[REQ] ICS Port to O3D/Thrill 4G - Android

Hello there fellow XDA members!
I just joined XDA after following this fourm for a while. Several devices have been in my possession including Sprint's LG Optimus S, Verizon's Samsung Continuum, and AT&T's LG Thrill 4G/Optimus 3D. The O3D or Thrill 4G is in my possession currently. I have unlocked it and am going to use it on SIMPLE Mobile. But that's not the question here.
The question is....
Is there any possible way to port ICS Source code to mine and other people's O3D/Thrill 4G? Is it even ABLE to run ICS? If so then what do I need to do? I am already compiling ICS from Source as am I writing this thread. Where do I start? My main focuses with this port is getting the basic functionality out of the ROM such as booting up, hardware working, etc. I can worry about the calling, WiFi, bluetooth, and all that other stuff later. Right now I just want to be able to port ICS to the O3D.
Sooo is it possible? Any devs want to shed some light here?
Thank you in advance,


[Q] HTC Jetstream ROM questions

Hey everyone, well done on rooting the jetstream/puccini. I have a few questions regarding the ROMs for this tablet. Basically if possible there's going to be an attempt to port this ROM to the HP touchpad since the insides are nearly the same.
1) Is it possible to remove/modify the radio components since this is a 4G LTE tablet and ours is WiFi only.
2) what's the smallest the ROM file size can become because we'll have to boot it alongside WebOS.
3) I'm assuming honeycomb 3.2 has the resizing tools to adjust to different screen sizes right?
I thought I'd ask it here since the devs who're working with the Jetstream are here. If not then this can be moved.
All responses appreciated, and if someone wouldn't mind helping port it over, that'd be great
hi please help me. I have waiting htc puccini ATT room 1.17 ????

[Q] Galaxy ROM on EVO 3D?

This might be a pretty noob question, and I want to assure everyone that I have searched for an answer on a bunch of threads to no avail:
Is it possible to port a Galaxy ROM to a phone like the EVO 3D? I hear nothing but good things about the Galaxy phones, and am curious to try them out without actually purchasing one. So is it possible to do so? I'm thinking not, since I haven't seen any such ROMS out there, but either way I'd like to know why or why not. If it IS possible, can anyone direct me to an appropriate ROM (or theme/launcher at least)?
Thank you so much for your help, and I apologize if this is a noob question that has been answered before- XDA is a world of it's own, so it's easy to miss a thread or two!
It IS possible, but as I have never seen one, you would have to do it from scratch, which normally takes teams of people weeks or months to get working correctly.
mijito6 said:
This might be a pretty noob question, and I want to assure everyone that I have searched for an answer on a bunch of threads to no avail:
Is it possible to port a Galaxy ROM to a phone like the EVO 3D? I hear nothing but good things about the Galaxy phones, and am curious to try them out without actually purchasing one. So is it possible to do so? I'm thinking not, since I haven't seen any such ROMS out there, but either way I'd like to know why or why not. If it IS possible, can anyone direct me to an appropriate ROM (or theme/launcher at least)?
Thank you so much for your help, and I apologize if this is a noob question that has been answered before- XDA is a world of it's own, so it's easy to miss a thread or two!
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Generally, one of the common issues when porting ROMs are the difference in radio between CDMA and GSM. Using a galaxy device on the same radio as the EVO 3D device would be a good starting point, but would require a bit of work.
Off the top of my head, the major issues I'd forsee would be with the kernel/drivers, Android libraries and Android frameworks.
Either way, would be a very time consuming project and not sure the outcome would be very beneficial.
Your original goal was to expercience the Galaxy device, which you've heard is popular. In my opinion, the best way to do this would be to demo a Galaxy device as opposed to loading the Galaxy version of the Android OS onto a EVO 3D.
One reason the Galaxy devices are popular is Samsung as made them available across the world on many many carriers, while the EVO 3D has had a very limited release audience in comparison.
Hope that helps!

[Q] testers needed for a port

Hello guys, I'm killswitch and I'm normally over at the samsung captivate and galaxy s2 sections of XDA, but i have come here with a request. A little background story first: My friend got an HTC Evo design 4g because a cute girl talked him into getting it. Dead serious right now. He was disappointed to find no ROMS for his phone, and not too long ago i searched and found no roms either. He asked me to port anything for him, preferably AOSP since he hates sense. If i were to port an AOSP rom like CM7 to his phone, what are the chances one of you has an evo design you wouldn't mind testing the ROM for me with? I'd just hate to mess up and kill his phone. This would be my very first port, ever. However, if it makes you feel any better, i would be using a porting guide with very good feedback from here at XDA developers. I can post a link if you'd like.
On a similar note: for months now I've been wanting to get into ROM development/porting. Now is a great time for me to start. Anybody know where i can find a mentor/good starting thread/information?
All is greatly appreciated, thank you very much

A Humble Request

Okay so I have a minor issue so to speak. I had a sidekick 4g and the thing drove me crazy with the freezing and rebooting so I called tmobile and replaced it a gazillion times until they gave me a different device. The new device I am getting in the mail is the LG Mytouch Q.
I don't much like the UI, but the processor is better than that of the sidekick and well it has a couple of features the sidekick lacked (like an LED flash I mean FFS samsung...sigh). Anyway, I figured that since it is easily rooted that there would at least be one or two roms for it. Well, to my surprise...There isn't even a specific forum.
So I have a very humble request (well a couple of them):
1) Please give the Mytouch q a forum. Maybe even bundle the LG Mytouch and the Q into one forum, I don't care, just give us users of this phone our own cave to plot in.
2) Port CM9 (or even stable CM7) over to the Mytouch Q. I know the LG Mytouch already has CM and the internals are basically the same. Really, the phones are basically twins.
3) A little bit of dev support? I know this phone is not the Galaxy S3, I doubt it can even be mentioned in the same sentence, but seeing that I am stuck with this for a while I would really like some support for it. Even if you don't have the phone I'm sure you have a younger sibling, a child, your mom, or even a grandma you could borrow the phone from just to build and test the rom. PLEASE. I managed to get out of the torture that was the sidekick, just help me to enjoy this phone for a while.
It's not a totally bad phone, it's going to get an update to ICS soon, and come on give a little charity for this phone!!

Call for help to any and all Droid Incredible 4g ROM Devs!!

I would really appreciate some help with a project that I am hoping to start soon. I would REALLY like to get Sense launcher (Rosie) working on a non-HTC phone, specifically the ZTE Force 4g. I am asking for help from Droid Incredible 4g devs, because of the similarity of the platforms.
Both phones are MSM8690, both LTE, both 1GB ram, both are stock ICS 4.0.3.
What I don't know is how well this might go. That's where I need your expertise!
You see, I am sort of an HTC junkie. My last 4 phones were HTC's and I am very used to the Sense UI. There is not a whole lot of development going on for my phone (you can check it out on androidforums.com in the ZTE Force 4G - All Things Root forum).. Basically there is a CM10 port which lacks bluetooth and wifi capability, the stock rom, a rooted debloated stock rom (DroidForce, which is nice btw, and what I plan to use for a base). Also, a JB rom which is so new that pretty much nothing works. The Kernel sources for my phone JUST got released, and many are using the matrix kernel ported from the Avid. I feel that it would be good to add a little variety for ZTE Force users, and if I can bring together a Sense modded ROM for the community it would be nice.
Yes, I know that Sense is not often ported to other platforms due to the difficulty, and this thread will hopefully help me assess the doability of the project.
My first question, for those of you in the know, is what is the kernel version of the first stock rom on Droid Incredible 4g? If it is 3.0.8 then that is another thing that these phones share in common.
My first Sense related question is also about the kernel. Are there dependencies (modules, whatever) in the HTC kernel that are required for sense to work? I have read that there may be but have not seen this confirmed.
Next question would be about the screen resolution. The Force 4g is 480x800 while Incredible 4G is 540x960, both are 4". If this did theoretically make it to the point of testing, will the launcher screens and icons scale automatically, or will each graphic have to be resized? If resized, how complicated would that get?
Aside from the possibility of kernel dependencies, the next most important question is, "What exactly do I need?" This is where I would probably need the most help from you guys. If this is even possible to attempt, I don't know which frameworks I would need to add, what apks and files to rip from the Incredible 4g rom. All of the very detailed stuff which I know some of you guys know, I will need to learn.
I know probably most of you might possibly think that this idea is dumb and just say "Buy an HTC", but because of budgetary constraints I could not get a 4g HTC and use it on my carrier (Boost btw). I have the HTC Evo design 4G and it was on Boost but it's WiMax and we all know that is a dead duck.
So is anyone willing to give me some answers to the questions above? If there is a possibility of this working (any version of Sense would be fine) then I would greatly appreciate some guidance! I'd really rather not go the route of another launcher skinned like sense. That seems lame to me. Plus, I dig a challenge!
Thanks for taking the time to read and I thank you in advance for any responses!
Guess I'll just dive into this on my own..
Wish me luck?

