can any one help me out with boot animation - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

HI everyone,
I m relatively new here i wanna make a boot animation for my Dell streak5....i checked for articles of making bootanimation from .avi file i have one file which i edited and created from video pad video editor and i am just stuck after that i have downloaded boot animation creator and its asking for folder of part 1 and part 2 folders which i got no idea of.
The main catch is the file is of 21 mb and i cant upload it here....can any body kindly gemme a helping hand here by atleast pointing me in the right direction.It would be really appreciated.

So new you posted in the wrong forum.
Part 1 and part 2 folders are simply so you can do different effects. For example, in my boot animation I have the first thirty or so frames in part 1 and the remainder in part 2. The boot animation configuration I set has the frames in part 1 play once and the remaining frames in part 2 loop continuously until the device boots. You're also not limited to part 1 and part 2. You can have just part 1, if you intend on having the entire animation loop. You can also have a part 3 or even part 4 if you want to have different segments of the animation loop or not.
Now, you asked to be pointed in the right direction. See the search bar at the top of the page? Use it. I know for a fact there are tutorials on the process of creating boot animations on XDA as I relied upon them when making my own.

Will be moved to Q & A forum. Boot animations are NOT android development. They are nothing more than glorified animated gif files. If you get the meaning. Same principal.
You can research this on XDA by using the Search feature.


[Q] Custom Boot Animations

I am sorry if this is a noobish question or there is an easy answer, but I was looking at customizing my phone a bit and I saw the part about making your own splash screens (which is awesome), but I was wondering how to make custom boot animations - what tools I would need, type of files, etc. I thought there would have been a thread somewhere in the Themes & Apps section but I could not find it, and doing Google search leads me to just people posting their own custom animations.
Is there a thread someone can direct me to that has this sort of information? Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
Bump - does anybody know? Also, the boot noise for the BAMF Sense 3.0 RC3 does not work, another reason why I want a new one, ha.
Have you opened one of the bootanimation.zips? What file types are in there?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
A PNG image and a series of JPG images that make the animation, but I was wondering if there was a program that took an animation to make it into a series of JPGs, or if there were certain requirements/specifics in terms of how to make a boot animation.
+1 on this whole post, I attemted last night to make my first animation, and if it is just the tedious task of re-saving the same picture over and over again with just minor changes on each one to create the animation, than ok, so be it.
It just seems that with some of the very cool animations there are, for example the boot animation to the new BAMF 3.0 has moving clouds in the background, that seems like it would be pretty hard to do manually moving the clouds a little bit for each frame.
It would seem pretty obvious to anyone that extracted the how the animation works, just more speaking on the creation of each of those frames.
Would be nice if someone with experience with this chimed on and offered some help.
Thank's in advance.
Does seem pretty tedious manually moving and saving them as you said but I'm guessing that's what they do.
Probably wouldn't take that long if you had everything on layers in photoshop and you could just move layers themselves.
Alternatively, if you already have a video, I'm sure there's a way to convert that to a series of png's as well.
Ok I'm on the phone so giving a tutorial is out of the question. All you really need is patience and a goal.
First download Gimp for editing. Forget PhotoShop all together unless your rich.
Download the following scripts or plugins.
Background overlay
Save all layers
GAP (video editor for Gimp)
Google the hell out of what you want. Chances are someone allready has done what you want.
Read, read, read (time to not be lazy, what ever your doing you can find some direction at least with some good internet research)
Google "editing Android boot animations".
Create images (JPG or PNG) in the same aspect ratio of 480x800.
JPG images will be significantly smaller in file size
PNG images will have a much better quality
Sent from my thunderstick
Use GAP to convert an existing video to images frame for frame.
Very useful if you find a good video.
Sent from my thunderstick
I actually do have Photoshop, do you know how I can use that instead of Gimp/GAP? Also, I am sort of confused at how you take an existing video and turn it into something you can use as a boot animation... I found this link ( but I am sort of confused by it and wish I could find someplace with simpler instructions.
I just use others. I used the Call of Android animation and the mw2 style on my incredible, and I just edited the files to use the same ones on my thunderbolt.
Message delivered via my BAMF Thunderbolt
Ok, did a little research last night and today and tried a bunch of different programs for converting animations to a series of .png files and finally settled on one. I tried some free one's some trials and this is probably the best one I found so far.
Xilisoft Ultimate video converter. I was able to load an .avi, (or many other supported formats.) Program made it very easy using the "clip" feature to select out a section of the video I wanted, then converted that "clip" to a series of .png files. I was able to easily select the length of times between the extracted images "less time will obviously give you a smoother animation but require more pictures", also I could manually input the size of the outputted files (to match our phone's resolution).
I have only played with it a little bit but so far seems to be pretty good.
Also I have one other program I have been playing with to help with this. Jasc animation studio, which works with paint shop pro, has a pretty cool feature, which lets you copy into the clipboard all of your extracted image .png's, then "paste" them into animation studio as a new animation, you can then watch them from there, or load any indivual frame into paint shop pro. You can also save the clips as an animated gif. Very easy to make changes to individual frames and see the result's without having to flash to your phone.
Hope this helps.
Wow! Awesome, thanks, this is perfect and in great detail - what about sound? If the video has sound, will I try hope it gets synced with the series of .png images? And what else would I need for the folder? Will I need a .txt like when I change the splash screens?

[Tutorial][Bootanimation] Everything Bootanimation and related!

Making a Bootanimation​
Hello xda,
I’m not really into Android development at the moment as I’m just not familiar with anything coding or related, but while my knowledge of Android may need to grow some more I can share things that I already master a bit more. After all, this forum is a place to share knowledge so I hope I can help some people while I am enjoying my stay here on the forums.
Since most of the forum users are here to get the limits out of our phone and probably want to customize it too, it’s most likely that you want to change your bootanimation at some point. Most custom ROM’s already have a customized bootanimation integrated and there are also quite some bootanimations available in the theming section, but what if you want to make your own customized animation?
I wrote this tutorial on how to create a bootanimation for the people who want to experiment with the making of bootanimations, as well as the people that are good at making animations already but don’t really know what to do next. I will try to explain the making of a basic animation using the tools a regular pc user can get or already has, and also get a little more in depth at some points for people who are not satisfied with only the basics. The goal of this tutorial is to get even the less experienced users on their way, not to make the best animation ever. Also, I wrote how I did it, and how I would suggest doing it, but there might be better ways to do certain things described. If you know how to do it easier and/or better, please feel free to leave feedback.
What you can expect in this tutorial:
• What software to use
• How to make a simple animation in MS Paint
• Make an image sequence
• Make the package ready to be installed on your phone
• Porting an already existing animation
Animation: What software to use?
Before we want to make our bootanimation we first want to plan out what software we are going to use. The first thing is of course the animation. Depending on what you’re after and your level of skill these are some of my recommendations:
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Microsoft Paint – The Gimp – Adobe Photoshop – Adobe Flash Professional – Adobe After Effects ​
Microsoft Paint
Maybe it surprises you, or maybe you just didn’t think of it, but MS Paint is actually a good tool to start making your animation. Anyone with the Windows operating system has it installed by default so this is the software I’m going to use for the animation in this tutorial.
The Gimp -
Already a bit more advanced than MS Paint and therefore a better option if you want to make a more complicated animation and can find your way through the options the software offers. Best option if you want to go advanced but don’t want to spend any cash.
Adobe Photoshop -
I can barely imagine someone who has never heard of this software before. This piece of software is pretty much the standard in the image editing world, and I highly recommend using this software if you can afford to buy it.
Adobe Flash -
This software maybe is the best software to use for this matter, its interface is designed for the making of animations and if you know how to use it (which I sadly don’t) I recommend it. But again, it doesn’t come for free.
Adobe After Effects -
Even though this software is mostly used for compositing effects on videos it does an awesome job on the more complicated animations and motion graphics. That’s why I’m using this software myself when making bootanimations.
This is some of the software I would recommend using. Of course there are many more alternatives as well as more advanced software out there, 3D applications for example like Blender, Maya, Cinema4D and 3Ds Max could also be useful depending on the complexity of your project. Right now I’m just going to stick with MS Paint for the sake of this tutorial.
Post 1/4​
How to make a simple animation in MS Paint
Note: The following step by step tutorial is based on a Dutch Windows system; certain menu entries might not be well translated and are shown in Dutch in the screenshots.
The Base
This is the part where the animating happens. Make your animation using the software that you own and are comfortable with. The goal is to make a sequence of images in the .png format which the phone can read and display while the phone boots thus displaying the animation. If you have never changed anything to your phone before, you see a nice little Samsung logo animation after the kernel has booted. You can find this animation in /system/media and it’s called bootani.qmg (Samsung QImage file made using Samsung theme software). This package is basically the same package we’re going to make ourselves but with a different extension. Now that you know roughly what we want to create we will move on.
We will start the process by launching Paint.
• Simply type ‘paint’ in the field on the start menu when you are on Windows 7 or Vista or access it from the ‘All Programs’ tab.
• When in Paint, look for the entry ‘Properties’ under ‘File’ in paint.
• Set the image properties to 240 pixels in width and 400 pixels in height, this is the resolution of our Samsung Galaxy 3.
• First pick the paint bucket tool from the tool menu and fill the background with black.
• Next search for the Android logo on Google Images, find a .png file or [URL=""]download mine[/URL], copy it and paste it in the paint window.
The reason that I’m looking for a PNG file is that it holds an alpha channel so that the background is transparent (Paint transforms it to black when pasted directly from the clipboard).
• Without de-selecting the just pasted image right click it and choose the option called something along the lines of ‘Scale’ or ‘Transform’
• Then set the horizontal and vertical value to 75 percent.
• Since the pasting messed up the image properties simply repeat the first step. Set the height and width value to 240 x 400.
• Now make a little progress bar in the middle of our Android logo which we are then going to animate.
• First choose the rectangular shape tool with rounded corners.
• Next change the line thickness to the thickest, the contour to solid color and the fill to none.
• Draw the shape on top of the logo.
Now the base of our animation is ready.
• Save it as a .bmp on your computer and name it ‘bootanimation_base.bmp’
The Animating
We are now going to prepare our folders for the animation. An Android bootanimation generally consists out of two parts:
• One that could be described as the intro. (part0)
• And one that is in a loop until the system boots up. (part1)
We find this ‘intro animation’ commonly placed in the ‘part0’ folder as a set of images. In the ‘part1’ folder we put the animation that we want to loop for the rest of the time.
You can hold on to this standard, but you can also make your own architecture. For the sake of this tutorial I will drop the ‘intro’ part and go straight to the looping animation. In this case we only need the part1 folder.
• Make a folder called ‘bootanimation’ like I did in the above screenshot.
• Inside the bootanimation folder create the ‘part1’ folder which will hold our animation. We don’t need the ‘part0’ folder in this tutorial as I mentioned above.
We are now ready to make our first frame.
• Select the brush tool, set the line to the thickest again and leave the color black.
• Then with the brush carefully draw a little on the right of the progress bar and with a little space in between the rest of the bar. This way you're making a little green bit in a black bar.
This is our first frame! We are going to repeat the next step a couple of times down the road so pay attention:
• Now choose ‘Save as’ from the file menu.
• Save you’re frame as a .png file in the ‘part1’ folder and name it ‘01.png’ Caution: Do not overwrite the bmp file by choosing ‘save’, choose ‘save as’ only!
You can probably see where this is going.
• Once you’ve saved your file open your ‘bootanimation_base.bmp’
• Draw a little more on the left and a little less on the right side shifting the green bit in comparison to 01.png.
• Now choose ‘Save as’ again from the file menu.
• Save you’re frame as a .png file in the ‘part1’ folder and name it ‘02.png’
• Repeat this process of editing the bmp and saving it as a PNG until the green bit is shifted all the way to the right, and you have a couple of frames in your ‘part1’ folder. [I]Caution: Do not overwrite the bmp file![/I]
• Once your frame looks like the following picture open the bmp one more time;
• Fill up the entire bar with black and save it as a png changing the number so it follows up the last png you saved.
Your folder should look something like this:
And that’s going to be your animation!
Making a PNG Sequence in After Effects
Note: If you followed the MS Paint tutorial and if you don’t own After Effects in general you can skip this part.
While Adobe After Effects is mainly seen as a video effects and motion graphics compositor, it is not only capable of exporting video, but also image sequences! Say you have made your animation in After Effects, you can simply let After Effects export each frame as a .png file to your desired location.
If you’re making a typical bootanimation with intro:
• Set the workspace to the intro of the animation, in the screenshot the intro takes 3 seconds.
• Choose ‘Composition’, ‘Add to Render Queue’.
• Switch to the Render Queue
• Change the ‘Lossless’ settings to PNG Sequence and ‘Output to’ your ‘part0’ folder.
• Click ‘Render’
• For the ‘part1’, change your work area to the second part of the animation.
• Add it to the Render Queue and change the settings like you did for the first part.
• Output to the ‘part1’ folder and click ‘Render’
You now have the animation rendered out in a two part PNG sequence!
Post 2/4​
Making the
You’ve now probably made your animation, either in Paint following the tutorial, or in your own way.
Samsung stores their bootanimation as bootani.qmg as mentioned above. The file is actually an archive like a .zip, and that’s exactly what we are going to make. In order for our phone to display the animation we need to make a with inside it our ‘part1’ folder we just made. A desc.txt file on the same level as the ‘part’ folders tells the phone how to play the animation:
• It tells the phone in what resolution to play the animation, which in our case is 240 400
• The following number is the frame rate in which the .png sequence has to be displayed, in this example it’s 25 frames per second. The human eye experiences everything above 25 frames per second as a fluid movement, so this is your minimum frame rate if this is the effect you’re after. Anything below 25 frames per second appears choppy to the eye (which could also be an effect you purposely want to achieve). I recommend 25 frames per second for fluid animations as more frames per second could cause our phone to display the animation incorrect, because it gets too much images to process at once.
• The next two lines are the folders that are used in the animation with the number of loops and the delay between the animations in front of it. The first folder loops 1 time and doesn’t delay, the second loops 0 (=infinite) times and doesn’t have a delay either.
We have to transform all the above pieces into a While we could do that manually I recommend using the Boot Animation Creator made by despotovski01. Download the software from the thread and install it on your computer.
• Open the program and follow the wizard.
• Select the ‘bootanimation’ folder with your ‘part1’ folder inside and proceed to step 2 of the wizard.
• Now in this window, choose ‘edit’ while holding the first line selected and make it 240 in width and 400 in height.
• Since our ‘tutorial animation’ is only 8 frames long I don’t want to go for the fluid animation, but rather the choppier one. In this case I’m making the animation go 10 FPS (Frames Per Second).
• When you’re ready, click ‘set’
• To actually assign the folder with images to the animation choose ‘Add a loop’
• Choose the folder from the dropdown menu (which shouldn’t be hard, because there’s only one option)
• Set the number of loops to 0, which makes it loop infinite, and leave the delay on 0. Press ‘Add’
• Click next, on the next screen press ‘Save’ and save the bootanimation as ‘’ somewhere to your computer.
• Now the is ready to be installed on your phone!
Make the package ready to be installed on your phone
If you’re going to use the bootanimation (or any future bootanimations you’ll make) for your personal use only, you can use an application like Root explorer to simply paste the in your /system/media folder. If you’re going to share the bootanimations like on the forums for example it could also be convenient to make an An is a package with a couple of scripts and some files inside which can be flashed through Clock Work Mod Recovery and is used to get files in the internal memory of the phone, like in /system/media. CWM Recovery is integrated in most custom kernels and can be accessed by pressing both of the volume buttons and the menu button while turning on the phone.
To make an you can simply download this .zip archive open it with a decent archiver, preferably WinRAR or 7Zip and navigate to /system/media. You’ll see a placeholder inside, which you can then (without extracting the archive) replace with your own! The archive you now have is ready to be placed on your SD-card and flashed through CMW Recovery. You can rename the to whatever you want.
Making a simple GIF Animation preview
Now that you’ve made your bootanimation, you’ll probably want to present it to the forums. While posting a couple frames of the animation will give an idea to users what animation they’re going to get, it is also very useful to make an animated preview of said thing. A quick google on ‘GIF maker’ will give you several options of online GIF makers that just let you select the PNG’s you just made and make them into a neat little GIF animation. While this is a fine method I would recommend everyone who owns Adobe Photoshop to do it this way:
• Open Photoshop
• Double click the workspace to ‘open’, or select ‘File’ and click ‘open’
• Navigate to the folder you stored your PNG’s in and select the first frame of your animation.
• Now check the box with ‘Sequence’ behind it and click ‘open’
• Select the frames per second you want the animation to play in. Generally you want to go with 25, but I’m going with 10 as I explained above.
• Now click ‘File’, ‘Save for Web & Devices’ or press ‘Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S’
• In the window that popped up, select GIF from the dropdown menu, change the ‘Looping options’ to ‘Forever’ and hit save.
• Upload your GIF to the public section of Dropbox, to Photobucket or any other online storage service to insert the image in a post!
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How to port an existing bootanimation
There’s a large amount of bootanimations available on the web, but you’ll soon discover that unless their specifically made for our phones the resolution will be to big almost all the time. That means that if you want to use or share the animation you have to port it first in order to make it work on phones with a smaller resolution. Since full fluid animations of 25 FPS are over 100 frames long most of the time it would be a real pain in the neck to scale them all down one by one. I will talk about two ways to port an animation to a smaller resolution.
The easy way
The simplest way of porting an animation would be to just adjust the resolution values in the desc.txt provided in the While this will probably work, it’s not the most accurate way of porting an animation. Since our phone is not the fastest one it is not only the resolution which might make a bootanimation unplayable, but it could also be a pretty hard task for our lower-end device to load such big images in an animation while booting.
The advanced and more accurate way
Editing every image individually would be a really hard task, but would result in a much more accurate and potentially better port. That’s why it is my recommendation to do it anyway, but that’s where Adobe Photoshop comes in! Adobe has made wonderful batch system that lets you process huge amounts of images with a click of the mouse. This is how that works:
• Download the ‘to be ported’ and extract it.
• Open Photoshop
• Click ‘Window’ and check ‘Actions’ if it isn’t checked already
• Click the ‘New’ icon at the bottom of the Actions panel and call the action ‘Scale down bootanimation’ in the window that pops up.
• Click record.
• Open a random frame from the animation.
• Now select ‘Image’, ‘Image Size’ or press ‘Alt+Ctrl+I’
• In the window that comes up change the width and height values to 240 x 400 pixels and click ‘OK’
• Next click ‘File’, ‘Save as’ or press ‘Ctrl+Shift+S’
• Save the image as a .png and be sure not to overwrite something as this is just the preparing of the actual resizing of hundreds of images. (It doesn’t matter where you save it, to Photoshop it only matters if you save it. The ‘save as’ settings are going to be overridden as you’ll see later)
• Once you’ve saved the file, close the image.
• Now click the rectangular ‘stop’ button at the bottom of the Actions panel and you’ve recorded the action!
• Delete the just saved image from your computer as we don’t need it anymore and it could mess up the batch process.
Your action should now look something like this:
In the next part we’re going to do the actual resizing:
• Click ‘File’, ‘Automate, ‘Batch’
• The ‘Batch’ window should pop up.
• Select ‘Scale down bootanimation’ as action from the dropdown menu.
• Choose the source to be a folder and then choose the folder with images to be resized.
• Be sure to check ‘Override Action “Open” Commands.
• Choose the destination to be a folder as well and choose a new folder to store the resized images.
• Be sure to check ‘Overide Action “Save As” Commands’ as well
• For the File Naming select the ‘4 Digit Serial Number’ + ‘Extension’ as shown in the screenshot below.
• When everything is set up like in the screenshot, hit ‘OK’ and watch the magic happen!
• Once the operation is completed your downscaled PNG’s will be waiting for you in the folder you selected.
• You can use this ‘action’ now every time you need to resize an animation to this resolution.
While some of you may want to use this method but don’t have Photoshop, I’ve found out about a simple plugin for The Gimp to do pre-scripted batch operations on lots of images just like Photoshop. It’s called David’s Batch Processor and you can install it from here:
Requesting a bootanimation
We are approaching the end of the tutorial; I hope you found it useful. There’s one thing I want to mention though. Even though I’ve tried to explain the most things about bootanimations it’s most likely that you didn’t become the best artist of all time because of this. If you want to have your own custom bootanimation, or want to port an existing one and don’t feel like you can do it yourself, feel free to PM me or leave a reply here, because I’m having fun making/tweaking/porting bootanimations and that way I’m also contributing a little to this forum.
The End
Thanks for taking the time to read this (or a part of this) tutorial and I really hope it helped some people. This is my first tutorial, so don’t hold back to tell me how to improve it (or change any grammatical issues). If you still have questions you can leave a reply or PM me.
Credits go to:
This great community and its developers
Nishant_713 who helped me out the first time I made a bootanimation.
Ava.tar for feedback and his bootanimation work
Despotovski01 for his cool little maker
Samsung for the Galaxy 3
Adobe for their Creative Suite and 80% discount on CS4 for students.
Useful links: Bootanimation maker by despotovski01 Bootanimations for Galaxy 3 Index by Ava.tar
Let me know if any more links should come in this list.
Post 4/4​
Copyright april 2012 © All right reserved Wiggierip
Good Work!
BTW You should have posted this in the "Android Themes Section" so that everyone else can see it and there were some questions about bootanimation posted there.
Good Luck!
Thank you for this comprehensive guide. Its awesome!
Sent from my GT-i9003 powered by Stable and Smooth CleanKpu rom
ak700 said:
Good Work!
BTW You should have posted this in the "Android Themes Section" so that everyone else can see it and there were some questions about bootanimation posted there.
Good Luck!
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Thanks , yeah I didn't really know where to start it... Most of it is specifically written for our phone. Like the way the bootanimation is stored and the resolution for example.
Brilliant work! I'll post a link to your thread in the bootanimation index. You deserve many thanks!
wow! finally a tutorial that I can understand
Awesome tutorial! Thank you!
Good research and great work
Oh finall an in-depth tutorial.......i had already made my bootanimation and dint have any idea what to do
Thanks for the tut!!
This is really one of the most detailed but still very comprehensive Tutorial about bootanimations I've seen yet! Big probs for that!
There is an aspect in editing bootanimations and I've been thinking about it for months, but still don't have a solution:
What I want to do is editing a bios-bootanimation to fit perfectly to my device and ROM.
This is an example how a bios animation looks like (not the one I would use as base):
Android Bios Bootanimation[/CENTER]
I only have to change a few parts within the parts to make it fit to my configuration.
Is that possible in a relative fast way? Something like appending changes to several pictures in a batch operation or anything like that? That would be enough for me. But I didn't find any tool I could use that way.
Hope you can help me out!
t-rip said:
This is really one of the most detailed but still very comprehensive Tutorial about bootanimations I've seen yet! Big probs for that!
There is an aspect in editing bootanimations and I've been thinking about it for months, but still don't have a solution:
What I want to do is editing a bios-bootanimation to fit perfectly to my device and ROM.
This is an example how a bios animation looks like (not the one I would use as base)
I only have to change a few parts within the parts to make it fit to my configuration.
Is that possible in a relative fast way? Something like appending changes to several pictures in a batch operation or anything like that? That would be enough for me. But I didn't find any tool I could use that way.
Hope you can help me out!
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Well, batch operations can be recorded in Photoshop and then applied pretty easiy like I wrote in the tutorial, the Gimp has this plugin called "David's Batch Processor" that I found after some research:
It does some basic batch operations as well. If this will help you out is highly depending on what effect you want to achieve. If you actually want to change the animation it's going to be A LOT harder... Let me know if you found this useful
Any requests for a bootanimation to be ported or to be made?
Please let me know, I have fun porting/making them ​
as the adobe after effects require a 64 bit windows os., am having 32 bit os...can i able to use it for creating my own boot animation
austin266 said:
as the adobe after effects require a 64 bit windows os., am having 32 bit os...can i able to use it for creating my own boot animation
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Well.. I used and still use After Effects CS4, both on a 32bit and now on a 64bit system. Unfortunately After Effect stopped supporting 32bit systems since CS5 came out, so unless you can get your hands on After Effects CS4 you're not going to be able to run it on a 32bit system . If you're really planning on getting AE I would recommend getting a 64bit Winodws copy. What are your system specifications?
@wiggerip if you are bored, maybe port the cm9 official boot animation to g3. It looks really great
Sent from my GT-i9003 powered by Stable and Smooth CyanogenMod 9!
bscraze said:
@wiggerip if you are bored, maybe port the cm9 official boot animation to g3. It looks really great
Sent from my GT-i9003 powered by Stable and Smooth CyanogenMod 9!
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I believe thats already done by SerkSerk:
Anything else ?
hi mate
thanks for the reply
my system requrements
2gb ram
ububtu 11.10 32 bit 0s
2.00 ghz dual core processor
5yrs old laptop
270 rom


Ok so I was switching out my boot animations and found one that I liked. However, I also wanted to switch out the animation that plays when my phone is shutdown/restarted. I noticed the file Logic told me that this was the file I needed to modify. That logic happened to be accurate. However, every bootanimation that I've loaded as the down animation displays at a resolution completely different than it does when it is the opening boot animation. The downanimation only takes up the top left quarter of the screen. It also does not loop. Does anyone know the difference between these two types of animations? And how can I get my to format correctly to the screen's resolution?
Concordium said:
Ok so I was switching out my boot animations and found one that I liked. However, I also wanted to switch out the animation that plays when my phone is shutdown/restarted. I noticed the file Logic told me that this was the file I needed to modify. That logic happened to be accurate. However, every bootanimation that I've loaded as the down animation displays at a resolution completely different than it does when it is the opening boot animation. The downanimation only takes up the top left quarter of the screen. It also does not loop. Does anyone know the difference between these two types of animations? And how can I get my to format correctly to the screen's resolution?
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The you are wanting to add should have a desc.txt file inside of it. Open it in a text editor and make the top line of text look like this for the proper resolution.
720 1280 20
The way it plays is dictated by the rest of the text. The downanimation file I looked at from my phone looked like this on the other line:
p 1 1 android
That's a lot different than most bootanimations I have seen... My guess is you'll have to hack up what you want to add to make it match, or be really close, to what was already there. Good luck!
ducky1131 said:
The you are wanting to add should have a desc.txt file inside of it. Open it in a text editor and make the top line of text look like this for the proper resolution.
720 1280 20
The way it plays is dictated by the rest of the text. The downanimation file I looked at from my phone looked like this on the other line:
p 1 1 android
That's a lot different than most bootanimations I have seen... My guess is you'll have to hack up what you want to add to make it match, or be really close, to what was already there. Good luck!
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Is that for the stock downanimation screen or within a custom ROM? I am running Viper on mine right now so the downanimation is different. I think you're right though. Now that I think about it. When I originally sifted through the desc.txt files of the various bootanimations I wanted I was only looking at the resolution. I wasn't looking at anything else. All of them had 720 1280 20 in them so I figured they would play correctly.
The other thing I didn't understand was that I could take the exact same bootanimation, name it, and it would play just fine (proper resolution and FPS). But if I simply changed the file name to it would completely screw up. Logic, at least to me, would state that the desc.txt parameters for animation functionality would be the same within both animation types regardless of whether they are at startup or shutdown. The only difference, again within my logic and understanding, would be the file name that is called upon from the shutdown routine. That is the part that really baffles me. *shrug*
Concordium said:
Is that for the stock downanimation screen or within a custom ROM? I am running Viper on mine right now so the downanimation is different. I think you're right though. Now that I think about it. When I originally sifted through the desc.txt files of the various bootanimations I wanted I was only looking at the resolution. I wasn't looking at anything else. All of them had 720 1280 20 in them so I figured they would play correctly.
The other thing I didn't understand was that I could take the exact same bootanimation, name it, and it would play just fine (proper resolution and FPS). But if I simply changed the file name to it would completely screw up. Logic, at least to me, would state that the desc.txt parameters for animation functionality would be the same within both animation types regardless of whether they are at startup or shutdown. The only difference, again within my logic and understanding, would be the file name that is called upon from the shutdown routine. That is the part that really baffles me. *shrug*
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I think there is a limitation on the file size of downanimations, but I don't know what that number is... If you do happen to get some to work, please post them. Good luck!
ducky1131 said:
I think there is a limitation on the file size of downanimations, but I don't know what that number is... If you do happen to get some to work, please post them. Good luck!
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I definitely will. Thanks for the help.
Sent from my EVO using XDA

[Q] Custom Boot Animation

How do you change the boot animation for the G3? I tried the standard way of replacing the file in system/media, then changing the permissions, but it doesn't seem to be working. When I reboot the system, there is only a black screen while booting. Also, does anyone have a backup of the original boot animation? I forgot to make a backup while playing around with it.
I have had that some problem before also I just kept trying others until one worked. As far as the stock one I just renamed mine, I try not to delete that stuff. If no one helps you out I can get you a link when I get home tonight.
JellyWoo said:
How do you change the boot animation for the G3? I tried the standard way of replacing the file in system/media, then changing the permissions, but it doesn't seem to be working. When I reboot the system, there is only a black screen while booting. Also, does anyone have a backup of the original boot animation? I forgot to make a backup while playing around with it.
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Which one were you trying to use, the desc file could have been incorrect or something with the images could be causing it
heres a stock one
when copying a new one over, just rename the stock one to bootanimation.bak & leave it in the media folder
bunchies said:
Which one were you trying to use, the desc file could have been incorrect or something with the images could be causing it
heres a stock one
when copying a new one over, just rename the stock one to bootanimation.bak & leave it in the media folder
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Thanks! I usually make a backup, but forgot to. I was trying to get this one to work:
JellyWoo said:
Thanks! I usually make a backup, but forgot to. I was trying to get this one to work:
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Well i tried multiple edits of the desc file and it seems to be the pictures themselves
they're 480x800, i swear i remember being able to use lower resolution images for a bootanimation and it would still work but i think im mistaken
so request a 1440x2560 version
i have a batch file somewhere to automatically resize a list of images but i feel like it would stretch the images and make them look horrible
bunchies said:
Well i tried multiple edits of the desc file and it seems to be the pictures themselves
they're 480x800, i swear i remember being able to use lower resolution images for a bootanimation and it would still work but i think im mistaken
so request a 1440x2560 version
i have a batch file somewhere to automatically resize a list of images but i feel like it would stretch the images and make them look horrible
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Darn. Thanks for trying!
Was doing it manually but too much work, now I just use Boot Animations app.. Much quicker
So not sure if this has been figured out or not but I was playing around with this last night. I attempted to use the Red Helix boot animation from this thread:
I pulled the boot .zip file out of the flashable zip and downloaded it to my phone and moved it over with Root Explorer, changing the permissions to match the original file (which I saved and appended with .bak). Upon boot however, only the repeating portion plays.
As you all know the stock boot animation is four different sets of files, two for the Quick Circle case and two for the full screen. Each is the loading animation (plays once) and then the waiting animation (repeating until the home screen is ready). In the new boot animation I tried it's just a full screen loading and a full screen waiting animation in two folders. However as I stated above only the repeating portion plays for both the loading and waiting periods (I can tell when it switches as the screen flashes black in between). I tried matching the folder structure in my zip file to the stock animation (four folders and associated config file) but that resulted in the phone staying on the LG screen until the home screen was ready. I can't figure out how to get the actual loading portion of the animation to play. I don't mind just the repeating portion playing (it's a red Android mascot with a white/red light going in a circle underneath and looks pretty cool) but I'd still like to see the full animation.
Any ideas? Might it be related to the desired frame rate (45 vice stock 30)?
IamPro said:
Was doing it manually but too much work, now I just use Boot Animations app.. Much quicker
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Which one did you use?
sentry_mode_activated said:
Which one did you use?
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phobos512 said:
So not sure if this has been figured out or not but I was playing around with this last night. I attempted to use the Red Helix boot animation from this thread:
I pulled the boot .zip file out of the flashable zip and downloaded it to my phone and moved it over with Root Explorer, changing the permissions to match the original file (which I saved and appended with .bak). Upon boot however, only the repeating portion plays.
As you all know the stock boot animation is four different sets of files, two for the Quick Circle case and two for the full screen. Each is the loading animation (plays once) and then the waiting animation (repeating until the home screen is ready). In the new boot animation I tried it's just a full screen loading and a full screen waiting animation in two folders. However as I stated above only the repeating portion plays for both the loading and waiting periods (I can tell when it switches as the screen flashes black in between). I tried matching the folder structure in my zip file to the stock animation (four folders and associated config file) but that resulted in the phone staying on the LG screen until the home screen was ready. I can't figure out how to get the actual loading portion of the animation to play. I don't mind just the repeating portion playing (it's a red Android mascot with a white/red light going in a circle underneath and looks pretty cool) but I'd still like to see the full animation.
Any ideas? Might it be related to the desired frame rate (45 vice stock 30)?
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Bump! I've tried changing the desc file for the boot animation I'm using from say p 1 0 part0 to p 2 0 part0 for a maybe lucky fix, but no dice. I'd also really like to know what's going on with this.
I know it's an old thread, but I have an old school BIOS boot animation that does this too, only the repeating part of the animation shows up. I don't use the circle case and the option is switched off in the Display menu. Did you ever get a fix for this? Thanks.

[TUTORIAL] Samsung QMG Boot Animation Creation: An Easy Guide

Part of making a great rom lies in personalizing it with a great startup animation. When it comes to Samsung however, things can get a bit tricky as samsung likes to deviate from the norm by using their own unique boot animation format. Thus, instead of the standard "", which contains the whole startup animation and whatever image or loop you would like to have appear at the end until the device boots up, with Samsung things get split up into 2 separate files. These files are called "bootsamsung.qmg"(the start of the animation) and "bootsamsungloop.qmg"(the end of the animation that repeats until startup or whatever still image at the end that you'd like to land on). Recently I tried to make one such animation and managed to get it right on the first try, but since making animations for Samsung devices seems to be somewhat of an elusive topic on the net I decided to make an easy to understand tutorial.
So, here we go then. Let's get started, but first let's make sure we have the required things.
- Samsung Theme Designer:
- Photoshop(or another image editing program)
- A Root Explorer App(like "ES File Explorer", "Root Browser", etc.)
- An awareness of the target device's screen resolution size in pixels.(ie. 480x800, 1440x2560, etc.)
Alright, now here are the steps to making a Samsung boot animation.
NOTE: For the purposes of this tutorial we're just going to keep things simple by only working with 3 images that will alternate repeatedly, but you can always do more images to create a more elaborate animation if you want.
NOTE 2: If you already have your own images from a, then you can just skip steps 1 and 2.)
1) Create Your Images In Photoshop - Just start by creating a new image in Photoshop. The image dimensions must be the same as your device's screen resolution. Mine is 480x800, so that's what I made. Now do whatever you like with the images. I just made 3 images for mine with the title of the rom and just used the fill tool in Photoshop to add different colors to the text and the background. Then I saved the image in PNG format and used the fill tool to change the colors again and then saved that file too under a different name. I did this 3 times and ended up with 3 different images of different colors and put them in a folder on my computer. I just named the folder "boot", but you can call it whatever you want.
2) Create The Full Animation - For this part you're going to want to turn those 3 images you made into about 30 images by duplicating them so that the image doesn't flash by too fast in the animation. Just open the "boot" folder where you saved the images and right click on the name of the first one and select copy. Then paste it 9 times so you end up with 10 duplicate images. Now do the same thing for the other 2 images to make a total of 30 images(10 of each) in this folder. Now go to the first set of images and name them whatever you want, but name them in sequence using this format here. Start with "yourimagename_000.png", then "yourimagename_001.png" on up through "yourimagename_009.png". Then go to the second set of identical images and start naming those starting where you left off with "yourimagename_010.png" and so on and do the same for the third set. You should end on "yourimagename_029.png" with 30 images.
Next make another folder. I called this folder "loop" just to keep things organized. Afterwards, copy the previous 30 images from the "boot" folder into the "loop" folder, so that you now have a total of 60 images in 2 folders, with the same 30 images in each. Then, go into the "loop" folder and start renaming the images in there in sequence. Make sure to start from where you left off in the previous folder so that you end up with "yourimagename_030.png" through "yourimagename_059.png" in there. These will be the images that loop at the end until the phone boots up.
3) Set Up Your Animation Project - Open Samsung Theme Designer and under "Create New Theme" select "Feature(NonTouch) Phone". Then under "Select Model" just click on the one near the bottom that has the word "Spring" in it. Then under "Select Showcase" just click on "Default" and just type any name you want to call your project in the "Name" box. You might want to then just make sure to save it to the same folder location where you have your image folders stored just to make things easy and after all that, then just click on "Ok".
4) Define The Animation Parameters - Once you have your project loaded, just ignore the preview that you see in the window(as it's irrelevant ALWAYS) and click on the "View" tab at the top of the theme designer and click on "Tree View Window" just to make sure that you can see that menu in the left pane. Then near the top of the tree view under "Idle Component" click once on "Idle Background" to pull that menu up on the right. Now, in the "Idle Background" window, click on where it says "fixed" under "Background Type" and change it to "animated". Then change "Frames" to "30", because that's how many images we have in our first folder, and change the "Duration" to "50"(usually between 30-450 is best) and make sure "Repeat" is set to "False" for this one.
5) Building The First Animation - After you have everything set, then let's start by building the first part of your animation. To do this you need to go back to your "boot" folder where you stored your first 30 images and select them all. Now drag and drop them all into the "Animation Object Window" pane at the bottom of theme designer to fill the 30 empty frames with your images. Then click the "Save" button at the top left of the theme designer to save your work before finalizing your project. Now click on the "Home" tab. Then in the top right of theme designer click on "Export Theme" and export the theme to your same project folder. The project name doesn't matter. It takes a few seconds to export too, but once it does just click "Ok" and then on "Yes" to open the folder where you saved the file. Then rename the "yourprojectname.smt" file in that folder to "" and open the zip file. Extract ONLY the "IdleBgAnimObj.qmg" to your project folder and rename it to "bootsamsung.qmg". BOOM! You're done with the first part of your animation.
6) Building The Second Animation - Now to make the second part. The second animation is the part that loops at the end and is pretty easy as it's basically the same process as the first part with only a couple of changes. First thing you want to do is click "Save As" at the top left of the theme designer and change the name of this new animation to something else. Then, you want to click on one of the images in the "Animation Window" at the bottom and just keep hitting delete until they're all gone. Now, since we made the images in our "boot" and "loop" folders exactly the same images, then we can just once again set the "Frame" to "30" and the "Duration" to "50". The only difference this time actually is that we want to set "Repeat" to "True" so it loops. Then open your "loop" folder and drag the next 30 images and drop them in the "Animation Object Window" like you did with the first 30 above and export. Once you extract the "IdleBgAnimObj.qmg" file this time, however, you will be renaming this one to "bootsamsungloop.qmg". After that you are done creating your animation files!
7) Copying The Files & Fixing Permissions - Now that you've created your animation you will want to test it to make sure it looks right and that everything works. Plug your device into your computer and navigate to your device storage in a new window. Then, from your original project folder window, drag and drop the "bootsamsung.qmg" and "bootsamsungloop.qmg" files over to anywhere you want on your devices sdcard. Next, open your root explorer app on your device and navigate to the place where you copied the files. Select both and either move or copy them to the "System/Media/" folder. BE SURE TO BACKUP THE ORIGINAL FILES TO ANOTHER FOLDER ON YOUR DEVICE FIRST though, just for safe keeping, as this will overwrite the originals. Then, once you've moved the files, you want to make sure they have the right permissions. To do this touch and hold on each of the files and click on either "Permissions" or "Properties", whatever it says in your app, and look for the permissions. The only permissions you want to have checked for each is both "Read" and "Write" for "Owner" and only just "Read" for both "Group" and "Others". So the abbreviated version should read "rw-r--r--".
8) Testing Your Animation - After that you're all done. The only thing you have to do now is just reboot and see if it looks the way you want. If the animation is too fast or slow, then you just need to go back and adjust the "Duration" setting in each of your projects and do steps 5 through 7 again. If you're doing a more elaborate animation where each frame is different and the finished product doesn't look right then you may just need to go back and rework some of your images. Other than that, if you've followed these steps correctly, you should now have successfully made your very first Samsung boot animation. Congrats! You can now add it to your own custom rom or just use it on your own device.
I hope this helps some of you by the way. Feel free to respond to this thread if you have any questions or comments regarding the Samsung QMG boot animation creation process. Thank you!
HONOR 8 Boot Animations
"ASCENSION" Boot Animation
"DOS STYLE" ANIMATION(For Galaxy Core Prime).
Please be sure to hit the "Thanks" or Donate button below if this helped you out!
I've tried this multiple times and am still not able to boot after swapping the files, changing the permissions and rebooting the device. I've also tried multiple settings in the duration ranging from zero to 30 (which happens also to be the amount of frames in my image sequence). the only alteration I've made from this guide (which I believe to be irrelevant) is the naming of the pings, in which I just left them named 001, 002 so forth without any prefix. Oh also I have left the closing boot in place (figured I'd change it after I get the first one working), that wouldn't be a big deal would it (The beginning and ending boot animation being different)? Oh btw, I have also tried with loop on and/or off, neither booted for me. Am I missing something? The images were in 480x800 resolution as per the device. I feel like I really should have had it right the first time. This is the guide I was following originally (obviously with the specs changed for my device), which is similar to this guide just not as detailed or in depth maybe, but I've followed the steps and I just can't seem to be able to duplicate the results. Maybe I could upload the images or my boot that I created or something for you to look at but I dunno if that would even help or what that would accomplish.
---------- Post added at 04:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 AM ----------
Koognod said:
I've tried this multiple times and am still not able to boot after swapping the files, changing the permissions and rebooting the device. I've also tried multiple settings in the duration ranging from zero to 30 (which happens also to be the amount of frames in my image sequence). the only alteration I've made from this guide (which I believe to be irrelevant) is the naming of the pings, in which I just left them named 001, 002 so forth without any prefix. Oh also I have left the closing boot in place (figured I'd change it after I get the first one working), that wouldn't be a big deal would it (The beginning and ending boot animation being different)? Oh btw, I have also tried with loop on and/or off, neither booted for me. Am I missing something? The images were in 480x800 resolution as per the device. I feel like I really should have had it right the first time. This is the guide I was following originally (obviously with the specs changed for my device), which is similar to this guide just not as detailed or in depth maybe, but I've followed the steps and I just can't seem to be able to duplicate the results. Maybe I could upload the images or my boot that I created or something for you to look at but I dunno if that would even help or what that would accomplish.
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Also found this page regarding framerate description Still no help to me though, unfortunately...
Koognod said:
I've tried this multiple times and am still not able to boot after swapping the files, changing the permissions and rebooting the device. I've also tried multiple settings in the duration ranging from zero to 30 (which happens also to be the amount of frames in my image sequence). the only alteration I've made from this guide (which I believe to be irrelevant) is the naming of the pings, in which I just left them named 001, 002 so forth without any prefix. Oh also I have left the closing boot in place (figured I'd change it after I get the first one working), that wouldn't be a big deal would it (The beginning and ending boot animation being different)? Oh btw, I have also tried with loop on and/or off, neither booted for me. Am I missing something? The images were in 480x800 resolution as per the device. I feel like I really should have had it right the first time.
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If you set the duration to 0 you will see nothing. It should be at least 20 or 30 probably, but I'm not sure how elaborate your animation is or how often you want it to change. If you look at my animation everytime it changes color that's 50 duration x 10 frames. The duration by the way is in milliseconds. You're right about the image names though. The title doesn't really matter as long as alphabetically & numerically it falls in the right order. Maybe try starting at "000" though. Also, are your images in PNG format? Again too, make sure that the number of frames matches the number of images in each of your animations as well.
I realize that now, I only had it set to zero the very first time I tried to render (have tried at least 4 times since then starting at 1 and most recently at 30). I will try next extending the duration to 80 maybe. Oh also i have gone back to look at the files and I did start with 000 although I believe this to be necessary only so you can drag and drop the images into the software and have them still be in order.
Sent from my OG 420 using Tapatalk
Koognod said:
I realize that now, I only had it set to zero the very first time I tried to render (have tried at least 4 times since then starting at 1 and most recently at 30). I will try next extending the duration to 80 maybe. Oh also i have gone back to look at the files and I did start with 000 although I believe this to be necessary only so you can drag and drop the images into the software and have them still be in order.
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Yeah, name doesn't really matter just the sequence. The duration will probably always do better higher than 30 I think too unless you have a very low number of frames. How many frames do you have for each animation btw?
Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Tapatalk
4 for some 2 for the rest. Theres only 30 frames in all
Sent from my OG 420 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 06:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 AM ----------
So 80 didn't work, still bootlooped =(
Sent from my OG 420 using Tapatalk
Koognod said:
4 for some 2 for the rest. Theres only 30 frames in all.
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So, you have about 15 frames for bootsamsung.qmg and 15 for bootsamsungloop.qmg then maybe? Are you duplicating some of the images like I mentioned above or is each one different? Do you want it to loop at the end or just hang on a final image? You can go as high as 5,000 duration if you just have one or two images that you want to hang on in the bootsamsungloop.qmg, but I found that that doesn't work as well as just duplicating some of the images and providing a lower duration(ie. frame rate). Also, if you have a significantly low amount of frames and/or duration too, it may be that it's happening but it's just flickering by too fast.
Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Tapatalk
bogarty said:
So, you have about 15 frames for bootsamsung.qmg and 15 for bootsamsungloop.qmg then maybe? Are you duplicating some of the images like I mentioned above or is each one different? Do you want it to loop at the end or just hang on a final image? You can go as high as 5,000 duration if you just have one or two images that you want to hang on in the bootsamsungloop.qmg, but I found that that doesn't work as well as just duplicating some of the images and providing a lower duration(ie. frame rate). Also, if you have a significantly low amount of frames and/or duration too, it may be that it's happening but it's just flickering by too fast.
Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Tapatalk
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No sorry, I only have made one folder so far because I was only focusing on getting the beginning animation working. so 30 frames for the total sequence. Also, if it were flickering by to fast my device would still be able to boot all the way, I could imagine, which has not been the case.
Koognod said:
No sorry, I only have made one folder so far because I was only focusing on getting the beginning animation working. so 30 frames for the total sequence. Also, if it were flickering by to fast my device would still be able to boot all the way, I could imagine, which has not been the case.
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It's true it would just kick to the standard samsungbootloop.qmg after your animation if you only did the first part and only replaced the bootsamsung.qmg. I would say first though maybe, just put back the originals to make sure it still boots fine, then try making it work. Also, remember that the more complicated your animation is, the more complicated this process will be. Make sure your permissions still say that they're "rw-r--r--". Make sure that resolution is right and everything else is too, etc. Did you download the newest theme manager too? The link I provided should be fine. Also, if there's any steps you skipped because maybe you already did some stuff, maybe try starting from the beginning(except the image creation of course), but once you get it working right I think it's pretty easy to make more from here on out. Maybe try the animation emulator in theme manager too on the home tab. It won't show you the whole display, which is normal, but it will show you the rate of change between frames and whether or not it seems to be working.
Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Tapatalk
It plays in the emulator. Also I have been restoring system from saved recovery in order to replace my custom animation in between flashes. My permissions have been set proper as well. Resolution too it says 480x800. It really confused me as well that my animation not working caused my phone to bootloop but as I've said I really can't find a step I'm missing.
Sent from my 000 using Tapatalk
Koognod said:
It plays in the emulator. Also I have been restoring system from saved recovery in order to replace my custom animation in between flashes. My permissions have been set proper as well. Resolution too it says 480x800. It really confused me as well that my animation not working caused my phone to bootloop but as I've said I really can't find a step I'm missing.
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Yeah it should be working if you followed those steps. We have the same device after all. The only thing I could say is maybe try making a super simple one first and get that working, then slowly build on it with more images as you go along. I rebuilt these files while I was making this tutorial to make sure I didn't miss anything and it still works fine. Also, you don't have to reflash the whole rom everytime to go back. Just copy back the originals. That's why I definitely always prefer copying over moving myself, as that way you always have the originals somewhere on your device.
Oh snap, finally saw a glimpse of it!!
Sent from my 000 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 AM ----------
Think I might have maybe figured out the issue.
Sent from my 000 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 AM ----------
I believe the culprit was maybe the fact I hadn't picked the same device in samsung theme manager you recommended. I had read previously it didn't matter. Once I tried again following your guide more thoroughly I got it to boot.
Sent from my 000 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------
Thank you again, sorry about giving you such a hard time. Especially since your tutorial is on point.
Sent from my OG 420 using Tapatalk
Koognod said:
Oh snap, finally saw a glimpse of it!!
Think I might have maybe figured out the issue. I believe the culprit was maybe the fact I hadn't picked the same device in samsung theme manager you recommended. I had read previously it didn't matter. Once I tried again following your guide more thoroughly I got it to boot. Thank you again, sorry about giving you such a hard time. Especially since your tutorial is on point.
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I'm so glad to help!
- Samsung Theme Designer:[/B]
- Photoshop
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Could this also be accomplished with Gimp photo editor?
---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------
also can they be made to 60 frames instead? for smoothness purpose
drago10029 said:
Could this also be accomplished with Gimp photo editor?
also can they be made to 60 frames instead? for smoothness purpose
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Not sure what Gimp photo editor is, but probably not as the QMG format is pretty exclusive to Samsung. Why wouldn't you want to use the theme designer?
You can use as many frames as you want though. My last animation had about 200 frames. It just depends on how much you want the animation to change. The example I gave in this tutorial was just a simple one to make it extra easy to learn. You can do up to 500 duration btw to make the frame last longer, but if it's still not long enough, then you just have to duplicate some frames.
bogarty said:
Not sure what Gimp photo editor is, but probably not as the QMG format is pretty exclusive to Samsung. Why wouldn't you want to use the theme designer?
You can use as many frames as you want though. My last animation had about 200 frames. It just depends on how much you want the animation to change. The example I gave in this tutorial was just a simple one to make it extra easy to learn. You can do up to 500 duration btw to make the frame last longer, but if it's still not long enough, then you just have to duplicate some frames.
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I meant can I use GIMP instead of photoshop? it's a open source free photo editor. Photoshop is like a lot of money that some people don't have
drago10029 said:
I meant can I use GIMP instead of photoshop? it's a open source free photo editor. Photoshop is like a lot of money that some people don't have
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Oh shoot...haha! Sorry. To me the term "Photoshop" is a specifically universal term for just making decent images. It won't matter where you make your animation, but it will matter for your Core Prime that they are exactly 480x800 resolution. They should probably be PNG format too if you can produce that. Also, obviously, the names of each frame must be numbered properly.
bogarty said:
Oh shoot...haha! Sorry. To me the term "Photoshop" is a specifically universal term for just making decent images. It won't matter where you make your animation, but it will matter for your Core Prime that they are exactly 480x800 resolution. They should probably be PNG format too if you can produce that. Also, obviously, the names of each frame must be numbered properly.
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cool thanks, and is there anyway to make a bootanimation run 60 fps instead of 30?
drago10029 said:
cool thanks, and is there anyway to make a bootanimation run 60 fps instead of 30?
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Well, 30 was just the number of frames I used total for each animation in the example. Not the frames per second. If you had 60 frames per second for a 2 minute boot animation, then you'd have to make 7,200 images, so you don't want that. It doesn't do that anyway though. The animation is more like a gif than a video, where each frame lasts awhile. The speed is altered in "duration" too, but I believe it's in milliseconds, which isn't very fast. That's why you might have to duplicate some frames to allow for enough time so that each image can be seen.
For instance, in my DOS animation(linked in the OP), I used about 185 frames(which was 36 images duplicated) for the first animation, but only 20 frames(which was only 4 images duplicated) for the second animation(ie. the looping part at the end). In other words, I had to be duplicate each image 5 times and put the each animation at a duration of 450, so that it would last long enough to appear at the proper speed, as I don't think the duration goes higher than 500ms. There's an emulator in theme designer where you can preview your animation too, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to show the true speed, so you may have to just make the animation a few times and test it out each time until it displays at the speed you want. Anyhow, I hope this helps.
How's it going, so I've started playing with creating custom boot animations on my SCH-I545 running on OF1.
Instead of using a photo shop program I've used a video to jpg converter to create image files from some anime vids then built them into qmg on Samsung Theme Designer.
I've also have successfully created sound clips to go with the bootup. I use a free online ogg converter. I've had full success with this process.
Its just a matter of tweaking the fps/duration to get "my desired" play out length. Once I get this down I'd like to share my animations. Could you direct me to the best thread to post them to.

