Closed - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Idk how to delete thread so im just leaving it


Where is your thread?

Sorry guys,
But the first task that the modertaor committee asked me to do was to clear up the development section of each of my moderated device.
So incase you havent found your Question/App/request/ or something to that effect anymore in the developement section where you originally posted, its because I have moved to the right section.
I know it may come off as an inconvenience to some, but in the long run, I am sure it will benefit all


I posted in wrong forum and I don't see how to delete. I'm still learning, sorry.

repartitioning help?

I recently made a posting in the Q&A section,
and am wondering that perhaps the lack of response is because it should have been in here.
so should I leave it there?
You should leave it there.
Please don't spam. If you think that you thread has fallen behind you can "bump" it by posting in it and brinking it to the top.
Thread moved from development section and closed as duplicate.

[Q] A hardware question

well I am sure it's an easy question but I am a noob so
my question is what is the use of those strange pins or whatever they are called marked in the picture down below they are found in the back of every mobile phone under the battery and if you can please give me some links that talk more about their usage :laugh:
edit: to shame I read this thread after posting this thread well I tried to delete this thread but I couldn't or didn't know how to so If any moderator saw this post If he may move it to the proper section and my apologies for breaking the rules :crying:


I Don't think this kinda stuff is allowed on this forum.

