[Q] Diagnose High AOS - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, I'm experiencing extremely high AOS usage in the battery stats. It is almost always higher than Display Usage.
Rom: HyDrOG3N-ICS 13.05
Kernel: SiyahKernel v3.2.5.1
Battery: Official 2000mah
I've got some UV/UC for CPU and GPU, I don't experience any freezes or slowdown's at all.
I've tried turning off BLN and it didn't affect the AOS usage which means that there must be something else contributing to the high AOS usage.
I've got sync on and some periodic (1hr interval) syncs such as weather. I've got an additional push account. [IMO, this shouldn't be part of AOS]
Does anyone have any ideas how I can find out the culprits for AOS?

betterbaterystats app install an c wats draining....

lambstone said:
Hey guys, I'm experiencing extremely high AOS usage in the battery stats. It is almost always higher than Display Usage.
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is that betterbatterystats ? or the normal battery stats in the ics options ?
depending on how much screen on time u have ur next big battery sucker will be Aos (since u stated that u have sync on) if the phone is idle most of the time...
in my case i see Aos usage thru the first half of the day being the most battery sucker, passing afternoon its display and calls with Aos after them and at night i have Aos climb back up top... why? because i leave the phone in my pocket most of the time except for when i need to call/send a msg thru whatever app/sms/mms..... or anything and that keeps the phone awake for that short time and then its back to idle in my pocket and the only thing working is Aos checking email and whatever is on in sync
dont be surprized to see it up top its only natural, but keep track of how much power u lose. Losing 0-5% of battery life an hour on idle(screen off/locked) depending on signal strength with sync on is normal... more than that and i would be looking for any wakelocks or whatever is causing the phone to lose so much battery juice.
i have seen bad modems use even more battery juice just trying to maintain a good signal even with data&sync off and 2g

Not sure how I managed to fix it. There wasn't any out of the ordinary wakelocks. I flashed the siyah kernel and at the same time adjusted the polling rate of BMW. Seems like it was battery monitor widget battery polling rate that contribute to the AOS. I always thought that it would show up as a separate usage stat.


[Q] mA usage in Battery Monitor Widget

For those of you that have Battery Monitor Widget installed, what kind of average usage are you seeing with the phone idle, screen off?
On my old Desire it'd sit at something around low double digits, 10mA or so idle with the screen off...
On my new shiny SGSII it's at about 180mA odd, which may explain why I struggle to get a days usage out of it. I've tried different ROMs (stock rooted, lite'ning, currently on villain 2.4.2) and different modems (currently KG6) and have used Ti to freeze all of the samsung bloatware without any improvement...
What kinds of values are others seeing?
in idle , i get average of 50-60mA .. but after 3,4 hours of idle , i can get it as low as 9-10mA .. running on sensation rom 1.4 .. in normal use , it will hike from 100+ma to 400mA ..
it's actually a bit higher than my last desire HD. which in idle can get as low as 4-5 mA .. i guess that's all depend on the kernel ..
seeing at your idle usage about 180mA, that's definitely have something wrong somewhere. gotta find what apps draining the battery
Just did a test while I was down the gym - with mobile data off, but streaming music to a bluetooth headset, it was down to 60-80mA. Turn it back on and it's gone back up again...
Gtalk is frozen, Latitude isn't signed in... Nothing obvious shows up in Better Battyer Stats.. Other than removing apps one by one, any bright ideas as to how to work out which is the culprit?
I think i read that HTC phones actuality give true mah battery rates where on the S2 it is only get`s estimated.
I fully charged it last night, and left it alone overnight. Perfect signal (local picocell about 10 ft away), pretty much everything disabled, all user apps, samsung stuff frozen - only google apps unfrozen. Background data disabled, bluetooth, gps, wifi off.
After a few minutes, after a short while at 60mA odd it sat idling at about 9mA pretty much all night - used about 8% overnight. I re-enabled background sync, now sat on my desk at work with a reasonable 3G signal it's sat at about 60mA.
Time to start unfreezing apps and see what's draining it!
=jon= said:
Time to start unfreezing apps and see what's draining it!
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Install 'Better Battery Stats' for that.
ithehappy said:
Install 'Better Battery Stats' for that.
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It's installed - I get a lot of events/0 and suspend listed in process, and not that many wakelocks listed...
I've just frozen the samsung email client (exchange) and the associated processes, and my usage has dropped from 60-100mA at idle to under 20 - looks like this may be the culprit!
Going to try unfreezing it and seeing if it goes back up again...
I gave up trying to freeze / unfreeze stuff - too much hassle.
So - did a factory reset this morning, so back to a totally fresh villain install. I even removed my 32G sd card in case that was causing issues..
Disabled automatic app re-installing, and have been slowly setting things back up while watching the juice usage.
Currently with touchwiz and all of the samsung crap frozen, no widgets running, my 2 gmail accounts and exchange activesync configured, and it's idling at about 50-60mA.
It's going to be a pretty drawn out process working out what's causing the drain

Is it normal to face massive battery drain (40%) overnight?

Currently on checkrom revolution 1.0 KI4 with hardcore's latest speedmod k2-8. Have had this phone for ard 5 months now and u can call me a compulsive flasher since I'm always flashing the latest roms, kernels and firmwares.
Throughout these 5 months, this overnight battery drain issue has been bugging me relentlessly, regardless of the firmware or rom used. Typically my phone will be off in the morning if i leave it at anything below 50% charge when going to bed. In contrast i've read of many accounts of sub 5% overnight drains that has lead me to suspect some kind of mistake on my part rather then a fundamental flaw in the design of the phone/software. Would be great if the xda community could assist by giving some insight into this matter, for in sure some of you might be/have been experiencing the same issue and might have solved it or are awaiting similar insight as well.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
no its not normal. I lose 1-2% over an 7-8 hour period when im sleeping.
Install betterbatterystats and see what your wakelocks are over night. Something is obviously keeping your phone awake. The usual culprits are being signed into latitude or facebook chat.
i would suggest either change kernel or better yet change roms...kernel i would suggest ninp 2.0.5..stable and good battery life..also if you use setcpu i can provide you with frequencies so you can test it..message me so i can give them to you..regarding betterbatterystats i would not use but as skimmingstones say use it and see what your wakelocks are cause ur stats do not sound right buddy
Jeez! 40% overnight? I once had 8/9% drain overnight and got annoyed. Install Better Battery Stats first to see what apps/processes are causing the wakelocks. Then go on to change kernel and SetCPU etc for further betterment, but at first see what's going on background, with the help of BBS.
Post up screenshots of battery usage please.
My sister was loosing 40% each night turned out to be the Hotmail app not sleeping!
LOL 40 % !? your phone is the best drain phone ever :/
maybe U can set your display to low brightness and look of your phone goes to deep-sleep mode (CpuSpy)
Try also to calibrate battery.
Look at my signature.
not normal for me lolz

[Q] what can I do to save battery on my Galaxy S II?

I get about 7 hours of battery everyday through medium usage and my battery drains quite a lot when I am revising and listening to music. I have a 1900 battery instead of the stock 1650 and it does improve battery life but is there anything else I can do? I find it a bit stupid that my battery drains so much when I'm just listening to music!
I am running CM9.
Whats the signal strength like in your area? Aside from the screen (put screen brightness down), 3g seems to drain my battery most in weak signal areas, where the signal bars are continuously on 1 or 0. I put my 3g / data off and my phone can easily go hours before any drop in battery percentage, I got 4 days battery life with 3g off using it sparingly or wifi when i could to check my emails. Only other thing i did was calls and texts, but that was just as a test.
But i like to keep data on, and gps, all the time. I often get 4 hours screen time and approx 24 hours battery life with my 2000mAh Samsung battery.
Aside from that, last time i checked cm9 was a battery drain, may have moved on a bit.
the only real way you can save battery "during use" is with some restraint. Ie turn brightness down if screen is on, listen at lower volumes if it's playing music. The more voltage it's using the faster it drains. So less brightness or volume output = less power used.
7 hours is around the average use for battery life savy users around here. Even with the extended battery I'd say your right about on the money for battery use (based on what I assume you do and don't know at this stage). But there is certainly room for improvement .
Now before I go on, you probably won't notice any significant difference to battery life during use from these steps. My only hope is that in-between use it'll save more power, and squeeze out a bit more usage time for you.
First/easiest thing would be go to check if it's sleeping properly. Just don't use it for say an hour, then go to the battery monitor in settings. Check the screen on and awake times, they should be almost idenical. If there are several awake records in between screen on's, then you have a problem.
If you use sounds like unlock sounds etc, go turn them all off.. this was/pretty sure still is an issue in CM9 (causes audio_out1 to continuously wake up the phone from deep sleep and drains the battery like a mofo). Also getting rid of facebook (if it's installed) will help.. it loves waking the phone for no obvious reason.. even with every form of sync, background data, and mobile data in general turned off .
^^ you don't have to do that step but I'm pretty confident you'd have to anyway, so it's just easier to do it straight up. Then you can look for other problems.
Next, install "better battery stats". If you like to support developers, you can quickly buy it off the market. Otherwise it's free here if you search for the official thread.
Reboot your phone, then leave you phone for an hour or two, then check out whats happening in better battery stats. I'm not going to pretend I unerstand what half of the stuff it bangs on about is, but I digress. Select "since charged" and then check each different tabs of data (partial wakelocks, kernel wakelocks etc). You are really just looking for anything that stands out as a red bar basically. small amounts aren't a real worry/bound to happen. If it's bigger than say 1cm long, it's probably an issue. Then it's up to you to find out what the app/process is doing the damage . So either google or the better battery stats thread will be your friend at that stage. It was obvious what is was for me cause it said facebook but you might have a different experience.
Hope that helps. But the only way that's going to make a real dent would be trying to use it less.. lol.
Oh and if possible, turning on airplane mode would save a bit of battery in use. And of course the obvious ones like turn of wifi, gps, bluetooth, data, auto sync, soft key backlight and anything else you can turn off
Just do it what i say .. Download the full version of app. called juice defender from play store..install it and then see the magic by yourself ..i have been using the same ..it almost double up the battery backup through its advance settings.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] Battery Usage Monitor App?

Im looking for an app that will do the following:
log the battery percentage at set intervals.
(for instace, every 10 mins it would take note of the percentage of battery left.)
Im having problems with the battery in my epic 4g and I think that an app like this would help me diagnose the problem.
The default battery monitor app kind of does this, however it doesnt record the actual times (to my knowlege) it just shows a line graph.
The battery is draining at about 15% over the course of an hour.
UPDATE: A big thanks to user: JR67 for suggesting "Battery Monitor Widget" This does exactly what I was looking for.
So, im making some progress trying to find out whats wrong. I put my phone on airplane mode for over an hour and when I checked it again the battery had not dropped a single percent, as opposed to non-airplane mode, which was taking about 10-15% in that same time period. I suspect that there is an app or two that are contancting a server a little too often. Im going to keep an eye on my data use to find out what could be using it. I dont think that I have any third-party apps that could be doing this so I think it is something default in CM9. I'm going to keep updating this with more info as I figure it out. When I get to the bottom of this I might start a new info thread with the details of whats going on (in the EVO 4G forum)
Take a look at Battery Monitor Widget. It will log battery stats at set intervals. You could also take a look at Battery Monitor. It keeps track of how long your battery remained at a certain percent.
Cool I just flashed cm9 and it seems to help a bit, I'll try the widget and see what up. The sprint store said the battery was fine. I also underclocked the cpu to .8 and that seems to help. Im also thinking it might not be sleeping properly.
If you think that your phone might be having sleep issues then you should use BetterBatteryStats.
I would use Battery Monitor Widget as a diagnostic tool and would only enable the monitoring/logging when I'm having battery issues. It'll cause wakelocks when it reads the battery stats.
I think I have the problem 'solved'. As soon as I turn off all mobile(3G) data the battery is fine. loosing 1-3% per hr. I wonder why the data is taking so much...

Battery Drain EXTREMEMLY Fast

Hey guys, I am having a problem with my Amaze, more specifically, the battery is dying absolutely WAY to quickly. For example, yesterday morning, after unplugging my fully charged phone, I dropped it straight into my pocket, and maybe looked at it twice the entire day. When I pull it it at the end of the day, the battery is red, with 8% left. If I were to be using it, the battery would last about 30 minutes on a full charge, most likely. I've also noticed that the phone is really hot, even in my pocket. If it helps, I am on ICS and have been using it since it was leaked in April, however, this problem is new (about 2 days ago is when it first started), as I usually get about 8-10 hours with moderate usage. Can you guys please help me? Thanks!
Well if it just started happening recently, and you haven't made any changes, then the battery may just be going bad... If that's the case, you can call HTC and they will send you one free replacement.
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.10
could be just the battery.. but if you don't mind me asking - how long have you owned the device? I suggest you dl JuiceDefender from the playstore and see if that helps - Definitely helps my device get through the day with moderate use and one time charge every 1 1/4 a day but this could vary on owners usage. Also, check your settings to conserve battery life such as turning off wifi, gps, auto syncs on your fb, gmail etc. and adjust your brightness to the lowest if possible and OH... less widgets and windows > less power that the battery consumes. Hope that helps!
b33j7030 said:
could be just the battery.. but if you don't mind me asking - how long have you owned the device? I suggest you dl JuiceDefender from the playstore and see if that helps - Definitely helps my device get through the day with moderate use and one time charge every 1 1/4 a day but this could vary on owners usage. Also, check your settings to conserve battery life such as turning off wifi, gps, auto syncs on your fb, gmail etc. and adjust your brightness to the lowest if possible and OH... less widgets and windows > less power that the battery consumes. Hope that helps!
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Like I said, this just started happening. I didn't just decide to leave all my wifi and GPS and Bluetooth on all day. Also, to answer your question, I've had it since the beginning of the year. I think it's just the battery. I'll call HTC and report back.
cool.. i'm hoping its just the battery.
b33j7030 said:
cool.. i'm hoping its just the battery.
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Thanks. The overheating does concern me a bit, however.
HarryHyper said:
Thanks. The overheating does concern me a bit, however.
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you're not alone in that dept but its highly tolerable... look on the bright side.. least you'll have a pocket warmer during WINTER lol
b33j7030 said:
you're not alone in that dept but its highly tolerable... look on the bright side.. least you'll have a pocket warmer during WINTER lol
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Alright guys, looks like it solved itself. Interesting...
I usually only get 6-8 hours on my battery, and its been like that from the beginning. is there something wrong with my phone then?
erkk_69 said:
I usually only get 6-8 hours on my battery, and its been like that from the beginning. is there something wrong with my phone then?
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Nope, battery life isn't that great with this phone, depending on how much you use your phone and what all you use it for you will get any where from 6-14 hrs + or - some. Also your Rom and kernel will make a difference..
sent from my NRGized Amaze,
powered by faux kernel v.10
I find usually its the user when it comes to battery I get roughly 20 hours with regular use
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
HarryHyper said:
Alright guys, looks like it solved itself. Interesting...
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Nice!... Glad to hear
This happens to me from time to time, and the phone is ALWAYS hot when this happens.
What I've come to discover that it's usually something that' activating the phone while asleep.
The phone is hot, because the processor is being used. That's why the battery is completely dead so quickly, something is pulling it out of deep sleep and causing it to run full bore. The key sign is the phone is hot.
I recommend you get an app that lets you see wakelocks, and what's keeping the phone awake etc (I use GSAM battery monitor) Whenever I notice my phone becoming hot for no apparent reason, I know for a FACT that my battery will be dead in a matter of hours. Lately it has been "Android System" that's the culprit, and I can't quite nail down what is doing it, but it's very random and not much of a problem because I do a reboot and things are back to normal.
First, try to reboot your phone. Get system tuner and see what processes are using the processor when the phone is hot (make sure you show ALL processes, even the default excluded ones). Check the wakelocks. Get battery monitor and check the mA usage (it keeps a running history). When my phone is running optimally, I have a mA drain of around 70-90mA when screen off/deep sleep, and it should maintain this type of drain... when my phone is becoming hot for no reason, I see numbers anywhere from 300-600mA drain for no apparent reason. A lot of the time there was an APP that was offending, so I would first check that. Like I said though lately it has been "Android System" and it's kind of hard to nail that down, but it's so random.
When my phone is cool to the touch most of the time, I know it's running optimally because it's achieving deep sleep. I've found a lot of it has to do with what you had running before you turn the screen off. A reboot ALWAYS fixes it for me. If you can't seem to nail down the offending app, do a full reset back to stock and you should notice that your phone runs very very cool when the screen is off and it's sleeping. I usually get anywhere from 24hrs-2 days of moderate use with the screen off governor set to conservative, and maximum clock for screen off ~600mHZ. I use interactive governor for screen on, but that's for responsiveness and you'll probably have better luck with ondemand for battery life. YOu can set these in System Tuner.
Just remember, if the phone is HOT, it's using energy. If it's hot, something, somewhere, is causing the processor to run at a high clock frequency. If the phone is HOT after being in your pocket/screen off for a good amount of time, something is definitely wrong/rogue app. The phone should never be hot returning from deep sleep. I bet if you check your default battery monitor (The android one) you'll notice that the bar for AWAKE is probably almost solid blue, something is preventing it from going into deep sleep. If I notice my phone is hot when I take it out of my pocket, I immediately know that something isn't right. This should NOT happen.
sportsstar89 said:
I find usually its the user when it comes to battery I get roughly 20 hours with regular use
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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I'm just past my 9th day of using my Amaze 4G.... so far, if I turn off data and turn off autosync, my drain per hour goes below 1%/hour... so i could get >50 hour idle battery life + 4 hours screen usage
with data on and autosync off, maybe 2%/hour -> this translates to ~ 20hour idle battery life + 4 hour screen usage
with data on and autosync on, maybe 4%/hour -> 10 hour idle battery + 4 hour screen usage
I have only calendar widget on my home page, only Google Accounts on auto-sync (2 mail account, 1 contact, 1 calendar)....
EnergyROM 6.21.2012 ICS 4.0.3, faux kernel 0.07, ankor battery
ericdjobs said:
This happens to me from time to time, and the phone is ALWAYS hot when this happens.
What I've come to discover that it's usually something that' activating the phone while asleep.
The phone is hot, because the processor is being used. That's why the battery is completely dead so quickly, something is pulling it out of deep sleep and causing it to run full bore. The key sign is the phone is hot.
I recommend you get an app that lets you see wakelocks, and what's keeping the phone awake etc (I use GSAM battery monitor) Whenever I notice my phone becoming hot for no apparent reason, I know for a FACT that my battery will be dead in a matter of hours. Lately it has been "Android System" that's the culprit, and I can't quite nail down what is doing it, but it's very random and not much of a problem because I do a reboot and things are back to normal.
First, try to reboot your phone. Get system tuner and see what processes are using the processor when the phone is hot (make sure you show ALL processes, even the default excluded ones). Check the wakelocks. Get battery monitor and check the mA usage (it keeps a running history). When my phone is running optimally, I have a mA drain of around 70-90mA when screen off/deep sleep, and it should maintain this type of drain... when my phone is becoming hot for no reason, I see numbers anywhere from 300-600mA drain for no apparent reason. A lot of the time there was an APP that was offending, so I would first check that. Like I said though lately it has been "Android System" and it's kind of hard to nail that down, but it's so random.
When my phone is cool to the touch most of the time, I know it's running optimally because it's achieving deep sleep. I've found a lot of it has to do with what you had running before you turn the screen off. A reboot ALWAYS fixes it for me. If you can't seem to nail down the offending app, do a full reset back to stock and you should notice that your phone runs very very cool when the screen is off and it's sleeping. I usually get anywhere from 24hrs-2 days of moderate use with the screen off governor set to conservative, and maximum clock for screen off ~600mHZ. I use interactive governor for screen on, but that's for responsiveness and you'll probably have better luck with ondemand for battery life. YOu can set these in System Tuner.
Just remember, if the phone is HOT, it's using energy. If it's hot, something, somewhere, is causing the processor to run at a high clock frequency. If the phone is HOT after being in your pocket/screen off for a good amount of time, something is definitely wrong/rogue app. The phone should never be hot returning from deep sleep. I bet if you check your default battery monitor (The android one) you'll notice that the bar for AWAKE is probably almost solid blue, something is preventing it from going into deep sleep. If I notice my phone is hot when I take it out of my pocket, I immediately know that something isn't right. This should NOT happen.
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what program do you use to measure battery drain? I use Battery Monitor Widget, but it's not giving me an accurate answer (lets say I had the phone on idle w/o data/sync... the available % is stable over 5 hours (~1% loss per hour), but the current usage says at least -100mAh)
for me, the idle battery drain (apps autosyncing/using data) is the problem
I see my device properly going to sleep (deep sleep is the majority of the usage, not too many wakelocks/processes.....)
with data off and sync off, idle battery usage goes to a minimum
paperWastage said:
I'm just past my 9th day of using my Amaze 4G.... so far, if I turn off data and turn off autosync, my drain per hour goes below 1%/hour... so i could get >50 hour idle battery life + 4 hours screen usage
with data on and autosync off, maybe 2%/hour -> this translates to ~ 20hour idle battery life + 4 hour screen usage
with data on and autosync on, maybe 4%/hour -> 10 hour idle battery + 4 hour screen usage
I have only calendar widget on my home page, only Google Accounts on auto-sync (2 mail account, 1 contact, 1 calendar)....
EnergyROM 6.21.2012 ICS 4.0.3, faux kernel 0.07, ankor battery
what program do you use to measure battery drain? I use Battery Monitor Widget, but it's not giving me an accurate answer (lets say I had the phone on idle w/o data/sync... the available % is stable over 5 hours (~1% loss per hour), but the current usage says at least -100mAh)
for me, the idle battery drain (apps autosyncing/using data) is the problem
I see my device properly going to sleep (deep sleep is the majority of the usage, not too many wakelocks/processes.....)
with data off and sync off, idle battery usage goes to a minimum
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I use battery monitor widget to measure drain.. as far as accuracy, I'm not sure? I don't know if it's EXACT but it seems to be a pretty good indicator of drain. When in deep sleep the phone usually measures anywhere from 70~mA-120mA. Usually it stays below 100. Before I changed the screen off governor / max freq (screen off) it was almost always 100+. Screen off governor is conservative with a max freq of ~600MHz.
I have no idea how exact it is, but when it's reporting ~300mA, my battery is definitely draining much faster.. and when it's reporting 500-900mA~ my battery is draining incredibly fast, so it at least seems to be a solid indicator of current usage.
ericdjobs said:
I use battery monitor widget to measure drain.. as far as accuracy, I'm not sure? I don't know if it's EXACT but it seems to be a pretty good indicator of drain. When in deep sleep the phone usually measures anywhere from 70~mA-120mA. Usually it stays below 100. Before I changed the screen off governor / max freq (screen off) it was almost always 100+. Screen off governor is conservative with a max freq of ~600MHz.
I have no idea how exact it is, but when it's reporting ~300mA, my battery is definitely draining much faster.. and when it's reporting 500-900mA~ my battery is draining incredibly fast, so it at least seems to be a solid indicator of current usage.
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On my previous phone (LG Optimus T / Optimus One/ P509, CM9 ICS ROM), Battery Monitor Widget reports more accurate readings (idle with data off= -2mA or -20mA<dont remember>, accurately representing that 1% of battery would last at least 2 hours)
Phone with the new kernel (KozmiK Ruby -0.5a) still goes battery drain crazy (even with Juice Defender installed now).... I hit 10%, then got fed up, turned off data... then the phone slowly sipped battery for the next 3 hours going down only 1%.... sigh
I think Facebook Messenger is the data hogger in my case, since I do use it often... will try a new ROM build without logging onto facebook messenger, see how it goes
paperWastage said:
I'm just past my 9th day of using my Amaze 4G.... so far, if I turn off data and turn off autosync, my drain per hour goes below 1%/hour... so i could get >50 hour idle battery life + 4 hours screen usage
with data on and autosync off, maybe 2%/hour -> this translates to ~ 20hour idle battery life + 4 hour screen usage
with data on and autosync on, maybe 4%/hour -> 10 hour idle battery + 4 hour screen usage
I have only calendar widget on my home page, only Google Accounts on auto-sync (2 mail account, 1 contact, 1 calendar)....
EnergyROM 6.21.2012 ICS 4.0.3, faux kernel 0.07, ankor battery
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What you said is true, at least for data on - autosync on. My battery last around 10 hours idle + 3.5 - 4 hours on screen usage. It seems that autosync eats a lot of battery. Will try to turn that monster off and see how much it will improve. I have bad habit to push refresh button on gmail/facebook widget, even with autosync on,
I used to get 14-16 hours. Now my battery won't last more than 6 hours. I gotta replace my Anker
Sent From My HTC Amaze 4G via Someone's Room
Most recently I got 1 day and five hours with a fair amount of use by using faux 011 kernel and using CPU editor script to set it to battery saving profile. I'm at 45% right now with fairly heavy use after over 18 hours.
Battery life is totally under your control, it takes some work to get it where you want it.. but you also have the option of buying a bigger anker battery with external charger for $20 and carrying that spare battery, and simply not giving a damn.
Just saying, battery doesn't have to matter for a very small price and a little space to carry the spare battery in your pocket.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app

