Pen usage in notes App - HTC Flyer, EVO View 4G

I know that tapping the pen circle on the flyer allows you to select the notes app and start writing notes. With the notes app open I can rest my hand on the screen and write. Now what turns it off? To a be more specific I am worried that I will do something and loose the note. So is there anything that would make me loose the note?

Pen proximity to the screen. You can test by moving the "note page" as you bring the pen to the screen. At a few millimeters, the page stops moving...

Tap the pen on the screen once, then you can rest your palm on the screen while taking notes or doodling.

Also, it is actually quite difficult to delete notes. I tried to delete one yesterday that I had created on accident, and it took me a few minutes to figure out that "delete" is for saved notes, and that "remove" is for unsaved notes. Not particularly user friendly, but I guess it's good if you are worried about loosing something.


Ezpdf reader v 1.0.16 can't bookmark

I'm using this app to read a book but it doesnnt save progress and I can't use the bookmark function. I see the button at the button that I believe to be the book mark key, but nothing happens when I press it.
Its as if that part of the menu isn't there because tapping affeects the page like normal.
Can anyone enlighten me here because this is easily the best PDF app if bookmarking will work.
//from the nook COLOR
Mine does the same thing, also the button to the right of it with an arrow on the document doesn't do anything on mine. I know I am pushing them correctly because the table of contents button to the left of the bookmark one works just fine. I just got EZpdf reader a couple of days ago so I don't know much about it either.
Its gotta just be the nooks screen vs what the apps used to.. I guess...
But on a positive note, how sweet is the page turning effect if you drag slowly from the bottom corner...
ill answer for you, its really sweet.
//from the nook COLOR
Oh.... interestingly enough, today when I opened my book from the recent docs tab, it loaded right to the chapter I stopped at..? I confirmed this by killing all apps and then starting ezpdf again and sure enough I got the same result.
//from the nook COLOR
Can someone please tell me how to highlight or underline text so I can come back to it easily later?
In my experience, you have to save the document in the internal memory (download folder, for instance). when close it wipe left to right ove the left side of the screen to see the options side panel amd close the document clicking on the X. Doing this, the document should open where you left it off. Bookmarks might work then, but my problem, when i sync the document in the cloud and open it in another device the bookmarks have dissapered. real annoying after spending time bookmarking all the important pages.
Hope this is useful guys

[Q] How do I unattach notebook app from Evernote?

Is there any way to detach the Flyer's notes app from Evernote? The pen & keyboard keep getting in each other's way when I open a new note in Evernote when I just want to scribble something with the pen.
I always thought Evernote was just the back end syncing... Not sure how that would remedy your problem with the keyboard. Depending on how you write or hold the Flyer, try to keep a finger from the non-pen hand touching the margin of the note... It should reduce keyboard from popping up.

Lock Keyboard when using pen

Does anyone know a way to stop the keyboard from coming up when using the pen in any of the pen enabled apps (the note app specifically) As much as I try to get the palm down first, it is was too inconsistent for me.
For the notes app there is a tip that is widely known:
Push down your left hand thumb at the very left corner of the screen (where you cant write anyway) and hold it down while you write.
It works really good and made the notes app usable for me - before knowing about this trick I wasn't able to take down notes without interruptions.
For the over apps... no idea.
thanks! hopefully that will fix my issues until I can design/find a method to lock the keyboard. I do not usually have my left hand wrapped around enough to put my thumb on the screen.

Problem when reading - Text is highlighted too easily

I haven't seen a thread on this yet and want to see if in the only one with this problem.
When reading on the browser or some other sort of free form text, inevitably I will end up selecting/highlighting text as I up because of how easy they made it for text to be selected. The usual way of highlighting text to copy it is to hold your finger for 1-2 seconds over a word to begin selecting. Here, however, whenever you tap on a word it is automatically selected. It isn't a deal breaker, but does make it difficult to read any sort of article or text without being annoyed.
Is there any the way to change this or to mitigate it? Thanks!
Nope there is no way of changing this behaviour.
I personally don't have this problem you are pointing, I can read and scroll without ever select the text.
There is a small difference between tapping, and swipe your finger over the screen to do a scroll.
BTW, you dont keep your fingers onscreen while reading, do you? hehe
Are you using a screen protector? Besides being able to protect the screen, they also reduce sensitivity.

Palm's (Access') Graffiti input

Just downloaded the Access Graffiti app yesterday. It is just like the Palm Graffiti from the old days. It's pretty awesome with the Note since we have a Stylus... er... S-Pen.
Anybody else use the app?
Any idea how to click "enter" when trying to submit a search?
I wish there was a way to do on the fly switching between keyboard and Graffiti. Perhaps this exists and I'm just missing it [?]. [it would be amazing if there was a way to default to keyboard unless the stylus was removed - but as far as I know the phone doesn't sense the presence of the stylus].
The phone does sense the spen.
Put the tip of the pen close to the screen but not touching and you will notice it keeps the screen from turning off
Sent from the only smartphone designed by Chuck Norris
It doesn't sense when the S-Pen is removed - If I had one major gripe, I'd say that is it. It would be nice to have the screen turn on the moment you remove the S-Pen.
Hey man, I just downloaded the Graffiti for Android. It's actually pretty awesome. Now I just need to memorize the keys... I don't know if figured it out already but I have an answer from your first questions.
"Q: Any idea how to click "enter" when trying to submit a search?"
If you tap and drag from the top right diagonally to bottom left it is the command for "return". Actually you can see all the commands if you swype up. A little window will show up and you can cycle through the box of commands by tapping.
I love this Graffiti app!

