Positive asus request - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to make this post positive and I'd like to ask for your help with this request. Stressing, please keep replies positive so we can get an official response.* I returned my Prime because I was unhappy with the Wifi performance, browser lockups, unhappy with how GPS was handled, and unhappy with the lack of response from Asus support. However, I'd like to repurchase the TF201 again and feel good about my purchase, but to repurchase I need responses from Asus beyond a forum post.
Asus, can the company please provide a single location (preferably on www.asus.com) which is updated regularily and provides:
1) Status of known issues with the TF201 that at a minimum includes the following:
* a) GPS - be straightforward and restate that there is no longer GPS support for the product. I'm fine with that.
* b) WIFI - since many (not all) are not happy with wifi performance, tell us what type of performance users can expect on both 'G' and 'N' networks as distance from the router increases. Is performance going to be improved, and if yes, what type of performance can be expected.
* c) Other issues which are impacting users who respond to this thread.
2) Will Asus guarantee some level of performance metrics, which issue will you guarantee resolved, in what timeframe, and for how long is the guarantee valid? What's the guarantee - moneyback or something else?
3) Document the different HW revisions that have bee manufactured and include a change log of the changes and what issues were addressed.
4) Explain what is going on with manufacturing and why there is the appearance that some retailers are no longer offering the product while others are only receiving very small quantities. If this is wrong and large volumes are being shipped and retailers can't keep up, state so and be upfront with how many have shipped. Right now I'm hesitant on moving ahead assuming there may be other hardware issues being resolved behind closed doors.
*) ASUS: Please provide a straight-forward statement on what is happening with the items above and any that may be included in responses to this thread.
This information provides users like myself the information needed to decide whether or not to repurchase the prime. I'm happy to work through the growing pains if I feel comfortable that a solution is coming. **Please, no more searching through forums to find relevant posts.** Start pointing us to a single site which contains all relevant information at www.asus.com.
Fellow Members: Rather than suggesting that Asus provide a free upgrade to their latest tablet when released or other unrealistic demands, let's ask for the minimum to keep this product and be happy with the purchase. Please reply, keep it positive, and endorse. Hopefully this will get noticed by the Gary the marketing manager who has been making several posts. If this goes negative, my take is it will be ignored.
Thanks in advance for replying, endorsing, and keeping your posts positive.

I think if you pm him a link to this thread and put it in one of his sticky threads up top, you may get a faster response. He is away traveling ATM so responses may be delayed.

demandarin said:
I think if you pm him a link to this thread and put it in one of his sticky threads up top, you may get a faster response. He is away traveling ATM so responses may be delayed.
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Hi Dedmandarin - Thanks for responding - How do I PM him a link to the threat and put it in one of his sticky threads? Appreciate the help.

Just click on his name and press the personal message option. AS far as how to do a link, just go up to the top of your browser. Long press/click the whole URL address n press copy. Then in the message and/or thread, long press the area where you going to write at then press paste.
IF THE LINK you copy doesn't have www. Or http:// in front it, add it to the link in the beginning to make it a hyperlink. SO HE CAN JUST CLICK it and itll take him straight to your thread.*


Posting by guests, name-calling, double posts, etc.

First of all, allow me to make a compliment: you're a well-behaved crowd, and it's a pleasure hosting this forum. We're only asking you the above because although we feel we can deal with the extra noise generated by anonymous users, we want to know how others feel about it.
I the mean time, we hope everyone is OK with us deleting:
posts where users start swearing at one-another for no apparent reason.
duplicates. Please assume lots of people read almost everything that is posted, so don't post twice. If you're afraid people will miss your post because it's 'only' a reply, then post a new topic (if you must).
'guest' posts which obviously call for others to contact the poster (haven't deleted any of these yet...). If people want to be reacheable, then they should get an account. 'Reply on this forum to get in touch with me' is just too silly.
Warez, serialz, etz...
Almost forgot: we will also delete any posts asking for copies of commercial software or serial numbers, as well as posts from people offering them.
As said in previous discussions: we do not have any major moral objections, but mostly just practical ones: warez trading in forums like this tends to get rather big rather quickly, and often gets in the way of more content-focused discussion.
We recommend news://alt.binaries.warez.pocketpc for all your warez-trading needs.
don't let guests register
I tend to register only after a site has proven it's value.
Guests are not annoying on the premis that there is some form of crowd control which is the case here. I agree about the warez trading but don't think the real risk is in the occasional user/guest trying to save a few bucks. Those can be handled. The real 'risk' for boards like this are the commercial traders, those should be banned fiercly.
a real requirement
hmmmm, reading back my message
i could use a spellchecker on this board!!!
I reckon registration gives an air of security to posters, but can only go a small way towards keeping out unwelcome posts such as flames and warez.
Wouldn't it be great if all the energy that went in to hacking, blagging and flaming was diverted into constructive use?
Dream on.
Tulaine said:
Wouldn't it be great if all the energy that went in to hacking, blagging and flaming was diverted into constructive use?
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Hey... We're hacking...
Sorry. I reverted to the derogatory usage of the word.
Must remember my audience. :wink:
I've twice ended up posting as a guest after I registered because I forgot to enter my username. Though this time it has automatically recognised me, other times it hasn't for some reason.
I agree
markh said:
I've twice ended up posting as a guest after I registered because I forgot to enter my username. Though this time it has automatically recognised me, other times it hasn't for some reason.
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I have done similar. Mainly due to using so many different computers. Home, work, friends etc. So my suggestion is to make it clearer when you're not logged in.
Perhaps when you write a message just "gently" ask to register before posting. But not insist.
After all for those people intent on destruction, all that they have to do is register each time they come back. A deterent but simple to get around..

A note on searching and posting [MANDATORY READ]

So, over the course of the last few weeks, Red and myself have been noticing a large increase in posts that are either duplicates, in the wrong section, or even have nothing to do with the phone all together. Because of this, i think it is a good time to remind users of XDA's community rules, and some specifics about posting on this board...
1) Like every other board, this forum follows XDA guidelines (In case people forgot, they are at the bottom) This means, when posting here (or anywhere else), you should be:
- Polite to other users
- Not using profane language
- Searching before making a new post
- ect... (read the rules!)
2) Search search search!
This has been popping up lately, and it is a little distressing. Before posting anywhere, users need to search before making a post.. odds are, your problem/question isn't new, and has been asked before. If there is already a thread, post in that already, and keep all knowledge/discussion in the same place (this helps future searches as well). If you are unhappy with XDA's built in search feature, Google is a great way to go; simply put in your search term, followed by "site:http://forum.xda-developers.com". This will tell google to search only XDA, and show your relevant results. If neither search yields anything, then you are ok to post.
3) Development board posting... This seems to be a real problem, so i am going to try to spell it out simply. The development board should ONLY have new topics containing:
- A new or updated rom release
- A new or updated kernel release
- A new or updated phone specific software feature or patch (improved touchscreen driver, improved wifi driver, etc).
- Information about hardware level phone specifics (not questions, but actual research about the hardware; such as overclocking or unlocking hidden features).
Posts in active topics need to be kept on topic as well. If you appreciate a devs work, it is ok to say so, but any further (general) discussion should be taken to a new thread in the general board. This includes things like benchmarks, themes, or tweaks. Only dev specific comments should be made in the dev thread (bug reports, feature feedback, install proceedures, etc).
With that said, and i hate to do this, we have to start cracking down on controlling the out of controll posts. I do not want to be the bad guy, but I think people are getting the feeling that they can do whatever they wish, to the detrmement of the community.. and that has to stop. Up unitl now, i have been letting alot of things slide, but consider this fair warning.. users who post without searching (if another user is able to link you to a thread with the same topic, you obviously didn't serach), or post in the wrong board, will be subject to warnings or infractions (depending on the severity and number of occurrences).
Users who flame, will be guaranteed an infraction. Believe me, i FULLY understand the frustration that many users have with what has been going on; I hate it as much as you do. But this goes for al users; following the stupidity of one user, does not mean you can too. From here on out, EVERY party involved in flaming will be held to the same accountability... If a user flames somebody, please... bite your tongue, and report it. Let us mods clean up the mess; arguging with the users only further derails threads.
As always, Myself and Red are here to help the community. If you have questions, TALK TO US. Ask us.. we really aren't bad people... we promise!
Along with Divine_Madcat's awesome announcement, I just wanted to further drive the point that we want this place to flourish with activity, but the right kind of activity. Developers developing for themselves and the public. Asking if anyone is having problems or features that they would like o have added. Members being able to read up on their device and learn how to tweak it to run they way that they want... not having to dig through countless threads and posts of mundane and repetitious whining.
To do this, we all have to work together, Mod > Developer > Senior Member > and yes, even the n00bs. The time it takes to write out a hateful message to somebody could have used the same amount of time and energy to help the member out or point them in the right direction. We all would like to see a more forceful way to make new members search and read before posting (which is in the works) but until that is put in play, we all can be a little more helpful... and when there is just too much clutter, thats where we step in and clean up the mess.
Again, thanks goes out to all of you for making XDA what it is. Lets not loose that.

Complaint Threads getting closed

I see a lot of people complaining about complaint threads getting closed. While I can understand the frustration of you wanting to get your voice heard only to have it shut down by "The Man" I ask that you all think of it like this. It's tough for the mods to constantly have to clean up the forum especially when most of the threads are complaint threads complaining about the same issues time and time again.
All of the complaints SHOULD be in one thread. Maybe it was both a blessing and a mistake for Asus to start posting here because now it seems that this sub section is no longer the "Prime General" section. It has turned into almost an official complaint forum where people think Asus is constantly monitoring every thread and every post.
Think of how frustrating it is for the mods here to have to constantly close duplicate threads that might bury other useful threads. So like Diamondback said. We all want answers, but filling up this forum with the same stuff is counter productive. if anything go start a million different threads on the Asus forums.. Give their mods more work to do, not ours. So all I'm asking is that before you ***** about your thread being closed try to look at it from a different angle. This isnt the official Asus support forum nor is it the complaint desk. 1 thread maybe 2 at most, 1 for all the "We want answers" stuff and maybe one for all the "Rma Nightmare" stuff. It's much easier to pass off one or two links to asus and be like "here, these are all the issues, we want answers" instead of bombarding them with countless threads. Dont you think if they saw a 100+ page thread of people having the same issues it would have more of an impact than 100 small threads? I really do think a better strategy would be to fill up the Asus forums as much as possible with the stuff that gets closed here
Just my 2 cents, now back to our regularly scheduled programming
I agree that duplicate complaint threads have gotten excessive and that they tend to clutter up the forum. However it might be beneficial to have a thread dedicated to each major issue. For instance one each for problems with WiFi, Random Reboots, GPS, etc.
And of course we need for people posting in those threads to stay on topic. It is really frustrating trying to find information on an issue only to get a few pages into a thread and see that it has degenerated into a series of flame & troll posts.
As much as people dislike their threads being closed, look at it from the other side: a lot of people come here looking for info and 10 threads on the same subject, and unhelpful inflammatory posts not only make it harder for people to find the info they need, but it makes them not want to come back and contribute.
Anyway that is just my 2¢.
Yeah but nothing is said when such threads are full of get well soon Gary, Asus is great, prime is best tablet ever and other posts along them lines. These posts are far less relevant than the complaints but we can fill forum as much as we like with I love asus type threads.
What happened to freedom of speach? this is supposed to be open forum good & bad points discussed
As I see it the moderation here has got so pro Asus I thought I was on Asus official forum.
Oh well I guess this thread will be closed now because I have stated my honest opinion and it aint pro asus. I will add again I have no probs with my prime, no reboots etc but I do feel those with probs are being treat unfairly
almightywhacko said:
I agree that duplicate complaint threads have gotten excessive and that they tend to clutter up the forum. However it might be beneficial to have a thread dedicated to each major issue. For instance one each for problems with WiFi, Random Reboots, GPS, etc.
And of course we need for people posting in those threads to stay on topic. It is really frustrating trying to find information on an issue only to get a few pages into a thread and see that it has degenerated into a series of flame & troll posts.
As much as people dislike their threads being closed, look at it from the other side: a lot of people come here looking for info and 10 threads on the same subject, and unhelpful inflammatory posts not only make it harder for people to find the info they need, but it makes them not want to come back and contribute.
Anyway that is just my 2¢.
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Series of flame & troll posts... I don't think that's possible with Transformer Prime. You have to take Transformer Prime's performance into account.. which has been... extremely diverse. I can make an argument that each device performs differently to each individual (ranging from satisfaction to extreme hate). This only leads to flame & trolling from both side of the fence...
While I do understand the point of threads being closed, consider that nothing with PRIME is definite (it acts way too wildly)... & we aren't exactly getting valuable information on the issue.... it's even difficult to pinpoint the reason for all the issue. This only leads to vague, general, and ultimately... "hypothesis/guesses" complaint threads.
If a "thread" gets hot & all the flame/troll leads to that one section.. why not just let that thread live on? It's going to be impossible to censor every thread nor can each individual really contribute in existing "complaint" threads already because everything is vague & just too many issue with Prime to count. Each "issue" deserves its own thread (by some individual), however.. each issue all leads or are connected to one another... & that ultimately will become an endless loop of off-topic discussion.
Edit: Btw, I am one of the biggest critic towards Asus... but I don't understand all the hate for delay in f/w update compared to OG Transformer & Pad 300. Yes, beta has been out for a while.. and yes... we can assume that it is being delayed due to bugs being found. If so, it means they have acknowledge the bugs & are working towards rectifying the issue. We all know that Prime has issues, which likely means it'll take longer with f/w compared to other devices. Judge the f/w update once it is released..... No reason to haste an unfinished f/w & compound more issue on already very unstable device.
Actually wouldn't have made sense to post this in the new complaint thread instead of creating a new thread?
almightywhacko said:
I agree that duplicate complaint threads have gotten excessive and that they tend to clutter up the forum. However it might be beneficial to have a thread dedicated to each major issue. For instance one each for problems with WiFi, Random Reboots, GPS, etc.
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good points in your entire post but i wanted to stress this part in bold. we already have dedicated threads to each of those issues basically. we also have a super thread with all of them in there. has links, info and everything.
point moderator and others are stressing is that a new thread doesn't need to made for an already existing issue which there's already a dedicated thread for. Plain & simple. Moderators trying to free general section from excess clutter.
You don't see people starting new threads based on get well Gary, Asus is the best, or whatever b.s. that other poster said. Keep it to the existing threads. If people would more so do that, then everything would be fine. Do like the OP said. Take the complaints to an Official Asus forum or something to be heard. Several small complaint threads wont be as powerful as a few big ones.
Complaints are completely valid and accepted BUT they need to go into the corresponding thread. which is why XDA stresses using the search function before you think of creating a new thread. because 9 times out of 10, someone has already created a thread on it. Then you can post your viewpoints in that thread. We have several complaints threads that cover all bases and haven't been closed down & left open. Use those threads unless you have something new never seen before here.
---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------
shinzz said:
Edit: Btw, I am one of the biggest critic towards Asus... but I don't understand all the hate for delay in f/w update compared to OG Transformer & Pad 300. Yes, beta has been out for a while.. and yes... we can assume that it is being delayed due to bugs being found. If so, it means they have acknowledge the bugs & are working towards rectifying the issue. We all know that Prime has issues, which likely means it'll take longer with f/w compared to other devices. Judge the f/w update once it is released..... No reason to haste an unfinished f/w & compound more issue on already very unstable device.
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demandarin said:
good points in your entire post but i wanted to stress this part in bold. we already have dedicated threads to each of those issues basically. we also have a super thread with all of them in there. has links, info and everything.
point moderator and others are stressing is that a new thread doesn't need to made for an already existing issue which there's already a dedicated thread for. Plain & simple. Moderators trying to free general section from excess clutter.
You don't see people starting new threads based on get well Gary, Asus is the best, or whatever b.s. that other poster said. Keep it to the existing threads. If people would more so do that, then everything would be fine. Do like the OP said. Take the complaints to an Official Asus forum or something to be heard. Several small complaint threads wont be as powerful as a few big ones.
Complaints are completely valid and accepted BUT they need to go into the corresponding thread. which is why XDA stresses using the search function before you think of creating a new thread. because 9 times out of 10, someone has already created a thread on it. Then you can post your viewpoints in that thread. We have several complaints threads that cover all bases and haven't been closed down & left open. Use those threads unless you have something new never seen before here.
---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------
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Eh, not exactly true. That and I personally don't see any issue with directing all "complaints" in OFFICIAL ASUS thread. If all complaints, flames & trolls are being active in one thread.. it actually helps MODS.
shinzz said:
Series of flame & troll posts... I don't think that's possible with Transformer Prime. You have to take Transformer Prime's performance into account.. which has been... extremely diverse. I can make an argument that each device performs differently to each individual (ranging from satisfaction to extreme hate). This only leads to flame & trolling from both side of the fence...
While I do understand the point of threads being closed, consider that nothing with PRIME is definite (it acts way too wildly)... & we aren't exactly getting valuable information on the issue.... it's even difficult to pinpoint the reason for all the issue. This only leads to vague, general, and ultimately... "hypothesis/guesses" complaint threads.
If a "thread" gets hot & all the flame/troll leads to that one section.. why not just let that thread live on? It's going to be impossible to censor every thread nor can each individual really contribute in existing "complaint" threads already because everything is vague & just too many issue with Prime to count. Each "issue" deserves its own thread (by some individual), however.. each issue all leads or are connected to one another... & that ultimately will become an endless loop of off-topic discussion .
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Issues with the Prime aside, I have personally seen threads that start with people asking for help that within two pages turn into nothing but personal attacks and comments about the other person's parentage. These kinds of posts are explicitly prohibited in the XDA rules you agree to follow when you create your account.
As for problems that don't have definitive causes or solutions, if you don't have anything really valuable you add you should not even bother to post a comment in that thread. Just like in real life some people need to learn how to filter what they chose to say in a particular conversation.
I don't think that there are many new issues coming up, at latest it doesn't seem that way from my daily reading in these forums. Most posts seem to be talking about issues that have been discussed at least once already. Another XDA rule is search before you post. It is better to revive an older post on an issue that is affecting you than to start a new one because then all the info is in one spot which makes searching easier.
If you search for info on an issue and find no previous posts regarding the same or very similar issue at that point you should enter a new topic.
shinzz said:
Eh, not exactly true. That and I personally don't see any issue with directing all "complaints" in OFFICIAL ASUS thread. If all complaints, flames & trolls are being active in one thread.. it actually helps MODS.
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i see your point. If they all directed to an Official Asus complaint thread that's fine and would be welcomed. but Not their update thread on future info/products/updates/or new Asus personnel coming to help. there is a difference
almightywhacko said:
Issues with the Prime aside, I have personally seen threads that start with people asking for help that within two pages turn into nothing but personal attacks and comments about the other person's parentage. These kinds of posts are explicitly prohibited in the XDA rules you agree to follow when you create your account.
As for problems that don't have definitive causes or solutions, if you don't have anything really valuable you add you should not even bother to post a comment in that thread. Just like in real life some people need to learn how to filter what they chose to say in a particular conversation.
I don't think that there are many new issues coming up, at latest it doesn't seem that way from my daily reading in these forums. Most posts seem to be talking about issues that have been discussed at least once already. Another XDA rule is search before you post. It is better to revive an older post on an issue that is affecting you than to start a new one because then all the info is in one spot which makes searching easier.
If you search for info on an issue and find no previous posts regarding the same or very similar issue at that point you should enter a new topic.
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Relatively speaking, we haven't found a solution or exactly found the "cause" for all issues since launch (excluding GPS dongle). However, we have seen increase in new "issue" since launch (gaming issue.. I/O issue.. blah blah blah). At this current time, we're all relatively coming up with hypothesis to find the cause for all the issue. Can't solve an issue without knowing the cause. However, we can't find the cause without "quantitative" data .... & all the complaints in Prime's case.. is the data. Each Prime acts differently from one another and each complaint should be taken into account.... thus, they are contributing.
I do agree on the aspect of immature behavior. But that's also the nature of public forum, and that whole "immaturity" also begins with both sides of the fence trying to defend their cause & completely going off-topic. Until we actually find "cause/reason" for all the issue... my guess is that it'll only continue. We're all trying to be productive & move forward with Prime.... but it's extremely difficult with the current situation...
demandarin said:
i see your point. If they all directed to an Official Asus complaint thread that's fine and would be welcomed. but Not their update thread on future info/products/updates/or new Asus personnel coming to help. there is a difference
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How so? All other OFFICIAL Asus threads are inactive & why must we care about future product news from Asus? This is a public forum, however.. Asus open the wounds by creating OFFICIAL thread (even if it is just for announcement). If other OFFICIAL threads are inactive, it's only natural & logical to go towards an active post..... I don't understand the logic of why we have to cater towards Asus. If a lack of announcement or poor customer service is being made.... I see relevancy in posting in a thread that's about Asus announcement as the person didn't receive such "update" from the announcement.
We're complaining that certain "issue" threads aren't being productive or helpful. Official announcement threads aren't exactly the thread to talk details about issues & how to solve it. Nor are the PR Asus guys from engineering/dev dept. of Asus.. thus, they aren't exactly going to be helpful in that regard. Why not just let all the "*****ing" & cat fight go into that section....... Seems like the most logical place to be.
shinzz said:
Relatively speaking, we haven't found a solution or exactly found the "cause" for all issues since launch (excluding GPS dongle). However, we have seen increase in new "issue" since launch (gaming issue.. I/O issue.. blah blah blah). At this current time, we're all relatively coming up with hypothesis to find the cause for all the issue. Can't solve an issue without knowing the cause. However, we can't find the cause without "quantitative" data .... & all the complaints in Prime's case.. is the data. Each Prime acts differently from one another and each complaint should be taken into account.... thus, they are contributing.
I do agree on the aspect of immature behavior. But that's also the nature of public forum, and that whole "immaturity" also begins with both sides of the fence trying to defend their cause & completely going off-topic. Until we actually find "cause/reason" for all the issue... my guess is that it'll only continue. We're all trying to be productive & move forward with Prime.... but it's extremely difficult with the current situation...
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I am not saying people shouldn't post info or ask questions, I am just saying people shouldn't start new threads without looking for threads that might already be discussing problems similar to their own. I think we all see that this specific behavior happens a lot.
There is no excuse at all for personal attacks. NONE.
If two people cannot agree or provide strong supportive evidence in favor of their arguments they should just agree to disagree. If they are trying to help resolve an issue their is no harm in trying multiple solutions to find one that works. If they are just trying to forward their own unsupported opinion or they just have a fanboy crush on one hardware company or another they should leave XDA unless they have something more to add to the community.
I've seen other forums where they created an "Official RMA issues" type thread that had been successful in keeping posts consolidated. The problem is that threads in XDA seem to be "My RMA experience ..." so each is unique. If we started an "official" thread for each of the major issues it could be better controlled. May be just semantics, but we know the major topics and should establish and enforce some structure. I think the "Browser not responding" is a good example of this.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA
I just received the newest of the new Primes, a C4O 64gb, haven't seen anyone posting about these, but my new Prime has 2 stuck pixels, trying to unstick them now, but I'm not hopeful.
I apologize for opening a new complaint thread last night. Alcohol was involved, and I'm just getting cranky. No disrespect to the mods.
demandarin said:
You don't see people starting new threads based on get well Gary, Asus is the best, or whatever b.s. that other poster said. Keep it to the existing threads. If people would more so do that, then everything would be fine. Do like the OP said. Take the complaints to an Official Asus forum or something to be heard. Several small complaint threads wont be as powerful as a few big ones.
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As that other poster (me) didn't say new threads were being started, I said nothing was said about the get well, Asus is great etc type of posts yet complaints were a no no. Take the unofficial /official thread it was closed after 214 pages nothing was said to the glad your here gary, get well soon posts ( which was totally off topic ) infact you thanked most yet when some started to use thread to complain about lack of & quality of updates ( which to me was on topic ) thread got closed. Pro Asus or what ?
Well, this thread obviously needs to be closed. But before that happens, I do wish to make few corrections.
1. We don't have a dedicated thread to all "existing" issues. Some are lumped together, some completely ignored/deleted/closed due to being a "minority" issue and etc. Issue such as WIFI performance (ahh.. the complicated & varying degree of performance with WIFI) isn't even acknowledged by Asus (as you can see, we have no Official thread from Asus for that as it works to their "standard").
2. We have seen Asus, Tegra, Nvidia and etc is the best thread & post. I don't think I have to go further into this.....
3. We have an official ASUS PR person in this forum creating official thread. I still don't see an issue to vent/voice be heard in such thread. Plus, we can take the same approach with.. "if you want to praise Asus, simply go to OFFICIAL ASUS FORUM".
Also, if GPS history is anything go by.... XDA is a powerful forum.
4. Oh, and lastly.. how nice of you to create a .gif logo/banner as a recognized contributor in your signature. Yes, you certainly aren't active in this forum to be recognized & "stamp your authority" as I have once said in the past. =P
Ahh.. and yea, this is supposed to be a joke/sarcasm.. don't take it too "LITERALLY" either.
flub said:
Yeah but nothing is said when such threads are full of get well soon Gary, Asus is great, prime is best tablet ever and other posts along them lines. These posts are far less relevant than the complaints but we can fill forum as much as we like with I love asus type threads.
What happened to freedom of speach? this is supposed to be open forum good & bad points discussed
As I see it the moderation here has got so pro Asus I thought I was on Asus official forum.
Oh well I guess this thread will be closed now because I have stated my honest opinion and it aint pro asus. I will add again I have no probs with my prime, no reboots etc but I do feel those with probs are being treat unfairly
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Pro Asus? Really? Last time I checked we had way more threads and topics and such about other devices than Asus. But maybe I should check again....
I am correct. I used to be the forum moderator in this section, and I can tell you for a fact that plenty of junk was dealt with from the "OMG ASUS I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY!" threads/posts to the "OMG ASUS YOU SUCK A DONKEY'S TOE!".
shinzz said:
Series of flame & troll posts... I don't think that's possible with Transformer Prime. You have to take Transformer Prime's performance into account.. which has been... extremely diverse. I can make an argument that each device performs differently to each individual (ranging from satisfaction to extreme hate). This only leads to flame & trolling from both side of the fence...
While I do understand the point of threads being closed, consider that nothing with PRIME is definite (it acts way too wildly)... & we aren't exactly getting valuable information on the issue.... it's even difficult to pinpoint the reason for all the issue. This only leads to vague, general, and ultimately... "hypothesis/guesses" complaint threads.
If a "thread" gets hot & all the flame/troll leads to that one section.. why not just let that thread live on? It's going to be impossible to censor every thread nor can each individual really contribute in existing "complaint" threads already because everything is vague & just too many issue with Prime to count. Each "issue" deserves its own thread (by some individual), however.. each issue all leads or are connected to one another... & that ultimately will become an endless loop of off-topic discussion.
Edit: Btw, I am one of the biggest critic towards Asus... but I don't understand all the hate for delay in f/w update compared to OG Transformer & Pad 300. Yes, beta has been out for a while.. and yes... we can assume that it is being delayed due to bugs being found. If so, it means they have acknowledge the bugs & are working towards rectifying the issue. We all know that Prime has issues, which likely means it'll take longer with f/w compared to other devices. Judge the f/w update once it is released..... No reason to haste an unfinished f/w & compound more issue on already very unstable device.
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shinzz said:
Eh, not exactly true. That and I personally don't see any issue with directing all "complaints" in OFFICIAL ASUS thread. If all complaints, flames & trolls are being active in one thread.. it actually helps MODS.
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flub said:
That has no place here its not Pro Asus, You won't get thanked for it. But I will thank you for Valid points you raised even though
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You are illustrating the subjective nature of experiences. You don't like anyone talking about how great ASUS might be due to your experience, but you are ok with talking about how terrible they are. You can't have it both ways.
Realize that Moderators are to take ALL things into consideration before acting instead of looking at one post and saying "OMG THIS ID10T NEEDS TO STOP POSTING".
flub said:
Amazing contribution that above post was Demandarin you certainly earned your award there
I thought personal attacks was a no no because that certainly reads like one to me.
Infact I would go so far to say certain users here are bordering on bullying
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No , its not.Its bravado , with some chest thumping thrown in
He got called out, and had no come back.He used the super tester in the other thread, and pulled out super poster in this one trying to intimidate, neither of the 2 makes any difference, except to him.He certainly doesn't intimidate me, and certainly doesnt change what the prime is right now in its current state.He's extremely worried about his reputation getting tarnished, as you can tell by his response.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
You are illustrating the subjective nature of experiences. You don't like anyone talking about how great ASUS might be due to your experience, but you are ok with talking about how terrible they are. You can't have it both ways.
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If you had bothered to read my posts you will have noticed that I have stated more than once that I have had no probs with my prime. Find posts where I have been blatently anti Asus or complained about my Prime
How hard is it to grasp what I am saying....
If its ok for all the pro Asus comments then it should also be ok for the complaints
I am not asking to have it both ways...the Pro camp already has it both ways, I believe in fairness
I am not anti Asus neither Pro Asus personally I could not give a flying fig either way but I do dislike the unfairness shown to those who complain. How many threads been closed in the last couple of weeks, One thread after 214 pages probably half of them sucking up to Asus yet nothing said to them but thread closed because users complained in unofficial/official thread. If you cannot see the unfairness in that.
randalltroy said:
No , its not.Its bravado , with some chest thumping thrown in
He got called out, and had no come back.He used the super tester in the other thread, and pulled out super poster in this one trying to intimidate, neither of the 2 makes any difference, except to him.He certainly doesn't intimidate me, and certainly doesnt change what the prime is right now in its current state.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
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Lol keyboard lag,
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app

Surver about survey

We all know -- getting the user feedback is essential, but it's hard. At least I find it so.
For example, judging from data gathered from random Android app and game samples, on average:
about 10-20% of all users that have downloaded the app, have actually reviewed the app,
about 10% of those that reviewed the app also leave a comment (making the number of comments approximately 1-2% of all downloads),
about 1% of users communicate via in-app channels,
about 1% of users respond to social posts.
As I mentioned already, this is based on a random sample and the rather small sample size (10) may be biased by statistical error. Nevertheless, it "feels" right
Now, let's say that your user base is wide enough to get the accurate feedback about your product, but only if you could motivate more users to respond to Rate and Leave Feedback requests... but let's leave that for a separate discussion.
What I wanted to ask you all is:
Which questions would you ask your users if you knew they will answer truthfully?
Think survey!
Think user satisfaction!
Think best loved feature!
Don't think girl's/boy's phone numbers!
In the end, I'll try to compile the result in a single survey separated in categories (and based on the popularity of suggested questions) for the community to use.
Let's start asking
To get us going, here're some example questions (courtesy of zoomearng.com):
What Features Can You Not Live Without? – Asking people what features they must have on your upcoming product is a great way to find out what is in the highest demand. In short, this online survey question shows you, overall, what features you cannot leave out.
What Is the Most You Would Pay? – Understanding your potential customer’s price range can help you better understand what you can realistically afford to include, and exclude, to hit those price points.
What Did You Like Best About Our Old Product? – If you had an older version of a product and are updating it, finding out what features your customers liked best. Use this online survey question to find out what you should not change in future versions of your product.
What Other Brands Would You Consider? – This online survey question helps you quickly locate and understand your possible competition. Knowing what you’re up against will help you better gauge where your energies should be focused for your product.
What Else Should We Know? – Let your online survey respondents have the floor. This question gives them the opportunity to sound off about things maybe your online survey questions missed. Find out all you forgot to ask about with this question.
One thing that I was not sure how to proceed is the personall, demographic questions. How deep to go and what are the limits?
I believe that the answer to this is in type of survey, but also in giving the user the possibility to opt-out or to make those questions non-mandatory.
What's the safe zone with demographic questions?
I think you can safely ask for:
Service Provider(if any, or if necessary)
Another question that can be considered is "Do you primarily use this app for business or personal use?" Obviously only certain apps would use this.
Just a suggestion, but since a lot of questions could vary between apps(like between recreational or utility apps) maybe if you made a tool that allowed app developers to customize and then compile a survey which can then be added to their app with minimal effort it would be awesome. That way developers could ask more app specific questions alongside the more general ones you mentioned above. The hardest thing about that would probably be making it compile into a universal format that can be copy pasted into any apps code, but I'm sure it's not too hard. If the tool automatically created the proper classes along with each survey then it literally could be copy pasted into whatever part of the app the dev wants it in.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
Good suggestions, AlanB412.
The Country and Service provider are quite well covered by Play Store statistics (though, should be considered in case app is not published on Google).
Other "personal" stuff, I compiled into one (multiple choice) question for the survey I'm creating for m-parking:
Please tell us something about yourself. Check all that apply.
• Female
• Male
• Younger than 30 years
• 30 years or older
• In school
• Employed
• Unemployed
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The details of occupation, like industry and field of work, deserve a dedicated question, if needed, of course.
Ideally, the availability of questions should be dependent on previously made choices (e.g. occupation industry should be asked only if employment status "employed" or "self-employed" were previously selected). That kind of branching should make the survey more engaging as opposed to presenting the user with irrelevant questions.
The idea about the "tool" for developers sounds interesting.
How I'm looking at is a library project that has many out-of-the-box available questions, but that allows also for customizations and works dynamically with any question specified in standard strings dedicated resources.
The tricky part is actually not the inclusion of such Survey-library in apps or its dynamic handling of question-answer configuration. It's in (collecting) the reports part. For that to work seamlessly out-of-the-box, a third party "cloud" reporting service should be available -- to collect and provide access to reports.

LG G2 Korean ROM Options (F320L F320K F320S)

I interested to learn about other Korean G2 owners success (or epic failure) with the ROM's available today on the forums.
I use LamHoang v3.3 on Android 4.2.2 which does fine as a stripped down version of stock, debloated,with English as the primary language.
Are there any other recommendations for a fully working ROM? I see very little in the way of options coming through for the F320 models even though the only difference is the existence of an SD slot (correct me as this is probably not the only difference).
Please discuss...
Thanks, Bert
The korean model has an external SD card slot and a removable battery but less at 2610 Mah
Sometimes little sacrifices must be made
For sure its the device setup I prefer. 2 batteries make over 5000 mAh combined.
But we need ROM choices because the Korean OTA doesn't work anywhere else in the world.
Sent from my LG-F320S using Tapatalk
@lbert said:
For sure its the device setup I prefer. 2 batteries make over 5000 mAh combined.
But we need ROM choices because the Korean OTA doesn't work anywhere else in the world.
Sent from my LG-F320S using Tapatalk
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i have F320S too using stock 4.2.2 downloaded kitkat but i don't want it really
I've had a F320S for a couple of weeks now. Setting the default language to English was really easy. The main frustration I've had is with all the bloatware included by the Korean carrier.
Mobile T World, Mobile T Money, NateOn, MelOn... got knows what any of this stuff does. The only part that's English is the apps name. I've ended up freezing the applications and it's gone and forgotten. There were about 20+ apps that needed to go, but being a bit of a geek; it does irritate me that they're still taking up space.
I did try installing a new ROM but it failed multiple times (not the easiest device to flash apparently) Still, there haven't been enough irritations to turn me back to Apple.
I've own a F320K from November. It really differs from D80x, not only DS-card, battery and operator's SW, but also it have a TV and compatible with differ LTE baseband.
Also, LG FW from D802 is not compatible with F320 and vice versa. But F320 was the first device after Nexus with KitKat official update (4.4 was released on cristmas for my F320K).
I gave up on LamHoang. Confusing instructions on installation and debugging, lack of answering questions and a complete lack of a changelogs was the final straw. I installed Cloudyflex and it has been fantastic. Great support too. Light and day compared to LamHoang.
the_chinaman said:
I gave up on LamHoang. Confusing instructions on installation and debugging, lack of answering questions and a complete lack of a changelogs was the final straw. I installed Cloudyflex and it has been fantastic. Great support too. Light and day compared to LamHoang.
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Is this the Cloudyfex you are using? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2618864
Can you please give me a link how to root and install TWRP to the F320S?
Thanks in advance
@lbert said:
I interested to learn about other Korean G2 owners success (or epic failure) with the ROM's available today on the forums.
I use LamHoang v3.3 on Android 4.2.2 which does fine as a stripped down version of stock, debloated,with English as the primary language.
Are there any other recommendations for a fully working ROM? I see very little in the way of options coming through for the F320 models even though the only difference is the existence of an SD slot (correct me as this is probably not the only difference).
Please discuss...
Thanks, Bert
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With that, here are a few great threads to help you get the most out of your experience here...please take advantage of them:
Get the most out of XDA!!
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Why you get short/one word answers! (The Long Answer)
How to give constructive feedback to developers
How To Logcat
GPLv2 tips for developers
Getting a moderator's help
And as always...
Thank you, and have a great day!
Please existing threads for discussions about the existing ROMs
Thread closed

