annoying feature within netflix! any work arounds? - Galaxy Note II Themes and Apps

I dont no if anyone has noticed. But on note 2 and my note 10.1 well im sure any device able to do muilti screen. If you want to have netflix opened with another app. Its impossible because whenever you tap the other app or anywhere on the screen, in fact. netflix pauses every time. Which is really annoying I might add.
DOes anyone know how to work around this. Or a modded. Apk if thats even possible.


[Q] Bokkmarking in a video

I tried searching the forum for this and couldn't find anything, so im sorry if this is already asked somewhere else.
Does anyone know if there is a way to bookmark in videos on the vibrant?
I have some workout videos that i regularly watch, but i hate having to skip through the intros and figure out where the actual workout starts, and it would be so much easier to just bookmark that spot. Or on some documentaries be able to bookmark certain spots that i want to remember.
Menu-> Add bookmark.
I don't always complain, but when I do, I #BlameWes
When i press menu, the only options i get are Details and via bluetooth, i don't get any options to add a bookmark.......
Do you use the Stock Video player and are you viewing videos off of the sd or streaming them online?
I don't always complain, but when I do, I #BlameWes
Im using the stock player, and the videos are on the internal phone memory and in .m4v
That's odd. My movies are in. m4v also and I have all the options when I click menu...
I don't always complain, but when I do, I #BlameWes
hmmmm i wonder what the problem is, because even when i play avatar and press menu, the only option that pops up is "via blutooth"...
is there a video playing app someone could recomend that might do this?
i wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that i installed the captivate camera... i don't know why it would but then again im not a dev...
I had the captivate cam it all those options are still there for me. That's really strange, mate. Are there any other apps/mods you might have installed that could have broken it or was it like that since day one?
I don't always complain, but when I do, I #BlameWes
i dont know i didnt start looking at that until lately, but all i have done is root, and put the captivate camera on there..... nothing else

[Q] A lot of issues with the Galaxy Tab, need some help please

So I just recently got the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. I am familiar with Android and I know what I'm doing (or so I think lol) but some things just aren't working and I don't know if it's me or software limitation. Regardless I'm hoping someone can shedd some light on these...
1. The market is lacking a LOT of applications that are available on phones. Is that right? I thought it would just scale for the most part....I can't even find the official Facebook app on the market. Am I looking in the wrong place or something? Hulu? Netflix??
1a. Some applications that I sideload (mainly widgets) like typoclock or something of that sort....install, but when I go to add the widget it is not there, as if never installed. Even when I try to reinstall it, it says that it will replace the old one so i know for a fact that it installs, but the widgets aren't available, and they arent listed in the installed apps drawer either.
2. It seems kind of sluggish...and I really haven't installed much, even from a cold's kinda laggy, not as quick as I have seen on some review videos. Quadrant scores around 1400-1500. I Rooted it, installed the latest SunBurst ROM and overclocked to 1.4Ghz and it's still laggy often despite nearing 3000 on quadrant now.
3. So I couldn't get any Netflix apk to work on it stock, so once I rooted, installed Sunburst ROM it came installed with a Netflix app, but I don't think it's official since the icon is orange and has a little android on it. Needless to say THAT app doesn't work and CAN'T be installed (I figure it's cooked onto the ROM) regardless I found a Netflix apk that install and replaces it, and works...but after one day it reverts back to the old netflix and doesn't work. So pretty much everytime I want to use Netflix I have to reinstall and overwrite with the new Netflix apk I's annoying. (and the search function doesn't work on that Netflix either)
I know it's a lot to rant about and a lot of issues, and I love the tab and honeycomb, but I can't believe these issues still persist. I hope someone can help me with one/all of these and I will be forever grateful.
Thanks, hope someone can help...
1a. Try a restart after you install a widget. It seems that if the widget is not made for HC, it doesn't appear before you restart.
i tried rebooting but that didn't help any unfortunately...
There's a netflix 1.3 APK somewhere that sideloads perfectly. I haven't tried it with Touchwiz yet - I haven't even touched Touchwiz.
Try stock ROM first. Your ROM might have broken something. I know Bonsai completely broke USB storage support as an example, and Starburst claims to be the "most complete and fastest Touchwiz experience" which means it's going to have missing and broken things. Any ROM dev making claims like that is compensating for something. The "hacked-icon" Netflix app is an obvious sign they went a LITTLE too far.
Netflix sideload works perfectly on my Tab. Unrooted. TouchWiz. Stock.
i tried netflix fix on starburst rom, it did work but reverted back to fcs after a reboot. i switched to bonsai 3, netflix seems to be working fine even after a reboot.
2. It seems kind of sluggish...
The default launcher is a bit sluggish, it is a honeycomb issue. For me I have seen after a "reboot", the tab does take a couple of minutes to "settle", then it is smooth for me, but if you have lot of widgets on your homescreens it will be sluggish, my experience in any case.
thanks to all you guys for all the replies.
As far as the Netflix, I know I do have the correct apk I think the issue is that it isn't playing nice with the one that is baked into the rom. I guess I will have to install another rom.
However I haven't heard anything on the apps, is that right? There's no Facebook? Anyoneelse having issues with Widgets not appearing?
For Facebook search for an app in the market called 'Friend Me'
Looks great and works great =)
for getting rid of sluggishness try this launcher:
Danisflying said:
For Facebook search for an app in the market called 'Friend Me'
Looks great and works great =)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! Good call, app looks great!
@js931,I'll give that launcher a try and see how it goes.
I understand and feel for you on your problems. My 3rd (and final) Galaxy Tab is on the way to me from I also have an Asus Transformer on the way as well and the device that gives me the least amount of problems is the device I plan to keep. I want to like the Tab but I don't have high hopes since I'm about to be on my 3rd device. The 2nd one worked perfectly after Touchwiz for a while - even fixed issues I was having such as the typing lag - but the issues I had with the first one (screen and/or Wifi doesn't respond after bringing the device out of sleep) resurfaced a few days ago. The 2nd Tab also had something loose on the inside as it produces a loud rattling noise whenever it vibrates. While that is easily cured by turning off the vibration, I paid $600 for this device and I expect it to be near-perfect. So any little issue I have with this 3rd Tab means it's going back for a refund and I'll keep the Transformer... assuming it behaves like it should, lol.
At any rate, good luck with your issues. The Tab is a beautiful device but seems to be problematic... at least that's my experience with it.

[Q] Giving my GTab to my daughter ... Any ideas on ROMS/Software?

Seems like the correct place for this:
Anyone know of a ROM or program that will allow me to set it up so that she has limited access to programs/system?
Perhaps a launcher I can lock down such that it only shows her games and gallery video player, camera, etc.?
I figure I will use Button Remapper to deactivate the search/home/menu/back buttons (otherwise she will accidentally hit them when watching a video or playing a game).
Not sure what to do about the soft buttons---she needs to be able to access menus and go back somehow.
Oh, she is 3. She uses it all the time and loves the games I put on there, but the issues above need to be resolved before it is practical for her to use. It has been gathering a lot of dust since I got my new phone, and she really wants to have her own computer...
Any other ideas are welcome too of course.
iamjakecali said:
Seems like the correct place for this:
Anyone know of a ROM or program that will allow me to set it up so that she has limited access to programs/system?
Perhaps a launcher I can lock down such that it only shows her games and gallery video player, camera, etc.?
I figure I will use Button Remapper to deactivate the search/home/menu/back buttons (otherwise she will accidentally hit them when watching a video or playing a game).
Not sure what to do about the soft buttons---she needs to be able to access menus and go back somehow.
Oh, she is 3. She uses it all the time and loves the games I put on there, but the issues above need to be resolved before it is practical for her to use. It has been gathering a lot of dust since I got my new phone, and she really wants to have her own computer...
Any other ideas are welcome too of course.
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To recommend a rom that would satisfy both her needs and yours I would look towards a 2.2 froyo based rom, any of them would do but for perfomance for games and working camera I would go with Beasty.
To be able to lock certain system settings and apps you can look into a face lock app from the market. There are numerous free versions to try out, but one you find the one thqts works right for your needs suggest purchase version for more options.
In a similar situation...handing down the tablet to my nephews and niece. They really want to be able to video chat. Are there any HC/ICS based ROMs that have the camera working? I've been away too long and haven't kept up with dev. Hoping someone can help me narrow down the search.

Chrome and Now apks?

Once upon a time, I had a working version of chrome on this tablet, but for some reason, the apk got deleted out of my precious downloads folder where I keep my apks and I ain't got it no mo'.
Does anyone have a link to this or able to pull it from their device with AirDroid or Titanium backup?
And while we are on the topic of running these types of apps, was there ever a run-able Google Now for older devices? I have never seen one. Thanks guys.
did u really manage to run chrome on this?
i never managed to do it. i know nowadays chrome is for android 4. and above only, but in case you make it work - i would like to know how.
sorry i can't help you. i can only wish that someday soon, we'll have a normal android version.
Attached is the "working" chrome. I don't know how it compares to the current version. I'm sure it has bugs and all,but it seems to run, for me. The accomanying widget is disappointing.
I will use it some and see how it does. overall though, i am pleased with the stock browser. shoot me if you like
thanks, i'll give it a shot.
so far every browser i tried was nice at the beginning and after a few days/weeks of use got sluggish. its this damn 3.1 version..
It force closes every time I go into some menu and back out of it is all.
I would just like the stock honeycomb browser with tabs at the top, without this ATT skinning, anyone know how to make that happen?
coburn_c said:
I would just like the stock honeycomb browser with tabs at the top, without this ATT skinning, anyone know how to make that happen?
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You may remove the ATT Skinning, however you have to firstly ROOT the Jetstream, then you will be able to set your own Homepage.
As an alternative to Chrome, you may wish to install FireFox

[Q] xmultiwondow in Lollipop

I installed xmultiwindow on my Nexus 10 for the first time ever, and I know that xposed has only been out for two days I think now for lollipop. I'm having an issue though where if I set an app for one side of the screen then I set one for the other side, the first app goes away as if it's running in the background. Having never used xmultiwindow until now, I can't be sure it's related to Lollipop, but I've found nothing online about this issue, so I really don't know. Other than that it seems to work well, but given I can't get two apps to run at the same time it defeats the purpose. Anyone else have issues though like this?
Xmultiwindows doesnt work like right and left but like up and down.
Bruno_Tec said:
Xmultiwindows doesnt work like right and left but like up and down.
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Click to collapse
It is supposed to work both ways depending on the orientation of the device. Right now it is working in neither for me.
Weird . In cm11 it worked.

