Any Turbo 10.1 Tab Tips? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been running Overcome 2.3.1 for awhile now and I'm interested in possibly overclocking and/or using the V6 memory hack but I have reservations. I'm wondering what you guys are using that's stable to accomplish speeding up your tabs. I read about certain problems with Flash while using Pershoot's kernel and I haven't really found any substantial info on overclocking. I own SetCPU and have done it before but not sure what kernels support it on the 10.1. Fired it up on my Tab and it kept crashing and while changing the governor worked not much else was.
I'm not against changing ROMs to accomplish this but I'm not interested in buggy crap aka non-working camera/gps/usb charging.
Any suggestions or links would be appreciated.
update- installing pershoot's last hc kernel and then I'm going to try v6 - - any advice on what hacks boost performance the most besides OCing?

V6 isn't a hack. Its a script that modifys memory settings to increase settings. However, just run through the initial startup of V6 and it should automatically calculate the settings your tablet needs. Once that is done, you should also install the nitro lag nullifer (option 11 possibly) from the V6 script.
Also, task's v14 ROM is very stable and has few or no bugs and includes pershoots kernel. My wife uses it and she doesn't have any problems.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look at Task. V6 is next on my list.
**update** I see that V6 is in Task so extra thanks. Trying Task Full now.
I'm running Pershoot's latest hc kernel (january) and so far it's nice. Only issue is when forcing OC to 1400 all the time. If I do that the system's camera won't load at all. 3rd party cameras work fine though.
Can't believe how fast and stable it is at 1400. Any lag I had before is gone. I was beginning to think many apps had memory leaks since I still had occasional lags using Overcome but OCing has made that disappear. Kinda shocked battery life isn't impacted at all either. Samsung really dropped the ball with the software on this tablet.
Not seeing the bump in HD mkv video decoding using BSPlayer that I expected.
Just a heads up- hack means modify, among other things. For some it implies some type of negative action but many people don't view it that way anymore.

No problem. And when I think hack, I usually think about something that isn't executed very cleanly and half-ass work-arounds are necessary for it to work (e.g. hack-job)
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Yeah like the ROM Samsung released for our tabs. Then there's the half-assed professional meaning. Example - Those hack devs at Samsung.
So far I'm liking Task 14. Spent most of my time trying to defeat the media scanner bug. Tomorrow I'm gonna get on V6 unless the script is already operating.


[KERNEL] 02/11/11 HOT UPDATE-Blazed v2.3.1R2 VOODOO/UVOC1.3GHz/BLN - Eclair

About a month ago some of you may remember my posts that I was working on a kernel. Here is my first public release. The whole thing works at about 95% or so.
The advantages I notice while using it besides the normal issues associated with Eclair are as follows:
1. Memory management has changed (has good and bad effects) Good: when you fly through 45 websites the browser does not crash as it eats memory. Bad: when you blow through 45 websites the browser will hang (easy fix hit home, and use app killer to free memory from apps you are not using) (Personally I like not losing my place as I get lost in the web, it also will prevent apps from dieing in the background when you are using multiple apps at the same time, if memory gets low enough the OS WILL KILL the offending apps). I personally found Eclair for Fascinate to handle memory available worse than this kernel, and I find this kernel handles memory more like Eclair on the Moto Droid did, and the Moto Droid had far less memory to work with.
2. UI has a faster response vs stock kernels, the kernel is also running AS scheduling vs BFQ but I updated BFQ to run as well if you want to revert.
3. Internet Connectivity appears to be faster with those apps that properly use the API. Web browsing, CheezeBurger, youtube etc all load content faster (efficiently? / Maybe related to memory management?)
Want something added to this list? Post your requests, just please be reasonable If I like the idea I will try to implement it. Remember this is for kernel features not system ROM modifications.
Issues to fix (ToDo List, I am working to fix these issues / Updated 01/30/11):
1. Investigate and address bluetooth connection issues [ Confirmed that this issue does not affect everyone / or all bluetooth devices ]
2. Investigate and address remaining data connection issues (Orbot activates and test show as using tor on normal websites, tor addresses fail to connect to servers, also Orbot is unable to de-activate [Confirmed]
3. Investigate and address remaining camera crash issues [ Please zip and send in logs from /proc/kmsg, specify if you used the volume control zoom or pinch to zoom ]
4. Improve on touchscreen timing for quick flicks on the first attempt without burning up processor time.
5. Investigate and fix stutter/crash on camera zoom followed by attempt to take photo.
Notice something that should be in this list? Please make a post describing your issue, remember to include the kernel version/rom and the steps you performed to reproduce the issue.
For those doubting, this IS, I personally merged the code myself, IT IS NOT 100% COMPLETE. Some drivers still need merging, and the V4L2 code is not completely converted because Fascinate uses different (updated?) V4L code (compare Fascinate's Eclair to Eclair on AOSP)
If anyone wants to help bug hunt I will forever be grateful. I would like to finish squashing bugs in this in the next 2 weeks as I really want to attempt to work on a Froyo for Fascinate. Even if it uses Eclair code to run the only RIL code we have.
I also semi-blindly fixed about 50-100 coding problems in the Eclair Kernel, varied from not returning data from a function that should have, simple void definitions that were returning when they had no data to return and no function collected it. Correcting order of operations in if statements. Declaring data types that were vague (unsigned vs signed). You will notice it compiles a lot cleaner...attempting to fix the camera code nearly kills the camera completely, I am thinking the broken code dumps variables by accident that the corrected code does not.
Edit: I wanted to share a few things every dev (some of it specific to kernels) should remember when nights are long and sleep is a half world away.
1) Keep a backup of your most recent WORKING work safe, because it is too easy to....uh oh *[email protected]$
2) If you edit the config file, remember to make clean and make mrproper before you make, otherwise your still on your original config file (a copy of the one you actually edit .config)
3) Do not put comments to the right of options in the kernel config file...apparently they will be discarded (the entire option line, not the comment, you'll see it in your compile error message logs).
4) Automate the mundane, I have a nice build environment setup, I type one line and it will make a brand new kernel from scratch (I'll be sharing that later, keep an eye on this post)
5) Work with what you have, don't wait for someone else too. Somewhere, someone is working on something better, and tomorrow it will be out.
6) something...anything because lets face it, you make better decisions in a good mood, in a bad mood...entire trees (code) die, either from rm -Rf /work/crap//* or a sledgehammer to the motherboard. Which brings us back to the first thing to remember, where did you put that backup...different drive I hope?
Attached is a working kernel, it will have issues using DI01 (such as no vibrations), it works great with DJ05 ROMS and maybe DL09 system roms. At this time I can not recommend a DL09 system rom with this kernel, during my initial tests it appears to drop GPS and cell data connectivity frequently resulting in having to relock on GPS satillites, and losing data connections in networked applications.
I highly recommend the setup I am running, DL09 Radio, Son Of Skywalker Blackhole v2.4 and this kernel (if you can handle the few bugs that is, it is beta).
Please feel free to post bug reports please include detailed information about the issues, I AM NOT FIXING APP PROBLEMS. Please remember to only report kernel issues and information specific to the kernel crash. If an app crashes on other kernels and not just this one please do not submit a report. This kernel is NOT setup for debug info, I will post one setup with debug turned on later. Right now, play around with it and report your results! Enjoy and have a great time :-D
Edit 1: I thought I would mention that I originally started with the JT1134 kernel source from late Nov. - mid Dec. and the Samsung Fascinate stock source (from Samsung's Opensource website) then I merged in source from from and from Cyanogen's Eclair kernel. I stopped on instead of moving higher because of 1 reason, once you step in to 2.6.30 there are major driver changes requiring a lot of double verification and back trekking....In a few words, it is lots and lots of work, and I think that jumping from 2.6.29 to will help transition to the 2.6.30 (Froyo?) series of kernels because then the majority of the work is in restructuring the driver code (which would likely best be done backwards, from the system .h files, to the .c handlers, down to the device drivers) from Samsung to match that in the stock 2.6.30 set. Complexity will be reduced by a measurable amount
Notes 1: Samsung's Android code has some significant differences under the hood from AOSP Android code, I have not sorted it all out yet, but it is possible that without an AOSP stock system that a full kernel update to the current AOSP code may not be possible. There is a built in virtual CD driver for what appears to be hosting the ISO built into the base Samsung system image, I have not opened the image yet but it appears to perhaps be drivers? Also it does not sleep the SD card like standard AOSP does, attempts to do so will disable the SD card from use with no ability to remount without a battery pull. (This is in 3 of 4 lines of code that AOSP had that must be commented out from the Samsung kernel for this SD issue to be prevented). For those wanting it, CIFS and NFS are compiled modules in this kernel. The current kernel is not over-clocked, and does not have voodoo. It does support both with a kernel configuration edit required for voodoo with the proper init scripts, and over-clocking requires changing just a few files and recompiling, I did neither as I wanted a true comparison to compare changes against the original stock kernel. The kernel does have the BLN notification code built in. BLN, Voodoo, and Over-clocking code are not my own creation they are pulled from their respective creators.
Update RC3 v2.2.4-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: This is a minor/major (depending who you ask) bug fix to adjust the processor throttles. Think I've got it too set to a good sweet spot now, the peaks are steep and a little harder to climb but the falls are also quicker. After turning it my phone on with it last night and about 2 hours of use I went to sleep, wake up a couple times to silence various alarms (I wake to wake up, but I want to sleep a little more, can't I do both?), and these are the numbers that setcpu reports for time in state:
1.2Ghz = 0 (Had the phone thottled to 1.0Ghz for this test, but with 1.2 on it only uses it when it needs it, might could leave it on?
1.0Ghz = 164978 (Not such a big a number as before)
0.8Ghz = 292008 (much more reasonable than before, could be a little lower)
0.6Ghz = 117672
0.4Ghz = 114250
0.2Ghz = 104715
0.1Ghz = 2965562 (This is what I was aiming for proportionally for 0.1Ghz)
Remember these times are mostly from idling, the idea was to reduce clockspeed when not in use to save some juice. The phone might take a moment to wake up from idle, but once it is going you shouldn't feel hardly any difference between this and RC2. Bootup clockspeeds from your first 3-4 minutes will almost always remain in the top tier due to applications still loading, media scanner running, etc.
Update v2.2.4-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: This is a major fix kicking us out of RC status and into actual release. Now for the menu, prepare your appetite, for the appetizer we'll be serving a much demanded voodoo color fix, and voodoo sound fixes. Followed by a main coarse of throttle tweaks, throttle shift updates (these are new they decide what the next cpu speed will be when a throttle is exceeded up or down, every kernel to my knowledge including my last used the default for a 5 slot kernel, here is a true 8 slot), and for desert a reduction in logged touch screen data from the touch screen, and an additional surprise to everyone, a reduced cpu load when using the touch screen!
Apparently the touch screen had authority to force the cpu into any slot it wants, it defaulted to slot 1 (which was 1.0Ghz for Blazed, now it's 1.2Ghz). The result of which meant that if you pressed the touch screen your cpu load catapulted up to 1Ghz for as long as you touched it even if you only held your finger in one place with no apps open. I have changed that to only go to 400Mhz, we'll see how this goes, if anything we might bump it to 600Mhz, so far besides a slightly slower response when first touch my touchscreen after leaving it alone for a long period it doesn't effect normal use from one app to another. If your processor is already at 400Mhz or higher it will not up it further. You will find this kernel will likely end up being the most battery conscious you have ever seen, once you get things moving the speed follows. If you find this kernel has a slower response than you feel it needs let me know, because when I fixed the touch screen from blasting the cpu load through the roof, it through off my throttle settings some, now they may be too conservative, report back and we'll fix them if it is a problem. Ah yes, please don't forget to tip your waiter if you enjoyed the service... [ REMOVED - Aggressive throttles not configured for use without aggressive touchscreen driver ]
Update v2.2.4R2-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: This is a minor fix to correct the choppy feeling that v2.2.4 had, the choppiness was due to aggressive throttles to fight off the excessive high speeds the touch screen forced on. This should correct those issues. Unless I have another bugfix for 2.2.4, I will be adding 1.1Ghz in the next release making it a total of 9 slots. The higher speeds still need some tweaking, if your looking to hit benchmarks please set min and max to the speed you are testing, otherwise the throttle is trying to save you power that doesn't need to be used. But for everyday use, these settings should be good
Update v2.2.5-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Voodoo sound is still broken, anyone have the patched files I could compare to? The screen should be about 15% dimmer than it usually is on the lowest setting (and scaled up from there to 100% at max), I found the dimmest setting just too bright in the dark for my self, and hopefully it will help me save a little extra juice because I usually use my phone on the lowest brightness setting anyway. Major fix to throttles, now they are better tailored to this many slots. Slots updated to 9, 100Mhz, 200Mhz, 400Mhz, 600Mhz, 800Mhz, 1.0Ghz, 1.1Ghz, 1.2Ghz, and 1.3Ghz. Increased processor voltages (my ultra low voltage was about 25uv lower in most slots than everyone else who has a uv kernel...I was a little too aggressive on that one). Update bluetooth driver, it should remain connected now, could someone please verify this? Stability has improved alot with the higher voltages and better handling of throttling for different situations. Several other pieces of hardware discover that have authority to play with processor. I capped highest touch screen processor forced at 600Mhz (the higher I set it the faster your battery goes, default stock is 1Ghz), and all other hardware at 1Ghz (not very many requests, but this is where rouge 1.2 use came from). If you had issues before except for camera zoom or data connectivity in apps give Blazed another try. The slightly higher voltages should improve a lot of the random issues people were having. You may see an improvement in cellular signal now, 1.3Ghz is also stable, but I wouldn't run it all day either due to heat generated etc...Well I hope everyone enjoys, this should be the best release of Blazed Yet!
Update v2.2.6-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: This is a major fix for cellular signal issues many people have been having, the issue again was related to timing and the kernel modules not waiting long enough for the modem to respond before proceeding with action resulting in errors that caused a disconnect or forced a modem reset (requiring a phone reset to regain signal). I found waiting too long only slowed the entire phone down, so I opted to go with nanosecond wait times, waits that short however are active and will warm the phone up some, please report back if it becomes an issue as I am looking for a better wait device than udelay, preferable more like sleep that doesn't keep the processor busy. There is some performance stutter in the phone on the high end of internet connectivity speeds, but your not going to be losing your connection either, I'll continue to attempt to improve on this issue later on. [ REMOVED - Timing further improved in v2.2.7 ]
Update v2.2.7-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: This is a minor for that makes a major difference. Improved timing for communication with GPIO/modem this should be the end of the majority of network connection issues. It was entirely a mailman problem, put package in box, check for package, package still there? no=do other stuff/yes=...wait,repeat at package still there?, etc. The fix is put package in mailbox, wait long, check is package still there? no=do other stuff,yes=short wait and check again...Hope this helps alot of you out, I am aware the touch screen is a little slow to respond and I will be looking into that issue. This little fix should also improve usable speed over v2.2.6 because the waits are better timed.
Update v2.2.8-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Timing is everything with electronics and this promised today before 11:59pm is v2.2.8. Working Voodoo Sound v4, updates to the dpram/dpio communications again improving connection stability, if you lose your connections please report back (permanent loss requiring a restart only, fluctuations are different issue). Throttles set a little more aggressive about 5% so (helps ease on light loads), stepped up the first throttle jump from 100mhz to 400mhz (touch screen snaps back now). Dropped the 1Ghz permission for misc hardware to 400mhz if you have issues let me know, touch screen retains it's 600mhz permissions. Also screen brightness is reducible to gamma 1 brightness 10, typically reserved for battery about to fail status (I found the lowest setting just too dang bright). Enjoy everyone! I've been hammering away on this since 7am this morning and only had voodoo sound working about 9am. Thanks to JT1134 for his prebuilt kernel containing voodoo sound v2 working, adding v3 & v4 was a snap after that. Please report if you have any issues with it and remember you MUST be using the new voodoo sound app from the market.
Update v2.2.8R2-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Another dpram timing adjustment (will lower your upload speed a little but will be more stable in operation, down speeds should be around 200KB down 44KB up on a good connection). Adjusted 1.1Ghz dividers per nemesis (not sure that it looks right, appears to get better benchmarks than 1.2 now will follow up on it). Made throttles a little more aggressive, 2.2.8 looked all over the place and having difficulty controlling processor use.
Update v2.3.0-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Alot of work went into fixing dpram.c and multipdp.c it seems they were incompatible from the very beginning resulting in alot of ril issues and stability problems not just on my kernel but others as well, especially with nonstandard clocks and multiple slot kernel. I also added a fix to the framebuffer courtesy of JT1134 that has long since been overdue but a rare bug most probably have never seen. I fixed all the timing in dpram.c I also fixed the non-matching buffer sizes for multipdp and dpram (they talked to each other using different sized buffers...come on?!) There are still some bluetooth compatibility problems and the camera may still crash on zoomed photo, but I'd say it's 100% out of Beta! Enjoy! :-D I will be working on a Froyo kernel so stay tuned folks!
Update v2.3.0R2-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Minor fix to help prevent dpram crash by handling and disposing of invalid commands sent to dpram, should fix seeming random lockup. [ Edit: corrected incorrect version numbers in original v2.3.0 series xda posts, thanks to s44 who caught the error, this does not affect kernel downloads, this were named correctly ]
Update v2.3.1-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: I reduced the delays in the ce147 camera driver, repairing the dpram driver resolve many of the seemingly random issues that had once plagued Blazed. Also a special treat for all you Blazed users, a new voodoo sound option that I have named "HEADPHONE_STICK" essentially the option when enabled (per boot) will force all audio directed to the external speaker to be instead directed to the headphone jack if the headphone jack has a plug in it. I find it excellent for not disturbing others around me with notifications when I would rather the phone be silent but I have headphones plugged in. Also excellent for using that awesome amp you have in combination withr you fascinate to wake you up in the morning. I will be contacting the maker of the Voodoo sound app in the market to get this option added to his application for quick and easy access. Also a major rework in the way kernel modules are loaded, all modules non-essential to booting are now stored in /system/kmodules. So if you reflash your system folder reflash your kernel or it may not boot, a quick browse will reveal what modules are kept there, I have more readily compiled and will release a separate "modules only" for those interested. By moving the modules it will allow for more options that are only available for including in the kernel boot image.
Update v2.3.1R2-VooDoo/NoVooDoo: Reverted some of the CE147 delay changes, reducing all of them caused some minor camera instabilities. EXT3/EXT4 moved back into the kernel, for some reason even with it's depends loaded ext4 doesn't load correctly as a module (resulted in broken boot on voodoo, now fixed). Also You MUST USE RED CLOCKWORKMOD TO FLASH IF USING VOODOO, you may use green clockwork only if Voodoo is NOT enabled due to the fact that some modules required for bootup are now stored on the system partition and if your using Voodoo only red clockworkmod has access to it. Also if you flash a different system or restore a backup you must reflash the kernel to ensure your modules are up to date. Also is a new file KMODULES-FULL contains all of the modules I have been compiling for Blazed thus far, several nifty ones but I have not setup any of the configs to use them, anyone versed in Linux command line can utilize them or setup scripts to use them, have a look inside the zip too see what there is to play with, request and I will add more if the module could prove useful to others. Several of the modules in FULL are also in the Kernel due to being required for startup redundancy (such as the 3D video/LCD drivers etc, which without a Android system folder, Android won't boot, nor will it boot without these modules so system seemed like a reasonable place to store them. The kernel/initramfs file is less than 6MB with Voodoo due to moving these modules to the system folder. I plan to add ClockworkMOD as soon as I have time to test it, then Blazed will also work for Recovery.
The Great Voodoo Debate: I have also been benchmarking Blazed against stock, to determine the difference Voodoo has on the kernel, so far it would appear Blazed has modifications either in the file system handling or the manipulation layers that are nearly equal to negating the speed lost to RFS's use before Voodoo or EXT4 is even brought into the equation. Just compare Stock vs Blazed (novoodoo) using 'RL Benchmarks SQLite Performance" from the market. A difference of 33.246 seconds in favor of Blazed, my preliminary results are (124.944 Seconds Blazed-NoVoodoo) (158.19 Seconds Stock) using the same exact system install less than 20 minutes apart between boots, with over 300 applications installed and several running like any other day. Based on this alone I find Quadrant is at least partially flawed at measuring proper I/O transfer timing, and I would NOT rely on it for an accurate benchmark in regards to I/O at this time until the issue is resolved by the Quadrant team. Voodoo does not produce the outlandish high scores that Quadrant makes out that it does, and Blazed is plenty fast in I/O even with RFS in use as shown by these preliminary results that any one of you can verify on your own using the "RL Benchmarks SQLite Performance" application, Voodoo does improve transfer compared to RFS in my tests but I am still putting together the results on Blazed NoVoodoo vs Blazed Voodoo. But as far as a 1800+ or 2000 score, so far my results say it just doesn't look realistic...sorry guys. On the flip side, if there is an error in my kernel causing a misread on the score you guys are welcome to help me find it and I will push the correction, but right now it looks like the issue is in how Quadrant measures I/O time, and I think non-atomic disk writes are the reason for the high scores, theoretically they would return claiming data is written to disk almost immediately when in reality it is still in memory and the kernel will write it to the disk at later time without the write time being considered as part of the benchmark (Google: write-caching, also known for providing significant performance improvements over atomic-writes).
If you appreciate Blazed and enjoy using it, please consider making a donation. Thank you for trying it out and have fun!
My initial impression after playing around with it for 15 minutes:
Seems to have given my phone new life/snappiness back that it had when I first installed super dark rom and stupidfast 1.54. My phone seemed to be bogging down lately. The internet definitely feels quicker too.
So far so good!
will try, thank you for the release.
Great work!
Sent from my Galaxy-S Fascinate
I don't want to turn you away from your work, but have you considered heading over to IRC and joining the guys working on Gingerbread? I'd assume that the more competent people working on it, the better.
Great work, the kernel seems to have given new life to my test fascinate! ADB does however appear to be dead (I got error device not found every time I tried to connect) Other than that I have no complaints, keep up the good work
That is very odd, as I have not had any issues using adb. Please reload your drivers to be safe and double check debug mode has not accidently become disabled. I wired up my fascinate just now and confirmed that ADB is working. (It was invaluable in working with the camera crashes). Also it maybe related to a conflict in the system rom vs the kernel. I personally have not have any issues with DI01 Fascinate stock, and everything worked great using DL09 radio, DJ05 system from SonOfSkywalker (BlackHole 2.4). Right now I am running DL09 Radio, DL09 System Rom from SonOfSkywalker v3, and my kernel from this post, thus far no issues. I am using Ubuntu v9.04 to test right now, and not windows to confirm that ADB is working. I will check on windows later today when I have a chance.
anyone else having an issue with bluetooth? It says "Turning On" but does not turn it on just reverts back to "off" status.
I still have DJ05 modem and on blackhole 2.3 something but updated market and swype maunally.
Camera force closes when you go to zoom in.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I assume disabling voodoo would be a prerequisite to installing this kernel? Though I'm curious what partition scheme are you using for this? Is it using samsung's default filesystems for /system /data etc?
EDIT: Forgot to say, this is re-gosh-darn-diculously awesome, thanks for your hard work.
wizang said:
I assume disabling voodoo would be a prerequisite to installing this kernel? Though I'm curious what partition scheme are you using for this? Is it using samsung's default filesystems for /system /data etc?
EDIT: Forgot to say, this is re-gosh-darn-diculously awesome, thanks for your hard work.
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Yes, you MUST disable voodoo before using this kernel. I will put together a voodoo and OC flavor of this for those interested later. As of now I have only been working with non-OC and non-Voodoo in this kernel to gauge how the work changed the experience.
Edit: Oh yes, it uses the default partition scheme. It is a goal of mine to eventually change the formats of partitions (similar to voodoo) but keep the layout, it is my thought that doing so provides the largest window of compatibility between stock Samsung/VZW Roms and custom Roms. With a proper recovery, the change could be performed and backups and restores would work no matter the format of the internal media as the layout remains the same.
I tried this kernel briefly. I couldn't get my computer to recognize that the phone was plugged into it. I use my phone for tethered net access. Deal breaker for me. It would beep once like it was going to work as normal when plugging in an accessory and then beeped three more times in quick succession like the cord was being pulled.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
bwheelies said:
I tried this kernel briefly. I couldn't get my computer to recognize that the phone was plugged into it. I use my phone for tethered net access. Deal breaker for me. It would beep once like it was going to work as normal when plugging in an accessory and then beeped three more times in quick succession like the cord was being pulled.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Yea my phone is not recognized by the computer either, even after a restart.
Naturally I double checked usb debugging and the drivers (adb connected to my white fascinate just fine and I made a jump back to Geeknik's test kernel to double check that something hadn't died in ole blacky and it registered there as well) I wonder if its just this fascinate (as it has had a laundry list of its own issues). This phone is running Superclean DJ05 completely stock and was fresh off a complete wipe and restore
bwheelies said:
I tried this kernel briefly. I couldn't get my computer to recognize that the phone was plugged into it. I use my phone for tethered net access. Deal breaker for me. It would beep once like it was going to work as normal when plugging in an accessory and then beeped three more times in quick succession like the cord was being pulled.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I can confirm that I am unable to access the phone via Samsung's drivers using Windows XP. [Added this too my list]
Wireless tether does work in case you need it, that is why I hadn't noticed this issue. Good catch!
I really like the transparency of your work. It's refreshing to actually read about the process you're working on and the way you explain it definitely makes seems like you have a good grasp of what's going on. I can never quite tell with the other devs. Anyway good luck!
FDro said:
I don't want to turn you away from your work, but have you considered heading over to IRC and joining the guys working on Gingerbread? I'd assume that the more competent people working on it, the better.
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Agreed! If they can get GB running nobody is going to be interested in Eclair or Froyo.
I like the sound of this kernel. Imma flash it when i get home. Looking forward to seeing the OC version
SCH I500 Super Clean v.9 DJ05 Revolution 3.6 OTB oc'd lv1200 Voodoo5
2 SirGatez.
It sounds like you are pushing towards performance optimizations. Have you checked supidfast sources? I tried it before geeknik left and it was significantly faster then stock. May be you can get something from him.
I really appreciate what devs do here, cool stuff! However I do not understand why that much talent spend in vain... Every developer has his own build, mods and bug fixes. Is this real open source spirit to have so many versions? Looks like brownian motion to me.
Now, you can say that I'm free to do it on my own etc, as other devs pointed here. But, full fledged development it not for everybody by various reasons. I hope it is obvious. Would be nice to see some consolidated development! Then it will be much more easy for mere mortal to contribute to that product. We all have same phone!
Once again I do not want to upset anybody.
bendbowden said:
Great work!
Sent from my Galaxy-S Fascinate
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Also, great write up! I will report back if I notice any bugs not mentioned above.

[?] [Script] V6 SuperCharger !! HTK & BulletProof Launchers! FIX MEMORY FOR ALL ANDRO

[?] [Script] V6 SuperCharger !! HTK & BulletProof Launchers! FIX MEMORY FOR ALL ANDRO
so far nobody has mentioned this, not even sure how many people look in this section of the forums, but here goes.
anyone out there willing to test and port this over for fascinate?
general info:
Main points:
- CUST-OOMIZER! Use your settings without Autokiller Memory Optimizer or Auto Memory Manager!
- For newer phones with lots of ram, use the 3rd slot to set how much free ram you want.
- If you have /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc, it makes a backup and edits that single file. This is nice and tidy.
... Thank to kabaldan for pointing out the importance of certain things.
- Most Custom ROMs - If you have a /system/etc/init.d folder, it creates 99SuperCharger in there and edits /data/local.prop (20 entries added for adjusting priorities and groupings). You shouldn't need to configure anything else.
- Stock ROMs - If you have neither, it creates /data/ which you can load up on boot (run as root) with Script Manager. The OOM groupings work as well since it happens on boot in local.prop (20 entries added)
Note: For some reason, the minfree levels do not stick on some Custom ROMs. I don't know why this is. Maybe a bug in GingerBread?
........ If this happens to you, use Script Manager to load /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger "on boot" and "run as root"
In case of any error, you will find a related help file in the root of your SD card.
So... I think this covers ANY Android ROM
It also determines if you're using Script Manager and gives appropriate information/tips/help files depending on what other factors are present.
The above is really ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.
The V6 SuperCharger script does everything!
Anything below is extra info!
It's just a single file... 806 lines (807 if you count the blank line at the end LOL)
So... What's it do?
It makes your phone FAST... super snappy with better multitasking!
If you read between the red lines below (parts 1-3), you'll see that at first it was only about minfrees and launcher redraw.
But after installing GingerBread, I saw that it needed more work than Froyo LOL.
Groupings were ALL MESSED UP and made NO SENSE to me whatsoever...
So I figured out how to group them more like CM6 (Froyo) but that still wasn't good enough...
I further rearranged the OOM Groupings and Priorites and lowmemorykiller values for a...
That's basically what this is
Faster than ever, no launcher redraws, multitasking is better... why?
Because it works with the lowmemorykiller and letting it work the way it's meant to work.
Also, because of the rearrangement, it works the same on all roms!
The problem with using minfree tweakers like AMM or AKMO is that it doesn't work the same on all roms.
Secondary apps may be in slot 3 on some roms but in slot 5 in others!
That's why you hear people comment "I tried AKMO but it didn't do anything..."
Most likely it didn't do anything because the apps weren't sitting where they were expected to be.
Upon installation, V6 SuperCharger will first clean up any previous supercharging so none of your files get cluttered.
But if you toggle between Hard To Kill and BulletProof launchers, the memory adjustments aren't affected.
So you can leave your minfrees at stock/default settings and apply the Hard To Kill Launcher and still get the OOM Grouping/Priority fixes.
So if you love your ROMs memory settings, just try the HTK Launcher/OOM Fix... you won't regret it
Ah, I used this script on my wife's Eris, and it did fix the speed a tad, no clue how it would react on an already fast phone, but hell, any little bit helps.
Izeltokatl said:
so far nobody has mentioned this, not even sure how many people look in this section of the forums, but here goes.
anyone out there willing to test and port this over for fascinate?
general info:
Main points:
- CUST-OOMIZER! Use your settings without Autokiller Memory Optimizer or Auto Memory Manager!
- For newer phones with lots of ram, use the 3rd slot to set how much free ram you want.
- If you have /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc, it makes a backup and edits that single file. This is nice and tidy.
... Thank to kabaldan for pointing out the importance of certain things.
- Most Custom ROMs - If you have a /system/etc/init.d folder, it creates 99SuperCharger in there and edits /data/local.prop (20 entries added for adjusting priorities and groupings). You shouldn't need to configure anything else.
- Stock ROMs - If you have neither, it creates /data/ which you can load up on boot (run as root) with Script Manager. The OOM groupings work as well since it happens on boot in local.prop (20 entries added)
Note: For some reason, the minfree levels do not stick on some Custom ROMs. I don't know why this is. Maybe a bug in GingerBread?
........ If this happens to you, use Script Manager to load /system/etc/init.d/99SuperCharger "on boot" and "run as root"
In case of any error, you will find a related help file in the root of your SD card.
So... I think this covers ANY Android ROM
It also determines if you're using Script Manager and gives appropriate information/tips/help files depending on what other factors are present.
The above is really ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.
The V6 SuperCharger script does everything!
Anything below is extra info!
It's just a single file... 806 lines (807 if you count the blank line at the end LOL)
So... What's it do?
It makes your phone FAST... super snappy with better multitasking!
If you read between the red lines below (parts 1-3), you'll see that at first it was only about minfrees and launcher redraw.
But after installing GingerBread, I saw that it needed more work than Froyo LOL.
Groupings were ALL MESSED UP and made NO SENSE to me whatsoever...
So I figured out how to group them more like CM6 (Froyo) but that still wasn't good enough...
I further rearranged the OOM Groupings and Priorites and lowmemorykiller values for a...
That's basically what this is
Faster than ever, no launcher redraws, multitasking is better... why?
Because it works with the lowmemorykiller and letting it work the way it's meant to work.
Also, because of the rearrangement, it works the same on all roms!
The problem with using minfree tweakers like AMM or AKMO is that it doesn't work the same on all roms.
Secondary apps may be in slot 3 on some roms but in slot 5 in others!
That's why you hear people comment "I tried AKMO but it didn't do anything..."
Most likely it didn't do anything because the apps weren't sitting where they were expected to be.
Upon installation, V6 SuperCharger will first clean up any previous supercharging so none of your files get cluttered.
But if you toggle between Hard To Kill and BulletProof launchers, the memory adjustments aren't affected.
So you can leave your minfrees at stock/default settings and apply the Hard To Kill Launcher and still get the OOM Grouping/Priority fixes.
So if you love your ROMs memory settings, just try the HTK Launcher/OOM Fix... you won't regret it
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I don't think this will work with the fascinate "If you have /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc"... the fascinate is CDMA. This will only work with AT&T or T-mobile as they are UMTS
vudiff said:
I don't think this will work with the fascinate "If you have /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc"... the fascinate is CDMA. This will only work with AT&T or T-mobile as they are UMTS
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but it does work on the HTC Eris, which is on the Verizon network??
vudiff said:
I don't think this will work with the fascinate "If you have /system/etc/rootfs/init.mapphone_umts.rc"... the fascinate is CDMA. This will only work with AT&T or T-mobile as they are UMTS
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and if you have an init.d folder and if not it uses data folder.
It won't work on ipods tho
Izeltokatl said:
but it does work on the HTC Eris, which is on the Verizon network??
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Yes it is on verizon's network. I'm guessing that file isn't doing anything on CDMA phones.
I'm not a dev but I do know my networks. I work for Alcatel-Lucent in which we translate & make the cell cabinet,towers, & customer networks communicate. We are the people that brought you verizons 3g & LTE technology. Currently working on AT&T's UMTS & LTE networks. Yes i am the inside inside man. We provide the Base Station and most routers and make them communicate for the providers... Sprint, verizon/alltel, nTelos, cricket, metroPCS, etc...
Ya but can you read instructions?
And what's that got to do with oom groupings, priorities, minfrees home launcher and androids lowmemorykiller?
Sent from my Milestone Powered by my V6 SuperCharger
zeppelinrox said:
Ya but can you read instructions?
And what's that got to do with oom groupings, priorities, minfrees home launcher and androids lowmemorykiller?
Sent from my Milestone Powered by my V6 SuperCharger
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Wow... chill out dude. I saw umts at the end of the file and simply was just saying that these phones are cdma. I already said I'm not a dev. Comments like yours make people not even want to comment. I'm not new to roms, rooting, etc... I started out with the original droid, then D2 and I've had the fascinate ever since it came out. Rooted & started out with superclean when it became available. Geeze
Yes well in post 5 I pointed out that it also looks for the init.d folder and if not an alternative method by using the data folder.
Has nothing to do with networks.
It has to do with which file or method is used to implement the tweaks depending on what options are available.
zeppelinrox said:
Yes well in post 5 I pointed out that it also looks for the init.d folder and if not an alternative method by using the data folder.
Has nothing to do with networks.
It has to do with which file or method is used to implement the tweaks depending on what options are available.
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OK got ya. I didn't mean to start an argument! Sorry that I misunderstood. I learned something new today... and thank you for breaking it down for me
Ah that's ok...
Btw... cool job lol
Sent from my Milestone Powered by my V6 SuperCharger
Yeah I tried this on a friends Fascinate and it dropped dead, wouldnt boot up.
Had to Odin up and restore back to stock.
I noticed my friends swype keyboard would lag even after restore back to stock.
thus the reason to try this script in the first place.The fasciante is decent lil bugger.
Its too bad I sing its praises on Evo thought, it really kicks butt.
im using this right now on my fascinate running miui 1.9.9 and its working flawlessly... three 3g tweak also works great. thanks zeppelinrox
It works with the fascinate, I use it constantly, and it doesn't need to be ported, the author stated it should work on nearly any device/ROM setup. Just get Script Manager app from the market, open app, go to settings, browse as root, then run the V6 script. It will give instructions as it runs.
Sent via Morse code.
Just ran the script last night, while it took me a while to fidget with it and figure out what option was best for me I can't believe that cm7 could be any smoother but there is a definite difference after running the script, with no lag, or home screen redraw, my phone is as smooth if not smoother at 1GHz.then it was at 1.5GHz before the script...just want to say it was painless easy and really made a huge difference...thanks a lot!
On a side note the battery calibration that was linked in the op does seem to work but I had to figure out when to pull the battery since the original instructions where on the milestone, either way great job and thanks again, I'll run this script after any rom I go to from here on out!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
efan450 said:
Just ran the script last night, while it took me a while to fidget with it and figure out what option was best for me I can't believe that cm7 could be any smoother but there is a definite difference after running the script, with no lag, or home screen redraw, my phone is as smooth if not smoother at 1GHz.then it was at 1.5GHz before the script...just want to say it was painless easy and really made a huge difference...thanks a lot!
On a side note the battery calibration that was linked in the op does seem to work but I had to figure out when to pull the battery since the original instructions where on the milestone, either way great job and thanks again, I'll run this script after any rom I go to from here on out!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I ran it last night as well. I cannot really tell a difference. What setting are you running?
Option 8 and then option 12, set to browse root, and run as root in the first config screen...afterwords reboot and run option will tell you if your home screen was easy to kill or not and gives you a list of minfrees...I had to downgrade my busy box to get everything working
Edit: I used script manager to run the script and then put the widget on my home screen to easily access it...if you run option 1 and it says your home screen is bullet proof then it did work...I seem to get much better 3g connectivity and better download speeds.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

[Q] SetCPU and MIUI/CM7

This is a very specific, very non-important question. As such, I'm putting it here rather than in the MIUI revamped thread.
I've read in several places how SetCPU causes system instability and, according to the creator of MIUI Revamped, most kernel devs agree with that assessment. As someone who has never had an issue with SetCPU, whether on Froyo 2.2, 2.2.1, or MIUI 2.3.5, I'm wondering why this has become the consensus.
I'd like to hear from anyone who has had difficulty with getting SetCPU to accept and stably run settings that other programs like Pimp My CPU and Voltage Control handle perfectly well.
Depending on the kernel setcpu works better for me on some roms while pimp my cpu and vc work on most mainly because they are specifically made for our phone ....
Way back when the neo kernel was on neo 10 I had issues using anything but setcpu so I used tk's glitch because it never gave me problems but now i seem to have zero issues using neo 17, glitch, or bali with setcpu, vc, and pimp my cpu installed all at the same time

Stable ROM suggestions

Can anyone recommend a good stable deodexed ROM with init.d support? I want something I can install and not have to compromise functionality with. I am not looking for a science fair project. My intention is to run supercharger V6 and apply the other services tweaks. I am beyond sick of the stock android limitations. God forbid I run half a dozen Google play store updates at a time, it makes the entire tablet run like complete **** until it's done (harsh words for harsh performance).
I am throwing in the towel on keeping the stock ROM, though I saw many improvements with the most recent update (random reboots are a thing of the past) but I want to get rid of a few additional minor annoyances and zeppelinrox's scripts will likely fix that for me.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
You can add support for init.d by installing Pimp My ROM and getting it to enable it on any rooted ROM.
All of the ones I've tried have worked great, try some and find which one works the best for you.
Go for RasBeanJelly ROM and the latest Trinity Kernel. You won't be disappointed.
The ROM itself is too stable and too fast. With addition of some tweaks such as lock screen and Nav bar shortcuts.
For Trinity Kernel, well, you can never go wrong with Trinity

Fixing lag in rezound running Infection 2.9.1

Hi all,
I thought that maybe others would benefit from my hours trying to find the reasons for my Rezound lagging. I am sure that many here know much more than I.
So this group of issues each helped improve my speed to now it feels like a fresh install again. I am running stock flyhalf kernel
1) Use LagFix to fstrim my partitions. I do a great deal with news apps and added/removing apps. Things got so slow in general especially when updates occurred in Play store. New installs now work great. Trimming made a big difference. Not all kernels support this. Be careful to have a backup before trimming--some have had bad results 1-2% of the time. 4.3 supposedly has trim built in.
2) Delete and clear accounts settings, contacts/calendar storage and cache. It seems that because I restored from nandroid or for some reason after being on the rom for a long time. Things got slow and some of my contacts would not sync. Also it seems that Exchange services even though not showing much usage in betterbatterystats was slowing down my Rezound. I think a sync was not occurring. So I did everything in this thread and again a big difference occurred and the entire device was more responsive. I cannot emphasize what a difference this made. The device would seem to lock up sometimes and then unfreeze. After this step, thinks were so much more fluid.
3) Apex 2.0.6 was having awful redraws lately. Seems it is this software release. So switched over to Nova for at least awhile. Now things are snappy again. I see that Apex 2.0.10 is out now so perhaps that fixed it.
I am using the original flyhalf kernel in 2.9.1 and have my clock at 96/1512.
A person may consider using Rom Toolbox or another tool like V6 Supercharger to modify OOM settings to a more aggressive stance as well. I tried this but then reverted back after 1-3.
Also it seems that some in the past have reduced redraws by using these settings in build.prop. I did not try this method either but was about to....
I hope this helps get rid of pesky lag for some. 1,2,and 3 each really helped my situation.

