[Q]connect tablet as monitor to windows 8 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is it possible to connect my galaxy tab using HDMI or USB or any other connection to use it as a touch screen monitor with windows 8 PC?

Vnc viewer on Android and VNC Server on Windows.
Works on Wifi, USB(tunneled LAN) or (quite limited) bluetooth(PAN network)

Lifehacker had a good article on this.

I want to draw and write on my tablet with touch programs for windows that means i need to transfor the tablet to a fully functional touch monitor can anyone help me with that? Thank you.


Remote control

RemoteDroid is wonderful. I just give a presentation using this s/w. Yeah! everybody was wondering how I do control my laptop when I am away from it delivering a talk.
The setting is like this, fist I run Connectify on my laptop and connected my Tattoo through Wifi. Then I run RemoteDroid server on my laptop and the client on my Tattoo and connected on ip, then it is done.
my tattoo just turn out as a wireless touch pad of my laptop even a wireless keyboard ,and I can totally control it. Wow awesome. Only thing is I need to see the laptop screen or projected image.
I tried VNC viewer too running a VNC server on my laptop, where I can see my laptop screen on my tattoo screen that is wonderful, but it is buggy, in many cases my tattoo screen just turn to green.
Anybody know something different and better.. please comment.
Try Teamviewer for Mobile, it's free for personal use.
TeamViewer works like a charm, thanx
I like Unified Remote: http://www.unifiedremote.com/
What I didnt like about Team Viewer was the popup after each session...

[Q] Remote desktop

Hello, maybe you can help because nobody else could. How to use remote desktop, I mean how can I connect hd2 to my laptop with win7. And other question, is there any posibility to use my hd2 to operate for example power point in my computer ?
Remote desktop will work only with windows xp, windows vista business, vista ultimate, vista enterprise, windows 7 pro and windows 7 ultimate. If you have any other version (and i'm guessing your laptop is running windows 7 home) you can forget about using remote desktop but you can use VNC. There are many VNC clients that will work with windows mobile and even more that will work with windows xp/vista/7.
As for your second question, i'm not sure i understand. Surely if you want to remote control powerpoint you would be using RDP or VNC

Teamviewer for windows mobile / alternative?

Teamviewer for windows mobile / alternative?
would LOVE something like that on my windows mobile,to be able to easily control my home pc from it
that is:
i want to control my home pc from my windows mobile. (ive tried the Remote Desktop blabla program,but its not very user-friendly)
yes, i would like teamviewer too on a htc hd2. but i think a prog from for h2 to control a pc isnĀ“t realisable, because of the slow internet speed and the resolution.
but you can search for streams, you can view thinks running on your pc but you cannot control it per internet.
I have a samsung omnia pro, and when i got the "Remote Desktop 6.5something" working,i could view evrything that was on my home pc - on my mobile screen, too bad its so difficult to get to work + that you have to yes yes to different remote acces points on your computer :/
easy,fast, the best.

PC Screen on Android Tablet

Is there any app for Android that can show PC screen to Android phone or tab? I found TeamViewer, but is there any app that can connect the devices in offline? ie using USB, Bluetooth or anything? Or does the speed of the internet affect the TeamViewer performance?
The primary purpose is to use the tab as graphic tablet to draw.
Please help.

screen mirroring in fullscreen on windows laptop?

hello guys .
is there a way to mirror my android phone screen on windows pc without internet connection and in fullscreen too(not a small phone mockup showing my screen)?
i am rooted and running android 4.4.4.
i want to use squid notes app on my phone to be displayed in fullscreen on windows pc for drawing diagrams and illustration for presentation in class.
is there any such software to do it.
please dont suggest windows software. my laptop doesnt have touchscreen and drawing with mouse is really annoying and incomprehensible .

