[Q] Setting up Development environment - Android

Hi all,
I'm trying to setup an Android development environment on Linux (Ubuntu)
The instructions I follow atm you can find HERE
I've downloaded and unpacked the Android SDK but trying to install I'm stuck.
It's probably very easy but for me coming from MS Windows I need to get used to all these new terms and commands. :cyclops:
The tutorial clearly explains the following:
'On Mac or Linux, open a terminal and navigate to the tools/ directory in the Android SDK, then execute android sdk.'
I've opened a terminal venster but how do I execute?
Sorry for my very noobish question but any help would be highly appreciated.
Grtz, Leo

Like three entries down in the search engine...

That will help me a few steps ahead again, great tut, thanks a lot!
thewadegeek said:
Like three entries down in the search engine...
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No prob.

Out of curiousity (author here), did the steps work out easily or did anything need updating?

lowazo said:
Out of curiousity (author here), did the steps work out easily or did anything need updating?
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I think he accidentally the while thing. I could be wrong though.

lithid-cm said:
I think he accidentally the while thing. I could be wrong though.
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From here on out, I'm putting disclaimers on everything.


[Q] Compile fastboot for windows

Hi guys,
Is there any expert to help me to compile the fastboot for windows?
I need step by step, sure it's in cygwin only, but still - HOW?
I am pretty sure some of you can do it, please HELP!
I'm not sure at all, but could this help?
EDIT: This looks more like what you want.
EDIT: Nope, looked at another post, and you want some code - hmm...
Try PM'ing the person who compiled it. (JesusFreke)
Thanks but he said he "forgot" how to do it..
HunteronX said:
I'm not sure at all, but could this help?
EDIT: This looks more like what you want.
EDIT: Nope, looked at another post, and you want some code - hmm...
Try PM'ing the person who compiled it. (JesusFreke)
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maxrfon said:
Thanks but he said he "forgot" how to do it..
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Never mind; I'll keep looking.
Also, have you found a way to use fastboot on X10 in linux, but want to compile it in windows, to avoid using a virtual machine everytime we want to flash something?
Please close the topic.

[Q] pls help im a new noob in this

so yea i have dxisda kitchen and sdk and sgs2 and of that junk but i dont even know how to open sdk tools how to start ? how to make custom rom? how to open the f***ing .img?! you know bascis.. so yea thk for help and pls help...
solain said:
so yea i have dxisda kitchen and sdk and sgs2 and of that junk but i dont even know how to open sdk tools how to start ? how to make custom rom? how to open the f***ing .img?! you know bascis.. so yea thk for help and pls help...
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I too would love the help and for possibly someone to take me under their wing. I am very eager to learn. I'm always on my phone, and always trying to read, but sometimes the forums just contradict themselves, and let's face it, with all the drama going on in the forum, it can sometimes get a little frustrating trying to ask for help, especially when someone doesn't want to be bothered by a noob. Thanks in advance
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
solain said:
so yea i have dxisda kitchen and sdk and sgs2 and of that junk but i dont even know how to open sdk tools how to start ? how to make custom rom? how to open the f***ing .img?! you know bascis.. so yea thk for help and pls help...
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Not sure what you are asking. For the sdk tools, do you mean the android sdk? If so, follow the instructions on the sdk page. For the images, I assume you mean the boot.img and possibly system.img. You do not open these. If you have a system.img, that means you probably have a shipped rom. Use the kitchen to create working folder from rom, and choose this. It should auto extract the system partition. As for the boot.img, you don't generally need to extract this, but there is an option in the advanced settings of the kitchen. You can change your rom's kernel in the boot.img.
cbernardo13 said:
I too would love the help and for possibly someone to take me under their wing. I am very eager to learn. I'm always on my phone, and always trying to read, but sometimes the forums just contradict themselves, and let's face it, with all the drama going on in the forum, it can sometimes get a little frustrating trying to ask for help, especially when someone doesn't want to be bothered by a noob. Thanks in advance
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
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Hey Guys!
First of all a bit of encouragement. The android kitchen sure as hell does not turn you into a rom developer. I decided i wanted to use the kitchen just over 2 weeks ago and run ubuntu in a virtual window. From then I decided I did not like windows anymore so installed linux as my main os and had to learn that (trust me getting the graphics card to work was a chore) I finally got the kitchen working tonight and decided to sign up to xda. Even with my limited knowledge I have been able to help someone on here tonight. Read Read Read and ask questions if you can not find the right answers on the forum. Research pays off eventually. (I now softmod nintendo wiis professionally from learning off a forum!!!!) Remember everyone has to start somewhere even if you are a noob and don't get disheartened if someone says you should have read this this and this. As long as you learn from ur mistake I'm sure people wont mind too much.
aha... so let me understand i need ubuntu?
and i need to open system img fot the app edit
can someone pls answer yes im using android sdk and yes i use stock rom how to edit img? i need to edit system for app app folder edit i could open it at linux reader but icant edit its all written in hex
How long before bricked again...????
solain said:
can someone pls answer yes im using android sdk and yes i use stock rom how to edit img? i need to edit system for app app folder edit i could open it at linux reader but icant edit its all written in hex
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Im about to take the dive myself, still rounding up the tools. Was about to dl virtual...unbuntu etc but read this just now and it makes sence so as much as i want to screwup my phine as fast as possible i think i will follow this advice.
You might have already seen and read but what the hell....
Originally Posted by cyanogen
I really dislike the "chef" moniker when it comes to Android, since we are more of an open-source community. I think it implies a "file pusher" mentality. But then again, I am biased against proprietary versions of Android like Sense, so feel free to disregard all of this.
Here's my advice for those looking to make their own Android ROMs.. Stop. Write an app or two first, learn how the system works from a developer standpoint. Learn some Java. Read the developer documentation. Learn how to use Git. Then learn how to build AOSP from source. Read the porting guides, and learn how the build system works (the links below have almost everything you could possibly want to know). Now try to put your new found skills to work on enhancing the platform by writing code or making theme overlays. And share! And put that **** on your resume. There is a *ton* of information out there but any kind of "step-by-step rom cooking guide" is going to be a complete fail- it's too broad of a subject.
Android Developer Guides: http://d.android.com
Working with AOSP source: http://source.android.com
Platform Developer Guide: http://pdk.android.com
Android Gitweb: http://android.git.kernel.org
Git Ready (Git tips and tricks): http://www.gitready.com/
Building CyanogenMod: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.ph...ng_from_source
How Dexopt works and what are those odex files: http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=pla...5936;hb=master
The PDK site is absolutely vital if you are going to work on custom ROMs. Read every single page. Twice. Some of the info isn't up to date, but you'll get a really good idea about what goes into actually configuring Android to work on a real device.
dmeadows013 said:
Not sure what you are asking. For the sdk tools, do you mean the android sdk? If so, follow the instructions on the sdk page. For the images, I assume you mean the boot.img and possibly system.img. You do not open these. If you have a system.img, that means you probably have a shipped rom. Use the kitchen to create working folder from rom, and choose this. It should auto extract the system partition. As for the boot.img, you don't generally need to extract this, but there is an option in the advanced settings of the kitchen. You can change your rom's kernel in the boot.img.
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can u shoot me a couple links for the kitchen/other tools download
solain said:
so yea i have dxisda kitchen and sdk and sgs2 and of that junk but i dont even know how to open sdk tools how to start ? how to make custom rom? how to open the f***ing .img?! you know bascis.. so yea thk for help and pls help...
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What version of Linux are you running? Are you running Ubuntu? I never had much luck using the Android Kitchen in a virtual environment for some reason. When I installed Ubuntu as my main OS, however, that made all the difference. From there you'll also need to make sure you have the Java Developers Kit (JDK) installed or at least open-jdk (Open source alternative) installed in order to run the Android Kitchen or the SDK for that matter.
There's a really good tutorial on how to set up the SDK on Ubuntu 10.10 or Ubuntu 11.04 which is what I had used to set up the SDK on linux for the first time. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=921169
I prefer 10.10 just because I'm not huge on Ubuntu's newer Unity interface and my old laptop seems to run 10.10 a lot better than 11.04 or 11.10 but that's another story.
Once you have the SDK setup, you can then run the kitchen accordingly.
I use a tool called Android Utility by tommytomatoe which is essentially a collection of tools for creating custom ROMs, editing apk's, etc. It just happens to also include dsixda's kitchen which is a nice plus. You can download that here: http://rootzwiki.com/topic/3303-utility-android-utility-apktooldex2jarsmalimoremac-linuxoct09-2011/
Hope this helps. Good luck, dood!
**Edit** My bad... There's also a thread for Android Utility on XDA also....

[Q] Xtreme Android Tools Extras

Does anyone know if I need to download and install and extras before using the Xtreme Android Tools like HTC sync or the android SDK or is everything found in the Zip file. Would of posted under the same thread as the tool but im a noob and won't let me. Thanks
No SDK. I Made Sure Everything Needed Was In The Program For Easy Use.
I Have Noticed That You Capitalize The First Letter In Every Word.
con247 said:
I Have Noticed That You Capitalize The First Letter In Every Word.
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System files of stock rom (SOLVED)

LINK TO THE STOCK ROM http://timcordova.com/iamtimmah/andr..._UEKI8_MIN.rar
Ratchewer said:
LINK TO THE STOCK ROM http://timcordova.com/iamtimmah/andr..._UEKI8_MIN.rar
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Welcome to Dev.
1. This is Dev. Not Q&A. Not "herpy-derpy I don't know how to mount rfs" fun time. We're not here to help you with your stupid problems that you could have just googled.
2. ALL-CAPS IS NOT CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Even if it was, even cruise control needs a decent driver.
Now google, "How to mount RFS in (operating system, preferably linux), and see what you get.
Good? Good.
Now, lock or move.
apapousek said:
Welcome to Dev.
1. This is Dev. Not Q&A. Not "herpy-derpy I don't know how to mount rfs" fun time. We're not here to help you with your stupid problems that you could have just googled.
2. ALL-CAPS IS NOT CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Even if it was, even cruise control needs a decent driver.
Now google, "How to mount RFS in (operating system, preferably linux), and see what you get.
Good? Good.
Now, lock or move.
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Well if u are here to help why not make helping easier. after all why are we all here for?
well never mind after a brain steaming i have made it.
And for anyone who might need it. I did this in windows OS no mount or so ever.
1. change the file type to .IMG and use any ISO software that is registered to extract the file.
Ratchewer said:
Well if u are here to help why not make helping easier. after all why are we all here for?
well never mind after a brain steaming i have made it.
And for anyone who might need it. I did this in windows OS no mount or so ever.
1. change the file type to .IMG and use any ISO software that is registered to extract the file.
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This is Dev. Not Q&A. People shouldn't go to Dev to ask questions about general Android information. Furthermore, I'm here to publish to push forward (in the limited ways I can) development for the Galaxy Player. Dev's don't need crap mucking up this area.
apapousek said:
This is Dev. Not Q&A. People shouldn't go to Dev to ask questions about general Android information. Furthermore, I'm here to publish to push forward (in the limited ways I can) development for the Galaxy Player. Dev's don't need crap mucking up this area.
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well dosen't extraction needed in development process or you just jump and and start development. well move on ok i found my solution. ENJOY.
Ratchewer said:
well dosen't extraction needed in development process or you just jump and and start development. well move on ok i found my solution. ENJOY.
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Many times, no. It's not needed. For basic compilation, it's really not. Anyway, many people can just dump the files they need from the device itself.
This thread might help in the future : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1385061
maan you guys should take it easy on a newbie.

[Q] How do I get my first app to work?

Hello dear members of XDA-developers!
This is my first post, so please don't kill me. I've tried to find the answer to my question, but I guess it's too simple, since I believe nobody ever asked this.
So, I've just finished the first tutorial about developing on the android website (can't post outside links yet, but I'm pretty sure you all know it haha) and I would like to get it working on my Galaxy Nexus, but sadly I don't know how . (I honestly have no idea what version, but I'm in the Netherlands and that's where i bought it. It's running 4.1.1)
Could you guys help me out?
I know this question must've been answered before, but I can't find it.
Yes I am aware of the fact that I am a complete and utter noob and should be killed for my lack of knowledge or pro-ness in android developing.
Anyways if you read this you've made it through all of my question, so thanks for reading ^^
Assuming you are using eclipse connect your phone to your computer via usb cable. Now click the run program button and it should be sent to your device. If you have an emulator running at the same time eclipse should ask you what what device to send it to.
blazingwolf said:
Assuming you are using eclipse connect your phone to your computer via usb cable. Now click the run program button and it should be sent to your device. If you have an emulator running at the same time eclipse should ask you what what device to send it to.
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Thanks for the quick response man, didn't think anyone way going to asnwer this lol.
That's right, I am using eclipse and i already tried what you suggested, but the problem is that eclipse can't find my nexus..
you think it might have anything to do with the fact that im programming for 4.1.2 and my Nexus currently runs 4.1.1?
That would be weird though, since i should have compatability all the way back to 2.3.3.
Otherwise I'd need to try and get my Nexus to run 4.1.2, but I don't think it supports it, right?
once again thanks for the response.
colonelmy said:
Thanks for the quick response man, didn't think anyone way going to asnwer this lol.
That's right, I am using eclipse and i already tried what you suggested, but the problem is that eclipse can't find my nexus..
you think it might have anything to do with the fact that im programming for 4.1.2 and my Nexus currently runs 4.1.1?
That would be weird though, since i should have compatability all the way back to 2.3.3.
Otherwise I'd need to try and get my Nexus to run 4.1.2, but I don't think it supports it, right?
once again thanks for the response.
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Make sure USB debugging is turned on on your phone.
You set the minimum sdk level to 10?
blazingwolf said:
Make sure USB debugging is turned on on your phone.
You set the minimum sdk level to 10?
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USB debugging is on, and yes I set the minimum sdk level to 10.
MY pc also recognizes it, but somehow eclipse does not...
Anyway, thanks for replying.
When I started building my first app, I built the "Hello Android" example using eclipse, to run on the emulator on my Windows PC.
When that worked, I found the built .apk file on my PC, and copied it to my DroidX, and sideloaded it, and it ran fine on the DroidX.
Sent from my unrooted DroidX using Tapatalk2
Nate2 said:
When I started building my first app, I built the "Hello Android" example using eclipse, to run on the emulator on my Windows PC.
When that worked, I found the built .apk file on my PC, and copied it to my DroidX, and sideloaded it, and it ran fine on the DroidX.
Sent from my unrooted DroidX using Tapatalk2
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Yeah I've been hearing a lot about those .apk files, but where can i find them?
Once I know where that is, I just have to use a filebrowser and install it, correct?
Thanks for replying.
colonelmy said:
Yeah I've been hearing a lot about those .apk files, but where can i find them?
Once I know where that is, I just have to use a filebrowser and install it, correct?
Thanks for replying.
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right click in eclipse in the project browser on your project and choose "export"... then copy the apk file to your phone and install it
btw set the minimum sdk to android 2.3
Sorry for my bad englisch
emyaz said:
right click in eclipse in the project browser on your project and choose "export"... then copy the apk file to your phone and install it
btw set the minimum sdk to android 2.3
Sorry for my bad englisch
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my god thanks! It works like a charm now!
Yeah, getting it installed on my phone was easy now, but when I start the app, it only says: "Unfortunately, MyFirstApp has stopped", but that's probably a problem within the app itself I think.
Thanks again for helping me out (well sortof anyways )
To fix it run
adb logcat
You can see what went wrong
Enviado desde mi XT912
Correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't think simply copying the apk into phone and installing work, because I guess the apk needs to be signed. But when you launch from Eclipse it need not have to, and will install straight away into your phone.
First you should make sure ADB detects your device.
Run this command in cmd -> C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb devices
Assuming you've installed android-sdk in C drive, turned on Android Debugging in phone. If it displays your device, then you are good to go and run your project from Eclipse.
Ik ben ook Nederlands, en net begonnen met het ontwikkelen van apps.
Dus ik denk dat ik je meer dan anderen kan helpen! Stuur me maar een berichtje!
Hey! I'm from the Netherlands too, and just got started with app development on my Galaxy Nexus. I think I can help you more than anyone else! PM me!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.2 JB

