[MOD][XPOSED][4.0+]XblastTools Quiethours,CenterClock,NotificationPeek,LED v1.8.8 - Xposed Framework Modules

I have spent many many hours to develop this mod...Get the play store version to support the development & get the lot more feature....
you can choose your favorite color for your Clock with out modifying APK files
You can add custom text along with the clock, which will be displayed in status bar and notification bar
You can add color to Date field in notification bar...
You can choose your favorite font for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar...
You can add your favorite fonts into your /sdcard/fonts/ folder, it will be listed in the app
You can add bar code fonts for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar..
You can add shadow and color for clock and custom text as you like
You can choose any color for status bar...
You can make full transparent for notification
You can enable 180 rotation of phones(can rotate in all directions)...
You can choose any color for Battery...
You can choose any color for Wifi signal
You can choose any color for Mobile signal
You can change the carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
You can can apply color to carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
Change the carrier name size in lock-screen
You can have Full screen caller picture in your phone
Set default caller image for full-screen caller function
Set any color for name, phone number etc
Hide Am Pm
Complete transparency for status bar
Choose any Notification panel bg image or color
Status bar Center Clock
CRT Screen off effect (No Effect,Horizontal Effect and Vertical Effect)
Enable or disable status bar during the full screen call
Apply any font for name, phone number etc for full screen caller
Ram usage in recent panel
Button to Clear all recent tasks
Notification Pull-down/Pullup Speed
Advanced Power-off menu(Soft Reboot, Reboot, Reboot to recovery, Fast boot & Screenshot)
Choose WiFi and mobile in out color
Mobile Color will be applied to mobile type as well
In full screen caller function... during incoming call glowdots color will be changed...
Choose Ticker text color
Choose Toast text color & Toast bgcolor
Build.prob tweaks
Choose Notification text & content color (this is experimentel)
New Color picker with hex code option
Network speed will be displayed in status bar & Choose color for it
Smart alarm icon option
Backup & Restore Options
Hide Clock
Skip tracks on volume keys long-press while screen is off
Controls cursor using volume keys in text fields
Safe headset media volume
Added New Module For Day dream
Select Day dream background color or image
Select Day dream Clock color
Choose color for alarm icon ,vibrate , Bluetooth,silent
Added Custom text & font options to Day dream
Can change Holo background to any color or image
Added new Gradient Settings for notification panel bg,day dream and holo
Added New Module For navigation bar
Choose any color for primary text
Choose any color for Secondary text
Choose any color for divider line
Choose any color for tile
Choose any color for Keyboard background
Choose any color for keyboard key color
Choose any color for keyboard letter color
Integrated XLocky to this app
Choose custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
Disable fullscreen keyboard in landscape
Choose any color for popup and dialog background
Choose any color for seekbar color
Choose size for custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
Choose any color for lockscreen text
Choose position for network speed indicator
Added circle RAM type
Choose custom color or image for holo light theme
Choose transparent dividerline
Added signal(dbm) & wifi text options
Choose custom fonts for toast notification
Choose toast notification position
Choose custom bootanimation, preview and apply the same
Flip to silence or vibrate during the incoming call
Added Gesture Anywhere module
Added new module appbar aka sidebar
Choose custom navigation bar from the zip files (VR theme nav bar zip file or Zip themer nav bar zip file)
Choose quicksettings text & icon color
Appbar is fully compatible with xhalo module
Choose different toast styles
Choose different battery styles like stock, circle and pie battery with or without text
Create identicons for existing contacts without a contact photo in contacts app or phone app
Sets the background of the notification panel header to an image based on the current date and time
pulse notification light aka LED control
lockscreen notification functionality for kitkat
Added breathing missed call option
Added keypad pin shuffler option
Added statusbar and navigationbar gestures like left swipe, right swipe, long press, double tap
Added new module Quiet Hours
Added Notification Peek from PA for KK
Added Circle App launcher from OMNI
Added driver mode from OMNI
Android 4.0+ and ROOT
Xposed Framework
You can read Xposed Framework FAQ to understand more about compatibility.
Install Instructions
Install Xposed Installer
Install Xposed Framework (from the Xposed Installer app)
Install XblastTools
Activate the module in Xposed Installer app
Change the color of the status bar and notification bar clock color as you like
Soft reboot the phone to see the changes
Multi Language support
Volunteers are welcome to translate Xblast tools to other languages.
Simply download this file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YCm5izQTEfS2tZQS1BY2NwbnM/edit?usp=sharing
Use Notepad++ to edit strings and then PM me the edited file so I can include translations into next release & give credit to the people as well
I would like to thank rovo89 for his great framework....
C3C076 for some of his source code
@atticus182 & @arzbhatia for softkeys
@mauam for Portuguese translation
@manuelmagix for Spanish translation
@RyokoN for Japanese translation
@gaich for Russian translation
@raciborski11 for Polish translation
@martinusbe for Dutch translation @pieceofphil for German translation
@EraserKing for Chinese (simplified) translation @Sabyn for Romanian translation
@soxxo for Slovak translation
@Vaykadji @polobunny & @Micks29 for French translation
@totalnoob34 for Italian translation
@chengmc for Traditional Chinese translation
@yasak_ask for Turkish translation
@szunyi77 for Hungariantranslation
This is my first Android app....If you find any bugs please post hear and also give me the feedback....
Change Log
Version 1.0
Initial Version
Did done some improvements
Now color will be applied to Date as well in notification...
Added font selection for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar...
You can add bar code fonts for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar..
You can add your favorite fonts into your /sdcard/fonts/ folder, it will be listed in the app...
You can choose any color for status bar...
You can make full transparent for notification
You can enable 180 rotation of phones(can rotate in all directions)...
You can choose any color for Battery...
You can choose any color for Wifi signal
You can choose any color for Mobile signal
Some minor bug fix...
Some minor bug fix...
Modified the code to work on many devices...
Change the carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
Apply color to carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
You can have Full screen caller picture in your phone....
Bug fixes
Change the carrier name size in lock-screen
Bug fixes
Set default caller image for full-screen caller function..
Hide Am Pm
Set color for name, phone number etc...
Now full-screen hides status bar as well
Complete transparency for status bar...
Bug fixes
Notification panel bg image and choose any color
Center Clock
Enable or disable status bar during the full screen call
Apply any font for name, phone number etc for full screen caller
CRT Screen off effect (No Effect,Horizontal Effect and Vertical Effect)
Bug fixes
Ram usage in recent panel
Button to Clear all recent tasks
Notification Pull-down/Pullup Speed
Solid black background
Advanced Power-off menu(Soft Reboot, Reboot, Reboot to recovery, Fast boot & Screenshot)
Choose WiFi and mobile in out color...
Color will be applied to mobile type as well
in fullscreen caller function... during incoming call dots color will be changed...
Bug fixes
new UI
Changed the name of the app to XblastTools
Bug fixes
Option for Clear all button to put bottom right or bottom left in recent tasks
Choose Ticker text color
Choose Toast text color & Toast bgcolor
Build.prob tweaks
Choose Notification text & content color (this is experimentel)
New Color picker with hex code option
Network speed will be displayed in status bar & Choose color for it
Smart alarm icon option
Bug fixes
Color picker with check box option
★Bug fixes
★Backup & Restore Options
★Hide Clock
★Skip tracks on volume keys long-press while screen is off
★Controls cursor using volume keys in text fields
★Safe headset media volume
★Added Spanish,Russian,Portuguese and Japanese language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Fixed FC for some of the devcices
★Added Polish language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Added New Module For Day dream
★Select Day dream background color or image
★Select Day dream Clock color
★Added Dutch translations
★Bug fixes
★Choose color for alarm icon ,vibrate , Bluetooth,silent
★Added Custom text to Day dream
★Added font options for Day dream
★Can change Holo background to any color or image
★Added new Gradient Settings for notification panel bg,day dream and holo
★Added Chinese (simplified) translation
★Added German translation
★Added Romanian translation
★Fixed FC for some of the devices...
★Fixed over-lay problem...
★Added Slovakia language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Bug fixes
★Added option to enable disable holo theme
★Bug fixes
★Fixed FC for android 4.3 build.prop tweaks...
★Updated all the translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added new Navigation module
★ Choose bg color for navigation bar
★ Choose Navigation button color
★ Choose Navigation button glow color
★ Choose Navigation height
★ Choose soft keys
★ Improvements in Notification module
★ Hide left side icons in status bar
★ hide Notification handle
★ Hide gaps in quicksettings
★ Added Italian & French translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Choose any color for primary text
★ Choose any color for Secondary text
★ Choose any color for divider line
★ Choose any color for tile
★ Adjust top margin for RAM bar
★ Added Traditional Chinese translation
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Choose any color for Keyboard background
★ Choose any color for keyboard key color
★ Choose any color for keyboard letter color
★ Integrated XLocky to this app
★ Choose custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Disable fullscreen keyboard in landscape
★ Choose any color for popup and dialog background
★ Choose any color for seekbar color
★ Improvement in keyboard theme
★ Choose size for custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
★ Enable disable XLockY
★ Choose any color or image for glowdot
★ Choose any color for lockscreen text
★ Choose position for network speed indicator
★ Added FAQ and video tutorial
★ Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed FC in xposed repo and playstore version
★ Added IAP option
★ Bug fixes
★ Improved Center clock logic to work in touchwiz rom
★ Fixed network meter issue in some devices
★ Added circle RAM type
★ Improvement in keyboard theme
★ Choose custom color or image for holo light theme
★ Choose transparent dividerline
★ Added signal(dbm) & wifi text options
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Fixed statusbar solid icon bug
★ Added always show menu key for navigation bar
★ Added different size options for circle RAM
★ Choose custom fonts for toast notification
★ Choose toast notification position
★ Choose custom bootanimation, preview and apply the same
★ Flip to silence or vibrate during the incoming call
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added initial compatibility for kitkat
★ Added gesture anywhere module
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Improved compatibility for kitkat
★ Fullscreen caller is compatible with kitkat
★ Added new crt animation effect
★ Fixed battery color for kitkat version
★ Enable battery percentage text for kitkat version
★ Choose color for battery percentage text for kitkat version
★ Choose battery charge bolt color for kitkat version
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added new module appbar aka sidebar
★ Improved compatibility for Fullscreen caller in kitkat
★ Choose custom navigation bar from the zip files (VR theme nav bar zip file or Zip themer nav bar zip file)
★ Choose quicksettings text color
★ Choose quicksettings icon color
★ Choose one color or random color for settings app icons
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Now appbar is fully compatible with xhalo module now app launches from appbar will be in halo mode if you are using xhalo
★ Provided the options to choose different toast styles
★ Provided the options to choose different battery styles like stock, circle and pie battery with or without text
★ Choose different network speed indicator styles
★ create identicons for existing contacts without a contact photo in contacts app or phone app
★ Sets the background of the notification panel header to an image based on the current date and time
★ Updated translations
★ Battery Bug introduced in previous version fixed
★ Improved quicksetting text and icon color compatibility with CM and PA roms
★ Settings icon color bug is fixed
★ Provided the options to enable or disable the halo mode in appbar
★ Fixed FC for some of the devices
★ Provided the stock battery option for battery style
★ Provided the option to enable/disable notification header
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Fixed double battery bar bug
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added new pulse notification light module set LED color on per app basis
★ Provided the none battery option for battery style
★ Provided the battery alignment option
★ Provided notification icon color in the status bar
★ Hide image for notification in notification panel
★ Added giant icon size for custom lock and lock ring icons
★ Provided vibrate on touch for appbar
★ Provided mute volume adjust sound option
★ Unlink volume and notification sound
★ Added Turkish language support
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Now LED control is compatible with JB
★ Fixed random reboots for some of the devices when LED is enabled
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added lockscreen notification functionality for kitkat in future i try to add it for android 4.3
★ Added breathing missed call option
★ Choose notification handle color
★ Added keypad pin shuffler option
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added statusbar and navigationbar gestures like left swipe, right swipe, long press, double tap
★ Code Cleanup
★ Added master switch to notification panel tweaks
★ Added master switch to navigationbar tweaks
★ Added master switch to toast notification tweaks
★ Organized some of the tweaks in the meaningfull way
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added new module Quiet Hours
★ Added ADB Paranoia mode from OMNI
★ Added master switch to recent panel tweaks
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed FC
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added OnTheGO Mode from Nameless
★ Added master switch to advanced power menu
★ Choose any color for spinner
★ Accept any file type for Bluetooth receiver
★ Added screenrecord option from OMNI
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added Notification Peek from PA for KK
★ Added Circle App launcher from OMNI
★ Added advanced long press action for recent panel (uninstall,killapp,clear data and cache)
★ Fixed lockscreen notification bug which was not posted correctly
★ Added show touches always during screen recording option
★ Choose the available language for Xblast in about section
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed advanced power menu options disappear when open the xblast
★ Fixed FC when uninstall from recent panel long press action
★ Bug fixes
★ Rearranged some settings to meaningfull way
★ Fixed FC when install or uninstall app when using the circle appbar
★ Ported driver mode from OMNI
★ Choose hex color for pulse notification
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed FC for many devices
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed FC for many devices
★ Improved compatibility for MotoX
★ Updated translations
Please download the latest attached APK
XDA:DevDB Information
XBlast Tools 4.0+, a App for the Android General
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2013-10-04
Last Updated 2013-12-24

XBlast Shots


XblastTools FAQ....
Will this App work in my phone or Rom
Please try by yourself, it will not take much time to find out it works r not...
How to report a bug
Please upload ur error.log from data/xposed/ or /data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/log/ then only i can find what is the prob and give the solution to you guys.......Pls dont simply say this is not working that is not working....
For reporting system ui crashes ...i need logcat...here is the link for the tutorial how to get logcat....
Status bar icons are solid
Pls fallow this link....
CRT-Off Animation is not working
Crt-Off animation will work only,if your rom or phone model supports it , using this app u can only change the effect...
Got into BootLoop
You can flash the Xposed-Disabler-Recovery.zip from here. It will be copied to your (external) SD card when you install Xposed as well. The only thing it does is copying /system/bin/app_process.orig back to /system/bin/app_process, which you can also do yourself (e.g. with adb shell in recovery mode).
You could also create a file /data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/conf/disabled, which causes Xposed to be bypassed as well.
XBlast Tools Force Close
Solution 1:
Clear cache and data for Xblast Tools, reboot,or completely uninstall the old version and install it again it will solve FC....and make sure you grant root access
Solution 2:
Enable Xblast in XPrivacy in case if u r using..
Solution 3:
Install busybox or update the binary to latest
Notification Freeze
Dont use custom font for the clock
Struck in Move XBlast Tools to Internal Storage
There is a work around just go to mnt/asec/ path... there u can see all the installed paid apps... then go to ind.fem.black.xposed.mods folder ... there u can see one apk file just try to copy to u r sdcard then install it as normal app...
XLockY Thread
For any feature request please use this link...

APP nice :good:
I'm using Xposed Installer, Xtheme Engine, now I will added your app, it will be perfect
thank you
PS: It works on my Xperia V :victory:

Thanks this Is helpful!
Sent from my LT30p

Edit: but for some reason, if I select this clock-color mod in xposed, I loose @dully79 battery mod ,
OP, you can check dully's battery mod post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41594088&postcount=90
Could be there's some conflict somewhere? But they are targetting different xmls right?
Tapatalked from my bricked TX

Works perfect along with the rest of my xposed modules. I've got my red ti
E and blue battery and wifi and signal
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium

Great work, dude!

Rycon33 said:
Edit: but for some reason, if I select this clock-color mod in xposed, I loose @dully79 battery mod ,
OP, you can check dully's battery mod post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41594088&postcount=90
Could be there's some conflict somewhere? But they are targetting different xmls right?
Tapatalked from my bricked TX
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here
Sent from my ZTE Lenovo A800 using Tapatalk 2

zacky86 said:
Same here
Sent from my ZTE Lenovo A800 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Rycon33 said:
Edit: but for some reason, if I select this clock-color mod in xposed, I loose @dully79 battery mod ,
OP, you can check dully's battery mod post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41594088&postcount=90
Could be there's some conflict somewhere? But they are targetting different xmls right?
Tapatalked from my bricked TX
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now i have made some changes to my code... and updated the APK file as well... can you download latest apk and let me know is it working or not.....

FemBlack said:
Now i have made some changes to my code... and updated the APK file as well... can you download latest apk and let me know is it working or not.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mate, still same, doesn't work together with dully's batt mod

This would be even cooler if you could change the transperncy and or color of the status bar/navbar
Sent from my LT30p

Rycon33 said:
Edit: but for some reason, if I select this clock-color mod in xposed, I loose @dully79 battery mod ,
OP, you can check dully's battery mod post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41594088&postcount=90
Could be there's some conflict somewhere? But they are targetting different xmls right?
Tapatalked from my bricked TX
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Clock colour mod Working with dully's battery mod(ss added)
... I am with motorola Droid RAZR HD stock 4.1.2...
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD on MTS


mcsqwizzys98 said:
This would be even cooler if you could change the transperncy and or color of the status bar/navbar
Sent from my LT30p
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will try to implement it....

Works perfect in Xperia Z
Sent from my C6603 using xda premium

mcsqwizzys98 said:
This would be even cooler if you could change the transperncy and or color of the status bar/navbar
Sent from my LT30p
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I implemented some code changes for transparent in three ways... i don have device to test becaus my rom uses different logic for transparency..
i am attaching 3 apk files to u can u test it and give me the test results for all the apks files.
Step 1: Please make sure install one apk at a time and enable module and restart
check did u find any changes to the status bar or navigation bar...
then uninstall the old one restart the phone then fallow the step 1 for all the apks....

FemBlack said:
I implemented some code changes for transparent in three ways... i don have device to test becaus my rom uses different logic for transparency..
i am attaching 3 apk files to u can u test it and give me the test results for all the apks files.
Step 1: Please make sure install one apk at a time and enable module and restart
check did u find any changes to the status bar or navigation bar...
then uninstall the old one restart the phone then fallow the step 1 for all the apks....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
None of them worked:/
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium

Feature request-
1.ability to change the clock style/font,
2.placing the text in the extreme left corner of status bar,
3.ability to use different colours n fonts for the clock n text,
4.ability to change the style n colours of network icons,
5.ability to set the transparency of status bar.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD on MTS


[MOD][XPOSED][4.0+]XblastTools IconColors,CenterClock,CRTEffect v1.6.6 {15 November}

Hello Guys,I Would Like To Share The Xposed Mod By FemBlack
All Credits Goes To FemBlack
Original Thread: [MOD][XPOSED][4.0+]XblastTools IconColors,CenterClock,Fullscreencaller,CRTEffe v1.6.6
Originally Posted By FemBlack
You can choose your favorite color for your Clock with out modifying APK files
You can add custom text along with the clock, which will be displayed in status bar and notification bar
You can add color to Date field in notification bar...
You can choose your favorite font for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar...
You can add your favorite fonts into your /sdcard/fonts/ folder, it will be listed in the app
You can add bar code fonts for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar..
You can add shadow and color for clock and custom text as you like
You can choose any color for status bar...
You can make full transparent for notification
You can enable 180 rotation of phones(can rotate in all directions)...
You can choose any color for Battery...
You can choose any color for Wifi signal
You can choose any color for Mobile signal
You can change the carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
You can can apply color to carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
Change the carrier name size in lock-screen
You can have Full screen caller picture in your phone
Set default caller image for full-screen caller function
Set any color for name, phone number etc
Hide Am Pm
Complete transparency for status bar
Choose any Notification panel bg image or color
Status bar Center Clock
CRT Screen off effect (No Effect,Horizontal Effect and Vertical Effect)
Enable or disable status bar during the full screen call
Apply any font for name, phone number etc for full screen caller
Ram usage in recent panel
Button to Clear all recent tasks
Notification Pull-down/Pullup Speed
Advanced Power-off menu(Soft Reboot, Reboot, Reboot to recovery, Fast boot & Screenshot)
Choose WiFi and mobile in out color
Mobile Color will be applied to mobile type as well
In full screen caller function... during incoming call glowdots color will be changed...
Choose Ticker text color
Choose Toast text color & Toast bgcolor
Build.prob tweaks
Choose Notification text & content color (this is experimentel)
New Color picker with hex code option
Network speed will be displayed in status bar & Choose color for it
Smart alarm icon option
Backup & Restore Options
Hide Clock
Skip tracks on volume keys long-press while screen is off
Controls cursor using volume keys in text fields
Safe headset media volume
Added New Module For Day dream
Select Day dream background color or image
Select Day dream Clock color
Choose color for alarm icon ,vibrate , Bluetooth,silent
Added Custom text & font options to Day dream
Can change Holo background to any color or image
Added new Gradient Settings for notification panel bg,day dream and holo
Added New Module For navigation bar
Choose any color for primary text
Choose any color for Secondary text
Choose any color for divider line
Choose any color for tile
Choose any color for Keyboard background
Choose any color for keyboard key color
Choose any color for keyboard letter color
Integrated XLocky to this app
Choose custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
Disable fullscreen keyboard in landscape
Choose any color for popup and dialog background
Choose any color for seekbar color
Choose size for custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
Choose any color for lockscreen text
Choose position for network speed indicator
Added circle RAM type
Choose custom color or image for holo light theme
Choose transparent dividerline
Added signal(dbm) & wifi text options
Android 4.0+ and ROOT
Xposed Framework
You can read Xposed Framework FAQ to understand more about compatibility.
Install Instructions
Install Xposed Installer
Install Xposed Framework (from the Xposed Installer app)
Install XblastTools
Activate the module in Xposed Installer app
Change the color of the status bar and notification bar clock color as you like
Soft reboot the phone to see the changes
Tested On My Xperia sola & Nexus 7 (2012), works well.
Screenshots & Download Link 2nd Post
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Button If You Like My Share / If I Have Helped You / If You Like This Post
Change Log,Previews & Downloads
Change Log
Version 1.0
Initial Version
Did done some improvements
Now color will be applied to Date as well in notification...
Added font selection for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar...
You can add bar code fonts for clock & Date field in status bar & notification bar..
You can add your favorite fonts into your /sdcard/fonts/ folder, it will be listed in the app...
You can choose any color for status bar...
You can make full transparent for notification
You can enable 180 rotation of phones(can rotate in all directions)...
You can choose any color for Battery...
You can choose any color for Wifi signal
You can choose any color for Mobile signal
Some minor bug fix...
Some minor bug fix...
Modified the code to work on many devices...
Change the carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
Apply color to carrier name in lock-screen and notification...
You can have Full screen caller picture in your phone....
Bug fixes
Change the carrier name size in lock-screen
Bug fixes
Set default caller image for full-screen caller function..
Hide Am Pm
Set color for name, phone number etc...
Now full-screen hides status bar as well
Complete transparency for status bar...
Bug fixes
Notification panel bg image and choose any color
Center Clock
Enable or disable status bar during the full screen call
Apply any font for name, phone number etc for full screen caller
CRT Screen off effect (No Effect,Horizontal Effect and Vertical Effect)
Bug fixes
Ram usage in recent panel
Button to Clear all recent tasks
Notification Pull-down/Pullup Speed
Solid black background
Advanced Power-off menu(Soft Reboot, Reboot, Reboot to recovery, Fast boot & Screenshot)
Choose WiFi and mobile in out color...
Color will be applied to mobile type as well
in fullscreen caller function... during incoming call dots color will be changed...
Bug fixes
new UI
Changed the name of the app to XblastTools
Bug fixes
Option for Clear all button to put bottom right or bottom left in recent tasks
Choose Ticker text color
Choose Toast text color & Toast bgcolor
Build.prob tweaks
Choose Notification text & content color (this is experimentel)
New Color picker with hex code option
Network speed will be displayed in status bar & Choose color for it
Smart alarm icon option
Bug fixes
Color picker with check box option
★Bug fixes
★Backup & Restore Options
★Hide Clock
★Skip tracks on volume keys long-press while screen is off
★Controls cursor using volume keys in text fields
★Safe headset media volume
★Added Spanish,Russian,Portuguese and Japanese language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Fixed FC for some of the devcices
★Added Polish language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Added New Module For Day dream
★Select Day dream background color or image
★Select Day dream Clock color
★Added Dutch translations
★Bug fixes
★Choose color for alarm icon ,vibrate , Bluetooth,silent
★Added Custom text to Day dream
★Added font options for Day dream
★Can change Holo background to any color or image
★Added new Gradient Settings for notification panel bg,day dream and holo
★Added Chinese (simplified) translation
★Added German translation
★Added Romanian translation
★Fixed FC for some of the devices...
★Fixed over-lay problem...
★Added Slovakia language translations....
★Bug fixes
★Bug fixes
★Added option to enable disable holo theme
★Bug fixes
★Fixed FC for android 4.3 build.prop tweaks...
★Updated all the translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Added new Navigation module
★ Choose bg color for navigation bar
★ Choose Navigation button color
★ Choose Navigation button glow color
★ Choose Navigation height
★ Choose soft keys
★ Improvements in Notification module
★ Hide left side icons in status bar
★ hide Notification handle
★ Hide gaps in quicksettings
★ Added Italian & French translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Choose any color for primary text
★ Choose any color for Secondary text
★ Choose any color for divider line
★ Choose any color for tile
★ Adjust top margin for RAM bar
★ Added Traditional Chinese translation
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Choose any color for Keyboard background
★ Choose any color for keyboard key color
★ Choose any color for keyboard letter color
★ Integrated XLocky to this app
★ Choose custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
★ Updated translations
★ Bug fixes
★ Disable fullscreen keyboard in landscape
★ Choose any color for popup and dialog background
★ Choose any color for seekbar color
★ Improvement in keyboard theme
★ Choose size for custom lock and long ring icon even you can choose icon from icon packs
★ Enable disable XLockY
★ Choose any color or image for glowdot
★ Choose any color for lockscreen text
★ Choose position for network speed indicator
★ Added FAQ and video tutorial
★ Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
★ Updated translations
★ Fixed FC in xposed repo and playstore version
★ Added IAP option
★ Bug fixes
★ Improved Center clock logic to work in touchwiz rom
★ Fixed network meter issue in some devices
★ Added circle RAM type
★ Improvement in keyboard theme
★ Choose custom color or image for holo light theme
★ Choose transparent dividerline
★ Added signal(dbm) & wifi text options
★ Updated translations
Taken From My Nexus 7
Please Don't Use This Picture Without My Permission.
Old Version
Please Hit
Button If You Like My Share / If I Have Helped You / If You Like This Post
Also for JB @Ben Ling or you like to post new threads etc?
Because the title say only MOD.
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Fantastic! Can i use this on the SlimCM (based on the CM9)?
Inviato da mio iPhone usando Tapatalk
Pandemic said:
Also for JB @Ben Ling or you like to post new threads etc?
Because the title say only MOD.
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes for JB too,i wrote 4.0+ in the title,don't you see it?
andrefly said:
Fantastic! Can i use this on the SlimCM (based on the CM9)?
Inviato da mio iPhone usando Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not sure,you must install the Xposed framework first,then install this.
Try at your own risk.
Ben Ling said:
Yes for JB too,i wrote 4.0+ in the title,don't you see it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok well sorry man :s Geez
and can you use EDIT BUTTON !! please
you just ignore what im saying to use that button :/
just lame.....
WOOOOOW! Thanks for this! This is great!
nadom42 said:
WOOOOOW! Thanks for this! This is great!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A Thanks button is enough
Great app :thumbup:
Sent from my LT22i using xda premium
@Ben Ling
Reboot buttun is only one Working. It's like the MOD I made. -.-
Only reboot. :/
nadom42 said:
@Ben Ling
Reboot buttun is only one Working. It's like the MOD I made. -.-
Only reboot. :/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
screenshot also working
Advanced power menu doesn't seem to work. Long pressing on power menu reboots the phone.
I also don't see an option change color of date in notification panel!
Everything else works perfectly though, thanks.
BTW am running 4.1.2
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
sqlpro said:
Advanced power menu doesn't seem to work. Long pressing on power menu reboots the phone.
I also don't see an option change color of date in notification panel!
Everything else works perfectly though, thanks.
BTW am running 4.1.2
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you install them correctly?
What do you mean, can you be more specific please? I installed the apk and under settings I don't see anything to change color of date in notification
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Thanks bro..worked like a charm..keep it up
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
Centerclock doesnt work
Enviado do meu LT22i
I noticed another problem since installing this app ,I no longer see contact image when phone rings but I get to see picture after I answer the call. Any advise ?
BTW am not using caller image option in the app.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
sqlpro said:
I noticed another problem since installing this app ,I no longer see contact image when phone rings but I get to see picture after I answer the call. Any advise ?
BTW am not using caller image option in the app.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i have already fixed... soon i ll release it...
---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------
ricolhaw said:
Centerclock doesnt work
Enviado do meu LT22i
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if u have any prob pls fallow this...
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------
sqlpro said:
Advanced power menu doesn't seem to work. Long pressing on power menu reboots the phone.
I also don't see an option change color of date in notification panel!
Everything else works perfectly though, thanks.
BTW am running 4.1.2
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
m working on the adv reboot fix... soon i ll fix and release the new version...
Very nice!

[XPOSED](1.5.1B1/2.2)G3 TweaksBox(THEME,Call Rec,Lockscreen,Notifications,LED,MORE)

G3 TweaksBox​
Current Features:
Tinted Bars MOD
Tint status bar according to the action bar
Status bar shadow on apps
Link status and navigation bar color
Status Bar Tweaks
Status Bar color
Hide status bar shadow on home
Battery tweaks(color,size,hide)
Circle Battery(with custom style,color,animations)
Status bar icon colors
Hide status bar icons
Change status bars' icon set
Clock tweaks(position,color,style,html,hide)
Carrier tweaks(visibility,color,custom text,custom size)
Brightness changing with sliding the status bar
Navigation Bar Tweaks
Navigation Bar color
Hide navigation bar shadow on home
Button colors
Button glow color
Navigation bar size
Button scaling
Button long pressing actions(with many actions and custom timeout)
Up to 7 buttons in the navigation bar
Replace QMemo with Search button
Ring Pad Tweaks
Up to 5 custom apps
Disable ringpad option
Notification Panel Tweaks
Custom background for each element
Custom color for each element
Options to hide elements
Custom app on clock button pressing
Custom carrier text
Quicksettings Panel Tweaks
Custom background
Custom toggle color
Hide label buttons
Add brightness tile
Recent Apps Window Tweaks
Blur Effect
Hide buttons
Add Clear button(AOSP style with a long pressing option)
Add Ram Bar(with custom colors)
Other UI Tweaks
Complete notification row customization
Complete volume panel customization
List overscroll edge/glow colors
Calls tweaks
Call Recording
Auto Call Recording
Bigger caller picture
Set Call History as Default Tab
Enable Noise Suppression
Disable in-call floating timer
Messages tweaks
Exclude contacts without phone numbers in messaging app option
New Message screen off option
Increase recipient limit to 100
Enhance zoom range
Add sent time stamp to msg details
Custom theme color
Lockscreen tweaks
Enable QuickUnlock
Enable all weather effects
Enable Rotation
Disable carrier text and icon
Use squared icons
Hide alarm info
Hide charging info
Hide pattern string
Hide swype string
Hide Knock code string and brackets
Hide statusbar clock
Show Remaiming Attemps
Enable Easy UI
Notification tweaks
Hide input switcher notification
Disable charging plug/unplug notifications
Hide full battery notification
Hide AC charging notification
Hide slow charging notification
Hide wireless charging notification
Hide Quietmode schedule notification
Hide Battery saver notification
Hide Low Battery Dialog
Hide Airplane Mode Dialog
Disable Data roaming notification and popup
Disable voice mail notifications
Disable voice roaming notification
Camera Tweaks
Disable Shutter Sound
Disable Video Recording Sounds
Disable Camera Sound
Disable Focus Sounds
Disable low battery check
Sound tweaks
Disable Safety HeadSet Volume
Auto Expand Volume Panel
Skip Tracks with volume Keys
More Volume Steps
Disable Volume adjust sounds
Link Ringtone and notification volume
LED Tweaks
Change default led color for missed call
Change default led color for incoming call
Change default led color for missed messages
Launcher Tweaks
Hide icon labels from the homescreen
8 Hotseat items
Custom Grid on homescreen
Hide Tabs on App Drawer
Hide icon labels from the App Drawer
Custom Grid Size on App Drawer
Hide Clock On Launcher
Enable LG Launcher Hidden Settings
Misc tweaks
Enable All Rotations
Freeze rotation to the current one(disable forced rotation to potrait when you disable auto rotation)
Disable Navigation Bar
More items in powermenu
Disable the power menu when device is locked
Volume button actions while LCD is idle.
Show Extended Kernel Info
Disable Overflow menu button
Disalbe full-screen keyboard in landscape mode
Enable Knock OFF on Navigation Bar
1)Download and install Xposed Framework
2)Download and install the apk
3)Open G3 TweaksBox and apply mods you like.
1.3 BETA2:
Theme engine updated(all info in the developing thread)
Fixed a bug related to the option to collapse notifications
Now exchange bypass should work also for the phone encryption.
Optimized and fixed a bunch of things.
1.3 BETA1:
Theme engine updated
Added an option to take out Recents from the navigation bar.
Added: Now the button to record calls won't replace the add call/merge calls button.
Added an option to make all notifications collapsed as default
Added an option to set blur transparency for Recent Apps Bg
Added an option to hide the status bar shadow on lockscreen
Added XCam by @xdabbeb to the volume button launching options
Fixed the FC you could experience when pulling down the notification on the condition the background could not be blurred.
Fixed the FC T-Mobile experienced when enabling the QuickSettings MOD
Fixed: The option to change the "Clear-All" button was not working in some conditions
Fixed: All notification panel lags should be hopefully solved now.
Fixed: Option to add brightness slider was disabled for Sprint Users by accident in 1.2
1.2 RC:
Fixed : Now the option to adjust blur transparency works
Added : Now Telegram and Twitter will be handled by Tinted BARs MOD
Fixed : Google NOW Cards are now correctly blurred
Fixed : The option to disable wireless charging notification should work now.
Added 7x5 to home grid sizes
Update translations
1.2 BETA1:
Added Themes Support(Experimental)
Added: Now if you launch the device in Safe Mode G3 TWB will be disabled.
Fixed a bug with QSlide button
Fixed: Navigation bar didn't use the custom color when Tinted Bar MOD and Link Bar option was enabled.
Added an option to change the theme color of the Message App
Fixed : Hot Boot is now working
Added an option to enable all weather effects on lockscreen
Added: Now the option to enable the brightness toggle works also for VWZ users
Added an option to disable in-call floating timer
Added an hidden option to disable the gradient on light backgrounds
Added an option to MOD the complete action dialog:
---------Removed the hint message
---------Removed the OK button
---------Launch an app with a single click
Blur Effect optmized:
----------Even faster
----------Added an option to adjust blur transparency
----------Added an option to enable fade in/out animation
1.1 RC2:
1.1 RC1:
Added Hungarian,Russian,Spanish,Chinese languages
Updated other languages
Fixed: Now icons won't overlap when the clock is centered
Changed: Now even if you don't enable the gradient over tint it will be showed when the background is light
Added an option to set the action on long pressing of QSlide button
Fixed issues with VWZ variant
Reworked and optimized a bounch of things
1.1 BETA1:
Added an option to blur the background of the Recent Apps Window
Added an option to make the caller picture bigger
Added an option to set the navigation bar button color in the HOMESCREEN
Added: Now the option to hide the data icon when wifi is connected works also for spanish users.
Added QuickMemo and Camera to volume key actions
Fixed: Now you can launch the phone app with a long pressing on Volume Keys
ReWorked : Blur Rendering code has been totally rewritten. It's 15-20 times faster now.
Added an option to bypass exchange security requirements
Added an option to enable brightness slider on ATT variant
Minor bugfixing
Now the blurring process on notification panel is synced
Fixed: Now the data roaming alert won't pop up at every boot.
Added Italian and French translation.
Fixed FC on sprint devices when changing status bar icon set
Added blur notification panel option
Other minor bug fixing
Fixed bug with the custom grid on the app drawer
Fixed unworking incoming led color option
Added: Now you can move the clock on the left
Added "Restore Menu button" option
The code for hiding sliders has been reworked
Theme tweaks icon reworked
Fixed other minor bugs
1.0 BETA1:
Initial Release . [B]THIS BETA WILL EXPIRE ON June 27[/B]
Rovo89 for his hard work
C3C076 of gravitybox for: some snippets for brightness status sliding, ticker animations hooks,the method to retrive the cm battery height , the runnable to get ram info
Someone(i could not understand who is the original coder) for the sendmediabuttonevent function
Sven Dawitz of CM for circle battery class
Aydee for the application icon
How can i install and use G3 TweaksBox themes ?
1)Download themes here , here here and here.
2)Install them
3)Open G3 TweaksBox------------>Theme Tweaks----------->THEME---------->Choose your theme
How can i install and use Navigation Bar Themes ?
1)Download themes
HERE Thanks to @AyDee
HERE Thanks to @slewi
2)Install them ( they are apk files)
3)Open System Settings------------->Dislay------->Front Touch Buttons-------------->Color and choose your theme
How can i remove the AM/PM from the clock on the status bar ?
You have to use a custom html style to remove it:
1)Theme Tweaks----------->StatusBar--------------->Clock Style------------>Custom HTML Style
2)Then click on custom HTML format and enter without quotes:
----------------"hh:mm" (if you want 12h)
----------------"kk:mm" (if you want 24h)
Read other patterns you can use here
How can i remove the battery percentage on the status bar ?
There is already an option for that in the system settings:
DOWNLOAD​1.4-1.5 Versions are compatible with Lollipop only
2.0+ Versions are compatible with Marshmallow only
Please Read F.A.Q at the end of the this post before asking
Fixed: An issue occurred when "Screen OFF" was selected as the action on long press/double tap home
Added: New tweak to hide user profile icon on lockscreen
Added: New tweak to expand quicksettings when you swipe the homescreen down
Added: New tweak to set notification transparency
----Added a tweak to change volume panel background
----Added a tweak to change volume slider colors
----Added a tweak to change volume stream text description color
----Added a tweak to change volume stream icon description color
Updated: Italian translation
Minor bugfixing
[B]2.1 BETA2[/B]
Updated: French translation
Fixed: some tweaks were broken on pure stock roms.
[B]2.1 BETA1[/B]
Added French translation(thanks to @Rom)
Added UX5 Support:
----Fixed 4way power menu
----Fixed Torch
----Added support for new LG Launcher
----Added Hidden Menu tweak
----Added Hide text icon tweak
----Added Custom grid size tweak
----Fixed tweak to enable camera flash under 15%
----Fixed tweak to change the message theme color
----Fixed tweak to enhance zooming on message app
----Fixed call recording tweak
----Fixed Bigger call picture tweak
----Fixed tweak to hide camera slider on lockscreen
----Fixed tweak to hide the swype text string
----Fixed tweak to add brightness tile
----Fixed tweak to change qs toggle color
----Fixed tweak to change the brightness slider color
----Fixed tweak to change the volume slider color
----Fixed tweak to change the background of the "clear all" button
----Full fulmics 5 support.
[B]2.O RC[/B]
Added: New tweak to hide the widget clock on lockscreen
Added a tweak to hide the camera slider on lockscreen
Added: Now you can use the %ssid pattern for the status bar carrier text
Added: New tweak to hide the "do not disturb" notification
Added: New tweak to hide qsetting button label
Added: New tweak to swap volume keys on device rotation
Added: New tweak to disable the sms/mms floating popup
Added: New tweak to disable headsup notifications
Fixed: The tweak to hide carrier text on Lockscreen wasn't working on some variants
Fixed: Auto-rotation was switched to off after you hot boot/reboot recovery from the power menu.
Fixed: When Quick PullDown was enabled pressing the back button didn't collapse the notification panel
Fixed the tweak to the set brightness slider color
Fixed: Tweak to hide the signal icon wasn't working at all
Fixed: Hide data icon when wifi is connected wasn't working on vwz(NEED TESTING)
Updated italian translation
Minor bug fixing
[B]2.O BETA1[/B]
First release compatible with Marshmallow
[B]1.5.1 BETA1[/B]
Added 5.1 support
Russian translation updated
Advanced Power Menu is now working on LG G2 with the G4 Power menu(4 way menu hasn't been fixed yet)
[B]1.5.0 BETA3[/B]
Fixed issues with power menu tweaks(NEED TESTING)
Added russian language (thanks to @gaich)
[B]1.5.0 BETA2[/B]
Added: Power menu tweaks are now compatible with the G4 ported power menu.(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: "Hide carrier text on lockscreen" tweak was broken on some variants
Fixed: LG Launcher tweaks were broken on some variants
Fixed typos
Fixed: Color picker issues when using large or higher font size.
Added: auto call recording on LTE calls.(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: All weather animation on lockscreen(NEED TESTING)
Added an option to choose the position of the material ClearALL button
Minor bug fixing.
Fixed "Enable All weather effects" tweak on Verizon variant
Fixed: Call Recording on HD Voice.
Removed AOSP ClearAll button tweak
Added: Material ClearALL button tweak
Changed: Now Volume HW custom actions work with the screen off only(Previously the behaviour was like stock)
Fixed: Quicksetting toggle theming on some variants.
Fixed: Hide roaming data dialog and notification tweak
Added an hidden option to hide the contacts button when the record button is enabled.
Added an option to show the next alarm clock on the notification panel
Added an option to disable the quick circle view
Added an option to change the background of the upper notification panel
Added an option to automatiacally expand the volume panel
Added an option to automatically close the recent windows after clearing all apps.
Added an option to disable data nag messages
Added an option to force the media volume control
Added TLS to the icon data set
Added Softkey THEMES support :D
Theme engine update: Now it's possible to change framework res globally
-Fixed: Message theme color tweak
-Fixed: Hidden settings preference tweak
-Fixed: Hide icon labels on home tweak
-Fixed: Hide icon labels on app drawer tweak
-Fixed: Custom grid size on app drawer tweak
-Fixed: Custom grid size on home tweak
[B]1.4.1 RC3[/B]
Fixed: TSB didn't use user preference about others icon color
Fixed: Replacing toggle color tweak now uses new alg on G2 devices too.
Fixed: Theming issues on G3 us variants(old themes aren't/won't be supported)
Fixed data color tweak
Fixed issues with the volume slider on VWZ
Fixed: BBM is skipped by TSB
[B]1.4.1 RC2[/B]
Fixed: KK Themes wasn't longer working on G2 devices
Fixed FCs related to new themes on some variants.
[B]1.4.1 RC[/B]
Fixed(hopefully) all issues related to the color picker.
Fixed minor bugs with Volume long pressing tweaks.
Fixed navbar button color on transparent screen
Fixed notification icons' flickering when the clock is center
Fixed: notification icons won't overlay the clock when it's centered
Fixed a minor bug with the navbar background tweak.
Fixed: Long pressing on QMemo wasn't working on some variants.
Fixed: Hide volume slider tweak wasn't working on D850
FIXED: Quicksetting Toggle color tweak is now working on all variants.
New: ALG to replace toggle color has been completely rewritten, now it should be perfect with any color chosen by the user
Fixed: Apps with white(or too light) action bar will be now skipped by TSB.
Added an option to darken statusbar icons on light background.
Added: Call recording on HD Calls ( NEED TESTING )
Added: Now G3 TWB fully supports KK themes on every variant.(NEED TESTING)
Added an option to force navbar and status bar color linking
Added a pattern to show the carrier text on the notification panel.
Added an option to hide the clock on the lockscreen
Added italian translation
Changed: Some options have been moved to avoid misunderstanding:
-Navigation bar color and Status bar color are now in the Tinted bars mod page.
Improved License Checking
Minor Bug Fixing
[B]1.4.0 RC2[/B]
License checking is now less aggressive.
Fixed a FC.
[B]1.4.0 RC[/B]
The app is out of beta and so freemium now(You can get the unlocker on the store)
Added: Change Data icon set option
Added: Now you can chooose to restart apps instead of rebooting to apply most tweaks
Added: Attempt to enable call recording on LTE calls(It could be not working at all)
Fixed: Quick PullDown on G2
Changed: The alg to replace quicksettings color has been enhanced
Fixed: Dual window action is now working
[B]1.4.0 BETA5[/B]
Removed: 4G/LTE icon change option
Added: Quick PullDown option
Fixed: 4Way Power Menu should work on any device and variant(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Quick Settings Toggle Color Tweak on vs 985(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Quick Settings Toggle Color Tweak on LS 990(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Hide Knock-Code guide text on VS985(NEED TESTING)
Minor Bug Fixing
[B]1.4.0 BETA4[/B]
Fixed: Add brightness tile option
Fixed: Kill Foreground app action won't kill Viper4Droid
Fixed/Changed: An option to hide the google search bar on recent apps has been added.
Fixed: Quick Settings Toggle Color Tweak on VS985(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Themes couldn't replace quicksetting icons on LS990/VS985/G2(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Hide Carrier Text option on VS985(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Advanced Power Menu on LG G2 and some G3 variants(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: XCam action on secure lockscreen is now working
Fixed: Hide unknown sim tweak is now working
Fixed/Changed/Added: Replacing icon sets won't generate any carrier-related issues now. All code has been rewritten:
-Now you can set wifi/signal/data(4G only atm) icon set individually
-AOSP icon option has been removed(Users should use themes for that)
Minor BugFixing
[B]1.4. BETA3:[/B]
Added an option to change the brightness level sliding on statusbar.
Fixed: The ram meter covered the buttons in recent apps
Fixed: Menu button option now shows proper image in button combination settings
Fixed: Volume buttons couldn't be used to adjust volume when Skip tracks option was enabled.
Fixed: Now the circle battery won't be red when battery level is lower than 15%
Fixed: Glow button color option
Fixed: Kill Foreground app action: now system foreground procs are skipped and a toast is shown for each killed process.
Fixed: Camera tweaks on LG G2 are now working(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Advanced Power Menu on LG G2(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Quick Settings Toggle Color Tweak on LG G2(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Quick Settings Toggle Color Tweak on LS 990(NEED TESTING)
Fixed: Hide QuickSettings option now hides the parent panel too.
[B]1.4 BETA2:[/B]
Fixed: Now the option to hide the battery percentage works
Fixed: The option to toggle sliders' visibility is set on the long press
Fixed: An issue with preferences file(it hopefully will fix issues on devices with SeLinux enforced)
Added an option to hide the Quicksettings.
[B]1.4 BETA1:[/B]
Added compatibility for Lollipop
Added Material Design support
Almost all UI code has been rewritten,deprecated classes aren't use anymore.
Added Disclaimer
I have a G2,is G3 TweaksBox compatible with it?
Yes,it mostly is,i try to fix every bug reported by G2 users anyway officialy the app supports the G3 only.
I have a G3 or G3 stock ported rom can i request bug fixing?
Of course you can! Anyway if you just say something like "that feature is not working" don't expect any fix. You should include all possible informations like extended description of the bug,Device model,ROM info,Xposed log and a logcat in case of FC.
I have an LG device(not the G3), G3 TWB is mostly working but there are some bugs,can i request to fix them ?
No,you can't.Sadly it's extremely hard just to support every G3 variant,i really can't support other devices.
Are all features compatible with my variant?
They should be but it's hard to say. Some features could be not working on some variants, for example most call tweaks don't work on lte calls.
Can i request a new feature?
Yes you can(it doesn't mean i will add it),but before please search on the thread: if someone already requested that feature don't make another post. If you are a paypal donor please say it when you request a new feature.
I'm very thankful to all(11 users) who donated when they didn't have to in order to get the full version so i assign the highest priority to their requests.
I got the premium version via inapp purchase when it was freemium on kiktat,do i have to buy the unlocker in order to get full ?
No you don't,but you can purchase the unlocker if you want to donate more and support me.
I donated via paypal do i have to buy the unlocker in order the full version?
No you don't,but you have to PM me in order to get a license(it could require some time since i have to process it manually).
I purchased the full version of G3 TWB for KK when it was freemium and then you made it free,Will it happen again?
I don't know that.Sadly i had serious life issues ,i couldn't continue the development so i made it free because i thought it was the right choice. I'm good now but please keep in mind i have all rights to make the app free again when i want. Purchasing the full version you supported my work( there are hundreds if not thousands of hours behind G3 TWB) and motivated me to keep this project alive. Thanks a lot to you all
I got the premium version of G2 TweaksBox,do i have to buy the unlocker in order to get full version of G3 TweaksBox?
Yes you have,this is a different app and we can't query inapp purchases of other apps. I'm planning to release an updated G2 TWB compatible with lollipop to fix this,anyway keep in mind that all new G3 TWB features won't be included in it.
Downloading! Will report in this post as an edit as soon as possible. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :cyclops: *gets credit card*
EDIT: Great app, everything works great so far. No bug reports fortunately Cannot thank you enough. Anyway, do you think you could add a way to bring back our menu button permanently in the navigation bar? I really miss it, I don't like having to long press the home button. Thanks for all your work.
Do I need a root to install it on G3?
qwerty1q said:
Do I need a root to install it on G3?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need the xposed framework. Xposed framework requires the root access so yes you need it.
P_Toti said:
You need the xposed framework. Xposed framework requires the root access so yes you need it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And which ROOT method is recommended for G3, please?
qwerty1q said:
And which ROOT method is recommended for G3, please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have a look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2776198
Henryy97 said:
Downloading! Will report in this post as an edit as soon as possible. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :cyclops: *gets credit card*
EDIT: Great app, everything works great so far. No bug reports fortunately Cannot thank you enough. Anyway, do you think you could add a way to bring back our menu button permanently in the navigation bar? I really miss it, I don't like having to long press the home button. Thanks for all your work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes,it's already in the list, will be implemented in a next version,hopefully before the 1.0 will reach the final stage.
Hey P_Toti
Thanks for this module, it works really great but I cant change the navigation height.
Edit: It changes in landscape mod but in portrait it stays at stock height.
After some testing, here's some feedback.
App drawer option to have custom grid size adds an option to switch to custom grid, but that option is just an empty screen with Select Grid size on it.
Other than that it works great! Thank you!
On a G3 Ported ROM if that matters any.
Edit: also, maybe it's me, but I could not find an option to remove the AM/PM from the clock.
qwerty1q said:
And which ROOT method is recommended for G3, please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I only see one root method in the dev section. I would try that.
Or you could see if towelroot works for G3.
fsi09 said:
Hey P_Toti
Thanks for this module, it works really great but I cant change the navigation height.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What's the problem ? You need to reboot the device after changing the size. If you can't move the seek bar , restart the application , i don't know why it happened only once to me.
Hathoid said:
After some testing, here's some feedback.
App drawer option to have custom grid size adds an option to switch to custom grid, but that option is just an empty screen with Select Grid size on it.
Other than that it works great! Thank you!
On a G3 Ported ROM if that matters any.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you make a screenshot please ? Edit: You are right. It will be fixed in the next release.
fsi09 said:
Hey P_Toti
Thanks for this module, it works really great but I cant change the navigation height.
Edit: It changes in landscape mod but in portrait it stays at stock height.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had that problem. Fixed it with a quick reboot
Hathoid said:
Edit: also, maybe it's me, but I could not find an option to remove the AM/PM from the clock.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have to use a custom html style to remove it:
1)Theme Tweaks----------->StatusBar--------------->Clock Style------------>HTML
2)Then click on custom HTML format and enter this string: hh:mm
Bug report: When I use the RAM bar in recent apps windows the max ram it says I have is 0.94GB while I actually have about 2GB... :3
Henryy97 said:
@ P_Toti.
Bug report: When I use the RAM bar in recent apps windows the max ram it says I have is 0.94GB while I actually have about 2GB... :3
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, what you see is the used ram + available ram. The sum gives you the total ram. I didn't see any reason to add a label for the total amount of the ram. Probably every user knows how much ram has his device
First the portrait navbar slider didn't worked. After reboot I could change the slider and I reboot again but the navbar doesn't change in portrait mode, only in landscape.
I forget to say that I'm using Cloudy G3 rom.
Henryy97 said:
I had that problem. Fixed it with a quick reboot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here.
Otherwise found nothing that is not working until now, besides with the tinted statusbar mod, as the icons in the statusbar stay white while on navbar they are black, but it could be that it's my fault...
In general absolutely great and fast work, it is making my G2 soo much more useful ?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
P_Toti said:
No, what you see is the used ram + available ram. The sum gives you the total ram. I didn't see any reason to add a label for the total amount of the ram. Probably every user knows how much ram has his device
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just realized that before I read this xD Makes sense. Thanks Ran out of thanks for today.

[ROM][NE5][4.4.2] AllianceROM v1 - Lite Available - 23+ Themes - Private Mode -5/12

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.​
AllianceROM intends to give the user what THEY want. Tired of flashing Roms and having to ask for little changes to suit your taste? Tired of having to manually change colors of the toggles or the battery or move your clock or make statusbar transparent or any of the other multitude of other little color and style tweaks that Android users love? Tired of flashing AROMA installer for every little change you want to make? Tired of having to add your favourite images everytime a new rom comes out?
If you answer yes to any of these then AllianceROM is for you! We have a huge array of "on the fly" options for you to play with. Make your phone to YOUR style. YOUR color. YOUR perfection.
Available in Stock, AOSP or Black Glass themes selectable on install, the majority of modifications in AllianceROM are OPTIONAL. Many you wont find on any other TW ROM and some you wont find anywhere...Xposed, AOSP or otherwise! You can turn them on and off at will. We try not to impose many things on people because we realise that Android is all about INDIVIDUALITY. Make YOUR Rom and YOUR phone how YOU want it and change it on a whim.
Choose from over 25 preset Themes and change them with a click. No rebooting
AllianceROM - Designed to be Individual....​
Changes in 1.0:​
Any color/transparency popups (e.g powermenu bg) with toggle - make your own tinted glass backgrounds!
Any color popups text with toggle
Any color/transparency list menu bg with toggle
Hold statusbar and slide for brightness with toggle
Ime animations
Totally new statusbar clock from Liquid
Clock seconds toggle
Clock font style choice (font dependant)
Statusbar date style choices
Statusbar date format choices
Pulldown right/left/center access quicksettings
Radio button color linked to checkbox color
Ime animations
Ime cursor control with vol buttons with toggle
Extended reboot follows powermenu color
Headsup Blacklist
Action bar text color with toggle
Actionbar bg color with toggle
Custom Carrier in statusbar with toggle
Double tap statusbar sleep with toggle
Overscroll type - none/bounce/glow
Overscroll weight...i.e how far it bounces or glows
Working Private Mode - clear data of personalpageservice if you face problems
Added option to use private mode with insecure lockscreen
Added option to disable the ongoing Private Mode notification
Added private mode toggle back to dropdown - download OTA update
Added 2 dropdown panel animations and option for none - thx to @Nunhugger and @Tired Storeman
Fixed settings fc on pressing notification panel
Fixed keyboard fc on changing button to comma
Fixed icon for custom app 7 - download OTA update
Fixed heads up ongoing causing fc on making a call
Added Nfc option for screen off, onlockscreen or unlocked only and nfc icon type
Added 3rd color for Statusbar Gradient
Added 3rd color for Dropdown Gradient
Added Option for custom wallpaper on Notification Items with alpha slider
Added 3 color gradient for Notification Items
Added Omni traffic meter with options for left or right side, update interval, hide when inactive and download/upload colors
Added Settings text color
Added Settings Icon color
Added 4 sets of icons for settings and powermenu and custom settings to OTA Thx @Tired Storeman
Added HeadsUp Notifications with toggle
Added options for HeadsUp Notifications - Include Ongoing, When Locked, Limit to High Priorty only
Added slider for HeadsUp Notifcation fade speed
Added colorable glow for Heads Up Notifications
Added option to diable screen dimming on pulling down dropdown panel
Added CM Ram bar in recents with mode selection and 3 colorable bars
Added Quick Unlock with toggle
Added option for custom lockscreen carrier text
Added Reboot and Recovery dropdown toggles
Added more dropdown date formats and custom entry
Added color picker for recent items background
Added 2 extra batteries to selection
Added floating message apk to enable floating messages
Changed Black Glass settings icons to match theme Thx @Tired Storeman
New Bootanimation - Thx @NunHugger
Added Alliance Overscroll glow - Thx @Tired Storeman (Stock is in OTA)
Fixed typos and default values in Custom Settings and had a bit of a rearrange
Fixed Alliance App Panel FC if uninstall custome app
Fixed Alliance App Panel custom apps 2 and 3
Fixed some email content text colors
Fixed Settings block list FC
Fixed Pull Up in Alliance Settings so app can be changed
Fixed TW Themes all app icon not changing
Fixed hide battery when charging
Fixed Alliance Theme contacts FC
Fixed Alliance Theme tab selected to white
General clean up of code to remove some old unused stuff
Base Rom Feature's:​
Based on Samsung 4.4.2 NE5
Rooted, Deodexed, BusyBox, Init.d, Sqlite3, Zipaligned
Build.prop tweaks
ROM Customizer with root browser, widgets, and for OTA Updates
Alliance Manager Theme/Backup Engine
17 Preset Styles to change theme in 1 click!
Ton of Alliance wallpapers courtesy of @Tired Storeman
New bootanim courtesy of @NunHugger
Enhanced Swirliness on Ripple Lockscreen
Adjusted Launcher Animations for MoaR Speed!
Modified Toolbox to allow up to 10 shortcuts instead of 5
Choose from 9 functions for long press back - Default, Now, Custom App, Kill, Screenshot, Lock Screen, Torch, Recents, Menu
Choose from 9 functions for long press home
Choose from 9 functions for long press menu
Choose from 9 functions for double press home
Choose from 9 functions for short press menu
Power longpress timeout choices
Double tap timeout choices
Long Press Volume Music Controls With Screen Off
CRT Animation Speed
CRT Animation Colour
Killed Syscope Root Detection SystemStatus = Official
Total toggle amount is 34 data/flashlight/Rom control/Torch/etc
Enabled Quick Glance
Added System bg image to contacts and dialer
Added Asian S5 Touchwiz Theme Engine And Themes
Pull up in launcher to launch custom app @txr33 - Thanks fake_japanese_guy for posting the app to try in other roms which saved adding to our app picker
Slide left in launcher to launch custom app @txr33
Added About Alliance To about phone
Added Custom Extended Power/Reboot Menu
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Added Cyanogenmods Torch
Removed Knox/Carrier IQ Completely
Disabled Flipfont Verification Checks
Disabled Signature Verification Checking
Disabled Scrolling cache Systemwide
Disabled Samsungs Secure Storage
Enabled Hidden Lockscreens
Ported Brilliant Cut Lockscreen From Tab S
Added Sliding Gallery for Lock Wallpaper
Added Lockscreen Festival Effects
Added Notification Panel Festival Effects
Added Selectable Fingerprint style
Enabled app ops permission management
Enabled Call/Message Blocking
Enabled External Sd-Card Read/Write Functionality
Enabled Bootanimation.zip functionality
Enabled Camera while on a Phone Call
Enabled Camera Shutter Sound Menu
Enabled custom longpress options on samsung keyboard
Enabled By Default Package Verifier OFF
Enabled All disabled Settings widgets
Enabled Clear Font Option in Settings
Enabled Launcher app menu list functionality
Added TW Launcher Rotation Toggle
Added Chinese IME with dark/light theme chooser (supports only english and chinese languages)
Added Alliance AOSP TW Home theme to tw theme chooser
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Enabled Air Wakeup
Enabled and Themed Floating Assistant Menu
Camera Lockscreen shortcut
Enabled Lockscreen widgets
Enabled Secure widgets
Enabled any widgets to lockscreen
Always maximise lockscreen widgets toggle
Selectable Aosp Lockscreen
Increased message limit per hour
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
Enabled Group Conversation Messages
Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
Up to 200 contacts for messages
Message sent time shown
Increased sms-mms threshold
General Battery and Performance Tweaks
​Alliance Custom Settings:​Color Options
Option to link all color options toghether or color seperately
Color-A-Day Option to let The System Picked Your Main Linked Theme Color randomly everyday at midnight
Option to Set System Background Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set System Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set StatusBar Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set StatusBar Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set Notification Panel Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set Notification Panel Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set Dropdown Header Color
Option to Set Toggle Background Color and/or Gradient Type and Circle Color
Option to Set Brightness Slider Background Color
Option to Set CPU Info Background Color
Option to Set Clear button Background Color
Option to Set Notification Headers Color
Option to Set Notification Items Background Color
Option to Set Drag Bar Handle Background Color
Option to Set Clock Color, Dropdown Clock Color, Date Color
[*]Settings icon colour option
[*]Settings text colour option
Settings text colour option
Colour keyboard background
Colour keyboard text
Colour keyboard function key bg
Colour keyboard main key bg
Colour keyboard disabled key bg
Some stock email text content colour options
Clock size slider
Battery size slider
Carrier size slider
Date size slider
Option to set alpha level of statusbar elements
Option to Set Battery Icon from about 20 types
Option to Set Battery Icon Color, Battery Text, BatteryBar Color, Battery Graph Color
Option to Set Wifi Icon Color, Signal Color, Settings Button Color
Option to Set Notification icons Color, Notification Text Color, Ticker Text Color, Carrier Color, Drag Bar Color
Option to Set Ongoing Color, Traffic Color, CPU Color, Alliance Logo Color, ASU Color, Brightness icon and text Color
Option to Set Toggle On Color, Toggle Off Color, Toggle Dim Color
Option to Set Toggle Text Color
Toggle background style -* Thanks @TiredStoreman for images
Option to Set Phone Text Color, secondary text color, in app button text color popup header color, in app list text color all with toggles to return to default
Option to Set Power menu text Color, Settings Text Color, Toast Text Color, Launcher Text color, Browser url color, Lockscreen text Color
Option to Set Power Menu Color, OverScroll Color, Dialer Color, CheckBox Color, Switch Color
Option to Set Spinner/Slider Color, Battery Chart Color
Option to set Dialer numbers and tabs any color
Clock, Notification Panel, StatusBar, Toggles
Option to Set Clock Position
Option to Set Am/pm Style
Option to Set Day of Week Style
Option to Set Dropdown date Format
Option to Set Dropdown date shortclick/longclick action
Option to add Aosp Clear Button, Lock Button, Recents Button, Settings Button, hide Dropdown Header, Cpu Meter,
Option to enable/disable Sfinder, Sfinder Button, Brightness Slider, No Notifications Tile, Notifications Title, Alliance Logo to Notification Panel
Option for any app for sfinder button
Option for alliance button in expanded header to launch alliance settings or any app
Option for alliance logo on left side dragbar handle to launch alliance settings or any app
Option for alliance logo on right side dragbar handle to launch alliance settings or any app
Seperate sfinder, recents, lock, clear and alliance buttons in header to set its own colour
Alliance custom app panel 11 apps default or custom choice
Alliance custom app panel toggle on/off background colour and icon colour filter
Option to Set Custom Carrier Text
Option to select Custom Battery, Custom Charge Battery, Battery Bar, Bar Style, Bar thickness, Bar Anim
Option to hide/display Network Speed, Asu Meter
Option to pick Data Icon Type (Att/Tmo)
Option to pick number of signal bars used 4, 5, 6
Option to pick Signal Icon Type
Option to enable or disable signal in/out icon
Option to pick Wifi Icon Type
Option to enable or disable wifi in/out icon
Choose from 6 on the fly toggle themes (stock s5, aosp, triune, shiznits, buttons, original samsung)
Option to hide/display toggle text, circle background, toggle gap
Option to set number of toggles in view
Option to set Location of toggle Top, Bottom, Off
Option to hide Blocking Mode Notification, Ime Icon, Low storage notification, Unstable Wifi Notification
Option to hide Alarm Icon, Bluetooth Icon, Sound Icon, SmartStay Icon, Nfc Icon, Wifi Calling Icon
Extended Power Menu Options
Option to Hide/Show Data Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Airplane Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Accesibility Shortcut
Option to Hide/Show Power Off Shortcut
Option to Hide/Show Restart Menu
Option to Hide/Show Sound Mode Toggles
Option to Hide/Show Emergency Mode Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Screenshot Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Screen Record Toggle)
Phone Mods
Enable/Disable Record Button/Add Call Button In Phone
Option to enable/disable increasing Ringtone
Option to restart Phone and InCallUI
LockScreen Mods
Option to choose stock, scanner or OTA Flashed fingerprint style
Option To Select Between Aosp Lockscreen And Galaxy Lockscreens
Option to enable/disable Aosp Lockscreen Vibration
Option to turn ink effect on/off
Option to Select Custom Ink Effect Color
Option to Enable Random Ink Effect Color
Option to Enable Lockscreen Torch and Timeout value
Option to Enable/Disable Lockscreen Sounds
Stock Lockscreen Settings Shortcut
General Mods
Screen off animation option(CRT, Fade, Stock)
Listview Animation Style Picker
Listview Interpolator Picker
Toast Animation Picker
System Animation Picker
System animation duration slider
Disable home key wake toggle
Full charge noti toggle
User selectable Dialog Popup style i.e holo , holo-light, default etc
Enable/Disable Wake when plugging
Enable/Disable Wake when unplugging
Enable/Disable Low Battery Popup
Enable/Disable Full Charge Notification
Enable/Disable USB Connect Sound
LED with Screen on Toggle
NFC With Screen off Toggle
All rotation toggle
Lockscreen rotation toggle
Enable/Disable Earphone Protection
Scrolling Wallpaper Toggle
Infinite Launcher Scroll Toggle
Theme Chooser for TW launcher with 10+ themes
Enabled Festival Effects for TW Launcher
Restart Launcher Toggle
Time Stamp Sent Toggle (actual time recieved or time sent)
Fix for black glass theme contacts fc
Fix for rom customizer not rebooting when selected to
Fix for extra locks not staying after reboot
Fix contacts fc while in call
Moved position of asu to not cover signal bars @txr33
Sdcard fix @BeansTown106
Cog battery fix @txr33
4 bar signal fix @txr33
Antenna WiFi icon fix @txr33
Double clock fix @txr33
Quick connect greyed out fix @txr33
MD5 Sum:f59e43ad17652815463a7ca871d1fd8a​
Step 1-
Install Rom Customizer from Playstore
Step 2-
Make Sure You Have a Custom Recovery - TWRP or Philz
Step 3-
Put ROM on sd. Open rom customizer. Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat or blackglass. Choose install. Press reboot now and wait....
Step 4-
Once booted open Alliance Manager from app drawer to create needed folder structures
Step 5-
For Feature Requests and bug reports please post in the Xda DevDB Section Up Top
This thread is from the Alliance Team and was posted in accordance with the Alliance rules which can be found here
Alliance Color Guide:
The Alliance Crew - You guys ROCK!!
Sparky b for helping me out with base files
Chainfire for root
Ficeto for ROM Customizer, Custom Settings and countless hours of help
Gravitybox for the app picker source
AOKP for clock source
Liquid for animations and clock
kimdalanxa for fingerprint images
Tamerlan2009 for Note 4 Weather
CNexus for base files
Sac23 for the rom he sent which prompted this rebuild
RLmiller for testing
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][4.4.2]-AllianceROM-Ultimate Customisation, ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5
txr33, Goldie
ROM OS Version: 2.3.x Gingerbread
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-12-05
Last Updated 2014-12-05
last one
Awesome work on this rom ☺
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Woe nice!
zune70 said:
Awesome work on this rom ☺
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
All running ok?
Running well
Sent from my SM-T217S using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Won't let me download. Takes me back to xda
Goldie said:
All running ok?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yup running all good
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
BubZX said:
Won't let me download. Takes me back to xda
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When pressing the download link it takes you to the roms xda devdb download tab so you can download the rom by either torrent or direct download.
txr33 said:
When pressing the download link it takes you to the roms xda devdb download tab so you can download the rom by either torrent or direct download.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Direct download fails, and there's no seeders for the torrent.
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
This ROM looks amazing!
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
jtadak said:
Direct download fails, and there's no seeders for the torrent.
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
This ROM looks amazing!
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Direct download works fine for me
When I try to flash in rom customizer it just stays at rebooting. I wait for a while nothing happens I reboot on my own and I'm still on my same rom. Nothing flashed.don't know if it matters but I'm using ktoonz version of twrp.
SHYZZA said:
When I try to flash in rom customizer it just stays at rebooting. I wait for a while nothing happens I reboot on my own and I'm still on my same rom. Nothing flashed.don't know if it matters but I'm using ktoonz version of twrp.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to manually reboot to recovery and it will flash your selections. The cause of that is fixed once the rom is flashed so if use rom customizer again after installing alliance rom it will automatically reboot but coming from any other rom you need to manually reboot into recovery after making the rom customizer selections
txr33 said:
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.​
AllianceROM intends to give the user what THEY want. Tired of flashing Roms and having to ask for little changes to suit your taste? Tired of having to manually change colors of the toggles or the battery or move your clock or make statusbar transparent or any of the other multitude of other little color and style tweaks that Android users love? Tired of flashing AROMA installer for every little change you want to make? Tired of having to add your favourite images everytime a new rom comes out?
If you answer yes to any of these then AllianceROM is for you! We have a huge array of "on the fly" options for you to play with. Make your phone to YOUR style. YOUR color. YOUR perfection.
Available in Stock, AOSP or Black Glass themes selectable on install, the majority of modifications in AllianceROM are OPTIONAL. Many you wont find on any other TW ROM and some you wont find anywhere...Xposed, AOSP or otherwise! You can turn them on and off at will. We try not to impose many things on people because we realise that Android is all about INDIVIDUALITY. Make YOUR Rom and YOUR phone how YOU want it and change it on a whim.
Choose from over 25 preset Themes and change them with a click. No rebooting
AllianceROM - Designed to be Individual....​
Changes in 1.0:​
Any color/transparency popups (e.g powermenu bg) with toggle - make your own tinted glass backgrounds!
Any color popups text with toggle
Any color/transparency list menu bg with toggle
Hold statusbar and slide for brightness with toggle
Ime animations
Totally new statusbar clock from Liquid
Clock seconds toggle
Clock font style choice (font dependant)
Statusbar date style choices
Statusbar date format choices
Pulldown right/left/center access quicksettings
Radio button color linked to checkbox color
Ime animations
Ime cursor control with vol buttons with toggle
Extended reboot follows powermenu color
Headsup Blacklist
Action bar text color with toggle
Actionbar bg color with toggle
Custom Carrier in statusbar with toggle
Double tap statusbar sleep with toggle
Overscroll type - none/bounce/glow
Overscroll weight...i.e how far it bounces or glows
Added the ng2 kernel to install options for those who have new bootloader and made it so if select ktoonz you will get his kernel apps and if select 900i kernel it will also install the nfc fix
Working Private Mode - clear data of personalpageservice if you face problems
Added option to use private mode with insecure lockscreen
Added option to disable the ongoing Private Mode notification
Added private mode toggle back to dropdown - download OTA update
Added 2 dropdown panel animations and option for none - thx to @Nunhugger and @Tired Storeman
Fixed settings fc on pressing notification panel
Fixed keyboard fc on changing button to comma
Fixed icon for custom app 7 - download OTA update
Fixed heads up ongoing causing fc on making a call
Added Nfc option for screen off, onlockscreen or unlocked only and nfc icon type
Added 3rd color for Statusbar Gradient
Added 3rd color for Dropdown Gradient
Added Option for custom wallpaper on Notification Items with alpha slider
Added 3 color gradient for Notification Items
Added Omni traffic meter with options for left or right side, update interval, hide when inactive and download/upload colors
Added Settings text color
Added Settings Icon color
Added 4 sets of icons for settings and powermenu and custom settings to OTA Thx @Tired Storeman
Added HeadsUp Notifications with toggle
Added options for HeadsUp Notifications - Include Ongoing, When Locked, Limit to High Priorty only
Added slider for HeadsUp Notifcation fade speed
Added colorable glow for Heads Up Notifications
Added option to diable screen dimming on pulling down dropdown panel
Added CM Ram bar in recents with mode selection and 3 colorable bars
Added Quick Unlock with toggle
Added option for custom lockscreen carrier text
Added Reboot and Recovery dropdown toggles
Added more dropdown date formats and custom entry
Added color picker for recent items background
Added 2 extra batteries to selection
Added floating message apk to enable floating messages
Changed Black Glass settings icons to match theme Thx @Tired Storeman
New Bootanimation - Thx @NunHugger
Added Alliance Overscroll glow - Thx @Tired Storeman (Stock is in OTA)
Fixed typos and default values in Custom Settings and had a bit of a rearrange
Fixed Alliance App Panel FC if uninstall custome app
Fixed Alliance App Panel custom apps 2 and 3
Fixed some email content text colors
Fixed Settings block list FC
Fixed Pull Up in Alliance Settings so app can be changed
Fixed TW Themes all app icon not changing
Fixed hide battery when charging
Fixed Alliance Theme contacts FC
Fixed Alliance Theme tab selected to white
General clean up of code to remove some old unused stuff
Base Rom Feature's:​
Based on Samsung 4.4.2 G900FXXU1ANG2
Rooted, Deodexed, BusyBox, Init.d, Sqlite3, Zipaligned
Build.prop tweaks
ROM Customizer with root browser, widgets, and for OTA Updates
Alliance Manager Theme/Backup Engine
17 Preset Styles to change theme in 1 click!
Ton of Alliance wallpapers courtesy of @Tired Storeman
New bootanim courtesy of @NunHugger
Enhanced Swirliness on Ripple Lockscreen
Adjusted Launcher Animations for MoaR Speed!
Modified Toolbox to allow up to 10 shortcuts instead of 5
Choose from 9 functions for long press back - Default, Now, Custom App, Kill, Screenshot, Lock Screen, Torch, Recents, Menu
Choose from 9 functions for long press home
Choose from 9 functions for long press menu
Choose from 9 functions for double press home
Choose from 9 functions for short press menu
Power longpress timeout choices
Double tap timeout choices
Long Press Volume Music Controls With Screen Off
CRT Animation Speed
CRT Animation Colour
Killed Syscope Root Detection SystemStatus = Official
Total toggle amount is 34 data/flashlight/Rom control/Torch/etc
Enabled Quick Glance
Added System bg image to contacts and dialer
Added Asian S5 Touchwiz Theme Engine And Themes
Pull up in launcher to launch custom app @txr33 - Thanks fake_japanese_guy for posting the app to try in other roms which saved adding to our app picker
Slide left in launcher to launch custom app @txr33
Added About Alliance To about phone
Added Custom Extended Power/Reboot Menu
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Added Cyanogenmods Torch
Removed Knox/Carrier IQ Completely
Disabled Flipfont Verification Checks
Disabled Signature Verification Checking
Disabled Scrolling cache Systemwide
Disabled Samsungs Secure Storage
Enabled Hidden Lockscreens
Ported Brilliant Cut Lockscreen From Tab S
Added Sliding Gallery for Lock Wallpaper
Added Lockscreen Festival Effects
Added Notification Panel Festival Effects
Added Selectable Fingerprint style
Enabled app ops permission management
Enabled Call/Message Blocking
Enabled External Sd-Card Read/Write Functionality
Enabled Bootanimation.zip functionality
Enabled Camera while on a Phone Call
Enabled Camera Shutter Sound Menu
Enabled custom longpress options on samsung keyboard
Enabled By Default Package Verifier OFF
Enabled All disabled Settings widgets
Enabled Clear Font Option in Settings
Enabled Launcher app menu list functionality
Added TW Launcher Rotation Toggle
Added Chinese IME with dark/light theme chooser (supports only english and chinese languages)
Added Alliance AOSP TW Home theme to tw theme chooser
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Enabled Air Wakeup
Enabled and Themed Floating Assistant Menu
Camera Lockscreen shortcut
Enabled Lockscreen widgets
Enabled Secure widgets
Enabled any widgets to lockscreen
Always maximise lockscreen widgets toggle
Selectable Aosp Lockscreen
Increased message limit per hour
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
Enabled Group Conversation Messages
Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
Up to 200 contacts for messages
Message sent time shown
Increased sms-mms threshold
General Battery and Performance Tweaks
​Alliance Custom Settings:​Color Options
Option to link all color options toghether or color seperately
Color-A-Day Option to let The System Picked Your Main Linked Theme Color randomly everyday at midnight
Option to Set System Background Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set System Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set StatusBar Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set StatusBar Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set Notification Panel Color and/or Gradient Type
Option to Set Notification Panel Background Image and Transparency
Option to Set Dropdown Header Color
Option to Set Toggle Background Color and/or Gradient Type and Circle Color
Option to Set Brightness Slider Background Color
Option to Set CPU Info Background Color
Option to Set Clear button Background Color
Option to Set Notification Headers Color
Option to Set Notification Items Background Color
Option to Set Drag Bar Handle Background Color
Option to Set Clock Color, Dropdown Clock Color, Date Color
[*]Settings icon colour option
[*]Settings text colour option
Settings text colour option
Colour keyboard background
Colour keyboard text
Colour keyboard function key bg
Colour keyboard main key bg
Colour keyboard disabled key bg
Some stock email text content colour options
Clock size slider
Battery size slider
Carrier size slider
Date size slider
Option to set alpha level of statusbar elements
Option to Set Battery Icon from about 20 types
Option to Set Battery Icon Color, Battery Text, BatteryBar Color, Battery Graph Color
Option to Set Wifi Icon Color, Signal Color, Settings Button Color
Option to Set Notification icons Color, Notification Text Color, Ticker Text Color, Carrier Color, Drag Bar Color
Option to Set Ongoing Color, Traffic Color, CPU Color, Alliance Logo Color, ASU Color, Brightness icon and text Color
Option to Set Toggle On Color, Toggle Off Color, Toggle Dim Color
Option to Set Toggle Text Color
Toggle background style -* Thanks @TiredStoreman for images
Option to Set Phone Text Color, secondary text color, in app button text color popup header color, in app list text color all with toggles to return to default
Option to Set Power menu text Color, Settings Text Color, Toast Text Color, Launcher Text color, Browser url color, Lockscreen text Color
Option to Set Power Menu Color, OverScroll Color, Dialer Color, CheckBox Color, Switch Color
Option to Set Spinner/Slider Color, Battery Chart Color
Option to set Dialer numbers and tabs any color
Clock, Notification Panel, StatusBar, Toggles
Option to Set Clock Position
Option to Set Am/pm Style
Option to Set Day of Week Style
Option to Set Dropdown date Format
Option to Set Dropdown date shortclick/longclick action
Option to add Aosp Clear Button, Lock Button, Recents Button, Settings Button, hide Dropdown Header, Cpu Meter,
Option to enable/disable Sfinder, Sfinder Button, Brightness Slider, No Notifications Tile, Notifications Title, Alliance Logo to Notification Panel
Option for any app for sfinder button
Option for alliance button in expanded header to launch alliance settings or any app
Option for alliance logo on left side dragbar handle to launch alliance settings or any app
Option for alliance logo on right side dragbar handle to launch alliance settings or any app
Seperate sfinder, recents, lock, clear and alliance buttons in header to set its own colour
Alliance custom app panel 11 apps default or custom choice
Alliance custom app panel toggle on/off background colour and icon colour filter
Option to Set Custom Carrier Text
Option to select Custom Battery, Custom Charge Battery, Battery Bar, Bar Style, Bar thickness, Bar Anim
Option to hide/display Network Speed, Asu Meter
Option to pick Data Icon Type (Att/Tmo)
Option to pick number of signal bars used 4, 5, 6
Option to pick Signal Icon Type
Option to enable or disable signal in/out icon
Option to pick Wifi Icon Type
Option to enable or disable wifi in/out icon
Choose from 6 on the fly toggle themes (stock s5, aosp, triune, shiznits, buttons, original samsung)
Option to hide/display toggle text, circle background, toggle gap
Option to set number of toggles in view
Option to set Location of toggle Top, Bottom, Off
Option to hide Blocking Mode Notification, Ime Icon, Low storage notification, Unstable Wifi Notification
Option to hide Alarm Icon, Bluetooth Icon, Sound Icon, SmartStay Icon, Nfc Icon, Wifi Calling Icon
Extended Power Menu Options
Option to Hide/Show Data Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Airplane Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Accesibility Shortcut
Option to Hide/Show Power Off Shortcut
Option to Hide/Show Restart Menu
Option to Hide/Show Sound Mode Toggles
Option to Hide/Show Emergency Mode Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Screenshot Toggle
Option to Hide/Show Screen Record Toggle)
Phone Mods
Enable/Disable Record Button/Add Call Button In Phone
Option to enable/disable increasing Ringtone
Option to restart Phone and InCallUI
LockScreen Mods
Option to choose stock, scanner or OTA Flashed fingerprint style
Option To Select Between Aosp Lockscreen And Galaxy Lockscreens
Option to enable/disable Aosp Lockscreen Vibration
Option to turn ink effect on/off
Option to Select Custom Ink Effect Color
Option to Enable Random Ink Effect Color
Option to Enable Lockscreen Torch and Timeout value
Option to Enable/Disable Lockscreen Sounds
Stock Lockscreen Settings Shortcut
General Mods
Screen off animation option(CRT, Fade, Stock)
Listview Animation Style Picker
Listview Interpolator Picker
Toast Animation Picker
System Animation Picker
System animation duration slider
Disable home key wake toggle
Full charge noti toggle
User selectable Dialog Popup style i.e holo , holo-light, default etc
Enable/Disable Wake when plugging
Enable/Disable Wake when unplugging
Enable/Disable Low Battery Popup
Enable/Disable Full Charge Notification
Enable/Disable USB Connect Sound
LED with Screen on Toggle
NFC With Screen off Toggle
All rotation toggle
Lockscreen rotation toggle
Enable/Disable Earphone Protection
Scrolling Wallpaper Toggle
Infinite Launcher Scroll Toggle
Theme Chooser for TW launcher with 10+ themes
Enabled Festival Effects for TW Launcher
Restart Launcher Toggle
Time Stamp Sent Toggle (actual time recieved or time sent)
Fix for black glass theme contacts fc
Fix for rom customizer not rebooting when selected to
Fix for extra locks not staying after reboot
Fix contacts fc while in call
Moved position of asu to not cover signal bars @txr33
Sdcard fix @BeansTown106
Cog battery fix @txr33
4 bar signal fix @txr33
Antenna WiFi icon fix @txr33
Double clock fix @txr33
Quick connect greyed out fix @txr33
MD5 Sum:f59e43ad17652815463a7ca871d1fd8a
Step 1-
Install Rom Customizer from Playstore
Step 2-
Make Sure You Have a Custom Recovery - TWRP or Philz
Step 3-
Put ROM on sd. Open rom customizer. Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat or blackglass. Choose install. Press reboot now and wait....
Step 4-
Once booted open Alliance Manager from app drawer to create needed folder structures
Step 5-
For Feature Requests and bug reports please post in the Xda DevDB Section Up Top
This thread is from the Alliance Team and was posted in accordance with the Alliance rules which can be found here
Alliance Color Guide:
The Alliance Crew - You guys ROCK!!
Sparky b for helping me out with base files
Chainfire for root
Ficeto for ROM Customizer, Custom Settings and countless hours of help
Gravitybox for the app picker source
AOKP for clock source
Liquid for animations and clock
kimdalanxa for fingerprint images
Tamerlan2009 for Note 4 Weather
CNexus for base files
Sac23 for the rom he sent which prompted this rebuild
RLmiller for testing
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][4.4.2]-AllianceROM-Ultimate Customisation, ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5
txr33, Goldie
ROM OS Version: 2.3.x Gingerbread
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-12-05
Last Updated 2014-12-04
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
txr33 said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
txr33 said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
txr33 said:
last one
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Late to the party ... but congrats brother
Google now is crashing for me. Is it working for anyone else? Or did I miss something?
I'm downloading now. Question download booster functional
Jerail.landry said:
Google now is crashing for me. Is it working for anyone else? Or did I miss something?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm now getting the notifications but the app itself is crashing...

[ROM][MOAR] v7.1 Lollipop Killer / Ultimate Control / Be a Boss [02.08.2017]

tdunham & rompnit
.… Proudly Present ….
[M]other [O]f [A]ll [R]oms ..aka.. MOAR
Take control of your phone
Under the Hood
Based on Lollipop OA6 firmware // Knox free
Mod Control with a ton of different mods! // See features in POST #3
On the fly theming // Choose ANY color for a bunch of things!
Deodexed // Optimized and debloated apks & jars
Build.prop, battery, and CSC tweaks // Smooth as silk performance
Hacked Hotspot // Signature verification disabled
Modified and working Private Mode
PRL write enabled // MSL check removed
ASEC package security disabled
Device status "Official" // Syscope dependencies removed
Modified Toolbox // Display up to 10 apps
Quad, floating, and resizable multiwindow // All apps NATIVELY enabled!
Music Control // Customizable long press volume skip mod
Phone call and screen recording with toggles!
Over 500 fonts included
Modified MMS // Split mode, floating messages, and more unlocked!
Tons of unlocked settings // AppOps permission manager, blocking mode, etc.
9 different swipe lockscreen effects to choose from!
4 different lock pattern types to pick from!
Modified TouchWiz launcher for insane speed // Multiple grid sizes in Aroma
TouchWiz launcher theme manager unlocked // 12 themes included
Aroma installer with many different options
And much, much, MOAR!
// MOAR v7.1 [OA6 / Lollipop / 5.0.0] [02.08.2017]
** Check your firmware version first! If you're not on Lollipop there are instructions =>HERE<=
** 1st Boot will take forever; 10 to 20 minutes on the animated 'Typhoon' screen is normal!!
** A clean install is HIGHLY recommended and can be done easily from the installer.
Final OTA firmware. Flash this instead of earlier builds to go back to stock.
Primary Download : MOAR_v7.1.zip
Mirror : MOAR_v7.1.zip
MD5 : 075050221db742539ef06ba57ac038a4
Aroma powered bloat tool : Android File Host
** Team Darksyde themes located =>HERE<=
Changelog v7.1 : 02.08.2017
Updated SuperSU and BusyBox
Rom installer fixed for use on all versions of Lollipop
New Stuff fixes & updates from v7.0 integrated
Changelog v7.0 : 08.27.2015
Huge THANKS @tdunham as always for his awesome work and support!
Added all new Mod Control / Source =>HERE<=
Added all new statusbar clock based on LiquidSmooth
Added Lockscreen clock font options
Added lockscreen Ink effect any color or random color
Added lockscreen light effect
Added Lockscreen charging dialog toggle
Added toggles to hide Lockscreen charging & low battery dialogs
Added Device info stats on pulldown
Added lockscreen extended weather mod
Added Next alarm to lockscreen
Added Auto Call Recording
Added HQ sound and volume in pocket toggles
Added Incoming notification LED toggle
Added option to 'leave kernel alone' for newer firmware
Added Memory Cleaner to right of brightness slider
Added set Clear button text any color
Added 6 new additional toggle backgrounds
Added notifications custom background color
Added notification custom text color
Added PopupLauncher Quicklaunch
Added Quick Pin unlock
Added Pin Keypad scrambler
Added NFC toggle to enable NFC while screen off & locked
Added adjustable end call delay
Added lockscreen color mods
Added Incall dialpad digits and letters color mod
Added Mokee Listview Animations
Added real-time Lockscreen clock mod
Added lockscreen clock position choice
Added Bluetooth dialog popup toggle
Added Main dialpad custom backgrounds & colorizer added
Added Main dialpad colorizer for digits & letters
Added caller selectable backgrounds
Fixed custom toggle icon size for a better fit
Fixed center alignment on CPU stats
Fixed sPlanner Widget not displaying on GN4 weather
Fixed pulldown padding so it fills the screen
Fixed display of last spoke/last msg in bottom end call mod
Fixed Quickconnect/Sfind display when brightness bar is hidden
Updated 3Minit Battery mod
Updated fullscreen caller option layout
Removed KT kernel option in Aroma
Removed Navbar option
Modified camera / low battery restrictions removed
Extended volume panel modified for moar control
Modified Recent Apps panel to rounded corners
Auto brightness response time greatly improved
Stagefright vulnerability addressed
Increased expanded notification to 5 lines vs 3 lines stock
All toggles enabled by default
Toggles decreased from 31 to 30
Screen Pinning enabled / Long Press Back to Kill must be enabled to use
Increased settings/quicksettings shortcuts from 12 to 15
Unknown sources now enabled as default
Notification panel custom carrier label
1x/3g modification to display proper connection speed
Global colorizers added to many options
Toggle added to disable statusbar ticker
Screen no longer dims when battery hits 5%
Volume bar added to Power Menu options
Tons of THANKS to all of the following for their amazing contributions towards this release: @daxgirl @ikrom @mariozawa @mickles @sagitt67 @remuntada78 @finist1 @kmokhtar79 @daxgirl @Wuby986 @lacoursiere18 @txr33 @Goldie @adi Aisiteru @pekaka
Known Issues v7.1 :
SAE has stopped error on reboots. Shouldn't be an issue, just click through it.
Known Issues v7.0 :
Center clock does not hide on lockscreen
You tell us!
Always make a backup first!! Flash at your own risk!
We are NOT responsible for anything that may happen to your phone.
We cannot be held responsible for smoke, fire, water, or other natural disasters.
We will however take responsibility for the weeks and weeks of happiness one may experience with this ROM.
A clean install is always recommended, but at minimum make sure you wipe!
Latest recovery is also highly recommended.
Treat Aroma kindly.. Fast and/or rapid movements only tend to upset the scripts.
tdunham // For his many contributions, general help, and awesomeness. Please THANK him here =>HERE<=
Ramer // For his fantastic Q&A thread and support. Please THANK him here =>HERE<=
sac23 // For his support in the XDA community and general mods
Chainfire // Because SuperSU is awesome! Thank him =>HERE<=
CM Team // For AOSP as we know it.
kmokhtar79 // Great tutorial thread =>HERE<=
Shaftamle // For the awesome themed Google Keyboard. Thank him =>HERE<=
ktoonsez // For his awesome KT kernel. Check out source =>HERE<=
gharrington // For his amazing 3Minit battery mod. Be sure to THANK him =>HERE<=
garwynn // For bringing us Lollipop. Thank him =>HERE<=
Goldie // For his fantastic guide to smali and contributions to Alliance Team. Be sure to THANK him =>HERE<=
txr33 // For his contributions to Alliance Team and XDA
ficeto // For his game changing CustomSettings.apk
amarullz // For the sick creation that is Aroma!
All of our Moderators // Thanks for what you do for the community!
Anyone that I may have missed! (Please PM me!)
Everyone that's contributed to this thread!!
​Special THANKS to those who have donated
@lvpre, @diasfordays, @cavediver (x2), @deguy50, @sammajamma87, @DurhamHusker, @edgobb, @kmokhtar79, @Greogory (x2), @borgese (x2), @Link2097, @uselessgenius, @keithdsny, @black72cat, @HeyBeerManTX, @uselessgenius, @alldayer, @nyfl2004, @AlvinT, @zemeldog, @bbrita, @B5Z, @Gargleblarg, @JoeyDuran, @davesbest, @TookRDerbs, @prboy1969, @electricallew, @cwb1231, @andee39 (x2), @I_eat_tacos, @RMD, @JoelP, @eevanskiteboards, @squeeks716
Stay tuned! MOAR modness to come...
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM] [MOAR] Mother Of All ROMs, ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S5
rompnit, tdunham
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: Any Lollipop Firmware
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2015-01-30
Last Updated 2017-02-08
Installation Instructions​
** You MUST be on Lollipop firmware OA6 or newer to run this rom **
Before You Start:
Backup EVERYTHING you want to save from internal and external (SD) storage.
Stage 1:
** REQUIRED if coming from 4.4.4 or below **
** Skip to STAGE 2 if already on Lollipop **
Instructions to Install full Tar File
Full Tar Thread Link --> [ODIN][TAR][5.0] SM-G900P OA6 (Official!)
• BACKUP INTERNAL SD before flashing the tar.
• The full tar wipes Data and possibly internal SD too.
• Extract (unzip) the firmware file:
• Download Odin v3.09 Recoveries & ODIN
• Extract Odin zip-file
• Power down the phone (or pull the battery, it is important to flash the OTA from a powered off state)
• Open Odin v3.09
• Reboot phone in Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)
• Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
• Add the firmware file to AP / PDA (depending on version of Odin)
• Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
• Click the start button, sit back and wait a few minutes
• Restart and allow the stock rom to boot fully and settle THIS IS MANDATORY
Stage 2:
** Skip to STAGE 3 if already running a custom recovery / TWRP, Philz, Etc **
Install Custom Recovery with Odin
• Download Odin & custom recovery tar Recoveries & ODIN
• Extract Odin zip-file
• Power down the phone
• Open Odin on pc
• Boot phone in Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)
• Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
• Add the recovery file to AP / PDA (depending on version of Odin)
• Make sure re-partition & Auto Reboot are NOT ticked
• Click the start button.
• Unplug & Reboot phone directly into Recovery Mode (press and hold Power + Volume Up buttons)
Stage 3:
Backup EVERYTHING you want to save from internal and external (SD) storage.
Flashing the Rom
• Format both internal and external storage
** Optional but HIGHLY recommended (Coming from AOSP it's required).
• Reboot back to the stock rom and copy the ROM to INTERNAL storage.
- This step is optional if you are running a recovery like KTsoonsez_TWRP_04-06-2015.tar.md5 or TWRP-KT.ALL-IN-1.zip
(same recoveries btw, but I created a .tar.md5 Odin flashable version) since these recoveries mount storage and you can copy the rom.zip file
while still in recovery.
• Reboot back into custom recovery.
** If its not there, repeat Stage 2.
• Do a FULL wipe but do not reboot yet
There is no need to wipe internal or external storage again.
A full wipe includes:
Dalvik Cache
• Flash ROM and reboot.
** Custom Lollipop ROMs take about 20 minutes to get to the setup screen, so be patient.
*** Please note - this ROM is compatible with all Sprint Lollipop builds, but you MUST select the stock kernel during ROM flash if running firmware newer than OA6. ***
Whats in Mod Control (Not Updated)
// Statusbar Settings
Statusbar Clock Options
Position // Left, right, center, hide
AM/PM // Small, regular, hide
Weekday // Small, regular, hide
Choose ANY color for the clock
Use Statusbar image // Choose from premade, select your own, set color overlay, etc..
Manage images // Backup, restore, or delete statusbar images
Battery Icon Settings
3Minit Battery Mod // Choose from 1000's of different styles
Customizable battery bar
Max Signal Level // Choose 4, 5, or 6 bars
Traffic Meter // Customizable traffic meter. Also select ANY color
Statusbar Lock Button // Choose location and color // Long press for reboot menu // Double tap for torch
Statusbar Icons
Separate Toggles to Show or Hide //
IME icon, alarm icon, Bluetooth icon, vibrate & silent icons, blocking mode, personal mode
Statusbar Icon Colors
Set ANY color for Signalbars, WiFi, Download Booster, Data, Notification icons, and Text separately
// Notification Panel
Header Preferences
Header Background // Choose ANY color or transparency
Dateview Style // Select from 19 different layouts or hide completely
Set Custom Third Button // Disabled, recent, lock, home, or clear
Select ANY color for the following // Pulldown clock, date color, and settings buttons
Main Body Options
Enable/Disable Ongoing Notifications
Set Brightness Slider background color
Show or Hide the brightness slider
Choose sFinder background color
Show or Hide the sFinder / QuickConnect panel
Toggle Settings
Select the number of visible toggles shown at once // Between 3 & 6
Select the number of scrollable toggles shown // Between 5 & 20
Choose Toggle Icon Background // Choose from 5 different styles
Choose Toggle Type // Select from S5 Stock or Custom
Select ANY color or transparency for Toggle panel
Select Toggle color
Show/Hide toggle text completely
Set toggle text color
Toggle Scripts // Enable or disable hidden toggles
CPU Stats // Show or Hide CPU Widgets // Choose ANY text color
// Sound and Notifications
Music Control
Choose Button Press Delay // Between 100ms and 500ms
Select Volume Up Action // Next, Pause, Play, Previous, Stop
Select Volume Down Action // Next, Pause, Play, Previous, Stop
System Sound Toggles // Enable or Disable boot, volume slider, charging, and screenshot sounds
Notifications and Dialogue
Enable/Disable Low Battery Notifications
Enable/Disable Battery Full Notifications
Enable/Disable Wireless Charging Popup
Enable/Disable Airplane Mode Warning
Enable/Disable Powersaving Mode notification
Enable/Disable Hotspot dialogue
Enable/Disable Roaming warning
Enable/Disable Ongoing GPS notification
Toggle to link/unlink system volume
System Sound Levels // Choose from stock, mild, loud, and extreme volume boosts
// General Mods
Phone Mods
Call Recording // Add or remove record button from UI
Tap to Restart InCallUI
Enable/Disable increasing ringtone
Set Fullscreen or Stock layout
Enable/Disable last spoke dialogue
Enable/Disable last message dialogue
Lockscreen Options
Set custom carrier text or leave blank to remove
Enable/Disable lockscreen completely
Enable/Disable ambient display
Enable/Disable lockscreen rotation
Touchwiz Launcher
TW Theme Manager // Choose from 9 launcher icon themes!
Enable/Disable wallpaper scrolling
Enable/Disable page looping
Enable/Disable launcher rotation
Select launcher text color
Reset Slide Launch Default App
// Buttons and Display
Customize Buttons
Toggle to Disable Haptic Feedback
Home Button // Set doubletap, tripletap, and long press actions // Chose wake, etc..
Left Capacitive Key // Choose behaviors and settings
Right Capacitive Key // Choose behaviors and settings
Power Button // Choose double tap behavior
Toggle to allow 360 degree screen rotation
Enable/Disable Screen On When Plugged/Unplugged
Show/Hide softkey navbar
// Extended Power Menu
Show or Hide Power Off
Show or Hide Data Mode
Show or Hide Airplane Mode
Show or Hide Restart Menu
Show or Hide Recovery Menu
Show or Hide Download Mode
Show or Hide Flashlight Button
Show or Hide Screen Recorder
Show or Hide Screenshot Button
Show or Hide Emergency Menu
// Data Management
Reset System Colors
Backup MOAR Settings
Restore MOAR Settings
Repair MOAR SD Card Folder
// nOObz Applications
AdAway Ad Blocker // Enable or disable ad blocking
AOSP Weather Widget // Settings for widget
Greenify // Battery saving hibernation tool
SuperSU // Root access manager
// Restart Options
Separate Buttons to Restart the Following // InCallUI, TW Launcher, SystemUI, Phone
Restart Device, Recovery, Download Mode, or Safe Mode
Kernels & Modems
Recoveries & ODIN
SM-G900P Kernels
SM-G900P Modems
MOAR 7.0 New Stuff
For use with version 7.0 ONLY
This release is to update the current MOAR Rom to new features and fixes.
- Heads Up Notifications toggle
Toggle is located in Moar Control/Sound and Notifications/Notifications and Dialogue
- Color Fade fix included
See the link located here for more information MOAR 7.0 ColorFade Bug Fix
The New Stuff releases may take about 15 minutes to reboot so it can rebuild ART cache!
Download Link --> MOAR.V7.0_New.Stuff.Rev1.2.zip
[B]Rev 1.2[/B]
- updated SystemUI smali to support latest 3minit Battery and added new 3minit Battery app & resources
[B]Rev 1.1[/B]
- updated SystemUI smali to support latest 3minit Battery and added new 3minit Battery app & resources
[B]Rev 1.0[/B]
-initial release
Theming Notes:
Version 1.0
- SystemUI.apk classes.dex modified
Older New Stuff Mods, for v6.2 rom version only.
MOAR 6.2 New Stuff
For use with version 6.2 ONLY
- 3minit battery updated to 3.1
Fullscreen Caller updated!
- Added call swap/on hold
- Added 4 flashable bottom button backgrounds (plus the stock red one)
- Added 3 flashable end call icons (plus the stock red icon)
- Fixed display of last spoke/last msg in bottom end call mod
For the custom backgrounds, icons and bottom button backgrounds please visit my thread here:
FullScreen Call Themed for Lollipop
- Added PopupLauncher Quicklaunch
- Added Quick Pin unlock (credits @txr33)
- Added Pin Keypad scrambler (credits @txr33)
- Added NFC toggle to enable NFC while screen off & locked
- Adjustable end call delay
- Lockscreen Pinpad digits ANY color
- Lockscreen Pinpad text ANY color
- Lockscreen Pinpad button background ANY color
- Lockscreen clock ANY color
- Lockscreen ampm ANY color
- Lockscreen date ANY color
- Incall dialpad digits ANY color
- Incall dialpad letters ANY color
- full quicksetting toggles enabled by default (credits @daxgirl)
Toggles decreased to 30 from 31
Wont display 30 if you flashed 1.3b new stuff, clear data on the Add Toggles app to reset this and reboot.
- change to increasing ringtone no longer requires a reboot (credits @daxgirl)
- Screen Pinning enabled
Long Press Back to Kill must be enabled to use this
- Quickconnect/Sfind display fix for when brightness bar is hidden (credits @daxgirl)
- Bluetooth dialog popup toggle
- Main dialpad custom backgrounds & colorizer added (Credits @remuntada78)
- Main dialpad colorizer for digits & letters
- Full screen caller selectable backgrounds
- Removed orange banner from endcall screen in fullscreen caller
- Increased settings/quicksettings shortcuts from 12 to 15 Credits @daxgirl
- Mokee Listview Animations
Access from settings/display
Full credits to @adi Aisiteru for the original thread HERE
also credit to @lacoursiere18 for the updated KitKat guide HERE
- Added custom incall backgrounds for stock InCall screen
- Added an 11th choice for InCall backgrounds
This one defaults to stock but is also where you would select a custom flashable background
(guide for that is already in the FullScreen Caller thread)
- Added real-time Lockscreen clock mod
2 postitions to choose from for the lockscreen clock
- Lockscreen clock/ampm/date colors now change immediately
- Two line dateview in pulldown now changes immediately
- Switch between custom and standard toggles without a restart
- Incall dialpad colors now changes immediately
- Main dialpad background colors now changes immediately
- Qconnect/Sfind hide/show toggle now changes immediately (slight delay)
- Added corrected icons for SecContacts custom dialpad backgrounds
- Unknown sources enabled as default
- Notification panel custom carrier label
- 1x/3g modification to display proper connection speed
- Global lockscreen colorizer added. Easily set lockscreen clock/ampm/date to the same color.
Individual colors retained and independent to the global colorizer.
- Toggle added to disable statusbar ticker
- 5% screen brightness mod added to prevent the screen from dimming below 5% battery
- Listview animations disabled as default setting
- Navbar option removed
- Volume bar (with on/off toggle) added to Power Menu, on by default
- Added Potato Clock
Lots of cool features
- Global statusbar colors
- Global pulldown header colors
The New Stuff releases may take about 15 minutes to reboot so it can rebuild ART cache!
Download --> MOAR.V6.2_New.Stuff.Rev1.8.zip
Flashing Notes:
- You will need to reapply the fullscreen caller from:
custom settings/General Mods/Phone Mods
[B]Rev 1.8[/B]
- Added Potato Clock
Lots of cool features
- Global statusbar colors
- Global pulldown header colors
[B]Rev 1.7[/B]
- Multi-clock position clock mod removed and replaced with stock & centered lockscreen clock mods
They just weren't displaying properly.
- Global lockscreen colorizer added. Easily set lockscreen clock/ampm/date to the same color.
Individual colors retained and independent to the global colorizer.
- Toggle added to disable statusbar ticker
- 5% screen brightness mod added to prevent the screen from dimming below 5% battery
- Listview animations disabled as default setting
- Navbar option removed
- Exchange security toggle removed
Fixed exchange errors
- Volume bar (with on/off toggle) added to Power Menu, on by default
[B]Rev 1.6[/B]
- Lockscreen clock/ampm/date colors now change immediately
- Two line dateview in pulldown now changes immediately
- Switch between custom and standard toggles without a restart
- Incall dialpad colors now changes immediately
- Main dialpad background colors now changes immediately
- Qconnect/Sfind hide/show toggle now changes immediately (slight delay)
- Added corrected icons for SecContacts custom dialpad backgrounds
- Unknown sources enabled as default
- Notification panel custom carrier label
- 1x/3g modification to display proper connection speed
[B]Rev 1.5B[/B]
- Fix added for Listview Animations not displaying in settings/display
- Minor FullScreen caller update to hide call card from incoming callscreen
- Added Mokee Listview Animations choices to Mod Control
Access in Mod Control/Buttons and Display
- Removed right clocks from Lockscreen real-time clock mod
They were not displaying properly anyway
[B]Rev 1.5[/B]
- Mokee Listview Animations
Access from settings/display
Full credits to [user=301180]@adi[/user] Aisiteru for the original thread [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2685334"]HERE
[/URL] also credit to [user=5056266]@lacoursiere18[/user] for the updated KitKat guide [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/themes/guide-how-to-port-mokee-listview-t2808288"]HERE[/URL]
- Added custom incall backgrounds for stock InCall screen
- Added an 11th choice for InCall backgrounds
This one defaults to stock but is also where you would select a custom flashable background
(guide for that is already in the FullScreen Caller thread)
- Added Security patched email with toggle Credits [user=3512588]@txr33[/user]
- Added real-time Lockscreen clock mod
4 postitions to choose from for the lockscreen clock
Credits [user=3771845]@remuntada[/user] for the original guide & Credits [user=5923966]@willowmaker420[/user] for implementing it into the ROM
[B]Rev 1.4[/B]
- Quickpanel toggles decreased to 30 from 31
Wont display 30 if you flashed 1.3b new stuff, clear data on the Add Toggles app to reset this and reboot.
- Screen Pinning enabled
Long Press Back to Kill must be enabled to use this
- Quickconnect/Sfind display fix for when brightness bar is hidden too
- Bluetooth dialog popup toggle
- Main dialpad custom backgrounds & colorizer added
- Main dialpad colorizer for digits & letters
- Full screen caller selectable backgrounds
- Removed orange banner from endcall screen in fullscreen caller
- Increased settings/quicksettings shortcuts from 12 to 15
[B]Rev 1.3[/B]
- Adjustable end call delay
- Lockscreen Pinpad digits ANY color
- Lockscreen Pinpad text ANY color
- Lockscreen Pinpad button background ANY color
- Lockscreen clock ANY color
- Lockscreen ampm ANY color
- Lockscreen date ANY color
- Incall dialpad digits ANY color
- Incall dialpad letters ANY color
- full quicksetting toggles enabled by default
- change to increasing ringtone no longer requires a reboot
[B]Rev 1.2[/B]
- Added PopupLauncher Quicklaunch
- Added Quick Pin unlock (credits [user=3512588]@txr33[/user])
- Added Pin Keypad scrambler (credits [user=3512588]@txr33[/user])
- Added NFC toggle to enable NFC while screen off & locked
[B]Rev 1.1[/B]
- 3minit battery updated to v3.1
[B]Rev 1.0[/B]
- initial release
Theming Notes:
Versions 1.8
No new notes
Versions 1.7
framework-res.apk: Modified res/values/integers.xml for below 5% low power mod
framework-res.apk: Modified res/values/arrays.xml to add volume/sound bar to Power Menu
Versions 1.6
No additional theming notes for this release.
Versions 1.5B
Same as 1.5 plus the following
- Full screen caller apk, made changes to \res\layout\accepting_and_rejecting_calls.xml to hide the call card from incoming call screen
- SystemUI.apk smali edits to remove right clocks from real-time clock mod
- CustomSettings.apk edits to remove right clocks from real-time clock mod
- CustomSettings.apk edits to add Mokee Listview Animations to mod control
Versions 1.5
- resources changes: strings.xml, arrays.xml, see the vrtheme folder for any additional files that have been changed but these are the only ones that will affect the theming.
framework-res.apk - same bools.xml edit still applies
Versions 1.4
Releasing a No Framework version due to the bools.xml edit in framework-res.apk
Versions 1.3
Because of the new colorizers, you will need to now manually change colors for lockscreen and incall dialpads.
Versions 1.0 thru 1.2
Does not affect any theming.
Awwww yes! Thanks fellas about to flash.
I will be getting my s5 next week..cant wait to install this..
OK got my phone installed ROM.great job..
Dam I was so excited I didn't look at all the features. Wow guys great job!
Downloading now this has made a great end to my crappy day thanks great work as usual
Im going dark... just long enough to flash this!
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! My favorite ROM is back! <3 I've been waiting for this for a while, appreciate the hard work so much.
Just in time for the weekend. Thank you to everyone who has put their time into this and all who contributes to the thread.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk 2
All set up all seems to be working fine. Will chime in if i run into anything. Fyi the facebook app on play store wont work. Need to download the lollipop one. Cant rember were i found it. Think someone in sacs 5.0 rom had it. Thanks once m.o.a.r fellas!
SHYZZA said:
All set up all seems to be working fine. Will chime in if i run into anything. Fyi the facebook app on play store wont work. Need to download the lolly pop one. Cant rember were i found it. Think someone in sacs 5.0 rom had it. Thanks once m.o.a.r fellas!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here's a working version of Facebook for Lollipop thanks to @tdunham:
Q&A and FAQ started HERE. Please (please!) post questions there to keep the development thread clear for ROM related issues.
Getting this when i remove the brightness slider. fyi
SHYZZA said:
Getting this when i remove the brightness slider. fyi
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's a Lollipop induced bug.. but we'll get it figured out The toggles float up anytime the space below is completely blank with options removed... But hey it booted! :silly: Lol!
@rompnit, big thanks for all the hard work you and @tdunham have put in to get this up and I can start to work on a new theme and start to learn more stuff on this 5.0 again thank you, I'm gettin ready to load up now, cant wait
Freaking awesome! I bumped up to nkd a couple weeks ago and man was I missing this rom !!!! A million thanks!
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Yes! Its here!
THANK YOU @rompnit !!! You are a god!!
YOU TOO @tdunham !!! Thanks for making my week so much better!!!!
Been waiting on this! MOAR sweetness:good:

[FRAMEWORK]Alliance Framework v4 - 5.1.1 One Stop Mod Shop -06/11

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing. You do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.​
You are free to use this framework in your rom but it must be used in its entirety. Failure to include the whole framework will result in reporting, as will modifying alliance control. Thanks ​​
Android 5.1.1 - You need to install a deodexed Rom based on COI9 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. ​​
Android 5.0.2 - You need to install a deodexed Rom based on BOE1 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. It will work on his 1.2, 1.3 and also the upcoming 1.4. If you backup you can pretty much try it on any deodexed edge/s6 device :laugh:​​
Alliance© intends to give the user what THEY want. Tired of flashing Roms and having to ask for little changes to suit your taste? Tired of having to manually change colors of the toggles or the battery or move your clock or make statusbar transparent or any of the other multitude of other little color and style tweaks that Android users love? Tired of flashing AROMA installer for every little change you want to make? Tired of having to add your favourite images everytime a new rom comes out?
If you answer yes to any of these then Alliance Framework is for you! We have a huge array of "on the fly" options for you to play with. Make your phone to YOUR style. YOUR color. YOUR perfection.
Available in Dark and Light versions, the majority of modifications in Alliance are OPTIONAL. Many you wont find on any TW ROM and some you wont find anywhere...Xposed, AOSP or otherwise! You can turn them on and off at will. We try not to impose many things on people because we realise that Android is all about INDIVIDUALITY. Make YOUR Rom and YOUR phone how YOU want it and change it on a whim.
Alliance - Designed to be Individual....​
Changelog v4
Updated to work with COI9 upwards
Added Info Panel view in dropdown with toggle(CPU and Battery plus temp - Temp incorrect at present - need to fix this)
Color choice for background and text of the above
@txr33 and @Morningstar - Updated Alliance Control with:
Autostarts management - save battery by disabling receivers
New Restart system with a cool animation
Hatchet - Will run on first boot and enable you to debloat your rom
Enable/Disable apps (freeze/defrost)
Animation examples for list and toast
New animations and themeing
Changelog v3.1
Fixed volume warning
Fixed data toggle warning
Swapped square toggle bg type for indent
Changelog v3
Fixed music fc
Fixed notification transparency
Changelog v2.2.2
Fixed Google Music, SoundCloud etc FC
Fixed Samsung Music widget colors to be the same as chosen style - works for all music player widgets now I think
Re-added disable loud volume
Fixed System Icon location - now when selected in header the lockscreen system icons are also hidden
Fixed long press volume hardware keys
Removed backgrounds in dropdown to enable transparency to work correctly
Added data icon type selection
Added necessary backup files to zip
Enabled app permissions
Fixed font not supported bug
Changelog v2.1
Fixed Settings, Mms, Dialer text
Fixed dropdown shortcut order
Fixed keyboard long press
Fixed Alliance Manager Themes
Changelog v2
Updated to Android 5.1.1 COF8
Added all mods from previous versions minus one or two which haven't made it over yet
Fixed dropdown action buttons
Added wifi icon choice (10)
Added long press back functionality with 9 options
Added Custom App Launch option to power menu with app icon
Cleaned up code from 5.0.2
Updated Alliance Control
Fixed a few more things along the way!
Changelog v1.2
Fixed Settings Text Color - my fault and apologies
Fixed Mms not showing up on dark theme (again!!)
Added Action Bar color toggle and color picker
Added Dialpad bg alpha slider - so you can make the button background transparent to see your system wallpaper
Added Notification Panel Color
Added a few Battery Styles from CM
Added Battery size slider
Added lots of dropdown stuff to observer so it changes instantly
General clean up of stuff
Changelog v1.1
Fixed Mms textcolor
Fixed Contacts textcolor
Fixed typos in Alliance Control
Fixed Mms showing up on dark theme
Fixed dialpad issue on 2nd number press
Launcher Text Color with toggle and link
System icon (battery, signal, wifi) location choice : Statusbar, Stastusbar and Dropdown Header, Dropdown Header, None
Recents, lock and alliance button now color with header detail
Updated XDAPowerfonts - thx @Winb33
Choose number of visible toggles
Added 20 or so themes to alliance manager
Changelog v1
Based on Samsung 5.0 G925IDVU1BOE3
Added fix for ColorFade memory leak
Alliance Manager Theme/Backup Engine
Preset Styles to change theme in 1 click!
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Added Cyanogenmods Torch
Disabled Flipfont Verification Checks
Disabled Signature Verification Checking
Disabled Scrolling cache Systemwide
Disabled Samsungs Secure Storage
Increased message limit per hour
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
Enabled Group Conversation Messages
Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
Up to 200 contacts for messages
Message sent time shown
Increased sms-mms threshold
20 or so prebuilt themes.
CPU settings - if kernel supported
Alliance Custom Settings:
Updated Alliance Settings to new application with sliding tabs nav drawer and more;
Color/Theme Options
Phone Mods
Phone call recording
Phone no increasing ring
NFC Mods
NFC with screen off/locked
NFC icon type
Security Mods
Privatemode works with swipe lockscreen
Privatemode Notification disabled
Toggle for Quick Unlock
Toggle for Pin Pad number scramble
Option for custom carrier text
System Mods
List Animations with style and interpolator choice - Samsung are using their own class for settings now it seems so these dont work there
Added hundreds of fonts and enabled all
Toggle for plug/unplug wakes screen
Toggle for All Rotations
Toggle for Wake with Home Key
Disable safe volume warning
IME Vol Cursor Control
Toggle to disable low battery popup
Toggle to disable full charge notification
Toggle to disable USB connect sound
Hardware Key Mods
Choose from 9 functions for long press home
Choose from 9 functions for double press home
Choose from 9 functions for long press recents
Functions are Default, Screenshot, Toggle Torch, Recents, Sleep, Custom App, Now, Kill, Menu
Long Press Volume key controls for music with screen off. CHoose from Next, Pause, Previous, Play/Pause and Stop with customisable timeout.
Volume key cursor control - On/Off/Reverse
Powermenu Mods
Powermenu 5 way restart mode
Powermenu show/hide for all items
Powermenu add Screenshot
Powermenu add Screen Record Toggle
Powermenu Sound mode panel
Statusbar, Clock and Signal Mods
Toggle for double tap statusbar to sleep
Statusbar Data Icon style choice - e.g 4g, LTE etc
Statusbar clock position
Statusbar clock show/hide
Statusbar clock size
Statusbar clock am/pm large small or off
Statusbar clock date small large or off
Statusbar clock Date style
Statusbar clock Date format
Statusbar clock seconds show/hide
Statusbar Custom Carrier Text
Toggle to disable alarm and bluetooth icons
Traffic Meter left side
Traffic Meter right side
Traffic Meter hide when inactive toggle
Traffic Meter update interval
Traffic Meter color
Choose number of signal bars (4-6)
Toggle and Dropdown Mods
Toggle text show/hide
Toggle circle show/hide
Brightness Slider show/hide
Sfinder show/hide
Toggle for lock button in header
Toggle for Recents button in header
Toggle for heads up notifications
Heads up fade speed
Blacklist for heads up - exclude apps
Toggle for Alliance Button in dropdown to access Alliance Control but can be set to open any app
Toggle for Alliance App Bar - 12 scrollable Custom app shortcuts with their own icons
Color and Theme Mods
Color-a-day - let the system choose a new theme color at 12am each day
Enable/Disable app tint override - all apps switches etc can be your chosen color
Battery fill color
Battery frame color
Battery text color
Battery charge bolt color
Battery Bar Toggle
Battery Bar Style
Battery Bar Thickness
Battery Bar Charge Animation
Statusbar clock color
Signal color
Wifi color
Notification icon color (sound, Bluetooth etc too)
Wifi in/out color
Signal in/out color
Ticker text color
Carrier text color
Letter Keys color
Number Keys color
Function Keys color
Disabled Keys color
Swipe color
Symbol color
Symbol Shadow color
Background color/wallpaper with opacity slider
Text Colors
Primary Text Color
Secondary Text Color
Action Bar Text Color
Popup Text Color
Popup Header Color
Power Menu Color
Button Text Color
In app menu Text Color
In app list Text Color
Contacts Text Color - app wide
Mms Text Color - app wide
Settings Text Color - app wide
Toast Text Color
Lockscreen Text Color
System background color/gradient or choose your own image
Whitelist apps to use your chosen background
System wallpaper opacity slider
Statusbar Wallpaper with opacity slider
Popup background color including power menu
List Menu background color
Master override for dropdown theme to enable the following to be changed so as no to interfere with the Theme store themes should you want to keep as is:
Dropdown clock color
Dropdown date color
Toggle ON color
Toggle OFF color
Toggle text color
Toggle circle color
Toggle circle style (including user choice. For jpg just pick using gallery via alliance settings, for png with transparency manually place in sdcard/alliance/Current theme and name Toggle_Bg.png)
Toggle background color/transparency
Dropdown header background color/transparency
Sfinder background color/transparency
Brightness Slider background color/transparency
Header detail color (edit button, Settings button and all toggle view text etc)
Sfinder detail color
Brightness Slider detail color
Notification item background and text color
Alliance App Bar app and background color
Probably a few more that got missed during modding!
Android 5.1.1 - COI9 AllianceFramework v4 5.1.1​
Android 5.0.2 - AllianceFramework v1.2 DARK​
Android 5.0.2 - AllianceFramework v1.2 LIGHT​
MD5 Sum:​
Android 5.0.2
Step 1-
Install a Rom based on BOE1 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. It will work on his 1.2, 1.3 and also the upcoming 1.4. If you backup you can pretty much try it on any edge/s6 device :laugh:
Step 2-
Download Framework and copy to device
Step 3-
Boot to recovery and install as usual
Android 5.1.1
Step 1-
Install a Rom based on COI9 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. :laugh:
Step 2-
Download Framework and copy to device
Step 3-
Boot to recovery and install as usual
For Feature Requests and bug reports please post in the Xda DevDB Section Up Top
This thread is from the Alliance Team and was posted in accordance with the Alliance rules which can be found here
All mods created by Alliance team are copyrighted and not are not to be used in other works or ported without our expressed permission.
Alliance Color Guide:
The Alliance Crew - You guys ROCK!!
edgarf28 for the base files and the rom that I use
Chainfire for root
Ficeto for ROM Customizer, Custom Settings and countless hours of help
Gravitybox for the app picker source
Liquid for animations and clock
Omni for Traffic Meter
amarullz for aroma
XDA:DevDB Information
S6 Alliance Framework, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S6
Goldie, txr33
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: COI9 Upwards
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Stable Version: v3.1
Stable Release Date: 2015-08-03
Current Beta Version: 4
Beta Release Date: 2015-11-06
Created 2015-06-03
Last Updated 2015-11-06
Please fix download link
Edit: thank you
Great, first alternative to xposed. I hope in immersive mode mod
Wow this is nice!
Good job!
Sweet. Ill take this one
Because you request to install the different rom prior to installation of your work,
does that mean we need to wipe before installing the rom?
how to find prebuilt themes? great work
Can this be flashed on Odexed roms or deodexed only?
Great stuff!!! :good::good::good:
Awesome work guys! Love the flexibility that this will bring and super stoked to see what's next!
Edit: Don't know if there's anything you can do about this bug? I just installed the dark version of the framework with xtrestolite and did a clean install. The entire wi-fi setup page is pretty much white text on a white background. The wifi page in settings is pretty good, but the background of the toggle switch is white on white also. Everything else is black
Edit 2: Another bug with the dark framework, Messaging app is present in the folder with correct permissions, but is not visible in the app drawer
Edit 3: And I just noticed you want bugs reported in the dev db section >.>
RErick said:
Wow this is nice!
Good job!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
why the hell do you need to quote the whole OP???
Because hes my team mate and thats what they do to be annoying! Now lets not derail the thread. Thx
Elisha said:
Can this be flashed on Odexed roms or deodexed only?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Deodexed only
LuigiBull23 said:
Great stuff!!! :good::good::good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thx. Hope you like it
mrapp said:
Awesome work guys! Love the flexibility that this will bring and super stoked to see what's next!
Edit: Don't know if there's anything you can do about this bug? I just installed the dark version of the framework with xtrestolite and did a clean install. The entire wi-fi setup page is pretty much white text on a white background. The wifi page in settings is pretty good, but the background of the toggle switch is white on white also. Everything else is black
Edit 2: Another bug with the dark framework, Messaging app is present in the folder with correct permissions, but is not visible in the app drawer
Edit 3: And I just noticed you want bugs reported in the dev db section >.>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There may be one or two issues with dark framework as its not been tested too much. Will fix any theme issues as they arise
possible to change the battery icon? the one I used with 3Minit is gone and I I can't apply it again.
Goldie said:
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing. You do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.​
You are free to use this framework in your rom but it must be used in its entirety. Failure to include the whole framework will result in reporting. Thanks ​
You need to install a Rom based on BOE1 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. It will work on his 1.2, 1.3 and also the upcoming 1.4. If you backup you can pretty much try it on any edge/s6 device [emoji23]​
Alliance© intends to give the user what THEY want. Tired of flashing Roms and having to ask for little changes to suit your taste? Tired of having to manually change colors of the toggles or the battery or move your clock or make statusbar transparent or any of the other multitude of other little color and style tweaks that Android users love? Tired of flashing AROMA installer for every little change you want to make? Tired of having to add your favourite images everytime a new rom comes out?
If you answer yes to any of these then Alliance Framework is for you! We have a huge array of "on the fly" options for you to play with. Make your phone to YOUR style. YOUR color. YOUR perfection.
Available in Dark and Light versions, the majority of modifications in Alliance are OPTIONAL. Many you wont find on any TW ROM and some you wont find anywhere...Xposed, AOSP or otherwise! You can turn them on and off at will. We try not to impose many things on people because we realise that Android is all about INDIVIDUALITY. Make YOUR Rom and YOUR phone how YOU want it and change it on a whim.
Alliance - Designed to be Individual....​
Changelog v1
Based on Samsung 5.0 G925IDVU1BOE3
Added fix for ColorFade memory leak
Alliance Manager Theme/Backup Engine
Preset Styles to change theme in 1 click!
Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
Added Cyanogenmods Torch
Disabled Flipfont Verification Checks
Disabled Signature Verification Checking
Disabled Scrolling cache Systemwide
Disabled Samsungs Secure Storage
Increased message limit per hour
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
Enabled Group Conversation Messages
Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
Up to 200 contacts for messages
Message sent time shown
Increased sms-mms threshold
20 or so prebuilt themes.
CPU settings - if kernel supported
Alliance Custom Settings:
Updated Alliance Settings to new application with sliding tabs nav drawer and more;
Color/Theme Options
Phone Mods
Phone call recording
Phone no increasing ring
NFC Mods
NFC with screen off/locked
NFC icon type
Security Mods
Privatemode works with swipe lockscreen
Privatemode Notification disabled
Toggle for Quick Unlock
Toggle for Pin Pad number scramble
Option for custom carrier text
System Mods
List Animations with style and interpolator choice - Samsung are using their own class for settings now it seems so these dont work there
Added hundreds of fonts and enabled all
Toggle for plug/unplug wakes screen
Toggle for All Rotations
Toggle for Wake with Home Key
Disable safe volume warning
IME Vol Cursor Control
Toggle to disable low battery popup
Toggle to disable full charge notification
Toggle to disable USB connect sound
Hardware Key Mods
Choose from 9 functions for long press home
Choose from 9 functions for double press home
Choose from 9 functions for long press recents
Functions are Default, Screenshot, Toggle Torch, Recents, Sleep, Custom App, Now, Kill, Menu
Long Press Volume key controls for music with screen off. CHoose from Next, Pause, Previous, Play/Pause and Stop with customisable timeout.
Volume key cursor control - On/Off/Reverse
Powermenu Mods
Powermenu 5 way restart mode
Powermenu show/hide for all items
Powermenu add Screenshot
Powermenu add Screen Record Toggle
Powermenu Sound mode panel
Statusbar, Clock and Signal Mods
Toggle for double tap statusbar to sleep
Statusbar Data Icon style choice - e.g 4g, LTE etc
Statusbar clock position
Statusbar clock show/hide
Statusbar clock size
Statusbar clock am/pm large small or off
Statusbar clock date small large or off
Statusbar clock Date style
Statusbar clock Date format
Statusbar clock seconds show/hide
Statusbar Custom Carrier Text
Toggle to disable alarm and bluetooth icons
Traffic Meter left side
Traffic Meter right side
Traffic Meter hide when inactive toggle
Traffic Meter update interval
Traffic Meter color
Choose number of signal bars (4-6)
Toggle and Dropdown Mods
Toggle text show/hide
Toggle circle show/hide
Brightness Slider show/hide
Sfinder show/hide
Toggle for lock button in header
Toggle for Recents button in header
Toggle for heads up notifications
Heads up fade speed
Blacklist for heads up - exclude apps
Toggle for Alliance Button in dropdown to access Alliance Control but can be set to open any app
Toggle for Alliance App Bar - 12 scrollable Custom app shortcuts with their own icons
Color and Theme Mods
Color-a-day - let the system choose a new theme color at 12am each day
Enable/Disable app tint override - all apps switches etc can be your chosen color
Battery fill color
Battery frame color
Battery text color
Battery charge bolt color
Battery Bar Toggle
Battery Bar Style
Battery Bar Thickness
Battery Bar Charge Animation
Statusbar clock color
Signal color
Wifi color
Notification icon color (sound, Bluetooth etc too)
Wifi in/out color
Signal in/out color
Ticker text color
Carrier text color
Letter Keys color
Number Keys color
Function Keys color
Disabled Keys color
Swipe color
Symbol color
Symbol Shadow color
Background color/wallpaper with opacity slider
Text Colors
Primary Text Color
Secondary Text Color
Action Bar Text Color
Popup Text Color
Popup Header Color
Power Menu Color
Button Text Color
In app menu Text Color
In app list Text Color
Contacts Text Color - app wide
Mms Text Color - app wide
Settings Text Color - app wide
Toast Text Color
Lockscreen Text Color
System background color/gradient or choose your own image
Whitelist apps to use your chosen background
System wallpaper opacity slider
Statusbar Wallpaper with opacity slider
Popup background color including power menu
List Menu background color
Master override for dropdown theme to enable the following to be changed so as no to interfere with the Theme store themes should you want to keep as is:
Dropdown clock color
Dropdown date color
Toggle ON color
Toggle OFF color
Toggle text color
Toggle circle color
Toggle circle style (including user choice. For jpg just pick using gallery via alliance settings, for png with transparency manually place in sdcard/alliance/Current theme and name Toggle_Bg.png)
Toggle background color/transparency
Dropdown header background color/transparency
Sfinder background color/transparency
Brightness Slider background color/transparency
Header detail color (edit button, Settings button and all toggle view text etc)
Sfinder detail color
Brightness Slider detail color
Notification item background and text color
Alliance App Bar app and background color
Probably a few more that got missed during modding! [emoji14]
AllianceFramework v1 DARK​
AllianceFramework v1 LIGHT​
MD5 Sum:
Step 1-
Install a Rom based on BOE1 or later - I recommend edgars awesome XtreStockLite. It will work on his 1.2, 1.3 and also the upcoming 1.4. If you backup you can pretty much try it on any edge/s6 device [emoji23]
Step 2-
Download Framework and copy to device
Step 3-
Boot to recovery and install as usual
For Feature Requests and bug reports please post in the Xda DevDB Section Up Top
This thread is from the Alliance Team and was posted in accordance with the Alliance rules which can be found here
All mods created by Alliance team are copyrighted and not are not to be used in other works or ported without our expressed permission.
Alliance Color Guide:
The Alliance Crew - You guys ROCK!!
edgarf28 for the base files and the rom that I use
Chainfire for root
Ficeto for ROM Customizer, Custom Settings and countless hours of help
Gravitybox for the app picker source
Liquid for animations and clock
Omni for Traffic Meter
amarullz for aroma
XDA:DevDB Information
S6 Alliance Framework, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S6
Goldie, txr33
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: BOE1 +
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v1
Stable Release Date: 2015-06-03
Created 2015-06-03
Last Updated 2015-06-03
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
[email protected] said:
why the hell do you need to quote the whole OP???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Because I'm his team mate and that's what I do to be annoying....
Goldie said:
Because hes my team mate and thats what they do to be annoying! Now lets not derail the thread. Thx
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dude you are... the man. You're a great mentor, teacher and friend. Thank you for everything... all you contribute and all you have shared with me and the rest of this community. Seriously. :highfive:
---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------
[email protected] said:
possible to change the battery icon? the one I used with 3Minit is gone and I I can't apply it again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not yet I don't think.
Pretty sure it's been removed because of compatibility issues for now. The stock battery icon should be colorable, but @Goldie will have to chime in on that one.
Its great thanks.
Now i've just got to figure out what does what.
Thanks Devs
Anyone got this working on a 920t (tmobile) phone yet? I sure couldn't get it to. Flashed after installing xstereolite, flashed with it, nothing but reboots. I'm on ozop, flashed it on that one, and it actually boots but has ui errors so no go there either. Bad download maybe?
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA Free mobile app

