Ubuntu 10.04 on huawei ideos s7/s7slim easy way - Ideos S7 Android Development

This is is easy way to s7/s7 slim fans to have complete linux Ubuntu 10.04 on tablet and have power in hands and you can with hdmi cable have complete pc
- android phone
- superuser + busybox
-Download from google play: vnc wiewer
terminal emulator
-Download this,unzip and put this UBUNTU folder in sdcard or sdcard2(you mast have 4 gb free):
Download link:
when you do that go to terminal emulator and tape :
su to become a superuser (root)
cd /sdcard/ubuntu or cd /sdcard2/ubuntu if you unzip on ext sdcard
sh ubuntu.sh
Than go to vnc wiewer and simply add a new VNC server with address localhost, port 5900, and password 'ubuntu' - then hit connect.
What software is pre-installed?
Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) Core
LXDE (Lightweight Windows-like GUI) with tightvnc server
Firefox, Thunderbird, openoffice.org suite, GIMP Image Editor, Emacs Text Editor (geared towards programming), C and C++ build-essential, Java JDK, Python, TeXlive and TeXmaker LaTeX editor, Transmission BitTorrent Client, eVince PDF Viewer, File Manager, Terminal, Image Viewer, Leafpad Text Editor, Synaptic Package Manager and Ubuntu Software Center with all repositories enabled (Ubuntu Software Center is pretty and well organized - but bloated and slow), SSH server, Gnash (GNU flash player/plugin for Firefox - as there is no official generla flash pluging for armel CPUs)..
Obviously, you are free to add and remove apps as you see fit (through Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center)..


Jagodinac ,svaka ti cast!
Uvek sam ponosan kad vidim da neko od nasih postavlja uputstva na ozbiljnim forumima.
Upravo skidam ubuntu da probam kako radi....

can you put the download file into another place? i can not download it from rapidshare!! please help!

is there anybody who has still the image ?

This device's whole subforum is full of dead links guess I'm not reviving this tablet of mine heh


Java TightVNC Viewer on Stock Webtop

So I figured out that you can run a Java based VNC Viewer (more specifically, I used TightVNC for both server and viewer) in the stock webtop to remotely control other machines. Remote apps are the best way to increase functionality of the phone/webtop when on wifi at home/work IMO.
The issue to overcome is getting Java to work in Firefox, there are a few topics already about this, but the information is a bit scattered and slightly outdated.
There is one downfall to this: The VNC window will not cover the app tray or notification bar at the top of the webtop display, so there is a limiting resolution you can use to login to the VNC server.
What you need:
1. Rooted phone
2. ES File Explorer or Root Explorer App
3. Terminal Emulator App
4. Java Download
I installed this version:
ARMv7 Linux - Headful
There is a newer version (java 7),but I'm sticking with version 6 since I know it works.
5. A PC with TightVNC Server installed (or other VNC server with a Java based viewer). I would suggest running a headless virtual machine (with like VirtualBox), it makes it a lot easier to adjust the screen resolution to your needs. You can read here on my post about getting a VirtualMachine running and connecting your phone to it for more information:
To Get Java Installed:
1. Download and extract the Java download. Once extracted, copy the whole ejre1.6.0_32 folder to /usr/lib/ using your favorite android file explorer with root access.
2. I did this step with webtop open,so you can copy and paste these commands inside the Terminal Emulator (make sure it has Super User access):
rm /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/libnpjp2.so
ln -s /usr/lib/ejre1.6.0_32/lib/arm/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/libnpjp2.so
chmod 755 /usr/lib/ejre1.6.0_32/bin/java
chmod 755 /usr/lib/ejre1.6.0_32/bin/java_vm
chmod 755 /usr/lib/ejre1.6.0_32/bin/javaws
chmod 755 /usr/lib/ejre1.6.0_32/bin/keytool
3. For kicks,reboot the phone and see if it works (go here to verify: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp ). If it works,skip to step 5
4. Copy these commands into Terminal Emulator
mv /osh/etc/tomoyo/exception_policy.conf /osh/etc/tomoyo/exception_policy.bak
mv /osh/etc/tomoyo/domain_policy.conf /osh/etc/tomoyo/domain_policy.bak
/bin/touch /osh/etc/tomoyo/exception_policy.conf
/bin/touch /osh/etc/tomoyo/domain_policy.conf
Reboot the phone again,then try verifying it works or not with the link posted in the above step.
5. The hard part is over,you ave Java installed!
Now if Java is working properly,and if your VNC server is configured properly as well,you should be able to connect to it. By default TightVNC enables the Java Viewer on port 5800. So just type in the IP address of the server in Firefox,like:
Type in your password,then you should be looking at the other desktop
6. For best practice,its good to set the resolution to the PC you are remoting into,to the max viewable resolution of the laptop dock (or PC/Monitor). This is a lot easier when using a headless VM,since doing custom resolutions otherwise can be a pain.
I will edit this line tomorrow after I get to work to see what I set the resolution at so it fits without scrolling
Thread References:
I somehow was able to get AWN Manager to work on my install,and was able to set it so maximized windows can cover it up (which also requires you to right click on the title bar of the window and click Always On Top).
Long story short,I can now use the Java VM with a max res of 1364x686
There is a pixel on each side of the window,and the menu/title/status bars are still at the top of the screen.
It beats the phone's resolution stretched out in any case.

[Q] Building apps with sql (mysql) support problem

i`m trying to develop simple ubuntu application. This application should connect to remove mysql server, query and display data in UbuntuListView. Project was created in Qt Creator 3.1.1 as QML app with c++ plugin (cmake).
In my cpp class, i connect to mysql server using QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); according to qt documentation.
On my desktop (ubuntu 14.04) application works fine (after installing libqt5sql5-mysql), but when i tried to run this application on my aquaris E4.5 ubuntu edition (using Framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10) i got this error:
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE
Open database: false
I have found package libqt5sql5-mysql 5.3.0+dfsg-2ubuntu9 (armhf binary) for utopic unicorn. In qt creator, under Tools->Options->Ubuntu, I clicked on Maintain button in Framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10 and install that package. But this didn`t solve my problem.
Do yo have any ideas ?
If you want to include said libaries, you need to ship them as .so files in your click package. Don't ask me how to do it (I don't know in this specific case), but simply installing it in your chroot won't work.

How to install Parrot Os Chroot on android

What is Chroot?
A chroot on Unix operating systems is an operation that changes the apparent root directory for the current running process and its children. A program that is run in such a modified environment cannot name (and therefore normally cannot access) files outside the designated directory tree. The term "chroot" may refer to the chroot system call or the chroot wrapper program. The modified environment is called a chroot jail.
Instructions to install Parrot os (CHROOT) on Android.
4 Gb of free space on phone
Linux deploy app
vnc viewer
Juice ssh
A good internet connection
1.Goto https://docs.parrotsec.org/doku.php/mirrors-list and copy the nearest mirror repo link
2.Open Linux Deploy chroot menu
3.Set Distribution to Debian
4.Set Distribution Suite to Stable
5.In Source path paste the repo link which you have copied in step 1
6.Set file system to ext4
7.Set Usename and password of your own
8.enable ssh and vnc protocols if required
9.now go to back and click options in linux deploy
10.click on install and once it is done click on Configure
To access ssh use Juice ssh app which is available in playstore
Steps to use juice ssh:-
1.click on connections
2.click on plus
3.In address type
4.in identity click on new
5.In username and password enter the details which you have entered in chroot settings
6.and now click on save and connect
To access GUI use vnc viewer from playstore
Step to use Vnc Viewer
1.click on plus
2.In address use
3.Now click on connect
4.Now enter password which you have entered in chroot settings
For video tutorial go to link below
Hi, is possible to install puppy linux instead?
Marella ram_youtubr said:
What is Chroot?
A chroot on Unix operating systems is an operation that changes the apparent root directory for the current running process and its children. A program that is run in such a modified environment cannot name (and therefore normally cannot access) files outside the designated directory tree. The term "chroot" may refer to the chroot system call or the chroot wrapper program. The modified environment is called a chroot jail.
Instructions to install Parrot os (CHROOT) on Android.
4 Gb of free space on phone
Linux deploy app
vnc viewer
Juice ssh
A good internet connection
1.Goto https://docs.parrotsec.org/doku.php/mirrors-list and copy the nearest mirror repo link
2.Open Linux Deploy chroot menu
3.Set Distribution to Debian
4.Set Distribution Suite to Stable
5.In Source path paste the repo link which you have copied in step 1
6.Set file system to ext4
7.Set Usename and password of your own
8.enable ssh and vnc protocols if required
9.now go to back and click options in linux deploy
10.click on install and once it is done click on Configure
To access ssh use Juice ssh app which is available in playstore
Steps to use juice ssh:-
1.click on connections
2.click on plus
3.In address type
4.in identity click on new
5.In username and password enter the details which you have entered in chroot settings
6.and now click on save and connect
To access GUI use vnc viewer from playstore
Step to use Vnc Viewer
1.click on plus
2.In address use
3.Now click on connect
4.Now enter password which you have entered in chroot settings
For video tutorial go to link below
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, i'm interested to install puppy linux instead, is possible? Please let us me know. Thank you so much

Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - using Acer Chromebook C720P official vanilla

Hacking Acer Chromebook C720P -
Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - very inconsistent material & literature on it - could not make it install properly so far - /thread https://yoember.com/nodejs/the-best-way-to-install-node-js/
This command to get npm working
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
(presupposes r/w system)
The purpose - getting further capabilities without having to buy a newer Chromebook - & without having to change or hack the underlying original Chrome OS which uses Linux Kernel 3.8 -
I will be posting some of the results here - & others associated to using crouton with xiwi...
cd ~/Downloads
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
command -v nvm
nvm list
nvm ls-remote
nvm install 10.9.0
nvm use 10.9.0
nvm alias default 10.9.0
node -v
npm install -g npm
nvm install iojs
# should get: Now using io.js v3.3.1 (npm v2.14.3)
Resources - 1. nvm by creationix -
Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Resources - 2. Node.js
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Resources - 3. npm
npm is the package manager for javascript
Resources - 4. chromeos-apk
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS or Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
Crouton, xiwi, Linux, arcwelder & other resources...
In here https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77252924&postcount=71
I posted how to get Skype working without Android, because Android in Chromebook Acer CB C720P does not support USB host mode, so we cannot have usb webcams from within Android.
However USB Webcam works in hacked & non hacked Chromebook with UVC.
So using crouton & a Linux distro allows to get Skype with webcam fully working, also with xiwi in a window in Chrome OS.
I tried to get Android Skype working using an apk through arcwelder with no success - versions below 5 load but redirects to install newer versions, disallow operating.
Latest version like 7 or 8 would not load through arc welder.
& I bumped onto chromeos-apk.
To use chromeos-apk to install Android apps, one needs npm, so this is how it led me to node.js -
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
with (in the downloaded chromeos-apk-master folder from above vladikoff git)
npm install chromeos-apk -g
sudo npm install chromeos-apk -g
& you should get something similar to this -
[email protected] ~/Downloads $ cd chromeos-apk-master
[email protected] ~/Downloads/chromeos-apk-master $ npm install chromeos-apk -g
/home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/bin/chromeos-apk -> /home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/lib/node_modules/chromeos-apk/chromeos-apk
+ [email protected]
added 13 packages from 6 contributors in 8.137s
Note - I used v10.8.0 of node.js - but v10.9.0 should work same.
Run chromeos-apk [path to apk file]
... tbc/...
chromeos-apk results
Results not encouraging - any apk I submitted so far to chromeos-apk leads to the error: (it creates an unpacked extension to load from chrome://extensions)
Failed to load extension
There is no "message" element for key extName.
Could not load manifest.
waste of time?
I guess, I learnt how to install node.js & npm
Result - news -
It depends on the apk version, for instance
Es File Explorer version es-file-explorer-4-1-7-1-28.apk installs OK using either Arc Welder or chromeos-apk...
latest versions do not -
(also tested on Asus Chromebit CS10 which is Arm 32bit)
this is a battle of wits between Google developers, & independent developers - Google sabotages community efforts for obvious reasons, stay in control.

Question Help installing WSL or WSL2

Im a noob trying to learn Linux and I have PhoenixLiteOS installed and installing from cmd wsl --install is not avail.
I want to install Ubuntu. Can someone guide me a certain direction? Do I install WSL from MS Store? then what else?
Installing Ubuntu With a GUI + WSL2 Upgrade - Windows Subsystem For Linux + Premade Ubuntu Virtual Machines (and more!)
Hello Friends~! I decided to write out a step by step guide to install WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux, with an Ubuntu Distro, and integrated GUI using Xserver. As well as how to update WSL to WSL2. Open Powershell as Admin, then paste: wsl...
Here you go!
Open the Microsoft Store on your Windows machine.
Search for "WSL" or "Windows Subsystem for Linux" in the search bar.
Choose a Linux distribution that you want to install (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, or Fedora). Click on it to open the distribution's page.
On the distribution's page, click the "Install" button to start the installation process. It might take a few minutes to download and install the Linux distribution.
Once the installation is complete, you can launch the Linux distribution from the Start menu or by searching for the distribution's name. The first launch may take a bit longer as it sets up the necessary files.
Follow the prompts to set up a username and password for your Linux distribution.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed WSL on your Windows machine. You can now use a Linux environment directly within Windows.

