New Radar owner, with questions - HTC Radar

Hi All
As I now have a Galaxy 5 wifi media player... I decided to ditch my Wildfire S and go WP7 again.. I love it, the call quality is fantasic and really fast with great interface and apps. Android is better for tablets & Media players.. WP7 are great as a simple phone.
Some questions to get me started though, Im trying to conserve battery, Im on 7.10.8107.79 (mango 7.5)
- In my mobile networks.. Im not sure wether to use 3G or Edge and do I need my data connection on all the time.. I do have a contract and a Wifi hub at home, but does 3G use battery over Edge.
- I have alot of contacts on Facebook, but when I logged in Ive got all sorts of rubbish on my lock screen and all over the phone.. how can i stop this without deleting the account.
- I used to own an Omnia 7 about 1 year ago which backed up all my contacts to my Live account, however all my contacts seem to have about 8 windows live profiles for each name, so is there any way of just deleting these dozens of profiles in just 1 go.
- Any other battery saving tips would be great.
Many thanks and its great to be back on simple WP7 again.

I have all my networks on including 4G and WiFi all day long. I easily get 30+ hours of battery life. Battery is very good on the Radar and I haven't needed to use and tricks to keep my battery lasting long enough for my usage. You can either link multiple contacts names in the people hub, or go online and clean them up that way. I would say if you have upwards of 8 of the same contact, I would go online on your computer and clean them up, it will auto sync to your radar.
Sent from my Radar 4G using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

I get around 15 hours of battery life easy, even when im web browsing.
I keep 4g on all day long, doesn't really affect the battery.
The one thing that does drain the battery is watching videos and streams.
Otherwise, this phone is amazing in battery life!
Sent from my Radar 4G using Board Express

Many Thanks for the help.. Its been 1 year since my omnia, and Ive never used Mango.. Im on Virgin Mobile and after entering the APN for pic messaging and 3G, it now says "H" for HSDPA at all 5 bars. Actually ive been running it now for 28 hours and Im down too 17% and it seems fine.
I did turn off "Ring louder in Pocket" in attentive phone, because I read that, even on their android phoners, this setting transmits every few seconds for movement.
Regarding the Facebook issues, I set my emails and accounts to update manually and turned xbox live always update to off.
What about using the My Location, does that drain battery as well, Im sure its only used for HTC Hub and Maps.. is that right?.
Thanks again for the help.. Im still loving this phone, it seems to handle background tasks much better than android and while the apps are not as numerous as Android.. they seem more interesting.


[Q] A Request For Assistance with Apps

Hello Vibrant Community
I am a 40-something former Female Techie and I have had my Vibrant for 90 days. I have Build Number ECLAIR.UVJI6, Firmware version 2.1-update1, and my last software update was around the end of September.
I came from MyTouch3G, can't remember the build or the firmware but I believe I was on 1.9(??) in July when my dear phone hit the deck one too many times. I need some help with changing environments. After 90 days I am still having some "transition" issues (yes, user error I am sure!). While Vibrant and MyTouch are essentially the same OS, the packaging and "custom" interfaces HTC and Samsung use are a little confusing. There were features on the MyTouch I absolutely loved and relied on that I simply can not find on the Vibrant... even in searching for apps, I still can not recreate some of the features. So I am coming to the best place I can think of - to the men & women who create the applications. What I love most about my Android is the Apps, and it is people in this forum who could best explain how to find what I want.
My search of the forums over the past few months hasn't netted the results I am looking for, so if you know of a thread that will answer my questions, please direct me!
My questions:
The dialer & contacts on the Vibrant with the Gmail/Twitter/Facebook synch. I am unable to assign ringtones to contacts from either app if the contact is "coming from" gmail, and not a saved contact on my phone. Even if I create the contact and save to phone, then go back and synch manually, I lose the ability.
I have downloaded several apps to try and fix my issue, but so far I can't find anything to work correctly with the resident dialer.
Visual Voice Mail - a TMobile package app. I simply can not get it to work since the last firmware update. I have removed, reinstalled updated, you name it - and nothing works. Do any of you have any info?
Battery. Is there anything I can do? Any new insights? The last thread I saw on this topic recommended App Killers, and mentioned a few specific apps. A TMobile rep recommended TaskOS I kill apps through out the day with TaskOS, but lately it's been 3-6 hours before it dies completely, whereas before the last update I could get nearly 12-16.
Thanks for your help. The MyTouch was my epiphany into Android - and I am never leaving. I have joined the Borg and I have assimilated. I got my first Droid at the MyTouch Online LAunch in 2009. A TMobile sales rep convinced me to wait instead of buying an iPhone to run on TMobile's network. Honestly, the lack of support and equipment protection was the clincher, but I am so glad I listened to that young lady. I beat the crap out of that phone, constantly dropping it... in water.... on cement.... MyTouch was a champ, usually surviving 3 drops before I had to call the insurance. I truly thought I would never leave MyTouch, but.... the Vibrant has stolen my heart and you will have to pry the device out of my cold dead hand.
And thanks to all the developers. Without you my phone would be a brick!
Accidental Duplicate
Hello, I thought I would try and offer some answers, but thanks to your post I now realize I also am not able to assign a ringtone to a specific contact.
I also came from a MYT3G and completely love my Vibrant.
For visual voicemail, is your phone rooted? If it is I may have an idea and am looking now to see if it will work, I don't use the app myself, but may be able to assist.
Battery life, we will start with task killers do more harm than good. There is a very good write up about it on XDA, being a noob, I am not able to post links. Basically the OS is designed to multitask and will kill apps as needed. So there is no reason to worry about this.
Having said that, the latest update will cause considerably more drain as it boosts the antenna signal, but you should still be getting more than 3-4 hours from your phone.
Do you have tons of widgets running, each time a widget updates, you are using battery, have you tried turning off wifi and gps when they are not in use.
Also I have noticed that when I am in a area that doesn't have a strong 3g signal, the phone will bounce from 3g to edge and that will cause the battery to drain faster. If this is happening, just set the phone to use only edge networks.
We can also try to recondition the battery. To do this, drain the battery down to about 5-6%, charge all the way up with the phone turned off. Then drain again, turn off phone and charge, this will recondition your battery and give you considerably longer life.
After making the changes I have listed, I now go from 7AM to Midnite with only 30% drain on an average day.
It is also possible that you may have a rogue app that is killing your battery. If you go to settings>about phone> battery use, you will see a list of what services/hardware is using resources on your phone. You can also go to settings>applications>running services to see what services are running. There could be something here that is causing you extra battery drain.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

How many here have their phone using 3g constantly, and what kind of battery life?

I bought my phone cash, thinking that if I did I wouldn't have to get the 25 dollar per month internet, but the guy who I was dealing with on the phone trying to get the basic internet working was talking smack about "Why would someone NOT want 3g on their smartphone?!"
So I ask you guys, do you leave 3g on constantly, why or why not, and if you do what kind of battery life do you get? The 10 dollar internet never worked for me, and I rarely use 3g because of battery drain, just for tethering or big files, though I seem to have wifi around half the time anyways. EDIT: Also, what are you using, stock 2.1, 2.2, or a custom rom, and if a rom which one?
Personally I think the edge service is fast enough that I haven't really cared too much, I just wouldn't mind drawing on some other opinions and thoughts. Maybe I am one of the few smartphone owners who doesn't constantly play with my phone, but if I did I would want the battery to last long enough to play with it..
Oh, and in advance, I rarely post here so I don't know if questions like this provoke flame wars or end up through the butterfly effect making small children in india cry themselves to sleep at night.. either way, no flaming please, just curious, thought it may be interesting, and thought it would be a fun thread
I use 3g 100% of the time, battery rocks. Usually 2 days to a charge, 1 if HEAVY use. Been over a day of good use, on 3g, and still at 33.
EDGE is probly fast enough but I get antsy when I have to wait for anything so that's why I use 3g.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I have never once turned my 3g off. I average 1 day 6 hours of battery with moderate use, and have had nearly two days a few times.
Sent from my <tw> powered vibrant.
I always have my 3g on unless i'm some where where i have no signal. It's one of the key feature of the phone why turn it off?
I get any where from 15 to 25 hours depending on how heavily i use my phone.
Alot of the Vibrant community who have rooted devices and have settled into what will and wont kill your battery average between 15 hours to a full day plus. I myself see with 3g on about 15-17 hours.
Sexy Vibrant featuring Nero V3 w/Voodoo, and FFC installed
3G majority of the time (reception is what changes it to Edge) I get 12-14h battery life with "average" use (corp email set to pull every 30min reading emails ect)
Honestly, the only time I find that the network is draining the battery is when it is constantly trying to switch from "3G" to "Edge" or "Wifi" and back in bad coverage areas. If it's a reliable connection then it shouldn't really tax battery usage when idle.
About 16 hours with about 2-3 hour screen on time.. Several emails syncing plus facebook and twitter.. 100% hpsa coverage
Sent from my SGS Vibrant
I'm always on edge when normal usage. I really have a bad 3g reception at my place plus my vibrant have a hardware defect just like the iphone 4.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
i do constantly , eats battery lol
soulofkorea said:
Honestly, the only time I find that the network is draining the battery is when it is constantly trying to switch from "3G" to "Edge" or "Wifi" and back in bad coverage areas. If it's a reliable connection then it shouldn't really tax battery usage when idle.
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I have noticed that also, alot of my job relies on me moving through very dense facilities and around the county. I lose a significant amount (7-10% an hour driving) where at home it sits 3-6% an hour drain.
I do not have a data plan like OP.
I have Wi-Fi in 80% of the places and time my phone is on. I keep the wi-fi on auto-connect and on all the time. Moderate to heavy usage-12-18 hours battery life.
Hmm, interesting replies and statistics so far, when I was in Daytona I think that I had significant drain because the 3g coverage was spotty at best, but I haven't tried keeping it on since I moved to jacksonville, where the coverage should be much better.
Question I wish I had asked in the original post, are you stock, if so 2.1 or 2.2, or do you use a rom, and if so which one? The guys claiming over 24 hours versus people getting 17.. quite a discrepancy, and I will bet this has something to do with it(besides just amount of use).
I am using 2.2 bionix V rom, and I get 18+ hours of use out of it on my heavier use days, though I think some corrupt files on my phone have gotten my mediaserver system process using tons of processor, killing my battery quicker. I am going to go ahead and keep it on 3g for a few days, and see what kind of difference it makes. Thanks for the feedback.
Tmobile's 3g coverage in jacksonville is pretty good.Heck I get almost 4g speeds here
Silentbtdeadly said:
Hmm, interesting replies and statistics so far, when I was in Daytona I think that I had significant drain because the 3g coverage was spotty at best, but I haven't tried keeping it on since I moved to jacksonville, where the coverage should be much better.
Question I wish I had asked in the original post, are you stock, if so 2.1 or 2.2, or do you use a rom, and if so which one? The guys claiming over 24 hours versus people getting 17.. quite a discrepancy, and I will bet this has something to do with it(besides just amount of use).
I am using 2.2 bionix V rom, and I get 18+ hours of use out of it on my heavier use days, though I think some corrupt files on my phone have gotten my mediaserver system process using tons of processor, killing my battery quicker. I am going to go ahead and keep it on 3g for a few days, and see what kind of difference it makes. Thanks for the feedback.
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm on R10 rom and I keep the internet off if I'm not using it. Battery lasts about three times longer. Also charges up faster.
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General impressions

Hey everyone, I just got my Flyer (Evo View), so I expect I'll be frequenting these forums often. I am just wondering everyone's general impressions of their device so far?
I broke down and bought one after months of waiting for a honeycomb 7" device... and so far I'm satisfied. The device seems snappy, battery life is decent, and its the perfect size. I got GV up and running, installed SIPDroid, which works fine for calls, the only issue I have seen is that while 'sleeping', it seems to turn off data connections as well, not sure what is going on there.
I'm still getting used to the size, this is replacing my old phone after all (HTC Magic) so its quite a size difference.
I see that temp root has occured, hopefully a full root will soon follow.
Any recommendations on a good case?
I believe by default that's set to turn off radio/wifi/etc. overnight. Go into your settings and look under battery or something like that. It's a power save option that I actually really like. It extends the battery life by so much if you just set it to turn off when you're sleeping. I've had 2 or 3 days usage out of my Flyer with moderate usage during the day.
Thanks tom_m, that seems to have fixed it. Not sure if I'll turn that back on or not yet...
What is a good data tracking app that is accurate on the flyer? I saw 3g Watchdog, but people say its not accurate on all devices....
Crymson said:
Thanks tom_m, that seems to have fixed it. Not sure if I'll turn that back on or not yet...
What is a good data tracking app that is accurate on the flyer? I saw 3g Watchdog, but people say its not accurate on all devices....
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I would also recommend going to settings > Wi-FI settings > hit menu > Advanced > Wi-Fi sleep policy and set to never sleep
also, I always check best wifi performance.
I am also leaving my phone for this as my new "big a** phone" as most people call it. I have a sip account and I have Csipsimple, which I like, but I've been using groove IP with much success. I like it because it shows my google voice number when I call someone.
3G watchdog has worked perfectly for me so far. I am using the evo view as well. It matches sprint's readings exactly, as far as I can tell.
I am considering using this device for work as my "notepad". I envision bringing it to meeting to take notes and at times take photos of chalkboards, etc and write notes over of the image. For those of you that own one, do you think this device can handle a daily workload of heavy note taking or is that feature more for occasional use?
duckwars said:
3G watchdog has worked perfectly for me so far. I am using the evo view as well. It matches sprint's readings exactly, as far as I can tell.
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I made another thread about this, but have you noticed 3g running slow? I did some research, found out it is a bug. I have decided to take it back because of this since 90% of my time on the tablet is using 3g. Being limited to .10 Mbps makes it unusable.
When the fix comes out, maybe I will revisit the Flyer, or maybe something else will be out...not sure.
m4rk0358 said:
I am considering using this device for work as my "notepad". I envision bringing it to meeting to take notes and at times take photos of chalkboards, etc and write notes over of the image. For those of you that own one, do you think this device can handle a daily workload of heavy note taking or is that feature more for occasional use?
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Its exactly what I've been using it for for the past three weeks. I think notetaking is THE intended use of this device.
Could be a popular device if only updates/root would come out sooner
I simply cannot let go off my flyer.the day I got my flyer was the day when I returned my Motorola xoom(d.o.o.m.) which BTW I got a day earlier! I lost 25% cost of xoom cough..d.o.o.m..
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using XDA Premium App
I love my View, I browse the web on it quite extensively while at work and by the time I get home, I still have around 50% battery life. Thats after being unplugged for 12 hours, my work day.
Sent from my HTC EVO View. 7" of 4g fury!

battery life in detail

I know battery life issues have been talked to death but...Here's a new perspective:
so I have been doing some experimenting with my amaze in terms of battery life and asking my friend who works at T-mobile regarding his SGS2...He says his battery life seems to be pretty crappy too, marginally better than the, I hard reset my phone and I did not sign into google, left my phone on airplain mode, basically I did not set up anything...I turned off wifi, and data everything was truned off...I went for 10 hours with only 2 percent battery drainage...then I signed into google....and in a matter of 10 minutes I went from 98 percent to 92... Watever is eating the battery up is not the phones hardware fault or the screens fault... I turned off background data sync and it seemed to make little difference...It seems the google programs or any program that needs internet connect regardless of syncing or not will have significant effect on your battery life...between 4g and wifi I saw little difference in battery life phone signal is completely green so I cannot blame the signal... I cannot possibly kill gmail, market, maps etc...these are programs I use constantly...lets hope with the ICS update some of these sofware issues will resolve...
google needs to start managing applications better and not leave a bunch of applications running in the forground and background...
I've heard different theories regarding task killers...some say it actually worsens battery life since programs keep wanting to restart and some say it saves battery life...can anyone elaborate on this? I have juice defender ultimate, it seems to make minute difference in battery life as well.
Display is the biggest factor obviously and then its data transfer or anything that has to do with transmitting signal.
like every other phone the 100% lasts for a long time then after it drops it drops quickly. So your analyses is flawed since it already dropped from 100% and then you switched data on. There are apps that are constantly sending data and the sense UI kills the battery a lot too. Thats why AOSP roms are better for battery life.
Juicedefender helps
setcpu helps
managing your apps helps
changing your background to black helps
I've tried juice defender, um... I would suggest you read about instructions on flashing a custom ROM I'm on quiksense and when 2.0 comes out I heard xboarder's got some really nice improvements with the 1.4.1 version I almost doubled my battery life. My phone used to go down to 50~60 idle over night, now it's about 90~ idle over night.
Teo032 said:
Display is the biggest factor obviously and then its data transfer or anything that has to do with transmitting signal.
like every other phone the 100% lasts for a long time then after it drops it drops quickly. So your analyses is flawed since it already dropped from 100% and then you switched data on. There are apps that are constantly sending data and the sense UI kills the battery a lot too. Thats why AOSP roms are better for battery life.
Juicedefender helps
setcpu helps
managing your apps helps
changing your background to black helps
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Juicedefender did help but then I was missing all my google talk messages, google voice messages, google voice voicemails and a bunch of stuff...ever going through the settings and setting it up to recheck background data every 5 minutes did not work with J/ I stopped using it...I need my data to come through...whats the point of having a phone if you can't get notification and use the features meant to.... I used to be a strickly no bloatware simplistic out of the box google experience guy...thus my nexus one...I LOVED IT...then dropped it and not worth fixing. nexus S was dissapointing, so is the galaxy nexus...I hate all the bloatware, and all the customizations t-mobile makes to the t-mobile inscription on the phone, t-mobile startup screen...etc...yes I know I could root and change all that stuff...honestly I just don't feel like going through all that crap!!! and also void my warranty...I don't undestand howcome the iphone is never branded!!!???/ wtf....I buy a phone and it's mine why does it have to come with a logo of the company....IT'S MY PHONE. THEY SHOULD INSCRIBE MY NAME ON IT. as for the bloatware I figured out how to temproot and freeze programs... I don't think you can change the startup screen to the original HTC one with temp root...damn used to be so much better...
seansk said:
Juicedefender did help but then I was missing all my google talk messages, google voice messages, google voice voicemails and a bunch of stuff...ever going through the settings and setting it up to recheck background data every 5 minutes did not work with J/ I stopped using it...I need my data to come through...whats the point of having a phone if you can't get notification and use the features meant to.... I used to be a strickly no bloatware simplistic out of the box google experience guy...thus my nexus one...I LOVED IT...then dropped it and not worth fixing. nexus S was dissapointing, so is the galaxy nexus...I hate all the bloatware, and all the customizations t-mobile makes to the t-mobile inscription on the phone, t-mobile startup screen...etc...yes I know I could root and change all that stuff...honestly I just don't feel like going through all that crap!!! and also void my warranty...I don't undestand howcome the iphone is never branded!!!???/ wtf....I buy a phone and it's mine why does it have to come with a logo of the company....IT'S MY PHONE. THEY SHOULD INSCRIBE MY NAME ON IT. as for the bloatware I figured out how to temproot and freeze programs... I don't think you can change the startup screen to the original HTC one with temp root...damn used to be so much better...
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use JD ultimate and set the apps to work with screen off.
you can get a telus or wind model without the tmobile branding
i think you can change the bootanimation with temp root because it's just a file? I'm not exactly sure about that one though.
apple sells their iphone to ATT
as htc sells their phone tmobile
tmobile probably request a branding on it with a higher cost.
att probably reject the higher cost because they're already losing money when buying the iphone from apple (i think i remember i read it awhile ago) and make money off data plans.
Teo032 said:
use JD ultimate and set the apps to work with screen off.
you can get a telus or wind model without the tmobile branding
i think you can change the bootanimation with temp root because it's just a file? I'm not exactly sure about that one though.
apple sells their iphone to ATT
as htc sells their phone tmobile
tmobile probably request a branding on it with a higher cost.
att probably reject the higher cost because they're already losing money when buying the iphone from apple (i think i remember i read it awhile ago) and make money off data plans.
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I did use JD ultimate with those apps enable, NO GO, MAYBE I SHOULD RESTART AND GIVE IT ANOTHER TRY...its only when that program requests it that it can initiate the data line, otherwise if someone sends you a text i will not get it since both wifi and data line are cut off permenantly during screen off that is how it saves battery....enabling programs are good for things such as pandora etc...once they end a playlist or something it automatically turns off....this is what I understood from the explaination...i temp rooted and removed some bloatware...hopefully I can change the startup screen as well, perhaps through adb push
P.S. where do I download the original HTC boot animation and sound and what folder is it in to push into? thanks
seansk said:
I did use JD ultimate with those apps enable, NO GO, MAYBE I SHOULD RESTART AND GIVE IT ANOTHER TRY...its only when that program requests it that it can initiate the data line, otherwise if someone sends you a text i will not get it since both wifi and data line are cut off permenantly during screen off that is how it saves battery....enabling programs are good for things such as pandora etc...once they end a playlist or something it automatically turns off....this is what I understood from the explaination...i temp rooted and removed some bloatware...hopefully I can change the startup screen as well, perhaps through adb push
P.S. where do I download the original HTC boot animation and sound and what folder is it in to push into? thanks
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for JD you want to click on the app thing twice so it goes to enable/screen off not just enabled. But yeah i noticed that sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't
not sure where the bootanimation and sounds is it at, i never played with it. You should check out the themes section, you can download the zip and browse through where it goes.... other than that there might be other threads with the instructions on where it's at.
You may want to try an AOSP based rom, (if you rooted)
I was getting 18 hours of use with 36% left, Medium usage (ie browsing, texting)
Teo032 said:
for JD you want to click on the app thing twice so it goes to enable/screen off not just enabled. But yeah i noticed that sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't
not sure where the bootanimation and sounds is it at, i never played with it. You should check out the themes section, you can download the zip and browse through where it goes.... other than that there might be other threads with the instructions on where it's at.
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ya i clicked twice enable/screen off...still no go for those particular programs i tested and tested it....oh batterly life is not bad at all...besides I have a car kit which charges it in the car. once i started using the thing tho, battery drains fast...its no mystery its got a big screen bigger than my old N1 which used to be amoled and this is lcd...also this uses 4g which consumes significantly greater battery...faster processor etc....its not a mystery!!! they need to come up with a new battery technology soon!!!!

On screen time with web browsing.

Hi all, I'd like to know how much "on screen" time do you get with web browsing and only web browsing from 100% to 0% I know the HTC one X can't go over 3 hours stock and tweaked it's hard to hit 4-5 hours. What about the Galaxy S3? I want the best phone on the market with good multitasking, good web browsing and good battery life. I'm talking about the international edition, since I don't have LTE in my area and anyway I'm data limited I don't see the point of getting the US version. Thanks!
I don't know about just browsing but playing nova, browsing and doing some other stuff, but I got a screen on time of 4 hours and 50 mins!
Yesterday I hit 6 hours after near continous use of the web browser, was a little bit of gaming but the browser was the majority.
Last time I bothered to check was well over 6 hours. Can't remember exactly.
I do run app "custom autobrightness" and config for lower brightness settings under normal and low light conditions. This is the biggest saver.
No other mods or tweaks installed that really affect the battery life.
GPS, wifi on, wcdma only, exchange and push emails etc etc
Sent from my GT-I9300T using xda premium
6 hours with 15% left on wifi. I get 1gb free cellular internet so to preserve it all of my time is on wifi.
Sent from my GT-I9300
Yeah I'm talking internet browsing on 3G not with wifi.
tsukurimashou said:
Yeah I'm talking internet browsing on 3G not with wifi.
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You need to be clearer in your question next time so Users can reply without wasting their time.
If you world like to test trial and error, You can download and flash various modems that may give better signal quality/stability/speed etc download link "M"
Or extract from full firmware here:
As I said previously, the biggest battery killer is by far the screen.
Thanks, You're welcome for the feedback/help
Sent from my GT-I9300T using xda premium

