[Q&A] How to root LG-P875 (Optimus F5) using motochopper [apply also to F3, F6? & F7] - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

[Q&A] How to root LG-P875 (Optimus F5) using motochopper [apply also to F3, F6? & F7]
Well, dear LG Optimus F3/5/6?/7 owners, you can root your device right now WITHOUT unlocking the bootloader Simply download the attached file below, extract its content and place it in a single directory. This tool works under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X :highfive:
Thanks a lot to goofyextreme for F3 & platinumpresto for F7 feedback :good:
Positive feedback needed for the F6
Non specific device rooting procedures for motochopper under supported OS's are available HERE -> original thread by the author of this tool ... Thanks a lot djrbliss !
My Optimus F5 was preloaded with JB 4.1.2 and i run Ubuntu x64 : Running motochopper on my device rooted it in about 1 min. or 2 !!!
Theorically you do not need something else than the extracted files from the provided archive and it's true for all motochopper supported OS's : Windows, Linux and Mac OS X : adb executable is embedded into this zip for these three operating systems !
Then, to be sure you have a working setup, please run :
From a terminal, please cd into the extracted archive directory and type :
# sudo ./adb.linux devices
... it must output something like this in your terminal :
# sudo ./adb.linux devices
List of devices attached
If you see the serial number of your device listed then you're ready to go further ! Ubuntu x64 works that way out of the box but recently i switched to another x64 Linux distribution and the above command failed, because of an incompatibilty problem beetween the motochopper adb executable and OS librairies ... if you're running a Linux distro and you do not have a correct output from the above command THEN install the adb package from the repository of your choice for your operating system ... after that is done you'll need to edit and modify slightly the motochopper Linux script (run.sh) in order to use the adb executable you've just installed instead of using the one provided by the zip file attached below when running the tool ! ... if you don't know how to modify this script, just let me know and i'll tell you what you need to do
First of all you'll need to install LG United Mobile Driver, then REBOOT, and type from an elevated command prompt ("launched as an administrator") :
# adb.exe devices
... it must output something like this in your terminal :
# adb.exe devices
List of devices attached
If you see the serial number of your device listed then you're ready to go further ! Otherwise check than you have enabled USB debugging in the "Developper Options" tab and that the USB connection mode is properly set on your phone (in the Windows device manager you must see an item which mention that an ADB Interface is installed on your system ... the real name on your system may vary from mine so i do not give an exact interface name ...)
Only when you have seen your device serial number in the output of the command "adb devices", you're OK to launch the motochopper tool :
Check that you're inside the extracted motochopper directory and please type :
# sudo ./run.sh
# run.bat
The tool will take 1 min. or 2 to complete ... and when your phone has rebooted, it's rooted It is safe to try it in my opinion because i don't think this tool can brick your phone in any way, in the worst case it will fail BUT please note this little disclaimer with care : i am not the developper of this great tool and if you decide to use it, then it's at your own risk ...
Happy rooting
NOTE : For Mac OS X users please refer to the original thread by the author of motochopper (link at the beginning of this post) because i don't know much about Mac OS ...
IMPORTANT NOTE : Some of the LG Optimus Fx Series models recently gained an OTA update ! THE motochopper tool apparently DOES NOT WORK AT ALL if you upgraded your ROM with the OTA update ! It seems to be USELESS to try it in such conditions BUT i think it is still HARMLESS to test the tool -> in the worst case it will fail ... if so, reset your device to factory settings from the Android menu and please try another way to root your phone; THAT SAID I REPEAT THE TOOL IS PROVIDED AS IS AND IF YOU DECIDE TO USE IT, IT WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK ...
INFO : As of 2014-03-10 i close this topic because it is useless => motochopper do not work anymore on LG Optimus Fx Series ​
See you around,

ne0zone75 said:
Of course on Windows, Linux and Mac YOU MUST HAVE a working Android Tools setup BEFORE running motochopper or it will fail !
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In fact adb executable is embedded in the motochopper package for supported OS's so maybe you could try running it without properly installing Android Tools on your machine but i've not tested motochopper that way ...
Also, note that the motochopper package i used to root my LG-P875 install superuser (i switched to supersu after running the tool because i prefer that one ...) and busybox ...
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T with Tapatalk HD
NOTE : this message is obsolete please read the updated Q&A from the updated first post ... thank you !

worked on the F7

platinumpresto said:
worked on the F7
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Happy to learn that
Sent from my LG-P875 with Tapatalk 2

I tried Motochopper with my LG F5 and it didn't work. It just says:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
And it just stays there. Other people seem to have this same problem with Motochopper. I assume I have my USB drivers installed, as when I first attached my F5 to my PC, it installed drivers automatically and I can copy files over to the phone.
I don't know what you mean about "Android Tools". Which android tools? I downloaded Android Developer Tools "adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130717", but nothing actually gets installed in any system directories for other programs to find, it's just an SDK.
Motochopper already has adb.exe included. I tried running as administrator and in XP compatibility mode and there was no change. I'm using Windows 8.
I finally got it working. I had to download the LGMobile Support Tool which was a chore itself, since the main download from the LG site is corrupt, so I had to find another version. Once that program was finally installed (it sits there doing nothing for the first 10 minutes of installation...I realized it must be downloading data from LGs SLOW server), it then updated itself to the latest version, which took another half an hour to download from the slow LG server.
Finally, from that program I could install the custom USB driver for the LG F5 (which is called P875 in the program just to confuse you). It downloaded and installed the USB driver not once, but twice (god knows why), and then told me the second time that the driver was already installed. What a piece of sh__ program.
Anyway, I ran the Motochopper afterwards, and it rooted my phone with no problems.

Works great!
I really appreciate this! I just downloaded the .zip file and ran the "run" executable. You hit enter, and wait until it's done rooting and rebooting. Then, you're rooted! By the way, this was on the LG Optimus F3. It seems as though this method works on the F3, F5, and F7 (at least that's the information that I've gathered so far). Again, thank you!

I've updated the Q&A today. Thank to all of you for providing feedback on the LG Optimus F Series and the compatibility with the motochopper tool !
Have a nice day

Someone have the contacts provider from their rooted F3?
Thanks for this guide -- I was able to root my Optimus F3 phone.
I do have one small problem, though: I accidentally deleted my contacts provider. Now certain apps aren't working at all. If someone has a rooted F3, it would be great if they could take the time to upload their contacts provider APK (located in /system/app) for me. (One from the F5 or F7 might work also.)
If you're on StackExchange, I have a bounty on Android Enthustiasts (android.stackexchange.com/q/52125/40230) for whoever can help me. Thanks!

Unlocking bootloader
It seems strange to me that this phone has been out for a few months now and no one has managed to unlock the bootloader. Does anyone know of any progress on this?

rt94 said:
It seems strange to me that this phone has been out for a few months now and no one has managed to unlock the bootloader. Does anyone know of any progress on this?
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In fact there is a possible solution ... another tool also developped by djrbliss (motochopper author) which is named loki could do the job but at the moment the Optimus F5 is not supported by loki (Optimus F3/F7 are ). I've opened a ticket on the GitHub loki page for adding F5 support to loki but i have no answer for the moment ... may be you can do the same ...
You might be interested by these links ... :
Official loki thread on XDA Forum ...
Official loki GitHub page ...
Best regards

Super easy
Just rooted my brand new LG Optimus F5 with the motochopper. I haven't seen anything easier than this. One click button all done, piece of cake compared to rooting my previous few other android devices.:good:

Rooting failure
For some reason it won't work wotk my new LG Optimus F5 .
Everything seems to be just fine, until it outputs [-] Failure. at one point.
[*] Motochopper: Android root exploit (Windows version)
[*] v1.0
[*] by Dan Rosenberg (@djrbliss)
[*] Tested on the Motorola Razr HD, Razr M, Razr Maxx HD, and Atrix HD.
[*] Supports lots of other devices as well. ;)
[*] Before continuing, ensure that USB debugging is enabled, that you
[*] have the latest USB drivers installed, and that your phone
[*] is connected via USB.
[*] WARNING: This will likely void the warranty on your device. I am
[*] not responsible for any damage to your phone as a result using this
[*] tool.
[*] Press enter to root your phone...
Aby kontynuować, naciśnij dowolny klawisz . . .
[*] Waiting for device...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
[*] Device found.
[*] Pushing exploit...
2766 KB/s (1283460 bytes in 0.453s)
[*] Pushing root tools...
2866 KB/s (366952 bytes in 0.125s)
3154 KB/s (1867568 bytes in 0.578s)
3946 KB/s (1578585 bytes in 0.390s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk
[*] Rooting phone...
[+] This may take a few minutes.
[-] Failure.
[*] Cleaning up...
[*] Exploit complete. Press enter to reboot and exit.
Phone reboots and i end up with a Superuser app that won't install(no root access).
Tried on Lubuntu 13.04 as well as Windows XP SP3. Same results.
USB debugging enabled. Device serial number was shown on the list.
Any help on that?

nCom said:
For some reason it won't work wotk my new LG Optimus F5 ...
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The good news is that your device is new like you said, so there are many chances that there is almost no really important personal data stored on your cellphone ... i say that because in my experience when motochopper encountered a problem, the easiest way to make it work is to perform a factory reset from the Android settings menu as STEP 1 !
BEFORE DOING ANYTHING, ensure to backup your personal data on your external micro sdcard if you have one ...
-> STEP 1 : perform a factory reset from the Android settings menu ... when the process is complete and you're back into Android ... go further
-> STEP 2 : follow instructions as described in the first post of this thread BUT do not ever plug your device to a USB hub (even a powered one), plug it when needed to a true USB port directly on your computer !
Also, in your case nCom, as you have both Linux and Windows platforms, prefer Linux for motochopper : i can confirm that the tool works on Ubuntu 13.04 !
Another important thing : i've noticed that when motochopper fails once THEN you have to perform a factory reset from the Android settings menu to have a chance to make it work ... 1 motochopper failure => factory reset ...
The causes of the failure in your case nCom are not clear for me : before trying motochopper another time, please double check that all the required conditions are fullfilled as described in the first post of this mini HowTO + check that the USB connection mode of your device is set to 'Charge only' or 'LG Software' + connect your device to a true USB port when needed (like already said above ... try different ports if it keeps failing)
Let me know if this helped you out !
Have a nice day and happy rooting
Tapatalked from my TF300T

ne0zone75 said:
when motochopper encountered a problem, the easiest way to make it work is to perform a factory reset from the Android settings menu as STEP 1 !
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Thanks for your reply, just tried factory resetting before rooting and unfortunately it didn't help :/. Still failing on the same step.
I even tried running the commands one by one instead of a batch script - as explained in this thread - and it always seems to fail on:
Mr.Parkinson said:
adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
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With the output being:
[+] This may take a few minutes.
[-] Failure.
Any further input/help with my case appreciated.

It's strange that you're facing such difficulties with this tool and it's also far away the limits of my knowledge... the best i can do for now is to give you the link of the official motochopper support thread, there you'll certainly find a solution to your problem : http://www.droidrzr.com/index.php/topic/15208-root-motochopper-yet-another-android-root-exploit-412/
Also check if there is any official thread for motochopper on XDA... djrbliss is the author of this great tool... as far as i know there is not such a topic.
Good luck
Tapatalked from my LGP875

ne0zone75 said:
It's strange that you're facing such difficulties with this tool and it's also far away the limits of my knowledge... the best i can do for now is to give you the link of the official motochopper support thread, there you'll certainly find a solution to your problem :
Also check if there is any official thread for motochopper on XDA... djrbliss is the author of this great tool... as far as i know there is not such a topic.
Good luck
Tapatalked from my LGP875
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Do you know of any roms that are compatible with this phone? I'd like to get cyanogenmod on it. Perhaps roms from a similar phone??

SubNoizey said:
Do you know of any roms that are compatible with this phone ...
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At this point i think there is none ! In addition the Optimus F series is partially supported by loki (another program by djrbliss ...) which is one of the only tool to bypass the bootloader of these phones (F5 is not, F3 & F7 are !) in order to flash a custom recovery and a custom ROM on it.
I think we'll have to wait untill somebody has unofficially ported CyanogenMod to the F5 (and to the whole F series ...) because some files in a ROM are device specific : in order to compile a custom ROM you'll have to get a device / kernel source tree and a proprietary tree ... all these are mandatory otherwise your ROM will be useless ... trying another ROM from a similar device is a hazardous job ...
If you successfully manage to get a working custom ROM like CyanogenMod on your cellphone you'll be welcome if you let me know :thumbup:
Have a nice day !
Tapatalked with my TF300T

ne0zone75 said:
At this point i think there is none ! In addition the Optimus F series is partially supported by loki (another program by djrbliss ...) which is one of the only tool to bypass the bootloader of these phones (F5 is not, F3 & F7 are !) in order to flash a custom recovery and a custom ROM on it.
I think we'll have to wait untill somebody has unofficially ported CyanogenMod to the F5 (and to the whole F series ...) because some files in a ROM are device specific : in order to compile a custom ROM you'll have to get a device / kernel source tree and a proprietary tree ... all these are mandatory otherwise your ROM will be useless ... trying another ROM from a similar device is a hazardous job ...
If you successfully manage to get a working custom ROM like CyanogenMod on your cellphone you'll be welcome if you let me know :thumbup:
Have a nice day !
Tapatalked with my TF300T
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Yeah i've requested support on the cyanogen mod forums
ht tp://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/79412-request-lg-optimus-f-series (sorry new user, can't link.
if you want to post/bump. I'm looking into how difficult it is (probably far too difficult for me). I find it odd that the L series has a custom scene but the F series doesn't. Are the F5's only in Australia?
I might run around to a few aussie sites like miui au and what ever else i can find and see if they can help/lead me in the right direction.

I agree with you about the Optimus F series custom ROM support ... afaik the F5 is sold worldwide (at least in France for sure) but strangely it does not seem to attract the interest of the DEV community like other devices (there is no dedicated subforum on XDA for the Optimus F lineup for example ...) ; in my opinion it's a shame because the F5 is a good LTE budget cellphone.
Good luck in your quest
Tapatalked with my TF300T

ne0zone75 said:
I agree with you about the Optimus F series custom ROM support ... afaik the F5 is sold worldwide (at least in France for sure) but strangely it does not seem to attract the interest of the DEV community like other devices (there is no dedicated subforum on XDA for the Optimus F lineup for example ...) ; in my opinion it's a shame because the F5 is a good LTE budget cellphone.
Good luck in your quest
Tapatalked with my TF300T
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Yeah, getting custom ROM support would be fantastic for this device. Count me in if you guys intend to start a bounty to generate some interest.


[Q] Rooting Wolfgang AT-AS53N / Spice MI-530 - replaced thread

My question belongs better here.
I am trying to get my Wolfgang AT-AS53N rooted but no luck yet. It is a clone of the Spice MI-530. I have tried the root possibilities for this device but to no avail yet.
I tried the following procedure and it did get me some progress:
I installed the driver (ADB Interface) worked like a charm. But when I tried to root it using bin4ry's method I get stuck. When I go for option 2 and try root, I do the "Restore My Data" bit and it seems to work but the second time round when I do the "Restore My Data" bit the shell seems to hang. It does copy the Terminal program but that is about it.
I have tried this manual on another Wolfgang Phone (older model):
And all goes well until:
To backup the original "su" on the mobile, type at the command prompt:
On Linux: "./adb shell mv system/xbin/su system/xbin/su.original" (without the quotes)
On Windows: "adb shell mv system/xbin/su system/xbin/su.original" (without the quotes)
The shell then tells me the path does not exist, with that it says "system" can't be found. Could this path be named different on my phone?
All help is appreciated.
Are you on 4.0.4
Then use MTK Droid Tool and try
You can also get cwm recovery.
If it is on 4.1.2 use combination of MTK DROID And SP TOOL.
You can find the procedure advocated by the Pioneering Developer Ruii and others in this Forum
Sent from my Spice Mi-530 using xda app-developers app
Thanks. I am running 4.1.2, was hoping it came with 4.0.4 but 4.1.2 was already installed.
Will try your tip regarding the MTK DRIOD and SP TOOL. If it works I will post a guide for other Wolfgang AT-AS53N users here.
Seem to have some driver issues with the method. I get to Step 7 and then I am stuck. Will see if I have some more luck on a XP machine.
Tried on XP and W7 but it is not working, SP Flash Tool comes with an error when I connect the turned off phone. I tried everything Rua1 described when an error comes up but to no avail.
I suppose I will just have to wait and be patient and use my phone as it is. Had some fun trying it out though :good: Many good people here!
sn0r said:
Tried on XP and W7 but it is not working, SP Flash Tool comes with an error when I connect the turned off phone. I tried everything Rua1 described when an error comes up but to no avail.
I suppose I will just have to wait and be patient and use my phone as it is. Had some fun trying it out though :good: Many good people here!
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and do you have rooted your phone
i also have a Wolfgang AT AS 53N
and i would like to connect to my smart tv with a mhl cable. But it does not work
Our phone does not have a hdmi kernel
ps; ben gewoon een hollander
Well yes, I did root it and that worked fine. But I unrooted it and brought it back to the store as I just was not comfortable with it. It might be cheap but you get what you pay for.
It is a bit of a shame as it is not a bad phone, yet it has somewhat cheaper hardware and the adjusted aldi android version gave me a headache in modding.
Hier ook gewoon hollander

[Q] Help rooting Huawei Prism II (4.1.1)?

Alright, so I have been trying to root my Huawei Prism II with Android 4.1.1 for a while now, but whatever rooting program I use, it will keep getting stuck on Step #7. I also tried rooting the phone manually, but ran into a problem:
1|[email protected]:/data/local/tmp $ ./psneuter
Failed to set prot mask (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
For some reason my device will show up before I begin the process of rooting, seen below:
70723C61AA05 device
But when I check to see if the device is still there while in [email protected], it won't show any devices.
I am wondering if this has anything to do with not having the OEM driver for this phone? I've been looking all over the internet for the offical driver, but have not been able to find one for this device, so I have been using the one that was automatically installed by Windows 7 which is the Android Composite ADB Interface. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
That's my problem too. I hope that everything can solve really soon and we can root our huawei prism 2 devices
Sent from my Prism II using xda premium
I know already how to root the huawei prism II . Use Shuame a chinese version aplication for windows. Run the aplication, conect your device and in one click you will be root. This application install a Chinese superuser android app for root administration similar to SuperSU or Superuser.
Sent from my Prism II using xda premium
If that doesn't work, try this.....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2403230
LeVirus said:
Alright, so I have been trying to root my Huawei Prism II with Android 4.1.1 for a while now, but whatever rooting program I use, it will keep getting stuck on Step #7. I also tried rooting the phone manually, but ran into a problem:
1|[email protected]:/data/local/tmp $ ./psneuter
Failed to set prot mask (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
For some reason my device will show up before I begin the process of rooting, seen below:
70723C61AA05 device
But when I check to see if the device is still there while in [email protected], it won't show any devices.
I am wondering if this has anything to do with not having the OEM driver for this phone? I've been looking all over the internet for the offical driver, but have not been able to find one for this device, so I have been using the one that was automatically installed by Windows 7 which is the Android Composite ADB Interface. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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I understand that this thread is a couple of months old but I found an app that worked for rooting our Prism II phones. I used Kingo Android Root on my Huawei Prism II U8686 and it rooted without any problems. I was able to use titanium backup and some other root apps that I had on my old rooted Samsung T759. You can google search for Kingo Android Root to find it. Really easy to use, self explanatory. Screenshot for proof below.
Kingo works perfectly fine, you just need to install drivers. Make sure your bootloader is unlocked as well.
Follow this Guide here

How to root any android device ( mobile/tablets )

Rooting is now simplified
Download the attached file
Before connecting to PC enable USB Debugging in Settings-->Developer Options-->Enable USB Debugging ( For 2.3.x versions Settings-->Applications-->Development-->Enable USB Debugging )
Then connect to PC make sure you have installed correct ADB ( Android Debugging Bridge ) drivers for your device
Open runme.exe in file and follow the procedure
Then continue in process device will re-boot twice or thrice it is common and a part in process
Don't disconnect till you can see your home screen in your device and in Batch file it shows completed
Tested OK!
I'm not responsible for eating your cats, thermo-nuclear wars and bricked devices*
Credits: Adityak74
Different phone, different methods. I think
ParisZZ said:
Different phone, different methods. I think
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No this is common method for all devices and has been tested on various devices :laugh:
This wont work on my point of view onyx 507. pls help me!!!
There's no such thing as a completely universal rooting method. Period. It's not possible for a 1000 different reasons. Especially one that would work only on the phone. Many different phones have bootloader and system permission issues that are not going to be resolved by a phone app. Plus without offering the source or any other information about the app and what it actually is known to support, this is beyond a risky venture. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but this stuff is very important.
Agreed it has already been proven that there is no one root for all devices.
OP you need to update before you cause someone's device to be a brick.
Contact me or a member of the mod team to have this re opened
Bat cave One

[Q] HELP me with my bricked HDX and adb seem l like dont regconize it

First, sory for my bad English
I'd tried to root my kindle but I make mistake with build.prop and now it's bricked
I'd tried almost methods in this forum but adb still dont regconize my kindle,so i cant do anything like " adb shell, adb root...." to fix it
Pls help me to fix my kindle
tuilakhang said:
First, sory for my bad English
I'd tried to root my kindle but I make mistake with build.prop and now it's bricked
I'd tried almost methods in this forum but adb still dont regconize my kindle,so i cant do anything like " adb shell, adb root...." to fix it
Pls help me to fix my kindle
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Whatever you do do not do a factory reset and less you are about to drop it in the mailbox
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2781665. Post 66. And Have you read and tried last three pages here ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588608 and check read last three pages of http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2782159 and include read OP on both thoroughly... If you have follow directions to T ..Too no avail .. Then there is probably no help to be had for you I apologize... That is without fastboot capabilities and an unlocked boot loader.
I'd read this and can't get it so well
My problem is adb don't regonize my device, and I can't do anything with adb command
jimyv said:
Whatever you do do not do a factory reset and less you are about to drop it in the mailbox
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2781665. Post 66. And Have you read and tried last three pages here ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588608 and check read last three pages of http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2782159 and include read OP on both thoroughly... If you have follow directions to T ..Too no avail .. Then there is probably no help to be had for you I apologize... That is without fastboot capabilities and an unlocked boot loader.
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I'd read this and can't get it so well
My problem is adb don't regonize my device, and I can't do anything with adb command
tuilakhang said:
I'd read this and can't get it so well
My problem is adb don't regonize my device, and I can't do anything with adb command
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you followed all the directions on how to install sdk and uninstall old drivers ect http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588608 again the last 3 pages here are about installing the sdk to get it to see ....like I said before if you have done this and follow through and not just looked at it and thought it might not work then there's probably no help for you. Sorry folks if you don't understand and know how to use this info..there is hardly no help for you because currently there is not a 1 click solution...besides a call to amazon.....
You have the JDK & Android SDK installed? Occasionally I had issues connecting to adb when recreating previous bootloops & soft bricks. It seems that it gets hung up in a stat that Windows doesn't like. The only way I could get adb to function at these times was to run a Linux distro or on a Linux machine. You can download the wubi installer for dual booting Unbuntu, which is what 99% of people that have had issues have done to regain adb access. Linux just seems to play better with Android & the Android SDK tools, which really isn't surprising.
GSLEON3 said:
You have the JDK & Android SDK installed? Occasionally I had issues connecting to adb when recreating previous bootloops & soft bricks. It seems that it gets hung up in a stat that Windows doesn't like. The only way I could get adb to function at these times was to run a Linux distro or on a Linux machine. You can download the wubi installer for dual booting Unbuntu, which is what 99% of people that have had issues have done to regain adb access. Linux just seems to play better with Android & the Android SDK tools, which really isn't surprising.
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I installed Ubuntu but when I open it, adb is not found, pls help me 2 use Ubuntu
Second, I just asked some friends have the old kindle verson, they say I should use Factory cable, will it work ????
tuilakhang said:
I installed Ubuntu but when I open it, adb is not found, pls help me 2 use Ubuntu
Second, I just asked some friends have the old kindle verson, they say I should use Factory cable, will it work ????
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NO. This is not an OMAP device & it does NOT use uBoot, so factory cable is useless. Try a different USB port. Also, if you installed Linux, you still have to install the Java JDK & the Android SDK. There are some guides for setting up a build environment, which is pretty much what you need to do to really be able to use the tools in Windows or Linux. Taske a look here: Setting up a build environment in Unbuntu
You don't need Python or Gnu, nor the modules, but you must sdet up the JDK & the SDK & then set the paths.
tuilakhang said:
I installed Ubuntu but when I open it, adb is not found, pls help me 2 use Ubuntu
Second, I just asked some friends have the old kindle verson, they say I should use Factory cable, will it work ????
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as I said maybe something will come through QPST
at least QPST detects Kindle HDX 8.9 (gray logo and then a black screen) with factory cable
I also lock the device after editing build.prop
but I lack the knowledge and skills to continue this way (in order not to kill the device)
thread(chinese) http://blog.csdn.net/syhost/article/details/20435957
amazonhdx said:
as I said maybe something will come through QPST
at least QPST detects Kindle HDX 8.9 (gray logo and then a black screen) with factory cable
I also lock the device after editing build.prop
but I lack the knowledge and skills to continue this way (in order not to kill the device)
thread(chinese) http://blog.csdn.net/syhost/article/details/20435957
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Yeah, I don't read chinese & google doesn't do a very good job translating it, so, not gonna even try.
HOWEVER, I do know that you will need the Lab126 HSUSB driver. I don't remember if this was the one I used, but it was similarly named, I think this is for the BC radio stack diagnostic bulk mode originally & worked for the HDX. http://www.driverscape.com/download/lab126-hs-usb-diagnostics-0800-(com39)
Actually, I remember playing with this & thinking it could be useful for some of the early HDX issue I ran across too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2582142
GSLEON3 said:
Yeah, I don't read chinese & google doesn't do a very good job translating it, so, not gonna even try.
HOWEVER, I do know that you will need the Lab126 HSUSB driver. I don't remember if this was the one I used, but it was similarly named, I think this is for the BC radio stack diagnostic bulk mode originally & worked for the HDX. http://www.driverscape.com/download/lab126-hs-usb-diagnostics-0800-(com39)
Actually, I remember playing with this & thinking it could be useful for some of the early HDX issue I ran across too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2582142
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Ths 4 your guide and I will try with it and feed back tonight
stuck in same problem
my device still can't be recognized, still the same when it first bricked
GSLEON3 said:
Yeah, I don't read chinese & google doesn't do a very good job translating it, so, not gonna even try.
HOWEVER, I do know that you will need the Lab126 HSUSB driver. I don't remember if this was the one I used, but it was similarly named, I think this is for the BC radio stack diagnostic bulk mode originally & worked for the HDX. http://www.driverscape.com/download/lab126-hs-usb-diagnostics-0800-(com39)
Actually, I remember playing with this & thinking it could be useful for some of the early HDX issue I ran across too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2582142
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how can I download Lab126 HSUSB, I enter your link and download driver toolkit, but I can't see Lab126... and it's a paid license
tuilakhang said:
how can I download Lab126 HSUSB, I enter your link and download driver toolkit, but I can't see Lab126... and it's a paid license
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You'll have to search around for it. Lab126 is the company that makes the HDX. That page only shows you the various driver names, the correct com port & identifies what device you want to see in device manager once you get QPST set up properly.
GSLEON3 said:
You'll have to search around for it. Lab126 is the company that makes the HDX. That page only shows you the various driver names, the correct com port & identifies what device you want to see in device manager once you get QPST set up properly.
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I had google it and I can't find any lnk for this driver, can you give me this driver or link I can down
tuilakhang said:
I had google it and I can't find any lnk for this driver, can you give me this driver or link I can down
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try it http://www.mediafire.com/download/xnjxkd49dn9d75j/QualcommDrv.zip
or it http://kindle-sdk.s3.amazonaws.com/2ba63011a73a0a0d0f35e001696677ec92a825cb.zip
amazonhdx said:
try it http://www.mediafire.com/download/xnjxkd49dn9d75j/QualcommDrv.zip
or it http://kindle-sdk.s3.amazonaws.com/2ba63011a73a0a0d0f35e001696677ec92a825cb.zip
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ths 4 your sharing, but it's not work with me too, I has tried with 2 laptop and 3 or 4 cables, but it's not work too, don't have any signal when I connect it. I can't understand why I can't be
tuilakhang said:
ths 4 your sharing, but it's not work with me too, I has tried with 2 laptop and 3 or 4 cables, but it's not work too, don't have any signal when I connect it. I can't understand why I can't be
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if kindle bricked (for example after a failure edit build.prop - gray logo and black screen), pc not detect device with standart microusb cable, driver can not be installed, adb not working.
but if use factory cable (buy or make), then the device connect as a usb bulk. you may install the first driver to it.
further steps to recovery does not exist yet
amazonhdx said:
if kindle bricked (for example after a failure edit build.prop - gray logo and black screen), pc not detect device with standart microusb cable, driver can not be installed, adb not working.
but if use factory cable (buy or make), then the device connect as a usb bulk. you may install the first driver to it.
further steps to recovery does not exist yet
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So, What shoud I do to connect my kindle?
tuilakhang said:
So, What shoud I do to connect my kindle?
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if kindle bricked (gray logo, thor not installed), just wait until a way to recover

[HELP] Alcatel Joy Tab 2 TWRP and Root????

I've looked all over trying to find out how to root the Alcatel Joy Tab 2. I understand it's an MTK device but those methods aren't working. There is 0 information on rooting this device.. help?
It may not be the same Alcatel JOY TAB 2 9032r device model, of which unfortunately I have not found Stock ROM or any other information. Getting the recovery I can port TWRP. To make matters worse, this device belongs to T-Mobile and asks for the network code, on the other hand, I cannot access Fastboot to unlock the bootloader.
The Alcatel joy tab 2 9032Z
It's locked up tighter then bill gates wallet
But there's hope yet I found some stuff today ... here's what I do know
<Alcatel joy tab 2 9032z is TCL 9032z>
<Manufactured by TCL communication ltd>
<Android 10 security update may 5 2021>
< MTK chipset (media tech)>
<Kernel version = 4.9.190>
<Software version
1C5NUPN1><hardware version 3>
Custom design sold to T-Mobile and Metro PCs by T-Mobile
The fastboot mode is locked out which is the first hurdle ... Most adb options are locked out in the adb windows power shell due to vendor lockout ... I found a flash tool which might work am trying it tonight the ... SP FLASH TOOL 5.2112 ... I'ma try to pop its root with magisk .... I'm looking for a recovery as we speak I'll update with a working method as soon as I have one .... Wish me luck entering this fort Knox of a tablet
I can gain false root in termux using proot could not gain root with chroot and umburu exploit not with any of the top 5 one clicks nor with their pc counter parts .. could not force install SU or magisk to root with either termux nor pc ADB .. REG mode could not sideload .. also tried wireless ADB using a rooted Motorola g stylus as the debug tool and I also tried installing either with team viewer android to pc remote access tool
UPDATE .... ALCATEL 9032Z =18 ..... ME = 0 ... HALF TIME LOL
well still at it ... Did find some new information regarding this really hateful non giving tablet ... See attached doc
MTK droid tools is gonna be useless
Ok I have tried everything I can think of just shy of explotation by virus ... I know this .. it is a mtk DEVICE but any conventional mtk method is useless as is flashing due to the fact their is neither a fastboot nor available edl ... .... Tablet does make a great paper weight .... Least that's what mine will be used for .... Done with it .. good luck ... Moving to my next device ... UMX u693cl
******** update********
Breakthrough ... Will post a full guide soon ...
Ok y'all here's the thing when this is over I'ma smash this thing with a 9. Iron ...... Lol ..... Ok well to get your joytab 2 to access fastboot you must pull your sim card and factory reset the device ... Boot it then connect via adb with the command adb reboot fastboot .... If you use adb reboot bootloader it boots to a weird state where adb is recognized and fastboot is not only it is still mostly functional ... if you didn't know better you would actually think you just booted normally bc the phone boots back up to your main screen ... More weird stuff to come hold on ... Also appearently I've unlocked another boot mode as well called Hboot ... Yea just what I needed a flipping ram boot lol ... Also the version fastboot is apparently a htc 2.0.8 ... So we have a TCL tablet with tct parts .. a MTK chipset with arm7 processors ... Some legacy programming mixed in like a smelting pot in this android 10 update .... Topped off with the easiest SHA256 quallquam provided via crypto encryption I've ever cracked and a bootloader that responds like your ex wife.... That's right I have 2 gigs of info for y'all and still no root lololol lol but I am close and wished I could say hasn't keept me up at night .... Cause it has and I think my wife is about ready to put a hammer to it ..... Btw took a little down time found my old original Amazon Kindle fire 1st gen ... It's rooted now ... Took me 5 min ... Why's this thing so aggravating
Glad there's someone that's also intersted on hacking this tablet! I have the exact same 9032z tablet from meropcs. Are you able to unlock the bootloader and root it? Please do share if you are able to hack it - thanks!
I've always been able to access "fastbootd" as shown in your previous picture, by "adb reboot fastboot", with SIM card in and no factory reset. From my experience, "fastbootd" is fastboot mode in recovery environment (something in the ramddisk), and does not contain any unlocking functionalities. However there's a real fastboot environment in the lk.img which has "flashing unlock" in its strings. Luckily this tablet is vulnerable to bootrom exploit (by mtk-bypass or mtkclient) and you can dump partitions with sp flash tool wwr mtk tools. There's only bootrom usb access; I'm not able to get intoto preloader usb so no way to input "FASTBOOT" to get into fastboot.
Btw, do you think it will boot to fastboot in lk.img, if we write 1 into RTC_PDN1_FAST_BOOT and RTC_WRTGR using mtkclient? I've been looking at rn2/ven sources at github, but my tablet is hooked up to our router and not easy for testing these days...
Not sure I do know there is also a hboot and eboot type adb shell getprop all ... Look at what you find
Also one time I looked under fastboot getvar all and saw reason for reboot ... Fareboot .... No clue what that was about ... I can't get droid tools to give me a scatter file as it does not recognize the format .. but that's ok this week I plan on slamming a Linux partition on my windows 10 just to slap at this tablet in its own language ... If that don't work I'ma make it sick
Fareboot ??????
Mk tool no help
If you are still trying to get a emmc/partition dump with scatter file I can help. You can run mtk-bypass at bootrom to disable security, then follow the guide here: forum.hovatek.com/thread-21970.html
Two things to keep in mind:
1. You need to specify a preloader file in sp flash tool for it to work. You can get it from its ota update, or use mine attached.
2. At boortom operations it's easy for the processor to freeze. Don't follow their drain battery method; our tablet can be force-reboot to recovery by holding power+volume up for >15 seconds or so.
We we to connect and compare notes bet we can crack this cookie hit me up on
Well give me whatever service you Wish to connect on
Vampire Lord said:
The Alcatel joy tab 2 9032Z
It's locked up tighter then bill gates wallet
But there's hope yet I found some stuff today ... here's what I do know
<Alcatel joy tab 2 9032z is TCL 9032z>
<Manufactured by TCL communication ltd>
<Android 10 security update may 5 2021>
< MTK chipset (media tech)>
<Kernel version = 4.9.190>
<Software version
1C5NUPN1><hardware version 3>
Custom design sold to T-Mobile and Metro PCs by T-Mobile
The fastboot mode is locked out which is the first hurdle ... Most adb options are locked out in the adb windows power shell due to vendor lockout ... I found a flash tool which might work am trying it tonight the ... SP FLASH TOOL 5.2112 ... I'ma try to pop its root with magisk .... I'm looking for a recovery as we speak I'll update with a working method as soon as I have one .... Wish me luck entering this fort Knox of a tablet
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Eager to hear the results! I have a pair of them I've been wanting to experiment with. Bought them used online and Should be done a little more homework!! The vendor locks are massive!!
Python618 said:
Eager to hear the results! I have a pair of them I've been wanting to experiment with. Bought them used online and Should be done a little more homework!! The vendor locks are massive!!
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Dude I have so many hours invested in this tablet it's rediculous ... I can get fake root 10 ways and have tried every trick and twist in adb and termux ..this thing is a supermax hogepodge of parts like it was put together with the leftovers from RadioShack and circuit city ... And the rom is literally pieced together from like 6 builds ... I have a folder slap full of every permission.... Restriction.....feature ... Prop ... Spec .. value and file ... And I'm still at the beginning lol .... This has been fun ... If I dont have it cracked by Friday I'ma spend sat and sun writing a little cold for it .. see if I can either brick it or else the droid gives up his root ... For a 15.00 tablet I won't mind watching it smoke a little lol either was should be a blast
Vampire Lord said:
Dude I have so many hours invested in this tablet it's rediculous ... I can get fake root 10 ways and have tried every trick and twist in adb and termux ..this thing is a supermax hogepodge of parts like it was put together with the leftovers from RadioShack and circuit city ... And the rom is literally pieced together from like 6 builds ... I have a folder slap full of every permission.... Restriction.....feature ... Prop ... Spec .. value and file ... And I'm still at the beginning lol .... This has been fun ... If I dont have it cracked by Friday I'ma spend sat and sun writing a little cold for it .. see if I can either brick it or else the droid gives up his root ... For a 15.00 tablet I won't mind watching it smoke a little lol either was should be a blast
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I did the best I could with mtk and magisk. I have an emmc for preloader. I just hit the same brick wall w/ fastboot. I was honestly considering chemical warfare myself. Please let me know any new news if you would!!! I'd definitely appriciate it sir!!

