[HOWTO] [REF] Prevent Bootloops when using App2sd+ / Data2sd / whatever2sd-ext - Optimus One, P500, V General

Above the hood​
Well today I intended to answer voyager's problem which was stated in the interactive data2sd thread located here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=23744977#
and then i think that after i have gathered so much information from the other parts of the world into this little post it would be a waste if it is pushed away by regular posts in the thread. so, i opened this thread here in the general forum so all people with similar confusion can read about it.
YES, there are SO MANY WORDS TO READ. but in order to use a2sd+ or data2sd+ you MUST read them all
you will never know how frustrated i was when i was encountering the bootloop problem for the ENTIRE month.​
my report thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1239063
my help-seeking in the darktremor thread which was answered by famous developer temasek - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17232233​
my target was originally voyager the person but now its to all of you, please ignore my incorrect pronouns, if there are any ​
OH FINALLY i luckily found the very useful reference that i have read before!! after reading these you will understand everything
tobydjones said:
Some phones, eg the Desire, don't have enough internal memory (NAND). A2SD and other 'init.d scripts' fool Android into storing various things on the SD card instead of internal memory to free up space. They can move either apps, the Dalvik cache (a pre-compiled copy of each app) and/or app data. And they can move them to either the 1st (only) partition of the SD card (formatted as FAT or FAT32) or a 2nd partition of the SD card (formatted as ext3 or ext4).
As there's so many different scripts doing different things, I had to make a table to sort it all out. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, or if you can answer any of my questions in italics.
script ................ apps . Dalvik . data .. comment
A2SD pre Froyo ........ SD ... int .... int ... Made to move app data to SD {or was it already ext?}
Froyo A2SD/"move to SD" SD<1>. int<9> . int ... Built in
Gingerbread A2SD ...... SD.... int .... <6> ... Built in. As Froyo but a bit more space.
apps2sd app (on market) ....................... App to make Froyo/Gingerbread "move to SD" easier, not a script
Force2SD (on market) .. ....................... As apps2sd + move system apps>SD {does apps2sd also do this?}
A2SD/AS2D+ (or apps2SD) ext<8> in/ex<2> int ... Various implementations<7> some move Dalvik (manual/auto)
Darktremor A2SD/DT-A2SD ext .. in/ex... int ... Move Dalvik. Used to be auto, now command line (or use A2SDGUI)
MIUI_Au PC-A2SD ....... ext .. ext .... int ... Allows android to boot if SD Card broken/removed. With logs
Link2SD (on market) ... ext .. ext .... <6> ... Moves apps individually
Sibere DATA2SD ........ ext .. ext .... ext<3>. Moves whole /data folder to ext for more space <4><5>
DATA2EXT .............. ext .. ext .... ext ... {another implementation of DATA2SD? how does it differ?}
data2whatever/DATA2WE . ext .. ext .... ext ... Can use ext2-4 plus variety of unusual filesystems eg B(RT?)FS
<1> The SD card is mounted very late in the boot up process, so background apps and widgets won't work. Also apps on SD aren't available when SD card is used as a disk ('mounted')
<2> Dalvik on SD/ext may wear out SD card a bit quicker {not a big issue compared with int memory wearing out?}
<3> Data on ext wears out SD card faster because of data writes {how much of an issue is this?}
<4> Data2SD on Sense ROMS - possible corruption during battery pull or forced reboot
<5> Data2SD on ASOP ROMS - corruption when turning off phone due to unclean dismount {or is this fixed now?}
<6> GB doesn't move all of data, but does move app libs (/data/data/<appname>/Lib)
<7> There's a lot of confusion what AS2D, AS2D+ and apps2sd refer to, and the distinction between them, as those names been used for many things, including an app on the market! The + appeared after Froyo was released and often means the Dalvik cache can be moved (not always automatically)
<8> Unlike moving apps to SD, you can move widgets to ext, and apps are available when SD card is used as a disk
<9> If Dalvik cache is on int, number of apps is still limited as pre-compiled copy of each app held in cache
Updated 01/10/11. Thanks to rootSU, fllash & rmcsilva for corrections and additions
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neoKushan said:
Ok, so here's the deal, in a very longwinded way that should hopefully explain everything and answer ALL questions.
You have an SD card in your phone and, a bit like normal PC Hard Drives, you can "partition" them (split them into two or more sections of different filesystems). Normally, your SD card is just one big FAT32 partition, which is fine for storing your pics, messages, emails, etc.
Now, other then your Phone's SD card, your phone will have its own internal flash memory (or "NAND") storage. Tradditionally with Android, you could only install applications to this NAND storage, you cannot install them onto your SD card. So if you have an empty 32GB SD card, but only 5Mb of internal phone storage, you still wont be able to install many apps, if any at all.
This was done to protect the apps from things like piracy - it's not easy to access the location where apps are installed on your phone's internal storage (normally impossible without root), so you can't for example buy an app, copy it, refund it, then install it again.
Still, this is no good for those of us who like to install lots and lots of apps, legitimately, as we run out of internal storage very quickly.
So Google came up with a way to install apps to the SD card. A folder is created called something like .android_secure and this stores (I believe) encrypted versions of applications, but there's a few catches:
1) Apps aren't automatically stored here, you have to manually "move" them
2) Not all apps are capable of being moved, in fact most apps aren't, the developer needs to update their app and allow it. Some apps aren't and wont be updated and some developers may not want to allow it for whatever reason.
3) Not all app data is moved, most of it is but some data is left on your phone so many people still run out of internal storage quickly.
4) You can force ALL apps to be moved to this area by default, but it breaks incompatible ones - such as Widgets, which are unable to load due to the SD card not being "prepared".
So that's Froyo's version. Before Froyo existed, some very clever people came up with a thing called "Apps2SD". Remember I said that your SD card normally is one big FAT32 partition? Well, Apps2SD works by having your SD card patitioned into TWO filesystems. A normal FAT32 partition for your usual stuff and a secondary "EXT" partition. EXT is just a filesystem, like FAT32 or NTFS, but it's the filesystem used by Android internally. The SD card is normally FAT32 because it's a "universal" filesystem, that just about any machine will be able to read, whereas EXT filesystems are generally Linux only, but I digress.
EXT has several different versions. The most common one you'll see is ext3. The main difference between ext2 and ext3 is "journaling", which is just a fancy way of saying that should an operation (such as copying, writing or reading) be interrupted unexpectedly (say, by you turning your phone off), then no data should be lost or corrupted. You know how when you turn your phone on, it says "preparing SD card"? It takes a few minutes, but what it's actually doing is checking that the FAT32 partition hasn't been damaged, because FAT does NOT have journaling. If you used a computer back in the Windows 98 days, you may remember that lovely blue "Scandisk" screen that had to run every time you didn't shut your computer down correctly - that's the same thing. But then Windows 2000/XP came along with NTFS, which also has journaling, meaning you had less chance of loosing data. But I digress once more.
So you have your SD card partitioned into EXT and FAT32. Generally it doesn't matter if it's ext3 or ext4, but you don't get any real advantage with ext4 over ext3 in this instance. Apps2SD then runs a special script on your phone which "symbolically links" the folder from your phone's internal storage where your apps are normally stored, to the ext partition on your SD card. A symbolic link is a bit like a shortcut for folders, except it's transparent to the OS: In other words, Android doesn't know that when it's installing it's apps to the internal phone storage, it's actually being stored on the SD card. This effectively boosts your internal phone memory from the previous 5mb that you had in my example above, up to whatever size you made the ext partition on your SD card (often 512Mb or 1Gb, but it depends on how many apps you install).
Plus, because it's "journaled", it doesn't need to be "prepared", meaning it's ready to go as soon as the phone starts - so your widgets and apps work immediately (unlike "forced" Froyo Apps2SD, where widgets disappear).
The catch with Apps2SD is that whatever space the ext partition takes up is taken away from the SD card. So if you have a 4Gb card (with something like 3.5Gb of actual storage) and you make a 512Mb ext partition, your SD card will "shrink" to 3Gb. The space isn't actually lost, it's just being used by the ext partition. If you reformat your card, you'll get it back.
Finally, there's a difference between "Apps2SD" and "Apps2SD+". Remember I said that your apps are stored on a special folder inside your Phone's NAND storage? Well, that was a bit of a lie. It's actually stored in TWO places. There's a second area which is called the Davlik Cache. You don't really need to worry about what this is for (Hint: IT's to do with the Java runetime your phone uses to run apps), all you need to know is that apps use it to store data, which also eats up internal phone memory. Apps2SD+ moves davlik cache to the ext partition on your SD card as well, freeing up even more space. Some people believe that this may come at the cost of performance, as the internal NAND memory should be faster than your SD card (Which is why you also get people arguing over which "class" SD card is better for Apps2SD - the logic being that a faster SD card means less impact from this move), but the truth of the matter is that your applications will be running from your Phone's RAM anyway, so performance isn't really impacted at all. Since most apps are only a few hundred Kb's in size, or a couple of MB at the most, it's a non-issue.
Finally, any recent version of Apps2SD/Apps2SD+ should work with an SD card that is or isn't formatted with an ext partition. It'll check for this partition when your phone first boots and if it's not there, just use internal phone storage.
Having an ext partition WITHOUT Apps2SD+ shouldn't cause any issues, either, so you can format your SD card whenever you're ready.
So in summary:
Apps2SD "fakes" your phone's internal memory and puts it all on a hidden section of your SD card.
Apps2SD+ pushes even more content to the SD card, freeing up even more space on the phone itself.
"Froyo" Apps2SD has various limitations that "old" apps2SD does not, but is much easier to handle as it doesn't involve any kind of "partitioning".
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first, please consider the wording "app2sd+" used above can also be applied to "data2sd+" which should be the main purpose of this thread, because they are similar as they both use the sd-ext partition to store things. the only different is that app2sd+ only moves /data/app and dalvik cache but data2sd+ moves the entire /data partition
now based on my experience of how did i solve my bootloop problems even i install over 300 apps, is, not to integrate Froyo app2sd and app2sd+(or your data2sd+) then things will be fine.
as ive seen that voyager you have "moved all apps to sd" with froyo app2sd while you are TOGETHER using the script of app2sd+(or data2sd+). from the above explanation, your apps and data are now SHARED among /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure which MAY lead to problems on our phones when it enters the process system after going through the bootanimation.
still remember the days and things we have discussed? it was in november when we first known each other i think my founding still applies to data2sd+
voyager20021 said:
For bootloops on Miks CM7 fist post he says
If you get bootloop or stuck at LG logo do next:
Sometimes Recovery can't format /system so you need to clear /system manually. You can do it with this zip (flash as always in recovery), or in mounts menu (clockworkmod recovery only), or with adb:
1. Mount /system in recovery.
2. adb shell rm -rf /system/*
You get 1 error. This is ok.
Will update if I found this bug.
Anyone tried that zip or adb fix? I am not so familiar with adb shell. The zip i think is incompatible or smth.
Franco, do you know if this has something to do with random reboots caused by moving too many apps to sd?
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Miasmic said:
that successfully wiped system partition and 2 months ago i did full wipe (including /system) and reinstall everything then do the same thing, and i got the same results - bootloop
please go to darktremor's main thread (nexus one dev forum) and scroll a few pages back, ive been yelling there for help and they did a lot to help me especially temasek(u know who? a famous n1 developer)....
but finally we got no conclusions trying everything, even switching to s2e had ****ed up my phone.
what solution i can tell is that
fk kernel + mik + dt a2sd script
+ apps staying on /EXT (shown "on phone")
= no problems
fk kernel + mik + dt a2sd script
+ apps staying partly on /EXT and partly on /android.secure (shown "on SD card")
= after booting (seen lockscreen) for about 3mins, the phone goes back to bootanimation and boot again
[im sure voyager is asking about this]
p.s. fk kernel + mik + dt beta4
will result in LG logo stuck every 2 reboots. wipe /system no help.
hope my info is useful and yeah, take alook at the dt thread
until now the only solution is not to move apps partly to /android.secure
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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franciscofranco said:
Why move apps to sd card instead of /ext? doesn't make any sense............. No wonder **** happens...
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Miasmic said:
Yea I agree with your point, moving the app only to /ext is apparently a safer method than dividing it into /ext and /android.secure
But however this method (using darktremor together with froyos a2sd feature) can save even more internal storage on our phones because darktremor doesn't move 100% of the "app" to /ext. Except "app data" , a small portion of "app" is also occupying the internal storage when using dartremor.
Say angry birds, despite its ~500kb /data size, when using darktremor, 18mb its "app" is moved to /ext while 2mb of it is staying in the internal storage. When using froyos a2sd feature, this 2mb is moved to /android.secure therefore even more internal space is free-ed.
According to the main darktremor thread, a user named bassmadrigal and even temasek himself, has stated that integrating darktremor "move to EXT" and froyos "move to FAT" does not produce any problems (at least on their nexus one) and can save even more space.
Well its not a problem for me as I only move 4 of my biggest apps to FAT and not having issues now.
I think voyagers attempting to move a lot of his apps (partly as they still partly stay at /ext) to /android.secure (as I tried before) and he got ****ed up like me before.
Hmmph I am not quite sure, voyager have you tried the same procedure (restore titanium and move them to FAT) without flashing Franco.kernel and only with the ROM (ans default kernel) and darktremor script installed? In that way we can see whether the "issue"(not at all but just an disadvantage of not supporting a feature) is about Franco's kernel or about our phones. cheers!!
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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franciscofranco said:
Just don't mess with the part that stays in the phone, if you do you're on your own, it's just too damn obvious to waste my time with it, sorry :/
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Miasmic said:
yea, i definitely dont think it is of any priorities to request you to dig on this stuff and please dont, lol
was just telling my experiences to others and esp. voyager
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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yea, franco also said we shouldn't use the froyo app2sd function when we have already moved stuffs to the /sd-ext using app2sd+/data2sd+
therefore to prevent such abnormal behaviours on our phones we should treat our phones as Android 2.1 or before which does not have the capabilities to use froyo app2sd function to move things to /sdcard/.android_secure instead we should just let them be moved to the /ext partition.
i can confirm that yes there will still be decrease in internal storage because even you got data2sd+, there are something that cannot be moved from the internal storage to /sd-ext and we dont know what. JUST be fuxking sure that all your apps are stayed in "internal storage" (thats a way to fake the phone! you know) and they will be very safe in /sd-ext.
you may also like to install app2sd app but reverse the original concept of this app, i.e. to confirm NO APPS ARE EXISTING IN THE 2nd TAB (ON "SD CARD" with froyo function)
so, to test this out quickly, you may simply:
make proper partitions
wipe properly
flash rom
flash your a2sd+/data2sd+ script
boot phone
run the proper commands (for dt now i would dl a2sdgui and apply stuffs and let it reboot)
now restore titanium backup with INSTALL LOCATION set as "internal storage"
(in CM7 settings > application you may also choose "internal storage" to make sure everything is PURELY moved to /sd-ext instead of sharing among /sdcard/.android_secure with the froyo a2sd function) (however what i can tell you that this CM7 function is not working properly at least with my DT a2sd+ script therefore we have to double check whether it is in "INTERNAL STORAGE" when we install a new app) so now app2sd app came in handy remember is to reverse all apps to internal but not move them to so-called sd which was the original purpose of this app.
ok hope you understand what i meant and now you should not have bootloops
Under the hood​
however, some users have reported that they have NO problems at all when they share their apps among /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure. an example was bassmadrigal (located in the darktremor official thread)
maybe, it is phone specific. maybe, they have shared a less amount of apps as i myself can also confirm that the bootloop problems only occur if we SHARE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF APPS among the two places.
and for your safety, at least to first eliminate the bootloops problems before doing any experiments, still follow the above and MOVE ALL OF THEM TO so-called "INTERNAL" (pure /sd-ext)

so you mean to say that keep all the apps in internal memeory and it will be safe in sd-ext with any a2d script rather than moving into sdcard?
There is one script i am tryingvhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342387. I dont have any script installed.But it is still giving me bootloops.

williamcharles said:
so you mean to say that keep all the apps in internal memeory and it will be safe in sd-ext with any a2d script rather than moving into sdcard?
There is one script i am tryingvhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342387. I dont have any script installed.But it is still giving me bootloops.
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yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.

Miasmic said:
yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.
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Miasmic said:
yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.
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Much simpler explained. We'll have to test your theory. Only now i use ungaze's script which is something like "everything2sd". The button reading move to sd or move to internal has no influence at all. And still having bootloops at some point. Only now the sd ext is 2Gb max, though it never got to fill it without that damn bootloop.
Thanks again MIASMIC for addressing one of the biggest remaining problems which keep us away from having a PERFECT AND COMPLETE O1, now when we are close to having the stable official CM7 and official or not CM9 which will bring so many and awsome STABLE ROMs based on those 2.


[Q] Moving apps on Gingerbread Hero

I installed the magnificent Cronos 0.0.9 ROM (Android 2.3 Gingerbread) in my HTC Hero, following dkelley's instructions on the Developer forum for that device. It works brilliantly, speed is superb, and it looks like battery life is going to be better than the Cyanogen 6.1 it replaced.
Everything works for me : Camera, compass, GPS (sort of), auto brightness.
But there is one unusual problem. I cannot find any other forum threads that refer to this. When I use menu->Settings->Applications->Manage Applications, I can move apps to or from the SD card. Except it doesn't work most of the time. I get this message: "Failed to move application. There is not enough storage left"
I have 24MB free on the phone and 2.4GB free on the SD card. So it should not have a problem when I try to move anything (all but 2 of my apps are under 7MB). I have seen a case of being successful with an app of 730K moving to SD. But when I remove that, and try again with a 410K app, it fails. 90% of apps I have tried have failed.
I was very successful with this in my previous ROM, so I know it's not read errors on the SD.
I did forget to delete the old apps dot directory on the SD card before the upgrade. I don't know if that can cause a problem.
As I am too shiny and new, I can't post on the developer forum. A good rule, if it keeps the noise level slightly lower.
So I thought I would post here & see if anyone knows of general fixes for app 2 SD problems of this kind. Maybe it's just that the ROM is too Beta & it's to be expected. That's what happens out at the ragged edge
If u don't have an ext partition on your sdcard then I'm afraid it won't work on Cronos GB 0.0.9 Beta because the apps moved to External are moved on the fat partition and they Force Close all the time anyway on this rom. Now ... app2sd works verry weird on this rom. If u have an ext partition on your sdcard and if u want your apps to be on that partition (and they wont FC on you) all you need to do is let them on Internal (move to phone) and not External (move to sdcard). The apps are installed/moved to the ext partition instead and not on the phone's actual memory (again... as I said weird but it works). If u want to be able to move the apps to sdcard .. I recomend you back-up your files from sdcard to your pc, go to recovery and make an ext partition and wipe it(just in case) and boot your phone and try installing your apps.I'm installing my apps automaticaly to the ext partition by choosing the Install Location to Internal from CM Extra->Application settings. Sorry I wrote alot and if I haven't made myself clear but I'm still at work (3rd shift) and I am tired.
Example: I have a 2gb sdcard... On it I have the ext partition of 240MB, the rest is the fat partition.If I leave my apps on Internal(move to phone), my Phone's Memory is 140/173MB and my ext partition 47.5/240MB .. If I move them to External(move to sd card), My Phone's Memory is 140/173 and my ext partition is about 230/240 MB because the apps are moved to the fat partition (with your errors) and they Force Close when launched on this rom.
You're right, I can see that in the release notes. I am surprised, it's a long time since I have used a ROM that supported ext partitions. Most of them seem to use the Google apps2SD method now.
Cyanogen has even stated that it is no longer officially supported by them.
So I guess it's just individual developers who still prefer the ext approach that still use it.
It's not too hard to do...
Thanks for the tip
You're welcome! Remember that your sdcard content will be deleted when you will partition your sdcard so make a backup if you need them. I find ext is better than normal because you can use the apps from your sdcard while you phone is connected to the computer (your PC mounts the fat partition and leaves the ext partition to be used as normal on the phone and I find that a good thing)

[Q] tweetdeck not updating in background properly except on xtrsense

Goofy problem but every rom I have tried will not update tweetdeck properly in the background with the screen black, except for xtrsense. Even the original stock rom does not work properly at doing this. Has anyone else had the same problem? Is there a fix?
I would love to be able to go to one of the 2.2 or 2.3 roms but i need tweetdeck to update properly on my accounts.
Side question - will there be a 2.2 or 2.3 for xtrsense?
Side question 2 - I am going to be searching for this but figured i would throw it in just incase I can not figure it out. I loaded the gscript for the apps2sd but I cant get any apps to the sd card. It is not even an option when I go to the manage apps. Like I said, I am going to search for this one but while I was typing I figured I would throw it in.
Tweetdeck is one of my key apps and I have no trouble at all with it on CELB Froyo or GSB. The only ROM I had an issue with was a later version of Nonsensikal. For some reason, that had an Autokiller-like aggressive memory setting and Tweetdeck would not stay open in the background.
Unlike many other twitter clients, Tweetdeck has no way to autostart and seems to have no server component to get updates, and aggressive memory settings will close the app when it is in the background. If you are using autokiller or something like it, using the optimum preset seems to work pretty well. Just vanilla GSB settings are just fine.
KnightRid said:
Side question - will there be a 2.2 or 2.3 for xtrsense?
Side question 2 - I am going to be searching for this but figured i would throw it in just incase I can not figure it out. I loaded the gscript for the apps2sd but I cant get any apps to the sd card. It is not even an option when I go to the manage apps. Like I said, I am going to search for this one but while I was typing I figured I would throw it in.
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Gscript for Apps2SD? I never heard of a GScript for that capability. There's an Apps2SD flashable zip which adds the Apps2SD script to your phone, if that's what you're talking about, but you don't use it in GScript.
Technically and completely literally, there never can be a 2.2 or 2.3 version of xtrSENSE because xtrSENSE is (currently) based on the July OTA 2.1, so it's a heavily modified version of THE official ROM for the Eris. There is no official 2.2 or 2.3 for the Eris, so there's no 2.2 or 2.3 stock ROM with Sense to base a new Eris ROM on.
Devs have worked on 2.2 and 2.3-based Sense ROMs based on stuff from other phones, but none of them are as stable and "finished" as the original stock ROM, or even xtrSENSE. Things don't work such as Wifi and Camera, and possibly some other difficulties. They haven't given up but they've been beating their heads against the wall for months for Froyo Sense. At this point, there's probably a marginally better chance that we'll ever have a port of a Gingerbread Sense which has everything working, over Froyo Sense.
doogald said:
Tweetdeck is one of my key apps and I have no trouble at all with it on CELB Froyo or GSB. The only ROM I had an issue with was a later version of Nonsensikal. For some reason, that had an Autokiller-like aggressive memory setting and Tweetdeck would not stay open in the background.
Unlike many other twitter clients, Tweetdeck has no way to autostart and seems to have no server component to get updates, and aggressive memory settings will close the app when it is in the background. If you are using autokiller or something like it, using the optimum preset seems to work pretty well. Just vanilla GSB settings are just fine.
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I use advanced app killer but i do not let that run all the time, I just start it when I want to manually kill apps.
It is just so weird with tweetdeck not updating in the background right, except on xtrsense. I just dont get it
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Gscript for Apps2SD? I never heard of a GScript for that capability. There's an Apps2SD flashable zip which adds the Apps2SD script to your phone, if that's what you're talking about, but you don't use it in GScript.
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Yes, he has a gscript script built in to xtrsense that you can just load and run to do it.
I will have to redo my sdcard again and see if that fixes it. I still like how 2.3 lets you move the apps though. It is a WHOLE lot easier.
KnightRid said:
Side question 2 - I am going to be searching for this but figured i would throw it in just incase I can not figure it out. I loaded the gscript for the apps2sd but I cant get any apps to the sd card. It is not even an option when I go to the manage apps. Like I said, I am going to search for this one but while I was typing I figured I would throw it in.
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That's not how it works with xtrSENSE. With xtrSENSE, you first need to partition your SD card to add an ext3 partition to store your apps. Then, as you noted, you run a gscript to activate apps2sd. This will move *all* of your user apps to the ext partition - you cannot choose to keep some internal. You either have your apps internal and not on SD, or you have your apps on SD and not internal.
The original post in the xtrSENSE thread explains this pretty well. The relevant portions are here:
Apps2sd and Cache2sd:
I have revamped my implementation of apps2sd to use simpler and better organized scripts. For apps2sd to work you must first complete the listed prerequisites and it is a good idea to read through the "things you may want to know about apps2sd" section. Although it can provide gobs of space for apps, Apps2sd is not for everyone as it ties the stability of your phone to your SD card... If you do not need the space I would recommend that you keep the default of DISABLED; if you want to try you can always disable it again however there is always the chance of issues.
To enable/disable apps2sd and cache2sd just run the appropriate GScript and reboot your phone (Quick Boot makes this easy!).
If you have not setup your SD card (for those new to Apps2sd) as per tkirton:
BACKUP YOUR SD CARD TO YOUR COMPUTER. Can't stress this enough, as partitioning will wipe the entire card.
Reboot into recovery
In Android System Recovery, select Partition sdcard
In the Partition sdcard menu, select Partition SD
Follow the instructions on the phone to partition your SD card. Most folks seem to recommend using the default values however you can go larger or smaller use values 256, 512,768,1024. You will also be asked to set a swap size; I stayed at 32mb (anticipate future ROM options to allow moving swap to sd)
Once the partition is initially created you must then convert to ext3 - In the Partition sdcard menu, select SD:ext2 to ext3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Press the back button on the phone to go back to the main menu.
Your SD card is now ready to work with an Apps2sd supported ROM.
Things you may want to know about apps2sd
Bootloop protection is built in if your SD card is corrupted or is removed from the phone with Apps2sd enabled. Your apps will go away but your phone will boot .
There are 3 subsets of data associated to an app when it is installed and run on your phone.
1) /data/app/ (and /data/app-private) - actual .apk files we think of as the applications that are not system apps (i.e. installed on /system/app)
2) /data/data/ - the files produced by ALL apps (system apps and market apps) during installation that are used by the Android system to run the app
3)/data/dalvik-cache/ - app cache file and work space for ALL apps (system apps and market apps).
From root explorer (or similar) you can browse to the /data/app OR the /system/sd/app folders and you will see the same thing, both will tell you how much space you have used and have left. The way apps2sd works is by "linking" the /system/sd/app to the /data/app folder so that the Android system thinks it is accessing the /data/app it is really at /system/sd/app.
I have seen using Apps2sd cause issues with some.zip flash updates as they try to write directly to the /data/app folder which no longer "physically" exists
If you get into a bootloop issue using apps2sd boot into amon_ra recovery and try one of the follow:
1) from the Other menu option select the Fix apk uid mismatches
2) from the Wipe menu option complete a)Wipe data/factory reset b)Wipe Dalvik-cache c)Wipe SD:ext partition
Apps2sd and Cache2sd Basics
When you run the apps2sd or cache2sd script, upon reboot, it will move ALL your existing apps or cache to the sd card ext partition and ALL future apps and cache will be installed and stored on the sd card ext partition.
Running the apps2internal or cache2internal script, upon reboot, it will move ALL your existing apps or cache to the /data block of internal storage and ALL futures apps and cache will be stored in internal storage.
With HTC based ROMs it is all or nothing and you cannot move individual apps like in the CyanogenMod ROMs.
So how do I know Apps2sd is on? - You can run the GScript report_system_stats which will give you a printout of what fileblocks are used as well as a “true/false” value for Apps2sd On. You can also go to menu>Settings>Sd card and phone storage - when on space available under Available storage will go down at a VERY slow rate when new apps are installed.
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Note the parts that I bolded.
KnightRid said:
I use advanced app killer but i do not let that run all the time, I just start it when I want to manually kill apps.
It is just so weird with tweetdeck not updating in the background right, except on xtrsense. I just dont get it
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It works fine for me on xtrSENSE. Try uninstalling advanced app killer for a while and see if tweetdeck works better. Also, run the gscript set_memory_balanced or set_memory_stock. I have had Tweetdeck work just fine in xtrSENSE4.6.5 with both of those settings.
doogald said:
That's not how it works with xtrSENSE. With xtrSENSE, you first need to partition your SD card to add an ext3 partition to store your apps. Then, as you noted, you run a gscript to activate apps2sd. This will move *all* of your user apps to the ext partition - you cannot choose to keep some internal. You either have your apps internal and not on SD, or you have your apps on SD and not internal.
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I did not explain well, I did do that but the apps still would not move over. I thought i had to manually move the apps after the ext3 partition and such but there must be something little I am missing. I will go back through the steps again and see what happens. I still like how 2.2 and 2.3 move the apps a lot better and I wish xtrsense would be based on 2.2 or 2.3
As for tweetdeck, it DOES work right in xtrsense just not in any other rom even the stock rom.
KnightRid said:
I did not explain well, I did do that but the apps still would not move over. I thought i had to manually move the apps after the ext3 partition and such but there must be something little I am missing.
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When you run that gscript that I highlighted above (report_system_stats), does it say that you have apps2sd enabled? If it does, then you do. After you partition your card and run the gscript to enable apps2sd (called apps2sd), there is nothing that you need to do manually - the apps will move to SD. All new apps that you install will go to SD. You cannot pick and choose - apps are either on SD or internal.
I will go back through the steps again and see what happens. I still like how 2.2 and 2.3 move the apps a lot better and I wish xtrsense would be based on 2.2 or 2.3
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To be honest, I think that this method is better. For one thing, you can back up your ext partition on your SD card; unless you use Clockwork, you cannot backup .android_secure. Also, when you connect your SD card to your computer, it dismounts the SD card from the phone, making those apps unavailable until you re-mount the SD card to the phone. Because you cannot dismount the ext3 partition (without trying really hard, that is), your apps are always available. Widgets can run from those apps. Lastly, there is no this app is internal, that app is on SD - they are either all on SD or they are not. Plus, of course, you don't have to move apps one at a time.
doogald said:
When you run that gscript that I highlighted above (report_system_stats), does it say that you have apps2sd enabled? If it does, then you do. After you partition your card and run the gscript to enable apps2sd (called apps2sd), there is nothing that you need to do manually - the apps will move to SD. All new apps that you install will go to SD. You cannot pick and choose - apps are either on SD or internal.
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Yea, it just doesnt move anything for some reason - Really isnt that big of a deal just would be nice with me being a packrat for everything so I wouldnt have to uninstall as often lol
Thanx for the help!
I am still wishing and hoping for xtrsense based on 2.2 or 2.3 though =)
doogald said:
That's not how it works with xtrSENSE. With xtrSENSE, you first need to partition your SD card to add an ext3 partition to store your apps. Then, as you noted, you run a gscript to activate apps2sd. This will move *all* of your user apps to the ext partition - you cannot choose to keep some internal. You either have your apps internal and not on SD, or you have your apps on SD and not internal.
The original post in the xtrSENSE thread explains this pretty well. The relevant portions are here:
Note the parts that I bolded.
It works fine for me on xtrSENSE. Try uninstalling advanced app killer for a while and see if tweetdeck works better. Also, run the gscript set_memory_balanced or set_memory_stock. I have had Tweetdeck work just fine in xtrSENSE4.6.5 with both of those settings.
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There's an app called Link2SD which allows you to use old-school Apps2SD with the ability to only move what you want to move. Haven't tried it but reports are positive about it. Creates symlinks or some such for individual apps instead of for the whole data/app folder at once.
doogald said:
When you run that gscript that I highlighted above (report_system_stats), does it say that you have apps2sd enabled? If it does, then you do. After you partition your card and run the gscript to enable apps2sd (called apps2sd), there is nothing that you need to do manually - the apps will move to SD. All new apps that you install will go to SD. You cannot pick and choose - apps are either on SD or internal.
To be honest, I think that this method is better. For one thing, you can back up your ext partition on your SD card; unless you use Clockwork, you cannot backup .android_secure. Also, when you connect your SD card to your computer, it dismounts the SD card from the phone, making those apps unavailable until you re-mount the SD card to the phone. Because you cannot dismount the ext3 partition (without trying really hard, that is), your apps are always available. Widgets can run from those apps. Lastly, there is no this app is internal, that app is on SD - they are either all on SD or they are not. Plus, of course, you don't have to move apps one at a time.
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There's a couple of apps on the market, Dual Mount SD (used to be called SD Share, I think) and Multi Mount SD, which now, not only allow you to mount your SD card to both your computer and your phone at the same time, they also both have the option to auto-mount your SD card to your computer when you plug it in to the USB cable, which is now what I do. Multi Mount SD had that feature first, Dual Mount SD copied it just recently.
Also, Titanium Backup (paid, don't know about the free version) will allow you to batch move as many apps as you like to and from the SD card.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
There's a couple of apps on the market, Dual Mount SD (used to be called SD Share, I think) and Multi Mount SD, which now, not only allow you to mount your SD card to both your computer and your phone at the same time, they also both have the option to auto-mount your SD card to your computer when you plug it in to the USB cable, which is now what I do. Multi Mount SD had that feature first, Dual Mount SD copied it just recently.
Also, Titanium Backup (paid, don't know about the free version) will allow you to batch move as many apps as you like to and from the SD card.
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Good to know, but I still like the "old school" apps2sd kludge more than the official kludge that Google added with Froyo. I've had more problems with apps2sd (when I tried it) with Froyo than I ever had with xtrROM before cache2cache was added to that ROM.
doogald said:
Good to know, but I still like the "old school" apps2sd kludge more than the official kludge that Google added with Froyo. I've had more problems with apps2sd (when I tried it) with Froyo than I ever had with xtrROM before cache2cache was added to that ROM.
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The absolutely only thing I don't like about, now that Link2SD is out, is that it's difficult to use the old Apps2SD under Froyo and beyond, requiring special partitioning arrangements, concerning where the particular partitions are and making it difficult to mount all the Fat32 partitions to both the phone and the computer, unless there's been progress in those areas I haven't been made aware of.
Even though there's some things which won't move to the SD card in a friendly way with Froyo's move to SD, almost everything will move if you use an app such as Titanium Backup to move them. As I said, there's still some apps it won't move but it moves almost all of them for me. I guess I wouldn't like it if I was stuck with Google implementation of it, but as long as there are third party apps to make up what it's lacking, it works great for me.
I also like that since I "only" have an 8GB SD card, that I don't have to partition it, the apps that are moved to SD will only take up as much space as they need to, no partition with space that'll never get used because I want it at least large enough to cover my worst case scenarios.
Off topic, it's unbelievable how much "crap" I get on my SD card, from all the apps I've stopped using but never deleted any respective folders for from the card. Mostly because I replaced the app with something better.


Sorted it out the hard way - repartitioned with FAT and lost all my apps. Installed them quickly enough with Applanet App Market.
Theshawty said:
Hello XDA. A few months ago I partitioned my 2GB SD-card to use with a custom made 2.1 ROM I used to have and I have not changed this partitioning ever since, I've been using it with MiniCM and it works alright.
My question is: Could I or could I not partition it back to FAT so I don't have any ext without problems? Or do I need to reinstall MiniCM if I installed it with an ext partition?
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One thing you need to check is if you have chosen 'internal memory' as the place to download applications that you may have downloaded/installed after installing CM1.In that case,choose the 'move to phone' option so that you don't have any apps stored on your ext partition.As long as you have stored apps either in the phone or external which is the FAT partition,there will be no problem at all in getting rid of the partition.Personally,I have never liked any of these ext partitions because I think they slow down the apps stored on them!
...do press the thanks button if this helps...........
Please clearly state which ROM are you going to flash, and the current partition details, partition(s) and size, filesystem ;-)
what is the ext2/ext3 partitions being used for ? are they only for setup new roms or for use while running the device?
i havent noticed any change with or without ext3 partition beside the low space left on the 2gb memory card...
eladmagen said:
what is the ext2/ext3 partitions being used for ? are they only for setup new roms or for use while running the device?
i havent noticed any change with or without ext3 partition beside the low space left on the 2gb memory card...
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ext partitions are required to install apps2sd or link2sd so that you can store downloaded applications there instead of clogging your phone memory.These are not required if your OS is Froyo and higher since there is a native apps2sd which helps you move applications to the main FAT portion off the sd card.
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[Q] how i set up app2sd on jusada's ICS?

hello, noobs here! i just want to ask how can i set up app2sd on my galaxy ace. im using jusada's ICS right now, and i heard that rom support darktremor A2SD enabled, so my assumption is, i just partitioning my SD card, so the rest will working by itself.
now i have partitioned my SDCARD, but when i restart my phone, it didnt happend and still the same, even my sdcard memory decrease.
so my question is:
how to set it correctly?
thanks! (and sorry for my bad english )
Why don't you use s2e
scoffyburito said:
Why don't you use s2e
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just make sure that my rom is doing right without app2sd apk
Look into my signature for the link pointing to SuperAce609's tutorial. I implemented that trick of S2E in ICsunday by Jusada and it really worked. I had more than 125 apps installed with more than 110MB free space.
Rushyang said:
Look into my signature for the link pointing to SuperAce609's tutorial. I implemented that trick of S2E in ICsunday by Jusada and it really worked. I had more than 125 apps installed with more than 110MB free space.
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thanks but i think i found something on manage application menu. go to Settings > applications > manage applications, then tap the SD Card menu, just choose the application you want to move to memory card.
whats the diferent between this and s2e?
kindroid said:
thanks but i think i found something on manage application menu. go to Settings > applications > manage applications, then tap the SD Card menu, just choose the application you want to move to memory card.
whats the diferent between this and s2e?
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The big difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing is..
1) Your trick is totally manual. Means, you will have to move each application one by one to the SDCard & also from what you're moving apps to sdcard, will leave "some" data (esp dalvik cache) of that app in actual device memory. So you won't have the full advantage of moving an app. You will have some saturation point at some time.. like even if all of your apps were moved to SDcard and you have about ~60 apps installed, but each app will leave some data to your device memory. & That's why at some point your device memory will get full.
While in mine (using S2E), I have created a partition which totally works like a built-in memory. Whatever I install, ALL gets automatically installed in that partition. which actually saves a lot more actual device memory.
2) You can not move Widget supporting app to the SDCard. It won't work.
While in mine, Everything in that 1GB partition can work even as a Widgets too. Which again means totally functioning as a device memory.
3) I also observed that, when I connect my SGA with computer through USB Mass Storage (Which actually gives more transfer speeds than adb push commands), all my apps which saved in 1GB partition stay active completely. So it takes a lot less time while scanning SDCard for media after removing from USB mass storage.
Rushyang said:
The big difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing is..
1) Your trick is totally manual. Means, you will have to move each application one by one to the SDCard & also from what you're moving apps to sdcard, will leave "some" data (esp dalvik cache) of that app in actual device memory. So you won't have the full advantage of moving an app. You will have some saturation point at some time.. like even if all of your apps were moved to SDcard and you have about ~60 apps installed, but each app will leave some data to your device memory. & That's why at some point your device memory will get full.
While in mine (using S2E), I have created a partition which totally works like a built-in memory. Whatever I install, ALL gets automatically installed in that partition. which actually saves a lot more actual device memory.
2) You can not move Widget supporting app to the SDCard. It won't work.
While in mine, Everything in that 1GB partition can work even as a Widgets too. Which again means totally functioning as a device memory.
3) I also observed that, when I connect my SGA with computer through USB Mass Storage (Which actually gives more transfer speeds than adb push commands), all my apps which saved in 1GB partition stay active completely. So it takes a lot less time while scanning SDCard for media after removing from USB mass storage.
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nice info! now i'm using S2E too, but still did'nt understand because my internal memory phone keep reduced.
also i want to ask, what would happen if i mount the SDCARD? and can i fully backup my apps via titanium backup with this?
why dont try this?
using this i got 1gb internal memory, while booting is not as long when using darktremore a2sd or s2e
kindroid said:
hello, noobs here! i just want to ask how can i set up app2sd on my galaxy ace. im using jusada's ICS right now, and i heard that rom support darktremor A2SD enabled, so my assumption is, i just partitioning my SD card, so the rest will working by itself.
now i have partitioned my SDCARD, but when i restart my phone, it didnt happend and still the same, even my sdcard memory decrease.
so my question is:
how to set it correctly?
thanks! (and sorry for my bad english )
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Why don't you just try making your life easier and check out the thread in my signature?
an0nym0us_ said:
why dont try this?
using this i got 1gb internal memory, while booting is not as long when using darktremore a2sd or s2e
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ok ill try for it
SuperAce609 said:
Why don't you just try making your life easier and check out the thread in my signature?
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right now i'm using S2E, but my question is, what would happen if i mount the SDCARD? and can i fully backup my apps via titanium backup with this?
and then i still did'nt understand because my internal memory phone keep reduced.

Expanding internal memory?

I'm a kind of a guy who wants atleast 250 apps on his phone which he actually had when he was on Kitkat (Link2SD linking did all the magic). After switching on to lollipop, the LP version of Link2SD is totally buggy and hardly works. Linked apps don't work, they force crash or show some other error. Link2SD is out of question and I think it's not getting any fixes because the dev says "v4 is is fully functional with LP" and v4.0.6 is already released but is still super duper buggy and it's working for no one, I'm not alone. I don't understand why does the dev still say it's "fully functional" when linked apps don't even work and neither do the mount scripts.
Anyways, link2sd is out of question now.
My query is, is there no way to "expand" the internal memory? I googled and found out some solutions like swapping internal and external memories (means internal would act as external and vice-versa, so if we have a 32GB card, system will see 32GB as internal and 2.1GB internal memory as external memory).
This appeared to be the best solution to all th problems of low internal memory and this is achieved by editing the /system/etc/vold.fstab file. But that file is not there at all on KK or LP! What the hell?! Why is Google "removing" "features" from the newer versions?!
Is there no way to swap?
nilanko said:
I'm a kind of a guy who wants atleast 250 apps on his phone which he actually had when he was on Kitkat (Link2SD linking did all the magic). After switching on to lollipop, the LP version of Link2SD is totally buggy and hardly works. Linked apps don't work, they force crash or show some other error. Link2SD is out of question and I think it's not getting any fixes because the dev says "v4 is is fully functional with LP" and v4.0.6 is already released but is still super duper buggy and it's working for no one, I'm not alone. I don't understand why does the dev still say it's "fully functional" when linked apps don't even work and neither do the mount scripts.
Anyways, link2sd is out of question now.
My query is, is there no way to "expand" the internal memory? I googled and found out some solutions like swapping internal and external memories (means internal would act as external and vice-versa, so if we have a 32GB card, system will see 32GB as internal and 2.1GB internal memory as external memory).
This appeared to be the best solution to all th problems of low internal memory and this is achieved by editing the /system/etc/vold.fstab file. But that file is not there at all on KK or LP! What the hell?! Why is Google "removing" "features" from the newer versions?!
Is there no way to swap?
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XinternalSD is the only solution for you dude. I can confirm that it is working. It works flawlessly on lollipop, no issues at all.
I already use that but but apks, dex, lib, cache all go to internal only during installation.
I realised that even if I swap the internal (/mnt/emulated/0) and external (/mnt/media_rw/sdcard1), there still a magical "data" partition formatted in ext4 where everything goes-- dex, apks, libs, caches. So, that internal 2.17GB on Moto E which is free is actually shared by both the /mnt/emulated/0 and /data/ which is something I don't understand.
Can anybody explain how does this work? If I check in ES File explorer, 972MB of internal is shown as used up. When I open it and select all folder and files and see the properties, it shows 3 MB used up. This is so confusing.
Isn't there no way other than LINK2SD which would currently work and allow me to successfully link or directly install stuff to the second ext4 partition or SD card or *any* similar workaround? :'(
Android is so stupid :'( Why such a devastating limitation? :'(
Link2sd really works on lollipop also. After creating mount script for the first time reboot the phone , there will be a link2sd mount warning in the notifications after sometime , double click on it and choose the quick reboot option instead of recreating mount script. After quick reboot from the link2sd all the linked Apps will appear. You have to do this every time your phone boots .
Hit thanks If this helped you !
rkmiks said:
Link2sd really works on lollipop also. After creating mount script for the first time reboot the phone , there will be a link2sd mount warning in the notifications after sometime , double click on it and choose the quick reboot option instead of recreating mount script. After quick reboot from the link2sd all the linked Apps will appear. You have to do this every time your phone boots .
Hit thanks If this helped you !
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It doesn't always work. Those apps which have lib files don't work after linking. Even if we don't link the lib files, it still doesn't work because the lib files kinda "vanish" and show 0 bytes after linking. And the apps either FC or complain about missing lib files.
nilanko said:
I realised that even if I swap the internal (/mnt/emulated/0) and external (/mnt/media_rw/sdcard1), there still a magical "data" partition formatted in ext4 where everything goes-- dex, apks, libs, caches. So, that internal 2.17GB on Moto E which is free is actually shared by both the /mnt/emulated/0 and /data/ which is something I don't understand.
Android is so stupid :'( Why such a devastating limitation? :'(
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The internal 4GB is partitioned into /system, /data and internal sd.
/system is fixed and stores your ROM and system apps.
Back in the days /data/ used to be just like system. However now /data and internal sd are say dynamic. They grow as you install / copy stuff. This is much better than having fixed size partitions. This isn't a limitations instead consider it a flexibility.
All user apps are installed to /data by default which you cannot swap.
They don't seem to expand at all, for instance, /system/ which has a fixed size and once space is over, I can't copy anything to it!
nilanko said:
They don't seem to expand at all, for instance, /system/ which has a fixed size and once space is over, I can't copy anything to it!
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Okay. Once again. /system/ is fixed in size for security reasons. You are not supposed to copy anything to it.
Its /data/ and internal sd that are dynamic.

