[Q] Sprint Galaxy Nexus / At&t One X / Sprint EVO 4G LTE or wait for S III - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok so my EVO 3D shattered today. So I need to get a new phone. I don't want a replacement I'm tired of the 3VO. So here's my dilemma (I'm currently on Sprint, obviously):
• My contract is up so I can choose to renew or start a new contract elsewhere.
• I like the Sprint Galaxy Nexus, I can get that for $200 but there is no LTE in Orlando (Or anywhere for that matter)
• I think the At&t One X is beautiful (love the white). I can get this for $150 (Radioshack) and the there's LTE in Orlando.
• I think the HTC EVO LTE is hideous (color and material combination). I can get this for $200, but again no LTE.
• I've been following the Galaxy S III rumors since I can remember and I like what I see from the leaks. But the truth is we won't get this phone, in the US, until at least 3 months from the Thursday announcement.
So do you guys think I should get one of the current phones available, if so, which one? Or should I be patient and wait till Thursday and see what the S III announcement is all about in terms of availability?
*One thing to keep in mind is that I already have an At&t contract with two lines on it. Maybe I can add a 3rd and get a nice family plan price?

bump please Really undecided

Oh I know how you feel.
With the exception of not having a busted Evo 3d and liking the Evo LTE's design I am in the exact position as you. My Contract is up at the end of May and originally was thinking about the Evo 4G LTE. But am not liking HTC's recent history on Update wait times and the even more baffling root stance makes me think the Nexus is the way to go. But I do not like it's camera at all and am really sensitive to the pentile display on it. The S3 has the same pentile display and I am not sure how the physical home button on the S3 is going to work?
I really do not know what to do. Thankfully now that the Virgin/Virtuous rom leak has breathed new life into the 3D I can now get the better of my new device lust as half of that was based on lack of solid ICS build for the 3D.
Maybe I will enjoy the 3D for sometime now.

HTC Evo 4g LTE vs. Samsung Galaxy S3
Well, I am in the same predicament as you. I currently have the Evo 4g, and my contract expired May 1st. I have been so close to pre-ordering the new Evo 4g LTE, but stop myself every time because I am torn against the upcoming S3!
Now first of all, let me just state that Sprint's voice and 3g network in Chicago leaves MUCH to be desired! I have definitely contemplated switching to Verizon, but I enjoy unlimited data way too much, and I have been hearing great things about Sprint's Network Vision which should be launching in my area within the next month or so. So, I think I'll stick around for another 2 years... That was another hard decision that I won't get in to.
I love my original Evo and everything about it. I have even kept the original Sense ROM because I love that too. That being said, I was excited to learn of the May 18th release for the new Evo 4g LTE. I love the metal casing on the new LTE Evo, the dual-core Snapdragon CPU, the kickstand, the camera abilities, the HD Voice, and the ability to have access to the new LTE network.
I am also hearing that the new Samsung Galaxy S3 is going to be a game changer. It boasts a quad-core CPU (although I've heard that the Evo's dual-core is just as good, if not better), the new Siri-like voice command abilities, along with a bunch of new exciting features which are mainly software based.
Another deciding factor is when this device will ever be released on Sprint. Being a tech junkie, I am very anxious to get my hands on a new device (since I'm already contract-free). Being that there is no defined release date on this device concerns me. I look st how long the HTC ONE has been out in the market, and Sprint is just getting its flavor now. What if the new S3 is released to Verizon or AT&T months before Sprint... I want it now!
So I'm concerned of a few things... If I order the new Evo and get it before the end of the month, (and LTE is not available yet) am I screwing myself by burning the Clearwire bridge? I don't think I could handle using my 49kbs 3g connection. Will I be kicking myself if the S3 is released for Sprint in a month? Should I be concerned about HTC's slow bug and patch releases? Is the S3 even worth the wait? Will I miss having a wall charger for backup batteries that I carry with me every day (will I even need them anymore)? I am so confused, and don't want to have any regrets!
Does anyone have any input to help sway my decision?
Thanks in advance!


Cant decide to keep my phone or get a new one

So right now im pretty sure i want the samsung galaxy nexus when it comes out (no idea when) but right now i have a brand new galaxy SII on my desk and im trying to decide to keep my 3D or switch to the SII..
So im curious what you guys would do.. Had the 3d for a long time (launch day) and just kinda getting sick of it but i do love HTC..
So what do you guys think?
Hang off for the HTC one
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using XDA
butterbuns said:
So right now im pretty sure i want the samsung galaxy nexus when it comes out (no idea when) but right now i have a brand new galaxy SII on my desk and im trying to decide to keep my 3D or switch to the SII..
So im curious what you guys would do.. Had the 3d for a long time (launch day) and just kinda getting sick of it but i do love HTC..
So what do you guys think?
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Depends on how long you plan on having the phone. If you are just gonna switch from the 3D to the SGS2 or Gnex, well there isn't really a big difference. But if you are looking to upgrade to something other than those 3 really soon, then you might as well hold on to the 3D and then upgrade to something like the One X, or SGS3 (whenever that comes) because those would be real upgrades.
Do NOT get a Gnex. It's coming May 15 (or june was it?) but it will have hardware from june last near (similar hardware as Evo 3D).
It's your choice to use the SGSII, I personally like it better, but when/if you get a new phone, wait for the wave of phones to be released.
The GSII and GNex still have better hardware than the E3D, though.
Their chipsets are much more powerful.
As for me.. If I were staying with Sprint, I'd stick with the E3D for now. And probably wait til Autumn to buy a new LTE device on Sprint. Heck, if you have the patience, wait for Sprint's 2nd gen LTE devices next Spring.
But.. I just bought a Galaxy Note. Waiting for it in the mail. As soon as it arrives, I'm having my Sprint plan terminated. Gonna go for T-Mobile's 30$/mo plan. Unlimited texting, unlimited data* and 100 minutes.
I plan on using wifi calling when I'm home and Google Voice when I'm out and about on T-Mobile's network.
I'm really tired of Sprint's rising costs and sliding quality. Back when I signed with them years ago, their service was on par with Verizon's and their plans were amazing deals (the mandatory 10$ premium data fee was when things started to change). But now.. They've made such a convoluted mess of things, with the Nextel purchase onwards, and their Network Vision plan is where all their eggs are right now. Their infrastructure has simply not been maintained properly.
Maybe if they manage to pull it together, I'll come back to them. But for now, I'm going monthly and picking and choosing where/what I want for whatever price I consider fair.
*This particularly T-Mobile plan is unlimited data but throttled after 5gb. T-Mobile's faux-G speeds are as fast or faster than all the other 4G/LTE offerings on the other carrier networks.
I ordered the international Note so I'm hoping work arounds are found soon so as to utilize T-Mobile's HSPA+ network but even their EDGE speeds are faster than Sprint's 3G!
Anyways, do what you feel is the most beneficial action for yourself.
As for me, I'm about to start saving 70$~ a month and going off contract!
Keep it till the HTC Two series comes out
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium

Fully functional ICS Photon or galaxy nexus?

Which would u choose? I'm figthin the urge to go buy the galaxy nexus Sunday I love the photon and thinking it may be better to wait on a fully functional stable joker rom cuz I miss hbo go...I don't really believe Motorola is actually gonna update this phone to ICS in the future and I'm not worried about LTE just yet I'll jump on that train when it actually rolls out in my area
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
rruss said:
Which would u choose? I'm figthin the urge to go buy the galaxy nexus Sunday I love the photon and thinking it may be better to wait on a fully functional stable joker rom cuz I miss hbo go...I don't really believe Motorola is actually gonna update this phone to ICS in the future and I'm not worried about LTE just yet I'll jump on that train when it actually rolls out in my area
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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Absolutely positively zero question, the Galaxy nexus all the way.
My friend has one, I've spent extensive time using it. Simply the best phone I've ever used, it was phone of the year last year.
Also, being a Nexus phone - you will get the first updates for new OS'es . My sisters Nexus S got ICS already. Effen Motorola said what... November?
Jokers work is awesome, and I thank him profusely. I hope Motorola hires him!
For me, this phone is a red headed stepchild. Moto only cars about Verizon customers. I'm never buying a moto phone again.
Jeff_in_LA said:
Absolutely positively zero question, the Galaxy nexus all the way.
My friend has one, I've spent extensive time using it. Simply the best phone I've every used, it was phone of the year last year.
Also, being a Nexus phone - you will get the first updates for new OS'es . My sisters Nexus S got ICS already. Effen Motorola said what... November?
Jokers work is awesome, and I thank him profusely. I hope Motorola hires him!
For me, this phone is a red headed stepchild. Moto only cars about Verizon customers. I'm never buying a moto phone again.
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The Nexus is already obsolete. I'd wait and see what the Galaxy SIII has to offer when Samsung makes the announcement on May 3. I'm not impressed by Sprint's verison of the HTC One X. HTC lost me after releasing that piece of crap Evo 3D (always losing signal and roaming). And according to the FCC test results, the radio in the EVO 4G LTE seems to be crappy as well.
galaxy nexus is be OK,I think that..
five40 said:
The Nexus is already obsolete. I'd wait and see what the Galaxy SIII has to offer when Samsung makes the announcement on May 3. I'm not impressed by Sprint's verison of the HTC One X. HTC lost me after releasing that piece of crap Evo 3D (always losing signal and roaming). And according to the FCC test results, the radio in the EVO 4G LTE seems to be crappy as well.
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Have you not been paying attention to all the Epic 4G Touch issues? For months the phone would just randomly drop service without letting you know and you had to reboot to restore it. The radio in it is garbage on top of that. The Photon radio is a serious step up. Every single phone Samsung has released for Sprint has had major issues.
I really dont like my Photon and it will be the last Motorola phone I buy. My wife has a DroidX2 Global on Verizon and its a piece of crap too. She's probably going to go to an iPhone (Its her work phone and they have discontinued Android devides so its either iPhone or BB) and Im going to get a HTC One when it comes up for sale on Sprint. Maybe Ill give her my Photon for her Sprint line. She has an OG Epic she uses on Sprint but she probably hasnt made 10 calls on it in a year.
five40 said:
The Nexus is already obsolete. I'd wait and see what the Galaxy SIII has to offer when Samsung makes the announcement on May 3. I'm not impressed by Sprint's verison of the HTC One X. HTC lost me after releasing that piece of crap Evo 3D (always losing signal and roaming). And according to the FCC test results, the radio in the EVO 4G LTE seems to be crappy as well.
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I'd hardly call it obsolete. Yes S3 series is going to get announced. HTC and Moto lost me, and a pure google with with no crappy skin is awesome.
Also, the Nexus community have dialed the roms in for that phone like race cars. The Roms and kernels are awesome.
Interesting about phones.. 5 months is considered obsolete. My intel i7-920 overclocked to 3.8Ghz is still an awesome computer. They chip was launched in 08.
My 2 cents!
MadFlava said:
Have you not been paying attention to all the Epic 4G Touch issues? For months the phone would just randomly drop service without letting you know and you had to reboot to restore it. The radio in it is garbage on top of that. The Photon radio is a serious step up. Every single phone Samsung has released for Sprint has had major issues.
I really dont like my Photon and it will be the last Motorola phone I buy. My wife has a DroidX2 Global on Verizon and its a piece of crap too. She's probably going to go to an iPhone (Its her work phone and they have discontinued Android devides so its either iPhone or BB) and Im going to get a HTC One when it comes up for sale on Sprint. Maybe Ill give her my Photon for her Sprint line. She has an OG Epic she uses on Sprint but she probably hasnt made 10 calls on it in a year.
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The Photon is the best piece of hardware Sprint has to offer right now.
The Galaxy Nexus is just a tweaked Galaxy SII. I was a big HTC fan until the EVO 3D and I know Samsung phones aren't known for stellar radio performance, neither does HTC.
I'm waiting on the Galaxy SIII, but back to the OP's question.
I would go with a Galaxy Nexus because the display is absolutely gorgeous.
I owned one for a few weeks. Took it back because I'm on the edge of 2 Verizon LTE towers and would lose signal quite often. I know it's not isolated to the Nexus because a friend of mine owns the Verizon equivalent of the Photon (can't remember the name right now) and has the same LTE issues problem.
i been kickin around the same idea, and this EVO LTE is looking even better with a 1.5 GHz processor!?!?!
BUT.... i look back on the pros and cons
If i switch to the Nexus or EVO LTE
Pros(even tho they end up sounding like cons
-Faster Processor (even tho we have 1.3 OC i still clock down to 1.0, so not too powerful of persuasion.
-LTE - BUT... sprint is adding this technology and it will be WIP.
Screen - no doubt its a better screen, BUT it will probably chew more power
-1080p camera (but the devs are working on this for the photon)
-Official ICS (BUT id end up wiping out and flashing CM9 so im back to where i am now)
-Lighter - this is one pro that i cant argue, the EVO LTE is a feather!
-Front camera - 1.3 v vga (not a biggy for me)
-Only CDMA, less radios, less cell signal probably
-$$$ it will take a few bills outta my pocket
-phone is bigger and will be bigger in the jeans pocket
-more attractive to be stolen at the gym
when i rethink everything through, i honesty am more tempted to go buy a second photon for backup. The photon is not at a huge hardware disadvantage. software wise... just think how fast joker has done what he has done with using code out of the air. Im sittin my fat ass down with the photon for a long time.
Once or IF sprint ever comes back out with a worldwide android phone that can beat the Photon in the ring, THEN ill switch over. but for now, the photon has too great of devs, and amazing radios that i cant ignore. a phone is for communications, and without great radios, well... your SOL.
my 2 cents
Just hope this great devs don't switch over to an lte phone lol
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
alot of great points being brought up i swore to myself i would never buy another samsung phone because i had a terrible experience with the epic touch signal wise i just didn't get the same signal i got with my photon in the exact same spots no arguing that. i would love to get the evo lte too BUT intergrated battery is too iphone-ish for me and i feel like it will be a HUGE disadvantage to rooters and another way for sprint to **** with me and take more money out my pocket if my phone gets screwed up if motorola werent on verizons jock i would wait for them to come out with a lte phone...by the way do you guys think that googles purchase of motorola will eventually lead to a Motorola manufactured Nexus? how awsome would that be
Sent from my Thrive using xda premium
Easy choice. The Galaxy Nexus. As much as I love the Photon, people need to look beyond the software UI when choosing a phone. Galaxy Nexus has LTE capability, Photon has Wimax capability. Wimax is on its way out while LTE is on its way in. The LTE footprint by Sprint will be nationwide whereas the Wimax footprint is standing put.
Get the Galaxy Nexus because even joker's rom is stock ICS which is what the galaxy nexus is anyways except you will get LTE capability at some point in the future depending on which market you live in.
rruss said:
alot of great points being brought up i swore to myself i would never buy another samsung phone because i had a terrible experience with the epic touch signal wise i just didn't get the same signal i got with my photon in the exact same spots no arguing that. i would love to get the evo lte too BUT intergrated battery is too iphone-ish for me and i feel like it will be a HUGE disadvantage to rooters and another way for sprint to **** with me and take more money out my pocket if my phone gets screwed up if motorola werent on verizons jock i would wait for them to come out with a lte phone...by the way do you guys think that googles purchase of motorola will eventually lead to a Motorola manufactured Nexus? how awsome would that be
Sent from my Thrive using xda premium
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Im with you there. I might be willing to try the Note but at this point, who knows if its coming or not.
Jeff_in_LA said:
Jokers work is awesome, and I thank him profusely. I hope Motorola hires him!
For me, this phone is a red headed stepchild. Moto only cars about Verizon customers. I'm never buying a moto phone again.
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why would they hire him?
And if you look at the amount of sold units between Vz and Sprint you would see why Moto caters to Vz. Sprint is no longer considered an Class A service provider by any OM.
photon all the way. with miui its a fantastic phone. and wouldnt trade if for anything. and yes. more is to come with this phone. it can only get better
How is a less functional phone fantastic? No 4G, no MMS
five40 said:
How is a less functional phone fantastic? No 4G, no MMS
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five40 said:
How is a less functional phone fantastic? No 4G, no MMS[/QUO
I think he was thinking in terms of a fully functional ics rom and as far as 4g goes more people don't have it anyway
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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halfdriven said:
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My post was in response to the MIUI comment
Sorry I thought I quoted the post.
ICS is pretty cool but it should not be the primary driver in making this decision. The Photon is already running CM9 and it will get official ICS support later this year. You need to compare specs between these two phones and match them to your lifestyle. Me, I live in a suburban area where the signal strength is only OK. I used to get a decent signal outside and in different spots within my house but now that I have a Photon that has all changed. I get signal almost everywhere. I don't have 4G in my area so I'm able to run CM9 as my daily driver with zero complaints. In my opinion the Photon is superior but if I lived in the middle of Manhattan I'd probably be rocking a Galaxy Nexus because the city's coverage is much better and Manhattan will get LTE.
The Galaxy Nexus and Photon are really apples and oranges. One is a Wimax phone while the other is an LTE phone. There are some areas with both types of 4G, but for the most part if you're not in the buildout you'd be stuck with 3G data. One is $150 on craigslist and the other is $200 on contract.
Its better to compare the Galaxy Nexus to the HTC EVO 4G LTE. In that respect, the only advantage to the Galaxy Nexus is being a Google-supported device. That really doesn't mean much to me, since Google has shown that they only care about one generation past, and ICS only just came to the Nexus S 4G last week, even the HTC Sensation and the international Galaxy S2 got ICS before that.
Even if you have a fully functional Photon with ICS though, which doesn't exist, the Galaxy Nexus is still better. And you better be prepared to pay $400+ more for the privilege.

[Q] Sprint Galaxy Nexus / At&t One X / Sprint EVO 4G LTE or wait for S III

Ok so my EVO 3D shattered today. So I need to get a new phone. I don't want a replacement I'm tired of the 3VO. So here's my dilemma (I'm currently on Sprint, obviously):
• My contract is up so I can choose to renew or start a new contract elsewhere.
• I like the Sprint Galaxy Nexus, I can get that for $200 but there is no LTE in Orlando (Or anywhere for that matter)
• I think the At&t One X is beautiful (love the white). I can get this for $150 (Radioshack) and the there's LTE in Orlando.
• I think the HTC EVO LTE is hideous (color and material combination). I can get this for $200, but again no LTE.
• I've been following the Galaxy S III rumors since I can remember and I like what I see from the leaks. But the truth is we won't get this phone, in the US, until at least 3 months from the Thursday announcement.
So do you guys think I should get one of the current phones available, if so, which one? Or should I be patient and wait till Thursday and see what the S III announcement is all about in terms of availability?
*One thing to keep in mind is that I already have an At&t contract with two lines on it. Maybe I can add a 3rd and get a nice family plan price?
It looks like it depends on your current sprint service. If you are happy with the current sprint service you get then get the Galaxy Nexus or the Evo 4G LTE. If you are not happy with sprint and like AT & T more then get the One X.
id like the one x, but no sd and no way to upgrade the battery for extended power is putting me off, but in the other hand, the sex appeal of it, is drawing me towards it, my missus has the s2, and i dont really like it
Thank for responding guys. I'm happy with Sprint but the lack of LTE coverage is turning me away.
Markospena. I'm in almost the same dilemma minus the at&t option. I am on a sprint family plan and don't plan on going to another carrier. Not having LTE isn't a big issue for me. I'm just torn between phones. My first smartphone was the EVO. Then I traded it in for the 3VO. Right now I'm between the GNEX and the 4G LTE. The GNEX is technically old hardware by now but the pure vanilla experience has me leaning in the direction of the GNEX. I've always ran cyanogenmod on both the EVO AND 3D. So I think I should just go with the GNEX. then I start thinking about its basically last years phone. So I don't know what to do. I'm not big on sense but sense 4.0 does seem to be a lot simpler and less bloated. Ughhhh haha I feel your pain.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
One X, easy choice, battery is decent, your getting a day easy.
@anthrofear ...
You should take a look at AT&T's family plan. I didn't think Sprint really had one. I know with unlimited, another line is $10 less...But I don't exactly consider that a group plan. I'm in the same boat with this difficult decision but surprisingly I am leaving Sprint (early) and going to AT&T for the HTC One X. A big factor in it to be honest is the lack of 4G on Sprint for the HTC EVO LTE and the ugly design of the phone. Last, AT&T's family plan is actually going to save me about $10-20 a month. Right now I'm at $117/mo with Sprint because the EVO comes with $10 extra premium fee...Which is total crap. I can count on one hand the times I've used 4G because when doing so, the battery drains faster.
IF Sprint continues to charge a premium for 4G phones at $10/mo. ... They're horrible. Because their 4G network is mess and the EVO 4G LTE won't fall back like it will on AT&T from LTE to HSPA+. Plus AT&T has more LTE coverage than Sprint at the moment. Clearwire was a real bad idea for Sprint. I like Sprint don't get me wrong, but my usage patterns didn't prove to need an unlimited plan. 3GB and 5GB (on AT&T) is a real good amount of data. You really need to be streaming a LOT to hit that. I'm averaging 1GB/mo. on Sprint.
So if changing carriers makes a decision easier for you, don't be afraid of it. I was quite surprised that AT&T came out cheaper for two lines for my wife and myself. Plus they are unlimited too - just not to land lines...But the minutes roll over. So... I'm actually left to wonder what Sprint's edge is now. As loyal as I was...I want to actually use the phone I'm buying and save a couple hundred a year while doing so.
...And now...No fugly two tone black HTC One X and I get it Sunday
I should also note that my decision for the One X over the Nexus is that the Nexus's blacks are great and I believe turning off pixels promotes battery life, but the reviews show the One X with better (slightly) battery life, the camera is better (while I don't expect great photos, any help is great with smartphones for stability/low light - not for resolution) and most important is that the Nexus' whites look very blue to me. The tint is terrible and I'm not sure my eyes would ever adjust. I noticed it right away in the Sprint store without even holding my other phone up.
The other reason is that Google does not officially support the Sprint version of the Nexus. They are only choosing to work with the GMA versions. So with the Nexus on Sprint or Verizon you would be at the mercy of Samsung. The Nexus would be worth considering on a different carrier if my above mentioned issues are no issue for you.
One x of course
sent from my EVO 3D s off using xda premium
As it turns out I had to pick up a new number when I moved to AT&T today. So I still have my EVO on Sprint and the HTC One X on AT&T for a little bit.
I downloaded the speedtest.net app. Now I'm worried.
Sprint on 3G
154ms ping
798Kbps down
592Kbps up
Sprint on 4G (WiMax, not LTE)
75ms ping
7880Kbps down
1486Kbps up
AT&T on 4G (HSPA+ the fallback)
87ms ping
277Kbps down (though another test I saw 1100+ but it's unstable and takes a while to start, the graph in the app is erratic)
up? Who knows because it won't even start.
I did have LTE coverage outside so I'll run the test again in a different spot.
Pretty embarrassing that Sprint's 3G is actually faster...
Both tests were to the same server at the same time in the same location.
This really has me regretting the AT&T idea to be honest. I imagine I can just cancel but... I'll give it a fair shake and make my mind up before the return period.
I'm speechless. My major complaint with Sprint was that they wouldn't have LTE...But their 3G is pretty good! I know that'll vary based on where I am and all...So I'll do more testing from various areas.
sad face.
I regret leaving T-Mobile US for Sprint
I would RUN to the HTC One X
I stand (happily) corrected! I went outside and got 26.41Mbps down and 17.10Mbps up with 98ms ping.
WOW! I even saw a spike, in one of the tests, to 3100 some Kbps nearly 30Mbps!
I will never go back to non LTE. Which means even if data costs more on AT&T (I'll have to see how much data I actually end up using) ... It has the LTEs where Sprint does not =( and will not until this phone is old.
The HTC One X is the one you want =)
tom_m said:
I stand (happily) corrected! I went outside and got 26.41Mbps down and 17.10Mbps up with 98ms ping.
WOW! I even saw a spike, in one of the tests, to 3100 some Kbps nearly 30Mbps!
I will never go back to non LTE. Which means even if data costs more on AT&T (I'll have to see how much data I actually end up using) ... It has the LTEs where Sprint does not =( and will not until this phone is old.
The HTC One X is the one you want =)
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Thanks for posting this. I'm also in the same boat and was just going to wait for the White EVO 4G LTE to come out and make a decision.
However the fact still remains, I will not have LTE and not until maybe the end of this year if I stay with Sprint. I just checked my data and I barely go over 1gb and I feel that I'm always using sprints 3G/4G. I guess I'm not on it as much as I thought.
I'm now on Facebook trying to see how friends with at&t here like their service. It's a hard decision, since I only pay $50 a month for everything with Sprint. Decisions, Decisions.

[Q] Trade iPhone 4S in for EVO 4G LTE?

Hey xda. In March I switched to sprint and got an iPhone 4S, but I'm finding Sprint's service on the iPhone to be less than stellar (every single call I make or receive drops or cuts out). I know it's not my area (Houston-Dallas) as my father has Sprint on his EVO 4G and he doesn't have the same problems. I've been through every iPhone on AT&T as well as a Nexus One and an Atrix. I love the iPhone interface, but I'm quickly becoming disgruntled with the issues I'm having and am thinking about going back to Android. Would I be happy with an EVO 4G LTE, should I wait for the Galaxy SIII, or should I just keep my 4S?
absolutely 100% recommend the evo lte. i am still using the original evo 4g and love it. everyone else in my family has the 4s and i have to say it seems pretty limited sometimes compared to somethings i can do with my evo and i almost never have dropped calls accept for in extremely low signal areas which i pretty much no where by me haha.
edit: also i wouldn't bother waiting for the sgs3. its going to have the same processor as the new evo since no quad core currently supports lte and plus htc has much better build quality. so like i said i can't see you being dissapointed in the new evo if you get it. and if you don't like it theres always the 30 day return grace period.
thatoneguy247 said:
Hey xda. In March I switched to sprint and got an iPhone 4S, but I'm finding Sprint's service on the iPhone to be less than stellar (every single call I make or receive drops or cuts out). I know it's not my area (Houston-Dallas) as my father has Sprint on his EVO 4G and he doesn't have the same problems. I've been through every iPhone on AT&T as well as a Nexus One and an Atrix. I love the iPhone interface, but I'm quickly becoming disgruntled with the issues I'm having and am thinking about going back to Android. Would I be happy with an EVO 4G LTE, should I wait for the Galaxy SIII, or should I just keep my 4S?
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I am basically in your exact situation. I live in the Dallas area and I made the dumb mistake of getting a 4s. Two things made my decision; 1st I had the 3D and support for it was diminishing so I got bored and I had an opportunity to get the 4s new without using my upgrade for about $100. I hate it's speeds, it's connections, interface is okayyy, So many apps are pay that I got free or optioned to support on Android, iMessage never works ect... I deserve every flame I get. I honestly hate the 4s.
I WAS 110% on bored with new Evo but I would like a little more confirmation on LTE. I have owned 3 variations of the Evo (OG, 3D, Shift) and am a big fan but if DFW won't have anything better than 3G for awhile I might hold out. By the time I get a confirmation I am hoping the new iPhone specs are released since it too will be LTE finally and iOS6 is rumored to be a complete redesign. I'm not he greatest fan of iOS, I think Android fits me better but the iPhone 5 is shaping up to peak my interest.
I almost pre-ordered but I think I am going to stick it out awhile and let the phone hit the masses awhile. As far as the GSIII, if you are going back to Android stay HTC, the reviews of both the EVO is edging it out on everything but of course the screen cause no one can really beat Samsung except Apple but every review is saying the Evo is still a very high contender.
From what I hear, the voice quality on the evo lte is same if not better than on the galaxy nexus. I had a chance to play with the GN at a local store recently. All other things aside, the call quality was amazing, clear, vibrant, loud - in fact, with the ear piece on the maximum setting, it was TOO loud! I can't remember the last cell phone I had that had that capability (maybe an old motorola razr).

Eligible for Upgrade Soon, Where to go next?

Hi All,
I am eligible for my upgrade is 10 days, ready to retire the 3d, and am trying to figure out what phone to get next. Sprint doesn't seem to have many new phones coming out. I have always had HTC phones, ever since windows mobile, and i love sense. I had the galaxy S II for like 3 hours but traded it in for the 3d cause I hated the samsung interface and the size was too big for one handed operation. As far as I can tell the only worthy upgrades now are the EVO 4G LTE and the Galaxy III, both of which are huge. No Iphone 5, not going to happen, dont suggest it. Anyways love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks
Galaxy nexus will be a good choice !
I have an idea:
Get an iPhone 5, everyone will want one, then trade it for any phone you want, they'll do it.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
I read over threads of devices I was interested in looked for common issues people were having with phones, trolls and mods. HTC do you have s off or dev unlock can u deal with dev unlock of do you wait for s off. Samsung unlock you phone without restrictions. Performance things you need your phone for games etc. Me personally I chose the gs3 after I swore to never own another Samsung after the instinct.
Get a nexus device. Development is crazy good.
Glad I dumped the 3d.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
From what I hear, both are nice. Go to their respective sections here and see which community you like better. Also try them in store first.
Imagika FTW... with Tapatalk 2
Honestly, if you don't want a far larger phone, there isn't much out there. The Evo 4G LTE, Galaxy Nexus, and Galaxy SIII are all about the same size. The Galaxy Nexus is a better phone than the 3D, but not by much. The Development is far, far better though.
If you don't get your upgrade immediately, you might be able to wait around for another 4.3" phone that has better specs, or you could skip this generation.
Wait until early next year for krait architecture quad core phones
That will be a real improvement, else go with one S
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
Since the Mogul I have owned HTC phones. I have upgraded every year and my first android phone was the First EVO. I got the EVO 3D on launch because it was a good upgrade over the EVO and I wanted to try the 3D. But this is the first year I havent gone out and replaced my phone on launch. I looked at the specs and did my research of the EVO 4G LTE but spending the 200+ bucks didnt seem ideal for me.
Yes the LTE is a step up from the 3D but I have found that im happy with the 3D as its still very fast and with the ICS update its even better than before. I have decided to skip this generation of phones and wait till the next gen HTC phones come out. Also as gimmicky as the 3D feature is for most, I actually use it quite a bit as I have a 3D TV at home.
What it comes down to in my opinion is this..... Use your upgrade now and get a great phone or wait 6-8 months for the next gen phones to start hitting the market and get an even better phone. This is what im doing myself but again its all about weighing your options.
I would suggest you to wait for a month or two ang get a new Nexus and as far rumor goes this year it will be at least 3 of them.
But if you really like Sense skin then i guess either go with HTC One X or Evo 4G LTE.
Thanks all, did you say new nexus?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
/ cough/ note 2 /cough/. This of course sent from my new iPad, I'm all over the map.
if your contract is almost up i would cancel sprint and go with another provider sprint on my area is doing sooo bad and they are charging more then the other companys.
just my opinion
propagandax said:
Hi All,
I am eligible for my upgrade is 10 days, ready to retire the 3d, and am trying to figure out what phone to get next. Sprint doesn't seem to have many new phones coming out. I have always had HTC phones, ever since windows mobile, and i love sense. I had the galaxy S II for like 3 hours but traded it in for the 3d cause I hated the samsung interface and the size was too big for one handed operation. As far as I can tell the only worthy upgrades now are the EVO 4G LTE and the Galaxy III, both of which are huge. No Iphone 5, not going to happen, dont suggest it. Anyways love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks
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I would go with the HTC EVO 4G LTE if staying with sprint, personally when my contract is up I'm jumping ship to T-Mobile's new unlimited plan and getting the Samsung Galaxy S III unless there's a better option by then.
Archao said:
I would go with the HTC EVO 4G LTE if staying with sprint, personally when my contract is up I'm jumping ship to T-Mobile's new unlimited plan and getting the Samsung Galaxy S III unless there's a better option by then.
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If the OP went to T-mo, I would suggest the One S. It's a very fast phone that's thin and much smaller than the One X and galaxy SIII
I'm in the same boat as you. Today I changed my mind after reading a few articles about the snapdragon S4 quad-core phones.....and it looks like the wait wont be too long. One of the articles was a new phone by LG ...the Optimus G. I've never had an LG phone, but omg the specs on this are so impressive......the screen alone is almost a reason to wait.
I've only bought HTC phones for the family (evo(s) and 3d) I really wanted an evo lte, but if I bought today my 2 years would start on a phone that's already been out 2-3 months. Buy today or wait you cant lose
note 2:good:
Note 2-- I agree
I'm looking forward to the next iteration of the note, but if I was going to get a new phone today, I think I would get a galaxy nexus iii.
Happy shopping.
He said the Evo LTE and SGIII are too big, so why in the hell would he want the Note 2? You people need to learn how to read.
krayziejoe said:
He said the Evo LTE and SGIII are too big, so why in the hell would he want the Note 2? You people need to learn how to read.
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Well, in the defense of us people, he said they are huge, but they were the only worthy contenders. This implies he had not ruled them out. Otherwise he would have said not to bother suggesting or discussing them.
At this time, they really are the only two phones for Android power users that Sprint has (besides the 3d of course). My suggestion to check out the dev scene of each device still holds.
Imagika FTW... with Tapatalk 2

