Power Toggles control tethering ( no root) - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Themes and Apps

Great app. You can control lot of things ( flsh light, tethering, USB thethering etc) no root needed.
Check this out : https://play.google.com/store/apps/...t#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5wYWlubGVzcy5wYyJd


HP TouchPad issue

Thinking about TouchPad, should buy or not !
Not buy because of
WebOS is dead, no more support from market
No apps (just few apps right now, sure it will be no more comming).
Should buy because of
Cheap....compared with other dual-core tablet, HP Touchpad price is good value, it cost about US$230 - $250 with 32G wifi version on ebay. other dual-core tablet it cost more than US$400.
Can install non-complete android CM 7, A lot of people working hard and try to make it, but no guarantee.
Non-complete issues on CM7 TouchPad version:
Cannot record sound, unless sound is already playing [Accepted]
Battery Drains while sleeping and active [Accepted]
Plugging in headphones does not mute external speakers [Accepted]
Wifi hangs in sleep, then does not reconnect [Reported]
TouchPad appears not to wake from sleep [Reported]
Bluetooth directional keys mapped for portrait mode [Reported]
Audio becomes distorted when device is put to sleep [Reported]
Files added to root folder appear to get deleted on reboot [Reported]
Onscreen keyboard shows while using bluetooth keyboard [Reported]
Apps in market are being filtered [Accepted]
Battery does not shut down device at critical battery level [Reported]
Camera does not take pictures [Accepted]
Reboot and Shutdown can take a long time [Accepted]
LED light turns off while sleeping [Accepted]
Light Sensor does not work automatically, needs to be turned on manually [Accepted]
No audio support for BT headsets [Accepted]
Add divx codecs for video support [Started]
GPS apps crashes because apps assume for valid GPS [Accepted]
What currently works on TouchPad with CM 7:
Wifi (Fixed 10/9)
Camera (Fixed 10/7)
Touchstone Support (Fixed 10/6)
Power Management (Fixed 10/4)
Clockwork Recovery (Fixed 9/30)
Battery Reporting (Fixed 9/29)
Fake SD card Mount (Fixed 9/26)
Vibration (Fixed 9/26)
Bluetooth (Fixed 9/24)
Dual CPU Processor (Fixed 9/23)
Fast Switch Boot (Appears fixed to me Video Update 9/23)
Booting into Android
ADB commands via ADB
Power, back/home and volume button layout
Touchscreen support (Multi-touch, 10 fingers)
GPU Acceleration (50/50 2D Accel support, just like any other gingerbread device out there)
Sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApfeSj4Ql6Q
Accelerometer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IVkj_vdY6s
Backlight (Confirmed in IRC)
LED (Confirmed in IRC)
Multiboot (Confirmed in IRC)
Light Sensor (Confirmed in IRC)
Accessing webOS files from Android and vice versa
PARTIALLY Compass (Bugs need to be worked out)
Any exist TouchPad user here?
You shouldn't buy it, seems like you are looking for a out if box experience.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium

Cm7 with Glitch v13 Softkey Backlights and Wifi tether

Anyone able to extend the backlight timeouts on softkeys with cm7 and glitch v13? The device options in the settings are greyed out. The lights timeout too quick for me.
Also the built wifi tether works but I'm constantly losing 3g data only while its on making it useless. I installed wifi tether for root users app and that works but I would prefer the built in option.
Thank you

[MOD] [ICS/JB] [U,Sola,P,GO] 2G-3G toggle

I discovered this thread that add setting to toggle 2G/3G automatically:
It can toggle 3G on when you enabled mobile data and switch back to 2G when you disabled it.
Even it can switch to 2G automatically when screen is off..
And many more
But, it will cost you full wipe of current rom and reinstall it back with this mod comply in it..
Tested and working on PowerJB 1.4 by @PrototypeII

WiFi don't turning off during sleep

I have turn the right settings in Android settings wifi advanced active wifi in idle and I have tested some apps like smartnetwork by Wanam and 3c toolbox but the wifi is not turning off since I have changed my room to stock (I have did the cleaner installation possible) so please help me.
Ps I want to link a screen shot of my apps that are using root or other high permission but xda don't want to upload them.

Disable/Enable OTG by Code

I m looking for some help to implement the following feature on Android 9.0, and it will be running on MTK based mobile.
1. disable the otg function once the screen is off. then enable otg once the screen is on.
2. provide option on the settings to control this feature .
3. make application contains one button to enable/disable otg
the idea is we will connect some devices to the mobile. and we need to control the battery consumtion, if the mobile is not used (screen is off) we disable the otg. so the device will not consume the mobile battery.
any one can help on this or give some ideas
Any update about this topic?

