[Q] Refuses to charge, enter deep sleep, or disable wifi.-- New issue; help? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

Perhaps someone can help. I've been trawling the net for answers to this issue, and have checked out a number of helpful threads, but it was something that still kept reoccurring for me. Today is the final straw - I just cannot get my phone to charge. I plugged it in last night at 40%, and after charging all night, and most of the day (save for when I unplugged it to restart, or remove battery), it's at 5% and falling.
Edit: After about 9 hours of intermittently restarting/removing battery repeatedly it's charging again. Didn't do anything new, and it'll doubtlessly repeat this fiasco again, as it tends to do.. So any suggestions are still more than welcome.
Issues I'm having:
Refuses to enter deep sleep - hangs at 384mhz.
Doesn't charge - even when shut down and plugged in.
///Keeps turning wifi on. (This is a new one that it's just started doing today. Enabling airplane mode does nothing. It just turns wifi back on.) - Edit: got it to stop doing this - didn't do anything other than restarting and removing battery a lot.
Things I've tried:
Silencing all the alerts.
Factory reset.
Uninstalling some apps I thought may have been doing it.
Disabling syncing.
Not using wifi.
Not plugging anything into the headphone jack.
Only plugging in/removing charger while the phone is unlocked.
Removing battery and waiting a few minutes.
Restarting repeatedly.
Other considerations:
I haven't changed anything. Stock ICS, updated OTA. It's under warranty.
Using original charger, and have never used any other chargers.
Side question - can anyone confirm that there are 4 pins in the charger, despite there being 5 indentations for them? I mean, in the bit that plugs into the phone. I know I saw a thread somewhere that detailed some info about the chargers, but I can't find it, and I'm wondering if my charger is off.
Any help or suggestions would be fantastic. This thing is frustratingly unreliable. I never know if I'm going to wake up to a useable phone or not.

Ugh ...
Thats a long list of broken features..
Did the phone get upgraded to ICS via kies or OTA ?
Is sounds like a bad firmware flash to me.
So if you are able, and the device will connect properly to PC, a kies restore may be in order here.
Otherwise, a warranty exchange is on the table as well ...g

gregsarg said:
Ugh ...
Thats a long list of broken features..
Did the phone get upgraded to ICS via kies or OTA ?
Is sounds like a bad firmware flash to me.
So if you are able, and the device will connect properly to PC, a kies restore may be in order here.
Otherwise, a warranty exchange is on the table as well ...g
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OTA, and there didn't seem to be any issues with it. It began a few days after I upgraded to ICS, and as far as I know, I can't revert to Gingerbread without rooting (pardon - phone noob here), so will a kies restore actually help? Or would that be to try to reinstall ICS? (In case this is relevant, it's not consistent - sometimes I'll have up to a week with no problems.)
I'm keeping the warranty exchange as a last resort because it did work perfectly fine on Gingerbread. (Kind of hoping JellyBean will fix things..)
At any rate, thank you for replying and for your suggestion! I will dig around in Kies since that wasn't a route I've tried yet. Right now, it seems to be charging again so I'm going to let it get some power first. (And in case anyone is having similar problems, I didn't do anything to make it start charging other than what I've been trying on and off for the past 9 hours - just restarting, powering off, powering on, removing battery, etc repeatedly.)

Kies will push ICS to the device again ..but will often correct any data corruption from an OTA flash.
They were not always good downloads.
Kies will want to emergency restore the device, causing data loss.
It sounds like you may want to wait a bit longer, but I can't say how long on a JB update ..g

gregsarg said:
Kies will push ICS to the device again ..but will often correct any data corruption from an OTA flash.
They were not always good downloads.
Kies will want to emergency restore the device, causing data loss.
It sounds like you may want to wait a bit longer, but I can't say how long on a JB update ..g
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Aha, understood. Thanks for the warning re: data loss. I back up regularly but will double check that everything is saved before fiddling. Would try tonight, but it's gotten up to 20% and seems to have decided that that's the end of charging..
I believe, for my carrier, early Jan, so I may wait it out. (Though last time it kept getting bumped forward for a good few months.)

Sounds good ...
If you need further help, just revisit this thread.
We have a good bunch of note users here, that are happy to help out ....g

Even though it's been a long time, I hope that necroing the thread isn't too big a taboo. I thought I'd update this thread for any other poor sod who may be looking. (Not that my issues are over...) And if anyone has any more suggestions.. well, awesome.
I was unable to get Kies to actually connect to my phone, so the suggested solution did not work. After a few days of fighting Kies, I decided to just wait for JB. After JB, I was okay for a while, but then the draining started up again. This time I noticed that I had 4 processes running and eating up a ton of CPU. I don't recall what they were off the top of my head, but I think Media Storage, Download Manager, DRM Protected Content Storage and yet another. Force closing any one of them stopped them all, and stopped the drain, but they'd start up again. I'm not sure what triggered them, and a bit of digging showed that they are actually useful processes that I can't fully block, so.. for a bit I'd just check what processes were running if I noticed a quick drain, or used an app that alerted me when the phone was awake despite screen being turned off (not always reliable, sadly.) I couldn't catch it all the time, however, so that was really not useful. By the time I caught it, I'd have lost maybe 20% battery.
I read that those processes may be caused by a corrupted file in the internal "SD" or the external SD card. I hard reset, formatted the internal memory, removed the external and after that booted into recovery mode and cleared the cache, just in case.
Last night, after all this, the phone was still being flaky - holding at 1% on the charger for hours. As an added bonus, it now seems to run 4G incessantly, whereas previously it would only activate if I had an MMS coming in. (No data plan, I just have MMS capabilities.) I haven't even looked into that, because I'm just so sick of it all that I'm going to be trying to root today and see where that gets me.
Hopefully that will help anyone else who may be facing this..

Rooted (without screwups, woo), formatted internal memory, removed external micro SD card. Reinstalled my more "vital" apps, and got rid of some of the Rogers bloatware. Phone ran beautifully for a few days, then this morning I noticed battery drain and Media Storage was running at 50% CPU. Stopped it, and the drain stopped.
I didn't add my photos to the phone yet, except for a few albums that sync from Picasa Web Albums. I don't have any music or videos on there.
At this point, I'm debating a custom ROM but I have no idea if that will actually help with this issue? I'm a total noob when it comes to playing around with my phone, and it's only through sheer stubbornness that I gathered up the courage to root after weeks of researching. Another option is trying to find an app that just alerts me if one of those processes starts running so I don't have to keep checking what processes are active on my phone like some junkie. Does anything like that exist out there? I have a battery app that alerts me if the phone is awake with the screen off, but it doesn't always catch it - usually fails, in fact.
At this point, I'd love some help and feedback..


Sudden freezing problems after battery drain

Ok so my battery died all the way to 0% before I could toss it back on the charger after a full days use. No big deal.
I plugged it in the charger, powered it back up and strangely my HD2 froze within 30 sec of booting into Sense. Strange.
So I rebooted and same problem. And the again and again about 10 times consistently.
30 sec is barely enough time to backup and settings or files to do a hard reset and restore an old back up file. So I unfortunately had to backup to an older backup from a month ago
Figure this would obviously solve the issue and worst case lose some recent texts and appointments. Well the freezing is somehow still there! I REALLY don't want to do a hard reset and start over from scratch.
Anyone know a possible fix? I searched before asking as usual but not much luck..
Ive suddenly started experiencing SENSE problems in the last two days also. I havent tweaked or installed anything for months. My battery didnt die though.
If i switch of SENSE it works fine, with Sense on it takes forever to do anything. Im planning to hard reboot it soon, but your experience seems doesnt fill me with confidence. are you on tmobile uk?
I've also experienced what OP has. Ran my battery completely empty. Let it charge for some time and switched it on later in the day. After some time (a few minutes, I think) the phone was extremely slow. Sense froze completely, but I could navigate the start menu etc, although very slowly.
A soft reset didn't change anything.
I disabled Sense (which was cumbersome, to say the least). Let the phone stay on with charger plugged in overnight. The next day it was good again.
Strange thing!!
Check for errors on your phone/sd card - sounds like you might have a corrupt file somewhere. I had one on my sd card and it gave me a massive battery drain. I deleted it and everything was back to normal.
Just link your phone to the pc, select the either drive through active sync, right mouse button and select "error checking" from "tools".
ansaar99 said:
Ive suddenly started experiencing SENSE problems in the last two days also. I havent tweaked or installed anything for months. My battery didnt die though.
If i switch of SENSE it works fine, with Sense on it takes forever to do anything. Im planning to hard reboot it soon, but your experience seems doesnt fill me with confidence. are you on tmobile uk?
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Ive had some luck on my freezing SENSE problem, not entirely sure if it may fix yours but this is how mine resolved. It was basically down to the issue where for some reason the phone switched its date back to 2009. i have a YAHOO email account configured, and given that the phone thought the date was 2009, it decided to download all emails since that date (headers at least). And I have a LOT! I just looked at the inbox, and it was huge. I only have the thing setup to check for new mails every 4 hours or so, so it doesnt resync so often. Anyway, i have forced it to check for new email now, and it has deleted all the hundreds (if not thousands) of old headers.
Now sense is working perfectly fine again. phew!
Perhaps the battery drain caused your system date to reset, and maybe you have emails setup to download from an external mail account? worth checking.
Had this issue again last night, although the battery was about 80% full.
Soft reset didn't change anything. I tried disabling Sense and soft reset. Didn't change anything either.
Did as last time; plugged in the charger and left the phone on over night (with Sense off). Today it was fine again. Enabled Sense and still smooth.
Date is correct, though, as opposed to ansaar99. Considering it was really slow even though Sense was disabled suggests this is a WM issue. Couldn't find any process that was hogging resources either; 90% CPU spent on Idle process; the rest used by task manager.
Haven't had the chance to check for corrupt files on the SD card (as suggested by Towserspvm2000).
Same thing happened last night again.
This time I tried both disabling Sense, and removing the SD card. Removing the SD card should solve the problem if it was because of a corrupt file. It didn't
I think I'm seeing a pattern though; this seems to happen roughly around midnight. Yesterday (or actually, today) I noticed it at 00:24. I didn't record the time on the other occurances, but it was around midnight.
So, could it be that WM by default does something 'scary' around midnight?

[Q] A few winmo and android questions

Good morning all. I have a small amount of knowledge about this device (I’ve read a fair bit) but would still classify myself as a novice user. I am able to flash my device and have had android running for a while now. I have a few issues, and just want confirmation that I’m not doing anything stupidly wrong.
Firstly, I have flashed to a number of winmo roms, all with varying degrees of usability. I found them to be slow compared to android. All my rom including the last two roms, chuckyrom tabtastic and chuckydroid, have given me a few issues of varying degrees. They freeze a lot and require a soft reset or to pull the battery. Sometimes, if I try and restart straight away, the red writing on the first screen doesn't come up and the phone vibrates 4 or 5 times. Further to this, they may restart midway through booting up, or if I am transferring a large amount of data or using my phone as a wireless hotspot the phone also resets after a while. I have noticed the phone gets quite warm during this. Best results for a reboot come after pulling the battery and leaving it for 15-20 minutes.
Secondly, I have used a number of different android builds (all HTC based) and whilst generally the phone does not freeze when it is in idle mode, it freezes up to 15-20 times a day when using applications such as facebook, internet explorer, music etc. Is this normal?? I don't get any force close notifications. When people say it is “relatively stable” what does this actually mean – no freezing, 5 freezes a day, 50 freezes a day?? The device also freezes when syncing all data. Sometimes when I am in a call, if a change occurs on the device (text message or other notification comes in, even when on the move which I’m guessing may be location changes in the system) the phone freezes and emits a “bzzzzzzzz”ing noise (well, I don't know how well the word “bzzzzzz” conveys what I’m trying to say, but you may get the picture). All this in turn leads to me needing to re-boot, which then brings into play the issues of rebooting above.
The other day, I noted that the micro-usb cable had what appeared to be small burn marks on it, and the contacts inside the micro-usb cable were a bit corroded/eroded. I do remember a few weeks ago where my phone froze in the middle of the night whilst on charge and the phone became quite hot, possibly resulting in the damage to the cable. Yesterday, I got a new cable and woke up this morning with the phone quite warm again (battery temp was at 39 degrees). This was all whilst using android.
I have tried a number of different winmo roms and android builds, flashed radio, task29, different micro sd cards, formatted sd card etc. I am thinking of reflashing back ot the original rom and if I still have the same issues then sending away to get it fixed. Problem with this is that Telstra here in Australia claim it will be a month and that no replacement phone will be given to me in the meantime. I think I am paying about $160 a month at the moment – surely this is a bit slack not to give me a replacement phone in the meantime? Can anyone share their experiences with Telstra and/or tips when dealing with them?
Any help with the above would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
No, don't think you're doing anything wrong. Android builds shouldn't be freezing at all, as far as I know. I've tried many builds, and have never had one freeze on me. The current ones are arguably more stable than most Windows Mobile ROMs! Still, Windows Mobile shouldn't actually require pulling the battery that often either.
Based on what you mention it sounds like your phone might be overheating, which would probably be a hardware problem (at least really unlikely to be caused purely by user operation or software). It might be worth checking the battery pins, to make sure all of them make a firm connection to the battery. If not, it could be one is disconnecting as your phone gets warmer. Still, overheating itself is a more likely cause, especially because of what you mention about vibrating x times if you restart it without giving it time to cool down.
I'm no expert, but it might be time to send your phone in for repairs... (if you do, don't forget to remove HSPL & restore stock ROM)
thanks for that help. I think i will send it back, i had already checked the battery pins.
just got rid of HSPL, but now having trouble flashing back to original rom. it jsut gets stuck on the update screen at 0%.... any ideas? i tried via SD card too, and it just gave me the "loading" page....

[Q] Random Screen Wakes and Complete power off's (USB Port)

This started earlier in the week. I think I loaded the Free Monopoly, Contract killer and Text Plus in the morning when it started. I'm thinking this was Tuesday or Wednesday morning after Christmas.
At the Time I immediately killed and uninstalled all three of the recent app additions. This did not appear to resolve the issue.
Screen would not remain off for more than a few minutes without turning itself back on again. Full screen wakes.
Occasionally and without warning the phone would completely turn itself off, requiring the very long power button press to turn on again (was a full power-down).
Since this has started I decided to upgrade to the latest unamed rom.
This does not appear to have helped anything, although the frequency may have been reduced. I don't think this is related to the ROM since the issue survived the factory reset / wipe / rom change.
Are there any internal logs that may help to point me in the right direction?
If so, where / how can I view them?
I'm seeing a RILJ dialer something under Partial wakelocks in BBS.
I see this as [p]_RILJ under Kernal wakelocks as well. Any Idea what this is?
I admit, I was getting a bit silly with the quantity of Apps I had loaded and still running well at the time. Amazed the phone was still going very strong with no issues at all. I'm trimming this back on the new rom.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Random Illumination Wakes and sleep crashes.
Still trying to nail this down.
Additional observations.
Timing appears to be random.
When I say the screen wakes up, I'm mean illuminating.
The wakes appear almost as often as the power off freeze. What I mean is the quantity of complete power off's is similar to the screen wakes.
It's very possible that the same event may be causing both the screen wake and the hard starts. Neither issue occured prior to this the starting of both events.
I have occasionally seen the "Driving Mode" steering wheel icon pop-up, while unplugged. I've not connected this phone to any kind driving interface as of yet, so this is a surpriseds.
Today I had additional issues with extremely heavy battery drain in a short period of time. I had incorrectly added 2650mA under battery capacity beneath Calibration tab of "Battery Monitor Widget Pro".
Still looking for help finding and viewing any error logs on the device.
Does anyone know of some basic error log files on the device?
Again, all help is greatly appreciated.
Under Recent unamed ROM but I do not believe the ROM is the issue.
iqak said:
Still trying to nail this down.
Additional observations.
Timing appears to be random.
When I say the screen wakes up, I'm mean illuminating.
The wakes appear almost as often as the power off freeze. What I mean is the quantity of complete power off's is similar to the screen wakes.
It's very possible that the same event may be causing both the screen wake and the hard starts. Neither issue occured prior to this the starting of both events.
I have occasionally seen the "Driving Mode" steering wheel icon pop-up, while unplugged. I've not connected this phone to any kind driving interface as of yet, so this is a surpriseds.
Today I had additional issues with extremely heavy battery drain in a short period of time. I had incorrectly added 2650mA under battery capacity beneath Calibration tab of "Battery Monitor Widget Pro".
Still looking for help finding and viewing any error logs on the device.
Does anyone know of some basic error log files on the device?
Again, all help is greatly appreciated.
Under Recent unamed ROM but I do not believe the ROM is the issue.
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These random screen wakes, particularly with the car mode activations, are what I was seeing when my usb port on the device failed. there are several threads in the general and QA forums regarding usb failures, you might want to dig around in there to see if other behavior is similar. I think one poster mentioned cleaning out the USB port with alcohol and a small paint brush. I had tried doing the same with canned air, but that did not help me. I ended up with a warranty replacement device.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
I think you may be onto something.
Since the event I am also having issues connecting up to my Win7 Pc.
On the morning of the event, I remember a brief weirdness to the charging indication. I think it said it was charging when it wasn't or vice versa.
So now the question becomes.
What do I need to do before an exchange?
Purchased from Best Buy on US Launch day without extended warranty.
Do I still have a warranty?
Can I go to the AT&T store in Sacramento?
I think you may be onto something.
Since the event I am also having issues connecting up to my Win7 Pc.
On the morning of the event, I remember a brief weirdness to the charging indication. I think it said it was charging when it wasn't or vice versa.
So now the question becomes.
What do I need to do before an exchange?
Purchased from Best Buy on US Launch day without extended warranty.
Do I still have a warranty?
Can I go to the AT&T store in Sacramento?
Your phone has a 1 year hardware warranty. Talk to Best Buy, and force them to give you a replacement. I did that with AT&T, not putting it on the phone insurance, but the phone's warranty that came with it, for free.
Backup your apps using a tool like ROM Toolbox from the market (it's my favorite). When you restore your phone, all apps that AREN'T sideloaded will come back with the last Google Sync you made, so sync now. If you're sure, 100% that it's hardware and not software, make a backup via CWM and ignore all previous instructions, but if you're like me, you'll want a fresh restart with the ability to axe all the apps you don't use on a clean ROM.
When backing up all non-sideloaded apps, Google does it for you, use a backup program from the market to ONLY backup your sideloaded apps.
READ THIS. Alright, before taking it back to Best Buy, flash Entropy's "Back To Stock" ROM and kernel. If you don't, you're done. Warranty voided. If they are intelligent and check the flashcounter, and see you tripped it, but you're on a stock ROM, you can talk your way outta it. Try thinking of something before you go in. The excuse I will use if ever needed is I was clueless about why my phone was ****ing up, so my friend who said he could fix it took my phone for a day and temporarily fixed it, and it worked alright for a couple days before the issue came back. So you can claim ignorance IF NEEDED, but most of the time they don't check. Just be sure to have an answer for if they do.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
I do have a jig and I do not have the Exclamation Icon.
However my boot animation is no longer stock and I have not been able to read the flash counter. The Power-off, Hold volumes and plug USB thing is not working for me.
To date, I have not caught anything in software to cause this.
Getting myself ready, Thanks a million.
iqak said:
I do have a jig and I do not have the Exclamation Icon.
However my boot animation is no longer stock and I have not been able to read the flash counter. The Power-off, Hold volumes and plug USB thing is not working for me.
To date, I have not caught anything in software to cause this.
Getting myself ready, Thanks a million.
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As long as you used a root method that should not have increased the counter, I think you can mobile Odin back to stock unrooted to prep for warranty return.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
Shot back to this ROM
Kernel + cache + rooted UCKK6 system package: http://www.multiupload.com/NYL3XT51Y0
Feels like olden times.....Naked in front of the Gym class.
Beyond Best Buys 30 Days so had to go to the AT&T Service center.
They grilled me, checked, wiped, reflashed, yada-yada-yada.
Gave me the could be an app shpeel, did you use a car charger questions etc.
Long story short....
They want to try a new battery 1st.
So, news years eve overnight, maybe by Monday.
I admit this could be a possibility because I have had the battery lose a large amount of capacity in a short amount of time one the order of Full to Dead in 2-3 hours. This has occurred to me on maybe three or four occasions since launch day. Phone got warm to hot at the same time. This usually included a hard kill power off. Nice big gap / drop in battery stats.
Is there any way the phone would get a charging indication yet not charge?
Like if the USB port got wonked or crossed with something?
Additional Weirdness:
I have had the phone freeze up on me, picture turn weird as it gradually whitened to full white screen only.
No response from the keys or screen with the exception of a long power button press to recover. This occurred a few times since the original event (maybe 3) with the last one happening while plugging it back in for some juice for the return today.
Keeping this up to date in case others run across the same funkyness.
iqak said:
Shot back to this ROM
Kernel + cache + rooted UCKK6 system package: http://www.multiupload.com/NYL3XT51Y0
Feels like olden times.....Naked in front of the Gym class.
Beyond Best Buys 30 Days so had to go to the AT&T Service center.
They grilled me, checked, wiped, reflashed, yada-yada-yada.
Gave me the could be an app shpeel, did you use a car charger questions etc.
Long story short....
They want to try a new battery 1st.
So, news years eve overnight, maybe by Monday.
I admit this could be a possibility because I have had the battery lose a large amount of capacity in a short amount of time one the order of Full to Dead in 2-3 hours. This has occurred to me on maybe three or four occasions since launch day. Phone got warm to hot at the same time. This usually included a hard kill power off. Nice big gap / drop in battery stats.
Is there any way the phone would get a charging indication yet not charge?
Like if the USB port got wonked or crossed with something?
Additional Weirdness:
I have had the phone freeze up on me, picture turn weird as it gradually whitened to full white screen only.
No response from the keys or screen with the exception of a long power button press to recover. This occurred a few times since the original event (maybe 3) with the last one happening while plugging it back in for some juice for the return today.
Keeping this up to date in case others run across the same funkyness.
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I got the "try a different battery" story too. Conveniently my wife also has the I777 as well, so tried hers. No joy for me. After that, rma was approved. Good luck!
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
It ain't the battery man. The symptoms you described fit perfectly with a fried micro usb port.
If you haven't set the flashcounter off, and your phone has the AT&T boot logo, then you're good to go as far as exchanging it goes. DO IT UNDER WARRANTY AND NOT INSURANCE. This is the **** quality of the usb connecter, not user caused.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
I doubt it too, since the original event involved the AM unplugging from the charger. I always check the Next Amazon app, 1st thing.
I can honestly say that:
The phone has absolutely never been dropped.
The USB cable nor port has never been stressed, tweaked nor twisted.
Never used the phone with the cable attached.
Neither the phone nor the Taurus gunmetal case have a single scratch.
The phone has never been close to water, save for the obligatory post shower, AM, moist towel screen wipe (ok.... too much info).
I think I had 137 apps on this thing until the 1st event last week. In those original two months I've had maybe 5 force closes or other events. The force is definitely strong in this one!
I hope they forget the "new" battery when the time comes for the full swap?
As always, thanks for everyones help. I'll post this through beyond conclusion for the rest of us.
Definitely the USB port is screwed. I'm on my third phone cuz of this issue. First guy at best buy said it was probably because I wasn't using stock launcher. Whatever. Second replacement was easier, just a young girl who never even looked at my phone, and just gave me a new one. I did go to a different best buy second time to avoid possibly getting another phone from a bad batch. I've posted on other threads on this issue about the fact that this problem might be caused by the lack of a cover over the USB port. Maybe i'm wrong, but it seems to easy for junk to get in there. If you can't flash back to stock via computer, you can try mobile Odin, however I ended up soft bricking my phone trying to run the stock Odin one click via drop box through mobile Odin. Don't know if file didn't completely DL through drop box, but I couldn't fix soft brick since I couldn't connect phone to comp using the USB port. Long story short, my advice, flash stock while you still can, and keep it that way cuz the problem most likely won't go away.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
Additional info:
I performed a factory data reset (from the settings screen) prior to re-loading the unbrick/return to stock ROM. Also wiped all three memory areas prior to the rom.
Last night the Driving mode Icon and V-Lingo kept popping back up as if I were connected to a car adapter. I have no use for either as I have no car adapter yet (was at home). No cable was attached at the time and the phone was sleeping. This occurred a half dozen times or so.
I also randomly receive the USB connected icon despite having nothing connected to the phone. Says MTP-Initialization.
Odin 3 worked yesterday without any issue. Droid explorer also appears to work but Kies has refused to connect since the event, even with the New years update. The Win7 pc randomly recognizes the phone. Sometimes it's ok, but mostly it does not show up at all with the pc saying "USB device not recognized...".
With USB Debugging turned on, Kies says:
"Reconnect the device in Samsung Kies (PC Studio) mode.Current mode not supported by Kies."
I switched USB debugging off 1st thing this morning and it looks like Kies USB is working ok now.
Kies Air works like a champ.
Still think the USB Port is dorked. Probably the USB controller chip as I don't think I have any physical looseness. I really wish USB connectors were longer and deeper with screwed attachments to the motherboard in addition to the soldering.
Correct me if I am wrong here, but I thought that the "Driving / V-Lingo Mode" is Hardware triggered and it is not possible to trigger this mode with any software. At least that is the impression I got by reading the car cable connection cable discussions.
More fuel for the bad USB port fire?
Since the multiple wipes and return to stock, I do not think I've had an event from sleeping to hard crash / reboot required.
Still having wake-ups and spurious driving mode activation's both plugged in and unplugged. This may or may not be accompanied by the V-Lingo, terms prompt.
Prior to going back when the replacement battery fails to improve things....
Can I kill / Delete everything on the phones internal SD memory?
Not thinking,.. I still had the Titanium Backup directory along with Clockwork Mod etc. still on the phone when I brought the phone to the service center. Had they checked the phone directory, I could have lost warranty, etc.
Any other directories I should look for?
Just Realized I had not stated my Hardware Level.
Android Version: 2.3.6
Baseband Version: I777UCKK6
Still getting spurious wakes with the USB port thinking:
It's connected to a PC.
It's connected to the car
or V-Lingo launches thinking I'm about to take a trip.
All of these occur with nothing connected at all, and typically the phone is sleeping. Still have not had a repeat Hard crash since the wipes and return to stock.
Do we have enough of a known hardware history here to know / avoid certain builds?
No. Not much effort has been put into figuring the faulty USB port out. Entropy and I even hashed it out in Q&A, both of us thinking it might have been the software. Truth is, you'll probably find more info in the international SGS II community than here, as more were sold, and our SGH I777 was discontinued only a month or two after being brought to the market.
Because it hasn't been reported on much, no one has thought to start observing the hardware for faults. You should consider doing so - I can tell you some information on my phone model later, after I remove the battery and such. Maybe shoot GTX or Entropy a PM to ask them for tips on identifying different hardware models and state why you're interested. As I said, I'll post my info on my new replacement, and observe it to see if the same problem occurs as it did in the last one.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Here's a link to the thread I started when mine went tango uniform:
I mentioned at one point about looking at device serial numbers to attempt to track bad hardware, but I'm not sure if that info is safe to post online when not coupled with device imei. I would think it is safe, but not sure.
Unfortunately I don't know if I can track down the info on my defective phone now, since it has been gone for several weeks.
Also: I was under the impression that the i777 had in fact NOT been discontinued, only not stocked in COR stores in LTE markets. I'd be interested in documentation on the discontinuation if you can provide it...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
Wow, your thread has quite a few similarities.
With the exception of the ROM selections, the device responses appear to mimic my own dead on. I was on "update-unnamed-v1.0.4-full" when the issue reared its head. Jumped to v2.0.1 to see if it helped, but again, I seriously doubt this issue is ROM related.
I'm still waiting for the "overnight-ed" battery.
I expect it will arrive tomorrow. With any luck I can grab it from home at lunch and charge it at the office. Put an effort into trying it at least.
That pushes my eventual return out till Wednesday evening / Thursday morning. I'll be sure to get the serial number data from it before it goes back.
Would it be insecure of me to post the old serial number data after the exchange?
I'm wondering if charging device, cable or PC could have had something to do with the failure. Pretty sure the cable was stock, but the plug may have been a logitech. This arrangement had been used nightly since launch date, so I doubt it.
Electronic chips can do some funny things. I'm fairly certain the port itself is still firmly attached.
As always, thanks for everybody's help.

[H] Phone thinks usb/ac is connected/~charging

**Please note, i have already searched this forum and found some similar threads as: charging paused, voltage too high, SGS2 charged all the time, Charging suspended. Voltage too high and Phone keeps charging after plugin off the charger but none of them had exactly my problems so i'll try to describe mine better here.**
Some background and possible cause first
I have been using Omega ROM @ 2.3.5 (yes it's old, but it doesn't matter) for more than 6 months now and i haven't had any problems with it, but a few weeks ago i decided to upgrade to ICS so i did a full backup with CWM and also backed up sdcard to pc. Did a full wipe, formatted sdcard and installed the AOKP ICS, hated the camera app, wiped everything again, installed normal ICS, it was looking ok but i needed my usual apps the second day so i decided to go back to my 2.3.5, restored backup, restored sdcard. I don't remember exactly if i had the phone plugged in before installing ICS or after going back to 2.3.5 but when i disconnected it, it showed that it was still connected and charging...
Please note that everything was ok before updating to ICS (which is one reason why i believe it's software related), i used the original mains charger / micro usb cables at home and i also used a cheap car charger but long before this started happening, and the last time i used the car charger was 2+ moths ago.
The thing is, i don't care if it things it's charging all the time, my problem is that when charging it keeps the cpu active, and even when setting it to 100 MHz the battery only lasts about 5-10 hours with low-moderate usage (see the screenshots of cpu spy, it is clear that the phone does not enter deep sleep while it "thinks" it's charging).
At first, it kept showing it was charging all the time, sometimes when reaching ~10% it went back to normal (YES, normal aka reporting as no plugged in and no charging (=discharging), so i don't think there's any short-circuit/something wrong with the usb connector (which i tried to clean up, as suggested, but the problem is still there) :
Then (and currently) after 1-2 mins of disconnecting charger/usb cable it stops the charging animation but *#*#4636#*#* and some battery app stats show that it's still plugged in but discharging (also it reports over-voltage, which is weird because when it is still charging it shows health:Good).
Also, if it goes back to normal (aka not charging and not plugged) and i connect the mains charger then disconnect and connect usb cable it will still see/think that the mains charger is still connected and i can't connect the mass storage to pc (the dialog never shows, because it still thinks it's connected to mains) and vice-versa, but the battery is charged no matter where it thinks it's connected.
Now the weird part, and the reason why i don't think it's hardware (aka usb pin short circuit or anything else stated in the other threads) if i remove the battery for long enough (something around 10-12 hours) over night, in the morning the phone would be completely normal (i was able to do this 2 times so far and both times the phone clock&date were resetted which makes me think the "connected" state is stored somewhere in a temporary memory powered by a small battery which keeps track of the time and alarms?; also if the time isn't resetted, the phone would still think it's connected (yes, even after removing the battery for some 8+ hours)), but the problem reappears if i connect charger/usb cable (something to note here, if i connect the cable and it's not plugged in, the problem doesn't start so this excludes micro usb connector problem).
And also, as in some other posts, while the phone is shut down it keeps showing the charging animation along with some warning high temperature? triangle:
Here is a screenshot of Battery monitor widget showing some weird voltage spikes, is it possible to reach 5V?
The wakelocks (from Better battery stats app):
Also, something that i've wondered if all S2s do, when i remove the battery and plug in the charger (of any kind) the phone shows a no battery image:
One other thing that might worth mentioning is that sometimes, just a few seconds after i lock the phone, the screen just lights up for a second then turns back off for a few times (2-5 times), but this might be just an app problem and it's not really currently bothering me.
Also i just noticed when posting the screenshots that the battery is always pretty hot, is 32 - 37*C too hot or is it ok?
Well, it's been 3 weeks since this problem has started because i updated to ICS and i still didn't fix it. My plan is to order an Usb jig from ebay, get everything back to stock and send it to warranty, but this will take some 2-3 weeks until i get the jig and another 2-3 until the guys fix/replace it so i'm posting here hoping for some suggestions from more experienced members or people that also had this problem, because i ran out of ideas to try here.
It's a very nicely thorough post, very detailed. I like it.
However, I believe your conclusion that it isn't a hardware issue with the port is a faulty one. I think 100% of the times I've seen issues like this it's an issue with the port that is resolved either by cleaning it, (which will likely only be a temporary solution) or replacing it. It's VERY likely they will do just that (replace the port) if you send it to service. If you can get it covered under warranty, do it. Otherwise the part will run you probably $15 or so, USD.
But the fact that the problem comes and goes away without physical actions and also the fact that everyone started getting this after upgrading to ICS makes me a bit suspicious...
dany123i said:
But the fact that the problem comes and goes away without physical actions and also the fact that everyone started getting this after upgrading to ICS makes me a bit suspicious...
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And the fact that anyone who experiences issues like this, when they replace the part, it fixes all these issues?
if it comes and goes, I'd check the port for something when the issue is present. There's likely something lodged in there when it's happening, which gets dislodged when it's NOT happening.
People tend not to protect the port. It can get damaged over time. Also, ICS versions will seem more sensitive to it, because of additional programming and error messages specific to charging and voltage errors added in.
ctomgee said:
And the fact that anyone who experiences issues like this, when they replace the part, it fixes all these issues?
if it comes and goes, I'd check the port for something when the issue is present. There's likely something lodged in there when it's happening, which gets dislodged when it's NOT happening.
People tend not to protect the port. It can get damaged over time. Also, ICS versions will seem more sensitive to it, because of additional programming and error messages specific to charging and voltage errors added in.
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Or ICS screws something up permanently or maybe you're right, and it really is the port, anyway i'll still experiment a while until my jig arrives, if i discover anything i'll update the thread.
Btw, thanks for reading my entire post :highfive:
dany123i said:
Or ICS screws something up permanently or maybe you're right, and it really is the port, anyway i'll still experiment a while until my jig arrives, if i discover anything i'll update the thread.
Btw, thanks for reading my entire post :highfive:
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I just wish everyone who had an issue that needed help was as thorough as you. Most often, posts in Q&A unfortunately look like: "Halp! My fone broked! Whut happen?!?!"
So while some may scoff at the length of your post, they need to understand; when troubleshooting issues, more than enough information is ALWAYS better than not enough.
Don't worry you're not alone.I'm having this issue for about a week and I don't think that it is a hardware issue because my problem appeared when I was doing a restore from backup from custom rom to stock rom and the only thing that I did is that I pulled off the charger while my phone was doing the restore process. The second thing that I think it is not a hardware issue is that my phone is new I bought it two month ago and the USB jig is so clean, I compared to my brothers phone he has sgs2 too and he's USB jig is full of dust and cockroaches and mushrooms and stuff like that but its working perfect. I'm so sorry that I don't have the answer for you but I'm so mad about this problem that I needed to say something and by the way good luck and pm to me if u find the fix
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
bennycop said:
Don't worry you're not alone.I'm having this issue for about a week and I don't think that it is a hardware issue because my problem appeared when I was doing a restore from backup from custom rom to stock rom and the only thing that I did is that I pulled off the charger while my phone was doing the restore process. The second thing that I think it is not a hardware issue is that my phone is new I bought it two month ago and the USB jig is so clean, I compared to my brothers phone he has sgs2 too and he's USB jig is full of dust and cockroaches and mushrooms and stuff like that but its working perfect. I'm so sorry that I don't have the answer for you but I'm so mad about this problem that I needed to say something and by the way good luck and pm to me if u find the fix
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Please take note.
This is not a hardware problem. This is a Firmware/Backup related problem
Had this exact problem on a friends SGS2 and it kept on happening after he did a restore from Titanium. Not that Titanium is broken BUT your backup stored on your SD has a CRC somewhere. What can I say ... It happens.
Just do a complete wipe and install the Rom you want. DO NOT RESTORE YOUR BACKUP !!!
Install everything again as per normal and set it up and you should be good. If this then still occurs then you can be sure its the hardware but this resolved it for him,
toxicdust said:
Please take note.
This is not a hardware problem. This is a Firmware/Backup related problem
Had this exact problem on a friends SGS2 and it kept on happening after he did a restore from Titanium. Not that Titanium is broken BUT your backup stored on your SD has a CRC somewhere. What can I say ... It happens.
Just do a complete wipe and install the Rom you want. DO NOT RESTORE YOUR BACKUP !!!
Install everything again as per normal and set it up and you should be good. If this then still occurs then you can be sure its the hardware but this resolved it for him,
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I think it's a bit presumptuous to say it's DEFINITELY not a hardware issue. I've seen a TON of posts where people replace the part for the USB port and the problem disappears.
Maybe for someone its is a hardware problem but my problem appeared during restore from buckup.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Same problem
dany123i said:
Or ICS screws something up permanently or maybe you're right, and it really is the port, anyway i'll still experiment a while until my jig arrives, if i discover anything i'll update the thread.
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Did you discover the source of the problem? I am having the same issue with my sgs2 (only 6 months old). I have all the same symptoms - it tells me the USB is connected and the phone is charging, and I get the same alternating symbols when the phone is off (battery charging/temperature warning). I have done nothing out of the ordinary - no system alterations, all is as it was when I got it, other than apps etc I have downloaded. The port doesn't look that dirty, although having read your posts I am inclined to think that this may be the source of the issue? Any help would be appreciated!
Same issue after upgrade, was searching for days ...
Factory restore, but didn't work.
Forced to stop all services, cleared all cache and cleared Ram and after restart everything back ok. Was not a hw issue.
toxicdust said:
Please take note.
This is not a hardware problem. This is a Firmware/Backup related problem
Had this exact problem on a friends SGS2 and it kept on happening after he did a restore from Titanium. Not that Titanium is broken BUT your backup stored on your SD has a CRC somewhere. What can I say ... It happens.
Just do a complete wipe and install the Rom you want. DO NOT RESTORE YOUR BACKUP !!!
Install everything again as per normal and set it up and you should be good. If this then still occurs then you can be sure its the hardware but this resolved it for him,
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I agree with this guy over here, just wanted to congratulate you for this post.
And yes...back ups can be a BH.

[Q] Extremely wierd SGS3 Problem

Okay first of all, I've scoured not only XDA but even Google for an answer to this problem to no avail. So if anyone has/knows of any thread that has the answer, please kindly reply or notify me so we can have this thread removed.
Here goes,
I'm experiencing a very unique (afaik) problem with my Galaxy S3. This started a few months back, when the phone started getting random reboots/ freezes and terrible battery life on ANY ROM/Kernel. I've tried CM, SlimBean/Kat, and even Stock and nothing worked. Finally I figured maybe the battery was shot. So a few days ago I went and got a new battery, and that's when it got weird.
I used the latest SlimKat after replacing the battery and after powering on the device, EVERYTHING seems perfect. It's really fast and responsive, battery drain while screen is on is extremely acceptable, things worked like new again. UNTIL I switched off the display, after 5 mins, I pulled out the phone and it was switched off. At first I thought maybe the initial charge wore down so I charged the phone to full, then powered it on. Again, everything went smoothly BUT, after switching off the display for more than 1 minute, the phone shuts off automatically.
I switched to the latest stock 4.3 ROM and restored everything to factory settings and it seems to have helped at first. As usual, everything is fast and battery doesn't drain so much BUT, after putting the phone to sleep, it takes 5-10 seconds for the screen to wake after pressing the power button, and even if it wakes up, it becomes EXTREMELY laggy and often freezes requiring a reboot. As usual, after a fresh reboot, everything becomes awesome again until I have to turn the display off for more than a minute.
I've tried everything, even installing an app that prevents deep sleep but the problem persists. It improved a little after flashing stock rom and reverting everything back so I'm really hoping this isn't a hardware issue. Is there maybe something else I can try, settings/software-wise? The phone is almost 2 years old and is already out of warranty.
I'm hoping it's not the sleep of death thing because the phone isn't exactly bricked. I can still use it for as long as it doesnt have to go into deep sleep (I turn it off before putting in my pocket and turn it on again when I need to browse/use the camera which is all it's good for in its current state.)
Also, the symptoms don't really fit the usual "Sleep of Death/Brickbug" Symptoms I've read about.
Hey, I remember having a similar problem. I formatted both my internal sd and external sd. Haven't had any problems ever since. Hope this helps.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app
Already tried that. I did full wipes/formats on all my installs. I even tried not having an external SD inserted for the Odin installs. I tried not installing any app on the phone and it still gets messed up after going to sleep. As fresh installed AOSP or Pure Stock ROM. Odin flashes no problem so I'm really hoping nothing hardware-wise is messed up. I had to re-flash PIT after getting a new battery though, could I have messed something up there that would lead to this?
There is an app for that deep sleep syndrome, it's on playstore its calles brick check or something like that, if you cant find just google it.
And I dont think that could be software problem, BUT depends on what apps you used, flashes you made.
Hope it hepls
Well, i don't think its deith break, but i had the same essue with unofficial 4.3 and then at official 4.3 it worked well,
it may be a break in the motherboard or something.. as u tried every rome avilable it couldn't be softwear thing..
the app for emmc firmware is called 'eMMC check', you can find it on playstore
edit: does your phone heat up? or battery? did your display ever turned blue when waking up from sleep?
it could be also a short with your display/motherboard or other connectors or battery connector... and the protection kicks in
if you're good with tools and phone is not under warranty, you could disassemble it and reassemble/reseat the connectors
or, could be the power button shorting, if you decide to open it, examine the power button
@Eibram did you ever undervolt or overclock when using custom kernels or roms? Because it could be hardware damage.
Also, do as they tell you above, check if you have the insane f01 emmc chip. I know it's a common missconception going around that since 4.1.2 the SDS got fixed, but it didn't really get fixed since it's a firmware problem in the emmc patched through software which just makes it highly unlikely to happen (but not impossible).
I did some minor undervolting way back before JB came out but not since over half a year ago. I did the eMMc check and yes, I do have the inane chip.
Just an update, I re-flashed a PIT file and a rescue firmware and it seems to have helped a bit. It was running fine for over 12 hours aside from a random reboot just now.
I'm observing the phone right now to see wether the reboot was just coincidental. I really wish this is just a software thing.
Okay one more update, 2 days in and I've only experienced the one random reboot. It's still sometimes slow when waking up, but something around 2-5 secs sore not 5-15 seconds slow. I'm thinking that must be due to touchwiz bloat.

