ICS or GB? What should I use? I guess this question is not only mine... - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Greetings my dear friends.
I'm here to give my verdict on the upgrade to ICS after 2 months using the ICS Stock ROM I could finish something. Read and understand.
I have an XPERIA U ST25a retail brazilian.
Sure, the stock ICS ROM is very attractive, all good new stuff found in Android 4.0 are very good, like the new UI or settings menu, the toggles easily accessible are very useful, but the apparent instability and slowness (in moments) make me think why I bought this phone, and also think about going back to the old but great stock GB ROM.
And yes, i use ICS ROM, I made my own modifications and tweaks to the all-bloated ICS Stock ROM get the maximum performance.
But the bugs are really ridiculous.
The battery only charges sometimes if the phone is restarted, otherwise the indicator will be locked at 39%, for example.
The camera seems to be slow compared to the old Stock GingerBread ROM.
The open / close applications is not slow, but sometimes the application takes to respond as if something sucking the system performance.
All these bugs may (or may not) be Sony's problem, but since the era of my old devices I have these SAME problems in some ICS ROMs (I've also tested the FXP CM9 rom, and believe me, if you fill up with apps, will be slow too).
It seems that Android 4.0 ICS is always buggy and slow, and then Eclair 2.1 (horrible) then followed by the 2.2 Froyo (good).
My conclusion: Don't upgrade if you hate a phone will be a little bit slower.
I just do not go back to stock GB ROM why I still enjoy a good user interface instead of performance.
But if you do not like one bit of minimal slowdowns or some bugs, DO NOT bother upgrading to ICS. Just a beautiful day, we have the long awaited Jelly Bean. Even if it is a CM10, the "Butter Project" realizes disappear with lags. And all these little problems may be fixed.
I just let my experience here on this upgrade does not seem that there be a good idea.
Thank you very much

What ics firmware build number are you talking about?
Sent from my Jellybean Xperia S

About any ICS firmware. I've tested B.1.10, B.1.54 and C.1.10 and of these three have similar and different problems. Its a problem about android 4.0 that have been build focused on research data...

Ics is a very ram hungry ...if u have a device which has ram 512 or below that, them trust me it's best to stay at GB.. In my Xperia P ICS eats up 500MB of my ram.i am just left with 430 MB of usable memory...
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2

techno-np said:
Ics is a very ram hungry ...if u have a device which has ram 512 or below that, them trust me it's best to stay at GB.. In my Xperia P ICS eats up 500MB of my ram.i am just left with 430 MB of usable memory...
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2
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But in android free ram doesn't mean more performance, lag will only appear when RAM reaches the "lag level" (30~25 free ram)
Here on my XPU i have 120~140MB free and i don't have any lag. BTW if you install a bunch of crappy apps and let the bloatware of Sony installed you will certainly will get some lag. Even on a XPP with 1GB of RAM you can feel some lags, i've already tested yet!

Yes if you say it like that.. Then yes under a microscope ICS does lag a bit.it's inevitable even the quad cores lag in ics from time to time.. But hey that's why there is JB for the rescue...
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2

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Salo-S said:
Greetings my dear friends.
I'm here to give my verdict on the upgrade to ICS after 2 months using the ICS Stock ROM I could finish something. Read and understand.
I have an XPERIA U ST25a retail brazilian.
Sure, the stock ICS ROM is very attractive, all good new stuff found in Android 4.0 are very good, like the new UI or settings menu, the toggles easily accessible are very useful, but the apparent instability and slowness (in moments) make me think why I bought this phone, and also think about going back to the old but great stock GB ROM.
And yes, i use ICS ROM, I made my own modifications and tweaks to the all-bloated ICS Stock ROM get the maximum performance.
But the bugs are really ridiculous.
The battery only charges sometimes if the phone is restarted, otherwise the indicator will be locked at 39%, for example.
The camera seems to be slow compared to the old Stock GingerBread ROM.
The open / close applications is not slow, but sometimes the application takes to respond as if something sucking the system performance.
All these bugs may (or may not) be Sony's problem, but since the era of my old devices I have these SAME problems in some ICS ROMs (I've also tested the FXP CM9 rom, and believe me, if you fill up with apps, will be slow too).
It seems that Android 4.0 ICS is always buggy and slow, and then Eclair 2.1 (horrible) then followed by the 2.2 Froyo (good).
My conclusion: Don't upgrade if you hate a phone will be a little bit slower.
I just do not go back to stock GB ROM why I still enjoy a good user interface instead of performance.
But if you do not like one bit of minimal slowdowns or some bugs, DO NOT bother upgrading to ICS. Just a beautiful day, we have the long awaited Jelly Bean. Even if it is a CM10, the "Butter Project" realizes disappear with lags. And all these little problems may be fixed.
I just let my experience here on this upgrade does not seem that there be a good idea.
Thank you very much
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Stock ROM: go for GingerBread otherwise CM.

Salo-S said:
But in android free ram doesn't mean more performance, lag will only appear when RAM reaches the "lag level" (30~25 free ram)
Here on my XPU i have 120~140MB free and i don't have any lag. BTW if you install a bunch of crappy apps and let the bloatware of Sony installed you will certainly will get some lag. Even on a XPP with 1GB of RAM you can feel some lags, i've already tested yet!
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I think lag by alot of app is open. So I endtast and free ram. It Work fine with me.

I prefer the GB which is less power hungry on RAM compared to ICS.
ICS, I find it laggy.
Most games lag on ICS compared to GB.

For me, if I'll choose, I'll go for Custom ROM based on ICS(not the stock one that sony distributed). If you don't like stock ROM then I'll stick to GB because ICS consumes more RAM than GB.


ICS on this phone is still horrible.

I updated to 404, and kept it for a week. Now I'm back on GB and oh man it's so much better.
Why is ICS so freaking horrible on this phone?
Compared to GB, ICS is buggy, slow, unstable, unresponsive and prone to hang.
I don't know what you use your phone for, but with mine, I used to play games, browse the web, and listen to music, other than normal phone usage for calls and SMS.
The browser on ICS is pathetically slow and unstable compared to the one in Gingerbread. In GB, you could actually run 720p youtube videos in desktop mode page and it would actually work perfectly. If you do it on ICS you risk hanging your phone and having to remove the battery. Either that, or the browser either crashes or becomes extremely unresponsive to the point even haptic feedback on the back and home buttons becomes delayed. On certain complex desktop pages, swiping becomes unresponsive and responds up to a full second late. Try this on the youtube desktop page or any other big page. Also, the new ICS browser tends to close on it's own for no reason, and as far as I know, there is no way to go back to the home page using it. The only way is to open a new tab, go back to the tab page, close the old tab and switch to the new tab. On the old one all you have to do is simply close all tabs and the browser would automagically put you back to the home page.
Games used to run fairly well on GB but in ICS they are so much more laggy. Some games that were perfectly fluid and playable are choppy on ICS, for example, Wind Up Knight, Let's Golf 3 (which is unplayable), Asphalt 6. The Angry Bots tech demo ran well on GB but it lags like there is no tomorrow on ICS. Another game that used to work perfectly in GB is Riptide GP, after I updated to 404, the game tends to hang the phone after a while, requiring a battery removal.
Other than this, the ICS update has several bugs including malfunctioning led notifications, no compass in google maps (this basically renders google maps unusable), and general clunky feel when scrolling through homescreens, when in GB the whole thing was smooth as silk. Even using a live wallpaper couldn't make the phone slow on GB, while on ICS it looks like even moving a bunch of icons is too much for this phone to handle.
Sure, ICS adds some eye candy such as the NXT theme which I really like, an animation for screen rotation, but I'd rather have a functional phone than a pretty but slow, clunky, unstable phone.
Again, I have no idea why you guys love ICS so much, GB is a lot better in every way imaginable, and as an added bonus, you can use all the Xperia S stuff on it without any problem, including the beautiful new music player.
ICS is simply a slow clunky mess which barely works. I'd love to know why you think it's better than GB.
not true .. it is laggy because it runs on 1ghz .. imagine if ur phone had 600mhz .. laggy as hell but weirdly htc desire c ... can run ics
be lucky that sony actually updated ur xperia ray unlike scamsung they didnt update the galaxy s to ics because its specs cant handle it but it has same specs as our ray
hope u understandd
This is the reason Sony wont provide more updates when they see such threads.....
Remember what they did to XPeria Play users...?
Sony released a Beta ICS for Xperia play and all users started complaining games are laggy !!, it sucks!!, ICS is fail!!... the end result was Sony cancelled ICS for Play..
You are wrong ics runs super smooth on galaxy ace 800mhz older gen cpu
jjdoctor said:
This is the reason Sony wont provide more updates when they see such threads.....
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You are wrong.
The user has every right in the world to complain if something doesn't work properly. I don't think the users complaining has anything to do with Play not receiving ICS.
ICS on Ray is slow and it is much worse than Gingerbread for whatever reason. Maybe our phone is not powerful enough to run ICS in the first place?
Also, I would have preferred an update to Gingerbread with all the Xperia S stuff and gingerbread 2.3.7 to this ICS which is exactly the same as gingerbread for the most part, only much slower and buggy.
A smartphone should be all about ease of use, if I have to resort to modding and overclocking to get the damn thing running at an acceptable level of performance, there has to be something very wrong with it.
MarkMRL said:
ICS on Ray is slow and it is much worse than Gingerbread for whatever reason.
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Sony did offer an explanation for this: ICS was made for a dual core phone with 1 GB RAM
although ICS is new and compelling in many ways, we would like all of our users to make an informed decision when selecting what Android™ software to use. We are actually proud to say that our Gingerbread software is very stable and has great performance, so it’s not a bad idea to stay on this release. Ice Cream Sandwich is more intensive, for example in terms of resource usage.
When it comes to ICS, it’s a major upgrade of Android™, and there are a lot of things that have changed compared to the Gingerbread release. Some of these changes affect the performance and stability of the system, for example by using more CPU power and RAM. ICS was developed with Galaxy Nexus in mind, which is based on a TI platform with dual-core processor and 1GB RAM
Phone is phone
Game console is game console
Phone is not a game console, and you would not get same experience....ever.
ICS is overall much better and functional than GB. Who wants to use 3.3" display for gaming has some serious mental problems :banghead:
Try custom ROMs
I have SE Xperia Ray and try almost all options (rooted/unrooted with custom ROMs or not) sincerely Stock firmware a little laggy in browser or then multitasking particularlry at version 4.03 BUT at 4.04 i see it a big difference in smoothness the OS is much stable. The big problem now is 512 RAM, problem until you root your phone and install custom ROM (you need to unlock bootloader without loosing DRM data) delete aplications who work in backround you really didn't need them like update, livemanager I was very happy when i unninstaled Gmaps that all time worked in background even if GPS off, and now I use Igo for GPS Navigation. Now I have KA20.2 ROM and I can you assure the phone are so smooth and stable. My advice: root your phone, unlock bootlader with a safe method ( I used S1) a install a custom ROM, here on XDA you may found so many nice performing ROMs, and of course remove useless aplication who work in backround and eat your precious RAM. And of course before you unlock bootloader and root the phone, install cwm, read the guides, exists a risk, you know so you need to be informed how to unlock bootloader, root your phone, use fastboot and flashboot mode, of course in the case you never rooted a phone.
Best regards.
On my device I didn't encounter any bugs, lags or poor performance with the ICS.
It's stable, runs smoothly and has the same battery life I had with BG.
One can't say for a fact the ICS don't run well on this device, since other people have different experience with it. A person my note his personal experience - and it's just fine to do so!
costicladk said:
I have SE Xperia Ray and try almost all options (rooted/unrooted with custom ROMs or not) sincerely Stock firmware a little laggy in browser or then multitasking particularlry at version 4.03 BUT at 4.04 i see it a big difference in smoothness the OS is much stable. The big problem now is 512 RAM, problem until you root your phone and install custom ROM (you need to unlock bootloader without loosing DRM data) delete aplications who work in backround you really didn't need them like update, livemanager I was very happy when i unninstaled Gmaps that all time worked in background even if GPS off, and now I use Igo for GPS Navigation. Now I have KA20.2 ROM and I can you assure the phone are so smooth and stable. My advice: root your phone, unlock bootlader with a safe method ( I used S1) a install a custom ROM, here on XDA you may found so many nice performing ROMs, and of course remove useless aplication who work in backround and eat your precious RAM. And of course before you unlock bootloader and root the phone, install cwm, read the guides, exists a risk, you know so you need to be informed how to unlock bootloader, root your phone, use fastboot and flashboot mode, of course in the case you never rooted a phone.
Best regards.
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Where i can find i go navigation? it's free?
play games on ICS? ahaha you make me laugh. small screen but still eager to play games? LOL. go get Xperia Play mate, it build for gamers. i feel sorry for you then. GB is history for me. you'll never move forward if you keep looking back. neway, enjoy your phone mate
@MarkMRL: That's been my experience too, though I don't play games.
I haven't tried the latest ICS though, which people report as being much better.
I moved to CM7.2 - it's very fast, with lots of great features the stock ROM doesn't have.
At the end of the day use what you're happy with
ICS is not buggy but it needs time.
Ok so 1.ICS is better looking cause gingerbread is a pain to ur eyes
2. Its better optimized than gb games are slightly better
3. It is not just for non rooted phones. Like it needs lots of optimiztion. Cuz stock one ahs lot of procceses and u have only 50mb ram free at all time so thats why is laggy. But if you supercharge or smurph out you ray-bam its perfeckt
I have 130 apps lots of procceses running at backround 5 HD games i play and i still
have 120 mb free ram so.. you have wrong thoughts about ics on ray...
Hey man I was in the same boat as you, when I first upgraded to ice I asked myself WTF is this **** and I really hated it, it was slow as hell and laggy but you got to know that developers know a lot more than you and that everything happens for a reason. Sorry but you come across asa huge cry baby
A few weeks back I was almost in the same mind set as you are in right now, I thought gingerbread was the best and ics was just crap but boy was I wrong
follow these steps and il bet you'l make another thread about why you love ics this time
1. Backup all your data, contacts. Msgs and pics
2. Do a factory reset/full wipe
3. Use the seus/pc companion and do a "repair"
4. Root the phone
5. Go to developer options, uncheck "dont keep apps" and "limit background processes" remember UNCHECK
6. Change window&transistion animations to .5
7. Use se tweaker to get cwm
8. Use hansip87s system ui and framework mod smooth scrolling thing (this makes some neat changes and adds notification and control and status widgets to the notification panel and you dont have to use the stupid status widget and the lame control buttons
9. There are some build prop edits /hacks thread where I saw the code for faster UI and scrolling and smoother transistions
10. If you want to use some of the awesome ROMS here by the awesome devs
11. Delete this thread
12. ??????????????
13. PROFIT!!
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I bet you your device will be faster and better than gb now, also its not the end of the world so be patient sony will make it better with each update and please, if you want to game that much why did you buy a phone with a 3.3in screen bro? Pm me if u have any problems
Oh also use root explorer or any other app similar to uninstall the se bloatware crap, I always have 150-120 free RAM always now, plus ics seems to have ajdusted the internal memory a bit
Its better than gb (coming from someone who hated ics 2 weeks back)
rikee said:
Phone is phone
Game console is game console
Phone is not a game console, and you would not get same experience....ever.
ICS is overall much better and functional than GB. Who wants to use 3.3" display for gaming has some serious mental problems :banghead:
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This is not a "phone", it's a smartphone. It should be able to run games and internet browser. And 3.3 inches is more than enough for those silly smartphone games. Every game I tried is perfectly playable and looking good too. I'm not a "smartphone gamer" (just the name makes me cringe), but I enjoy wasting some time with those little games every now and then (I also have a PSP, DS and PSVita by the way). It annoys me that I was able to play certain games before but not anymore.
The point is that I was able to do all of that when I bought it, but now I can't do it anymore.
Icel.me said:
On my device I didn't encounter any bugs, lags or poor performance with the ICS.
It's stable, runs smoothly and has the same battery life I had with BG.
One can't say for a fact the ICS don't run well on this device, since other people have different experience with it. A person my note his personal experience - and it's just fine to do so!
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Are you telling me your Ray has fully functional led notification and compass in google maps? Or that you can watch 720p youtube videos in the browser (or equivalent heavy browsing) without the crappy thing slowing down to a crawl or locking up entirely?
And no, I'm not crying I'm just stating facts.
Also, firefrenzy, that's exactly what I did when I updated to 404. I know all there is to know when it comes to installing stuff, I have unlocked bootloader and installed a stock kernel with CWM I found on this board, and also supercharged to 100%. Still horrible. I haven't tried ICS custom roms yet.
MarkMRL said:
Are you telling me your Ray has fully functional led notification and compass in google maps? Or that you can watch 720p youtube videos in the browser (or equivalent heavy browsing) without the crappy thing slowing down to a crawl or locking up entirely?
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i dont know about the compass in the maps because i dont use the google maps ever, but i have no problems with the led notification or lag when playing hd video through browser, i have multiple tabs, of xda developers and another bodybuilding forum tabs and im using whatsapp messenger and normal messenger with my earphones plugged in listening to music altogeather at once on an almost daily basis and im having no problems, sure all that is slurping away my battery but that is understandable, only issue i had was i could not charge the phone when "switched off" the phone used to go into a bootloop, but the awesome people here fixed that too
Also, firefrenzy, that's exactly what I did when I updated to 404. I know all there is to know when it comes to installing stuff, I have unlocked bootloader and installed a stock kernel with CWM I found on this board, and also supercharged to 100%. Still horrible. I haven't tried ICS custom roms yet.
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ICS was smooth for me & it's smoother now i'm on JJ's Hybrid ROM.
Try a custom rom...
Run on 4.0.4 Original rooted with all bloat remove, including all FB stuff. It runns realy good. Sure get a redraw some times after surfing on some heavy sites or a long driveing session with waze. But in may normal daily use, read e-mail, check calander and make phone calls it runs realy well and lag free.
But the Sony dailer is crap, I use exDailer & Contacts, much better and faster.
This toic should be moved to general. Unless it helps developers in some way which i have a hard time believing.
Sent from my Xperia ray using xda premium

Anyone downgrading back to GB?

I am. And here's why:
1. Consistently LOW RAM in ICS, which leads to issues with apps being very sluggish, or sometimes custom wallpapers in Whatsapp/ChompSMS/GoSMS not loading. No such issue in GB. SIM Toolkit takes up 35MB, HDMI takes 50+ MB, etc etc. I usually only have 80-120MB free for apps. A far cry from the 200+ in GB.
2. Low WiFi signal - No such issue in GB.
3. Occasional freeze. No such issue in GB.
I have:
- Done a reset and installed everything from scratch (no improvement)
- Done a clean flash and re-installed everything from scratch (no improvement).
So, back to .75 GB for me.
Try another firmware.
Repair with pcc or sus.
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
You're, again, one of the many who is complaining about ICS...
Well if you want to downgrade, that's something you should do. I have to say my experience is just fine. As seen in the screenshot, memory is just fine. SwiftKey is consuming about 60MB of RAM, but besides that there's nothing troubling.
Battery is fine as well. Heavy usage gives me about 17 hours (WhatsApp, GTalk, Browser, Walkman, Google Reader, Facebook, WordFeud).
Also WiFi.. I guess you might be right with that. But I can't say it with certainty, as my WiFi signal has always been low...
I did have to do a complete wipe and remove Google's Backup of my data to make everything work fine.
And here is mine not rooted.
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
I was also thinking of downgrading and actually I did and used for couple of days before I decided to try again, which is a great thing I did.
Mine is smooth (well, almost there) besides the Facebook application itself and shuttering music when played through the Bluetooth. Given the fact that this is the first ICS firmware, I'm sure that there will be bug fix soon, but there isn't anything which you can't handle.
I've no launcher re-draws so far, no lags (besides occasional ones in the launcher) and I've more than 70 applications installed and more than two dozen running in the back ground.
If you want to go back, well it's your phone and your choice and no one is stopping you!
ICS had been a great experience for me, much smoother over all, issues with GB have been fixed, stock browser is excellent, speaker during call is loud, much better bluetooth, ICS animations, far better keyboard, contact groups, higher bitrate camera and list goes on.
Issues with memory are redundant, wifi signal might appear lower but I've never had drops and I use hotspot for vpn to work on trips.
Battery life is the same for me 1.5 days with medium use.
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
I already downgraded.
I might upgrade again on the weekend with the rooting guide.
The main problem I had with ics is unacceptable battery drain in standby, with root hopefullyi might be able to pin point the cause and fix the issue.
I do hope Sony are aware of the problems and patch them soon, because ics on the xs is pretty damn good and I miss not having it.
upgraded again. Stock ICS Au Generic via PCC.
I now understand why reviews of this phone weren't so great with it running GB. :cyclops:
The battery life on ICS improved a lot after rooting & uninstalling some preinstalled apps. I noticed significant improvement in standby time after uninstalling ANT radio (related services), Update service etc. and many other useless (for me) apps/services which were draining a lot of battery (esp. on standby)! And it also gives a lot of free ram (about 250-350 mb).
ICS has been faster, smoother, better looking (esp small font) without any lags/redraws for me. There are many improved apps and all but also are a few glitches/minor bugs on this ICS build by sony which hopefully shall be fixed soon!
Overall, I would say that ICS is Faster and Cooler than GB, but GB surely is much stable/Reliable wrt current ICS build. I am on CE ICS rom.
Well if you don't mind trying development stuff, there is this custom ROM already out there which has some tweaks and lots of things removed which makes battery life better by removing programs that would otherwise be running in the background and it will also help speed a little.
Even though, it is a custom ROM. But talking about vanilla ICS i think its just as good as GB. Its common for it to use more RAM as most of newer programs do (Like Windows 7 vs Windows XP) or so, but thats just using the resources we got.
On the Linux kernel, free RAM is wasted RAM.
KeiranFTW said:
On the Linux kernel, free RAM is wasted RAM.
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Yes but to cache things you need the RAM in the first place, you can't make it appear out of thin air. Removing some system apps can still help overall.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
gparent said:
Yes but to cache things you need the RAM in the first place, you can't make it appear out of thin air. Removing some system apps can still help overall.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
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That's why some tasks are ended for new ones to start
KeiranFTW said:
On the Linux kernel, free RAM is wasted RAM.
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Yes, as you have repeatedly said in multiple threads. However, free RAM on the xps is not wasted, it actually provides a smoother experience and allows Apps to load properly without constant redrawing and cache swapping. It's also not ending tasks for new ones to start as all the system apps which cannot be killed are clogging the ram.
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
Rashkae said:
Yes, as you have repeatedly said in multiple threads. However, free RAM on the xps is not wasted, it actually provides a smoother experience and allows Apps to load properly without constant redrawing and cache swapping. It's also not ending tasks for new ones to start as all the system apps which cannot be killed are clogging the ram.
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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I also rolled back to GB. For me ICS is just a hair smoother, but ICS on Galaxy neuxs is way smoother, so i'm not impressed.
LED notification is not working.
So other than that, the whole experience is just very similar to GB if not the same. after rolled back to GB, i don't miss ICS a bit, lol.
for the Free RAM is waste RAM stuff, i don't offense it because it is Linux, but on my ipad3, still 1GB ram, after boot up, it showed 803MB free, and it just works (fast and smooth inside out), but again they are completely different system, can't say which is better, don't comment on multitasking since they both just work.
BUT hey, Xperia launcher used excessive amount of ram but still not smooth in ICS and GB, what are you caching, app performance in GB is just as good as in ICS, everything is fast but not smooth (compare to my gf's lower spec Galaxy nexus). She asked why and insisted i should pick galaxy nexus, i can't say a word, lol. (but i love XS design and HDMI output)
So, if you don't mind GB is older and encounter many problems in ICS, roll back wouldn't hurt you a bit.:laugh:
Do you think there will be any ICS fix from Sony? Becasue toomorrow i am going to buy XS, and i am deciding whether to stay on GB or upgrade to ISC.
Nothing else i care but, wifi signal and camera. I use wifi mostly when i am on my bed, and until now I had always 1/3 signal (HTC Desire S, Xperia U). I am sure on GB it will be the same, but i am afraid what will happen after upgrade on ICS I hope i will not have any problems. What do you think?
And what about camera? Has improved with ICS?
mmarekk11 said:
Do you think there will be any ICS fix from Sony? Becasue toomorrow i am going to buy XS, and i am deciding whether to stay on GB or upgrade to ISC.
Nothing else i care but, wifi signal and camera. I use wifi mostly when i am on my bed, and until now I had always 1/3 signal (HTC Desire S, Xperia U). I am sure on GB it will be the same, but i am afraid what will happen after upgrade on ICS I hope i will not have any problems. What do you think?
And what about camera? Has improved with ICS?
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There is an ics update soon...
Wifi on ics is the same as gb,maybe the icon show less bars but connectivity is the same.
Yes the camera has improved on ics.
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Do you think there will be any ICS fix from Sony? Becasue toomorrow i am going to buy XS, and i am deciding whether to stay on GB or upgrade to ISC.
Nothing else i care but, wifi signal and camera. I use wifi mostly when i am on my bed, and until now I had always 1/3 signal (HTC Desire S, Xperia U). I am sure on GB it will be the same, but i am afraid what will happen after upgrade on ICS I hope i will not have any problems. What do you think?
And what about camera? Has improved with ICS?
there is a new update in line..
KeiranFTW said:
That's why some tasks are ended for new ones to start
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Why would you want that instead of the task still running (or being cached rather than killed) because there's enough RAM? Thanks for proving my point.

Which is the fastest ROM for RAY ?

I am looking for a best stock or custom rom for ray for daily using with some of productivity apps. SO guys, please tell me the fastest ROM for Ray and the instruction pls . Thanks
shemulweb said:
I am looking for a best stock or custom rom for ray for daily using with some of productivity apps. SO guys, please tell me the fastest ROM for Ray and the instruction pls . Thanks
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thread about this topic has been opened before
Best Rom
Post your BenchMark Scores For Xperia Ray
there you found your answer
OptiMax is the best rom for Xperia Ray.
Co-Head of TDOT
Sent from my Xperia Ray powered by FXP CM10 and Flykernel Jellybean using Tapatalk 2
No rom can beat JB regarding smoothness. I tried both PAC and Cyanogen, both are great in that regard, but i think PAC is a bit better due to the presence of AOKP and a better camera.
I wouldnt recommend 4.0 custom rom, especially with Aroma installer. I'm gonna say it blunt, as i think it : all those are frankeinstein monsters built from parts badly put together, there is no graphical cohesion or harmony. Even the Sony stock roms now get elements from other phones, and overall, look really, really amateurish.
Kafka Datura said:
No rom can beat JB regarding smoothness. I tried both PAC and Cyanogen, both are great in that regard, but i think PAC is a bit better due to the presence of AOKP and a better camera.
I wouldnt recommend 4.0 custom rom, especially with Aroma installer. I'm gonna say it blunt, as i think it : all those are frankeinstein monsters built from parts badly put together, there is no graphical cohesion or harmony. Even the Sony stock roms now get elements from other phones, and overall, look really, really amateurish.
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I totally disagree. While the JB may be smooth without any apps installed and some tweaking, ICS allows you to run a plethora of apps like skype and facebook without becoming a lagging monster.
The majority of custom ICS roms out there are not pretty, but OptiMax 2, JellySandwich 7.4 are raising the bar. I also have really high hopes for Iced Bean 3.
For really smooth go for ForsakenGB rom 3! Also the best experience I have had gaming wise
Between Iced bean 2.1 and Optimax 2.0 ?
still jj hybrid for me.
Sent from my ST18i using xda premium
I would say superleggra v3. I try all roms and always end up using it. Superb battery life and smoothness. Iced bin is also nice except having some small problem.
Web_E said:
I would say superleggra v3. I try all roms and always end up using it. Superb battery life and smoothness. Iced bin is also nice except having some small problem.
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I'm using this ROM too and must agree
xzeiP said:
I totally disagree. While the JB may be smooth without any apps installed and some tweaking, ICS allows you to run a plethora of apps like skype and facebook without becoming a lagging monster.
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Are you implying that 4.1 can become a lagging monster ? Because i never saw that with my eyes.
On the other hand, yeah, 4.0 is stable. Stable in sluggishy, but stable. Unless you have friends and many texts : then, you're screwed.
Kafka Datura said:
Are you implying that 4.1 can become a lagging monster ? Because i never saw that with my eyes.
On the other hand, yeah, 4.0 is stable. Stable in sluggishy, but stable. Unless you have friends and many texts : then, you're screwed.
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I am not implying, I am saying that it can become a lagging monster. I have experienced it myself. It only takes a few large apps to overload 4.1.
xzeiP said:
I am not implying, I am saying that it can become a lagging monster. I have experienced it myself. It only takes a few large apps to overload 4.1.
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Well. I have 140 apps on my phone. 40 of them are games. I use swap and link2sd to make space. I use my rom with those apps and without swap enabled when i paly a game like subway surfers. It runs smoothly and when i hit home i have my launcehr full of widgets. Then with subway surfer in memory i launch Nfs most wanted and i play it also with minimal lag. My mum texts me on whats app that moment so i realise whats app didnt get killed by those two games. So i can say i have superb multitasking in genereal on ics not saying only in my rom but my rom improowes things... i tryed fxp145 witch is their most stable relese. It was smooth. i agree but it was smooth until i installed my 140 apps. I enabled swap(on ics i told about i didnt used swap) so i enabled it cuz it wass laggy and apps were starting very slow. So i rebooted wit swap and launched subway surfers. It was smooth. I liked this. but after 1 min playing it started laging I pressed home. and i had no launcher. It was killed(god damn it this is suposed to be cm10) I realy disliked that. anyway then i ensured subway surf is in memory cached and i launched nfs most wanted. I started playign and it was lagging a lot then told my mum to whats app me. I receved it and nfs most wanted killed itself and it returned me to home automatically and again my launcher was killd. So is jb good - yes but not for our xperias. We dont have any drivers for it. So thats why.
xzeiP said:
I am not implying, I am saying that it can become a lagging monster. I have experienced it myself. It only takes a few large apps to overload 4.1.
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I was like "how much does it take, seriously ?", and then Mr Tapa made his post. 140 apps, are you godamn ****ing serious ?
Honestly, 140 is not much. It may seem for people who only knew smartphones with so little internal storage but believe once you enter the tablet or the more recent smartphones, 8 gb isn't even enough !
DannyBiker said:
Honestly, 140 is not much. It may seem for people who only knew smartphones with so little internal storage but believe once you enter the tablet or the more recent smartphones, 8 gb isn't even enough !
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Meh for me 32 gb sd card class 10 is slow and not enough space
DannyBiker said:
Honestly, 140 is not much. It may seem for people who only knew smartphones with so little internal storage but believe once you enter the tablet or the more recent smartphones, 8 gb isn't even enough !
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That would be thinking we have an endless need for apps and stuff only limited by storage. Sorry dude, but this isn't even remotely intelligent. 140 apps, not much ? I'm not even sure the uncompressible time of loading all of them can fit during a few days of a busy man.
Sorry to say guyz, but when you answer something like "4.1 can be a laggy monster", have the reflex to end up your sentence : "when i install my 140 applications, wich is not much", so that some readers can quickly detect they're just not talking about the damn same thing.
So, to me : i have 12 dowloaded applications, never saw 4.1 get laggy whatsoever. But i communicate a lot with texts, and as soon as i reach 30 of them on internal memory, all the 4.0 i've tested become increasingly sluggy, to a point where opening my contacts app takes up to 5 seconds.

(Sola) (Q) RAM Usage on Gingerbread?

Yep, this is still a problem.
I just noticed my that Sony may have been right in directing me to check available RAM on ICS. I have a tiny amount of RAM available and had to delete many apps, still the phone doesn't run smoothly.
Anyone here still on Gingerbread? What's your available RAM like? Roughly, how many apps do you have installed? I may switch back, I've had enough.
I can see why this happened:
Flashing time maybe
SharpnShiny said:
Yep, this is still a problem.
I just noticed my that Sony may have been right in directing me to check available RAM on ICS. I have a tiny amount of RAM available and had to delete many apps, still the phone doesn't run smoothly.
Anyone here still on Gingerbread? What's your available RAM like? Roughly, how many apps do you have installed? I may switch back, I've had enough.
We do not have the same phones so i do not know if the following is relevant or even possible for you. I recently flashed the ics333 rom with a semaphore kernel on my Galaxy SI and it really flies. If i have understood correctly the semaphore kernel frees up extra ram. I now have on average 140-170Mb available instead of 30-60Mb It makes such a difference. even games like Temple Run which i could not play before work without lag.
You should maybe consider flashing an optimised rom, if available.
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A better kernel, or simply a custom ROM, I appreciate your help! :victory:
I came back from my first trip to Paris and my camera app kept freezing, it drove me crazy. I'll definitely look into the kernels.
SharpnShiny said:
Yep, this is still a problem.
I just noticed my that Sony may have been right in directing me to check available RAM on ICS. I have a tiny amount of RAM available and had to delete many apps, still the phone doesn't run smoothly.
Anyone here still on Gingerbread? What's your available RAM like? Roughly, how many apps do you have installed? I may switch back, I've had enough.
I just switched back to GB stock ROM (184 kernel) after having tried ICS stock and xICS Hybrid ROM. In both the ICS based ROMs , I found that the battery usage is quite high (both normal usage and standby) . Also the phone started freezing after a certain number of apps were launched. I face no such issues in GB Stock ROM and it is quite fast too. Also Sony has done a good work wid UI esp. Gesture based typing and word predicition(which is quite accurate)
I have around 12-15 apps installed and I use most of them regularly yet I always have around 90-120 MB of free RAM and I have never run into issues with free RAM as such.
Also, while using ICS receiving a call used to be laggy esp when you are in middle of something and u get a call but GB is quite good in that respect. So I can safely suggest GB is well suited for Sola . Go for ICS only if you need a feature specific to it or if you are too crazy about new UI. Hope this helps a bit :laugh:
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That really helps, thanks! :good:
I couldn't remember much about RAM usage on GingerB but I knew that I didn't have that freezing problem with apps or with phone calls etc. On ICS, I checked my RAM and it was constantly around 20MB, I never imagined I'd be the person that installed too many apps for the RAM to handle. I think Sony made some poor decisions re: RAM and OS upgrade.
Thankfully we can backup our ROMS so easily so I think I'll go back to Gingerbread.
SharpnShiny said:
That really helps, thanks! :good:
I couldn't remember much about RAM usage on GingerB but I knew that I didn't have that freezing problem with apps or with phone calls etc. On ICS, I checked my RAM and it was constantly around 20MB, I never imagined I'd be the person that installed too many apps for the RAM to handle. I think Sony made some poor decisions re: RAM and OS upgrade.
Thankfully we can backup our ROMS so easily so I think I'll go back to Gingerbread.
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Juts to add to my last post, After switching back to GB I found that the battery usage (on standby ) overnight dropped to 3% from 30-40% in case of ICS based ROMs :laugh:

(Sola) Meets ICS Specs but Fails? *Timescape Retired*

Hi all, I'm hoping for discussion so I chose here instead of simple Q&A.
Like a lot of people here I'm looking ahead to my next phone purchase and I'm trying to see what went wrong with ICS on the Sola. The forum is filled with theads on problems, I won't list them.
Here's the crux of the issue; I read here: http://androidtechguru.blogspot.ie/2012/02/minimum-system-requirements-for-ice.html
that the head Mod of CyanogenMod says that the ICS mimimum spec is 256mb of RAM with a decent GPU, and seperately, other people say that 1ghz dual core, 512 RAM is recommended. The Sola has this precisely. Why is ICS so bad on it? You can Google many, many reviews of even high-end Sony phones on ICS and they still lag like a pensioner going down a motorway. Why?
Is it true that the Sola reserves some RAM related to the extra sensors in the screen? I read more people saying 1GB or RAM is needed for ICS to run smoothly. I noticed that reviewers on Techradar say Jelly Bean runs much better that ICS on the same specs. So, is 1GB of RAM the standard needed for ICS? How about CPU and GPU?
p.s. I should say that a Sony rep on their official forum recommended me to download a task manager to manage the RAM on the Sola...how revealing!
NOTE - Timescape now retired: http://www.xperiablog.net/2013/01/14/rip-timescape-long-live-socialife/
Liked that motorway part
512mb is sufficient for ics (nexus s)
Its runs ics so smoothly
What sony does is that it adds an extra layer of Timescape launcher
Along wid that loads of bloatware
And regarding using task manager
Its worse one could do make phone unstable
Task manager kills app
Apps then reopen by themselves
Task manager again kills app
And the process continues till the battery is drained
Edit - I have same prblm on my xu sola n xu are twins
Thanks, I'm really trying to learn about how this works.
So, 512MB RAM for ICS, but perhaps more after a manufacturer has added their skin and apps?
Is there any other big problem with the specs for the Sola or U?
Battery drain, has anyone else noticed many of Sony's late 2012 medium-high end phones have 1900mha batteries, but reviews on GSMArena and TechRadar say their actual performance is about 1400/1500? (Check out the Ion, Acro S and others) The opposite can also be true but is rare from what I see - the iPhone5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini have small batteries 1400/1500 but their battery performance is more like 1800-2000. I don't know what Apple and Samsung did to make it that good, but the stats tell me Sony is really messing something up to reduce the battery performance that badly despite 1900. Maybe that is the Timescape UI eating the battery?
I wont say that about Samsung bt for apple
I have used an iphone 3gs and a galaxy note (my dad's)
Note's battery backup is even worse than my xu (probably coz it has always swtiched on 3g n gmail)
I have never seen an android wid good battery (except my brothers htc desire v)
The best battery I got in 3gs
---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------
My phone gives me a descent battery wid brains rom about 20hrs wid 4hrs of wifi, alot of messaging and hardly any calls
What about sola?
Have a look at this: http://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_razr_i_xt890-4998.php
And the battery performance: http://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_razr_i_xt890-review-828p2.php (bottom of this page)
I hope you wet yourself when you see this. I did. :laugh: :laugh:
64hrs?? Wtf??
I guess its due to intel chipset
I will collect money to buy this now I even beats my Nokia n86
Novathor also has an image of being power efficient
Bt I guess its the sony **** that pulls it down
drsanket_xperia_u said:
Liked that motorway part
512mb is sufficient for ics (nexus s)
Its runs ics so smoothly
What sony does is that it adds an extra layer of Timescape launcher
Along wid that loads of bloatware
And regarding using task manager
Its worse one could do make phone unstable
Task manager kills app
Apps then reopen by themselves
Task manager again kills app
And the process continues till the battery is drained
Edit - I have same prblm on my xu sola n xu are twins
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A normal task manager doesn't do this you're talking about an automated task killer.
It is a feature some of task managers out there have.
If you have a task manager with an auto kill feature you can, in most cases, disable it.
A task manager can help save battery juice, as long as you don't use any auto kill "features".
Its really confusing about Sola, I think the headline of this thread summarize everything.. It just failed.
Well sure thing for me now its not a ram issue, I'm using my Sola lately without task manager, and just by limiting background process to 3, it runs with 30-40 free ram even better and more stable than 120 by a task manager, Android has its own ram management unlike Windows mobile for example where free ram is something important.
I'm using "Watchdog" task manager where it kills only apps that eat CPU not Ram.
Slow performance always start after few days of using, like now I'm in third day without restarting device started to face random lags.
And I think JB could maybe run faster than ICS even with same specs, imo best os is the one able to run good on minimum or normal required specs, like Vista - Win7 thing on laptops , vista was older but crap comparing to win7 even on same specs.
And btw even Sony devices with 1G ram like P, has issues with performance.. So it's either a CPU issue, or Sony customization.
Sent from my MT27i
i did notice that the facebook app sucks a lot of battery and resources from sola. On medium usage my phone goes well past a day, that is after i upgraded to .154 and uninstalling the facebook app
Check out the other Motorola phones released just before Christmas, they ALL have batteries above 2000mha! I have checked many reviews and they all seem to perform up to a very high standard. I have even chatted on here with guys who own these phones and they post battery stats lasting 2-3 days!! That's what I'm talking about...Motorola is apparently using a giant advertisment in the US saying 'A smartphone is not so smart if you have to leave it plugged into the wall all the time'.
I didn't notice the Xperia P had 1GB of RAM, and it's still slow??? I really think that's Sony's skin then. I've been reading many phones with 1GB of RAM that are really fast on ICS/JB.
By the way, that Motorola RAZR i...single core 2ghz, the GSMArena tests say that it performs better than most quad-core phones...shocking huh? Intel says the single core saves power.
drsanket_xperia_u said:
Liked that motorway part
512mb is sufficient for ics (nexus s)
Its runs ics so smoothly
What sony does is that it adds an extra layer of Timescape launcher
Along wid that loads of bloatware
And regarding using task manager
Its worse one could do make phone unstable
Task manager kills app
Apps then reopen by themselves
Task manager again kills app
And the process continues till the battery is drained
Edit - I have same prblm on my xu sola n xu are twins
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Well i own a xu and i cant agree with you, ics here works fine and i have lots of apps installed too, ram usage is high but system is smooth overall and i havent had a single crash or reboot yet (been almost 3 weeks with ics).Cant be happier with my phone.
Edit: Btw it is not rooted and its bootloader locked, runing ics stock.
Even my very low end LG p500 with 512MB ram and a arm v6 600Mhz cpu can run ics just fine, even with old kernel, lack of sources, hacks, etc. I was using oxygen ics at the time.
In my opinion it only require a proper rom building, where most of the companies are failing.
Enviado de meu LT22i usando o Tapatalk 2
diegonnc said:
Well i own a xu and i cant agree with you, ics here works fine and i have lots of apps installed too, ram usage is high but system is smooth overall and i havent had a single crash or reboot yet (been almost 3 weeks with ics).Cant be happier with my phone.
Edit: Btw it is not rooted and its bootloader locked, runing ics stock.
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My friend's XU also working great on ICS, it's also stock, not rooted, locked BL..
Sent from my MT27i
I also have LG P500 and with lastest Jelly bean 4.1.2 build from XDA masters works super fast and smooth. Ram free is about 200MB, apps loads instantly. Battery last for 3 days...
diegonnc said:
Well i own a xu and i cant agree with you, ics here works fine and i have lots of apps installed too, ram usage is high but system is smooth overall and i havent had a single crash or reboot yet (been almost 3 weeks with ics).Cant be happier with my phone.
Edit: Btw it is not rooted and its bootloader locked, runing ics stock.
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Well guess u folks lucky, coz i had some major issues running ICS on my U. Was practically forced to first root (so as to use some root tools to get stuff done,) then Unlock BL for Custom ROM. (Very Happy with CM9.1 - Was pretty happy just using TheBrainROM also, but I did get a Lag once in a while -Not very common, just once in a while. Using CM fxp 202 atm, and it hasn't lagged even once. O_O )
NOTE:- I did have a LOT of apps (over 100 user apps i believe), stilll I have most of them on CM but, no problems at all. (battery seems a bit worse though i could be wrong as TheBrainROM had some really good battery times, - I would get upto 1 and half days with charge. -Phone never on extended standby.)
Also @Silver If u think Windows 7 was good, check the performance on Windows 8. Heck even games are running smoother and faster. :/
Sony ends Timescape for future phones, converts everything into one option user app called Sociallife: http://www.xperiablog.net/2013/01/14/rip-timescape-long-live-socialife/
Maybe the 2013 phones will see a performance boost?
Well I'm using stock .54 without task managers for 5 days now without restart, device is running great, even with receiving calls while I'm using many apps.
For me using task managers with "Kill All" was the problem.
Sent from my MT27i
Before the Sola, I had the 2011 Xperia Mini (ST15i). It came on 2.3 with upgrade to 4.0. I gave it to my brother when I got the Sola. Tonight, I played with that phone again on ICS. It is *SO* fast and smooth it really puts the Sola phone to shame.
Comparisson of these two phones?
This is another thing about buying new phones: dual-core does not necessarily mean better performance from what I've seen. A more powerful processor, yes.
SharpnShiny said:
Before the Sola, I had the 2011 Xperia Mini (ST15i). It came on 2.3 with upgrade to 4.0. I gave it to my brother when I got the Sola. Tonight, I played with that phone again on ICS. It is *SO* fast and smooth it really puts the Sola phone to shame.
Comparisson of these two phones?
This is another thing about buying new phones: dual-core does not necessarily mean better performance from what I've seen. A more powerful processor, yes.
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but your sola has so much more pixels to play with, it's normal that the mini is smoother
ilgreco112 said:
but your sola has so much more pixels to play with, it's normal that the mini is smoother
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I was thinking about keeping the Sola's resolution in the next phone, particularly to take it easy on the battery. Would you recommend that to keep the CPU relaxed too? I really don't know a lot about how this works but I'm keen to learn.
By the way, for anyone else interested on Android skins and updates, I spotted more hints on Sony's 2013 phone skins, Sony mentions it will be 'very light and easily updated':

