posted in the wrong area. I'm kinda new to the whole forum thing)
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In order to develop apps for Android you will need a good understanding of Java. Since it sounds like you have some previous programming experience from Code Academy (I used there Python track as a basis for learning Python and it was great), I would recommend checking out this great free course from Udemy, (Free and material is self paced) on the basics of Java development. To move on to Android then I would recommend checking out the official Android developer training and documentation. Also XDA's app development forum section has a wealth of information for Android app development. Let me know if you still have questions.
shimp208 said:
In order to develop apps for Android you will need a good understanding of Java. Since it sounds like you have some previous programming experience from Code Academy (I used there Python track as a basis for learning Python and it was great), I would recommend checking out this great free course from Udemy, (Free and material is self paced) on the basics of Java development. To move on to Android then I would recommend checking out the official Android developer training and documentation. Also XDA's app development forum section has a wealth of information for Android app development. Let me know if you still have questions.
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Thanks your advice is much appreciated I'll go check this stuff out right now!

