how to disable this annoying sound when phone is fully charged - AT&T HTC One (M7)

Ever since I switched to CleanRom 2.5 my phone would making this annoying sound whenever it is fully charged. I tried turning notification sound off in setting but it is still happening. Any ideas?

Install BatteryDoctor. There is a settings in the end of list tap to settings then there is system volume and install "0" to system volumes! If it doesn't help you or you can't understand you can replace sound of battery to silent sound via RootExplorer!


[Q] Volume issues with notifications

Is anyone else having issues with the volume level on their notifications. I have checked all the settings under notifications and the volume is max, plus changed to different tones. But most of the time I hear no sound when a text comes in. I have not installed that many apps or rooted the phone yet. Am I missing something. It seems to come back after restart but doesnt last long. It worked great for the first week.

[Q] Tasker - anyone having issues with vibrate not working on

I have a very simple profile set up to put my phone in silent mode during certain days and times. The profile is being executed as expected. I can go into Sound menu on the phone and see that the phone was put into silent mode. However, the silent and vibrate icons are not displayed in the notification bar. Even more troublesome, is that the phone wont actually vibrate when I get a call or notification. If I manually deselect and select silent, I will see both icons and the phone functions as expected. Is there perhaps some bug in Tasker that is not handling this correctly?
My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S2, rooted running Unnamed rom.
BUMP....sorry to bump this but was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue?
More information: I downloaded Sound Manager which is an app that shows the status of the various volume & vibrate settings. After Tasker has executed the profile to put my phone into silent mode, I used Sound Manager to doublecheck my vibrate status, and both calls and notifications are set to not vibrate at all even though in my phone settings I have vibrate on silent. When I change the call and notification vibrate settings in Sound Manager to vibrate on silent as well, I see the appropriate icons . This tells me that Tasker is doing something wrong when setting my phone to silent.
Any ideas?
I am having a similar problem
I set the "silent mode" to "vibrate" (in tasker) but I get an icon of silent instead of vibrate.
Same problem here, tasker puts phone in silent mode bud doesn't enable vibration (manually setting silent mode in statussbar works fine) looks like tasker bug to me.
Galaxy s2
Rom: KI4 rooted
HA! Found it! Silent Mode in tasker doesn't have 2 modes (ON and OFF). Instead it has 3 (on, VIBRATE, off). Set it to VIBRATE and you ar back in bussiness
Checked it - works. If others confirm we can mark this one solved
I have a very similar issue. I have a profile that is triggered when I am near two cell towers at my work. The actions put the Phone Ringer to volume 0 and enable vibrate, and I see the vibrate icon in the notification tray, but I've tested calling myself from my office phone, and the phone still rings at normal volume.
I'm using an LG G3, rooted and running stock ROM, Android 5.
similar issue for meI have a profile that activates when my phone sees the wifi at work will set the phone to silent mode (3 – vibrate). It works fine when I first get in as it will vibrate, but then after some unknown amount of time it will set the ringer back to wherever it was (like it exits the profile) but the profile is still active in tasker. If I manually reexecute the profile it will stay in vibrate the rest of the day. Ideas?

Is there a way to disable the sound when charger is connected?

I usually charge the phone at night and when I connect the charger the phone beeps so loudly that it wakes up my partner if is she already asleep.
If there is a way to remove the beep or at least reduce the volume?
I actually have a problem with the volume of all notifications... they are too loud... but most can be disabled, while I can't find a way to disable the charging sound notification...
Turnoff your sound? lol
Silent your mobile quickly from the Shortcuts area in pull down menu when you are charging.
Once charging gets completed, Enable the sound.
I must add that I use the "Do not disturb" feature with a night schedule that kicks in before I go to bed so when I connect the phone, "Do not disturb" is enabled with a rule that should allow only priority interruptions. I would say that connecting the charger should not qualify as a priority interruption so the phone should remain silent.
Do I understand that the only way to remove this noise is to set the phone to be fully silent?
S... Priority interruptions only avoid call or notification tones.
System sounds are not avoided. Try disabling system sounds.
How do I disable system sounds?
You can reduce it by manually as usual.
Some idiot programmer believes that everybody in the room should wake up when you decide to charge your phone. There is no individual setting. Do this:
First plug in earphones, then the charger, and then remove the earphones.

Notification volume does not return to its last state

Hello buddies,
I dragged this issue with me since my S7 Edge I had before my new brand S9+. On the S7 Edge the issue would happen 2 or 3 times in a week. But now with my S9+ it's every single day.
Issue: During my workday, I use the silent mode to avoid any noise at work. When I'm back to home, I put back the "normal" sound mode, but here is the issue, the notification volume doesn't go back as it was sin the morning (generally 100%), it stays at 0%. So everytime I quit vibrator or silence mode I have to manually raise the notification volume or I won't get any sound for these.
It's quite annoying and I don't see any subject about that, I checked all settings in my phone but I see nothign related to this.
Any help would be welcome.
Do you get quiet notification sounds? As all my sounds are quiet. If I play a notification sound on zedge ect... it's loud but as soon as I choose it as my notification the volume is very low. I've reset the phone but it's still the same.
Could it be an app you are using?
Well, it could be "quiet" notification since the volume is at 0%, it's not like the sound picture of notification got a line across. Anyway, quiet or muted, I don't hear them and that's the problem.
For the application idea, I really don't know what sort of application could do that? I would like to keep the wipe data/factory reset as a last resort.
Something seems to be resetting my volumes to different levels. I changed System to 0 and set Ringtone and Notification to match, however when I went into volume again this morning, System was at half and it seems like Notification reset itself. Is there some built in Tasker like function on this phone that might be changing things based on some outside variable? If not, this is a really annoying bug.

Phone Keeps Un-Muting Itself - How to Stop?

I'm having a weird problem that I can't find a solution anywhere for. I leave my phone on vibrate at work, and on mute at night. However, the phone returns back to sound enabled by itself. I change the settings to mute/unmute through the Quick Settings menu at the top. It will change this while the phone is locked and sitting on my desk.
I've tried searching and disabling everything and have had no luck.
Disabled Volume Rocker (Media Only Now)
Disabled Smart Stay
Disabled Easy Mute
Disabled Do Not Disturb mode
Changed Do Not Disturb Mode Schedule to One Day only, and then disabled
Any one have any ideas? I can't find a trigger, and it seems to be random. I will go to unlock my phone and it will be un-muted. Or, I will have a notification go off that will make a sound, and the phone is obviously un-muted. I've found other thread where people experience the issue, but no fix.
Having the same problem with an RCA android tablet which I use strictly as a security dongle. No luck getting the sound to stay turned off here either...

