Where is the menu for the default browser? Or the url field? - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

If I follow a link that takes me to a website, the menu button and url box is not there.
Sometimes I want to copy/paste the url to share. Is anyone else noticing this?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE

Its a new feature where when you scroll UP, the menus are supposed to be shown.
I was having difficulty making them appear when needed yesterday myself.


[Q] Browser History and Bookmarks. Where are they?

Update: Wow I'm an idiot. There's an icon right on the address bar that opens the exact window I'm thinking of. In my defense, I don't think I used to have to access it this way. I seem to recall there being a menu option. Who knows. I bricked my G1 so I can't go look.
On my G1 I could long-press on the Back button and get my browser history. I've read elsewhere that this is the case on other phones. This is mysteriously missing from the Vibrant. Plus there used to be a menu option to see it. I can find no way to access the history using the "Web" app. There is a button in settings to clear the History, but what's the point if no one can ever see it?
Same with Bookmarks. I can create bookmarks, but there don't appear anywhere! The button that normally shows bookmarks (if I recall correctly) is now an "Add RSS Feeds" button. The only way I've been able to access bookmarks is by creating a shortcut on my home screen. That's pretty ridiculous.
I seem to remember bookmarks, history, and possibly the open window list all being in one spot with a tabbed interface. All I can get to now is the open window list. EDIT: No, wait, I think it was bookmarks, history, and downloads all in one place. I was using CM5 at the time if that matters.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Also, does anyone else think it's annoying that the browser has it's own brightness setting and you can't just tell it to use the normal brightness setting? I understand the idea behind the future. You spend a lot of time staring at the screen when using the browser, so it's nice to be able to dim it to save battery power, but I sure wish there were an option to just make it use the normal brightness, because I really don't care. This is especially annoying when I have the brightness in the browser all the way up, and I'm using the reddit app at night in my bed, and I click a link. BAM! I'm blinded by the bright screen and have to keep staring at it to go find the setting to lower it.
I think Samsung made some really dumb mistakes with their version of Android. I know that custom roms solve these problems, but users shouldn't have to hack their phone to get basic features like access to browser history and bookmarks.

Few annoyances I have, are there any solutions for them?

Last night I has 3 minor annoyances with my Incredible, but really android in general.
1. When entering text in an input field in my browser (Opera), like a username or searching @ google.com. When I enter text that is longer than the input box I can't see the text in its entirety, I have to scroll left and right to see it all.
Are there any tweaks to enlarge the box or something like that?
2. When I search for a word in a webpage the keyboard takes up 4/5 of the screen and it's very hard to see the text. If I click into the website the search box gets hidden and I have to go through the menus to get to it again. I feel this is a keyboard issue, maybe a resizable keyboard or one that doesn't take up so much room when searching.
3. When I get linked to youtube in facebook, it will usually launch it with my browser and take me to the mobile site. When I want to email the link it always uses the mobile version of the link, is there a way to always send the regular youtube.com link without having to view the desktop version of the website?
Does anyone have any ideas?
For #1 and 2 you can type into the address bar, go back out of keyboard, and the cut and paste to desired text box.


I'm using the Evo 4G LTE if that's necessary information or not... Lately for some reason, every time I close out an app and then re-enter it, it loads back up to where I last was or last thing done rather than the main page. For example, open facebook app, it takes me directly to the last notification I looked at rather to my newsfeed and it will continue to take me to that notification when opening the program until I look at another notification. With instagram, it takes me to the image upload screen, the one where you crop the image before uploading it; all the time. It gets annoying having to navigate back to the main page. Anyone know what's up?
Umm. It's multitasking...
Sent from my One X
How is that multi-tasking by, for instagram's example, sending me to the upload page of a picture that i've already uploaded? At that point I shouldn't be brought to that page again with the same photo after I've already cropped and uploaded it.
It's going to open up where you left off - that way you can, say, start writing a post with tapatalk, go respond to an SMS, then go back to writing your post without losing your progress.
Instagram is one app, it's going to behave how it's designed to behave. I would assume it's taking you back to that page because it can't really take you to the post-upload page. So it just goes to the point nearest where you left off... but I don't use instagram, so that's just speculation.
Sent from my One X
Your explanation is how I believe multi-tasking is supposed to work and has been but let me explain what's happening in terms of a message board. I click new reply, write my statement and then click submit reply, and i'm now back at the thread page. So in essence, if I now switch out of the browser then go back to it, I should be back on the thread page. But instead, it brings me back to the reply page where I would be writing my response before clicking submit reply (if that paints the picture anymore clearly).
It's not just with instagram but it's with facebook and a few other apps. After doing some messing around after reading your response I did kill the tasks, re-open the apps and they loaded to their default pages as they should. so it's something that's causing these apps to re-open to the last action you did inside the app rather than the last thing you were viewing in the app.
in phone settings don't you have the option to close app by long pressing back button?
Rudjgaard said:
in phone settings don't you have the option to close app by long pressing back button?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
haven't seen that option
It should be in the accessibility context menu

Liked pages not showing in Facebook

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has this problem.
In the Facebook app for Android and on the mobile website, my liked pages aren't show correctly. I think it only shows likes from a huge while back, as any pages I've recently liked just don't show up. The weird part is that my newesty liked pages shows up on the button for likes on my profile, but once you click it, it's nowhere to be found. Another werid thing is that after pressing that, it says that I have "Other Likes: 11", but once I click that, it only shows 9.
Here is what I want you to try:
Go to the facebook app, slide out the menu and click your own name to go to your profile.
Slide to the side in the area where you have About, Photos, Friends and Places and slide until you see the Likes button.
Check the pictures on that button and see if you can find them in after clicking the button
See if the number of Other Likes match with the amount it shows.
I'm wondering if its just a bug for everyone or if I'm the only one having the problem. Maybe there is even another way to get to your liked pages??
No one facing this problem?

Need help with copying & pasting

I have text in hotmail & on website forums that I'd like to copy & paste across multiple forums.
These are long list of sports cards.
On my tablet I get the two blue tab markers to come up when I do a long press on the text but the issue is as I scroll up or down a page the markers don't seem to want to continue in whatever direction it is I'm going as I try to highlight text.
I have done the select all option but that picks up unwanted text on the top, bottom, & sometimes side.
Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?
Now to add I have another issue, as I was going to copy some text, my tab froze for 5-10 second after highlighting text and pressing the copy button. Then it dropped the internet screen I was on all together in sending me to the home page.
No idea how or why this came about. Should I do a factory reset to see if that helps anything or is that too extreme as I don't really want to lose all the apps and pictires I have on here.
Tab marking:
Just long press and hold the end market and pull it to the end of the screen. The scroll should keep highlighting.
Screen freeze:
Which ROM, KERNEL are you using? Stock or custom?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

