[Q] Galaxy S2 Dying? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey XDA!
I'm having an issue with my Galaxy S2 I9100. Basically the problem started a while ago when I dropped it and the screen shattered. I wasn't willing to get the screen replaced so I bought a replacement screen off of eBay and replaced it myself. At first it seemed to be in complete working order and everything was going great. However, over time I got an issue of the phone turning off and me having to restart it. It would come at the most random times too, I would be going about my business and the phone just randomly turned off. The problem progressed and got worse and worse and the shut downs would be more frequent. I remedied the problem by keeping the phone plugged into the A/C adapter and it wouldn't shut down while it was charging. It got worse however, and I could barely turn on the phone without it completely shutting down after a few seconds, and even when it was charging it would still turn off. So basically my question is how can I fix this? Is it a hardware problem and something that I shouldn't try to fix because its not worth it? I tried even resetting the phone to factory settings and everything I had in my knowledge to fix it but nothing would work. Would it be just worth it to sell it as spares? Thanks for helping me out!

That sound like the battery is dying, not the device.
Get a genuine samsubg battery and try it out.
Sent from the little guy

gastonw said:
That sound like the battery is dying, not the device.
Get a genuine samsubg battery and try it out.
Sent from the little guy
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Allright, the battery seems to have expanded a bit as well I should note, so that may be causing the problem. I have a friend with the same phone so I'll try his battery to see if it makes a difference.

Swap it & share the outcome with us.
Sent from the little guy

Battery expansion is a sure sign that the battery needs replacing, and the other symptoms you describe are common to a failed battery too........
If the battery has expanded, that is an indication of a build up of gasses within the cell.....the battery is now pressurised....it could physically fail at any time....best to take it out and throw it away before it leaks fluid all over the inside of your phone. Further charging will only serve to increase the risk of failure.
Sent from my rooted, de bloated, stock JB powered S2 via PhilZ kernel and XDA developers app

Oh god I feel so stupid now lol. Yeah I tried it with another battery and the phone works completely fine nothing wrong with it. I guess I'm gonna order a replacement battery off of eBay tonight and sell my phone once it arrives. Thanks so much guys! :good:

Just for future reference however, how is the battery expansion caused and what are some ways to prevent it? Thanks again.

'Old age'. You can't. When the battery begins to expand & feel 'squishy', it's time for a new one.


Intermittent charging (stock ICS, multiple charger, probably not dirty port..)

My girlfriend's Note started acting weird. When she plugs in the charger it randomly stops and starts, sometimes for periods of seconds, sometimes minutes. We checked every combination of cord and charger (AC and car), and they all do the same. We both cleaned out the charger port, but that didn't have any effect. As a matter of fact, just sitting there motionless on the table it will still randomly start and stop charging.
I also noticed that the battery level seems to be off. At one point it was down to maybe 20% (in the yellow). I rebooted and it was up to 30 (in the green). I don't have any real numbers, it was only something I noticed. It's not rooted so I couldn't clear out the battery stats. Instead I drained it down to 0%, charged it all the way to full while it was off. It seemed to help for a day, but the problem came back later.
Could it be battery? Or phone? She has at&t insurance on it, and we're going to run to the (official) store. I just don't know if they send it back or replace it. She can't really be without a phone, so I'm hoping it's the battery (unless they want to replace the phone on the spot).
All we know is you have an at&t phone. What have you done to it?
same problem with Samsung Galaxy Note
Hi there everyone, i'm having the exact the same problem and my galaxy note is acting just like that- weird !!
About two months ago I updated to ICS and after that no issues, only once did it not charge as it was supposed to until i turned it off, removed the battery and put it back in.
Only now has it been charging like explained above -- the charging process as well as battery indications would be very inconsistent -- that is to say, it would charge for some time and then stop unexpectedly, whether turned on or off during the process.
Also, recently my PC would not recognize the phone on Windows 7 anymore, whereas before that it had been recognized seamlessly.
I've been using my galaxy note for about 8 months now, as well as about 2 months on ICS, and only now has there been this persistent issue.
Also, I did not use it inappropriately, rather with extreme care. I also got a phone case and have been using orginal software and hardware only, so the phone has been properly handled.
However, I have been using it pretty much, so it might be "wear and tear" in terms of battery usage, even more so, because it's been regularly charging and discharging in the car or at home, at the same time. Still, what surprises me is that my PC would not recognize it anymore even when it's turned on. Then, at times it would also go to "car mode", although it is not connected to the car dock. These issues have come up just now, as well, so i can imagine it might be a software or even port-related issue.
Unfortunately, at this moment I cannot take it to the store i bought it from to have them check the phone, so that's why I'm trying to figure out the problem myself. After all, if it's software or battery-related i might be able to fix it without having it replaced.
The phone is not branded and free to use with any carrier.
@ Face of Boe:
Did you go to the store then and have it replaced or was it in fact the battery, or did they (you) fix the problem otherwise?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Try your preferred mobile repair shop first.
Face Of Boe said:
My girlfriend's Note started acting weird. When she plugs in the charger it randomly stops and starts, sometimes for periods of seconds, sometimes minutes. We checked every combination of cord and charger (AC and car), and they all do the same. We both cleaned out the charger port, but that didn't have any effect. As a matter of fact, just sitting there motionless on the table it will still randomly start and stop charging.
I also noticed that the battery level seems to be off. At one point it was down to maybe 20% (in the yellow). I rebooted and it was up to 30 (in the green). I don't have any real numbers, it was only something I noticed. It's not rooted so I couldn't clear out the battery stats. Instead I drained it down to 0%, charged it all the way to full while it was off. It seemed to help for a day, but the problem came back later.
Could it be battery? Or phone? She has at&t insurance on it, and we're going to run to the (official) store. I just don't know if they send it back or replace it. She can't really be without a phone, so I'm hoping it's the battery (unless they want to replace the phone on the spot).
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I had this exact same problem a couple weeks ago...it all started one day at work when I had my phone plugged in (as I usually did if it was in one place for more than 5 minutes), but after turning on my screen for the the first time in an hour or so, I noticed that it hadn't charged at all! The indicator at the top didn't even show that it was plugged in.
Figuring it was just some kind of little glitch, I unplugged it, blew inside the charge port as well as the cable (old Nintendo habits die hard lol). Well as I went to plug it back in, I realized that NOW the indicator showed it was "charging", and my phone had gotten super hot in just the 30ish seconds it took me to blow the port and cable (heh.)
So obviously I freaked out and immediately shut it down, pulled the back, and removed the battery to let the two pieces calm down and make nice - before ultimately putting it back together and booting up after 15 minutes or so.
So the good news was that the "reverse charge" issue was gone...but the bad news was, the charge activity started acting literally word-for-word like your girlfriend's. Intermittent charging when it was sitting still, not charging at all for a period of time, losing more battery than it was gaining while it was plugged in and the screen was OFF...so yeah, it sucked. I did notice that I could push the cord back while it was plugged in and it would stay charging, but obviously I can't sit in one spot holding my phone for 5 hours a day - and that stopped working after a few tries anyway.
I spent countless hours on the internet, googling different phrases to try and find similar instances of this happening - but to no avail. Everyone's story was just a little different...and pretty much everything I found outside of XDA* was written by people over in England who dropped their N7000 in the snow, causing the charge port to be corroded. The conclusion from everything else I found regarding this issue for the i717 was essentially always "the only way you can fix this is to get a new phone, but you're screwed because this glitch causes the phone to look like it has water damage and therefore renders it ineligible for manufacturer warranty claim or even insurance claims".
To make matters worse, not only was my phone effectively unchargeable, but it was discharging at an absolutely absurd rate. I'm talking approximately 20% every TEN MINUTES!
So I got desperate (it's Sunday by now)...all of the cell phone repair places were closed where I live, but I was able to do some searching and found this guy that was surprisingly available at the AT&T store closest to my house. That kept me alive until Monday, when I was able to take it in to the guy who I've been going to ever since the iPhone days (he is FANTASTIC). So he looks at it, takes it apart, and in about 5 minutes he tells me that the small little strip where my charge port attaches to the mother board (or whatever) had a lot of cracks running across it that were causing it to short-out. He said that it's a very common problem with the AT&T Galaxy Note, I guess due to them using a pretty cheap part in that regard. This obviously explained the intermittent charging, the brief "reverse charge", and even the battery drain (if the motherboard was shorting out).
So what did he do?
Replaced the little strip that connects the charge port to the motherboard...took him half an hour...cost me $25. Advised me that, when I plug my phone in from now on, to try as hard as possible to keep the phone still and not move it around. So at least in my case, it was NOT the battery. If you'd rather be cautious and not take the phone into a store if you can avoid it, you can probably get a replacement battery online for just a few bucks and at least eliminate that.
So the moral of the story is: DO NOT try to take the phone in to AT&T store or deal with your warranty/insurance until you take it in to a decent repair place and have them take a look at it.
Hopefully this helps...I'm sure you are wanting (like I was) a software solution, but it is what it is. And just curious, did your girlfriend have any similar "reverse-charge" instances like I described above?
tl;dr: The problem is the charging port, not the battery. Should be an easy and inexpensive (<$50) fix at a legitimate cell phone repair location.
*The silver lining in this whole thing was that it caused me to stumble upon this forum...so I went from stock ROM, stock everything (before my charge port issue) to having flashed about one ROM per day over the last 5 days because I've been so interested in the entire world of customization that I only discovered after seeing a thread with "Gubment Cheeze" in the title (who WOULDN'T at least look at that to see what's up??) here on XDA and starting to read. I've been a 24/7 lurker ever since
I read the last post by cpa poke and I must say it's quite risky to actually have a phone repaired by an unlicensed dealer/repair shop, because you'll cause any warranty left on the item to be effectively void.
I do know it is tempting for any of us to get our phone fixed as soon as possible, but then I think we should keep it cool and try to work out what else we can to do to make it work -- even though it might be temporarily -- until we can return it properly, as according to warranty indications.
Any of you trying to get a "repair fix" might want to consider that it may well be rather short-lived, because the same problem could persist for some reason -- that your repair shop did not recognize. If ultimately you have to get it repaired again, your ("fantastic") repair guy might then not be able to solve the problem and at that point any warranty claim would be quite certainly rejected, either (because of any previous unauthorized modifications to the device).
As far as I'm concerned, I have been testing my device with different chargers, currently it's charging consistently while turned off.
Also, I don't think I have had any of the "battery drainage" problem while charging, rather the battery indications were rather unreliable.
Then, I have read the problem could be solved by changing the battery. So I'll see if that makes a difference as soon as I get a replacement.
Another option will be to factory reset the item. I'll try that as soon as I get a backup of my phone data.
To all of you who are stuck with this issue I suggest you try some of the above: different chargers, removing and reinserting your battery, or else a battery replacement, factory reset.
Also try and leave the phone for some time and try to charge it then while turned off -- that's how I got my phone to charge again (until now), and according to the battery symbol it's almost fully charged -- the issue might still persist after that, but maybe it'll work until I can fix it otherwise, or get a replacement. After all, if it's been handled properly we should expect to get it replaced.
chris110284 said:
I read the last post by cpa poke and I must say it's quite risky to actually have a phone repaired by an unlicensed dealer/repair shop, because you'll cause any warranty left on the item to be effectively void.
I do know it is tempting for any of us to get our phone fixed as soon as possible, but then I think we should keep it cool and try to work out what else we can to do to make it work -- even though it might be temporarily -- until we can return it properly, as according to warranty indications.
Any of you trying to get a "repair fix" might want to consider that it may well be rather short-lived, because the same problem could persist for some reason -- that your repair shop did not recognize. If ultimately you have to get it repaired again, your ("fantastic") repair guy might then not be able to solve the problem and at that point any warranty claim would be quite certainly rejected, either (because of any previous unauthorized modifications to the device).
As far as I'm concerned, I have been testing my device with different chargers, currently it's charging consistently while turned off.
Also, I don't think I have had any of the "battery drainage" problem while charging, rather the battery indications were rather unreliable.
Then, I have read the problem could be solved by changing the battery. So I'll see if that makes a difference as soon as I get a replacement.
Another option will be to factory reset the item. I'll try that as soon as I get a backup of my phone data.
To all of you who are stuck with this issue I suggest you try some of the above: different chargers, removing and reinserting your battery, or else a battery replacement, factory reset.
Also try and leave the phone for some time and try to charge it then while turned off -- that's how I got my phone to charge again (until now), and according to the battery symbol it's almost fully charged -- the issue might still persist after that, but maybe it'll work until I can fix it otherwise, or get a replacement. After all, if it's been handled properly we should expect to get it replaced.
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While I agree that taking it to a repair place should only be reserved for desperate/time sensitive situations, the only reason I chose that route over going through AT&T or an insurance company was that, from everything I'd read, the symptoms alone would likely cause them to assume water damage - thus rendering the same scenario as if the 3rd party repair voided the warranty.
Im having the same problem with myGalaxy S3 today, random intermittent charging..
I Just took off the back cover a few minutes ago and found a little glob of water sitting above the charging port!! Aaah!!
Don't know how it got there, but going to let her dry out and see if it resolves itself.
rooted S3 i9300
2 months old
ROM: Complex-D 2.1.3
Getting random freezes on this ROMfor a few days also, so going to flash a new rom and see if the problem persists
Is it me, or is this a retardly common issue with i717s? I've had this same issue twice. I replaced the charger flex board when I bought the phone in the first place. And now it hasn't been a month and the flex board seems like it's out again.
My phone had this issue and all I did was oder the charging port from parts4repair.com and it cleared the issue up
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Are you using the Samsung charger for your phone? It seems you are over volted and burn your usb port.
rangercaptain said:
Are you using the Samsung charger for your phone? It seems you are over volted and burn your usb port.
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Agreed .....and another thought comes to mind..
Non-OEM charger tips, especially car dock chargers and desk chargers have port tips using different material thicknesses.
I am speculating here, but it's likely that the off sizing would produce intermittent charging problems or damage to the device.
Of course, the overcharging effect would certainly account for rapid flex cable burnouts.
Without the cables and a micrometer, impossible to know for sure.
OEM is certainly preferable....g
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Premium HD app
srkrono said:
My phone had this issue and all I did was oder the charging port from parts4repair.com and it cleared the issue up
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I did the same about a month ago, when I got the phone. Now it's out again.
rangercaptain said:
Are you using the Samsung charger for your phone? It seems you are over volted and burn your usb port.
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I didn't know this was anything more than a myth. Though, I'm not sure this is my problem. I can charge the phone - for now - by putting the phone on my bedside table and putting a small weight along the length of the cable so it holds the jack at an angle against the port.
I know I'm gonna get flamed for that last statement.

[Q] SGS2 screen is black, unresponsive, overheats & drains battery.

My SGS2 is misbehaving badly. These symptoms occur simultaneously several times a day. I do not know what triggers them or how to prevent them. Your help would be greatly appreciated:
1. Screen goes black.
2. Device becomes unresponsive. The only thing I can do is press the power button for ~10 seconds to reboot.
3. The phone becomes very warm to the touch.
4. The battery drains at an incredible speed.
Might be helpful to know:
Device is rooted, naturally.
Once I've rebooted the phone and I go to Settings > Battery the graph there is showing a black gap followed by a drastic drop in battery level. (See attached diagram and screenshot)
I've noticed that this never happens when the device is plugged in to the charger.
I've recently upgraded to Android 4.1.2 (baseband ver I9100XXLS8) which is the official Samsung ROM after previously running on the Samsung beta version of the same ROM.
Thanks in advance!
Either the battery is faulty or this is some hardware failure. Check if this persists if another battery is inserted.
Also - did the phone get wet recently?
Sent from my digital submersible hovercraft.
Thanks, that makes some sense
f-r said:
Either the battery is faulty or this is some hardware failure. Check if this persists if another battery is inserted.
Also - did the phone get wet recently?
Sent from my digital submersible hovercraft.
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Thank you for the quick response. What you're saying makes some sense to me as I've experienced something odd with the battery a couple of weeks ago. I.e. the battery went completely dead and would not charge, then recovered after a day or two. It did not, however, get wet AFAIK
Might I ask - In buying a new battery, should I insist on an original Samsung make or are non-branded alternatives safe to use?
Kind Regards,
urig said:
Thank you for the quick response. What you're saying makes some sense to me as I've experienced something odd with the battery a couple of weeks ago. I.e. the battery went completely dead and would not charge, then recovered after a day or two. It did not, however, get wet AFAIK
Might I ask - In buying a new battery, should I insist on an original Samsung make or are non-branded alternatives safe to use?
Kind Regards,
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Always go genuine.
Anyways you might wanna nuke that device with nuke script.
That all warming thing is just not good.
EDIT: you got the media scanner thing going on.
Sent from the little guy

Galaxy Note keeps rebooting

My note keeps rebooting only when the screen goes to sleep whether it times out or I push the sleep button. I had stock now I'm on cm 10.1 and it still does it any ideas?
ZSwagger1988 said:
My note keeps rebooting only when the screen goes to sleep whether it times out or I push the sleep button. I had stock now I'm on cm 10.1 and it still does it any ideas?
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Maybe stuck power button........flick the back of your phone a couple times.
I know button seems to be fine, but that doesn't mean anything. Flick away, see what happens
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Ok tried flicking it to no avail. Any other ideas could this be a software bug or is it most definitely hardware? I'm thinking its software but obviously can't be sure
OK now I've got some more info on the issue. it wont reboot while charging and turned on, but it will if its charging and turned off. the only thing i haven't tried is a new battery is it worth me doing that? any other ideas or thoughts at all?
If your battery is close to 1yr old then yes! Try a new battery. They are really cheap online and its nice to have a spare charged battery ready for our resource hogs.
440bro said:
If your battery is close to 1yr old then yes! Try a new battery. They are really cheap online and its nice to have a spare charged battery ready for our resource hogs.
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Where's the best place to get a cheaper battery? I looked on ebay and they have some but i dont know if i trust i did search oem, but at the smae time dont wanna pay 30$ for one from at&t
Ebay is cheap! But yes some vendors aren't very trustworthy, or prompt. I stick to a close vendor when on eBay.
There's always Amazon. Very reasonable. Lots of users on here like the anker 2700ma battery and swear by it. The stock battery is 2500ma.
OK just for an update i have done absolutely everything i can software wise tried all 3 version of stock (GB, ICS, AND JB) the problem still continues so now I go to hardware. I'm gonna try a battery, and look under the hood at the power button and the rest of the main board. And if the battery doesn't work, then I'm thinking I will try to switch out main board. I really think this is a software issue as it does it when the phone sleeps no matter how it does it but all I can do is tinker and find out lol. I'll keep updating for everyone who has this problem. I appreciate all the help
OK another update i got it opened and played with the power switch it seems to be just fine but i blew it out with air just to be safe problem still continues i should also mention that i broke the sim slot right when i got the phone and i noticed the rebooting the next day but i doubt they are connected so im gonna fix sim slot, then go from there i have a standard battery and an extended battery problem continues with both of them so im going straight to motherboard as i think thats the issue anyway. Ill keep this thread updated

[Q] My Galaxy Note is Siiiiccckkkk

Please... someone help me as I have bought this phone without a warranty and likewise have no insurance.. and I JUST bought the phone maybe a month ago!!!!/B]
My phone won't keep a charge, it charges only to a certain point while on the charger (that is any charger, inc. the one that came with the phone), but will die within about 15-20 mins after taking it off of the charger, and if I use it while on the charger it will drain the battery the same way as if it was off of the charger, and die within 10-15 mins! Likewise, it started doing this funky vibrating stuff just an hour ago and will not boot up while on the charger at all anymore! I did a little research and found different opinions.. the most relevant being a need to replace the charger port and the other to change the battery. This is crazy as my phone as well as the accompanying accessories such as the battery and the charger were bought brand spanking new and SHOULD NOT be going crazy like this!
One p.o'd Miss
I take it the phone is 100% stock; not rooted or no custom ROM? And you say that it is new and you did nothing to cause this? You didn't get it wet?
Try a factory restore. If that doesn't help then I would try a new battery.
Sounds like a failed battery to me.
A trip to your phone carrier store would be easy enough. I think they would at least try another battery for quick diagnosis.
Agoattamer said:
I take it the phone is 100% stock; not rooted or no custom ROM? And you say that it is new and you did nothing to cause this? You didn't get it wet?
Try a factory restore. If that doesn't help then I would try a new battery.
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No, I did no cause the issue nor did I get my phone wet. It simply started doing what I described in my initial post.. I noticed it when I plugged my phone in and it has been an ongoing situation for about 4-5 days now.
Thank you for the response and suggestion
i717 said:
Sounds like a failed battery to me.
A trip to your phone carrier store would be easy enough. I think they would at least try another battery for quick diagnosis.
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Thank you very much for the quick response. I figured that the battery was the issue. I had a Samsung Galaxy 3 prior to purchasing the Note and it had the exact same issue,.. well not the same exact symptoms, but the need for a new battery due to not taking a charge, and I hadn't had that particular phone more than 6 months! Perhaps it is a Samsung manufacturing issue with faulty batteries, similar to car manufacturers who have massive recalls on their vehicles due to faulty engine or other car parts. My physician told me that I needed to switch to an IPhone, lol... better quality I assume. Perhaps he is right.. ???
MommaHoney said:
No, I did no cause the issue nor did I get my phone wet. It simply started doing what I described in my initial post.. I noticed it when I plugged my phone in and it has been an ongoing situation for about 4-5 days now.
Thank you for the response and suggestion
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Oh.. I forgot, yes the phone is 100% stock as you assumed. Terrible that it is doing what it is doing! Guess I need to get that battery then... ho hum.. more moola out of my darn pockets!
Your carrier (AT&T, T-Mobil, etc) store would at least put in a known good battery to see if that is all it is. And if so, then a new the cost of a new battery is next.
And as far as the iPhone......been down that road, and I could never go back to the iPhone. It was good for it's purpose and reliable. But NO more reliable than any Android phone I've owned. (3 of them).
And should the battery die in the iPhone, you will need to take it or send it back to an iPhone repair center. You don't just pull the back of it off, and replace the battery. At least in my 2 - iPhone 3G versions anyway.
And then there is rooting...cant hack an iPhone. You can jail break them, but that is not the same thing, and you still have no control over the OS.
JMO on the apple stuff.. Good, but VERY limited.
Keep your Note, it's better IMO, and has a huge screen.

[Q] Battery "discharges" out of the blue

My wife's been complaining about her sgs3, i9300a phone a lot lately, so I've been taking some time of to have a long hard look at it.
the phone in itself works quite well, it is somewhat guarded (she tends to drop it a lot but most of the time it's actually in it's case) and we've switched the screen once (well, not the screen, the top half of the phone to be exact)
the phone used to have a stock 4.1.3 (I think) samsung rom on it for the past year, it's been working well untill a couple of months ago I think and it does still function properly on light use
so what is the issue?
if you'll start a game, or anything that'll cause the phone to heat up - the screen would flicker a bit (not always) and the battery will suddenly report to be down to 0%, shutting down the device right after.
this sudden discharge is obviously not real, as the minute I connect it to a charger and boot up the phone it shows it's last charge before the phone was shut down - however the issue keeps on repeating itself over and over again.
If the phone is connected to a wall charger (or a pc via USB cable) this doesn't happen.
I've been trying to install a kitkat on the device (it have been working slowly so she needed an upgrade) yet the issue persists.
I've been reading around the Internet, some claim it's a faulty battery issue so I'm ordering one from eBay, however - I can't shake the feeling it might some other faulty hardware, perhaps a memory chip gone bad? as I can't see the connection between a bad battery and a flickering screen.
Truth to be told - I'm not a fan of android, or samsung, so I don't know much of the history of problems with it (if there is any) and I've been hoping that there is someone around here who might encountered (or heard) about my issue and would be able to shed some light for me.
thanks in advance!
Change the battery first, replacing the motherboard isn't worth it.
boomboomer said:
Change the battery first, replacing the motherboard isn't worth it.
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Yeah... I'm planning on stealing my boss S3's battery for some testing later on today if he'll ever decide to show up...
perhaps shouldn't have told him that beforehand
I did hope someone encountered and fixed/learned about this problem as the device has 2 years of history at least...
if it'll come to motherboard switching I'll just force the little lady to switch to a real phone such as an HTC, or maybe go to WP
It was the battery..
Perhaps I should've guessed it by the fact it was REALLY hard closing the case... but it was only after I saw a normal battery that I noticed the real difference.
so for future reference to whomever might meet the same behavior - my battery was about 1.5 the size of what it should be and was quite round,
better call those Samsung representatives and get a replacement before it explodes
Anyone has experience with those 4200Mhz batteries? worth the money or should I just get a genuine one (it cost about the same in here, like 4$ more), the reviews are quite mixed.

