Windows .ttf Editor - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

Does anyone know of a free Windows program that allows you to edit .ttf files?
I'm looking to change the font type of the numbers of the NT's DroidSansBold.ttf file so that my status bar clock is in a different font.
I understand it will also change all other system numbers in that same font, and that's fine. To be honest, I'm more curious now just to find a program that will allow me to do this, haha.
I did a pretty extensive Google search and tried a few different programs (FontForge, Font Creator), but it doesn't seem like they have the ability to do what I need.
Could someone point me in the right direction? Or is this just not possible at all?

This will be my one and only bump on this thread. If anyone can help me out, let me know. Thanks.

nvm xD


Create or change icons on PPC 2003?

Is there any way to change an icon in PPC2003 mobile?
Specifically, I use the program Battery Pack 2004 (v5.3) which comes with the Today screen plugin "Program Bar". This lets you setup shortcuts and place them on an MS Office like bar on the today screen. but many of the icons are generic and confusing and I'd like to change them. For example, if I add a link/shortcut to a folder called "Utilities", the link/shortcut shows up as a folder icon. If I place several different similar links next to each other, they all look the same. I'd like to change the icon to something meaningfulld, like a folder with a bit U on it ....
Any ideas?
create or copy any desired icon file into this folder and name it "icon.lnk"
Biso007 said:
create or copy any desired icon file into this folder and name it "icon.lnk"
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Thanks, I'll give that a wirl....
Created an Icon, copied it to the Windows\Startmenu\Util directory and renamed it icon.lnk.
Notta. ??
There are icon creation programs out there as I remember trialing one for a while. Wasn't freeware and din't end up buying it. Don't remember the name but I downloaded from handango.
If you wanted to change the icon I presume you would also need to creat a shortcut link the exe file you want to execute?
I have an Icon creator, editor. In fact, I have the icon I want to use. But the question I have is how do I get it to show up on PPC2003? Specifically, how do I make it be the icon for a folder I have created?
Thanks in advance...
Help??? :?:
Ive been searching for it, but never found how to change the icons nor manual or with any program. I don´t think it´s possible to change the icons on WM2003.
Thanks, but it HAS to be possible. :wink:
We have 2 remote control rovers driving around on Mars right now taking pictures, drilling into rocks and digging holes in the red sand. We MUST be able to change an icon in my PDA?? :shock:
ccarrara said:
Thanks, but it HAS to be possible.
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Yes, it is. But it's not really simple, and I don't know the whole story, so this is more of a hint to get you started, not a complete solution.
Look at the "Games" folder in your start menu for an example. It has a different icon. So, if you look into the actual Games folder, there is a file called icon.lnk. This is NOT the actual icon, but a link (sic!) that points to an icon resource inside the ceshell.dll.
I did not try, but it may suffice to have that link point to an icon file (whatever that format is). Also, make sure you get the number in front of the # sign in the icon.lnk file right.
If all else fails, create a DLL that contains your icons as resources (you'll need a resource editor for that - Visual Studio has one, for example, but there are others), and have the icon.lnk point to an icon resource inside that DLL, similar to how the Games folder icon works.
Search the net for this sollusion, described by tadzio above. I know there even is programs for changing foldericons. Altough, there is no program for changing program icons yet..
And ive found no sollusion to this, anywhere...
Happy hunting, if you find anything. Please let us know!

Programs to change color/text properties

I cant quit explain the program i am looking for,but it was provided i belive on this website. I specificly got it from downloading a guys custom homescreen app. it was kinnda like an Iphone but he designed it to look like Vista? It allowed me to change my color sceams/text and also keep the top and bottom bars from bieng embossed. Anyone following me?
i just want the .Cab. I have no idea what the name of the app is.
adlib311 said:
I cant quit explain the program i am looking for,but it was provided i belive on this website. I specificly got it from downloading a guys custom homescreen app. it was kinnda like an Iphone but he designed it to look like Vista? It allowed me to change my color sceams/text and also keep the top and bottom bars from bieng embossed. Anyone following me?
i just want the .Cab. I have no idea what the name of the app is.
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is it wisbar advanced? or wisbar desktop?

ADW Launcher and cooking

Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone knows how to define the settings for ADW.Launcher in a custom ROM. Is there some sort of XML file I can put in /system or something?
I'd like to pre-define the icons/widgets on the desktop and the action buttons.
jrebeiro said:
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone knows how to define the settings for ADW.Launcher in a custom ROM. Is there some sort of XML file I can put in /system or something?
I'd like to pre-define the icons/widgets on the desktop and the action buttons.
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Umm. You would need to look at how ADW stores its settings just now. They will be in /data/data/com.adw.launcher/ or something like that. Play with the files there and see what happens and look inside the sqlite databases etc.
Then try putting those files into the data folder of your zip.Give that a go.
Did anybody get this to work yet? A similar question was asked in this thread:
I replied with an XML file I found that may be useful, but I didn't get a chance to test it yet.

Help changing colors for themes

I have created some colored themes for Empty Galaxy ROM. You can see them here.
The main problem I have is when I try to change the color of the pop-up/toast notifications. Although I am only changing the colors of the png files, the end result is completely wrong. See here.
This page explains how to do what I want by editing/creating a xml file...but I just don't understand it, or where to even find and place the xml file. I know just enough to be dangerous
If anyone can help explain this to me, it'd be much appreciated.

[Q]How to identify drawable name/id on running app?

Hi! I'm new into creating themes, and I'm looking for a tool that could make it easier. I know how to extract .apk, how to replace images, modify .xmls, but often I don't know what an image is for. Let's say im modding SystemUI and I want to change background of my notification bar. The only thing I know is that inside drawables folder I have to look for something named notification_bar.png, something like that. I was looking for an app that could tell me how an image inside an app is called in code ( example: I'm inside calculator app, I press on background and the app says that file is called background.png and is inside drawables-xxhdpi). I tried Android Studio --> Layout Inspector, but it didn't help me at all because, well, I just don't understand it.
Of course, while modifying SystemUI I can look for explaination of certain pngs on the internet, but
-not every SystemUI is the same
- if I want to change drawables of an app that doesn't have specific explaination I have to know how to identify drawables.
It must be possible somehow, because I've run into some themes that modify external apps (like WhatsApp, SuperSU etc.)
Those ppl had to know what certain .png is for, the question is: How?
I don't believe they just had to sit there and try every possible combination.
Also, inside SystemUI there's A LOT of files that are never used, and their names can be misleading.
Is there any way to identify drawable inside running app easily? Without digging in code and guessing?
Thanks in advance for any answer
I tried to analyze Mms.apk (it's system app). I was looking for a drawable representing default contact icon, here called ic_contact_picture.png .
I actually managed to find a proper layer in Layout Inspector(ConversationListItem.xml), analyzed it and found a code referring to table "id" in resources.arsc . The object the id referred to was called "avatar". And that's it. I couldn't find id(I got it from resources.arsc/drawables) of ic_contact_picture.png anywhere in that layout. There was only id referring to "id/avatar". It doesn't make any sense.
How do I find drawables using Layout Inspector or any other tool?
It was easier when it came to text. I also found an id referring to resources.arsc/id, but that id was included in the layer I was looking at (ConversationListItem.xml).
But I still wasn't able to perform any action on that text, because there wasn't any setting like text color or anything, there was just a line android:textAppearance="@attr/0x1010041"
It is an attrib from framework-res.apk, but when I opened framework-res.apk and found that attrib there was no reference to anything like color, font, so there was nothing I could really do.
Can someone help me with those 2 problems?

