Minor problem with tilting in racing games - Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0, 5.0

Have this problem in any racing game I play which involves tilting the screen to steer the car (I only play one game but I've tried others and had this same problem). The car/bike won't go in a straight line, it always tilts to one side even if I'm holding the device straight so I have to keep it going back and forth to steer properly. This doesn't happen on any other android device which I have used.
I think the way to solve this is to decrease the horizontal calibration sensitivity but I'm not sure how.


Raging Thunder 2/Homerun Battle 3D accelerometer issues

Does anyone else have accelerometer issues while playing either of these games. Mine come and go. Sometimes the turning in Raging Thunder 2 and the aiming in Homerun Battle are smooth and responsive, but sometimes (more often than not) they are choppy and unresponsive. In Raging Thunder 2 sometimes it feels like it doesn't register that I'm tilting the phone until I get past a certain angle, while other times the slightest tilt makes the car turn. It's really frustrating and I can't seem to pinpoint why it does this on and off. I've tried reinstalling both games and also rebooting my phone to no avail.
This has been posted many times before. Just download Android Sensor Data from the android market and let it do it's thing. Then go back to your games and the accelerometer should work like it's suppose to. I don't know what the app does, but it seems to fix the issue. Every time you boot up your phone, you have to run this program. Hope this helps.
Thanks! ! I'll give it a try.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Worked great! Thanks.

The Gyroscope Issue - Just Me?

I've had my S2 for about a week now. Since day one in the settings menu the gyroscope didn't want to calibrate. It didn't move, either.
I've played NOVA HD using the gyroscope controller - which sucked. It kept moving on its own. It seems to highly favor the upper-left side.
Also tried it on some kind of a cube app from the market that uses the gyroscope as the controller. Same issue, I think?
Don't know if the tests were all right. Not my specialty. Try to compare your own experience with mine. See if it's a widespread issue.
I've made a video of the issue. The game is unplayable because of the movement that's out of your control. It's like the occasional mouse issue where it get its own brain and starts moving around and you're annoyed as hell feeling helpless. Or rather, it's like you trying to control a heavily drunk Sims character. Or your family member. Whatever.
Video is in HD, give it a few hours to appear in 720p.
The gyrosensor calibration does not move, and never did for me. Second, did you try playing in a different location? Magnetic waves can interfere with your phone's sensors.
Seems this problem only occurs with NOVA, that coffepot thing you showed before doesn't suffer from the weird spontaneous movement.
Different locations - same thing.

Dead Space Multitouch Bug

I haven't seen any fixes to this problem but others have reported it, and since it makes the game about 30% less fun I wanted to see if anyone had found a solution.
Basically, the problem is that most of the time, if you run (which involves touching the left side the screen) while looking around (touching the right side of the screen), when you stop the right touch your character stops and you stutter/can't move for about 3 seconds.
I've heard that this also happens with Grand Theft Auto III on Evo 3D, but that it DOESN'T happen with other high-end games. Also, on at least two occasions I'm pretty certain this problem DIDN'T come up--the game allowed multitouch with no problems whatsoever.
Has anyone else experienced this? BTW, I'm running stock.

Problem with accelerometer?

I noticed that while playing some games like doodle jump and temple run the character always tends to shift to the right. This would happen every even when keeping the base of the tablet on a flat surface.
So i did a test with androsensor and from the results i figure that there is a problem with the sensor since X axis shows a reading of -0.9 when i hold it vertically with the base of the tablet on a flat surface. Tilting it to about 10° to the left gets reading back to around 0
Is this a hardware issue or a setting problem? I got the tablet sometime in January but didn't notice the problem then.
I am running cm7 beta.
Attachment shows readings while holding tablet vertically and the charger side of the device on a table.
If it is a software issue can it be fixed? I could not find any calibration settings in the settings section
satan89 said:
I noticed that while playing some games like doodle jump and temple run the character always tends to shift to the right. This would happen every even when keeping the base of the tablet on a flat surface.
So i did a test with androsensor and from the results i figure that there is a problem with the sensor since X axis shows a reading of -0.9 when i hold it vertically with the base of the tablet on a flat surface. Tilting it to about 10° to the left gets reading back to around 0
Is this a hardware issue or a setting problem? I got the tablet sometime in January but didn't notice the problem then.
I am running cm7 beta.
Attachment shows readings while holding tablet vertically and the charger side of the device on a table.
If it is a software issue can it be fixed? I could not find any calibration settings in the settings section
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
probably needs a calibration for the accelerometer. i am not sure if there is an app for that though.

Samsung Tab 3 touch screen issues with clash of clans

Real issues with this recently. Love the game and been playing it successfully on my tablet for over a year. Recently when playing the touch screen is not behaving. I drop a troop in one corner and heal spell gets dropped randomly elsewhere. I click on the screen and it zooms in and out sporadically. Hold down your finger to train loads of one troop and I end up with 5 different troops. It's a mess. Can't play the game. Tried to do a raid select a troop and a different one gets put down somewhere else.
Sent this away twice to be repair and they say the is nothing wrong with touchscreen. Any advice?
Samsung tablet 3 GT-P5210 thank you
I have a similar issue with Clash of Clans and Portal Quest (the two games I play the most), but it seems intermittent to me. I close out the game and start over and it works for a while (generally for a good hour or so but it's been as short as a few minutes). I assumed it was a bug in the software somewhere since the games generally works for me, just have to restart the games occasionally. I've played the same two games on another tablet without issue.

