[Q] I need desperate help. - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys! I have a HUGE problem with my Q88 Allwinner A13 tablet.
I installed an application on my tablet called Z4root, and I wanted to root my device. Two options came up and it said:
Permanent Root
Temporary Root
I clicked Permanent Root because what's temp root anyway?! Big mistake.
So, once it so called 'rooted' my device, it closed itself. I assume it was done. The app told me it would reboot but it didn't. So I turned it off and back on again.
Apon turning it on, I realised booting took a rather long time, but it got to it eventually! But here is when things started to go wrong. There was no Superuser app/folder. It had completely reinstalled a new os (I THINK) onto my device. But this O.S (I THINK) is buggy as hell. It FACTORY RESETS every time I turn it on, can't install any apps! As far as to my knowledge, it has NOT rooted either. When I go onto settings to check on my INTERNAL STORAGE, it says 0.00B on it, when the tablet came with 4GB?!?! So, thats messed up.
Then I thought to myself, FACTORY RESET! So, I rebooted into Recovery Mode from the Settings menu. I cannot get into it any other way as far as to my knowledge. As it booted up into Recovery Mode, it came up with a picture of an android DEAD with an red ! mark. Type down ON Google Images "android boot red triangle exclamation mark" It's that. I have waited FOR AGES for the options to pop up, but nothing is there. Only the picture. So, I can't do anything about that.
As I reboot, it is factory resetted again.
Also, plugging the tablet into my pc dosen't help I think because the Android driver "Did not install correctly". So I message the person I bought it from to provide me with the driver for the Q88 Allwinner A13 tablet. Got no reply.
What do I do? I don't care about my files, I just want a working tablet. Please help and plus, I don't know any Android techy language so please comment clearly so I can understand what to do to fix my Q88 Allwinner A13 Tablet. Thanks.
P.S I can boot into recovery using the BUTTONS. I have a POWER button and VOLUME ROCKER.

same problem
I have the exact same problem with my allwinner 13 and the reason is Z4root.
The problem is that half of the memory is locked (1.96Gb) and it prevends installing apps. With ADB you can install things on an SD card but nothing works good and rebooting will give you factory settings.
The supplier will send me an SD card so I can flash the device.
If I have it I will come back to you (if it works).
How do I get in recovery mode with the buttons?


[Q] Flashing Any Android ROM on a (somehow) bricked Tablet Device (Tabulet Mech)

Hi Guys! I usually lurk around here, but now I really need some help.
Basically I have a Rebranded Chinese Tablet called "Tabulet Mech" and it's a redesign of a M701 tablet.
With a bit confidence of rom flashing, I tried flash a rom from a forum which talks about this type of tablet. With careful action I tried flash the rom using FWDN, and miserably failed T.T
while flashing on FWDN I used "Low format whole memory before download", so I guess the FWDN is formatting the whole tablet.
I dunno if I did something bad while flashing it, but since I didn't see any Recovery Mode available for the tablet, I can't exactly recover my tablet at all.
And now, I don't know if my tablet is already turned off or not, since the tablet is still heated up, and when I plug my USB on it, my PC still detect it (even my Moborobo), but since there's nothing on the screen, well you know I can't figure what's happening.
So my question is, is there any way I can install any rom to just make the tablet back working again?

Problem with tablet Ainol novo 10 hero II (V1, LG screen)

I wish I could explain my problem quickly and clearly, but I lost count on the amount of times I wiped, flashed and reset my Tablet so... I just hope someone comes up with a genius idea, because I'm desperate. I've tried everything.
Today I decided I wanted to try and find a better ROM I could install on my Ainol Tablet, and after doing some research I found out there was a 10.1 version of Cyanogenmod that was apparently quite popular.
I followed a tutorial I found on slatedroid.com (Flashed CM 10.1, Gapps and compatibility file) and only after I found out I just flashed a ROM built for the previous model of my tablet. When I reset it it came up as if it had done a Factory reset (same firmware but everything came up in chinese).
Then I went on and managed to find a tutorial for mine; repeated the process.
Right after doing that I re-read the tutorial (I would love to attach the link but I am a new user and am not allowed to...) and realised I was supposed to update my stock firmware to the latest version before flashing CM on it (apparently so they had the same kernel). Luckily, I had made a backup with TWRP so I went back to it and went looking on my PC for said firmware.
When I managed to find it, I realised the wifi on my tablet was gone. Whenever I switch it on, it goes back off after a few seconds. So no internet.
Then I thought I could just get that update file from my PC and copy it through USB. But that wasn't working either, my laptop will not recognise it whenever I plug it. The tablet won't even recognise a USB flashdrive.
Lastly, I realised there was a miniSD card port so I tried getting the file in through that as well. In this case, the tablet displayed a "preparing SD card" message but nothing happened afterwards...
I'm completely stuck. I have tried several times going back to Factory settings through TWRP, or reloading that backup I made, erasing Dalvik/Cache every single time, but the problems are still there. Everything else seems to be working though...
I did some research and it does look like I flashed a ROM with the wrong kernel so all the drivers are gone... (When the tablet is off and charging it displays a battery that used to stand vertically. Now it comes up horizontally...).
If that was the case, would anyone have any clue on anything I could do to fix it? Any files I could get rid of? Or maybe some secret menu on TWRP I haven't taken into account...?
Any ideas would be extremely appreciated. Please help! :'(
Thanks in advance.

Ellipsis 8 Tablet softbrick? Help?

The other day I finally found a way to root my Quanta Verizon Ellipsis 8 tablet QTAQZ3 with KingRoot. It was working great for about 3-4 days. I was finally able to use apps like Apps2SD to install my games and large apps on the SD card, use chainfire3D and the like and some other useful apps that actually worked to shutdown processes I didn't want running in the background to clear up a good 300MB of extra ram. It was working great.
The day before yesterday however I was routinely using the tablet and it was in the middle of loading Fifa16. Suddenly the tablet shutitself down and rebooted all on its own. When it rebooted however it only brought up the Android Splash screen for a few seconds, after that it goes to a blank Back-Lit screen(so I know its still on) and just sits there. I have left it there for 6 hours+ hoping it would eventually miraculously boot but it just sits there until the power button is held down to shut it off.
Now since I get it to power up and show the android splash screen and also access the recovery mode by holding PowerButton+Volume down I am hoping/assuming it is only softbricked.
I have tried to putting a new Rom.zip on the SD card and accessing "Update from external storage" in recovery mode, but I keep getting Permission Denied. I have tried burning a Rom image to the sd card to try to boot from it but nothing happens. I have tried Factory Reset in the recovery mode and it does basically nothing other than delete my user data. Upon reboot the same problem persists.
ADB doesnt seem to be an option because I can only get windows to install a Generic MTP Device driver(it does show up as the model number of the device properly QTAQZ3 though) but thats all it will do. Doesnt show up in drive list to access anything, cant install adb driver because it doesnt detect the device. I have tried forcing adb driver install but it just tells me the proper driver is already installed.
I am hoping somebody might be able to help me solve the ADB driver issue so I can sideload a new rom/bootloader to the device or help me figure why it keeps saying Permission Denied when trying to update .zip from my sd card.
Please help, thanks you.
Where dod you get the rom updat.zip?
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Sent from my SM-G920P using XDA-Developers mobile app
same happened to me with kingo root on the QTAQ73 model
Any new development on this? I have the same issue except mine stays on the boot animation until the power runs dead or I shut it off.
Update - I ended up taking the tablet to Verizon and luckily I still had a week left of my warranty. Sent it in Monday got one sent back Saturday running Android 5.1.1 and rooted it with KingRoot. Working on swapping King with SuperSu but that's how I got it stuck in bootloop last time so I'm a bit cautious.
I [email protected] Verizon
I also have this problem. ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3 won't boot past the Verizon screen. Repair center wouldn't do anything for me, even though it's a software issue, because I'm outside of warranty time. Verizon sucks.
All the intelligent people tinkering with droid tablets and no one has an answer on this? I've looked everywhere.
Hello guys, i realize this is an older thread but the other day i soft bricked my Quanta Ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3... Can someone help me out with a stock rom for reflashing? Willing to donate for your support! Thank you!
I have a QTAQZ3 currently running 4.2.2. I captured the OTA url and downloaded an update bin file. I'm not exactly sure how bins compare to flashable zips, nor do I know what to do with a bin file. I am hoping that by posting it, someone with the right know-how can help us fix all these bricked tablets.
Hi all.
I'm wondering if anyone has a viable workaround for the pile of bloatware on the QTAQZ3, I was gifted on a few years ago and it is telling me that it is running out of room. The math for the misc junk file doesn't add up. Display counts 5.2 GB, and clicking the line often shows less than 3 MB.

Tried to flash ROM to China tablet, appears hardbricked, please help?

So, for Christmas my daughter's mom got her an A33 Q88H QuadCore Softwinner tablet, and we discovered the OS it came with had some very strange issues related to a lack of compatibility with Google Play, so I tried to get around that with software, but I needed to be rooted. However, I had bizarre difficulties with SuperSU, unlocking the bootloader, rooting, and even more difficulties trying to flash a custom recovery that I could use to ROOT-- the obscure china tablet had no TWRP or CWM support. I finally tried a very convoluted method of flashing what appeared to be a ROM for the A33 Allwinner tablet, which hadTWRP already installed, so I could use TWRP to root it, and then finally fix the software issues.
However, the process didn't work, and when I rebooted the phone, I found it stuck on a black screen with a tiny android symbol, and that's how it's been since. Holding volume and power button only reboots it to the same screen -- no bootloader or anything, so I can't find any way to try to flash a factory ROM to get it back to regular settings. When I plug it into my computer, it makes the input noise, and shows up in Device Manager as "Android Device" with "Android ADB Interface" drivers successfully installed, but ADB doesn't recognize it as a device, and I can't get it into any sort of download mode -- it isn't recognized in My Computer as a hard drive. So, I can't find a way to interface with the tablet to reflash a stock ROM. :frown:
It's her Christmas present, so I don't want to admit that I've broken it; I've been trying to solve it all night for 12 hours straight, but I just can't find anything that works! Is there any way you guys can help me? :crying:
I tried to attach some pics but the uploader isnt working.

Is my tablet bricked?

Hello, i am new here and i came in here for help.
It all started when i blindly flashed twrp v2.6.0.0 on my tablet, and now i regret that i have done that.
The problem is that it is stuck in a bootloader boot loop and the screen does not work at all when i am at the menu. The os is gone and i can't even go into download mode because the tablet does not have physical volume buttons.
The tablet is an estar mid 7818 mini (rebranded onda v818 mini).
Is there anything i can do? This is my last resort since i am tired of trying to find a solution to this rare problem.
The os is not gone, as it seems that the thing still has the default battery charging screen while being off, but it don't know anymore. I am no stranger to rooting and flashing, but that was mainly done on Samsung phones, which have much better support than some random chinese tablets.
I still need help, though :^(
Cheers if you read my mess.
edit v2:
I actually fixed it! So this is what i did:
1. found a thread on a different forumsuggesting that i should use iroot to download the drivers (because the device was not recognised by any software);
2. rommaster was installed with me not even knowing;
3. I pressed some buttons and the tablet rebooted to android (the ui was in chinese)'
And with my blind luck - i somehow fixed it.
Hopefully i will not end up in this mess again.

