How to remove system APKs from Galaxy S - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a Samsung Galaxy S Showcase/Fascinate, ie the i500 model Galaxy S from Ntelos.
I no longer live within signal and have since shut down service. I primarily use it for games, music, and books now, and as such, there are a lot of systems I no longer use on this phone.
I have bricked it, so I had to reflash and re-root stock rom. I have removed a few things with Droid Manager, such as the always-on and can-not-force-close voice services, which I never use anyway.
Here's a list of things I want to do with this phone, but don't know what needs changed to do it:
Replace system lock screen with the Go Locker app. By replace, I mean that every time I reboot my phone the system lock screen (drag glass blah blah) shows, then my z.halo Go Locker lock screen shows. Quite annoying.
My phone is ALWAYS searching for SVC. Big drain on battery life. I fixed it with airplane This phone will never be used as a telephone again, so I don't need it to be searching for towers. I need to use WiFi, though. Don't want to mess that one up.
I need to know exactly what system APKs can be removed from this stock rom, because they are taking up space. I don't know what half of them do, so I don't touch them for the most part. That path leads to bricking, which leads to me bashing my head against a brick wall.
Same as with the stock lock screen interfering with my lock screen app, I want to replace (permanently) the stock launcher with Go Launcher EX. I have the feeling that Go Launcher is operating on top of twlauncher, which just uses up more processor power. Just deleting the APK from the a bad idea. Did that once. It lead to bricking somehow. Not really sure how though.
That's all I really want to do.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.


[Q] Widgets wont load

Hi all, noob here with a question. I've searched high and low but can't find an answer.
A short bit of background....Today for the first time I decided to set up my work email on my SGS II. My phone asked me to change some of the security rules associated with the phone. I accepted and it set about encrypting phone storage and usb storage. As a result of this my phone went haywire. Constantly force closing various apps hundreds of times. I was unable to use the phone for hours but eventually got in to delete the email account. Once I'd managed to do this the phone automatically decrypted itself.
As a result though, no widgets on my phone load. I've tried battery pulls but this hasn't worked.
Does anyone have any ideas before I have to do something drastic like delete and reinstall each app?
Android 2.33
Have you removed the widgets from your homescreen and then added them again? That normally solves widget issues.
If you have then yeah, uninstall and reinstall. It'll only take a minute for each one so it's hardly the end of the world. Just a pain in the arse.
Thanks, simple solution, should have tried that before!
It is an utter pain because most of my widgets and short cuts are invisible- using circle launcher and wave launcher.
I shall get to it now!

Will rooting the Optimus V make it . . .

a better ipod touch replacement?
Bought one from the BB sale for $65 to give to the 4yo as a music/game/book player. Is there anything that rooting will help me with? are there apps that are available to a rooted phone that would allow me to lock it down and make it more toddler friendly? as it stands I am having a hard time finding a really kid-friendly mp3 player app.
The only advantage I can think of right now is if there is a ROM that I flash that will u/g android to run flash, since many of the games he likes are flash. Are there any other benefits to rooting this for a kid?
I have two other of these as our main phones and his came with 2.2.1(?- no hot spot) and ours came with 2.2 if that makes any difference.
Rooting your phone is mainly to allow complete access to the phone. By rooting it would enable you to do basic things like remove factory installed apps or you could install custom recovery's and rom's.
As far as using it as a music player you can use the built in music player or download a music player from the Android market but those wouldn't benefit from the phone being rooted and not sure if there are any kid friendly ones out there.
I don't know of any apps or Roms that would let you lock out settings or features of a phone that would prevent a toddler from accessing them. I currently run ADW launcher on my optimus V and I know that has options to hide the status bar, hide the dock bar and remove extra desktops. You could install that and make it default launcher, hide status bar and dock bar to prevent access to the app drawer and remove the extra desktops. This would limit your toddler to only have the apps you want available on the desktop. Now this wouldn't be totally locked out because the menu button on the phone is still active which would allow settings to be accessed
There is a thread about installing flash player to the Optimus V with a custom rom but in my attempts to get it to work I wasn't able to. All the sites I visited still said I needed flash player installed. Not sure if I wasn't doing it right but I don't access alot of flash content so I never put much effort into making it work. If you search on XDA I'm sure you'll come across some info on flash.
One note that even though the phone is not activated it will still seek out signal from the sprint towers so when it's not being used on wifi I'd put it in airplane mode to conserve some battery
Hope my little bit of info helps and hopefully you get some more suggestions from others

[Q] screen size wrong in apps after rooting

I rooted my EVO 3d. I used the HTC unlock and TWP. I can load roms at will. I have now tried 3 different ones (viper, Miui, Synergy) and keep getting the same problem. When i open an app the screen size is all wrong. Usually the right side of the screen can be overlapped or a black bar (about half an inch) is there. I guess i could live with the smaller screen, but it also throws the touch off. If i go to click a button in the app, i have to aim above or beside where i really want to aim.
At first i thought it was the first rom i tried, but i reloaded it. no luck. So now I've tried all sorts of versions of Factory resets, wiping cache, wiping dalvik and installed 2 more roms. All of them give me the same result.
At this point I have to assume there's a setting off? or something still on the SDcard that is holding some setting? Or is this a known issue with EVO 3d rooting? I find that hard to believe or no one would be rooting as it pretty much makes apps unusable. Normal things like Facebook I think are okay, but any app I buy and load seems off.
When the apps start up, if there's a video clip or a logo splash screen, i'm fine. Once it goes into the actual app, I lose my size.
At this point I'm about to unroot and go back to Sprint factory setup, but I like the Miui Rom I have on there now and would prefer to keep it if i can fix my problem.
Sorry if this is a doulbe post, i've spent days googling this, trying to fix it myself, going through every app on my phone looking for a setting doing this and at this point I need someone's expert advice.
all apps or just one in particular? because some apps still arent formatted for qHD displays
Every one I've tested so far. Ones that were fine prior to rooting.
Try downloading Spareparts and uncheck compatibility mode.

[Q] Q: How to protect android from getting messed up

I guess this subject might need some explaining.
My parents are going on a trip in a month and they have there heart set on taking a smartphone with them.
What they need is being able to call, text and mail.
They also want to be able to use it as a backup (just in case) for finding their way. So just in case they get lost to find out where they are on their map or use the gps to guide them for a little while.
So basically, calling, sms, mail and gps.
They don't need to be able to change a lot of settings.
So, I was thinking about installing their (yet to buy) smartphone with a simple home screen and the settigs they would need.
To keep them from accidentally messing anything up, I was wondering if it is possible to password protect settings and stuff.
So, does anyone have an idea on:
-how to protect settings etc.
-a good homescreen
-other things like very simple gps app for example
I know it's a lot, but any help is much appreciated.
Bada? Much easier than android...
But why do you think, they'll mess up settings?
I was just thinking that if they happen to end up in a settings screen or something they don't know,they might press something wrong.
But on the other hand... I just have to tell them to press the home or back button in such an event.
About bada... I feel stupid now,but i didn't know about it.
The reason for android was that I have an android phone and would at least be able to offer some remote assistance if necessary...
I saw the samsung gt s5560 or something today ... That interface lookes rather simple,maybe I should take a look at that.
Thanks already,more ideas are always welcome ;-)
Sent from my SK17i using XDA
'app lock' can password protect apps and settings from being opened. It's free on the market and works well.
I wouldn't password protect settings, that way they can turn GPS on and off as needed without running it constantly.
Google maps/nav should work fine. Set up a simple toggle widget on their screen, I suggest Widgetsoid, but there are others. Tell them what the settings do, or in Widgetsoid turn labels on. Flashing a rom with notification toggles built in would help, since they could directly turn on/off GPS and data without being taken to settings screens.
I would also install a launcher that will allow you to lock the home screen so they can't accidentally delete the widgets/shortcuts you've set up for them. Never used it myself but I believe ADW launcher can lock the home screen but there must by others.
I can confirm that adw ex allows you to lock the homsecreen, so nothing can be changed. If you buy a phone with touchwiz, then you can lock settings and use quicktoggles in the notification bar. I can't live without them now. On a side note:widgets could possibly simplify the homsecreen.
App lock and ADW are good ideas (I actually use adw on my tablet).GPS widget on home screen can be very usefull too. Thanks for all the sugestions already!
I got a mail yesterday that they have seen some smartphones they seemed to like. I don't really know them myself except that there's only one android phone (if my web search is correct off course)
The phones they saw:
Nokia lumia 710
Nokia lumia 800
(those are WP7.5 I think)
Samsung galaxy+
(only android in the list as far as I could tell)
Samsung galaxy wave III S8600
(This one is BADA I think)
So I might just wait for what they decide to do, a first look at them on the web seemed to sugest that they're all fine for what they're looking for. They all seem to have the possibility to use gps with some (free) maps as a backup and off course sending mail.
Sent from my SK17i using XDA

[Q] Disable Lock Screen

I have almost everything how I want it now... However there are some things that are still niggling at me about how the Nook operates. I fell in love with CM7 and the ability to completely disable the lock screen.
I can't find a way to do this on the rooted stock rom that I am using. There are a few apps, but while they turn it off for a little while they don't keep it turned off and it randomly enables itself again.
Does anyone know a solution - note I am alright with modifying APK files somewhat if that is required, I don't know where to start though and certainly would rather have a software solution that I didn't need to modify APK files for.

