[How To] Making Your Own Car Mount (Video Added) - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

Home Made Kydex Car Mount
See second post for an updated version
A Chief Geek How-To​ I’ve worked Kydex in the past for conceal holsters and large knife sheaths and thought it would be an ideal foundation to make a custom made vehicle mount for my phone. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the stuff, Kydex is a thermoplastic, which is a fancy way of saying you can heat it and it becomes extremely pliable. Think of it as being a wet noodle in consistency when heated to about 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically things this easy to mold have extensive drawbacks as being susceptible to heat and cold, but this is not the case with Kydex, in fact it’s quite the opposite in that is highly resilient, can be reheated to rework a botched job, and does not become brittle as it is very impact resistant. It is implemented extensively in the firearm industry and likewise in the blade industry. Keep these qualities in mind as you read through, who knows what you can make with the stuff. Oh and if the above isn’t enough, a few more great things about Kydex is that it comes in lots of colors, can be dyed, it’s plentiful, and best it’s CHEAP. There are lots of sources for it, but I typically just grab a sheet off eBay. A sheet of 12x12x0.093 black Kydex T will run you about $15 shipped to your door. I chose the thick stuff this time, but as it turns out it wasn’t needed. The thicker you go, the harder it is to get precise folds. Think of folding poster board versus folding cardboard. I already have a request in for quote for a few sheets of 12”X12”x0.06 which will be a bit easier to work as it is the same as the stuff I have used for other projects in the past.
My mount will be made for the Samsung Galaxy Note AT&T Version, however these instructions can be easily modified to make a mount for just about anything you want. The reason for doing this instead of just buying one is that I use the Seidio Active case and there is no case specifically made to hold my phone. I am not a big fan of the generic one size fits most as they tend to break after a year of use whether it was $10 or $30. ProClip makes amazing mounts, however they are quite expensive. My goal is to make something comparable to a Proclip, but at a fraction of the price.
Now, For A Few Words Of Caution​1.) Kydex is easy to work with, but easy to screw up if you aren’t careful. Pay attention and have a plan going into the project, especially if this is your first venture into molding plastics.
2.) Safety should be your number one concern. What’s it matter if you produce the best gadget holder known to man if you chopped a finger off or burned your house down in the process? I’m not exaggerating here, either of these can easily happen if you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing. Because it’s such a versatile product, your required tools can be as simple as a hacksaw and heat gun, or as complicated a variety of saws, presses, crimpers, rivet tools, and so on. But in any situation, you will be heating and cutting, both have great potential to teach stupid people lessons in caution. Everyone likes a good story about stupid people, but no one wants to be around or associated with that person. Heat guns stay very hot for awhile after they have been used. In the video I comment about laying my forearm across it. As I type this I am holding my right army up slightly because of the nice blister that formed last night. Be careful folks.
3.) Take things slow. Drawl out what you want then make a mock up out of poster board. Kydex is cheap only when you don’t go through 5 sheets trying to figure it out as you go and end up with a pile of scrap.
So let’s see if covered our bases. Be careful. Know what you’re doing. Don’t be “that guy”. Good, let’s get started here.
What You’ll Need:​A Mold Of Your Device I will be doing a Samsung Galaxy Note. This is a large phone, but very simple in design. It has no bumps or dips or serious curves, just rounded corners. If you want to leave it in a case, take this into consideration. I will be using mine in a Seidio Active case, so I will be sure to make a mold reflecting these measurements, not those of the actual phone or else it won’t fit. There are different ways of going about this. You can wrap your device in saran wrap (cellophane) then make a mold, then fill said mold with plaster. This is a lot of work, but tends to get a dead on mold. However, I passed on this as purposely introducing liquid to a $700 device is not something I wanted to do. Choose your battles, as they say. I have opted to carve out a wooden mold as the simple flat on all sides design of my phone will make this easy. A phone such as a droid or Razr would have me thinking of the plaster method. This is quite simple, take measurements, find a block of wood that is close, and cut down to a close replica, but it doesn’t have to be perfect nor pretty, just the right size. You will be working with hot plastic, so the block of wood may serve other uses as you go.
FoamFoam is used to “squash” the pliable heated kydex onto it’s mold. This does two things. First, it protects you from 300 degree sheet of plastic, and secondly, and just as importantly, it presses the plastic down tightly on all the dips and curves. This is especially important when making a firearm holster. This is where the retention aspect comes into play. My past holsters are snug enough that I can turn them upside down and jiggle while holding the holster and it will stay in place, yet a firm upward tug snaps it free. This can be applied for the retention of anything, even a phone. If your mold is the appropriate dimensions and you make a nice snug mold, your phone wont go flying out of it when you hit a bump and wont be rattling around going down the highway. Foam is typically used when making a “sandwhich” mold where you are taking the mold and wrapping it in hot Kydex then squashing it with foam to get a nice tight fit. I won’t be utilizing this method so you will not see future references to it, I just though it would be worth mentioning as it may be handy if you alter these instructions for your own use.
You want a good pair of heat resistant gloves. Use your noggin here. You want to keep from burning your hands, but still be able to manipulate the tools and plastic. A pair of welding gloves will likely to be overkill, but a thin set of knit gloves may not be adequate protection. I like using a pair of “Mechanix Wear” gloves. They are a tad thin, but if you don’t loiter you’ll be fine. Keep a clean rag handy for extra insulation when shaping the Kydex.
Typically, I like using the kitchen oven although this time with all the intricate and numerous folds, I will be using a heat gun. I am doing this project while my wife and kids go to her parents house for vacation for a week. She won’t even know what I’m up to. If you are a newlywed, or just haven’t traveled this road, be aware that wives do NOT like their husbands using their ovens and other kitchen assets as a shop tool. I learned this lesson when I baked enamel on a firearm for the first time. Since then I’ve learned my lesson…not to let her know when and what I’m doing.
You’ll be heating your Kydex to about 300-400 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll want to keep a watchful eye on your Kydex, too hot or too long and you will burn it. Obviously heat guns are hot, the nose end where the heat blows out gets very hot and stays very hot. While doing this project, you will be concerned with the Kydex, be aware when you lay your heat gun not to burn something or someone. A decent cheap heat gun can be picked up at Harbor Freight, Lowes, or Northern Tool for $20-$40. You must be careful with these. If you choose to use an oven, it is advised to have a heat gun anyways as it allows you to fine tune your holster.
Cutting Tools
You’ll want a variety of tools at your disposal here. I used a table saw to make my initial two cuts removing the flat I was going to be working with from the rest of the plastic. You can also score the plastic with a box cutter and snap it. As mentioned, I went too thick so if you use thinner Kydex then you will find cutting it easier then I did. See the video for a better idea of what all was used. If you have access to a jig saw, band saw, or scroll saw then use that as it will yield far superior results and leave you with a lot mess clean up with a Dremel later.
Speaking of prettying it up, you’ll want some files or a Dremel to clean up the edges afterwards. You can even use your Dremel to cut if you feel comfortable doing so and have the right bits. But you’ll need to clean up some of your edges after cutting if they are sharp or jagged, but don’t go crazy, you may find yourself doing some detailed cutting and trimming after the molding process so don’t cut too tight of tolerances right off the bat.
Workshop Partner
This is a buddy that can help you out. These are generally easy to find. They will be there to hand you needed tools, open doors and move stuff out of the way as your moving with your heated plastic. They also serve a roll as reminding you not to do something stupid inadvertently. A single 12”x12” sheet of Kydex is more than enough to do 2 small projects. If your buddy has the same phone, make him one for $10 and recoup some costs of materials or trade him for a 12 pack of your favorite brew.
Getting Started​ Ok, let’s get started. Have your drawling ready and handy, just in case you need to reference it. Be sure that you have made a poster board mock up first. This will verify that your mold is right in comparison to your phone and when you unfold/untape your mock up back into flat form, it will then be a template for the cuts your about to do on your Kydex flat. You can now mark up your Kydex sheet with a carpenters pencil or other marking device in preparation for the cuts. On some projects you’ll want to leave excess material for fine tuning it later. Again, holsters are one of these as you will be test fitting. You can always trim a little more off, but can never put it back. For this project though, as it differs from the simple fold over and smush method used for holsters and sheaths, you won’t want much left over depending on your design as it may be difficult to make all the folds if there is too much in the way. You can always stop the folding, let it cool, make some trims, heat back up with heat gun and continue on. Always error on the side of safety folks, always always always.
Using your chosen cutting method, cut out your Kydex flat that will be made into the mount. This is a step that you must use upmost caution, lobbing a finger off here will get blood all over youre soon to be mount. Also, keep in mind that saw blades remove material as they cut so cut on the outside of the template or you’ll come up short which could cause your phone to drop out. Check your template against your cut Kydex to be sure everything looks good. Now is a good time to make sure all your cuts are straight and squared, this will make for a more professional looking end product. The mount at this point will be known as a flat before it is bent.
Now get your work area prepped for work. I use a large wooden cutting board for my work as I will be doing this inside on a desk because it offers easy access to electrical hook up and great lighting which is essential. Have everything ready to go. Make sure the area is clean and clear of any grit, dust, dirt, and debris. Hot Kydex will pick these up and will be embedded for good, we don’t want that.
Heating Things Up​ Just like a real firearm, you must be sure of your target and what’s beyond it. Sounds silly right? Do you want to melt the finish on your dining room table, or possibly even ignite it those papers laying nearby? Better to be safe then explain to the wife on the phone why she hears sirens in the back ground.
You will begin by applying small amounts of heat at a time. Get a feel for the material and the amount of heat produced by your heat gun. You will see the Kydex go limp all of a sudden as it hits the right temperature and it won’t take long. Use smooth sweeping motions with the heat gun heating things evenly. Go slow at first and you will get a feel for how it all works and within 15 minutes you’ll have the hang of it. Once you get the correct angle, you will need to hold it there for atleast a minute to ensure it cools in the proper position. If, or actually when, you jack something up just stay calm. It’s an easy fix, just reheat and reshape. Detailed projects like this get reworked over and over to get them just right, sometimes days later I’ll reheat and tweak it just right. Do not trim anything unless you absolutely have to until you are done. Test fit with your mold as you go.
When you have your basic mount done, test fit your actual fit and see how it feels. At this point you will likely be reheating the sides to loosen it or tighten it up some to get just the right fix. Once satisfied it will be time to get the ol Dremel out and start smoothing out lines and making it look a little nicer. This is the point that I ensured the volume rocker and power button was easily accessible. Also figure out where you will be drilling your mounting holes. As mentioned in the video, I will be doing two sets of holes in order to give myself the option of horizontal and vertical options down the road.
Wrap Up​ Now is the time where you look over your end result. Take notes on what you like and what you wish you would have done differently. Do you make your folds square and wish they were rounded? Did you remove too much somewhere? Do you perhaps want to incorporate a plug like I mentioned in the video? 1 12x12x.06 should cost you under $10 to your door. That’s ATLEAST two mounts, so play around and see what you come up with. Then when your happy with your end result, take what you learned and make a guide and/or video, post it up here, and make the community better.
Link To Video
Photos all photos from this buld will be dumped into: www.photobucket.com/kydexmountproject
Select one's will be shown below
Preparing To Drawl Up The Cuts
Take Your Time And Be Sure Your Measurements Are Double Checked
Primary Cuts Made With Saw
I Heat The Flat In Toaster Oven To Make Cuts Easier And Smoother
Time To Start Heating And Folding!
Choose a Good Pair Of Gloves. Carpenters Pencil Is Great For Assisting With Tight Angles
Almost Done- Stay Tuned For Future Updates
Two Videos Are Awaiting Upload To Youtube And Will Be Made Available Tonight.
I Plan To Update This Thread As My Build Progresses. I Have Been Using Kydex For Years, But Never For Anything This Detailed, It's A Learning Experience For Me Too!
Don't Forget To Use The "Thanks" Button If This Has Helped You And Rate The Thread So It Gets Stickied! Feel Free To Ask Questions And Make SUggestions.

Mount 2.0 W/ ChiefClip
Holster 2.0 Now With ChiefClip
Part I – Required Supplies
Part II – Making The Holster
Part III – The Swivel
Part IV – The Vehicle Specific Bracket
Part V – Final Assembly
Part I
Required Supplies
Cutting Utensils – Boxcutter is primary tool for thin stuff
Dremel – Used to clean up edges and smooth out lines
Marker/Pencil – Carpenters Pencil works perfectly
Small T Square or ruler (or something to make nice straight edges)
6” X 12” X 0.060" Kydex
Swivel Mount
Quality Permanent Double Sided Tape (recommend 3M, but swivel mount I listed comes with enough to do the job)
Part II
Making The Holster
I finally got my second batch of sheets of Kydex in after what seemed like forever. The second eBay vendor was far slower than the first, but he was a friendly honest guy who apologized for the delays. I wouldn’t hesitate to use him again, but wouldn’t expect things to be as fast as the other vender, who did not carry the thinner Kydex at the time of the project. This thinner Kydex is far easier to work with, so I highly recommend 0.060 thickness of Kydex. The cutting was easier as I was able to heat it slightly with the heatgun then run a box cutter blade right through it, or you can score it with the box cutter then bend it and it breaks right apart. Way easier than using a saw and snips making lots of ugly cuts that needed to be fixed later. Creating the mount was done along the same lines above. I used the same template and everything. The main differences is that I rounded the sides that wrap around to hold the phone rather than trying to make the squared right angles. This makes for a nicer appearance and is far easier to make and adjust. These steps are very similiar to the previous post, so I’m going to use those photos to get us started, only difference at this point is the thickness of the plastic we’re working with.
1. Cut Kydex to dimensions needed for your design. My design called for measurements of (TBA). This can be done by either scoring with a razor/box cutter, or you can heat the area with your heat gun and use your box cutter to cut clean through the material. It’s up to you, both methods yield the same result.
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2. Remove cut outs to allow your folds to be made.
3. Using your heat gun, heat the edges and big your folds. This will likely take a few attempts so don’t get frustrated. I’m estimating that I did each of the folds atleast 2-4 times to get them just right. I ended up using a medium size ratchet handle to get the nice curved edges. Keep in mind the plastic is very hot, so wear gloves and have a rag handy for holding down these bends for a minute or so while they cool.
4. Test fit the bends and adjust as you go. You will get the feel for the heat gun and learn how much heat is needed to make minor adjustments and when you need to heat the SOB all the way and make it flat to start from scratch again.
5. Use your Dremel to clean up all the edges of your straight line and round the top and make it look a little more refined and finished.
6. Once your happy with the fit and function of your holster, set it aside. You can always make adjustments to it later also if you’re not sure about something you want to do like trying to flatten out a side or what not.
Note: On this holster I plan to secure a 90 degree micro USB cable in to make for a “Dock” so I have one less cable to fiddle with. I’ll have more on this later once I pick up some epoxy and do a few trial and errors.
Total Time: 15-60 Minutes Depending On Luck/Skill/And Pickiness
Part III
Swivel Mount
I ordered my swivel mounts from ebay with a hope I could manage to do something with them. As it turns out, they were exactly what I needed and at $6 w/ free shipping you can't beat it. These are adjustable by turning a nut between the two pieces which is a common design on many GPS mounts, which is what this was intended for. This mount will allow you to rotate the mount to landscape or portrait mode. It will also allow you to tilt it towards you.
As you can see in the above photo, it does have a raised clip of some sorts on it. This is easily removed in a variety of ways. I chose to heat it up a little with the heat gun and lob it right off.
I then grabbed the Dremel and used it to grind down the remaining stump and the raised lines down and roughen up the surface overall giving the double sided tape a better surface to adhere to.
The swivel came with double sided tape on one side (side without nub) and a second piece that was unused, along with some odds and ends that you wont need. I left the applied piece where it was and only used my trusty 3M tape on the ground down side. So far it’s been in my truck for a week and it’s been fine so you can probably get away with using the included tape. If it fails, just scrape off and replace with 3M, but I doubt you’ll have issues with it.
Now set this aside and move onto the 3rd piece of this three piece mount.
Total Time: Approx 5-10 Minutes
Part IV
Vehicle Specific Mount, AKA ChiefClip
I like how ProClip approached the mounting solutions by making highly customized mounting options without a bunch of crazy drilling. I just did not have the $100 for the complete mount. I am sure they are worth every penny, but you have to have those spare pennies to find out. I don’t consider this a knock-off as the only thing I really copy is putting plastic between the molding cracks. They contour their brackets and use a slightly different approach then what I took by utilizing screws and such for mating the parts.
I did everything on the cheap for this project because the point of it all was that I wanted a quality rock solid mount without paying out the rear for a proclip and one that would fit my phone in my preferred case without using a “one size fits all” generic that, in my experience, failes after 6-12 months. A side effect of using this Kydex is that it's re-moldable, so if you get a different phone down the road, there's a good chance you can reheat and reform this to fit your next phone so long as it’s the similar or smaller dimensions.
Making this mount was surprisingly easy, it just took lots of test fitting and minor adjustments to get it just right. Watching ProClips installation video gives you an idea how it works and it’s quite simple. It simply slips into the gaps in the dash molding. This 0.06 Kydex proved to be the perfect thickness to provide a tight, but workable fit. Follow these easy steps for a similar fitting.
1. Test thickness of Kydex with your gaps using a scrap piece you cut out earlier when you made the holster part. If its somewhat difficult to get into the cracks, but once in doesn't cause any ill effects to your dash but stays put rather well, then you're good to continue. I am using the thinnest available. If this is still too thick, consider that you can still use your Dremel to thin it out some. If you go this route, do so very slowly as Dremels tend to remove plastic pretty quickly if you’re not cautious. Even at proper thicknesses it can be difficult to get into the gaps, gently using something to spread this gap will help, I imaging if you had a plastic screwdriver ( to avoid damaging anything) would work well.
2. Measure gap between two panels. See ProClips site for ideas of where to place it for your situation, but I recommend holding your phone there and thinking about this first. Is it viewable? Reachable? Does it block anything you may need such as vents or buttons? Can your turn your wheel without hitting it? Does it obstruct view to anything such as gauges or clocks? Using a ProClip location helps you get an idea what already works for others.
3. Cut a flat strip of Kydex to span this cap, plus and inch or so extra to insert into gaps, more if it'll fit. I cut extra that I knew wouldn’t fit then trimmed it later once I got a solid idea where exactly it was going elevation wise and how deep I could go.
4. Heat and bend one side, rough side out (towards you not dash, this is important)
5. Test fit it in car. Mark approximate location of next bend.
6. Bend second fold. If you’re lucky it'll go right in with a little persuasion. I had to heat and adjust a couple times.
7. Test to make sure it’s nice and snug and not going anywhere. I am covering one of the vents for my design, but in the summer I have the windows down and winter prefer the heat on my feet, so this won’t likely bother me much.
8. Ensure rough side of Kydex is indeed out (will explain later)
Total time, 20-30 minutes.
Part V.
Final Assembly
1. With the ChiefClip in place, peel the backing top from swivel and press onto it. The reason for the textured side out is to give a great surface to adhere to. Press long and hard to make sure it’s nice and secure.
2. Peel the second strip off and press your holster onto it. Again press long and hard. Now is not the time to be in a hurry and have your phone drop to the floor later.
3. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes for the tapes glue to “cure” and get a nice solid bond to all the parts before test driving it.
Swivel Bracket:
90 Degree angled cablehttp://www.ebay.com/itm/390403412667...84.m1439.l2649

Very nice, thanks for posting. This looks like a fun DIY to take on.

Video added.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk

New material added for the 2.0 version.
-Thinner, easier to work plastic
-Complete 3 piece set up (holster, swivel, mount)
-More pics
Feedback is appreciated.

That's one way to do it. :thumbsup:
Consider making the USB hidden and in the mount so it goes in the port when you dock the phone? That's pretty much the only thing I'd change.
BTW what was the total price for the three pieces? IYDMMA

BlkSquad said:
That's one way to do it. :thumbsup:
Consider making the USB hidden and in the mount so it goes in the port when you dock the phone? That's pretty much the only thing I'd change.
BTW what was the total price for the three pieces? IYDMMA
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Already working on that:
Chief Geek said:
Note: On this holster I plan to secure a 90 degree micro USB cable in to make for a “Dock” so I have one less cable to fiddle with. I’ll have more on this later once I pick up some epoxy and do a few trial and errors.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the cable on hand, but salvaged the "dock" guts from my SGS Vibrant desk dock. Havnt decided which to use. the 90 degree is one hell of a snug cable and may be difficult to get phone to drop right onto it.
Total Price is almost nothing if you have tools.
$10 Kydex
$6 swivel
You have enough kydex in that $10 piece to make two holsters and clips. Very cheap project.


Secure Ram Mount AQ3 Bike and 4x4 mount for Touch HD - Detailed Mod

Hi All
When I looked around for a bike and car mount for my Touch HD I wasn't very happy with what was available.
Specifically I wanted a 'protective' mount that would keep the phone dry and dirt/mud free, I also wanted to be able to leave the phone in the unit and step away without someone being able to grab the phone easily (I realise if someone wants to steal it they'll do it, however I want to at least slow them down if they try).
After searching I found the Ram Mount AQ3. It seemed perfect as it had a clear cover and was lockable, however it was 2mm too narrow to fit the phone.
Dremel time.
To achieve the following you need about an hour of time, a Dremel with standard fittings, a steady hand and a bit of concentration. If you've not used a dremel on plastic before I'd suggest practising on other tough plastic to get an idea of how the dremel reacts before going to work on your RAM Mount.
Please follow all the standard safety precautions using your Dremel, it's not my fault if you cut off your finger or an exploding bit blinds you.
The plan was to increase the internal width of the mount by about 1mm on each side and to have a cutaway that would allow a mini usb connector to fit the phone while it is in the mount.
Do NOT use the Dremel on a high speed setting, this generates heat and causes melting rather then the grinding you need. I used my Dremel on the lowest speed setting and constantly moved the area being worked on, after about 2-3 minutes on a 'side' I'd change to the other side to ensure the plastic didn't get heat buildup that would cause melting.
I decided to use a Dremel grinding tip to achieve my objective, specifically...
Make sure the Ram Mount is securely positioned and that you have good access to allow you to work across both the internal sides you want to grind. TAKE YOUR TIME.
You want the whole side of the Dremel bit to be in contact with the plastic, try to avoid angling the bit as you'll find that either just the top edge or bottom edge of the bit will be grinding the plastic.
Working in a smooth consistent way start to grind the internal area of the mount on one side, work gently from side to side on the area and do not stay on one part too long, heat buildup and melting happen surprising quickly and plastic will not grind if it's melting. Do not press down on the plastic too hard, let the bit do the work for you.
After working both sides say 5 times get a vacuum cleaner and remove all the ground residue that is in the area, use your finger to rub the internal areas to remove any small particles and vacuum thoroughly again.
Install the two thin padding sheets supplied with the mount and then install the phone.
Test to see if your phone now fits flush, if not try to identify the areas where you need extra grinding and rework them, try to ensure you remove equal amounts from both sides of the Mount. Always vacuum before trying to mount the phone, the dust grinding produces is extremely small and could get inside your phone if you're not careful.
When you're satisfied with the flush fit you then have to remove some extra plastic from the area near the volume buttons, with the phone fitted visually identify the top and bottom position where the buttons sit and spend maybe 2 minutes further grinding that area. Vacuum and install the phone to ensure the buttons are not pressed when the phone is fitted, repeat till you're happy.
You should now be able to mount your phone, fit the clear plastic cover and close and lock the lid, this should all be possible without the volume buttons reacting inside the case.
If you've got here well done, the next step is fairly straightforward.
With the phone fitted identify where the mini usb connector is on the phone, mark or score the plastic at both ends of the connector, remove the phone from the mount.
Using the following cut off wheel cut into the mount at the previous two marks.
Again be careful using the cutting tool, the plastic will heat up and melt quite quickly.
Once you've cut down into the plastic on both the marks then cut at a 45 degree angle into the plastic that's going to be removed, you want to cut a V shape within the marks. Using the cutting tool keep working to remove blocks of plastic within the marks until you can mount your phone and connect a mini usb connector.
That's it, you should now have a secure lockable box that your Touch HD fits in perfectly.
Good Luck
Sorry about the photo quality, my flash camera is elsewhere at the moment.....If people are interested I'll take detailed photo's next week.
Case Closed
Case Closed with Cover in Place
Mini USB Cable attached
Any pics of the result ???
Thank you very much for this tips.
Photo's added above
i got this one crackinbg box

Is Your Chrome Bezel Scratched?

I was sad when I dropped my phone. I was mad when I found out how tedious it was to fix the shiny bezel. I am happy now that i fixed it without taking it apart. I am so cool b/c it was so easy.
How do you ask, here's how:
1. Depending on your dings and dents, hopefully their not too dented.
2. Find a local hobby store i.e. Hobby Hub or Hobby Town, etc.
3. Ask if they have chrome pin striping tape, it's for model cars and such.
4. It's about $2 to $10 dollars depending on if you get the varying precut stuff ($10) or one size ($2)
5. I got the ($10) tape so I didn't have to cut it to size.
6. You'll want some scissors or an exato knife.
7. In well lit area apply the tape. I'd measure how long a piece you need so you have a single fix.
8. The tape should stretch around the corners, so tug a little.
9. Press all the edges down firmly so it's smooth.
Note: it's easy to reapply if you mess up. There's been a little shift, but well worth it considering the eye sore.
Oh I forgot, you could also go wild and get different colored chromes, blue, gold, even go black.
Thanks for the tutorial...... I ll let my friend know he needs to do this.

Custom made wall mount

First I made my custom car dash mount.
Now, I made a custom wall mount. But this one I made from total scratch using another design I saw on the web as my inspiration, and then improving upon it. I used aluminum from an old cookie sheet - yes, a baking pan. Perfect material as it had the modern look I wanted and easy to work with (strong yet flexible and easy to cut & bend). I drew up my design, cut out a template on paper and transfered it to 2 templates (left side and right side) on the cookie pan and cut them out using a jewelers saw slowly by hand to get precise lines and cuts. I then sanded and buffed it down to get than neat brushed aluminum feel that runs throughout my house. I then bent up the folds by hand and with a vise. I then epoxied in some scrap rubber pieces I cut to fit and that I had from another project to make some protective bumpers on the inside of each mount. I then spent $2.50 and bought some of the large sized 3M Command Strips and leveled it up on my wall and presto.. 1.5 hours later I had this setup.
It's a little raw up close and personal if you examine them close, looks a little more polished standing back, but it's hard to be perfect by hand on this as I totally did it on the fly in my garage after literally thinking about it for 7 minutes, sketching out my patterns and then started cutting at 10pm at night. But all in all, I saved over $20 and got something out of metal (not plastic) and I made it myself and it fits the vibe of my house.
Now I can have my tablet up off the kitchen counter and on the wall in a more usable, easier to access method.
And yes, next to it you will see a dual USB wall outlet I also installed so I could charge this or my phone. I got that off Amazon for about $15.
That's pretty cool. I like the wall USBs.
Sweet! Good work man!
Now you need to mod the USB supply with the Asus specific voltage logic used in our USB 3.0 chargers! haha I know that would be QUITE the pain - but that would be amazing!!!
Yeah the USB outlets are more for phones than the tablet

[REVIEW] Cheap-a$$ waterproof cases

I had an amazon gift card to use up, and we're planning a road trip to a waterpark so I decided to use the gift card to try and find a waterproof/water-resistant solution for my lte. I wasn't going swimming with these, but I did want to protect my phone from the the occasional dunk or splash, and I didn't trust a ziplock bag to do the job. I also didn't want to spend a lot (otherwise I would have gotten the overboard case).
I ended up ordering the following cases;
BestDealUSA Waterproof Underwater Pouch Dry Bag Pack Case Cover for Cell Phone PDA Blue - $2.96
Waterproof Case for Apple iPhone 4, 4S - Also Works with iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, 3GS, & Other Smartphones - IPX8 Certified to 100 Feet - $4.57
Universal Waterproof Bag Case for Cell Phone / PDA, Blue - $0.01
Universal Waterproof Bag Case for Cell Phone / PDA, Black - $1.92
BestDealUSA Waterproof Underwater Pouch Dry Bag Pack Case Cover for Cell Phone PDA Blue
The plastic material seems strong on this case, and the seal seems like it would do a good job to keep the moisture out. The evo slides in and out easily, even with a tpu case, although it does it need to go in upside down if you want to take pictures - otherwise the camera is blocked by the opaque section of plastic, but this is not a big deal. There is a raised seal around the window of clear plastic (which takes up about 4/5ths of the phone screen) that makes pulling the unlock ring a little difficult, but not impossible. This is the biggest of the cases, with the most space around the phone. Screen responsiveness through the plastic is good, and the the window is clear, so its easy to see the phone screen. Lanyard runs through the width of the case, and seems very strong - I don't see it snapping or anything.
Waterproof Case for Apple iPhone 4, 4S - Also Works with iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, 3GS, & Other Smartphones - IPX8 Certified to 100 Feet
This one looks very similar to the higher priced overboard case and has great reviews. The areas surrounding the clear windows are puffy, as if it would allow the case to float. Unlike the other cases (which use a combination of two ziplock-type closure zips), this one has a plastic mechanical mechanism to squeeze and hold the opening shut like a vise. I don't know if I would trust this case to remain underwater for any length of time. It doesn't seem to seal as well as I would like, although the reviews all rave about how watertight it is. Having said that, the phone fits in this case perfectly with the tpu case, and even better without a case (upside down again), without being too snug, and the clear windows are exactly the size of the phone screen - only the capacitive buttons are hidden. Screen responsiveness through the plastic is good, and the the window is clear, so its easy to see the phone screen. The puffy areas around the clear screen also do a really good job of holding the phone in place, but makes it a bit difficult to press the power button. The lanyard that this case with end in what appears to be a thread that you loop through an opening in the case and seems like a good tug would snap it off.
Universal Waterproof Bag Case for Cell Phone / PDA, Black/Blue
I was only going to get the black one, but when I saw the blue one for a penny, I decided why not. These are identical cases, but one is black, and one is blue. These are the snuggest cases, and its a challenge to get the phone in, even without the tpu case. The plastic material the cases are made of is very tacky on the inside, so the phone tends to get stuck when you put it in or take it out. The plastic also seems thinner on these than the other cases, and the seals around the edge don't seem very reliable. Once the phone is in though, it's the most compact and pocketable of all of the cases. These cases do not have a clear window on both sides, so if you want to use the camera, then the phone screen will be covered by the translucent side of the case. It's not too bad, and the screen is still visible, but in bright situations, this could be an issue. Having said that, screen responsiveness is very good with these cases, most likely due to the thinness of the plastic. Lanyard goes through hole in the case and seems strong enough. These also come with an arm band that may fit you if you have the arms of a small child. They're really, really small.
Final thoughts - All of these would probably do a good job to keep water and moisture off of the phone (or even sand if you're going to the beach), and I think any of them would be fine to protect against accidental splashing. If I was going diving or swimming with my phone, I would probably shell out the extra cash for the overboard, or at least do some serious waterproof testing on these first. As it stands, I think I'll end up using the first case - Not too crazy about the blue, but I think it will do the best job of keeping the phone dry, and I won't need to worry about going down the log flume with it in my pocket or around my neck (like a tourist, lol).
Hey man, thanks for the reviews. I didn't even know you could get waterproof cases/bags so cheap.
I'll have to pick one up now.
I do suggest you update the prices in your post to include the shipping though for a better cost comparison (even though the difference here is minimal). So many venders inflate the shipping to make up the difference for a $0.01 item.
p.s. I'm going to pick up the first one as well since it looks like I can easily have it in my pocket as a just in case. (I'm in Florida and we have crazy torrential thunderstorms out of no where, so if I'm out jogging, I can have it in my pocket just in case.
Though expensive, Lifeproof cases are really nice. Ive known many people to go out in the ocean and take pictures under water with them.
Just an update, I did end up using that first case, and although it never went underwater, it got splashed on alot. Phone stayed dry, it fit great in the bathing suit pocket, and even took some great pics through the case. Would definitely recommend.
Quick update from me too. I ended up ordering this case: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0058NXWPY/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00
Used on a canoe trip. The canoe flipped and it went underwater for around a minute or so, and air dried after, did a great job. Would recommend this one!
i am using the first case, blue, as well. Works fine, keeps my phone dry in a 10ft deep pool. Takes picture fine too. Thanks for the review OP.
I actually prefer these right here. They come in different sizes I prefer the 6-1/2 x 3-1/4I can't confirm they work in 100 ft of water because I have no reason to be that deep ever in my life, but for the average rainy day, screwing around by the pool or working out these work great. The best part is the patented purple zip technology that lets you visibly confirm the case is sealed. Also pics turn out great. Good luck in your decision
Asadullah said:
I actually prefer these right here. They come in different sizes I prefer the 6-1/2 x 3-1/4I can't confirm they work in 100 ft of water because I have no reason to be that deep ever in my life, but for the average rainy day, screwing around by the pool or working out these work great. The best part is the patented purple zip technology that lets you visibly confirm the case is sealed. Also pics turn out great. Good luck in your decision
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Hahaha that had me laughing so much once I read the whole thing then clicked on the link. Good one!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Hardware Hacking x201 : IP67 Compliance

So, as we all know the Omate TrueSmart is as waterproof as a leaky boat, or perhaps a sponge.
However, I don't think there are any other Horologists on the forum at the moment. ( wikipedia horologist http:// en.wikipedia.org /wiki/horologist ).
After looking at the "seals" on the case buttons, and the laughable o-ring that Umeox/Omate have chosen to use on the back, along with the piece of silicone flap that they are using to seal the SIM card... I have to say that expecting it to be water resistant to any degree is a bit laughable.
So, I have a solution, the same one used by Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Citizen, Seiko, etc.. etc...
* Liquid silicone sealant gel on the SIM card seal and flap.
* Replace the silicone o-rings for the watch back with a thin silicone gasket, with more sealant gel
* Retrofit and replace the button seals, or create black silicone button covers that better seal them
I'm going to have to look at the speaker port on the watchband. I don't know if there is a simple solution there to make it compliant for 1 meter depth without severely affecting the quality of the sound output from that port. A brief examination makes it seem that the port -might- be able to take IP67 conditions .. but without reinforcement, I doubt it could take the forces involved in a swim, waves, wakes, spas.
Still, I think I can put together a kit, and instructions that careful and diligent people could use to retrofit the TrueSmart to make it far more waterproof than the manufacturer does. The kit would cost between $15 and $25 US, mostly to cover the cost of making custom molds for the silicone gaskets. ( There is a local TechShop here in Austin, and I have a CNC mill to make the aluminum molds, and all the design experience and software I need. Even so, a small super-accurate mold is a couple hundred dollars worth of materials and work. )
If there is enough interest evidenced here on a poll, I'll make the kit.
Martin Bogomolni
Maker, Horologist, Coder, and Machinist
Need to redesign the case so that the speaker is sealed as well.
I've read that the O-rings are different among different runs. If the shape of the part of the case they fit against is different as well, wouldn't that make this effort require potentially as many different molds as the number of firmwares Loki has been trying to contend with? Or is it just the ring that's been different?
The case design is different. There's at least two maybe three.
Then that means I'll need to make two or three variants of the kit. This will also require some externally-visible way to identify the differences between various batches of TrueSmart watches.
Lokifish Marz said:
The case design is different. There's at least two maybe three.
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I think, just an opinion, that if the gasket between the body and the back cover has holes for the screws to pass through it like on my Last of the Kickstarter Dev Eds, 1/8/1900, delivered first of the USA group in early Feb, then that gasket works if properly placed and screwed together. The housing on these is flat, without raised screw hole posts and no groove.
I think the main problem you are going to need to overcome is the buttons and the mic pinhole leaking.
The speaker, if it doesn't mind getting wet itself, provides no entry path into the body if the wire set going in has been properly sealed inside (white sealant on mine, I think). Water could destroy the speaker, OK maybe, but not the watch unless it can follow the speaker connections back up into the body. Where the band halves meet the body on both sides there is a hole through the body to let the cables through, sealed inside with some white stuff. Maybe sealed...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
The speaker is inside the case (under the square "bump" in the backplate) and uses nothing more than double sided tape. It is partly held into place by the plastic insert.
What is that open slot for then, in the band on the speaker side ?
Where the sound comes out ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Yep. (see attached image)
Yes I was also curious about how the waterproofness of the speaker and microphone port would be approached. But I'm definitely down for one of these.
For what it's worth, I've submerged (no more than 2ft) my NA 1gb/8gb OTS and used it in the shower after having opened the bottom. During the first week I was constantly checking inside the case for internal moisture and didn't see any. It's been a while, but I remember thinking the physical buttons looked like they would let water in if used while underwater, but that didn't seem to happen.
for giggles, my omate arrived with bad software, and only pulling the battery would fix it. I had first tried letting the battery die out but the vcom drivers didn't fully take until i pulled the battery, so the water seal warranty was moot from early on. I don't remember how long I waited, but I sent the following screen to cecilia and a few other mailboxes at omate for help with no response (surprise!) before pulling the battery and stepping through the restore guides.
Looking back, I can't even imagine how the bootloader got to be so trashed! Volume up and down you say?
I am in. Also shared on G+ and KS comments the poll, good luck!
I'm definitely in support of this. I created a kayaking app that is pretty useless with the watch the way it is... having this kit out there would be great.
Hi. I am a watchmaker (horlogist?) from Germany and its my daily job to make watches watertight.
I have access to professional measuring devices for checking the watches if they are sealed. It is testet via air pressure, no water. The watchcase deformation is measured by fine sensors and if it is deforming in the given parameters then the device says proof or leak. There are ranges from -0,8 Bar to +20 Bar.
Further tests to locate the leak are made with water tests.
I havent received my pre ordered true smart yet (but I own a simvalley AW-414.go). Before I would test the true smart I would like to know how much pressure it could take before the screen brakes.
After the long wait and seeing this IPx7 drama unfold, I decided to just flip my TrueSmart on delivery - and flog it on eBay/Amazon without ever opening the box. Depending on the delivery timeline and other factors (such as the impending release of the Polar V800 and Garmin fenix 2) I may reconsider that strategy if this "aftermarket waterproofing" plan gains momentum.
I checked the option to be willing to pay for professional install (having waited this long - and the fact that the V800 is another $100 more expensive than the TrueSmart) but I'm more than happy to do the install myself if the kit is solid. From what I gather in the initial post, it's going to be a far sight better than the factory seal. So, if I keep my TrueSmart I'd be in for either the home install or the pro install option.
FWIW - I could care less about using this phone in **** Tracy mode [trademark pending]. For my money, stuff a grommet in the ports and glue/seal them in place - my goal is to use the device for training.
DerUhrmacher said:
HThe watchcase deformation is measured by fine sensors and if it is deforming in the given parameters then the device says proof or leak. There are ranges from -0,8 Bar to +20 Bar.
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In a pressurized submersion test it will fill with water before anything else. The case was never tested beyond about 0.015 Bar and even then it wasn't tested properly (bare case, no buttons or straps and all the ports sealed in 15cm of water).
Them doing something as simple as not putting in the speaker right or the double sided tape not seal correctly on the speaker will negate any water resistance it may have had.
Had any luck looking into this?
I would definitely be interested in a kit to improve waterproofing...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Me too ! I don't see a survey, maybe Tapatalk does not support surveys ?
I bought a NeverWet spray set from HomeDePot recently. They show how to treat an iPhone 5 by removing the back cover and spraying inside. I don't have an iPhone or I might try it. Wouldn't care...the stuff worked pretty good on my shoes though.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
In the meantime...
Hi horologists,
I was wondering: is there anything a layman could do in the meantime to, at least, improve the water sealing on the TrueSmart? I'm not interested in submerging it or taking a shower; I just don't want to be afraid that my watch will short if I get stuck in rain and put it in my pocket.
One of the things I obviously don't want to be doing is just smearing vaseline all over it as that'll ruin the silicone components, correct? I am currently purchasing silicone grease (dielectric so non-conductive) to improve the seals on the bottom and around the sim card case. What should I do about the buttons? Can I put more grease around their edges? Would vaseline be apprpriate there, since it's coming in contact with my skin and there seems to be no silicone gaskets? What's the best quick fix for buttons?
Sorry if these questions are stupid but... this is admittedly coming from a place of utter ignorance. : )
Take care and thanks very much.

