Help Needed In Modifing Kernel For Ported Rom - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Unpack the kernel from PORTED
Unpack your Device's kernel
Open PORTED's init.rc
Replace the BOOTCLASSPATH from PORTED's init.rc to BASE's init.rc
Compare the two files, and addon to your Kernel's init.rc
Packup/Repack your Kernel
These are the steps i need a Dev who can unpack and repack the kernel for me as i dont have linux or ubuntu and too many problems in Windows 8
Anyone interested plezz Pm Me will send u the kernelz
I AM PORTING P.A.C MAN As the Spacman rom was not PACMAN In true Sense And had Too Many UI Problems

I'm sorry, but what is this thread for?


[TUT] Building your own Xperia Play Kernel

Since We have such a fantastic tutorial on how to build your own CM9, I thought I'd add one for building a kernel.
Edit: updated kernel sources for jellybean
First off:
DooMLoRD, KeiranFTW & Atarii.
1) Grab the toolchain I have here (Android NDK R5b), it's the only one I've been able to use that doesn't throw errors when compiling (stock based kernels): Doom has provided a better toolchain[/QUOTE] you can get it using
git clone -b master <optional_folder_name_you_choose>
(thanks Doom!!)
Building a kernel from fxp sources
1) Terminal for any commands, file explorer for finding stuff & gedit for changes.
2) open up terminal, mkdir <name_you_want> (no spaces)
3) cd <name_you_want>
4) git clone -b ics <optional_name_you_want_the_folder_to_be> (no spaces)
5) cd <optional_name_you_want_the_folder_to_be>/semc-kernel-msm-7x30-ics (if you didn't rename it)
6) (If this is after the first time, and lets say a week has past do this step, otherwise ignore) git pull (automatically updates any files)
7) First important step: Find the defconfig that fxp uses. They are located in arch/arm/config. fxp_zeus_defconfig is the name of theirs
8) copy fxp_zeus_defconfig & rename to <what_you_want_it_named>_zeus_defconfig (for example, mine will be pax_zeus_defconfig)
9) open up your defconfig & put it into another workspace, we'll mess with it later
10) Hop onto DooMLoRD's github, his we'll use for references.
11) Adding governors:
A1) Well, as I look into this, fxp has a ton of governors not used... (located in <name_of_kernel_folder>/drivers/cpufreq/
A2) Check the Kconfig file to see that they're all in there (they must just not be in the defconfig file)
A3) Edit the deconfig file you created in lines 467-474 removing "#" from any you want to add (and add in any you might've added by adding the line CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_<NAME_OF_GOVERNOR>=y
A4) If you want to add more governors, check out the Commits from DooMLoRD's build to add in when needed (anytime you see a "+" that means line added, "-" means line deleted)
12) Adding IO Schedulers:
B1) Navigate to <name_of_kernel>/block folder
B2) Once again, FXP has a ton of IO Schedulers added, but not used in Play kernel:
B3) Open up Kconfig.ioshced to make sure they're in there (and add any you want)
B4) Edit the defconfig file you created (lines 121-137) & fix it to your liking (same as above)
B5) If you want to add more, see Doom's commits to add 'em
13) Turning off ALS
C1) Navigate to <name_of_kernel>/arch/arm/mach-msm
C2) Open up board-semc_zeus.c
C3) Search for .als_connected (it on line 1349)
C4) Change the variable from 1 to 0
14) Overclocking
D1) open up arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-7x30.c
D2) Lines 96 - 144 contain the PLL2 table, which is used to set clock speeds, note FXP can go all the way up to 2ghz, they just stop it short.
Continued in post 2 because all of this in one post 20% more awesome than XDA can handle
Cont'd from post 1
15) Building the Kernel
E1) Save your defconfig file, you'll need it now.
E2) naviage to <name_of_kernel> folder (in terminal)
E3) Type in "ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=<path_to_cross_compiler_i'll_use_min e_for_example>/home/paxchristos/Android_Source/doom_ndk/arm-eabi-4.4.3//bin/arm-eabi- make <what_you_put_here>_zeus_defconfig
E4) Type in "ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=<path_to_cross_compiler_from_above>/arm-eabi- make
E5) Sit back and relax (assuming it doesn't throw any errors, if it does, post here & I'll try to help you through them)
16) Getting the ramdisk
F1) Download a working copy of FXP's kernel (either through my zips or fxp zips)
F2) Goto here:, download the that's attached.
F3) Now what I did (you don't have to) is chmod 755 mkbootimg & & (sudo) cp to /bin for easy calling.
F4) Navagiate in terminal to where you downloaded fxp kernel
F5) mkdir <working_folder>
F6) cp <fxp_kernel> <working_folder>
F7) cd <working folder>
F8) <fxp_kernel>
F9) mkdir ramdisk
F10) cd ramdisk
F11) gzip -dc ../<fxp_kernel>.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -i
F12) Now you have the ramdisk, let's futz with it.
F13) First (easiest step) is to goto default.prop & change to
F14) That's mainly what we want to do with it, if you want to change the boot image, go here: for how to do it manually, or here: for the automatic way.
F15) now that we're done with the ramdisk, we'll go back to terminal
F16) find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../ramdisk.img
F17) cd ../
17) Putting the ramdisk & kernel together
G1) By now (hopefully) the kernel is done compiling. (time for terminal, you should still be in folder you were above)
G2) cp ~/<folder_you_put_the_kernel_source_in>/arch/arm/boot/zImage ./
G3) mkbootimg --base 0x00200000 --kernel zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.img -o <what_you_want_to_name_your_kernel>.img
18) Flashing it for testing.
H1) Keep your copy of FXP's kernel around, just in case any issues happen
H2) fastboot boot <your_kernel>.img
H3) If it boots & works, SUCCESS!! you modified your own custom kernel!
H4) If it doesn't boot (at all, just a vibrate & blank screen for 10-20 seconds) there's a problem with the ramdisk, sometimes it's bad, sometimes is needs filler, overall, it's just a pain in the butt to figure out.
H5) If it boots & bootloops the splash screen, well, that's an issue with the ramdisk again, that possibly, your ramdisk does not match you rom. Recovery, reflash rom & try again.
Courtesy of Atarii reminding me
19) Adding your wifi modules (they get built when you build the kernel) into the ramdisk
I1) Let's pretend that you haven't gotten through step F16, we're gonna add the wifi modules in.
I2) The wifi modules are located in <name_of_kernel_source_folder>/drivers/net/wireless/
I3) Copy bcm4329.ko to ~/ramdisk/working/modules/
I4) Add in the following lines to init.semc.rc
#load bcm4329 module
insmod /modules/bcm4329.ko
I5) Now your modules will autoload on boot!
Excellent guide
It may be because I'm both skeptical of us R800x users ever getting a real ICS, and the fact that going back to gingerbread sounds really tempting, but do you know / could you list the differences for compiling a gingerbread kernel for, say, CM7?
Kieran just told me to go to Sony's site. Thanks!
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Now I've read over this but I'd like to know exactly what a new Linux kernal can do for us? Does it allow us to do more stuff with any custom rom we create?
lightningdude said:
It may be because I'm both skeptical of us R800x users ever getting a real ICS, and the fact that going back to gingerbread sounds really tempting, but do you know / could you list the differences for compiling a gingerbread kernel for, say, CM7?
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Do this in place of #4 (in the guide)
4) git clone -b master <optional_name_you_want_the_folder_to_be>
& You'll get their sources for GB instead of ics
Alternatively, if you wanna do it from SEMC kernel sources,
Download them from: un-tar/bzip them & work from kernel/
Phryxus said:
Now I've read over this but I'd like to know exactly what a new Linux kernal can do for us? Does it allow us to do more stuff with any custom rom we create?
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Here's a better explanation than I can do
bassmadrigal said:
The kernel is kinda like the nervous system of the body. It directly interacts with the hardware (which is how it is able to adjust CPU speed) and it is what allows the ROM to function.
The ROM is the rest of the body. Every other aspect of the phone. In fact, most ROMs include custom kernels. Various ROMs give you various features/enhancements/bugfixes. You will probably notice the biggest change in your phone if you load a custom ROM. Most people load the custom kernels to help with battery life as a lot of them allow you to lower the phones minimum processing speed from 245Mhz to 128MHz.
The ROM can change so many different aspects of how the phone works. There is CyanogenMod which is based off of stock Android with a lot of tweaks, bugfixes, and new features added. There is also MIUI, which is similar to the iOS style (not the same, but much closer than stock Android), and then there are a ton others out there.
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This is an awesome guide, definitely recommend to all, if you're interested in getting into kernel development.
The only thing maybe worth mentioning is where to copy the compiled wifi drivers and modules (governors etc) from, after the kernel has compiled
I'm having a problem at the "Building the Kernel" step. I ran the command, albeit slightly different than you wrote, and got this error:
"make: *** No rule to make target `mjolnir_zeus_defconfig'. Stop."
Do I not have my NDK installed properly, or what?
Edit: Nevermind, was hit by a confusion spell. It's cured, and all is well. At least, for now.
btw, in the future you will want to clone:
ics branch
But FXP haven't updated kernel in a while, so you could use my CM9 kernel sources if you like:
master branch
Difference is, mine is made from pure Sony PLAY beta sources, while FXP use arc beta sources
I have successfully compiled a kernel for CM7. Thanks, pax, for this tut, and all other developers for their contributions!
Sent from my R800x using XDA
the NDK toolchain isnt good...
i have test them and they throw un-necessary errors...
best use gcc-4.4.3 toolchain from CM repo... it works with almost all device kernels i develop for...
u can also try gcc-4.6.2 toolchain (linaro)...
a working copy of both can be found at my git repo:
DooMLoRD said:
the NDK toolchain isnt good...
i have test them and they throw un-necessary errors...
best use gcc-4.4.3 toolchain from CM repo... it works with almost all device kernels i develop for...
u can also try gcc-4.6.2 toolchain (linaro)...
a working copy of both can be found at my git repo:
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+1 to that, I use your arm-eabi-4.4.3 prebuilt
lightningdude said:
I have successfully compiled a kernel for CM7. Thanks, pax, for this tut, and all other developers for their contributions!
Sent from my R800x using XDA
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Apparently I was a little premature in my findings. Having a hell of a time with the fxp sources for CM7. For some reason, I just can't get my cpu frequencies to come down from Max. DooMLoRD, what am I missing?
Sent from my R800x using XDA
It's been a while since I gave an update here, but my ics kernel is doing fine. I just gave up on gingerbread. My new question: How would I go about changing recovery and such? I prefer DooMLoRD's recovery over Keiran's, but since I'm using Keiran's sources, I don't know what to do to get a different recovery.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
lightningdude said:
It's been a while since I gave an update here, but my ics kernel is doing fine. I just gave up on gingerbread. My new question: How would I go about changing recovery and such? I prefer DooMLoRD's recovery over Keiran's, but since I'm using Keiran's sources, I don't know what to do to get a different recovery.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
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Try replacing the recovery executable in /sbin/ with DooMLoRDs
Sent from my Xperia Play using Tapatalk 2
KeiranFTW said:
Try replacing the recovery executable in /sbin/ with DooMLoRDs
Sent from my Xperia Play using Tapatalk 2
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I'm at work right now, but I'll try when I get home. I plan on doing some digging for the sake of learning, but that's going to wait for the weekend.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Edit: Thanks Keiran, that worked. Like I said, I'll be poking around some more this weekend, just to see what I can mess with. Too bad I never got this far on my older phones...
looks good! so gonna try this tomorrow to build a cifs.ko module from latest Se source
watching a movies on phone, here I come
Hi great tutorial, but I'm having a problem with the wifi I have tried taking my bcm4329.ko from drivers/net/wireless and flashing it via CWM also tried moving it to system/lib/modules manually on my phone but still can't get it to work. Any idea how to fix this, its the only thing keeping me from using my own kernel
Sent from my Xperia Play using xda premium

[GUIDE] How to port roms for Samsung Wave&Wave II

NOTE: For this guide you need Base Rom and Port Rom must be same version. You should port roms from Samsung Galaxy S i9000. Some roms gives error (unfortunately... phone has stopped) it stems from kernel. if you have this error you should try different kernels.
* Notepad++
* 7zip
Let's start porting!
*Every changes Base to Port...
- Create two folders named Base and Port . Base rom for our wave rom. Port rom for Galaxy S rom. Extract roms these folders.
- In port rom delete Meta-inf folder and copy paste Meta-inf from base rom.
- Now open system folders for both roms. From base rom copy replace addon.d files to port rom.
- In base rom bin/adb, app-process, atrace, dalvikvm, mediaserver, rild, sensorservice,, vold, wpa_cli, wpa_suplicant ; copy replace these files to port rom bin folder.
- In base rom etc folder copy replace all folders and files (without>> dhcpcd, permissions, ppp, security) to port rom etc folder.
- In base rom etc/permissions copy replace all files (without>> latform.xml, handheld_core_hardware.xml) to port rom etc/permissions
- In base rom lib folder copy-merge-replace (drm, egl, hw, soundfx, ssl) to port lib. and again from base in lib copy replace (libaudioeffect_jni, libaudioflinger, libaudioutils,,,,,, libsensorservice, to port rom lib
- In base rom framework/framework.res.apk/res/xml-eri.xml and storage.list.xml copy replace to port rom framework/framework.res.apk/res/xml
- Delete in port rom "usr and vendor" folders and from base rom copy paste "usr and vendor" folders.
- From base rom in xbin copy replace (su) to port rom in xbin
- open build.prop files in port and base rom
edit base rom's build.prop... copy replace these lines from port rom build.prop ( - ve ro.mod.version= / ro.config.ringtone=, ro.config.notification=, ro.config.alarm=) to base rom's build.prop and save-exit..
- Delete build.prop in port rom and paste build.prop from base rom
- It's finished now open 7z and compress Port rom folder (Meta-inf and system)
Done! You can enjoy your own Port Rom ​
And porting can begin
Thanks for this guide
+ for guide
Can i port any CM7 rom (kernel 2.3.62)?
ghoslslender124 said:
+ for guide
Can i port any CM7 rom (kernel 2.3.62)?
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Yeah, if you find/compile a corresponding kernel.
Sadly there is no "functionning" GB kernel for wave. (One exist but nothing work on it)
an idea
since wave doesnt have brightness control ambient sensor we dont have automatic brigtness but some apps let you adjest brightness using camera
so we can use automatic brightness using our front or back camera of phone
here is one application i have tested and work good or somebody here give better than that
black0000 said:
an idea
since wave doesnt have brightness control ambient sensor we dont have automatic brigtness but some apps let you adjest brightness using camera
so we can use automatic brightness using our front or back camera of phone
here is one application i have tested and work good or somebody here give better than that
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Maybe it could be a "battery drain" solution... I suppose...
Hi Blue59 I appreciate what you mention in this post and I find very interesting.
Is a problem that commented on the following link and I asked in several forums but no one helps me.
I have install Master ICS ROM Docs and am happy with this rom and do not want to use another rom.
But the camera works at 50%, If can take pictures, but you can not record videos.
I want to do port the camera folders and options from another ROM where if can record videos and add them to the ICS ROM Docs Master
Can I change folders Docs Master ICS ROM that have to do with the camera ........and replace them with another ROM where I SI works for video recording as well get to record videos too with ICS ROM Master Docs ?
I mean doing what you said in initiation post
Thanks for this guide
Blue59 said:
NOTE: For this guide you need Base Rom and Port Rom must be same version. You should port roms from Samsung Galaxy S i9000. Some roms gives error (unfortunately... phone has stopped) it stems from kernel. if you have this error you should try different kernels.
* Notepad++
* 7zip
Let's start porting!
*Every changes Base to Port...
- Create two folders named Base and Port . Base rom for our wave rom. Port rom for Galaxy S rom. Extract roms these folders.
- In port rom delete Meta-inf folder and copy paste Meta-inf from base rom.
- Now open system folders for both roms. From base rom copy replace addon.d files to port rom.
- In base rom bin/adb, app-process, atrace, dalvikvm, mediaserver, rild, sensorservice,, vold, wpa_cli, wpa_suplicant ; copy replace these files to port rom bin folder.
- In base rom etc folder copy replace all folders and files (without>> dhcpcd, permissions, ppp, security) to port rom etc folder.
- In base rom etc/permissions copy replace all files (without>> latform.xml, handheld_core_hardware.xml) to port rom etc/permissions
- In base rom lib folder copy-merge-replace (drm, egl, hw, soundfx, ssl) to port lib. and again from base in lib copy replace (libaudioeffect_jni, libaudioflinger, libaudioutils,,,,,, libsensorservice, to port rom lib
- In base rom framework/framework.res.apk/res/xml-eri.xml and storage.list.xml copy replace to port rom framework/framework.res.apk/res/xml
- Delete in port rom "usr and vendor" folders and from base rom copy paste "usr and vendor" folders.
- From base rom in xbin copy replace (su) to port rom in xbin
- open build.prop files in port and base rom
edit base rom's build.prop... copy replace these lines from port rom build.prop ( - ve ro.mod.version= / ro.config.ringtone=, ro.config.notification=, ro.config.alarm=) to base rom's build.prop and save-exit..
- Delete build.prop in port rom and paste build.prop from base rom
- It's finished now open 7z and compress Port rom folder (Meta-inf and system)
Done! You can enjoy your own Port Rom ​
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what is the base rom l need to use
and can l use this guide to port cm 14??????????(from s1)
no you can't use cm14 because we don't have N rom
Blue59 said:
no you can't use cm14 because we don't have N rom
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Only need update kernel and build kernel
thinhx2 said:
Only need update kernel and build kernel
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Yes it will Come for Wave

[D.E.V][PORT] MIUI 7 ROM for I8552 delos3geour device

Hi MIUIers
This was a request for Port Team development. Like me many people have or had a Win Duos device GT-i8552 (delos3geour) and keep using the stock Jelly Bean Android or change this recent device for other.
It's a Quad-core armv7 snapdragon 200 with potential to use most recent API.s I made some customs ROMs based in Stock with AOSP features and lasted used Baidu OS with my own themes to bcloud theme chooser like the DWUI V6 dark and light all inspired on MIUI 6 to keep alive , but we could be MIUI running .
Owners please vote in Pool below to indicate me your interesting
With help and incentive by MIUI Team developers, i decided look at this opportunity to give MIUI for all owners and transform new MIUIers have fun !!
After did many Custosm ROMs, ports and others things for I8552 i decided to make a Full BUILD ROM for delos3geour using a MIUI 7 source from Nexus5.
Update Thread Project (MIUI 7 Patchrom - 7.05.14)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Ubuntu 14.04 or newest 16.04 64-bit. installed or virtualized
Base ROM for your device.
It's better to use a pure AOSP built for your device as base ROM rather than CyanogenMod, this avoid more rejections while patching a MIUI source.
Decompile knowledge
Linux commands
Status: 18.05.2017
Rejections Fixes Step: services.jar.out
Repository - Done
SDK config - Done
JKD config - Done
Libs config - Done
Worskpace - Done
FirStpatch - Done
delos3geour Patchrom by MJ Rosa
Rejections List 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level 6 level 7 level 8 level status Fix date
Folder android.policy.jar.out
Subfolder smali
Subfolder com
Subfolder android
Subfolder internal
Subfolder policy
Subfolder impl
File PhoneWindowManager.smali ok 08/05/17
Folder framework.jar.out
Subfolder smali
Subfolder android
Subfolder accounts
File ChooseTypeAndAccountActivity.smali ok 08/05/17
Subfolder app
File ApplicationPackageManager.smali ok 08/05/17
File ContextImpl.smali ok 09/05/17
File DialogFragment.smali ok 09/05/17
File ResourcesManager.smali ok 10/05/17
Subfolder Backup
File BackupAgent.smali ok 10/05/17
Subfolder content
Subfolder pm
File PackageParser.smali ok 10/05/17
Subfolder res
File Configuration.smali ok 10/05/17
Subfolder database
Subfolder sqlite
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder graphics
Subfolder drawable
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder media
File AudioService.smali ok 12/05/17
File MediaFile.smali ok 12/05/17
File MiniThumbFile.smali ok 12/05/17
Subfolder net
Subfolder wifi
File SupplicantStateTracker.smali ok 14/05/17
File WifiConfigStore.smali ok 14/05/17
File WifiStateMachine.smali ok 14/05/17
File Build$VERSION.smali ok 17/05/17
File RecoverySystem.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder preference
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder provider
File CallLog$Calls.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder telephony
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder util
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder view
File ViewConfiguration.smali ok 17/05/17
File Window.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder webkit
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder widget
File TextView.smali ok 17/05/17
Folder framework2.jar.out
Subfolder smali
Subfolder com
Subfolder android
Subfolder internal
Subfolder app
File IAppOpsService$Stub.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder os
File ZygoteInit.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder statusbar
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder telephony
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder widget
File ILockSettings$Stub.smali ok 17/05/17
Folder services.jar.out
Subfolder smali
Subfolder com
Subfolder android
Subfolder server
Subfolder accounts
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder am
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder connectivity
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder content
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder display
File WifiDisplayController.smali ok 17/05/17
Subfolder input
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder location
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder net
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder pm
File PackageManagerService.smali ok 18/05/17
Subfolder power
File PowerManagerService.smali ok 18/05/17
Subfolder usb
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder vm
File AlarmManagerService.smali ok 18/05/17
File AlarmManagerService$Alarm.smali ok 18/05/17
File BackupManagerService.smali ok 18/05/17
File BackupManagerService$PerformFullBackupTask.smali ok 18/05/17
File ConnectivityService.smali ok 18/05/17
File ConnectivityService$CheckMp.smali ok 18/05/17
File ConnectivityService$FeatureUser.smali ok 18/05/17
File LightsService$Light.smali ok 18/05/17
File LocationManagerService.smali ok 18/05/17
File MasterClearReceiver.smali ok 18/05/17
File MasterClearReceiver$1.smali
File NotificationManagerService.smali
File NotificationManagerService$6.smali
File ServerThread.smali
File ServerThread$2.smali
Folder telephony-common.jar.out
Subfolder smali
Subfolder android
Subfolder telephony
Subfolder no fixes
Subfolder com
Subfolder android
Subfolder internal
Subfolder telephony
Subfolder cdma
File CDMAPhone.smali
Subfolder gsm
File GSMPhone.smali
File GsmServiceStateTracker.smali
Subfolder uicc
File RuimRecords.smali
File SIMRecords.smali
File UiccCard.smali
File IccProvider.smali
File PhoneBase.smali
Port MIUI v5 from K-touch U86
Morning Bro's @gody420, @manojkumar8552
Im open this dev with the objective port MIUI v6 from K-Touch - U86
Im using the Droidwin v3 like base and processing port by kitchen
Step 1
First decompile recovery.img and boot.img to create file with mount points of U86 link post and save with the device name that w find on build.prop
Open Kitchen and put the droidwin ROM (Base zip) and MIUI ROM (Port zip) on original_update folder
On kitchen menu set Legacy option and type 28 to choose port ROM functions
Step 2
Set base zip like obtain a rom that is currently meant for your device
Wait extract base kernel and extract zip to my_device_working folder created
Step 3
Set Port zip like obtain a rom that iyou want to port from another device
Wait creation of working_folder and extract ROM from Port zip . Rename folder to identify project
On sequency action to this step i selected option 1 - Convert it to update-script ( Amend format) cause this is default option "y"
The option 2 means Do nothing , keep updater-script (Edify format)
Step 4
Now the working_folder ported is craeted and the kitchen merge folders and files of both zip folders ( porting ROM)
In the and appear on NOTE: This device (msm8625) requires an updater-scripit so im stopped process and restart repeating again the steps 2 and 3 just this time selecting on action the option 2
Now this process occurs fine just on NOTE kitchen returns that dont be able to maka dedodex and others stuffs but is ok in moment cause isn't my objective
Follow kitchen steps the Porting ROM is done.....
setting ro.product.device=delous3geur
setting ro.product.board=MSM8225
setting ro.product.plataform=msm7627a
Step 5
using the notepad++ Open the working Ported folder system/build.prop ported and change the devices name, brand manufactory for I8552 base build.prop especfs
ro product.brand=samsung
[COLOR="Blue"]ro.product.device=delos3geur (keep this created by kitchen)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]or xx depends of base name[/COLOR]
ro product.manufacturer=samsung
ro.product.product=delos3geur[COLOR="Red"]samsung/delos3geub-[/COLOR]:...........keep rest[COLOR="red"]samsung/delos3geub/delos3geur[/COLOR]...........keep rest
On finish im saved file
This time i dont changed the additional properties like ringtones
Step 6
Go back on kitchen menu and select 99 to build new ported ROM zip
Well this steps on flash something is diferent and this case im need u help and stopped on bootanimantion
Soon i1ll post attachs by this build.prop and the update-script
mjraogr said:
Morning Bro's @gody420, @manojkumar8552
Im open this dev with the objective port MIUI v6 from K-Touch - U86
Im using the Droidwin v3 like base and processing port by kitchen
Step 1
First decompile recovery.img and boot.img to create file with mount points of U86 link post and save with the device name that w find on build.prop
Open Kitchen and put the droidwin ROM (Base zip) and MIUI ROM (Port zip) on original_update folder
On kitchen menu set Legacy option and type 28 to choose port ROM functions
Step 2
Set base zip like obtain a rom that is currently meant for your device
Wait extract base kernel and extract zip to my_device_working folder created
Step 3
Set Port zip like obtain a rom that iyou want to port from another device
Wait creation of working_folder and extract ROM from Port zip . Rename folder to identify project
On sequency action to this step i selected option 1 - Convert it to update-script ( Amend format) cause this is default option "y"
The option 2 means Do nothing , keep updater-script (Edify format)
Step 4
Now the working_folder ported is craeted and the kitchen merge folders and files of both zip folders ( porting ROM)
In the and appear on NOTE: This device (msm8625) requires an updater-scripit so im stopped process and restart repeating again the steps 2 and 3 just this time selecting on action the option 2
Now this process occurs fine just on NOTE kitchen returns that dont be able to maka dedodex and others stuffs but is ok in moment cause isn't my objective
Follow kitchen steps the Porting ROM is done.....
setting ro.product.device=delous3geur
setting ro.product.board=MSM8225
setting ro.product.plataform=msm7627a
Step 5
using the notepad++ Open the working Ported folder system/build.prop ported and change the devices name, brand manufactory for I8552 base build.prop especfs
ro product.brand=samsung
[COLOR="Blue"]ro.product.device=delos3geur (keep this created by kitchen)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]or xx depends of base name[/COLOR]
ro product.manufacturer=samsung
ro.product.product=delos3geur[COLOR="Red"]samsung/delos3geub-[/COLOR]:...........keep rest[COLOR="red"]samsung/delos3geub/delos3geur[/COLOR]...........keep rest
On finish im saved file
This time i dont changed the additional properties like ringtones
Step 6
Go back on kitchen menu and select 99 to build new ported ROM zip
Well this steps on flash something is diferent and this case im need u help and stopped on bootanimantion
Soon i1ll post attachs by this build.prop and the update-script
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Look that...
I searched and found one tool for translate apks but just supports MIUI V5
Its jbart for MIUI roms
Sent from my GT-I8552B using XDA Free mobile app
I downloaded the miui v5 for I8552 but the wifi isn't working, back touch either and some bugs like (not recongnize sim cards and memory card)
And help pls ???
Doom2015 said:
I downloaded the miui v5 for I8552 but the wifi isn't working, back touch either and some bugs like (not recongnize sim cards and memory card)
And help pls ???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello bro
Unrapply no exists MIUI for I8552 yet. This DEV opened for this and i'm studying way trying port v4 or v5 by other device armv7 and factory
I think this rom that u saying its the transwin ROM was modified by some one with the MIUI express apk. Check this on about settings
Can u confirm? If I m could wrong, please indicate font by us
Sent from my GT-I8552B using XDA Free mobile app
I sent you a private msg
Here is the download link -
I was right talking about miui v5 for galaxy i8552 look this site (
Doom2015 said:
I was right talking about miui v5 for galaxy i8552 look this site (
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes bro
I downloaded and tested ,
Really V5 ported but dont works:
wi fi, sdcard instable loosing any times,
Dont recognize the sim 1 just sim 2 on my device. Cant be found Camera and dont have support by languages only CN and US
mjraogr said:
Yes bro
I downloaded and tested ,
Really V5 ported but dont works:
wi fi, sdcard instable loosing any times,
Dont recognize the sim 1 just sim 2 on my device. Cant be found Camera and dont have support by languages only CN and US
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can u please test rom and reports bugs to us. Maybe we can be merge others sammy Jb ported . Im downloaded the git hub portuguese language support for translate with jbart manager apks and Im studying I9300 tree cause its stable.
harsinghal said:
Here is the download link -
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for indicate, Is it your works? can be fix the reports?
I think i'll give it a shot
Zhekamas said:
I think i'll give it a shot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cant possible cause the shots didnt save when i tested, but this MIUI its flashable.
Im working now on Baidu 67, cleaning, change stock Baidu recovery and any system apps for pure Google pre-root and performance modules, deodexing, zipalign and translate.
This transformation means to be most closed for global users
Is audio working???
gody420 said:
Is audio working???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, on 67 works everything
lasted night i done many parts of mod and stabilizing the google frame fixes,
The great effort must be work on translation cause didnt find a correct tool for baidu just for MIUI v5 Jbart tools but didnt effect on Baidu apks, so i ll to do decompile and set global language manually
mjraogr said:
Can u please test rom and reports bugs to us. Maybe we can be merge others sammy Jb ported . Im downloaded the git hub portuguese language support for translate with jbart manager apks and Im studying I9300 tree cause its stable.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Good evening, I 'm rather bro work so stop back and install the rom!
robertcarvalho20 said:
Good evening, I 'm rather bro work so stop back and install the rom!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im working on Baidu 67 ,
Everything work just the no have FM Radio application and i trying port the samsung stock cause testing the spirit FM returns didnt find FM chip compatible
Working on mod
The results have been very good!!
New face look
New system apps
Google edition inserted with frames apps and stuff... run ok
Now translating application for run test
Important Issues tested:
The Baidu can t be decompile on apktool multi tools so i used the MIUI Jbart Tools for this
No radio FM stook Baidu
The xposed Installer dont works on Baidu cause dont update and fix framework
mjraogr said:
The results have been very good!!
New face look
New system apps
Google edition inserted with frames apps and stuff... run ok
Now translating application for run test
View attachment 3199289
Important Issues tested:
The Baidu can t be decompile on apktool multi tools so i used the MIUI Jbart Tools for this
No radio FM stook Baidu
The xposed Installer dont works on Baidu cause dont update and fix framework
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The new face
Sent from my GT-I8552 using XDA Free mobile app
Log by Apktool
I decompiled Baidu apks with Jbart tools but dont recompile again
Trying with apktoll, or mult tools or apktools advance the error by log is same below
Log For : BaiduInput.apk
Log Type : Decompiling
Log Recorded At : 08 2015-03- 1:43:30,56
Log Recorded By : Advanced ApkTool v4.1.0 By BDFreak
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readComplexEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.setTargetSdkVersion(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Anyone knows what must be done, or I'm loosing to configure?
mjraogr said:
I decompiled Baidu apks with Jbart tools but dont recompile again
Trying with apktoll, or mult tools or apktools advance the error by log is same below
Log For : BaiduInput.apk
Log Type : Decompiling
Log Recorded At : 08 2015-03- 1:43:30,56
Log Recorded By : Advanced ApkTool v4.1.0 By BDFreak
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readComplexEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.setTargetSdkVersion(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Anyone knows what must be done, or I'm loosing to configure?
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Click to collapse
Deodex the rom first then decompile apk

compiling kernel for kenzo

i want this kernel
but it is deleted from the provided link
so i think i have to compile it myself
dev provided github link for source
in the guide of flashing he said
"- Edit user vars in build/
- From kernel root run: sh build/"
now m not sure that does that mean
please help me

AOSP modifying / compiling keyboard LatinIME

Hello all! I have downloaded and successfully build the AOSP for marshmallow (android-6.0.1_r79). Than I made some changes to the stockkeyboard (regarding to my other topic, but not relevant here). The file which I modified was this here:
I compiled the code and it was successfull too. But than I realize I face some problems.
I mounted the system.img and get into the path: /system/app/LatinIME/
I decompiled the app (jadx, apktool) to check if the modification there is available and here is the problem
This APK does not contain any Java sources?! Its just xml regarding to the layout. When I replace my old Stockkeyboard with this one, it is still perfectly working? So I got not clue whats going on.
Question regarding to this topic are:
How can I make a modification to the stock keyboard LatinIME
Building this new AOSP image with the new keyboard
And extracting the new keyboardj(APK) out of this image to install it on my device (Root permissions are of course available)
What I have tryed:
Modyfing the following Java file: packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/
Compiling the complete project (make -j4 and just the keyboard: make -j LatinIME)
Replacing my own keyboard with the modified stock keyboard
My steps are as described not working. The keyboard appears and its working but the modification seems to be missing. Also by decompiling it, there are no Java sources within it.
I am relly glad for any help to this topic! Thank you!

