[REQ]Original 4.2 Statusbar - Galaxy S Advance I9070 Themes and Apps

Can anybody port the ORIGINAL 4.2 statusbar for our phone? Or at least the stock bar from our phone but with original JB icons. I know there are a lot of jellybean statusbar mods and I appreciate everybody's work, but I think I'm not the only one who want the stock, clean-looking statusbar.


[REQ] Colored notification bar icons - stock ICS

I really love the work that WasabiWa83 has done with his notification bar icons for various roms, but I asked he said he won't be making them for the stock ICS rom.
So my question for all you themers out there is this.... Are there any notification icon packs like this for a stock ICS rom?

[Q] Transparent statusbar home- and lockscreen

Since we'll most likely won't get KitKat on our device, I decided to edit the statusbar on the stock, deodexed, ICS rom that I use as a daily driver. A transparent statusbar, custom battery icons, a KitKat wallpaper and Nova launcher would be good enough for me.
So I followed this guide and succeeded in making the statusbar 100% transparent. Problem is that it also remaines transparent when the statusbar is pulled down and in certain apps. For example in Gmail the bar turns white so the icons in the statusbar can't be seen. In Maps it remains transparent so you'll see your icons twice and a bit overlapping.
When using apktool, does anyone know which lines need to be edited in what app to only make the statusbar transparent in home- and lockscreen?
Thanks in advance!
Use Xposed framework and Xblast tools...why are you going hard way when there is easy one
nemanja.krpovic said:
Use Xposed framework and Xblast tools...why are you going hard way when there is easy one
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the tip, already tried achieving it with Xposed and Xblast but it doesn't seem to work. Most likely because I'm still in ICS. I know I know I should upgrade etc but I just like ICS better
Will dive into the SystemUI, Rosie and framework-res apk's a bit more to see if I can find how the statusbar background is set and with what actions.
Please do something like that .... I would love to try that on my DX

[REQUEST] 4.3, AOSP statusbar icons [Also smaller statusbar?]

Has anyone managed to get aosp statusbar icons on 4.3 Note 2?
ALSO how do i get a smaller statusbar, except by changing the DPIs (which doesn't work well on 4.3)?

[Q] Fix for crappy fonts on the status bar in Xgo stock??

Can anybody guide me to a link where i can find ics style status bar fonts (they looked much better than ****ty jb ones) or any other fix for this

[Q] full transperant status bar on touchwiz home 4.3

Is there any way to get full transperant statusbar on s3 stock rooyed 4.3
I just want touchwiz home to show transperant bar instead of translucent.. thanks

