[Q] Basically looking for a cheap, good, glorified MP3 player - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Lost my Samsung Captivate at home a few hours ago... (Either I just temporarily misplaced it or my crackhead Sister stole it). Had no service, but was using it as a glorified MP3 Player as my work place tells us not to use phones on the production floor. (Stupid work place, I know) Anyway, wondering if there were a better phone out there for cheap? $75-100 range, maybe more. Currently just searching ebay prices...and stumbled on Bad ESNs. Sounds like a good deal to me probably should get something newer, better, and faster any way. Cappy wasn't bad it just kept dying randomly, mostly when it went to sleep mode. Sometimes I could just hold the power and it'd reboot, other times I had to do a battery pull first.
List of things I'm sort of looking for...
Android (Going to Root and flash ROMs, seems faster, was using Captivating M3 on my Cappy... any device with good android development support, speed, stability and reliablilty)
WiFi (No network needed OR WANTED, so even bad ESN seems like a good choice, unless there's something else I should know about phones with bad ESNs, I'm not looking to activate this ever)
Bluetooth (So I can use wireless headset, always seem to have my wired earphone tangled and pulled off my ears at work)
16GB storage (Maybe a bit overkill though since I only have around 670 mp3s and 20-something videos, but I 'm thinking I won't get a MicroSD card.)
Video (I download mostly 720p videos so something capable of playing 720p video easily)
Searching 'Bad ESN' on eBay's currently showing Samsung Galaxy S 2s &3s, HTC One X, HTC Evo, Nexus S so scoping those out.
Any suggestions, comments, concerns about what-to-stay-away-from, or look-out-for would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to tell me I should just buy a bluetooth/wifi/video/mp3 player instead. I've had mp3, video/mp3 players years before but they just don't seem to last very long. Never had wifi/bluetooth video/mp3 players though. Also are there any roms made for devices with phone/text support removed or ways to do it?
EDIT: Did some more reading and seen some things about needing to bypassing activation (some devices more persistent than others, any details about this would be nice too, like ease of bypassing since I'd like it to boot up as normal and not have to wait and go through activation everytime, I won't have to do that will I? Just once and I'm good?) I'm trying to read as much as I can but it's a broad net I'm casting and any help/comments/suggestions would be great. Thanks again.


[Q] Anyone regret buying the Nook Tablet?

I have been using the NT for about a month and a half, and honestly I think I should have gotten something better.
It does have its problems such as the wifi connection drops a lot and I have to restart the tablet. This is not the fault of the devs, but of B&N. I don't understand why we should have to hack and find workarounds just to get the full use of the NT.
Does anyone else feel that they should have gotten a different tablet? Perhaps an actual tablet?
I am considering selling the NT. I don't think I would have had the amount of issues with an actual tablet and one that is not so locked down.
Although I'm really satisfied with the capabilities of even just a regular root, the only time I've regretted buying an NT was when I heard Asus was coming out with a new 7 inch tablet later this year. That makes me want to sell this thing instantly, haha.
To be honest with you i bought my NT as a stop gap between selling my iPad2 and waiting for the iPad3.. with the intent to sell this once i picked up the new iPad..
and for the first week or two i did regret buying it but then.. Considering what i use it for
1.Watch movies (netflix, hulu, and divx on the SD card),
2 Browse the internet and 3. Actually read a book or two.. it's actually perfect for all that.
Used the SD card method to root (Thanks Albert) and then side loaded all the apps that i needed. Never had Wifi or reboot issues, the screen is actually brighter and clearer than the iPad 2 i had and the battery life is above average for a 7 inch
I will be holding on to this for a while.. and i think once they perfect the other rom's and get the bluetooth working it's actually a keeper.. especially if ICS gets ported.
But as always you have to ask yourself does it do what i need?.. the only reason to get a different tablet would be if you needed GPS, Camera's, bigger screen, 3G, a different app store, video out etc....
if none of that is the reason.. then whatever tablet you buy will fill you with the same... should i have really bought this feeling..
I am comparing the NT with the $199 refurbished 16Gb HTC Flyer. I find that I miss CM7 on the Flyer... and the Flyer somehow seems harder to hold. I guess I got used to both CM7 and the bezel on the Nook Color and now the Nook Tablet. I haven't decided which I will keep yet, but I am leaning towards keeping the NT.
Heck no ... I've had 250.00 dollars worth of hacking fun with mine I have a feeling there is a lot more coming. Just wish I knew how to code to help out
Basically it boils down to what you want to do with it. Technically, you bought an e-reader. If you wanted more, you should have bought more. Myself personally, I came to XDA before I made up my mind between various tablets. I settled on the NT because I could see there was a bright future for it. The hardware bugs will be worked out eventually. Blame B&N for the hold-ups thus far. Give it a while. If you sell now, in 6 months, you will regret buying something else and will be looking to get another NT.
Understandably, there are limitations to this device. It's half the price of an iPad. You don't get any of the fancy things like GPS, 3G/LTE, camera, etc. But it is a great tablet for the money.
I bought this because my cheap e-reader broke. It was mainly to read with. That said, since I bought it 2 months ago, I haven't read more than a page of a book!
I've had tons of fun putting Android on, customizing it, and getting it how I like it. I'll be 10 times happier when a fully functional port of ICS is released for it. Netflix and videos look amazing on its screen, indisputably better than the supposedly identical screen on the Kindle Fire (just read ANY review).
I've never had an issue with the WIFI dropping or restarting. There are a few issues that the great devs and contributors here have helped me to conquer.
There are still a couple things I'd like to see get done to this device though, other than the glorious port of ICS. I'd love to be able to use ALL of the 16 GB of data on board. That was one top reason I chose it over the Fire, but I'm confident the great people here will solve that in time. Another is that, despite there not being onboard GPS, I'd still like location-based tools to work, like they do on any other WIFI device like my phone.
Other than that, I'm really happy with what I bought. I may not use it for what I initially intended, but hey, who has time to read when you're busy installing your favourite apps, customizing widgets, and making your home page perfect?
And on the issue of buyer's regret, when it comes to tablets and smartphones, there will ALWAYS be something better within 3-6 months!
You can use your 16Gb, just repartition it, it is very easy.
My only regret so far is that I got the 8gb NT. It is actually my father-in-law's device, but I told him I would configure it to have better access to the Android market. I had read several posts about rooting and installing Go launcher (or equivalent) and was excited to do this. For the time being at least, it doesn't look like this is an option, and the 512k RAM looks to be an issue. I may try to convince him to return it and get the 16GB version. Since it's not mine, I guess I need to let him see if he is happy with it, but I'm chomping at the bit to put some of the great work from this forum to good use on his system!
Maybe I will have to just get my own. I have been talking about getting some kind of tablet with my wife, and will likely get something in the next couple months. Since I am used to a smartphone, it's hard not being able to install any app that I am familiar with, and I will likely go for something with more features.
As others have said, it's all about what you actually need/expect. And there will always be times when you second-guess what you do purchase... Buyer's remorse is just part of being human, IMO!
arclite00 said:
I have been using the NT for about a month and a half, and honestly I think I should have gotten something better.
It does have its problems such as the wifi connection drops a lot and I have to restart the tablet. This is not the fault of the devs, but of B&N. I don't understand why we should have to hack and find workarounds just to get the full use of the NT.
Does anyone else feel that they should have gotten a different tablet? Perhaps an actual tablet?
I am considering selling the NT. I don't think I would have had the amount of issues with an actual tablet and one that is not so locked down.
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Well, I was able to get my Nook Tablet much more easily than a Kindle Fire because my University has a deal with Barnes & Noble; my school bookstore is basically a small B&N store full of textbooks. If I had the choice, I would have chosen the Kindle Fire, but I still like my Nook Tablet, especially now that CM7 is running on it.
I don't regret it, but let me say - I never liked my device hacks to be easy! Sounds masochistic, yes, but I've always enjoyed installing custom firmware on stuff that, until some hackers got a hold of it, was never able to run anything other than what the manufacturers intended. I'm talking about Wii, PSP, PDAs, etc.
If you think development for the Nook Tab is rough, think about how slow and brutal it was getting the PSP to run custom software. I suffered at least one electrocution modding the thing's battery because I didn't have much experience with moving pins on a chipset. It was worth it to get homebrew stuff running on there though.
My point is, while the Kindle Fire owners do have it a lot easier than us, I enjoy witnessing the development process first-hand; it's oddly satisfying. I understand some people around these forums are only here because they wanted a cheap CyanogenMod 7 Tablet and want to see the Nook Tablet become that - but I'll be lurking around here long after the Nook Tablet devs reach their goals because I'm fascinated by hacking and modifying devices.
cyberma007 said:
You can use your 16Gb, just repartition it, it is very easy.
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I just realized that after my post. Haven't checked the posts here lately. It seems a little complicated for a noob like me. Plus, don't I have to install CM7 also to do it?
No you don't need to run CM7 to repartition, I am noob as well, it is very easy, it just looks hard.
Just follow this post
Partition 10 is where you would put you own data
Partition 11 is where all apps go, when you install them.
on mine i did half half because a lot of games are pretty big and need space, but you can change it to you own need.
just do the commands in bold black, the rest that you see is what your nook outputs.
Update after using the HTC Flyer for a bit more. I think I will sell my 2 Nook Tablets and keep the HTC Flyers. At $199 they just offer so much more.... GPS, front and back cameras, working bluetooth, working skype, dual speakers that are loud, HDMI out via MHL (adapter on the way). The built-in 16gb is partitioned so there is 8+ GB for media stuff. And for my almost 7 year old, he loves that Talking Tomcat and Talking Ben work, and Galaxy on Fire 2 runs fast on the Flyer as well since there is a native adreno version. It is only single core but runs at 1.5ghz and has 1gb ram so it feels as fast at the NT if not faster in some cases. The Adreno 205 gpu is not rated quite as good as the Powervr SGX540 but seems to be well supported for gaming. Not to say that there are not some annoyances with the Flyer. I can't seem to turn off the lock screen. There is no CM7 though there are custom roms for both Gingerbread and Honeycomb for the Flyer (need to root and unlock the device first). And I need to find better cases for them. Anyway I think the refurbished HTC Flyer is a keeper at $199 from buy.com And of course I can read on them with Moon+ Reader Pro, Kindle App, Nook App, etc.
So far no regrets. Just installed cm7 and happy.
Plus I only paid $175 for my 16gb tablet on Craigslist.
Hopefully cm9 makes it's way to the tablet.
My only regrets are the possibility of what the Asus tablet might offer and that the NT can be had for $175 now. Those aren't really fair reasons though since there will always be price drops and always be new options if you wait. I wanted it for Christmas and it's been everything I expected. I'm rooted at 1.4.0, zero WiFi issues and it's never rebooted (I did have a frozen screen once). I plan on staying on this platform until the fine developers on this forum give me the option of ICS for my NT!
I have no regrets at all. It let me do everything I really cared about right out of the box for a price I didn't mind paying. Any additional functionality after ebooks, videos, music and some light web browsing is just so much gravy as far as I'm concerned.
I love it, but primarily because I bought into the B&N ecosystem years ago (I have about 400 books and magazine subscriptions). It's much more pleasant to read on the NT than it is on my iPad, due to weight and size. Movies are great, except for the below-average speaker. I don't surf the Internet on my NT; if I have to do it mobile, I prefer to leave that to my phone since I can do it one-handed. My only qualms:
1. There needs to be an Economist magazine app, built for the Nook. You can't install the one from Android Market, even after rooting.
2. The speaker, as mentioned above.
3. The little hook in the bottom corner is kinda annoying. Yes, I know it makes the design unique, but it gets in the way. It also makes accessing the MicroSD card a pain.
4. At $250, GPS would've been nice. Not that I expect to carry it around for turn-by-turn, but I'd like to access the map and Yelp for places to eat while in my hotel room.
I don't regret getting the NT16 at all. But then again my uses for the device are:
1. Reading. I read a LOT.
2. Playing games
3. Surfing the internet
4. Study device (read pdfs/powerpoints/word docs for school)
I also have music and movies stored on the device for the day when I need to entertain myself outside reading/games and off a wifi network. It's small and light enough to carry at all times in my purse or backpack and zippy enough to do what I need it to do.
Once CM9 is released I'll have to debate a lot on whether or not I want to keep my simple root with the BN eReader or upgrade to ICS for full tablet capabilities (like all those excellent note taking apps compatible with Honeycomb/ICS)
No regrets at all.
Initially when it appeared that B&N was going to hound us endlessly trying to disable root and return everyone's NT to 'jail', I was a bit resentful. I still don't recommend the NT to others because I don't trust them.
But I should have known the dimbulbs in B&N management are no match for the talented devs here. I've got no worries that my device can be ruined with an underhanded update- and I haven't done much of anything to secure it since I first rooted it back in December or so. (Still running rooted 1.4.0 with no problems). The fact that it can now run CM7 (which I haven't tried yet) is just icing on the cake. I'm guessing I'll love it even more once I get around to trying that.
The tablet does everything I need it to and more, and was a good deal for the price.
Next tablet I own probably won't be a locked device, but as for the NT itself, no regrets. That's 100% thanks to the devs here.

Would I buy a Tablet S again.....

....I think the answer to that is a resounding NO, I was willing to be patience and wait for upgrades etc to fix probs but having just upgraded to ICS Im very disappointed.
No fixes for various bugs (for me primarily wifi connection), and now I find my gps is not working for some reason, the device nearly went out of the car window yesterday when i was stuck on the A13 with no gps, but then I thought about littering .
Together with the car charging problems (had To buy an Inverter, more money), no hdmi socket no perifials, Car bracket etc, battery life, its not adding up to a good deal.
I originally bought a Ipad on the recomodations of a salesman and assurances that flash would work with it (yea right), so that went back in favour of the 'S', but what next, do I leave it at home and cut my losses (wad of dough).
Its seems that despite advances in technology we are always being used as guinepigs for devices that eventually end up on the scrap heap and never seem to last until the device is broken beyond repair but are dumped by the manufactorer in favour of another useless device, witness my Ipaq stopped supporting Windows, My Dell Streak mini 5 cant even get spares for them anymore, I could go on.
And we seem to accept it without protest almost as if its expected that we lay out loads of dosh for a inferior product, imaging the outcry if we bought cars (or other products) on the same basis, 'oh bear with us, sir, you will be able to drive from A to B as soon as we have sorted out the engin bugs'.
anyway sorry about the rant, Im still simmering from the A13 incident,
there is a reason why the most tablets still not 100% work like they should be,
Because the tablets like they are now are just still too new,
Better tabs are coming and more abillities are coming too, and then our
problems maby be fixed, Except then there are other problems because there are new things to do with a tablet and ofcourse a higher change to get problems.
I'm sorry to learn that you're upset with your tablet, maybe a tablet is not for you?
Would I buy the s again? Yes. I replaced a Windows Vista Laptop which finally died with my tablet S.
I took a long hard think about what I actually used my laptop for before purchase. Mainly sofa surfing, emails Facebook etc.More importantly it was to have this ability on the move. The small amount of application work could be relegated to my old desktop. I help run another website which has some flash parts so I that meant could not get an i-pad, besides I hate i-tunes.
With the S I'm now able to control my hifi with one device, manage DNLA media on my server, check up on emails and social networking and sofa surf all from one little lightweight and highly portable device. Chuck in free SatNav with Navfree also.
Most android devices could do all this to a certain extent however the IR and playstation integration made the Sony the only choice for me. I also find the screen a higher quality and the shape nicer to use.
Minor bugbears:
Direct communication with SD card socket - ICS fixes this
Lack of Sky go / MS Silverlight - will probably happen in the end
Missing MS Excel - some partial success with apps but would really like a proper MS version.
Would like it to be a bit nippier
Nice said!
Now thats what you call a nice short review. +1
To be honest, it seems like most of those problems could have been avoided with just a little research before you bought. Obviously, different tablets suit different people and if you wanted HDMI-out, lots of weird peripherals and a car bracket, you should've bought a Toshiba Thrive or a Samsung Galaxy Tab.
The Sony's features and advertised purpose are well-known and it is obviously meant to be a media device, and it excels at that. I'm not sure why your battery is not good, but mine far outlasts my iPad's. As for peripherals, as far as I'm concerned, if it'
s got mini-USB which can be turned into full-size USB with a short cable, thats all the peripherals I'm ever going to need.
I respect your opinion and your choice and for the record I don't have any WiFi problems and haven't upgraded to ICS (waiting for official) so I can't comment on that.
However, it seems as if many of your criticisms (including those of other disappointed Tablet S owners) could've been solved by a tiny bit of Internet research and some forethought about your buying choices.
In short, it seems harsh to blame the tool, if you're using the wrong tool for the job that you wanted
Sorry for the rant, but I love mine and am often mystified by these disappointed stories.
I have to agree with the above! I love mine because I did a lot of research before I bought it and realised the sony was the one for me. Does the iPad have hdmi out? I don't know I don't buy into all the apple crap. But if it doesn't then why bring it up. Like said earlier, if that's what you were after there's plenty of devices on the market that could have fulfilled your needs.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using Tapatalk 2.0
-GPS problem is more of an Android problem, the SGS Tab and most phones have crappy GPS as well.
-The wifi issue is hardly a bother, come on. The tablet S literally takes a second to reconnect when you open up the display. It's really quick. How much do you really NEED wifi when the screen is off? Would it be great? Yes, but is it a dealbreaker? hardly not.
-I have no idea what you are talking about about peripherals. The tablet has a full sized SD card slot. I cant think of any other tablet which does. The MicroUSB does the job for connecting as well.
-Battery life has been good for me, even better than the iPad 2.
People can whine and complain all they want, but at the end of the day it is your fault for not researching more about a tablet that would suit your needs. You can't whine about the tablet not having an HDMI slot if you had a choice to choose one that did. Sony never lied and never stated that there was an HDMI slot. Battery life has never been a problem for most people, even the reviewers say the battery life is great. I agree, though, that the charger is retarded.
That said, it seems that those who complain about the Tablet S are expecting too much from the tablet. Sony have been very upfront about what it can and cannot do, and reviews have put this in the top 5 tablets for a reason. It's easy to criticize what something doesn't have, but people forget the good things about a device (SD card slot, great screen, universal remote, playstation etc.)
I am very happy for my table S and would definitely bye it again.
I have actually thought of buing a second as this one is so heavily in use.
I hated mine for the first couple months. Never had any probs with the hardware (nor any wifi/battery issues). For me it was just a crappy slow as firmware. I said on here once that it would all be fixable with root access.
Fast forward to present with me strappin' a rooted ICS loaded Sony Tab and you're looking at one happy camper . I've even adjusted to the fact I stuffed the screen a little when it slid off my car bonnet.
Does everything I want it too and the only time I turn on a laptop anymore is use the all in one tool on it .
Yes. Yes I would.
henly said:
....I think the answer to that is a resounding NO
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Umm, well. Yes I would, and yes I did.
I have several tablets, a couple of Sony Tablet S's (16 & 32gb) a Samsung Galaxy 10.1, an ASUS TF101, and a couple of Kindle Fires (rooted and totally recreated as fine little tablets in their own right.) I've also had two iPads in the past, a v1, then v2 (those both went to the niece & nephew for Xmas, total kiddie ware going no-where.)
So, guess which one goes with me in the car and on the plane? Easy, the 32gb Sony. I throw the poor thing around like a paperback book, and it definitely takes a licking. Never complains a bit and still looks new. (Think airport check-ins, X-ray bins, getting banged around on plane tray tables & overhead compartments, etc.) Battery life is xlnt, the display is bright, saturated & Sony sharp, reading Kindle books is hand-natural specific, and... I can load my 64gb SDXC card with just about anything and everything.
Other than the Kindle Fires, (Kinder Panzers?) all of the other tablets I have either had (or have now,) are FRAGILE.
OK: The universal remote. I use the Sony S for everything in the house, especially the WD Lives... this thing is a godsend compared to the little piece of crap they give you for a remote! That Sony Tablet S remote feature sets up easy and remembers forever.
Also, I use either my HTC Desire or Desire HD to connect to the Internet, apply the wifi hotspot, then connect the Sony S to that. Skype calls for free. Wait, somebody say free? Internet and hands free International calls. Easy.
I could go on here, but there's plenty more.
Again, yes I would buy it again, and yes, I already did.
henly said:
....I think the answer to that is a resounding NO, I was willing to be patience and wait for upgrades etc to fix probs but having just upgraded to ICS Im very disappointed.
No fixes for various bugs (for me primarily wifi connection), and now I find my gps is not working for some reason, the device nearly went out of the car window yesterday when i was stuck on the A13 with no gps, but then I thought about littering .
Together with the car charging problems (had To buy an Inverter, more money), no hdmi socket no perifials, Car bracket etc, battery life, its not adding up to a good deal.
I originally bought a Ipad on the recomodations of a salesman and assurances that flash would work with it (yea right), so that went back in favour of the 'S', but what next, do I leave it at home and cut my losses (wad of dough).
Its seems that despite advances in technology we are always being used as guinepigs for devices that eventually end up on the scrap heap and never seem to last until the device is broken beyond repair but are dumped by the manufactorer in favour of another useless device, witness my Ipaq stopped supporting Windows, My Dell Streak mini 5 cant even get spares for them anymore, I could go on.
And we seem to accept it without protest almost as if its expected that we lay out loads of dosh for a inferior product, imaging the outcry if we bought cars (or other products) on the same basis, 'oh bear with us, sir, you will be able to drive from A to B as soon as we have sorted out the engin bugs'.
anyway sorry about the rant, Im still simmering from the A13 incident,
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I have to agree with you. I mean, I like my tablet s, but I think I'm pretty tired of crappy problems/errors. I have an xperia x10i, and also there, other problems. This mainly happen because we have many different models and hw to be adapted to the operative system (this doesn't happen for ipad, just because they have a few hw models and just one corporate workin on sw). Sony produces beautiful machines and great hardware, but they always lack on software, don't know why.

[Q] Android Phone Recommendation

*Didn't mean to post this in the Development and Hacking forum. Please move to the appropriate place*
Hi Folks,
A little background.
I'm a recent convert to Android. I've been an Apple guy for as long as I can recall, and an iOS guy since the first iPhone.
I'd wanted an iPad since it came out, but I just couldn't justify the expense for something that I really didn't need.
My solution: Get a Kindle Fire.
I liked the KF well enough with the standard Amazon/Android bastard OS. However, about a month ago, I rooted it and flashed it with ICS. Which I love.
It's about time for me to get a new phone and I'm sure what to do. . .
I'm mulling over three options at the moment.
The HTC One X - I can walk down the block to my AT&T store right now and pick one up. The phone looks pretty damned nice. From what I can tell, it's not quite as well equipped to handle a variety of video formats out of the box and it doesn't have a microSD card slot. I don't care too much about the video playback. I have MX Player and it's been able to play anything I throw at it and I don't really foresee myself watching many movies on my phone. The lack of a card slot is kind of a drag, but with Google Drive and DropBox, I ought to be okay.
Samsung Galaxy S III - The only drawback to this is a minimum of 2 months to wait, and no assurance that my carrier will offer it all (although it seems certain that it will come to AT&T). But, as I mentioned above, as far as I can tell the only real benefit to the S III is the card slot.
Samsung Galaxy S II - I can also get one of these just down the street, and for $100 less than either the HTC or the S III. My only fear is that, being a gadget guy, I'll quickly come down with some phone envy when I see people sporting fancier Android and iOS phone down the line. I've pretty much convinced myself not to go for an older phone, but not entirely.
Does anyone have any keen insights, given my background and position?
czucker said:
*Didn't mean to post this in the Development and Hacking forum. Please move to the appropriate place*
Hi Folks,
A little background.
I'm a recent convert to Android. I've been an Apple guy for as long as I can recall, and an iOS guy since the first iPhone.
I'd wanted an iPad since it came out, but I just couldn't justify the expense for something that I really didn't need.
My solution: Get a Kindle Fire.
I liked the KF well enough with the standard Amazon/Android bastard OS. However, about a month ago, I rooted it and flashed it with ICS. Which I love.
It's about time for me to get a new phone and I'm sure what to do. . .
I'm mulling over three options at the moment.
The HTC One X - I can walk down the block to my AT&T store right now and pick one up. The phone looks pretty damned nice. From what I can tell, it's not quite as well equipped to handle a variety of video formats out of the box and it doesn't have a microSD card slot. I don't care too much about the video playback. I have MX Player and it's been able to play anything I throw at it and I don't really foresee myself watching many movies on my phone. The lack of a card slot is kind of a drag, but with Google Drive and DropBox, I ought to be okay.
Samsung Galaxy S III - The only drawback to this is a minimum of 2 months to wait, and no assurance that my carrier will offer it all (although it seems certain that it will come to AT&T). But, as I mentioned above, as far as I can tell the only real benefit to the S III is the card slot.
Samsung Galaxy S II - I can also get one of these just down the street, and for $100 less than either the HTC or the S III. My only fear is that, being a gadget guy, I'll quickly come down with some phone envy when I see people sporting fancier Android and iOS phone down the line. I've pretty much convinced myself not to go for an older phone, but not entirely.
Does anyone have any keen insights, given my background and position?
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Get the Galaxy S II, you can always keep it fresh with flashing new roms, kernels e.t.c
czucker said:
*Didn't mean to post this in the Development and Hacking forum. Please move to the appropriate place*
Hi Folks,
A little background.
I'm a recent convert to Android. I've been an Apple guy for as long as I can recall, and an iOS guy since the first iPhone.
I'd wanted an iPad since it came out, but I just couldn't justify the expense for something that I really didn't need.
My solution: Get a Kindle Fire.
I liked the KF well enough with the standard Amazon/Android bastard OS. However, about a month ago, I rooted it and flashed it with ICS. Which I love.
It's about time for me to get a new phone and I'm sure what to do. . .
I'm mulling over three options at the moment.
The HTC One X - I can walk down the block to my AT&T store right now and pick one up. The phone looks pretty damned nice. From what I can tell, it's not quite as well equipped to handle a variety of video formats out of the box and it doesn't have a microSD card slot. I don't care too much about the video playback. I have MX Player and it's been able to play anything I throw at it and I don't really foresee myself watching many movies on my phone. The lack of a card slot is kind of a drag, but with Google Drive and DropBox, I ought to be okay.
Samsung Galaxy S III - The only drawback to this is a minimum of 2 months to wait, and no assurance that my carrier will offer it all (although it seems certain that it will come to AT&T). But, as I mentioned above, as far as I can tell the only real benefit to the S III is the card slot.
Samsung Galaxy S II - I can also get one of these just down the street, and for $100 less than either the HTC or the S III. My only fear is that, being a gadget guy, I'll quickly come down with some phone envy when I see people sporting fancier Android and iOS phone down the line. I've pretty much convinced myself not to go for an older phone, but not entirely.
Does anyone have any keen insights, given my background and position?
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Get the One X or play the waiting game.
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
Get the HTC one X
i suggest you to get the HTC one X!

HDMI Goggles for SGS2?

Hi, I have been marveling over the SGS2 1080p vid playback and with my new 64gb sdxc card watching video is more of an option, however, while the screen rocks it is not a 52" TV set either. I keep seeing various articles about goggles to be used with TVs etc but of the ones i have been able to find none of them seem like something that could connect to the SGS2. The coolest would of course be something like streaming via bluetooth/wifi from the SGS2 to the goggles but something like HDMI (or USB?) seems more practical? Regardless I haven't been able to find such things yet, something like the itvgoggles (the fancy models are overkill [not looking to pay a mint] but i am not sure if any of them work with android, the ITG-230 seems to work with ipod, any thoughts?) so if anyone is aware of such options a heads up would really be appreciated!
I highly doubt you will find anything of the sort without some kind of device in the middle. Even then it sounds like tech of the future
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Hey, Rizur, i just found Vuzix Wrap 920 which seemed promising in terms of at least being able to connect to an android phone but a bit too flawed in feel, aspect ratio, and rez (was also hoping to be able to use this in conjunction with a bluetooth mouse but the rez according to reviews seems to be not quite adequate for that). Will keep looking, but technically it does seem to be what i am looking for (hard to please i suppose )

[Q] Ipush

Just bought one, totally unimpressed with it, tried to airplay from ipad on ios7, just get audio
Try it on my galaxy note 3, won't play showbox through it
Anyone else bought one?
markeymark said:
Just bought one, totally unimpressed with it, tried to airplay from ipad on ios7, just get audio
Try it on my galaxy note 3, won't play showbox through it
Anyone else bought one?
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I just got one last week, and am a little more impressed with it than you are. Tried it last night with my Nexus7 (2012), and had it quite happily streaming a movie onto the TV via both its own iPush app and also various DLNA apps (Skifka, MediaHouse etc). Setting it up was reasonably easy compared to some reports I've read online about it, although the interface was a little clunky and took a while. Plus of course the written documentation shipped with the device is awful, although ironically the on-screen stuff that the iPush actually displays on the TV when you connect it is much clearer.
So far I only see a couple of negatives. The biggest one is that its built-in WiFi hotspot seems to have a fixed password and always be broadcast (even when it's connected to another device/router), which I would say is a fairly major security hole as it could let someone into the network as a back door. Secondly when I tried it with my HTX 8X (WinPhone 8) it was visible as a renderer to MyMediaHub when the phone was connected directly to the iPush's hotspot, but it didn't seem to pick it up when connected via another hotspot (my Ravpower WD-01 filehub) even though my N7 happily did so in the same scenario. But that second one could just as easily be a glitch with the HTC.
But I have read elsewhere of several people having issues with iOS and Airplay, which I think were also mentioned in the Amazon sales blurb when I got mine (being on Android I didn't take too much notice as it doesn't apply to me). Basically that there wasn't video support for Airplay due to license/copyright issues or something, but beyond that maybe a little Google-Fu could turn something up?
Anyway there seem to be a few firmware updates around which may (I hope) address the wifi password concern. But that's tonight's little project.

