AGPS Patch Droid X2 3.1 & 2.2 | GET BACK TO RAPID GPS LOCK, LOCK EXTRA SATS - Motorola Droid X2

List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL TWRP build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)

This is TENTATIVE support at the time I write this post. I've had private messages from individuals stating that the patch has really benefited their GPS usage on this device.
Please read the OP entirely to answer your questions. Report successes and whatever else pertinent to the thread, please.

Interesting. Thanks for this.

I've been using this fix on my x2 (cm7 beta 2) since the 12th and I enjoy geo caching and this has been a nice addition. Better sat fixes, faster and way more accurate. On the side my brother goes with me and uses his iphone, this makes my gps waaayy better!

Did you guys just adb push it? Or does flash work?

styleKIMCHEE said:
Did you guys just adb push it? Or does flash work?
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Very clear instructions on how to do either in the OP. What are you asking?

DigitalMD said:
Very clear instructions on how to do either in the OP. What are you asking?
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I mean, when I thoroughly read and understood the very clear instructions I realized our device is not an officially supported device. With different devices come different issue. I was simply asking which method people had used successfully.

styleKIMCHEE said:
I mean, when I thoroughly read and understood the very clear instructions I realized our device is not an officially supported device. With different devices come different issue. I was simply asking which method people had used successfully.
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Any of the three methods should work. I recommend attempting the flash method. If it fails, move on to copying manually unless you already have your phone setup on your PC.

I used method 3 and that worked out just as described. Then I've been testing with gps status and toolbox.

Official support has is now available for more devices. This brings the total officially supported to 32.
Welcome these newbies to the fold:
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Asus Transformer TF300T
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
If you appreciate this growing work, always consider clicking the Thanks.
Remember that I pay monthly hosting fees for the space and bandwidth necessary to keep this patch working on the backend. So, please consider donating a few bucks if you're a user. All donations go directly to the patch provisioning and there is absolutely no overhead to benefit me.

TopNTP - the app.
This app does installs a customized gps.conf file for your GPS. It has several different profiles to choose from. We recommend to use the default Google profile but it is up to you. Appart from the profiles you can customize the one chosen.
NTP servers
Derek Gordon maintains a special NTP server pool for you. Dispite what everyone thinks, it is not necessarily the one closest to you which is the best. We consider Derek Gordon's server to be the best option to choose because it has the best data and is most frequently updated.
For more information about the NTP server check out the "About this app" section found under the settings of this app. Also, feel free to visit for more in depth information.
aGPS Alamanacs
Derek Gordon maintains a special aGPS almanac for devices using Qualcomm or similar chipsets. This xtra.bin data file is updated every 30 minutes and is located on a content delivery system maintained by the generous donations of ther userbase.
For more information about the NTP server check out the "About this app" section found under the settings of this app. Also, feel free to visit for more in depth information.
To maintain the server we need money. Donations through this app will be divided between Derek Gordon (Crypted) and Zatta on XDA.
Each star costs 2 Euro and will reduce the waiting time before you can install the patch. 0 star users wait 20 seconds, 1 star users 10, 2 star users only 5 and 3 star users and Premium users can install immediately.
You can become a premium user for only 5 Euro. This is a discount of 1 euro compared to a three star user! We choose this method to allow every one to use all features of this app and because we believe in XDA developers users. Please, don't leech!
Backup and restore
On the first run of this app a backup is made on your SD card. Don't remove it because a backup is only made during the first run (or at an update if you choose to remove it anyway) and no other backup is found on your SD card.
ROM updates
The patch this app provides is located on your /system partition so every time you do update your ROM the patch is overwritten and you will have to redo the patch.
Unless you are using a Cyanogenmod based ROM and your rom has addon.d support. In that case a script will be placed in the addon.d directory to preserve the patch.
It can be disabled in the app's settings but is enabled by default.
Asus users
On ASUS roms a typical file is present at /system/etc/gps, namely the gpsconfig.xml file. This app pathes that file as well, to be specific the PeriodicTimeOutSec parameter. Of course a backup is made of this file as well.
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We need bèta testers. Hopefully we can get some useful feedback to optimize this app. The patch itself has been proven to work, we just need to know for as much as possible devices if we can a) really install the patch and b) if the app is sort of clear in its use.
Get it on Google Play!


[REF] █▌█▌█▌█▌THE ANDROID WALK>THROUGH - Guides, Explanations, Fixes & Tips █▌█▌█▌█▌

[REF] █▌█▌█▌█▌THE ANDROID WALK>THROUGH - Guides, Explanations, Fixes & Tips █▌█▌█▌█▌
Find here and EXTENSIVE collection of every single information available on Android : Kernels, Builds, Updates, Fixes and much much more...
Posts Guide​
Post 1 : Android Encyclopedia
Post 2 : Complementary Guides
Post 3 : Problems, and Fixes
Post 4 : How-to's
WARNING : This post needs updating, formating, typo-checking. Please be patient, as i'll need to collect a lot more data, and rest a little as well
Mods, I made a typo in my post ^^ Can somebody help there? Can't find how to edit a poll Thanks!​
A big THANK YOU to all the contributors of this thread, who are helping me, and the others!
This is a GUIDE/LINKS Thread. Suggestions are welcome, but :
PLEASE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS HERE Please check this (How to post a good question and maximize answers)
You will save yourself double the time : On DEDICATED THREADS you will have more experienced users and more traffic, thus a faster and/or better answer!!!​
Why this thread​I've been reading a lot lately, but still haven't found an updated thread for basic questions, or just a welcome stop-by.
I'd add I'm not a cook neither a developer, but came to understand a few things by myself that weren't precisely told
(A common flaw of computer advices : Do this to solve that - You don't need to know how or why)
This brings pros, as I'll be more oriented towards the end users, but cons as I'll sometimes lack the necessary skills to go further. As a whole, I do believe this may still help understand the basics, and help get rid of a few misunderstandings. This is why there'll be a lot of "seems" and "mays" but in the end, most of the "basic" data here is accurate, and i'll get better as time goes by.
My current hardware and software
- HD2 Europe FR
- Hastarin 7.6 on PhireMod Sense 1.5
- Dutty CDC V11 COM2 FR
- Radio 2.15.40
However, this post covers Android as a whole, and lots may apply to other devices, be it with or without Haret "emulation"
Simple Explanation
A parameter or file you may change/trigger in order to enhance/solve problems/your Android build (yes, this works both ways)
An actual Windows Mobile/Windows XP/Seven file. You can see them using a SD Card reader/usb cable/etc
This is Android C:\ drive
A file or directory present/visible ONLY when under Android on the phone.
Same as root/, but with some laziness included
Means this is a Windows XP/7 Program
A. Android itself​
There are a few things you need to know on android on HD2.
What an Android build is made of :
- A "sound enabler" [CLRCAD.exe],
- An Android Bootloader for WM6 [HARET.exe],
- A startup command [startup.txt], Touch-screen Calibration Instructions [ts-calibration], a boot logo [initrd.gz]
- An Android Kernel [zImage],
- An Android Root Filesystem [rootfs.img]
- A ROM image [system.ext2]
- A data container [data.img]: This holds your texts, contacts and everything else. Sometimes provided BLANK by some chefs to avoid high boot times (cf Updating Android)
All of these should be on the "Android" folder of your SD card.
Note : For an easy launch of your Android, I recommend Exceller Multiple Boot Loader (link here), that you can set on autoboot (or not)
When you launch Android via EBL on WM6:
- [CLRCAD] enables sound
- [Haret] is launched, then totally closes Windows Mobile (all resources shut down)
- Kernel+Drivers, ROM and Data are loaded
What to learn about this:
- There are hardware/software interactions happening when Haret "closes" WM6 and it's own drivers take place.
-> It may be useful to activate "Airplane mode" in Windows to avoid pieces of the radio chip to stay indefinitely on without Android being able to shut them off (cf Power consumption problems)
-> Full charging may not be achieved under Android, this because of Android drivers not being able to correctly write the battery status (yet). To get to 100%, charge when the phone is off or under WM6 (although i do manage to have a 100% under Android under certain circumstances)
-> It may as well be useful to launch Android with Keypad lights on in order to ensure that lights are working properly. This depends on hardware and software, and varies from people to people.
->Flashing a radio under WM6 has the same impact over Android, as the radio chip instructions are shared between Android and WM6 (cf Robo Voice)
->The WM6 ROM used, while seemingly not worthy of attention (as it is "shut down" by Haret), seems to handle some important work when closing itself or interacting with the hardware. That's why changing from "Stock rom" to a "custom one" may resolve a few problems too.
B. Android's Internals​
First, at the current state of development, Android is ENTIRELY run through the SD card.
-> Class 2 cards have been reported to being a source of annoyance, still being able to correctly run Android, but slowing a lot of problems. T-MO USA users have different experiences with the bundled microSD card provided. However, i'd advise using AT LEAST a Class 4 microSD, with correct formating.
- File explorers under Android are reporting a "root/" directory with several files and folders, and a "root/sdcard" folder. In fact, the [data.img] of the SDcard IS (some part of) the "root/" (unzipped for you to see) whereas the SDcard is...the SDcard. That's why removing the SDcard with android running may freeze the whole file-system.
- The actual NAND work is approximately for the devs to put the [rootfs.img and system.ext2] inside the phone flash, to ensure that Android still runs when removing the Sdcard. The problem is : the [data.img], that holds Android's data, may still be on the SDcard (as EU HD2 only have 512mo of ROM, and Android already takes 300 just for booting)...To be continued.
Kernel, Libraries, Modules, File-system, and the like...
Ok, I know little about them, as I'm not a developer or a cook, but here are the basics
Kernel bundles
-> [zImage] : It is the main kernel file, it seems to contain the primary drivers using for controlling the phone. You can update this file by downloading a "Kernel" like Hastarin 7.6, by powering the phone in WM6, and replacing the [zImage,Haret,initrd.gz] in the Android folder of the SDCard
- [Initrd.gz] seems to be the logo launched when Haret is loading Android (needs confirmation)
- [rootfs.img] : It handles the basic file-system
Android Builds Bundles (further explanation)
- [system.ext2] : It contains the Android files described there-under, also provided in a build
Located in /system/lib/modules, they are here to handle the Bluetooth and Wifi. They sometimes need to be replaced manually (aka "pushed" via the shell/terminal)
Located in /system/lib/ or /system/lib/hw, they handle other elements, like lights and so on. They can also be uploaded manually when needed.
File-system Organisation
- root/acct, root/bin, root/cache, root/config, root/dbgfs, root/sbin, root/dev, root/mnt, root/proc, root/sys, root/tmp seems to contain files used for Android. Never went there.
- root/data/etc and root/data/system holds some system files. Don't mess!
- root/data/app/ is the main location for user installed apps (.apk)
-> root/data/data/ is the location for each apps' storage (like some sort of registry), like scores for games, etc
-> root/data/data/ seems to also be the place where the "hosts" file of android is located (The other ones across the file-system are usually empty ones)
- root/system/app/ is the main location for cooked (pre-installed) apps. Removal is at your own risk!
-> root/system holds the build.prop file, responsible for some of the phone behavior. This folder seems to be physically hosted in Android's [system.ext2] file, and is dependent of the chef providing it. You can configure alternate DNS in this file (BACKUP first).
Kernels' flavors (MichyPrima Kernel Thread)(Hastarin Kernel Thread)
- There are two branches : EVO and Nexus1. They mean different libraries, drivers and modules. Nexus1 is the most stable, but the least capable. EVO, although less stable, is the most able, and thus has been selected to be at the base of the NAND development.
- There are two data approaches : RMNET and PPP. Both have their pro's and con's: Speed(PPP) vs Stability(RMNET). (Learn more here)
- There are several kernel chefs, and several available tweaks for each branch.
- There are several capabilities, such as Overclocking or Not, etc. Usually, each Kernel chef delivers its Kernel with or without these additions. Find the one that suits you best.
To summarize / To Update Android :
- A downloaded "Build" provides a FULL working Android system, you need NOTHING ELSE
- A downloaded "Kernel" provides : An updated [Haret, initrd.gz, zImage] that you just "paste" over an existing Android "Build" and sometimes updated "Modules/Libraries" that you need to manually push
->Note : There seems to be a workaround, like a [root] folder, containing many sub-folders, that is placed in the [Android] folder. The files included in this [root] folder seems to be copied by Haret into the root/ folder of Android on boot. That is why, when you "update" an entire "build", chefs ask that you deleted everything on your [Android] folder, to ensure nothing from an old "build" or "Kernel" will be copied to the new "build" upon booting Haret.
->Note on updating "Builds" : I personally erase everything but the [data.img] on my android folder, then unzip the content of a new "build". WARNING : Some chefs include [data.img] in their "builds", so be sure to CHECK to avoid an override!
How to choose a build/a kernel:
- Check what are your needs : Sense implementation, Basic but blazing Android, HTC services.... Each come with a price
- Again, choose what do you want from your phone, cutting-edge but unstable or basic but sure...(You may have both )
-> I personally don't recommend going out of binded paths. Each chef, in each build, uses a specific Kernel dev, and adapts its ROMS to it. I chose to only update a similar Kernel, when the cook or chef just didn't have the time to implement it yet (usually, unless Kernels are really faulty, new ones come with new builds, so just wait for a wholesome upgrade)
C. Basic Android Tools (Survival Starter Kit)​Some tweaks will require "Super-User Access" or stuff like that. Again, here are the basics.
First, "Droid Explorer" (exe).
No, don't look on the market, it's a WINDOWS XP/7 PROGRAM.
(Why the capitals? For the story, a few months ago, it took me HOURS to figure that, as there is also a "Droid Explorer" on the market, free as well. When you're told, "Go into ADB mode with Droid explorer and push that file in the rootlib" you're starting to think you took the wrong spaceship )
-> ADB Mode : Short for "Android Debugger Mode". You can switch this in "Parameters/Application/Development, Check the USB Debug). You need to enable ADB mode to use Droid Explorer.
- Droid Explorer basics : If already on ADB, click on "Connect device" at the right corner, and select the only device shown.
- Warning : I've personally got increasing problems accessing/pushing files to Android using Droid Explorer. I'm currently using the "root folder update" method. (Handle with caution!)
Other useful programs (most are free, some very useful may not, and some are included in builds):
System Apps
- Root explorer (Apk) : A useful Android program, to access files currently not available trough ES Filexplorer or Astro, although some other file explorers may possibly retrieve SU privileges to access the entire file-system. "root/data" is a typical folder not accessible with "traditional" file explorers.
- Super-User (apk): It's an Android Program, provided with your build. It enables programs to access some privileged code/areas...(To investigate)
- Terminal Emulator (apk) : It's Android's cmd.exe, used to input commands like in DOS-Mode
Usually Bundled Apps
- Astro (apk): Beautiful File Explorer
- Drocap2 (apk): Screenshot app. Push start, and shake HARD
- DSP manager (apk): Manages that crackling speaker bad bass rendition
Must-have Apps
- Adfree (apk) : Similar to winhelp2002 for windows, this block some ads while on the Internet. Doesn't block GoogleAds (developers need to survive through free apps too!)
- BatteryLevel (apk): Inputs a permanent notification, which shows the battery percentage. Lightweight and useful, albeit not always properly refreshed
- DroidWall (apk): The only? firewall for Android. Need Busybox (cf TitaniumBackup) in order to function properly. Warning : May block genuine apps from accessing Internet. And no, your cracked apps won't be prevented from calling "home", as license verification goes through the Android system itself.
- GPS Status (apk) : Handles the A-GPS, compass and other stuff
- SetCPU (apk+widget) : This is used to tweak the CPU. (see Hastarin's recommendations, a shame I can't export my settings). Install the apk, then place a widget in order for it to work (mandatory? need to investigate...)
- Shazam (apk)
- SMS Popup (apk) : Great program, pops sms and enables quick management. SMS notifications have to be handled solely by either the program, or the system. Disable one or the other accordingly.
- Startup Cleaner Program (apk) : Manages starting programs. Handle with care.
- SwitchPro (apk+widget) : Almost similar to Cookie's switches for WM6. Can't live without. Weird implementation though.
- Taskiller (apk+widget) : Selective task killer. Has been reported to cause wake-up lag when set on "autokill on sleep" (and I do, but use it on other occasions)
- TeslaLED (apk) : Ke$ha's favorite tool for impromptu parties!
- CurrentWidget (widget) : report power consumption. Helps reporting battery drain problems (I got 3ma on standby ). Don't set to "update" on less than 1 minute. Use it to log when on sleep, then check power consumption on standby.
- DolphinBrowserHD (apk) : Very configurable, personal choice.
Very Nice Addition
- Swype (apk) : Provided on the forum, or sometimes implemented on Builds, can't live without either.
Is there a developer in the room?​- Taintdroid (needs implementation/compiling?)
Unusual stuff coming from me, but this program recently came to my attention. It detects every ID/IMEI/etc Internet leakage and reports to the user. It visibly need some kind of integration into the kernel in order to work. With a firewalling program, we could prevent our phones from spying hard on us (I have a dream, i know ^^)
>>>Hastarin, MichyPrima, ElBartoMe and the others, anyone there? <<<
Thanks for all the devs, chefs and forum users, i'll link when available and when free
Complementary guides
This is post 2 :
Complementary guides
Complementary guides:
> How to flash an android build, and boot issues/solutions
>A good explanation of the different terms
>Frequently asked questions (although pretty much technical to me) (Tips and Apps)
Main Problems, Concatenated Solutions, Original Threads
This is post 3 :
Main Problems, Concatenated Solutions, Original Threads (When available):
Main Problems and Solutions (compilation)​Some filenames aren't correct, i'll check that later
(One general thread)
Battery Drain (One thread there) (Another Thread here)
May be the main problem out there, although Touchscreen freezes are competing for #1 as well
- Try tweaking WM6 power management (Thread here)
- Use CurrentWidget log mode to verify
- Remove root/data/system/batterystats.bin
- Try the Airplane mode in WM6. For daily Android users, set to airplane, then switch the phone off and on without a reboot app. The airplane mode should stay indefinitely on. For constant switchers, launch haret after airplane mode. On next reboot, WM6 shouldn't have airplane mode on.
- Try checking the "lightslib.q8sk"(?) file/problem. Try replacing it with the newer "" provided on the forums
- Try flashing a different radio or WM ROM (test radio first of course)
- Try booting Haret with the keys' lights on
Robo Voice
This issue seems to be hardware+software related. AKA It is different for everybody, and same build+rom+kernel may produce different results on similar phones.
- Current state of resolution is : FLASH RADIO and CHANGE WM ROM ^^
PPP Stuttering (no Edge/HSPA icon warnings)
- Try the fix provided by noellenchris (Another thread there)
- Try updating your kernel
- Try removing Taskiller Autokill feature (not the kill on sleep feature)
PPP Freezes (icon going on and off, etc)
- Try tweaking the build.prop (GSM or WCDMA prefered via "ro.telephony.default_network=" parameter ) (See "Tweaks" Section)
- Try changing the DNS inside "root/system/build.prop" (Link of your mobile provider DNS here)
- Try tweaking the APN in "root/system/etc/apns-conf.xml"
Screen of Death (Thread)
As Robo Voice, this issue seems to be hardware+software related. AKA It is different for everybody, and same build+rom+kernel may produce different results on similar phones.(Proof)
- Try flashing a new radio
- Try formating your SD with the largest FAT32 Allocation Unit Size possible (Thread Here)
- Try changing your SD-Card
Touch-screen Freezes
- Try disabling g-sensor in Parameters/Display/Auto-rotation
- Try offset change. Still haven't understand... (Thread Here)
Music Stutter
- Try updating or Changing Kernel (Thread Here)
- Try this workaround
Background Noise
See this thread
Camera "Moon picture" Preview
- Temporary fix : Disable preview
Camera : HTC 5Mpx (EVO/Desire Roms ONLY) (No Desire HD, No Desire Z...)
See thread here
011 International Dialer issue
Fix can be found here
Thread Here
Tweaks i'm aware of​
Boost DATA Speed
-> Edit your "root/system/build.prop" and check for correct values (These ones seems "overboosted") -> (Thread Here)
- Here are the "HSPA network" values explanations (See here), these seems more moderate
Build.prop Configuration
-> "0" is WCDMA/UMTS Prefered, even when network is very low
-> "3" is GSM/WCDMA Auto Mode, switch 2G/3G according to highest network
This is post 4 : How-To's
HOW TO REQUEST FOR HELP ON XDA​Again, personal point of view here, but there are a lot of "unsaid" things around there....
1. Nothing more annoying than a "noob" (and we've ALL been through there, but...) that didn't (at least) try looking for himself.
-> Use wisely the "Search on this thread" button. It's WORKING. Tip: If you're not on a specific thread, but rather in the Development of General sub-forum, tick the "Post" button to avoid going through entire threads for a single answer.
2. Do remember: you're not alone.
-> DON'T BE RUDE, BE POLITE, SAY HI, THANK PEOPLE, we all have to be patient. It's XDA Community. Plus, some threads are moving real fast, and may have flooded your question. Ask again, and just don't complain!
-> EDIT YOUR SIGNATURE. Insert your ROM, Radio, Phone model, etc etc etc. Most common answer to noob problems: "WHAT'S YOUR ROM"
->Try asking GOOD QUESTIONS, starting with (Hi!) "I've been looking for this, found this, understood this, but need help about that" (Thanks) and you'll see how people will be more inclined to answer ^^
Flash a WM6 ROM (compatible with Android)​> Need-to-Know : HSPL, RUU, WM6 Roms
1. Install the HSPL
- A HSPL is needed in order to "flash" custom roms, as well as new radios, and then Android Builds. Most up-to-date HSPL is HSPL 3 (found here).
- Plug your WM6 phone to your computer using the USB cable provided on activesync mode (SDCard Flash method here)
- Launch the "Mobile Manager" in Vista/Seven, or wait for activesync in Windows XP, and establish a connection (Connection failure : Look here)
- Launch "HSPL3_PKG.exe", and follow the instructions
- Reboot phone
2. Download and Install a WM6 ROM
- Hint: Choose and download a recent WM6 rom (advices here)
-> Your phone needs its battery to be charged at a minimum of 50%, else flashing won't occur
- Again, plug your phone in USB-Activesync mode
- Unzip the archive, and launch "CustomRUU.exe" ("ruu_signed.nbh" is the WM6 rom file)
Flash a new Radio (under WM6 only)​- Choose a recent radio, minimum required is 2.08, 2.12 recommended (radio thread here)
- Again, plug your phone in USB-Activesync mode
- Sometimes, only the radio (ruu_signed.nbh) is provided in zip files. "Pick" the "custom_ruu.ex"e of a WM6 ROM, and copy it in the unzipped radio folder, it'll work just as well.
- Launch and follow the instructions
Install Android on a SD Card​
Update an Android Build (with a new build)​
Update an Android Build (with a new kernel)​
Yes, I did find this useful - Thank-you !
RedWave31 said:
A.Android itself
There are a few things you need to know on android on HD2.
>What an Android build (like mdeejay is made of :
- An Android for Windows Mobile emulator (HARET),
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HaRET is not an emulator. It is a Linux bootloader.
A Really good guide, actually explains quite a lot about the filesystem that I wasn't aware of. Well written and a great idea.
msoler8785 said:
HaRET is not an emulator. It is a Linux bootloader.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, updated!
Feel free to submit ideas or whatever!
Wow, good idea on putting it all in one thread, few things, however:
As another poster suggested, haret is not an emulator (handheld reverse engineering tool)
As far as the filesystems: rootfs.img is the linux rootfile system, startup.txt are commandline arguments for the linux startup, system.ex2 is the root android filesystem, etc. So to avoid confusion, think of it this way: system.ex2 would be closer to the android "rom image", where as rootfs, startup.txt, ts-calibration, and initrd are for the linux kernel side, so you can boot up android. (Very oversimplified I know, just trying to help)
When you install a linux box, typically it's installed on more than one partition (keeping the /home directory on a seperate one is always good practice, and some people even keep /var on a seperate one for log files as well.) data.img and system.ex2 would be like different partitions of the android filesystem. When you buy a phone that isn't "rooted", it means you don't have access to the root file system, aka in this case, system.ex2.
*edit* oops you already saw the thing about the haret. Didn't notice.
You may also want to add that for where apps are located after install, /data/app is for user installed apps, /system/app are for pre-loaded apps that are installed with the system. If you wanted to remove any app that came with the system (like the amazonmp3, for example), you'd delete it out of there. (Delete files out of the system/app at your own risk, don't delete it if you don't know what it is)
Added HSPA Values and DNS and APN files location. Enjoy
This is a very nice guide. Has a lot of the necessary stuff that the other guides leave out.
Good job. Maybe I will just link folks to this guide in the future instead of directly answering them. (probably just do both though - I was pretty noob at one point)
Oh, and .apk = Android Package (android apps are .apk / android package file)
Added 5mpx Fix, hope the HD Roms will have camera too
- Try the Airplane mode in WM6. For daily Android users, set to airplane, then switch the phone off and on without a reboot app. The airplane mode should stay indefinitely on. For constant switchers, launch haret after airplane mode. On next reboot, WM6 shouldn't have airplane mode on.
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For my phone, turning on Airplane mode in WM6. then booting into Android with Haret without restarting, then coming back to is still in Airplane mode.
Great Job man...keep this thread up to date...We appreaciate your hardwork....thanks a lot...
Top work dude!
Spelled "through" wrong in the title
OCedHrt said:
For my phone, turning on Airplane mode in WM6. then booting into Android with Haret without restarting, then coming back to is still in Airplane mode.
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Damn I spent a lot of time trying to figure this one, as I'm not using WinMo anymore. Are you using Cookie HomeTab's switch? Or directly in the Com Manager?
>I remember using Cookie Switch didn't stay at next reboot
- BTW, maybe it has to do with your launcher, or even the rom
jetsetwilly said:
Top work dude!
Spelled "through" wrong in the title
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Click to collapse
LOL This is the "Walk-true-shame"
Thanks for reporting
Added "How to post a Good Question", personal joke of the day, but REAL INFO
A question and a few suggested tools-
First, where in the Android file structure are the logs stored?
Second, another way to access the phone from Windows, one I use for working on Linux systems-
1) install QuickSSHd from the market. It will open an SSH (secure) tunnel into the phone
2) Install on your windows system Winscp and Putty (both Windows XP and up applications and both free. Winscp allows you to transfer files to and from the phone and Putty gives you a root shell and your desktop/notebook keyboard.
While these tools are not real simple, if you have an understanding of basic Linux and get this far you can then log into the phone over your home WiFi network with full root access and get into a lot of trouble if you aren't careful. It also seems more stable than Droid explorer.
Excuse this potentially silly question...
How do you quit Android? I'm running the Runnymede/Rhyme/Bliss one and long holding power doesnt do anything.
Is it just a battery pull?

[UTIL][12/JUL/12] Samsung Galaxy S2 Chlorine. (bloat cwm-update generator)

Status: ONLINE and Updated 12/Jul/12
By request, I've added a sgs2 section for this tool I put together for the SGS.
Basically it's a web based tool that will generate a CWM compatible to remove pre-installed apps (bloat).
I just recently added a mobile version, that should work from your phones as well.
Android Chlorine
SGS Chlorine
SGS2 Chlorine
SGS3 Chlorine
SGS Chlorine (mobile)
SGS2 Chlorine (mobile)
SGS3 Chlorine (mobile)
What this does:
This is a little bit of PHP that will generate a customised CWM3 compatible which will remove specific apks (and associated .odexes).
* Choose which APKs you want the to remove and hit the Generate button.
- You can also select a preset to save some clicking.
* Copy the generated .zip file to your phone.
* Apply it with CWM.
The list of APKs was grabbed from the public google docs spreadsheet.
The SGS2 APK list was grabbed from this public google docs spreadsheet
The SGS3 APK list was grabbed from this public google docs spreadsheet. XDA thread
* Requires busybox for mounting /system
* The APK list shouldn't let you remove anything 'vital' to booting the phone (but for SGS2 it may).
* I've tested it myself pretty extensively and used it for the last couple of stock roms released. However, there may be bugs. Let me know and I'll attempt to get them fixed!
* If you have any particular ideas for good presets, also let me know and I'll see to adding them.
* You can remove TouchWiz (TouchWiz30Launcher.apk) with this. However, if you do that without having another home 'app' installed, bad things may (will) happen.
* I also don't actually have a SGS2, so if there are any apps that should NOT be removed in the list, let me know and I'll pull them from the database. The apps in the list are selected from the 'safe to remove' list from the google spreadsheet above.
Nice thanks for that
Link dead
The page is dead for the sg2 site.
murdoch1 said:
The page is dead for the sg2 site.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Works fine here...
murdoch1 said:
The page is dead for the sg2 site.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Quickly checked and don't have a problem here, is it still dead for you?
Thanks all looks ok aslo page loads fine in FF and Oprea
Doesn't work here either!!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Can you give any more information other than 'doesn't work'?
404 error?
DNS related error?
browser you used, (either on the phone or on the computer).
Hostname lookup for "" failed
this is what I get on my mobile
clavicle said:
Hostname lookup for "" failed
this is what I get on my mobile
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Click to collapse
Thanks! You can work around that by going to
I only added that dns record back 4 days ago, so it's quite possible it hasn't filtered through properly yet. It's also possible that something funky is going on because it's a CNAME, so I'll switch it over to a A record.
sargorn said:
By request, I've added a sgs2 section for this tool I put together for the SGS. The original thread is here.
Basically it's a web based tool that will generate a CWM2/3 compatible to remove pre-installed apps (bloat).
I just recently added a mobile version, that should work from your phones as well.
SGS Chlorine
SGS2 Chlorine
What this does:
This is a little bit of PHP that will generate a customised CWM3 compatible which will remove specific apks (and associated .odexes).
* Choose which APKs you want the to remove and hit the Generate button.
- You can also select a preset to save some clicking.
* Copy the generated .zip file to your phone.
* Apply it with CWM2 or CWM3.
The list of APKs was grabbed from the public google docs spreadsheet.
The SGS2 APK list was grabbed from this public google docs spreadsheet
* The APK list shouldn't let you remove anything 'vital' to booting the phone (but for SGS2 it may).
* I've tested it myself pretty extensively and used it for the last couple of stock roms released. However, there may be bugs. Let me know and I'll attempt to get them fixed!
* If you have any particular ideas for good presets, also let me know and I'll see to adding them.
* You can remove TouchWiz (TouchWiz30Launcher.apk) with this. However, if you do that without having another home 'app' installed, bad things may (will) happen.
* I also don't actually have a SGS2, so if there are any apps that should NOT be removed in the list, let me know and I'll pull them from the database. The apps in the list are selected from the 'safe to remove' list from the google spreadsheet above.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In mobile sgs2 version webpage the bottom checkboxes are cut. Please fix it
sebarkh said:
In mobile sgs2 version webpage the bottom checkboxes are cut. Please fix it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which browser? I've tested with stock (on the sgs i9000) and dolphin and don't see any clipping. Zinio should be last.
Opera mini does make a mess of it, but it doesn't clip.
Switching DNS for that domain over to cloudflare, hopefully it'll fix all the 'not resolving' problems.
Flawless when used with FF 6.0.1 -- haven't (yet) tested it on Dolphin Mini on the SGS2.
I get a very strange issue. At time this works ok, and at other times, for the same zip file i get a CWM Status 0 error when trying to flash it.
edit: fiddled around with the updater-script. Found that mounting /system is better done
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "-t", "auto", "/dev/block/stl9", "/system");
Now works fine. You can have a look at my attached updater-script. I had to add a .txt extension so it can uploaded as an attachment. Remove it and have a look at it in notepad++
Thanks for prodiving this
Gave this an update today.
* Functionality for the SGS2 is probably the same.
* Page style changed.
* Added SGS3 support.
Sir, you are one genius Web developer, thank your very much for this great tool.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
Reserved for future use..thanks for sharing bro..
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
It look's nice release.... Try it right now!!!
Good job
Great work
cannot wait to test
Well... I installed the patch, run GPS status for a few minutes....
then I open Google Maps and the GPS was locked in f**ing 5 seconds.... inside my house...
I'm using GingerDX v015, Stock Kernel
Let me know how it goes. The beta testers said it worked great with their custom ROMs and this device. I don't own this phone, so that's as good as I can get on knowing performance.
Apparently, someone didn't like this without even commenting about their problem, if any. It got a bad thread rating because of one user. Go figure.
Does your file update before?
I am still using your gps.conf before this.
Still the same, no positive or negative comment, after 1month using it.
Edit:sorry around 2weeks.
wc_how said:
Does your file update before?
I am still using your gps.conf before this.
Still the same, no positive or negative comment, after 1month using it.
Edit:sorry around 2weeks.
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I believe that there is an update to it compared to beta 2. Don't forget to use the SUPL/conf together.
Thks mate, now my gps lock in less than 4secs after opening iGo . Pretty good
I was suffering a bit with this, but now you provided me the solution
Thank anywhere.
And mind to tell what are the difference between Google,AT&T and the T-Mobile version?
wc_how said:
Thank anywhere.
And mind to tell what are the difference between Google,AT&T and the T-Mobile version?
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It's all about the SUPLROOTCERT variable and SUPLSERVER variable.
If you're a customer of AT&T or TMobile, you can download and use the patch that includes their specific SUPLSERVER configured into the gps.conf and their SUPLROOTCERT file.
I prefer the Generic/Google one because it uses a Verisign cert and the GOOGL SUPLSERVER which has never let me down.
I'm just trying to assist those who complained in the past.
Found satellites in seconds (before it took around a minute or two). Used Generic/Google. Thank you!
Manually installed as the generic google zip reported installation failed on my CWM for some reason.. Gingerdx V017, stock kernel, dual mode CWM and Xrecovery with this rom..
Works great... very fast to find GPS. Thank you!
i also installed manually, because cmw give an error (gdx+ldx). when i open maps, gps is show me my location in few seconds, but after 5-10 sec he lost location and show that there are no connected satellites. any body have this problem?
What does it actually do? Please, I don't understand.
velnens123 said:
What does it actually do? Please, I don't understand.
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It allows you to be able to lock on to more GPS satellites and thus lock on to your current position faster and more accurately.
15jkeee said:
i also installed manually, because cmw give an error (gdx+ldx). when i open maps, gps is show me my location in few seconds, but after 5-10 sec he lost location and show that there are no connected satellites. any body have this problem?
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Let it run for a while the first time.
Where are you located? Are you trying this inside a building? If you're outside, is it an open area or are there lots of tall buildings around? Do you have your phone in a case?
SpyderX said:
It allows you to be able to lock on to more GPS satellites and thus lock on to your current position faster and more accurately.
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Thank you!
i lock 11 or more satellites with out any patch...
-ReaL- said:
i lock 11 or more satellites with out any patch...
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Many are not so lucky...hence the 100k downloads of this patch since I started building it.
I can't fix what isn't broken.

[MOD][08.21.13][Hotspot AP mode fix - LIVE on android-wifi-tether site][GB/ICS]

RECENT NEWS: Fixed wifi tether on newest ICS rom, the problem was the exact same firmware issue from the original GB roms. HTC had two AP firmwares just as with the original GB roms. See notes below about the firmware for GB for more information, attached is a zip file that will replace the non-tether compatible firmware with the firmware that does work for tether. I found it interesting that HTC's firmwares from prior ICS versions worked fine without modifications, but the latest one required this hack just like the original GB HTC roms.
Looking to get your Gingerbread Rezound's wireless hotspot to work in Infrastructure mode?
Having problems with your Ice Cream Sandwich Rezound's wireless hotspot stuttering while playing online games in Infrastructure mode?
You found the right thread!
Con247 suggested I move the quick-start guide to the top of this thread.
I am now an official developer and committer for the Android-Wifi-Tether project. Now that is awesome!
See list here
1. The file wifi_tether_v3_2-pre1.apk downloaded as!?
This is actually a common issue when downloading any APK via a web browser and is a result of your web browser recognizing the file format for a ZIP file and the fix is very easy. Rename to wifi_tether_v3_2-pre1.apk and it will install.
2. When tethering to my phone over my 4G connection, the internet gets very laggy and unresponsive...but on 3G it works fine?!?
This is a common problem among those with 4G phones in 4G areas using tethering apps. Sometimes those devices are unable to operate both the 4G radio and the WIFI radio at the same time...either due to the amount of heat generated...power consumed...or possibly hardware required for both to operate that can not be shared. Unfortunately there is no fix to make it work over 4G without an issue if you are having problems. You maybe one of the lucky ones who can use it in which case this won't apply to you. If you have issues try tethering with a 3G connection, usually this will resolve the problems.
To my knowledge this is an issue that affects all tethering apps including Verizon's Hotspot. Reports on success or failures in this forum are appreciated.
3. Your post has too many words...Lots of words make things useless, can you reduce it to an index card size or just delete it all?
I'm glad you asked. You see as a person inclined to work with things on a technical level I often find myself browsing hundreds of thousands of pages of what the layman would consider "jiberish". While the "jiberish" is of no use to a layman, it is very important to other persons of the technical inclination such as computer programmers, software developers, and the like. We share details of our changes to the "jiberish" with each other openly to help further future discoveries and fixes in the realm of computer science. If I were to say remove half of the development blog attached at the bottom of this post then I would have done the equivalent of starting the next episode of your favorite tv show (ex: Jersey Shore) halfway through an episode you never saw. While missing half an episode of Jersey Shore might not seem very important, it might have been an episode that had Snookie conceiving a child with The Situation before the second half where they all go out drinking and eventually get in a fight over the way The Situation starts grinding on some other chick. Which too any Jersey Shore fan would have been monumental. The development blog is just as monumental to us technical types. I hope that my work in getting wifi tether working on GB Rezound can help others get wifi tether working on their on devices that may be having a similar problem. So in short, no I will not shorten the post.
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Most problems with Wifi Tether not working are related to not replacing the firmware correctly or not uninstalling the old apk before installing the new one. Remember if your Wifi Tether is in system you will have to use a special app like Titianium Backup or Root Explorer to remove it before attempting to replace it with my patched version.
The EasyFix zip file will attempt to remove any original Wireless Tether (having it's original APK name ie: installed if it exist, this will also fix any force close issues you are having from a incomplete or improper install of Wireless Tether as noted earlier in this thread that some have experienced. The script for EasyFix will perform a more complete fix. The contains the updated firmware and apk. It will copy the apk to your /data/app folder and the firmware to /system/etc/firmware. Enjoy!
EASYFIX for GB - How to enable wireless tether on the Rezound GB! In 10 EASY Steps!
1. You need (includes my modified apk - attached) located at the bottom of this post, CleanROM 1.7+, access to terminal/adb, and root.
3. Reboot to recovery and flash
4. Reboot back to Android.
5. Open Wifi Tether (That you just installed, It will know you using a Rezound and use NetD by default)
6. Enable encryption if desired (it works)
7. Check MSS Clamping and Routing fix (I used both in my work)
8. Check access control (if you want it)
9. Turn on Wifi Tether
10. PARTY!!!
EASYFIX for ICS - How to fix wireless tether stutter on the Rezound ICS! In 9 EASY Steps!
1. You need to download wifi_tether_v3_2-pre1.apk to your SD card (only the apk - attached) located at the bottom of this post, an ICS ROM, and root.
3. Install wifi_tether_v3_2-pre1.apk using your favorite file manager.
4. Open Wifi Tether (That you just installed, It will know you using a Rezound and use NetD by default)
5. Enable encryption if desired (it works)
6. Check Routing fix (Required)
7. Check access control (if you want it)
8. Turn on Wifi Tether
9. PARTY!!!
If for some reason you want AD-HOC tethering, simply change "Setup-Method" to WEXT (remember AD-HOC/WEXT does not support encryption). Typically everyone is wanting AP mode so Auto/NetD is likely what you are wanting.
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Development Blog Begins Here
I noticed that this device has 4 firmware images for the wifi radio in GB and 6 in ICS. I think part of our problem is restrictions placed in the firmware by HTC for VZW. In short you can find the firmware in /etc/firmware/fw_bcm*.bin and if you replace fw_bcm4330_apsta.bin with fw_bcm4330b2_apsta.bin (backup your firmware folder first!) you can now open an access point with wpa2 encryption. I however have not been able to get a complete connection, and it always gives up waiting on dhcp address and iptables shows no packets routed or dropped. I'll look into it further after the weekend is over right now all I have is my phone and development further than this might not be possible without my PC. I think the VZW hotspot is loading firmware b2 of the access point firmware (apsta) for it's work while standard android use loads the first firmware.
#2: ifconfig shows I have a valid interface and traffic on it but forwarding does not appear to be happening. (Packet count increases with attempts to visit website, I setup static Ip on the client to avoid DHCP failure during my tests.) Looks like I'm missing a route as well.
#3: and the interface has not been assigned an IPv4 address so that explains the lack of a route.
#4: I can get the Rezound to communicate to a (both ways if the Rezound initiates the connection/ping) tethered device but I can not get the tethered device to communicate with the Rezound (as if the data just goes into a black hole). But ARP routeing tables show correct information on both sides of the connection. I appear to have a missing route somewhere and it's getting late.
You need Wifi Tether 3.1-beta 11, CleanROM 1.7+, access to terminal/adb, and root.
Create a backup of /etc/firmware/fw_bcm*.bin
Replace fw_bcm4330_apsta.bin with fw_bcm4330b2_apsta.bin
Open Wifi Tether
Set device as Google NexusOne
Set method as NetD (master)
Enable encryption if desired (it works)
Change Lan (Select
I have not determined if MSS Clamping or Routing fix are needed but my tests include routing fix.
Turn on Wifi Tether
in terminal do the following without qoutes:
"/system/xbin/ifconfig eth0 inet netmask mtu 1500"
On the device you want to connect to the hotspot with do the following
Set static ip information (DHCP will not work at this time)
Connect device to hotspot.
Device (not the Rezound) will show connected but have no network access at this time.
On the Rezound in the terminal you can verify the device is connected with ping
You will see the ping replies! (Press volume down + "C" to stop once confirmed if using terminal)
WOOT! We're half way there! I think if Wifi Tether setup the interface with the IPV4 address properly instead of us having to go back and set it after the fact that this may work without any further trouble.
Once we have Wifi Tether resolved, I will have my dream device! least for the next 6 months \\
#5: I HAVE IT! I will post a working fix/update within a few hours! It works!
The problem was two fold, first the phone has two sets of firmwares and by default loads a non-accesspoint capable version when trying to setup an accesspoint. I've already explained that part in my first post. The second problem, the accesspoint interface firmware operates on eth0, which is NOT what wireless tether I either had to intercept tether's scripts and fix the interface name OR modify tether to use the proper interface name (which I did both, but the fix I am posting is a modified tether without is simpler, and EASY FOR THE WIRELESS TETHER TEAM TO FIX).
ADVANCED FIX - How to enable wireless tether on the Rezound! In 12 EASY Steps!
Please scroll down to EASY FIX 2 for instructions on using con247's zip in recovery instead of moving files around in root explorer yourself.
Download the attached MODIFIED WIFI TETHER APK, it has the interface names for the networking accesspoint corrected to eth0 and not wl0.1 (which was the default for google nexus).
1. You need Wifi Tether 3.1-beta 11b2 (my modified version), CleanROM 1.7+, access to terminal/adb, and root.
3. Create a backup of /etc/firmware/fw_bcm*.bin
4. Replace (existing) fw_bcm4330_apsta.bin with fw_bcm4330b2_apsta.bin in /etc/firmware
5. Install modified Wifi Tether
6. Open Wifi Tether
7. Set device as Google NexusOne
8. Set method as NetD (master)
9. Enable encryption if desired (it works)
10. Check MSS Clamping and Routing fix (I used both in my work)
11. Turn on Wifi Tether
12. PARTY!!!
For those with trust issues download apktool and decompile wifi tether yourself, open smali/com/googlecode/android/wifi/tether/system/Configuration.smali
using a NON DESTRUCTIVE TEXT EDITOR! I.E. one that will not change anything you do not specifically change! I used JEdit on Ubuntu, I read Notepad++ on windows will work good too.
Under ".method private setupSoftapGoogle()V"
Change line 2707:
.line 327
const-string v0, "wl0.0"
.line 327
const-string v0, "eth0"
Save and rebuild & sign apk.
Have a great day!
This hack is all of my own work, please give me credit if you use this or include it in your rom/mod!
Donations are always welcome as I do appreciate a good beer ;-D
Questions about will it work on my ROM or Kernel, you will just have to try it. Remember to backup your firmware folder to revert incase you make a mistake. This method should work on any GB rom and should work on ICS as well. So long as the kernel/rom dev has not radically modified their ROM/Kernel in the wifi/tether department. Enjoy!
Also attached some nifty images with my chicken scratch on them to help point out the original file differences (in size) as well as what we are replacing in case there was any confusion.
Enjoy, Thanks goto con247 who packaged up a recovery zip to move the firmware!
This fix has been updated and is now using Beta12 of Wifi Tether.
The patch is slightly different instead of patching Google's Nexus driver I just copied it to it's own routine patched the device name as indicated in the above patch instructions, renamed it to HTC Rezound GB and added it to the device menu. No more looking like a hack here. The Wifi Tether team could easily add this patch to their base code (I did this using a text editor on the smali code), but it would only benefit HTC Rezound GB users with rooted devices. Oh well...Enjoy Everyone!
Update 04/11/12: Fixed downloads...not sure what was wrong. Re-uploaded the files and all is well. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Update 04/12/12: Really fixed downloads...I do not know what has happened. I tested them when they first went up and they worked fine. Could be a browser issue maybe? I was using Chrome, this time FireFox. Never had any issues uploading before. I downloaded both files again completely to be sure this time, everything looks good. Again I apologize for the inconvenience.
Update 04/23/12: Updated patch to latest beta14.
Update 04/28/12: Corrected firmware/module file locations for Rezound. Removed SoftAP (does not work on Rezound GB profile anyway). Tested Wext on Rezound profile (works for those wanting Adhoc, note: encryption not supported on Adhoc). Added patch notice to App title bar so you know what is installed (default vs patched). Also gave myself credit for the patch in the about box and added a link to this thread for future reference and added a donation button in the about box for those who feel generous (Don't forget about the Wifi Tether team, without which non of this would be possible!). Enjoy! (Fixed Download: I forgot to sign the APK, sorry everyone!)
Update 05/02/12: Moved quickstart guide to top per con247's suggestion. Also note this fix is NOT needed for any ICS variants, only GB.
Update 05/18/12: Per feedback from Kidney Poker I have patched the Wifi Tether Application to include a Rezound ICS profile, in that profile I added correct ICS firmware folder/filenames (The Rezound's firmware/modules are in different locations than Google ICS), the result of which I believe caused some stuttering in the connection was running applications requiring a consistent and low ping (I.E. Online Games). I appreciate any additional feedback anyone would like to add on this matter, let me know if this patch improves your tethering experience or not. Thanks! ICS does not need firmware files moved for AP mode to work so do not flash the zip, you only need the apk of the patched Wifi Tether application. DO NOT INSTALL on ICS!!!
Update 06/01/12: Added beta15 PUBLIC TEST 1 UNOFFICIAL Wifi Tether with my changes that I am submitting to the Wifi Tether team. Give it a try, fiddle with the options, tell me how it works! Post your feedback and Thanks!
Update 06/02/12: Beta15 PUBLIC TEST 2: Fixed bug where Automatic quota shutdown appeared twice in settings. Configure ed keep-alive shutdown timer option to be disabled when keep-alive is set to retry indefinitely.
Update 06/27/12: Android wifi-tether now has an official download with my changes includes and some new features added! Woot Woot!
Update 07/14/12: I am now an official developer and committer for the Android-Wifi-Tether project. Now that is awesome!
Update 08/21/13: Updated post to include fix for latest ICS release, the firmware issue from GB returned to this version of ICS. Simply replacing fw_bcm4330_apsta_b1.bin with fw_bcm4330_apsta_b2.bin located in /system/etc/firmware/ and this change will enable wifi tether using android-wifi-tether. Updated zips to include latest non-experimental version v3.3 beta 2 and attached for direct download. GB firmware zip is intended only for GB roms, and ICS Latest zip is intended only for the latest ICS version v4.03.605.2 710RD. You will need a custom kernel to tether, the stock kernel will not work as it lacks the proper NAT layers to do so.
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Wow. I'm impressed. Keep up the good work. It sounds like you're on to something.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
omg if you get this to work I will give you all the cookies your heart desires!!!
I understood about a total of 6 words in the OP, but I do know that this will be awesome if you can get it working. Nice work
any update on this?
Unfortunately I've not been able to resolve the routing issues yet, communication starting from the client towards the tether point (rezound) arrives but does not seem to get past the interface device (packets are counted but data is getting dropped after reaching the rezound. I am still trying to resolve this.
I got it, will post a working update within a few hours!
Fantastic work!
will this not work on ineffabilis 1.3?
It should work on GB roms.
will this work If im rooted and have ziggy's oc kernal but still on stock debloated (by me) vzw gb rom?
I looked in the firmware folder and I couldn't find the bcm* file to backup and both of the files I'm supposed to replace each other with are already in there.
antispiral said:
I looked in the firmware folder and I couldn't find the bcm* file to backup and both of the files I'm supposed to replace each other with are already in there.
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I believe you are supposed to rename the one with the b2 in it to remove the b2 and let it replace the one that is already there WITHOUT the b2. if that makes any sense.
Regards to other roms/kernels:
You will have to try it yourself, but this method should work on all Rezound GB Roms as long as the firmware folder is there and the dev has not modified anything related to tethering/wifi in a radical way.
That is absolutely right! Replace the existing file fw_bcm4330_apsta.bin with the fw_bcm4330b2_apsta.bin file.
con247 said:
It should work on GB roms.
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Con where's the flashable zip man? J/K but that would be awesome. This may make me go back to GB. Thanks for this
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
Doddzilla said:
Con where's the flashable zip man? J/K but that would be awesome. This may make me go back to GB. Thanks for this
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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This is one of the reasons I haven't went to ICS yet. I have everything I wanted (minus ICS) with this phone running Gingerbread now. Once ICS source is out, that may change.
SirGatez said:
That is absolutely right! Replace the existing file fw_bcm4330_apsta.bin with the fw_bcm4330b2_apsta.bin file.
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so can't I just delete the fw bcm4330 instead of replace since the fw bcm4330b2 is already in the folder?
Confirmed working on Ineffabilis 1.3. Tethering to my Mac running Lion and I didn't have to change any settings in the Wifi Prefs. DHCP worked just fine.
antispiral said:
so can't I just delete the fw bcm4330 instead of replace since the fw bcm4330b2 is already in the folder?
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Yes, delete fw bcm4330 (or backup to another location) and rename fw bcm4330b2 to fw bcm4330

[Magisk Module] Step By Step Definitive GPS Solution (Global)

*This module also works for any another device with Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset based, so feel free to test it on another device that have Magisk and recommend for your friends that want a better GPS experience and functionality.
The original gps.conf file present in any version of MIUI is very wrong, it has a lot of bad information and settings for the correct operation of the GPS and A-GPS. But on most Custom ROMs it was solved, however, I believe the changes I've made for a better optimization has the best results.
A little reflection tested and proven by myself: If you have a nice FW version with wrong gps.conf you won't have good results with the GPS, but if you have any FW version with gps.conf file correctly edited, maybe you might get better results.
Then we can finally conclude that, the Xiaomi Mi5 don't have any HW problem with GPS. What happens is that the firmware works in conjunction with the file.
There's not much difference with the default file included in LOS or other ROMs but let me explain about some of my relevant changes:
1 - Now basically the A-GPS data files are XTRA 3.0 files (It provides GPS, GLO and BDS assistance data) served over HTTPS with SSL and without # preceding the address lines while the default on MIUI ROMs was XTRA 2.0 (provides only GPS and GLO) served over HTTP without SSL, this allows an attacker to mount a MITM attack on the network level and modify the GPS assistance data while in transit.
2 - I switched the XTRA_VERSION_CHECK from 0 to 3 because it's obvious that xtra3grc.bin are XTRA 3.0 files.
3 - I included the address servers from as the main NTP server because it's global, the system will try finding the closest available servers for you
4 - I set SUPL_HOST as default, before was on MIUI and this is an A-GPS server in China. Google server is more "Global" and can do the job very well.
5 - I updated the SUPL version from 2.0 to 3.0
6 - I changed the SUPL_MODE from 3 (so bad, this option doesn't even exist) to 0x2 (MSA), under normal circumstances, the MSA method is applicable to situation which the satellite signal is poor, to achieve a single positioning.
7 - Changed the value of GPS CAPABILITIES from 0x37 to 0x35 for correctly MSA mode functionality.
8 - Changed the LTE Positioning Profile Settings from 0 (RRLP) to 3 (LPP_User_Plane and LPP_Control_Plane)
9 - Changed the A-GLONASS Positioning Protocol from 0 to 0x4 (LLP Uplane)
The reason for the 8 and 9 changes is because SUPL 3.0 doesn't support RRC and RRLP anymore.
[Step By Step]
It's Magisk install-able, don't install it by TWRP but with Magisk instead!
1 - Go on Magisk > Modules > Click on "+" yellow button > Search and find this "" file (Now this one and only works fine for both Nougat and Oreo and also is correctly replacing the gps.conf file), long press on it and select open and after installed then reboot your device.
2 - Make sure your location settings is setup on mode "High accuracy"
3 - Skirt outdoors, can be in the yard of your house or anywhere else with a line of sight to the sky, download some Compass app on Google Play Store (I recommend the Compass Steel 3D) and then calibrate the compass.
4 - Stay in that outdoor place and download GPS Locker on Google Play Store and open the app and wait for the first time fix/lock. This is necessary and essential because the app will recognize some GPS satellites signals for the very first time.
*Note 1 - Location mode "Battery saving" is gone due to Google's location accuracy is now a binary setting.
*Note 2 - Consider using the GPS Locker app because it is much better than the GPS Test and GPS Data. You just need to open it once and wait for fix, then your gps signal is locked and when you close it the app keep awake running in the background. (press Cancel in "Unlock GPS on exit" message). GPS was made to work on outdoor places. For indoor/enclosed places such as inside of your house don't forget that, it will take a few minutes to fix. It drains more battery, but is required if you're an advanced user that use gps all the time.
Whenever I'm on the street I keep the GPS Locker and Cellular data open because I use Cerberus antitheft, so if I get mugged or if I lose my phone I can track him down and retrieve it.
I hope I've helped. Please, give me some feedback if it worked for you.
ianhughes74 said:
Guys let me tell you, I'm currently using the FW v7.10.12 with ViperOS v3.1.1 ROM and the gps.conf file edited by myself.
The original gps.conf file present in any version of MIUI is very wrong, it has a lot of bad information and settings for the correct operation of the GPS. But on most of Custom ROMs it was solved, however, I believe the changes I've made for a better optimization in my country have the best results.
A little reflection tested and proven by myself: If you have a nice FW version with wrong gps.conf you won't have good results with the GPS, but if you have any FW version with gps.conf file correctly edited, maybe you might get better results.
Then we can finally conclude that, the Xiaomi Mi5 don't have any HW problem with GPS. What happens is that the firmware works in conjunction with the file.
Extract the file "" and copy the gps.conf file and paste and replace on the root>system>etc folder and then reboot your device.
Make sure your location settings is setup on mode high accuracy.
Download some Compass app on Google Play Store (I recommend the Compass Steel 3D) and then calibrate the compass.
Skirt outdoors, can be in the yard of your house or anywhere else with a line of sight to the sky, download GPS Locker on Google Play Store and open the app.
Please, give me some feedback if it worked for you.
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Thanks a lot, Ian. Still haven't gotten around to try it, but will do it tomorrow morning and report back.
Just did a diff with the gps.conf included in LOS 14.1; there are some minor differences (I suspect much less than when compared with MIUI) but will try it anyway to see if it makes a a difference. Just for the record, I don't have terrible GPS performance (it takes a while to lock, and accuracy could be better) but any improvement would be welcome.
Just tried your gps.conf; copied it into /system/etc using TWRP, rebooted, recalibrated compass and cleared and updated AGPS (I used the "GPS Test" app). I'm using 7.9.22 dev firmware and LineageOS 14.1, latest build (10.24).
The performance for me was about the same than with the default LineageOS gps.conf, both in accuracy and 3D Lock time; I suspect the change might be more spectacular for MIUI users, so I'd give it a try if I had severe GPS problems. As I told before, my GPS performance is not great, but not terrible either.
Anyway, thanks a lot, @ianhughes74 for your work!
e_jim said:
Thanks a lot, Ian. Still haven't gotten around to try it, but will do it tomorrow morning and report back.
Just did a diff with the gps.conf included in LOS 14.1; there are some minor differences (I suspect much less than when compared with MIUI) but will try it anyway to see if it makes a a difference. Just for the record, I don't have terrible GPS performance (it takes a while to lock, and accuracy could be better) but any improvement would be welcome.
Just tried your gps.conf; copied it into /system/etc using TWRP, rebooted, recalibrated compass and cleared and updated AGPS (I used the "GPS Test" app). I'm using 7.9.22 dev firmware and LineageOS 14.1, latest build (10.24).
The performance for me was about the same than with the default LineageOS gps.conf, both in accuracy and 3D Lock time; I suspect the change might be more spectacular for MIUI users, so I'd give it a try if I had severe GPS problems. As I told before, my GPS performance is not great, but not terrible either.
Anyway, thanks a lot, @ianhughes74 for your work!
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Yes, you're right. I made minor changes with the default file included in LOS.
Now basically the data files are served over HTTPS with SSL while the default was served over HTTP without SSL, this allows an attacker to mount a MITM attack on the network level and modify the GPS assistance data while in transit.
I switched the XTRA_VERSION_CHECK from 0 to 3 because it's obvious that xtra3grc.bin are XTRA 3.0 files.
And I includes the address as the main NTP server because it's global, the system will try finding the closest available servers for you. However, this is a dynamic IP server, so, a fixed time reference becomes more reliable, fast and secure. If your country have a NTP server with a static IP, please consider adding the address to the file.
But for now you can try to replace the lines to:
But consider using the GPS Locker app because it is much better than the GPS Test and GPS Data. You just need to open it once and wait for fix, then your gps signal is locked and the app keep awake running in the background.
It drains more battery, but is required if you're an advanced user that use gps all the time. Whenever I'm on the street I keep the GPS Locker and Cellular data open because I use Cerberus antitheft, so if I get mugged or if I lose my phone I can track him down and retrieve it.
I hope I've helped.
Quick update: I was on 7.9.22 firmware before. Just to be sure, I flashed a newer FW (7.10.19) together with your gps.conf, and GPS lock times improved drastically! Accuracy also improved a good bit. Thanks a lot again!
I'll have to remember to copy your file over the default one each time I flash a LOS weekly, but it's worth it
can you please modify for indonesia? thx u
kemalafiantoro said:
can you please modify for indonesia? thx u
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Please, edit by yourself. Open the file that I attached using Solid Explorer File Manager or ES File Explorer as Text Editor and replace the following lines below and then save the file.
compatible for malaysia ?
Please provide the file for India.
Great work @ianhughes74 !
It really helped my gps signal on AEX rom, not that it was bad but now it's more consistent. Thanks a lot
Now only if we had someone who knows a thing or two about flashable zips to make this process more automated, but never the less, good job on the detailed guide and thanks for help
qiie95 said:
compatible for malaysia ?
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Please, edit by yourself. Open the file that I attached using Solid Explorer File Manager or ES File Explorer as Text Editor and replace the following lines below and then save the file.
Phillen13 said:
Please provide the file for India.
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Please, edit by yourself. Open the file that I attached using Solid Explorer File Manager or ES File Explorer as Text Editor and replace the following lines below and then save the file.
and for Italy please?
0ther said:
and for Italy please?
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Please, edit by yourself. Open the file that I attached using Solid Explorer File Manager or ES File Explorer as Text Editor and replace the following lines below and then save the file.
work wich oreo?
For everyone that needs a flashable zip of that *fantastic* mod, see below:
Note that this is an Italian optimized version
If you want to use your gps.conf, just replace the file within the folder /system/etc inside the zip
It's magisk install-able, do not install it by twrp but with magisk instead!
thanks to Dusan for this!
sys01 said:
For everyone that needs a flashable zip of that *fantastic* mod, see below:
Note that this is an Italian optimized version
If you want to use your gps.conf, just replace the file within the folder /system/etc inside the zip
It's magisk install-able, do not install it by twrp but with magisk instead!
thanks to Dusan for this!
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Hi thanks for your reply, I just have to launch magisk and select this archive file to install it?
OT. Ciao compaesano
Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
toketin said:
Hi thanks for your reply, I just have to launch magisk and select this archive file to install it?
OT. Ciao compaesano
Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
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Go on Magisk -> module -> click on "+" yellow button -> long press on that .zip file and select open
Then after it finishes click reboot and enjoy :fingers-crossed:
sys01 said:
Go on Magisk -> module -> click on "+" yellow button -> long press on that .zip file and select open
Then after it finishes click reboot and enjoy :fingers-crossed:
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Ok thanks, it should works also under Lineage right?
Edit: flashed on Los and working fine, i've installed also gps locker with the autostart setting on the GPS turn on.
Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
I have installed your gps.conf file on my Mi5 running AospExtended ROM with 7.10.12 FW.
It didn't change a single thing. With or without the mod I am seeing satellites but signal is almost null. Only in VERY open spaces I am able to fix GPS.
This is the situation indoor compared to a Galaxy A5 2016.
I also have changed FW to 7.10.19, no profit
If I get next a window, it gets enough signal strenght to fix, but is still considerably less than the Samsung.
olivercervera said:
I have installed your gps.conf file on my Mi5 running AospExtended ROM with 7.10.12 FW.
It didn't change a single thing. With or without the mod I am seeing satellites but signal is almost null. Only in VERY open spaces I am able to fix GPS.
This is the situation indoor compared to a Galaxy A5 2016.
I also have changed FW to 7.10.19, no profit
If I get next a window, it gets enough signal strenght to fix, but is still considerably less than the Samsung.
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Im in the same situation as yours
The thing i'll try to see if i can fix that is to revert back to 6.11.10 that is the last miui7 for mi5 (people says that GPS there is perfect)
if it'll wont work, then i'll try to clean flash with MiFlash some Stable MM roms and see

