[Q] BusyBox, unable to confirm location - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello all,
So I am trying to install Flashex script to run some flash through DolphinBrowser. In the Process of doing that I installed BusyBox, SManager and Terminal Emulator
The problem is that everytime I try to run the Flashex in either Terminal Emulator or SManager i get the error message " Unable to confirm location of Busybox, please make sure you have busybox installed"
I have, busy box installed, re-installed it, tried installing it in /system/bin but to no avail.
I tried to reconfigure Terminal preferences as per this thread but still get same error message
I would greatly appreciate some help here as I am no expert in the inner workings of Android
PS: Device is Galaxy S4 Rooted with CF Autoroot and still on Stock ROM.


[Q] ADB issue

I'm attempting to get webtop from HDMI to work and attempted the install.bat thing but still nothing so I went to
I can push those files but can not SU in adb shell
I am able to SU in terminal on my phone but not the adb shell
What can I do to get this working? I'm not sure what info you need from my phone to better assist but ask.
I'm running 2.2.2 rooted with gingerbreak I tried to reroot but no go don't think i need too and superuser app is there and works since i use TB and bloat freeze
I just get permission denied thanks for any help. I have googled this but can't find anything.
could you maybe have a problem with ADB itself? Maybe try reinstalling your SDK and setting up ADB again? You said you already tried to re-root and that didnt fix the issue. Maybe someone with more knowledge of ADB could provide more assistance...
I managed to get it working. I noticed when I had my screen set to not turn off i received a message to all access and I granted SU now it works fine.

[Q] What is required for root access? (Droid X, 2.3.3)

I have a Motorola Droid X on Android 2.3.3.
Motorola One Click Root goes all the way through and says that the phone should be rooted, but it never is. Here is the alternate method I attempted:
First I used SuperOneClick 2.2 in "Shell Root" mode to get the superuser (#) prompt in adb shell. From there I was able to mount the /system folder for read/write access.
I then copied, "chmodded" and --installed busybox to /system/xbin/.
Next I copied su to /system/bin and changed its permissions to 0755.
Finally, I installed a Superuser.apk
I still get no superuser prompts when I run a root app or type "su" in adb.
What am I missing?
U need to reset your phone and try all over again
Try to wipe/erase the application data of your root app and/or Superuser app, and try again to see if Superuser prompt will popup.
Several days ago, I upgrade ROM of my phone, and restored data and applications, then rooted, but when I type 'su' in Terminal Emulator application, it will wait for a few seconds and failed with "permission denied" error. I use strace to try to figure out why, I noticed that the real UID (10083) of Terminal Emulator application is not as same as the one (10069) send to Superuser. So I wiped the application data and Superuser application data (in fact, I also reinstalled them), then Superuser will prompt when executing 'su' command.

[Q] adb root access works. Installing superuser.apk fails

I have searched through lot of posts on xda; able rooted device copied su binary and make root work by sdb shell.
Able to get #prompt on adb shell. But when i install superuser.apk; try to run from UI, i see an error.
"There was an error installing superuser"
What am i missing here. Sorry if a repost. quick help would be appreciated

'parted' not working - termux/terminal emulator - galaxy tab a rooted nougat 7.1.1

Hi, I'm trying to run parted after a 'pkg install parted' in termux on my galaxy tab a. Odin rooted with cf auto root. When I run it in termux I get permission denied. When i run it in android terminal emulator i get applet not found. I have tried moving the parted file to various folders to no avail. I have attached a link to my 'printenv' below
Busybox is installed to /system/xbin and termux is at data/data/com.termux
I tried to attach an img url of my 'printenv' but I'm still a noob and can't post links. Pls message me if that sort of info would help.

how to install 'nc applet' in Busybox?

I have been wandering in the internet for 3 days now. I have reached a dead end and would really be thankful for any help
My ultimate goal is to clone my old Samsung Galaxy S2 internal memory and play with the clone safely on laptop.
The problem is that the 'nc applet' on Busybox on the S2 in not installed. I tried to install it by launching Busybox on the phone, swiping right to go the 'applet manager' section, scrolled down to the 'nc applet' (which is listed there but has the word Uninstalled next to it) and long press on it, which is suppose to show a menu asking if I want to install the applet, but nothing happens.
I'm on Windows 10 and mainly utilizing this guide which establishes a connection through the command line and then pull a copy of the disk and stores it on the laptop:
The phone runs on android 2.3.3, rooted by pushing speedmod using Odin and the Busybox version is 1.21. unfortunately, this is the latest version that can be installed on my configuration.
However, this same problem is present on newer devices. I have a samsung tablet with android 6.0.1 and the latest Busybox v1.32.
Even in this latest version, when I go to 'applet manager' and long press on any of the applets, no menu for installing/uninstalling shows up!
But somehow, for the version on the tablet, the nc applet is installed. I successfully managed to do the whole procedure on the tablet. so I think I got everything right except for the nc applet not being installed on Busybox on the phone.
Any ideas on how to fix the 'applet manager' in Busybox to allow me install nc applet? I'm open to any other options to clone my phone as well.
some failing attempts:
1) I tried to decompile the busybox.apk and add nc applet manually in it but couldn't do it
2) downloaded Busybox source code, make sure nc applet is there and then package it in an apk and install it on the phone. also couldn't do it
3) tried different approach using this method:
but faced problem finding adb in Cygwin and couldn't reach the connection with the phone phase

