Better than equalsIgnoreCase? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am trying to make this application in which user needs to type in keyword. I would like to make it so that if user inputs, for example "lessons", string, with name "lessons list" would still appear, because we are talking about lessons. Maybe you have any tips, or maybe there are any android api's functions that would look not for the ideal match of strings, but for relatively close match of strings.

str1.contains(str2) is all you need (str1 is your string to compare, and str2 is your keyword).
Note that uppercase and lowercase characters aren't the same, so you should match them: str1.toLowerCase().contains(str2.toLowerCase()).


[REF][ADV] The B&N Home Screen Internals

The B&N Home application lets you add B&N-purchased books to the home screen and arrange/resize them arguably better than most generic android launchers. Unfortunately this doesn't work for sideloaded books. This is most definitely not because it can't be done, but likely as an incentive for you to purchase books from B&N and not sideload. The following describes the sqlite3 database entries necessary to manually add sideloaded books (and potentially other things) to this home screen.
Warning: Changes should not be attempted by someone not at least somewhat familiar with adb and sqlite3. This is not intended as a how-to for adding sideloaded books to the home screen (since it is tedious, and not something you'd likely do often manually), but more as a reference for someone to perhaps develop an android app for the NC to do so on-device. If you don't use the B&N Home at all and use the device more as a tablet than an e-reader, you can completely ignore this post.
Relevant databases:
/data/data/ - Contains the home screen 'workspace' table with entries for each item on the home screen.
/data/data/ - Contains the 'lastreadingpoint' table which records the last read position for all books (B&N and sideloaded).
/data/data/ - Android 'media' provider database containing content entries for books (among other things). Heavily modified by B&N.
home.db, workspace table
CREATE TABLE workspace (_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, thumbnail_url TEXT, cover_image_url TEXT, ean TEXT, title TEXT, author TEXT, desktop_num INT NOT NULL, left INT NOT NULL, top INT NOT NULL, right INT NOT NULL, bottom INT NOT NULL, rotate_degree FLOAT NOT NULL, lending_state INT NOT NULL, is_lendable BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_recommended BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_new BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_sample BOOLEAN NOT NULL, launcher_type TEXT, product_type INT NOT NULL, product_ean TEXT, is_hidden BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, path_to_file TEXT);
_id - Android content link to the book.
Examples: content://media/internal/products/1 (B&N book), content://media/internal/docs/1 (sideloaded book)
thumbnail_url - Thumbnail image location. Note that sideloaded use non-browser paths. File:// paths do not appear to work in this field.
Examples: http: // (B&N Book), /media/.docThumbs/Quick_Startepub.jpg (sideloaded book)
cover_image_url - Cover image location. Same format as thumbnail. Same image even, for sideloaded books.
Examples: http :// (B&N Book), /media/.docThumbs/Quick_Startepub.jpg (sideloaded book)
ean - B&N unique identifier, for B&N Books. File location in browser format (file:///media/...) for sideloaded books. Note this must match what's in lastreadingpoint.db for the last reading point to be correct when tapping the book to open it.
Examples: 9781402786402 (B&N Book), file:///system/media/books/Quick_Start.epub (sideloaded book)
title, author - Self explanitory. Plain text. Appear to be unused unless the images are not found, in which case the title is truncated and overlaid on a generic gray icon.
desktop_num - Which desktop the icon appears on. 0,1, or 2 with 1 being the default.
left, top, right, bottom - Pixel measurements for the corners of the icons. Determines the location and size of the icon on the home screen.
rotate_degree - Haven't played with this one yet.
lending_state - Current state of lendable book. Haven't investigated valid values other than the default 0.
is_lendable, is_recommended, is_new, is_sample - Flags that determine what 'banner' is displayed, and also what opens show on tap-and-hold.
launcher_type - Launcher to open the book with.
Valid values: blank (epub), epub, epib (children's books). Things still to try: html, pdf...
product_type - Type of book.
1 = B&N book, 0 = Sideloaded book.
product_ean - Appears to always match ean field.
is_hidden - Hide's icon? Haven't tried.
path_to_file - Filesystem path to book.
Examples: /media/B&N Downloads/Books/9781402786402_ePib.v2.epub (B&N Book), /system/media/books/QuickStart.epub (sideloaded book)
lastreadingpoint.db, lastreadingpoint table
CREATE TABLE lastreadingpoint (_id integer primary key autoincrement, ean text , luid text , offsetrmsdk text , lastupdated long , bookdna int , sync_status int);
Relevant Field:
ean - B&N unique identifier, for B&N Books. File location in browser format (file:///media/...)for sideloaded books. Note this must match what's in home.db for the last reading point to be correct when tapping the book to open it.
internal.db, products/docs tables
CREATE TABLE products (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,ean TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,_data TEXT,_size INTEGER,product_type INTEGER NOT NULL,mime_type TEXT,_display_name TEXT,product_code TEXT NOT NULL,format_code TEXT NOT NULL,purchase_status TEXT NOT NULL,title TEXT NOT NULL,authors TEXT NOT NULL,mainAuthorFirstName TEXT,mainAuthorMiddleName TEXT DEFAULT NULL,mainAuthorLastName TEXT NOT NULL,publisher TEXT NOT NULL,date_published INTEGER NOT NULL,date_added INTEGER NOT NULL,date_modified INTEGER,date_last_accessed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,thumb_image TEXT,cover_image TEXT,rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, subscription_ean TEXT DEFAULT NULL,isSubscription BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,isSample BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,locker_delivery_id INTEGER NOT NULL,locker_status TEXT NOT NULL, short_synopsis TEXT,storage_location INTEGER DEFAULT 1,isNew INTEGER DEFAULT 0,lendable BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,lending_state TEXT,lendee TEXT,lender TEXT,lend_message TEXT,lend_id TEXT,lend_offer_expires INTEGER,lend_starts INTEGER,lend_ends INTEGER,category TEXT,luid TEXT NOT NULL,sync_status INTEGER DEFAULT 0,page_count INTEGER,rating_count INTEGER, local_thumb_image TEXT, local_cover_image TEXT, ebook_key TEXT, launcher_type TEXT, isDownloadable INTEGER DEFAULT 1, productEAN TEXT, isComingSoon INTEGER, DeliveryFrequency INTEGER, seriesTitle TEXT, soldBy TEXT, trialExpirationDate INTEGER );
CREATE TABLE docs (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,ean TEXT,_data TEXT,_size INTEGER,product_type INTEGER,mime_type TEXT,_display_name TEXT,title TEXT,authors TEXT,mainAuthorFirstName TEXT,mainAuthorMiddleName TEXT DEFAULT NULL,mainAuthorLastName TEXT,publisher TEXT,date_added INTEGER,date_modified INTEGER,date_published INTEGER,date_last_accessed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,valid INTEGER,thumb_image TEXT,cover_image TEXT,rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, user_rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0,storage_location INTEGER DEFAULT 0,category TEXT,page_count INTEGER, launcher_type TEXT, volume_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0);
Relevant Fields:
_id - The content id needed for the _id field in home.db workbook table.
thumb_image - Thumbnail image location. Note that sideloaded use non-browser paths. File:// paths do not appear to work in this field.
Examples: http :// (B&N Book), /media/.docThumbs/Quick_Startepub.jpg (sideloaded book)
cover_image - Cover image location. Same format as thumbnail. Same image even, for sideloaded books.
Steps to add sideloaded content via adb:
Pull all relevant tables from the device using adb.
Look up relevant database entries (content id, images, etc)
Use sqlite3 to add or modify entries in home.db, workspace table.
INSERT INTO workspace VALUES('content://media/internal/docs/3', '/media/.docThumbs/TestBook.jpeg', '/media/.docThumbs/TestBook.jpeg', 'file:///media/My Files/Books/TestBook.epub', 'Test Book', 'Test Author', 1, 20, 20, 184, 232, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'epub', 0, 'file:///media/My Files/Books/TestBook.epub', 0, '/media/My Files/Books/TestBook.epub');
Push home.db back to the NC.
Kill the Home process via shell or a process manager app.
Open Home again.
Sideloaded books must be opened at least once to populate all the databases. This poses a potential problem for trying to do this at sideload time, ie through a calibre plugin.
The _id field of workspace does not appear to have to be correct for icons to function normally. My first tests had a generic 'test1' in that field until I figured out where to look for the correct value and I was able to open sideloaded books just fine with the resulting icon. This fact, along with the fact that image locations can be guessed correctly may mean we can do this at sideload time after all.
The User Guide and Quick Start are decent examples of sideloaded content on the B&N Home screen. The only oddities with them are blank ean fields, so last read position is not used when opening them.
I've seen some oddities where the icons don't render images until you touch one of them on the screen after the Home app launches. Haven't tracked down the cause yet, and it doesn't happen every time.
Setting a sideloaded book as lendable adds the 'Lend' option to the tap-and-hold, but it doesn't appear to do anything after you enter the contact. My guess is they verify this status either with their servers (likely), or with another on-device database (doubtful) .
Sideloaded books can be removed from the home screen as normal, by doing a tap-and-hold and choosing Remove.
very nice work
I can't help anyway with this but I'm glad someone's trying to fix this problem.
Wow, nice work! I'm hoping someone with more experience than me can write this into an app.
I actually really like the BN home screen, so maybe for I'll give this a try for my textbooks. I'll need them all semester, so it would probably be worth it.
Addendum: I wonder if it would be possible to make this process easier my first adding the books and the relevant thumbnails to the home screen via the process described here and then editing the database entry to remove the is_sample tag.
im gonna give this a try, but moreso, im gonna look at ADWLauncher, to see if i can add this to that launcher
Maybe I was too tired, but in my poking around (and your post) I didn't see anything about the "shelves" feature in the schema for these db. You have any ideas?
usernotfound said:
Maybe I was too tired, but in my poking around (and your post) I didn't see anything about the "shelves" feature in the schema for these db. You have any ideas?
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Shelves are more a feature of the Library app than the Home app, so I haven't investigated them. There are tables in internal.db having to do with shelves, so I would look there first, as well as /data/data/
How about launching books
Any idea on how to launch a book with the B&N software? I would assume there is some kinda intents that could be used if documented to do that.
Would be nice for say a replacement home app to be able to launch books..
I've been able to (manually) create shortcuts in adw launcher to launch books using the B&N reader (as well as a few others like Aldiko, etc.). The intent (column in the adw db) that seemed to work for the B&N reader looked something like this:
file:///media/My Files/Books/Some-Book-Filename.epub#Intent;action=android.intent.action.VIEW;;end
One thing the BN Home does is initialize open-book-icon in the status bar ... to point to the 'currently reading' book. This icon doesn't work if an alternate launcher is set to default upon boot.
I'd love to get that currently-reading icon to work in alternate launchers, but I'm not sure where to begin. Any thoughts?
WhiskeySlx said:
I'd love to get that currently-reading icon to work in alternate launchers, but I'm not sure where to begin. Any thoughts?
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This is unlikely to be trivial. As far as I can tell that icon is updated as long as the B&N home app is running in the background, even if you don't ever open it again. This likely means there is some communication between the B&N reader app and the home app to update the icon. Getting the reader app to somehow communicate with another app or launcher would almost certainly require decompiling and modifying it.
[mods, please move this to a new thread if this is too OT]
Rayven01 said:
Getting the reader app to somehow communicate with another app or launcher would almost certainly require decompiling and modifying it.
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I wonder if the Nook reader app might expose an 'action' that matches that button's functionality. I'm thinking about how, using ADW, you can create custom shortcuts... and under "Activities", ADW lists activities for each app... for example:
- Gmail.ComposeActivity
- Market.UninstallActivity
I don't know what method it uses to build that list, but... maybe it's a direction to pursue?

Help with spinner

So this is actually help making an app not a ROM. I am trying to use a spinner in my app as a drop down menu.
Here is the xml code:
android:entries="@array/from_array" />
Here is the Java code:
Spinner fromSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
Spinner toSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<String> toAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,, R.array.to_array);
ArrayAdapter<String> fromAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,, R.array.from_array);
String toCurrency = (String) toSpinner.getSelectedItem();
String fromCurrency = (String) fromSpinner.getSelectedItem();
I'm not sure what the adapters do but I think I need them. Anyway toCurrency and fromCurrency aren't getting the values they are supposed to get. Anyone know what I am doing wrong. I am a complete noob say it may be something really dumb.
Don't know if this is helpful. Just put the source for the whole app at
Really? I know some developers here could figure this out in ~10 minutes.
I'm not able to look deeper but it would help for next time if you could post the value you are getting and the value that should be there.
I'm going to guess you are getting either the first element in the array or null?
You haven't selected a value anywhere and there is no evidence of a user interaction before you try and get the selected value so either there is no value selected or the first element in the array is selected (by default) and you are getting its value.
Have you looked through the documentation for Spinners in the API Guides section of the Android Developers website? I can tell the answer is no because if you had you would know why you need the Adapters.
Kavrocks said:
I'm not able to look deeper but it would help for next time if you could post the value you are getting and the value that should be there.
I'm going to guess you are getting either the first element in the array or null?
You haven't selected a value anywhere and there is no evidence of a user interaction before you try and get the selected value so either there is no value selected or the first element in the array is selected (by default) and you are getting its value.
Have you looked through the documentation for Spinners in the API Guides section of the Android Developers website? I can tell the answer is no because if you had you would know why you need the Adapters.
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I will change it to see what the value is later but I know it is not getting the value of the first element.
The user interaction happens before any of the code above is executed. I assumed that when I create the spinners and adapters in java it just takes what was already selected. Do I have to initialize the spinners and adapters before user selection?
Also I did read the documentation which is why I even knew about adapters but I am still a noob so some of the docs can be pretty confusing.
dmobbjr said:
I will change it to see what the value is later but I know it is not getting the value of the first element.
The user interaction happens before any of the code above is executed. I assumed that when I create the spinners and adapters in java it just takes what was already selected. Do I have to initialize the spinners and adapters before user selection?
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The spinner needs to be initialised with data before the user selects it otherwise it would be empty. That's what the ArrayAdapter in your OP is for (which is explained in the API Guides section on spinners), however the android:entries attribute in your xml file is also adding data to the spinner so you have redundant code.
The getSelectedItem() will return an Object containing the currently selected item but as you are changing the data in the spinner beforehand this could be altering the data in the selected item position.
I recommend you remove the android:entries attribute and move the code except for the getSelectedItem() lines to the onCreate() method of your Activity.
You really need to provide more info for me about what is happening for me to help. I can't view the source on github at the moment.
If I implement the spinners in onCreate(), how do I access them from my button's onClick() method. Wouldn't the spinners be local to the onCreate method and therefore not accessible outside of it?
dmobbjr said:
If I implement the spinners in onCreate(), how do I access them from my button's onClick() method. Wouldn't the spinners be local to the onCreate method and therefore not accessible outside of it?
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You aren't implementing them in onCreate(), they are implemented in xml which is normally inflated in onCreate() when you call setContentView(). All you are doing is adding the data to them in onCreate(). After the layout is inflated everything in that layout file is global (can be accessed anywhere) to that class.
You can get a reference to them anywhere in your code, providing the layout that contains them has been inflated into memory, using findViewById() and passing in the id of the spinner you want to get a reference to.
You can declare a class variable to store the reference to these and then just get the reference once in onCreate() and access it anywhere else in your code, ie. in onClick(), instead of having persistant calls to findViewById(). This approach is more efficient and cleaner.
When I try to call findViewById(toSpinner).getSelectedItem() The compiler says it can't resolve toSpinner as a variable. When I try to call it says it can't invoke getSelectedItem() on and int. I still cant access the spinners from within my onClick(). Sorry for the extreme noobishness but I just clearly do not know as much java as I should.
dmobbjr said:
When I try to call findViewById(toSpinner).getSelectedItem() The compiler says it can't resolve toSpinner as a variable. When I try to call it says it can't invoke getSelectedItem() on and int. I still cant access the spinners from within my onClick(). Sorry for the extreme noobishness but I just clearly do not know as much java as I should.
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You are calling findViewById() returns a View object, you can't call getSelectedItem() on a View object. You first need to cast the View returned by findViewById to a spinner and then call getSelectedItem() on the spinner. is just an integer value pointing to a resource.
I already pointed out how you should go about calling getSelectedItem() on your spinner.
You can declare a class variable to store the reference to these and then just get the reference once in onCreate() and access it anywhere else in your code, ie. in onClick(), instead of having persistant calls to findViewById(). This approach is more efficient and cleaner.
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I'll write the outline of the code you need for you.
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
private Spinner toSpinner;
public void onCreate() {
toSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
public void onClick() {

[MOD][XPOSED][4.0+] Smiley Replacer 1.3 (17.02.2013)

This isn't compatible with most KitKat ROMs!
Not sure how many of you are using the MMS/SMS app that comes with AOSP, CM and most other ROMs. It's good enough for my usage (don't text much), but I never liked those smileys. I do love the ones I use in Miranda though (from Kolobok).
So here is a solution to that problem, at least if you have root access. I developed a module for my Xposed framework. For those who haven't seen it yet, it can do many modifications to the system and apps in memory, without modifying any APKs. This makes it easy to try out and many modules can work for a broad range of ROMs.
I you want to try it, follow these steps:
1. Install the Xposed framework as described in this thread (REQUIRES ROOT!)
2. Install the attached APK and activate the module in the Xposed installer (this is also described in the framework thread)
3. Reboot
Then, download at least one smiley pack to your phone (see second post) and follow these steps to use it:
4. Import the smiley pack into the app
4a. Start the Smiley Replacer app
4b. Click "Choose a smiley pack"
4c. Click the "add" button (you might need to press the menu key if there is no such button)
4d. Use your favorite file browser to select the smiley pack
4e. Click "Start import"
5. Choose the smiley pack you just imported from the list
6. Restart the MMS/SMS app (there is a button for that which makes sure that the app is properly killed before)
This will only work for 4.0+ ROMs and only for the standard MMS/SMS app, assuming it's based on AOSP and the smiley renderer is not drastically modified. For example, I'm using CM10.1 (Android 4.2.1), but it also worked for Tungstwenty on a Samsung stock ROM with Android 4.0.3. Even though we both have a Galaxy S2, this module will also work on other devices. It only depends on a small subset of the MMS/SMS app code. So I hope this is the correct subforum (if not, feel free to move it).
Some things to note:
- This module doesn't include any smileys itself. You will need a smiley pack, which is easy to create (see second post)
- Smileys can be animated gif files. :victory: This makes it different from simply replacing the images. Please note that this requires many refreshes of the UI. On my phone, the CPU load is still ok, but maybe for some devices with less performance will have problems.
- Source code:
1.0: Initial version [116 downloads]
1.1: Fix cut-off smileys and MMS/SMS restart, add size selector [21 downloads]
1.2: Added an option to disable auto-resizing [10 downloads]
1.3: Fixed: Static smileys were still resized even when this was disabled
Example smiley packs / Format description
Smiley packs
AOSP: Default smileys from AOSP 4.2. That's not a big effect as your phone probably uses them already, but might be a good starting point for smiley packs. Especially if you have replaced the smiley graphics in the MMS.apk previously as you just need to replace the images.
Kolobok (attached): I use this one for myself. It contains the animated Kolobok smileys, which are simply lovely.
HTC Sense by noooooo
Emoji by noooooo
Facebook by Suprash
Facebook Messenger by Suprash/saywhatt
ICQ by noooooo
Yolks by saywhatt/bad-blood
IconTexto by saywhatt/IconTexto
Sony Xperia by m1l4droid
Hangouts by noooooo
tuzki animated transparent by justnoone
Skype smiley (Animated) by sasadara
Samsung ChatOn Emoticons by justnoone
Full Yahoo Emoticons Pack by MFaust
Galaxy Note Stock Emojis by justnoone
Cut the Rope by AlkaDragos
Facebook stickers by noooooo
BlackBerry Messenger by marsigliah
Huawei by MFaust
Kik Smileys by marsigliah
HeyWire Emoticons by marsigliah
LINE Stickers by marsigliah
Xperia Z1 by beatrat
Square by daniel_m
And a bit special, for those who don't want to have any smileys at all:
No smileys by m477m
File format
A smiley pack is a zip file consisting of a few text files for the metadata and of course the images, all directly in the zip (no subfolders).
I recommend to use "". Files ending with "" can be opened and imported directly (unless your file browser insists on opending zip files itself).
In case you want to use characters like umlauts, you need to use UTF-8 character encoding without Byte Order Mark (BOM). I'm using Notepad++, where you can easily select this from the menu.
There is no limit of smileys, however keep in mind that quantity is not everything and that the smileys are local to the phone where the smiley pack is installed. Limit yourself to smileys you and your conversation partners actually send.
I recommend to use png for static smileys and gif for animated smileys. In theory, other file formats like bmp should be supported, but it's untested and probably doesn't add any value. Transparency has to be included in the file itself, i.e. you should see it in the Windows image preview or whatever you are using.
The image size should be something between 20-30px, close to what they are normally display. The images are scaled automatically to match the text height.
The first line of this file is the title of the smiley pack. All following lines are the summary.
This file contains a mapping between the images and the codes they replace. There is one line per smiley, empty lines and lines starting with a hash (#) are ignored. Each line has to start with the filename, then one or more blanks, then the main code (which is displayed in the "insert smiley" dialog), then optionally further codes, separated by one or more blanks. For example:
smile.gif :) :) =)
This would define a smiley with the (animated) image smile.gif, the main code "" as well as further codes "" and "=)". Any occurences of these codes will be replaced with the smiley image.
Only smileys defined in this file will be considered, any other images will be ignored. This file also defines the order of the smileys in various lists. The first smiley in this file will be used for the preview in the "choose smiley pack" screen.
Here, the texts displayed next to the smileys are defined. The format is similar to the one of codes.txt. The first field is again the filename, which is followed by one or more blanks. Everything after that is the smiley text. If no description is given for a smiley, the filename without extension will be used.
I recommend to re-use the texts of the builtin smileys if possible. You can do that with the dummy description "DEFAULT:XYZ", where XYZ stands for default smiley. Have a look at the AOSP smileys for a list of all supported smileys and the corresponding texts. As the texts will be taken from the installed MMS/SMS app, the text might vary slightly. But the good thing is: Translations are applied as well, so you profit from a wide range of supported languages.
smile.gif I'm so happy
As mentioned in the previous section, the easiest way to get translations is using "DEFAULT:XYZ" whenever possible. However, you might want to add completely new smileys. If you just add the text to descriptions.txt, it will be used for all languages.
To add translations for selected smileys, you can create files like "descriptions-de.txt" (language) and "descriptions-pt-rBR" (language and region). This is the same naming convention as used for Android resources. In these files, you use the same format as in descriptions.txt, however you should only include those smileys which you want to translate. Other texts are inherited from more general files, which means that everything not translated in e.g. descriptions-pt-rBR.txt will be taken from descriptions-pt.txt. If it doesn't exist there either, it's taken from descriptions.txt. The last fallback is the filename without extension as mentioned before. So you don't need to repeat the text from those general files, especially not the "DEFAULT:XYZ" texts.
That's it, I think that should cover it all. For examples, look at existing smiley packs. If you have created a new smiley pack, ping me and I will add a link in this post.
Re: [MOD][XPOSED][4.0+] Smiley Replacer
Working perfectly on stock based 4.1.2 Samsung ROM, on my Note 2. Amazing work, thanks
sent from somewhere
Re: [MOD][XPOSED][4.0+] Smiley Replacer
Great job man
Re: [MOD][XPOSED][4.0+] Smiley Replacer
what about iPhone emoji which is basically what the droidified ones represent ?
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
Emoji are left untouched by this mod. I haven't looked into them for a couple of reasons:
- Both sender and receiver need a phone that supports emoji
- For you to see an icon, the sender needs to actually insert an emoji, so you don't have the control yourself
- I have never sent or received an emoji
- I think emoji are a bit more standardized than smileys, so I'm not sure if they should be changed too much
I just added the file format descriptions to the second post for anyone who would like to create their own smiley pack.
Confirmed working on 4.2! Great work man! I had been looking for something similar for ages! 2proposal if i can say them:
1 maybe add a facebook and sense 4.5 static pack
2 maybe make them quite bigger
however, fantastic work!
I love the Kolobok smileys, so I'm not gonna use any others. But opinions differ, that's why I chose not to hardcode my preferred smileys but created a file format that is open and it doesn't require any programming skills. Create whatever you like and please share the results.
About smiley sizes: I thought it would be good that they are just as high as the text around them, so that the line height and the space between the lines is unchanged. I have just tried and applied a hardcoded scaling factor - it works, but to me it doesn't look nice because the line spacing is uneven.
rovo89 said:
I love the Kolobok smileys, so I'm not gonna use any others. But opinions differ, that's why I chose not to hardcode my preferred smileys but created a file format that is open and it doesn't require any programming skills. Create whatever you like and please share the results.
About smiley sizes: I thought it would be good that they are just as high as the text around them, so that the line height and the space between the lines is unchanged. I have just tried and applied a hardcoded scaling factor - it works, but to me it doesn't look nice because the line spacing is uneven.
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I've tried to make an xperia mod pack but it recognises only the smileys i haven't changed, can you help me?
You are using many png files, but all of the smileys in codes.txt are .gif. You have changed descriptions.txt, but most important is codes.txt: "Only smileys defined in this file will be considered, any other images will be ignored."
So, here's the one X pack and, if possible tell me what to modify if i want them quite bigger!, thanks!
In the class MovieSpan, add one line:
public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) {
if (fm == null)
fm = new FontMetricsInt();
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]fm.ascent = = (int)(fm.ascent * 1.2);[/COLOR][/B]
if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE)
fm.descent = fm.bottom = 0;
mScale = (float)(fm.descent - fm.ascent) / mMovieHeight;
return (int)(mMovieWidth * mScale + 0.5f);
Same in AutoHeightImageSpan (well, actually you need to copy the whole method as I forget to make it similar to the one in MovieSpan):
public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, FontMetricsInt fm) {
if (fm == null)
fm = new FontMetricsInt();
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]fm.ascent = = (int)(fm.ascent * 1.2);[/COLOR][/B]
if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE)
fm.descent = fm.bottom = 0;
int height = fm.descent - fm.ascent;
float scale = (float)height / mDrawableHeight;
int width = (int)(mDrawableWidth * scale + 0.5f);
mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
return width;
Note that this will not scale the smiley by exactly 120%, but something close to it. This is because the top of the drawing area is moved up, whereas the bottom stays the same. With this, at least only the space before the line increases, not the space after the line. That said, I can only repeat that I don't think it looks nice with uneven spacing, but if there is a high demand for this, I might make this an option.
Thanks but i thinks it's too complicate for me i'll keep the small one
Well, as I said: Maybe that will be an option one day. However, maybe you can say anyway what you think about the downside of the larger smileys: the uneven spacing. This makes it a no-go for me, but maybe other think it's fine.
yeah i noticed too that some smileys are cut
What do you mean with "cut"? I had a short look at our smileys and they were fine. If you mean the conversation list, then it's normal that the text (including smileys) is cut off at the right-hand side.
One more question: You describe your smileys as "Sense" smileys. So that means they are the default ones from HTC Sense?
R: [MOD][XPOSED][4.0+] Smiley Replacer
And yes,the default ones
Inviato dal mio HTC Sensation con Tapatalk 2
great job man!!
great job
noooooo said:
And yes,the default ones
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah yes, this is what I had fixed for the animated smileys, but forgot for the normal ones. Happens when there are only smileys in one line, no text. I have a fix for this (I think), but not enough time today to release it.

Help with App to read XML and Load values to buttons, toggles, dropdowns

Hello all,
I am a programmer(I was a programmer 10 years ago and worked with ASP, PHP, SQL, FLASH, ActionScript, Javascript... Web Stuff) and am new to android programming.
I am wanting to build an app that will read an XML file(all the current setting values) from a network attached device( and then have an GUI for reading/displaying/modifying the values and sending the new values back to the device in realtime.
So if the xml file has values like:
<section name="section1">
<entry name="name1" value="value1"/>
<entry name="name2" value="value2"/>
<section name="section2">
<entry name="someothername" value="someothervalue"/>
I could load those values in to check boxes, radios, switched, whatever and when I value is changed I want to send the change to the device over HTTP(
I'm looking to be pointed in the right direction. What would an app of this type be called and where can I find some examples that can get me going????

specifying widget parameter

The code below is from a backup of Total Launcher (my personal favorite).
Apparently there will be one instance of similar code for each widget defined on each launcher page.
As you can see, this example is for Zooper widget. But each Zooper widget use can have a different "skin".
SO, how is this "skin" specified in the below code? It seems that the parameter "i":715 would have something to do with it, but I don't know what the parameter means. Some sort of index maybe?
Other parameters are easily deduced like T , L, W and H for top, left, width and height.
This seems to be a somewhat normal android paradigm; I've seen references to lots of other widgets (not Zooper) and most utilize the "i" parameter.
I have added two ZW's to a page in TL and set each to a different "skin". The lines below will be added twice to the parameter file with ONLY the "I" parameter different.

