[Q] What is the missing part between QCOM and DLOAD - Nokia Lumia 800

I mean are we missing something like a certficate or stuff like that? I downloaded the ATF box utility and with it there are lots of files such as osbl_dload or osbl_qcom or mbr or sec_boot.....can someone do something with those? I would really appreciate some explanation.....

Zae0 said:
I mean are we missing something like a certficate or stuff like that? I downloaded the ATF box utility and with it there are lots of files such as osbl_dload or osbl_qcom or mbr or sec_boot.....can someone do something with those? I would really appreciate some explanation.....
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Most Lumia 800 phones have a restrictive bootloader ('DLOAD'). We have a working open bootloader for the Lumia 800, however it is not 'signed', so we cannot install it on the 'DLOAD' phones. The Lumia 800 phones have restrictions as to what components can be installed and they must be signed (certificates).
With the ATF box, you can use the special 'test points' of the Lumia 800 in order to write directly on the phone memory the (unlocked) open bootloader, replacing the restrictive bootloader. These test points are accessible when you open up the Lumia 800 phone. With the ATF box, you ignore issues about certificates because you use a trick to write directly on the phone memory.
The DLOAD Lumia 800 phones have restrictions. If you want to access the phone memory, you need to go through special Windows Phone software, and this software does not provide direct access. It is very restrictive.
Some initial Lumia 800 phones had the open bootloader (from Qualcomm), which allowed to boot the phone in a special way, and gave full access to the phone memory. Full access to all the 16GB of phone memory. If you have such a phone, it is possible to fully unlock it (there are instructions in this forum) and have admin acess to the phone.

Thank you so much....but is there any kind of certificate on those files that i mentioned before?


XDA IIs unlocking method

OK IMEI-CHECK charge £20 to unlock the phone, and I say fair enough. Why am I posting this? Did you know that their method is probably writing a NEW locking code using some other algorithm? If you run their software, it will inflate and write (about 4K of data if i remember correctly) in the part of the Radio ROM, where you only get access from the bootloader (memory address h'0' to h'10000'). Now here's the thing: I bet if I call T-mobile and ask for the unlocking code, it won't work in my phone, as these guys are actually modifying the Radio ROM without even telling you. Have you guys thought about insurance? For those who don't pay £9.99 or whatever extra cover, what if you pricey and precious pda goes bonkers? I think they should tell you *before* doing anything, about any possible problems.
Come on you guys, someone said he has compiled a few logs/imei numbers. Let's crack this thing, it has been done before for xda I and II, why can't we do it for IIs/IIi?
If that's the case, then I wonder what's in those .uif files they ask you to send back to them? Could it be a backup of the sections of the radio ROM that they're replacing?
Also, if they're writing a fixed set of data to the radio ROM, how come everyone seems to have different unlock codes? Could they be replacing the actual algorithm that calculates the unlock code so that it only accepts certain combinations of codes from them?
Just had another thought - what if they're replacing code in the radio ROM with code from the Himalaya so that the unlock process then works in the same way as the Himalaya?
Has anyone tried using the xda2unlock tool after running the program from IMEI-Check??? I can't test this just now, so it's just a guess.
Could they be replacing the actual algorithm that calculates the unlock code so that it only accepts certain combinations of codes from them?
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Yes I believe that's what they actually do. I tried to run their utility with a debugger but it does not allow execution as long as a debugger is running, nice one IMEI-CHECK. However, I have done a full USB port logging when the utility runs and I found out that they write a new image between addresses 0 and 10000 of the radio rom, and that they also read from 3FC000 the first 4000 bytes, and from FFFEF000 the first 20 bytes.
Yesterday I discovered something odd...after running their application, and by inserting a different SIM card, the attempts counter for the unlocking code had a negative value of several millions. Now I suspect that by writing in adresses 0-10000, i think they replace the default unlocking utility which allows to enter the code.
Another idea I will try will be to run a debugger in the PDA (if I can find one) and see if I can capture the memory address with which it compares the input code.
Come on guys, especially you who did the unlocking utility for XDA II!! Give us some help here!!!!
That's excellent that you've been able to sniff the USB traffic. Keep up the investigations!
I wonder why they'd need to read sections of the ROM? If they're replacing the calculation algorithm section of the ROM with their own code, then they should already know how to calculate the unlock code - i.e. they shouldn't need the user to send them back the .uif file.
This makes me wonder if the code they are replacing is just a copy of the code from another device e.g. the Himalaya.
If they are replacing with code from the Himalaya then the unlock process may revert back to how it works on the Himalaya.
Has anyone been able to test this by running the xda2unlock tool for the Himalaya *after* running the IMEI-Check program?
Does anyone have the source code for xda2unlock by the way? I tried searching for it, but it doesn't seem to be available.
Another thing, does anyone know if it's possible to back up and restore this secret area of the radio ROM using the backup to SD method? I assume that when you dump your radio ROM to SD card it's not including this part of the ROM???
I want to be able to fully restore any bits that the IMEI-Check tool is changing, just in case.
Come on guys, anyone else trying to crack this thing? We need someone who knows how to disassamble/reverse engineer this log file. It can't be that hard! Also, I think the key to understanding what their little proggy does, is to manage to run a debugger when the unlock program runs. It has some mechanism of detecting a running debugger and it quits if you have a debugger running at the same time. I bet my MDA III that some experienced programmer can overcome this and fool their application? I am running out of ideas guys and I am really against paying these thieves 20 quid for nothing. They MUST have done this using the previous unlocking methods for XDA I and II. Does any1 know who did those unlockign utilities? These guys must help us!!!
Have you tried to run OllyDbg as a debugger tool to see what is happening? Your earlier findings were very interesting...let me study this and get back to you all...
One remark upfront though: I do not think they are modifying your Radio ROM....this would mean that if you upgrade/replace your current Radio ROM, you would be SIM-lock free...and I do not think that is the case...
OK, some initial observations:
1. Lousy software...hard to use for novices...why have the phone enter BL mode automatically (using enterBL.exe)...I think we can do better!
2. Since the phone must be in BL mode, I do think it extracts some info from the radio ROM, but the SIM-Lock could also reside in the Extended ROM, since this is usually customized by the provider?
3. Interesting to see that the same proggie and procedure is used for all XDA-X models
4. Can anyone post a file (output of the proggie) of what they have mailed these folks, as an example?
5. I was always under the impression that the SIM-Lock resides in the SIM itself, so this is a software workaround? What happens if you upgrade your ROMs...you need to go through this process again? Does anyone have experience with this?
Thanks, and let's get this thing cracked!
My understanding is that SIM lock is implemented by the phone itself rather than the SIM card.
In the case of our HTC devices, there seems to be a small area of the radio ROM that does not get written to (even when you upgrade your ROM). This area is where the SIM lock is located, and probably other information such as your IMEI number.
This is probably why your IMEI and SIM lock information never get replaced when you upgrade your ROMs. I seem to remember that an older version of the xda2unlock tool was able to change your IMEI number but it got pulled for legal reasons.
When I unlocked my Himalaya, it stayed unlocked even after later upgrading the ROMs, so the state of the SIM lock is being stored somewhere. It can't be on the SIM because what if you change your SIM after you unlock it? The phone would need to be able to read your old SIM to check if the phone is locked!
Have you got any idea if it's possible to back up the areas of the radio ROM you mentioned to SD card? Like the current SD card backup method, but getting ALL of it?
Happygoat and no1,
i am pretty sure they write to the radio ROM some data they inflate from their "unlocking" executable file. How do I know this? Well, when I put a different SIM into my XDA IIs, after I enter the pin code, the simlock application comes up (simlock.exe under \windows\) which checks for the correct unlocking code. Now usually, you have 3 attempts available to do this, before the phone locks and says "contact customer services" or whatever. After I run their application, the counter had a value of -2billion or something, making it impossible to lock it. Interestingly enough, the memory adresses to which they WRITE, are between 0 and 10000. Is it a coincidence the simlock.exe application is 10.5kB? I don't think so!! i think they write their own simlock application to reset the counter, and then they read from 3FC000 the first 4000 bytes, and from FFFEF000 the first 20 bytes. The simlock code MUST be here!! i will post the log from the USB port sniffing tomorrow, as I don't have these files right now. It's pretty obvious to see how the bootloader works. Anyone with past experience especially with CE based devices will be able to figure out how to read these last two chunks of the radio rom.
Here's a link with some interesting files, RED has posted in the past:
Username: xda
Passwrod: blueangel
I do agree with no1 regarding the simlock, I think this is exactly the way it works.
no1, I don't know how to do any backup to the SD card, but if you really know what you are doing in the bootloader, try reading from the memory addresses I mentioned earlier.
Keep it up guys, i think we know what their software does, we now need to find out how to read properly the output log.
Hi zouganelis and no1,
Thanks for the explanations and comments...all makes sense to me now, excellent.
Zouganelis, thanks for the website...that is the stuff I was looking for, cheers!
I do indeed think we are close...will report back later.
So... if they need the .uif file AND the IMEI number, could it just be a case of using the IMEI code to decrypt the contents of the .uif file? In other words the IMEI code is the decryption key??? But what kind of encryption are they using?
I think they used simple XORing in the past for encrypting the radio, OS, and extended ROMs, but this changed slightly for the Blueangel. I wonder if they used a similar method?
Interesting thought...and a simple one...which explains they can turn around a request so quickly...
You might be correct...the IMEI could bear the encrypted code for simlock or not. Nowadays, encryption standards are:
DES is relatively easy to "crack", SHA being the hardest...they are one-way encryptions, which mean they can not be reversed. The only way to get a match is to try...I have numerous proggies for this and will explore this option...
OK, did some more googling, found the following. There appear to be only 3 companies or people who can do this, which makes it even more interesting...
1. www.imei-check.com (UK)
- Download proggie
- Send them back the output and EMEI number
- Receive unlock code
2. Ebay guy (Canada): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43312&item=5763970199&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
- Sends you software
- You will run this software and it will generate a log file (data cable required).
- You'll need to email us this log file and we will send you the unlock code with instructions as soon as possible
Looks like same procedure as EMEI-CHECK
3. www.UnLockItNow.com (Company in Malta): http://www.unlockitnow.com/remote/unlock/by_cable/Pocket_PC/unlock/XDA_IIs_unlock.php
Not sure what process they use, but looks the same.
Then I also came across this interesting story: http://www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=200968
This guy writes (edited):
I happend across an official O2 email address that I sent an (abbreviated) SIM unlock request, briefly stating why I needed my XDA IIs to be SIM unlocked, and providing my O2 account number and the handset IMEI number. 30 minutes later and I was emailed back an unlock code.
No ifs, no buts, no questions asked and no payment required.
I placed my Orange SIM card in the IIs, waited for it to boot, entered the code and was greeted with "Unlock Code Accepted." Both dialling out and receiving calls on my Orange account no problemo.
Bearing the above in mind, I'm not going to directly post the email address, but will gladly pass it on via PM.
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The interesting part here is that he only had to give his EMEI number, nothing else...and received an unlock code.
If you take the official route of unlocking your phone through your network provider, all they need is your IMEI number because they can calculate your unlock code from that.
I'm not 100% certain how the process works, but I'm fairly sure the algorithm they use to generate the unlock code is different for each handset manufacturer. I think the network provider either has to send your IMEI to the handset manufacturer for them to calculate the unlock code, or possibly the provider is given a database of unlock codes for all the handsets they purchase. This might explain why it sometimes takes them a few days or weeks to get back to you with the unlock code.
So figuring out how they convert the IMEI number to the unlock code would be another way to attack the problem. Although, I think it would probably be very difficult to figure out what hashing algorithm they're using to generate the code. But if it can be done, then it would certainly make things a hell of a lot easier!
SH*TE I have been writing a post for about half an hour now explaining the files and as soon as I logged in it was lost. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Anyways, here we go again. I am posting the files I promised yesterday. The are three JPEGs which are handwritten notes from the first time I run their application, and a log file from the second time I run the application. Here's the thing: the first time, the software send a read command for the addresses 0-10000 of the radio rom (rrbmc x 0 10000) and store in the x variable. Then it probably compared the checksum with their data, and it didn't match, so they deleted this part of the rom (rerase 0 10000) and they written their own version of it stored in a vector called data (rw data 0 10000). So far so good.
The second time I run the software, it sent again the rrbmc command but this time it didn't erase or written anything, so I guess it does actually what I said before with the checksum.
Another important remark:
The first time I run the software, the software requested some information from the device (rinfo) and the xda replied:
BlueAngel B120 C6B23C704A59520150993080051FF87B
After it finished writing, it sent the same command once more and this time the xda replied:
BlueAngel B120 C6 BE3A709999541E509810802FD775B0
Now the second time I run the application, the rinfo command returned:
BlueAngel B120 C6BC3C70B329B2B1509980809FE49B11
Can these be some form of HEX encryption keys or something?
Happygoat maybe you could use them in your nice proggies?
Anyhow, I think this is all for now. The commands in the logs should be straight forward to understand, it's just the data part which needs real decoding of some sort.
Hope it helps, regards Zouga
Thanks alot for the info...and your patience!
I downloaded a program called USB Monitor, which supposedly logs all data transferred via the USB port...is that the proggie you used as well?
What I want to do is run the IMEI-CHECK program on my device a few times in a row..since it was never SIMLOCKED, I wonder what the output will be...and if they will be different.
I suggest other people run this software as well with a USB port logger, so we can compare logs, and perhaps figure out precisely what we need to do.
Regarding the encryption, I will have a look. I do not think that the data you gave me (C6BC3C70B329B2B1509980809FE49B11) is encrypted...looks like plain ol' HEX to me...will do some more research.
What I think would be the ultimate solution, is to develop an app that calculates the unlock code based upon IMEI number...easy to use, no workarounds, and something I understand: Encryption...
Yes, I am biased...but I am reading up on ass'y code right now to get my arms around this thing...so bare with me...
Hi HappyGoat,
It's good that finally you guys got interested in this! Yes it is the same piece of software I used to sniff the port, it would be interesting to see the output of your unlocked device. Could you please post it as soon as you have it? I hope we can crack this!!
Come on guys, don't just complain for the £20 charge, give us some help here!! We should all run the software and log the data to compare them, as HappyGoat suggested. Then we should all be HappyXdaUsers
Looking forward to some news,
Can't download the zip file (bottom one) for some reason...reports that file can not be found...can you try again please?

[Q] WhatsApp XAP for manual install

Hey Guys,
i installed whatsapp on my lumia 920, when it was available in store. Now i bought my girlfriend a lumia 820 and the only thing she uses all the day is whatsapp, but now it's not available at store anymore. I have v2.8.2 installed on my lumia and tried to install the xap downloaded from the store on her 820, but the phone shows the app as "not compatible".
Is there anyone out there who have whatsapp on a 820 and is able to post the xap-file?
Big thanks!
der-nickel said:
Hey Guys,
i installed whatsapp on my lumia 920, when it was available in store. Now i bought my girlfriend a lumia 820 and the only thing she uses all the day is whatsapp, but now it's not available at store anymore. I have v2.8.2 installed on my lumia and tried to install the xap downloaded from the store on her 820, but the phone shows the app as "not compatible".
Is there anyone out there who have whatsapp on a 820 and is able to post the xap-file?
Big thanks!
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You have to Jailbreak the phone, from that moment you can deploy xap files to your phone. I don't thonk there is another way yet, because you have to gain root acces to manual install.
2fast4u2 said:
You have to Jailbreak the phone, from that moment you can deploy xap files to your phone. I don't thonk there is another way yet, because you have to gain root acces to manual install.
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That's not the full truth. Since few days you're able to download the "free" xap-Files from the windows-phone-store and place them on your sd-card to install them. With this you're able to install some apps "offline". I installed WhatsApp on my Lumia 920 from store and it works. So there must be a 'valid' xap-file for windows phone 8 that is "installable".
The "how to download and install xap-files offline" can you find here.
der-nickel said:
That's not the full truth. Since few days you're able to download the "free" xap-Files from the windows-phone-store and place them on your sd-card to install them. With this you're able to install some apps "offline". I installed WhatsApp on my Lumia 920 from store and it works. So there must be a 'valid' xap-file for windows phone 8 that is "installable".
The "how to download and install xap-files offline" can you find here.
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Would you mind elaborating this procedure a bit further? My N920 is developer unlocked and I've copied a XAP file to my phone. I placed it in Documents, because I haven't seen any suitable folder.
The phone itself has apparently no SD-Card, hence the store is not showing any "install from SD-Card option"
The app I' d like to install is "keep-alive" which isn't available anymore.
Kind regards,
der-nickel said:
That's not the full truth. Since few days you're able to download the "free" xap-Files from the windows-phone-store and place them on your sd-card to install them. With this you're able to install some apps "offline". I installed WhatsApp on my Lumia 920 from store and it works. So there must be a 'valid' xap-file for windows phone 8 that is "installable".
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How does it work with Lumia 920 since it doesn't have a place for an external SD-card? I have downloaded Whatsapp on my computer and placed it on my L920's internal SD-card. When I open the store, my SD-card isn't listed as an option. What am I doing wrong? My phone isn't developer unlocked and I won't pay $99 just to get Whatsapp installed
if your phone is developer unlocked you can just use the xap tool provided by Microsoft with the SDK to deploy xap-files on your phone...
der-nickel said:
Hey Guys,
i installed whatsapp on my lumia 920, when it was available in store. Now i bought my girlfriend a lumia 820 and the only thing she uses all the day is whatsapp, but now it's not available at store anymore. I have v2.8.2 installed on my lumia and tried to install the xap downloaded from the store on her 820, but the phone shows the app as "not compatible".
Is there anyone out there who have whatsapp on a 820 and is able to post the xap-file?
Big thanks!
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Go to whatsapp homepage. They have link to install to your phone
Sent from my GT-P7300 using Tapatalk 2
chriscsh said:
Go to whatsapp homepage. They have link to install to your phone
Sent from my GT-P7300 using Tapatalk 2
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Doesn't work on WP8.
Kalkkis said:
How does it work with Lumia 920 since it doesn't have a place for an external SD-card? I have downloaded Whatsapp on my computer and placed it on my L920's internal SD-card. When I open the store, my SD-card isn't listed as an option. What am I doing wrong? My phone isn't developer unlocked and I won't pay $99 just to get Whatsapp installed
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can you upload the xap to any server or contact me via pm?
Who needs a title anyway?
I have a developer unlocked HTC 8X, and I would really appreciate having the XAP file as well
anguruso said:
I have a developer unlocked HTC 8X, and I would really appreciate having the XAP file as well
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Same problem in here. The funny thing is on my HTC 8x which i get in November Whatsapp is still installed because it wasn't blocked in the store at this point...
Now i have a Lumia 920 and can't install it anymore. If you download the xap from the microsoft store and deploy it with the WP8 SDK the error "XAP file is invalid." appears, so this won't work eighter.
Would be nice if anyone would provide a workaround.
sirveon said:
Same problem in here. The funny thing is on my HTC 8x which i get in November Whatsapp is still installed because it wasn't blocked in the store at this point...
Now i have a Lumia 920 and can't install it anymore. If you download the xap from the microsoft store and deploy it with the WP8 SDK the error "XAP file is invalid." appears, so this won't work eighter.
Would be nice if anyone would provide a workaround.
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What a bummer, I found a bunch of XAPs from various Chinese websites. They don't work either. ****kkkk.
I'll PM you. I'm not able to post links. Too bad it doesn't seem to work. Hope the app comes available in the store soon.
i have a and a 2.8.2 and deployed both,both run but everytime i try to verify my number it says that i need to update my whatsapp to the newest...
we need a 2.8.8.
i have the 2.8.8 but it says invalid xap,the xap could be broken...i search for another one
Does anybody know a way to install .xap's on L920 without developer unlock? Too bad if it only works when using an external SD-card.
Give this xap file a try. Your phone will need to be developer unlocked and pushed to the phone with the Windows Phone SDK application deployment tool. It is version 2.8.2 but works fine on my HTC 8X after removing DRM info and repacking it.
great it works...thanks
how can i install it fro .xap file without external sd card?
ilbulgaro89 said:
how can i install it fro .xap file without external sd card?
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That's what I'd like to know too... It can be done if your phone is developer unlocked but it costs $99 which is way too much. It's weird if .xap's can be installed on WP8 devices with external SD-slot but can't be installed on those that don't have a slot. Please share if you know something! I really need the app.
I did send the WP8 XAP of Whatsapp (http://www.windowsphone.com/de-de/store/app/whatsapp/218a0ebb-1585-4c7e-a9ec-054cf4569a79) to myself per email (I'm on a Lumia 920) but couldn't get it installed due to some error. But then, I already have Whatsapp installed when it was still possible to do so.

Is Sideloading possible on DLOAD devices

I have a lumia 800 with DLOAD so I cant flash a custom rom but I was wondering if it was possible to side load applications, Previously I used the windows phone and app hub on dreamspark but ive read its been axed.
Can anyone more familiar with the os point me in the direction of its replacement ? I have a verified dreamspark account and am aware of the 10 application limit
Well, the only method that I know that works it is developer unlock, wich allow you sideload until 10 apps (they must be signed). Look over Google for some tutorial.
I think it's 3 applications
I have made a tuto fro 10 apps, PM me

[App][Source] DHT Upgrade Advisor (Get redstone on old lumias)

DHT Upgrade Advisor is no longer supported
Check DHTPersonalization thread for new versions : (Current Version V0.729)
Hey there everyone
Dormant Hackers Team's new app is here to help you upgrade your phone without any problem .
This app will help you to get new Redstone update and maybe later upgrades on your old lumia .
what phones are supported by this tool :
All Nokia Lumia devices and All Microsoft Lumia devices except x50 series .
What is the app features :
-Backup your Phone targeting info
-set your phone as a Microsoft Lumia 950XL for single sim devices and Lumia 950XL Dual Sim for Dual Sim devices .
-Restore your device targeting info again using this this app .
Does backup my phone really make a backup of my information ?
Actually NO . It only backup : HKLM\System\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo and only the keys this app change them .
How to use :
-make sure you didn't changed your DeviceTargetingInfo keys, after that check the Backup my phone .
-Information of your devices will shown up in application
-Choose you device type (Single Sim or Dual Sim)
-Tap on Allow update (this will set your phone to a 950xl as I said before)
-Now you can use Windows Insider to choose your Insider Ring and upgrade your phone .
-Better to Restore backup of your device after upgrade .
if the above instruction didn't worked
-download and install latest version of interop tools app http://forum.xda-developers.com/win...interop-tools-appx-windows-10-mobile-t3373675
-Go to Interop unlock section and try to Restore NDTKSVC (Attention : Restore NDTKSVC Not that one ends with (x50))
-then reboot your device and try to Interop/cap unlock your device again from Interop Tools app ->Interop Unlock section
if the above instruction didn't worked again FINAL WAR:
Thanks to @Mafworld
for the full instruction below :
1- Make a hard reset.
2- setup your phone after hard reset, avoid WIFI or mobile data access on your phone.
2.1- once your device is done, go to developer options and enable developer mode.
3- download and install DHTUpgrade Advisor + Dependecies via file explorer or sideload via device portal
4- Download and Install Interop Tools 1.7 and open the app and hit on Restore NDTKSvc (This will help you to change the Registry, Some users are facing error trying to hit button "Allow Update" "Allow Update 512MB")
4.1- Open DHTUpgrade Advisor and hit "Allow Update 512MB devices" or "Allow Update"
4.2- in settings> sytem> about. check your device info, in case appears the original targetting info restart your device normally.
5- go to windows store and deactivate "Auto Update Apps", we want to stay away from Extras&Info.
6- Install Upgrade Advisor via Windows Store.
7- Once Installed open Upgrade Advisor and follow the steps, if upgrade advisor say you're up to date or there are no updates! its okay.
8- go to settings> update & security> phone update> check for updates...
-updates available
windows 10 mobile ( 10.0.14393.67)
this update helps your device work even much better.
This is a open source project, so feel free to change it by your own .
What this app contains for starter developers ?
This source code is a real simple code to see how SplitView , RelativePanel , VisualStateManager works , but it's really basic and easy to understood .
Test for 512 MB devices :
guys with 512MB of devices test this :
first check Backup , Then Tap on Allow Update(for 512MB Ram)
Thanks all guys who find trick for 512 devices and I will add their names soon in thread .
What are the files uploaded ?
DHTUpgradeAdvisor_1.1.4.0_arm_Debug.rar : it contains the appx file and you must be able to deploy it with Developer Mode enabled via file manager .
Dependencies.zip: this contains ARM dependency packages needed for app . (if you weren't able to deploy this app using file manager use device portal to deploy using appx file and these dependencies .
Source.rar : surely it's the source code of my app .
Technical Information about source :
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 , Universal Windows SDK 10586 (v1.4)
Credits :
Thanks to @Mafworld
-Thanks to @BlueTR for finding hack to get update on 512MB ram devices
-Thanks DHT Guys : @djamol @vcfan @ngame
-Thanks @raghulive for sharing this hack on this topic : http://forum.xda-developers.com/win...windows-mobile-10-redstone-rs1-build-t3319375
-Thanks to MahGraphic Studios Team and Iranian guys for their supports
[Q]Old you mean even with 512mb RAM?
[A]I mean Unsupported Phones .
for now 512MB RAM Phones no but work on 1GB ram devices .
I still don't know why getting builds doesn't work on 512 MB rams , but I'm doing research for it .
Guys with 512MB Ram devices test this :
Test for 512 MB devices :
guys with 512MB of devices test this :
first check Backup , Then Tap on Allow Update(for 512MB Ram)
Thanks all guys who find trick for 512 devices and I will add their names soon in thread .
Old you mean even with 512mb RAM?
djtonka said:
Old you mean even with 512mb RAM?
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I mean Unsupported Phones .
for now 512MB RAM Phones no but work on 1GB ram devices .
I still don't know why getting builds doesn't work on 512 MB rams , but I'm doing research for it .
I was just curious, Marass will make it, RS ROM for 520 too
djtonka said:
I was just curious, Marass will make it, RS ROM for 520 too
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Yes , I exactly want RS on 520 only for skype.
Does it work for updating to W10M from WP8.1 too?
mahdi75 said:
Does it work for updating to W10M from WP8.1 too?
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Nope. I have to poke around for 8.1 users .
Just to be clear, by "redstone" you mean Windows 10 Anniversary Update build 10.0.14393.5 ?
w.bogdan said:
Just to be clear, by "redstone" you mean Windows 10 Anniversary Update build 10.0.14393.5 ?
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ngame said:
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One more thing, which are the "old Lumias" that benefit from this app? The reason I'm asking is because when this thread Redstonebuild 14267& higher for old lumias was started, Lumia 735 was one of the unsupported phones. Now, I got 10.0.14393.5 with Windows Insider in the Release Preview ring.
w.bogdan said:
One more thing, which are the "old Lumias" that benefit from this app? The reason I'm asking is because when this thread Redstonebuild 14267& higher for old lumias was started, Lumia 735 was one of the unsupported phones. Now, I got 10.0.14393.5 with Windows Insider in the Release Preview ring.
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As I said this app makes it easier to get updated. You can use registry editors freely to modify keys by your own but in this way you will save your Phone targeting info to restore and change your phone identity easier .
ngame said:
As I said this app makes it easier to get updated. You can use registry editors freely to modify keys by your own but in this way you will save your Phone targeting info to restore and change your phone identity easier .
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Don't get me wrong, it's a great app and we thank you for it. I just wanted to make things clear. For my phone, Lumia 735, no registry edit was necessary yesterday to get to redstone. However, I'm sure your app will be very helpful in the future for other updates Microsoft might consider my phone is not fit.
w.bogdan said:
Don't get me wrong, it's a great app and we thank you for it. I just wanted to make things clear. For my phone, Lumia 735, no registry edit was necessary yesterday to get to redstone. However, I'm sure your app will be very helpful in the future for other updates Microsoft might consider my phone is not fit.
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Uhum fortunately Lumia 735 is still getting updates without any problems .
w.bogdan said:
Don't get me wrong, it's a great app and we thank you for it. I just wanted to make things clear. For my phone, Lumia 735, no registry edit was necessary yesterday to get to redstone. However, I'm sure your app will be very helpful in the future for other updates Microsoft might consider my phone is not fit.
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I think Lumia 735 is a supported phone to get Redstone. That's why no registry editing is necessary to get RS. This app is for those Lumia's (Like Lumia 1020, 920, 925...) which are not supported to for Redstone update officially.
Seriously, if you don't know how the 512MB block works, don't even bother. I took a quick look at the source and it's clear that you've just built a tool which automates some registry editing without having any knowledge of how the actual update gets picked up or how updating a phone even works. There is a lot of redundant code in there.
Do I need to interop unlock my phone or anything similar for this to work ? Because I just followed the steps in OP and no updates come up.
plantroon said:
Do I need to interop unlock my phone or anything similar for this to work ? Because I just followed the steps in OP and no updates come up.
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Thanks to the authors not knowing how the NDTK RPC works and what sort of permission set it needs, you do need interop.
plantroon said:
Do I need to interop unlock my phone or anything similar for this to work ? Because I just followed the steps in OP and no updates come up.
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No you have to only enable Developer Mode on your phone . I test this on a non-Interop unlocked phone 640XL LTE Dual sim and it works .
ngame said:
I mean Unsupported Phones .
for now 512MB RAM Phones no but work on 1GB ram devices .
I still don't know why getting builds doesn't work on 512 MB rams , but I'm doing research for it .
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Yeah... I really want it too on 520... Hopefully, I can receive your good news soon

HUAWEI MediaPad T3 10 and locked bootloader. Struggle in 2021.

Main objective: Find any way to enabling application transfer from internal storage to external storage.
The device has 16 GB of internal memory, which is definitely not enough to use additional applications. It looks like the option to transfer apps from internal storage to external storage for this particular model is forbidden. This situation makes it practically impossible to use this device any longer. I have tried many ways to resolve the problem. Unfortunately i failed. Therefore, I am asking for help from specialists from this forum if there is any way to make it possible way to do this taking into consider the inability to obtain the code from the site, which I am writing about below.
What i have tried already:
Enabling programmer mode and therefore changing the option that is blocking transfer to external storage. Unfortunately switching is not possible in this case. Enabling this option automatically forces return to the previous state.
Installing applications that are supposed to enable such transfer. Most of them are crap and scam.
Attempting to upgrade system with a built-in option and with Hi Suite. There is no option to upgrade firmware or downgrade by using this options.
Attempting to upgrade system with Firmware Finder for Huawei. I don't think I can get anything more than just downloading the firmware using this app. The idea was to force the installation of a newer version of the operating system by forcing some changes in the built-in updater.
Root and open firmware attempts:
At first, I was looking for a way to gain root access with the app available (kingRoot, KingoRoot etc.). Neither of them worked
I tried to install custom recovery. I turned on usb debugging, disabled the OEM lock and I was able to set the connection to the device.
When I tried to upload a custom recovery I got a message saying that this method is forbidden.
I was looking for information about the problem and so I found out that the botlooader is locked and that I need a special key to unlock him.
Next I found information that it is possible to obtain this key using paid applications and I'm skeptical about them.
Another option was to try to get this code from the manufacturer. It turned out that it was actually possible, but for some time Huawei as a manufacturer no longer provides these codes, which was confirmed to me by a person employed on the HelpDesk hotline.
Device information
Device nameHUAWEI MediaPad T3 10ModelAGS-L09S/NHEKNU19103105947Product ID89046711External SD card:64 GB
System information
Android System Version7.0EMUI version5.1.3Compilation:AGS-L09C100B279
Have you tried this steps - https://www.droidguides.com/unlock-bootloader-install-twrp-recovery-huawei-mediapad-t3-10/
Also trying this, Tempted to just throw the device out the window, think next time I will stick with Samsung.
Viro251 said:
Main objective: Find any way to enabling application transfer from internal storage to external storage.
The device has 16 GB of internal memory, which is definitely not enough to use additional applications. It looks like the option to transfer apps from internal storage to external storage for this particular model is forbidden. This situation makes it practically impossible to use this device any longer. I have tried many ways to resolve the problem. Unfortunately i failed. Therefore, I am asking for help from specialists from this forum if there is any way to make it possible way to do this taking into consider the inability to obtain the code from the site, which I am writing about below.
What i have tried already:
Enabling programmer mode and therefore changing the option that is blocking transfer to external storage. Unfortunately switching is not possible in this case. Enabling this option automatically forces return to the previous state.
Installing applications that are supposed to enable such transfer. Most of them are crap and scam.
Attempting to upgrade system with a built-in option and with Hi Suite. There is no option to upgrade firmware or downgrade by using this options.
Attempting to upgrade system with Firmware Finder for Huawei. I don't think I can get anything more than just downloading the firmware using this app. The idea was to force the installation of a newer version of the operating system by forcing some changes in the built-in updater.
Root and open firmware attempts:
At first, I was looking for a way to gain root access with the app available (kingRoot, KingoRoot etc.). Neither of them worked
I tried to install custom recovery. I turned on usb debugging, disabled the OEM lock and I was able to set the connection to the device.
When I tried to upload a custom recovery I got a message saying that this method is forbidden.
I was looking for information about the problem and so I found out that the botlooader is locked and that I need a special key to unlock him.
Next I found information that it is possible to obtain this key using paid applications and I'm skeptical about them.
Another option was to try to get this code from the manufacturer. It turned out that it was actually possible, but for some time Huawei as a manufacturer no longer provides these codes, which was confirmed to me by a person employed on the HelpDesk hotline.
Device information
Device nameHUAWEI MediaPad T3 10ModelAGS-L09S/NHEKNU19103105947Product ID89046711External SD card:64 GB
System information
Android System Version7.0EMUI version5.1.3Compilation:AGS-L09C100B279
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Have you had any look so far?
Not possible without unlock the bootloader.
Im very angry with Huawei.
Unlock bootloader but pay 49$ with octoplus huawei tool, now tried install lineageOs
I unlocked for 4 Euro with HCU Client. I buy the credit on DC-Unlocker.
krisy0243 said:
I unlocked for 4 Euro with HCU Client. I buy the credit on DC-Unlocker.
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Thanks for the tips I was able to unlock my AGS-W09 for 4 euro too (I would not have paid 40 euros for this device!).
I just lost several hours to understand and find the way to the "manufacter mode" on a tablet !
For those looking how to: launch the calc app and enter ()()2846579()()
an hidden menu will popup and you will be able to setup USB ports.
tuxfamily said:
Thanks for the tips I was able to unlock my AGS-W09 for 4 euro too (I would not have paid 40 euros for this device!).
I just lost several hours to understand and find the way to the "manufacter mode" on a tablet !
For those looking how to: launch the calc app and enter ()()2846579()()
an hidden menu will popup and you will be able to setup USB ports.
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I launch the Calc app as you advised but nothing happened..! Pls help a brother..! How can I buy this 4euro bootloader tool..?
aobaro said:
I launch the Calc app as you advised but nothing happened..! Pls help a brother..! How can I buy this 4euro bootloader tool..?
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Sorry, it wasn't mine, I don't have it anymore.
As I remember, It was the stock calc app, in landscape mode in order to have the "()" but that's all.
But the firmware is very important: it should be Android 7, and not the 8 (I don't remember the exact firmware version).
This said, I wasted my time rooting this tablet, it's pretty useless. Apart removing two stock apps and installing AdAway, I was not able to do much more. Unfortunately, there are no custom rom to give a new youth to device.
I got all the prerequisites, try to flash twrp in recovery but get the error: the partition table doesn't exist. Is there any solutions for this?

