Help porting lockscreens? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.

Boobie Watcher said:
I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.
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I'm pretty sure there is a lot more to it! If not we'd have roms with 10 locksreens like in Captivate Roms, etc. I'm sure its tougher than it seems otherwise devs would have done it already.

eep2378 said:
I'm pretty sure there is a lot more to it! If not we'd have roms with 10 locksreens like in Captivate Roms, etc. I'm sure its tougher than it seems otherwise devs would have done it already.
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I figured it was pretty difficult, but im sure it can be done!

Lol with a certain amount of knowledge anything can be done. What lockscreen are you referring too.

jivy26 said:
Lol with a certain amount of knowledge anything can be done. What lockscreen are you referring too.
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I'm wanting to do the galaxy note lockscreen, it's already built into one of the roms in the dev section so i figured it might be a little easier to just pull it out and put it any other roms? Not too sure though, still reading a little on it. Just hoping someone here with experience with that sort of thing could help me out.

Boobie Watcher said:
I'm wanting to do the galaxy note lockscreen, it's already built into one of the roms in the dev section so i figured it might be a little easier to just pull it out and put it any other roms? Not too sure though, still reading a little on it. Just hoping someone here with experience with that sort of thing could help me out.
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Just use a rom with the XILA2 base
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Boobie Watcher said:
I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.
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You have to edit several files to my knowledge... Most are framework files.. main file is probably res
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

I would love a copy of the Sense 3.5 lockscreen without the problems of add on lockscreens like GoLocker.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk

AntwanL said:
I would love a copy of the Sense 3.5 lockscreen without the problems of add on lockscreens like GoLocker.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
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Now that's almost impossible
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I wanted to know the same thing. I want the Galaxy Note Lockscreen, and rather stay on UnNamed. Is there anyway a backport can be done?

Nick281051 said:
Now that's almost impossible
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Well I'm not saying that specific one, just something along that line. I like the idea of opening to messaging or phone or camera. All in an elegant package.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk

First step is decompile res... And start looking around and switching out lockscreen pic xml and anything else applicable to lockscreen.
Another thing that might help is taking a look at jkay mod as it switches around lockscreen..
I have done lockscreen on other phone buy not on this one yet. my cimputer fried so when my laptop comes in the mail i will see if i can find time to help you.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium


Transparent Lock Screen Background

I read about potentially using a transparent png image to be able to see your screen before unlocking but after trying several .png files I came up with no luck. The phone either uses black background before your image or it just doesnt recognize the transparent. Any ideas?
If you want to do it yourself, here's how:
I use notepad++ for editing, but any editor will work. Use apkmanager to decompile / compile framework-res.apk.
Edit res/layout/keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml.
In line 2 replace android:background="@color/background_dark" with android:background="@drawable/default_wallpaper".
In line 5 replace android:background="#30000000" with android:background="@color/transparent".
In line 12 replace android:layout_marginBottom="80.0dip" to android:layout_marginBottom="0.0dip".
Edit res/layout/zzz_keyguard_screen_lockscreenwallpaper.xml.
In line 2 replace android:background="#ff000000" with android:background="@color/transparent".
In res/drawable-hdpi:
Replace default_wallpaper.jpg with default_wallpaper.png. Replace zzzzzzzz_default_lockscreenw.jpg with transparent zzzzzzzz_default_lockscreenw.png (can be any png size 480x800).
Thats it.
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Thank you!
And this will allow for transport and non transparent (opaque?) backgrounds right?
No idea honestly, just came across that thread a few days ago and haven't gotten around to trying it.
Anybody actually try this yet??? sounds like a cool idea
I have transparent zzzzzzzz_default_lockscreenw.png
can I replace it over the original without decomp/recomp? I haven't done that yet, iffy about doing something wrong. (I've heard of people not recompiling right and unhappy results)
AntwanL said:
I read about potentially using a transparent png image to be able to see your screen before unlocking but after trying several .png files I came up with no luck. The phone either uses black background before your image or it just doesnt recognize the transparent. Any ideas?
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Jkay settings has this feature. You should be able to find the apk on XDA.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777) using XDA Premium.
Jkay mod
Is Jkay mod available allready as a separate apk, so I can run on any rom. I've been looking hard, even asking Jkay himself, and haven't got any answer yet.
anonymous! said:
Is Jkay mod available allready as a separate apk, so I can run on any rom. I've been looking hard, even asking Jkay himself, and haven't got any answer yet.
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You can get jkay from this thread.
And here's the version for XWKLJ1 ROMS
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777) using XDA Premium.
Man_Cave_Tech said:
You can get jkay from this thread.
And here's the version for XWKLJ1 ROMS
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777) using XDA Premium.
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How do I know which to download? I'm not on XXLA4/6 or anything else he lists
Tried flashing the LA4/6 one with no luck
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AntwanL said:
How do I know which to download? I'm not on XXLA4/6 or anything else he lists
Tried flashing the LA4/6 one with no luck
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I can't do all the work for you. Best way to learn this stuff is to do a little foot work. If you can't find one for your ROM, there are plenty of great ROMs with jkay preinstalled.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777) using XDA Premium.
Man_Cave_Tech said:
I can't do all the work for you. Best way to learn this stuff is to do a little foot work. If you can't find one for your ROM, there are plenty of great ROMs with jkay preinstalled.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777) using XDA Premium.
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But you're saying it is possibly on KH7 or KK6? Just looking for a nudge in the right direction since there is a lot of misinformation floating around.
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As far as I am aware, they are not avaliable for UCKK6. Additionally, Jkay himself states in his post not to ask about porting to anything other than what is listed. I’m not trying to be rude, just saying that is probably why you aren’t getting a reply. #3 on the third post
Well I'm hoping it's something like i9100 roms, they are intended for i9100 devices but with hellraiser mods they work fine on our devices.
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AntwanL said:
Well I'm hoping it's something like i9100 roms, they are intended for i9100 devices but with hellraiser mods they work fine on our devices.
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I have used v12 on Villian ROM and v13 on Check ROM (both hellraised) and they both worked great. I recently moved back to Unnamed and the Jkay stuff is the one thing I miss most.
I found this. It isn't jkay, but it might have what you want. I will try it out myself and get back to you.
*edit* Not exactly what your looking for. It has a transparent pull down and you can change the order and appearance of quick toggle items but no transparent lock screen. Still pretty neat mod though.
There is a mod out I'm going to try, the maker of it made one for 2.2.1 for me but before I was able to install it I ended up going back to 1.3.2 and now I'm going to try it myself.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
You know what's funny is, I rooted my mom's brand-new T-Mobile SGS II using their odin instructions, then booted into CWM and flashed Superuser, and when I rebooted the phone back into Android, the lockscreen was transparent.

[Q] Pixely wifi calling icon in status bar! Possible to theme?

Short and simple, my WiFi calling icon up there in my status bar is much more pixely than that of any other device I've seen. Is it possible to theme this, and if so, is anyone up for the task? I'm not a total noob, but I'm no developer. thanks !
Shredder96 said:
Short and simple, my WiFi calling icon up there in my status bar is much more pixely than that of any other device I've seen. Is it possible to theme this, and if so, is anyone up for the task? I'm not a total noon, but I'm no developer. thanks !
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ROM Toolbox app in the market by jrummy16 has an icon changing feature... You can also try UOT kitchen. Are you rooted? Can you post a screenshot of your status bar?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Here's a screenshot. It isn't crazy bad, but I've compared to 3 or 4 other devices and just thought maybe there was a way to fix this little annoyance.
And yes, I am rooted. I'm pretty good with all this root stuff, but I just didn't know quite enough to fix this
Shredder96 said:
Here's a screenshot. It isn't crazy bad, but I've compared to 3 or 4 other devices and just thought maybe there was a way to fix this little annoyance.
And yes, I am rooted. I'm pretty good with all this root stuff, but I just didn't know quite enough to fix this
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Yeah that's the ics WiFi icon it looks like. You could change the theme or skin or you could go to uot kitchen to fix it or make your own.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
That uot kitchen looks pretty intriguing, but it also looks a bit complicated. Would it be too much trouble to maybe fill me in on how I would go about changing the wifi calling icon using uot kitchen? Thanks
It's pretty self explanatory if u go to the website. I'm not at my pc now so can't walk you through it... I'm sure u could search though and find a tutorial somewhere... Sorry
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Shredder96 said:
Here's a screenshot. It isn't crazy bad, but I've compared to 3 or 4 other devices and just thought maybe there was a way to fix this little annoyance.
And yes, I am rooted. I'm pretty good with all this root stuff, but I just didn't know quite enough to fix this
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You're using a third party app to take screen shots? You know the phone comes pre-equipped with that function? Power + Home
Well thanks anyways glacierguy. I will try to learn up on the uot kitchen. And Double0EK, I actually had recently learned that the amaze had built in screen shot feature, and I've used it, but ever since I flashed Xboarder's Rom Bulletproof, it hasn't worked.
10 chars
Shredder96 said:
Well thanks anyways glacierguy. I will try to learn up on the uot kitchen. And Double0EK, I actually had recently learned that the amaze had built in screen shot feature, and I've used it, but ever since I flashed Xboarder's Rom Bulletproof, it hasn't worked.
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Flash Energy ROM and never look back
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[REQ] HTC quick launch widget

I know everyone says its not possible, but I know there must be someone who could make the quick launch widget from the rhyme full sized on the rezound. I would definitely make a donation to whoever does it. Thanks to all devs, phones would be so boring without you. Fusion apk Widget apk
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
I got it to install on viper rez, it looks pretty nice, I have been trying to educate myself on things but its a lot to learn. Can someone point me in the right direction in how to re size it? Please.
Am I better off posting this in a different section?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Nice, that was my favorite widget back on my Thunderbolt!
I wish I knew more too, I always have liked that widget. I think you have your request in the right section but everyone has aosp/aokp in their system right now and it's a sense widget.
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etracyirl said:
I know everyone says its not possible, but I know there must be someone who could make the quick launch widget from the rhyme full sized on the rezound. I would definitely make a donation to whoever does it. Thanks to all devs, phones would be so boring without you. Fusion apk Widget apk
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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that is different. let me see what i can do, if anything
ok so the reason why it looks small, is because its meant for hdpi devices and we have xhdpi. so all the png's will need to be converted. but let me see if i can decompile it without any errors to make sure there are no xmls that needs to be edited too.
Looks like we need 4 edits in an xml. and the png's need to be resized from 80 x 80 to 120 x 120
i am no good with photoshop so we need to find someone willing to do that. it should all work after that.
synisterwolf said:
that is different. let me see what i can do, if anything
ok so the reason why it looks small, is because its meant for hdpi devices and we have xhdpi. so all the png's will need to be converted. but let me see if i can decompile it without any errors to make sure there are no xmls that needs to be edited too.
Looks like we need 4 edits in an xml. and the png's need to be resized from 80 x 80 to 120 x 120
i am no good with photoshop so we need to find someone willing to do that. it should all work after that.
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It's not M10 related???
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who MIKE D said:
It's not M10 related???
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it does recall .m10 stuff but if you stick the our fusion.apk and not the one op provided it should work.
im just brain storming. im going to try it out tonight when i get home with some bunk png's that are 120
i dont have any fun programs at work anymore.
synisterwolf said:
it does recall .m10 stuff but if you stick the our fusion.apk and not the one op provided it should work.
im just brain storming. im going to try it out tonight when i get home with some bunk png's that are 120
i dont have any fun programs at work anymore.
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Lol alright man!
If the PNGs are not in the M10 for the widget I will definitely Photoshop everything
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who MIKE D said:
Lol alright man!
If the PNGs are not in the M10 for the widget I will definitely Photoshop everything
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If it's .m10 it's from sense 3.5 and they have a tool for it right?
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synisterwolf said:
If it's .m10 it's from sense 3.5 and they have a tool for it right?
Sent from my iPhone...
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I don't think they ever got m10's to correctly decompile
synisterwolf said:
If it's .m10 it's from sense 3.5 and they have a tool for it right?
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Nope, not possible
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etracyirl said:
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Sadly that still doesn't decompile the images from the M10 files yet
who MIKE D said:
Sadly that still doesn't decompile the images from the M10 files yet
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good to know.
OP sorry i didnt get to this last night, im dealing with a sick dog at home. im going to see if i can remote into my pc from work and do it here. i will update with my findings when i can
However the next release of M10 tools is said to be able to decompile everything properly
Mike, I can see a themed version of this widget fitting nicely in synergy rom
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pmania said:
Mike, I can see a themed version of this widget fitting nicely in synergy rom
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Just waiting on some M10 tools
This says you can re size sense widgets.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
etracyirl said:
This says you can re size sense widgets.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah i know you can but, im a themer(just stick with the images, xml's, and smali files)
Maybe synister can resize it... everythime i edit M10s in sense 3.6 it FC's on me so i give up
who MIKE D said:
Yeah i know you can but, im a themer(just stick with the images, xml's, and smali files)
Maybe synister can resize it... everythime i edit M10s in sense 3.6 it FC's on me so i give up
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Ok so you're right, it pulls resources from the .m10 and the pngs are just placements for the app. I've never used the .m10 editor but I have it all set up on my laptop. Going to try and see what I can do with it.
Sent from my iPhone...

[Request] Moving the App Drawer to middle

I did some basic search and couldn't find it.
I'm actually okay with the app drawer's icon, I just don't want it on the bottom right corner. I want it in the middle. I've used Nova so that is my last resort but I actually want to use TW and try out couple of things on it.
Thank you
I prefer my app drawer in the middle as well. I use GoLauncher with a GS4 Touchwiz theme.
I haven't used TW in months and never used the stock launcher so pardon any ignorance, but can't you just long press and drag to rearrange things in the dock like the stock AOSP launcher? If not, and you really don't want to use a different launcher, you'll have to decompile the apk and poke around.
Just curious, why do you prefer the stock TW launcher over something like Nova, which can be set up to look exactly like it if you want?
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Cruiserdude said:
I haven't used TW in months and never used the stock launcher so pardon any ignorance, but can't you just long press and drag to rearrange things in the dock like the stock AOSP launcher? If not, and you really don't want to use a different launcher, you'll have to decompile the apk and poke around.
Just curious, why do you prefer the stock TW launcher over something like Nova, which can be set up to look exactly like it if you want?
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I for one do theming and now that the dev has gone out of his way to try and prevent themers from doing things... his app and he can do anythign he wants.. But I now switched to using stock launcher.. an no it can be dragged. the other 4 can but not app icon.. its weird...
I have been trying to do this for weeks, almost months! Previously on a Galaxy S II and now on my I9505 S4. I have decompiled and search throughout xml files and smali files and I can't find it anywhere. I suspect that it has something to do with the animation. Because when you delete all of the other apps out of the dock (Hotseat) the all apps icon is in the middle. Which is great, if you don't want any other apps in the dock. But then as soon as you go to add another icon in there, it creates almost like a little buffer in between the apps icon and the icon you have just put in the drawer.
So I think it has something to do with animation which needs to be disabled and I don't think there is any way to do it in any of the res folders (layout, values, etc) so I'm fairly certain it needs to be done in smali files, but smali to me is like trying to read Swahili so I can't really work out how to do it.
If I find out how to center the apps icon then I will post it here, but for now it's proving to be fruitless.
daveyannihilation said:
I have been trying to do this for weeks, almost months! Previously on a Galaxy S II and now on my I9505 S4. I have decompiled and search throughout xml files and smali files and I can't find it anywhere. I suspect that it has something to do with the animation. Because when you delete all of the other apps out of the dock (Hotseat) the all apps icon is in the middle. Which is great, if you don't want any other apps in the dock. But then as soon as you go to add another icon in there, it creates almost like a little buffer in between the apps icon and the icon you have just put in the drawer.
So I think it has something to do with animation which needs to be disabled and I don't think there is any way to do it in any of the res folders (layout, values, etc) so I'm fairly certain it needs to be done in smali files, but smali to me is like trying to read Swahili so I can't really work out how to do it.
If I find out how to center the apps icon then I will post it here, but for now it's proving to be fruitless.
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I havent been abke to find it either. Been digging and digging...ugg
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
Nova launcher has this feature.
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ahbhokie said:
Nova launcher has this feature.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I understand that you're making a correct statement, but you are oblivious to the fact that he wants this for the TW launcher. If he wanted to switch to nova he would have. Hell, all AOSP based launchers allow this.
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Gunthermic said:
I havent been abke to find it either. Been digging and digging...ugg
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
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Same. If you could dig through the smali files while the launcher was active (IE if you could dig through the smali files while the launcher was running on your device) you might be able to find it by comparing an active launcher with just the app menu button as opposed to one with all 5 spots filled ... however, I'm not sure that's possible. Could it be emulated/VM'd on a PC?
Check this out here guys It's for the S3 but would probably still apply
sbreen94 said:
Check this out here guys It's for the S3 but would probably still apply
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That's the guide that I tried to use on both SGSII and SGS4, but the guide is for ICS and Samsung have changed the way the launcher operated in JB. So the guide won't work unfortunately.
daveyannihilation said:
That's the guide that I tried to use on both SGSII and SGS4, but the guide is for ICS and Samsung have changed the way the launcher operated in JB. So the guide won't work unfortunately.
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Alright cool buddy. Figured if was worth a shot
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I always thought it had to do with editing the default_workspace.XML in the CSC folder and then editing feature.XML in the relevant launcher strings...I just remember ding something similar to this.
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Surge1223 said:
I always thought it had to do with editing the default_workspace.XML in the CSC folder and then editing feature.XML in the relevant launcher strings...I just remember ding something similar to this.
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What apk have you decompiled to find the CSC folder? And where abouts in SecLauncher3.apk is the feature.xml file???
daveyannihilation said:
What apk have you decompiled to find the CSC folder? And where abouts in SecLauncher3.apk is the feature.xml file???
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The csc folder is in /system I thought that after modifying SecLauncher3.apk (smali, xml, etc..) that you had to change some text in /system/csc/feature.xml and /system/csc/default_workspace.xml in order for the changes to occur
Any luck yet?
Sent from my Hyperdriven Core Verizon S4 using XDA Developers App
I know i have had no luck whatsoever so far to even make it budge. I can modify all the other stuff. But the smali Hotseat.smali is a beast to understand..
It really cant be so hard.. Im sure someone has figured this out.
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I cant wait for this
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obviousfrog said:
I cant wait for this
Sent from my Hyperdriven S4Core XDA app
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No luck whatsoever.. Tried many times, and never get anywhere..

Touch Wiz Themeing Questions

I would like to start this thread to help each other out.
Themeing the SG4 has been a challenge to say the least.
If we work together I believe we will be able to achieve much more.
Basically post your base that you are on, what .apk you are needing help with, maybe a screen shot to show.
I'd like to start with the ME7 base SecContacts.apk.
I have been able to theme the Dialer to black background, but have had no luck with changing the SecContacts.apk background.
If anyone can help, or has any ideas, please let me know.
Thank you, all!
Welcome to theming Q&A..
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I think it is in the framework. It's something like tw-background light/dark. I'll double check when I get home to confirm.
Sent from my SCH-I545
Its actually a few xml edits in seccontacts. Apk Samsung keeps moving it on us. Ill see if I can make a list for you bro. are you gonna be the next Verizon S4 themer?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda premium
blacknight1114 said:
Its actually a few xml edits in seccontacts. Apk Samsung keeps moving it on us. Ill see if I can make a list for you bro. are you gonna be the next Verizon S4 themer?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda premium
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No, the real guys are Vertumus and Nitro, theya re insane with it and their AOSP themes, they gave me permission to use theirs as a reference so now I can make my own AOSP them based off their work to the way I like it. (If can ever nake it that way!!)
thank you so much for your hep!
andybones said:
No, the real guys are Vertumus and Nitro, theya re insane with it and their AOSP themes, they gave me permission to use theirs as a reference so now I can make my own AOSP them based off their work to the way I like it. (If can ever nake it that way!!)
thank you so much for your hep!
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Dang...I was hoping for some help on the verizon im buried. ill help any way I can guys..
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda premium
blacknight1114 said:
Dang...I was hoping for some help on the verizon im buried. ill help any way I can guys..
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I mean I don't suck or anything, I first started out themeing, but then I did my first smali MOD and was hooked.
I was on 7 HTC phone before coming to the SG3/SG4 so I haven't ever themed Samsung besides SG3 which was cake, but it was also using Bean's work as a base 99% his. I can do it I just don't enjoy it as much, as I am not as good.
I'll help anyway as well.
Hope can get the contacts bro. I really want to get the AOSP theme rocking. Maaybee you want to team up with me on it? who knows? that would be so sick.
Either way glad this thread will hopefully get some good use for people.
nweaver11 said:
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I think it is in the framework. It's something like tw-background light/dark. I'll double check when I get home to confirm.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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I think this is right but I learn as I go.
Frameworks drawable-sw360dp-xxhdpi /tw_background_holo_light.png
I'm gonna theme to darken dialer so if I can confirm I'll report.
Edit: that did change contacts/recents backround but not dialer.
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reggie cheeks said:
I think this is right but I learn as I go.
Frameworks drawable-sw360dp-xxhdpi /tw_background_holo_light.png
I'm gonna theme to darken dialer so if I can confirm I'll report.
Edit: that did change contacts/recents backround but not dialer.
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Dialer background is in a different spot for what ever reason. Its in sec contacts apk under one of the layout files with "dialpad_fragment" in the name.
prsterero said:
Dialer background is in a different spot for what ever reason. Its in sec contacts apk under one of the layout files with "dialpad_fragment" in the name.
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if you change the contacts_list_content.xml in SecContacts and add android:background(line 12) that will change that. The problem with changing the image in frameworks file, is if any other apps calls a system resource it will make it darkbackground with most likely black text... This screwing that up.
So then you gotta redo that app. so I prefer to make the app inverted all by iteself and not reply up backgrounds and such from framework if I can help it....
Just a different way of doing it.....
Gunthermic said:
if you change the contacts_list_content.xml in SecContacts and add android:background(line 12) that will change that. The problem with changing the image in frameworks file, is if any other apps calls a system resource it will make it darkbackground with most likely black text... This screwing that up.
So then you gotta redo that app. so I prefer to make the app inverted all by iteself and not reply up backgrounds and such from framework if I can help it....
Just a different way of doing it.....
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Should have quoted the other guy too since I didn't mention using the framework seems like the whole message is directed at me haha
prsterero said:
Should have quoted the other guy too since I didn't mention using the framework seems like the whole message is directed at me haha
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Sorry. long weekend. Wrong person you are correct..
FWIW both methods did the exact same changes..
im trying to change the background of secsettings.apk from black/white text to white/black text
i know the changes need to be made in secsettings.apk. Nothing in there references a framework file.
i changed devicedefault to devicedefault.light in /res/vaules/styles.xml with no luck
any advice?
racinwarrior said:
im trying to change the background of secsettings.apk from black/white text to white/black text
i know the changes need to be made in secsettings.apk. Nothing in there references a framework file.
i changed devicedefault to devicedefault.light in /res/vaules/styles.xml with no luck
any advice?
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diff against a secsettings that has this done, if i wasn't on phone I'd send u the apk
who knows could be a framework change??
4.2.2 is weird compared to 4.1.2
andybones said:
FWIW both methods did the exact same changes..
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As they say many ways to skin any cat....
andybones said:
diff against a secsettings that has this done, if i wasn't on phone I'd send u the apk
who knows could be a framework change??
4.2.2 is weird compared to 4.1.2
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it could be, but on MDK it was in secsettings. on ME7 i dont know. My white secsettings.apk for MDK does not work on ME7 and id like to learn how its done
ive been looking for something that stick out i just can find it
racinwarrior said:
it could be, but on MDK it was in secsettings. on ME7 i dont know. My white secsettings.apk for MDK does not work on ME7 and id like to learn how its done
ive been looking for something that stick out i just can find it
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So just use the compare plugin in notepad++. It will highlight where text is moved.
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