lg camera apk - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

lg camera app has all resolutions between vga and 720p but we have no option between 720p and 1080p.any suggestion


In need of zoom while recording video for air show?

I need a camera asap for my atrix that can record 1080p and be able to adjust zoom on the fly.
I think the Droid x camera could do it.
How do I update the camera libs for increased framerate for 1080p?

Camera questions

Is it possible to record 1080p at 60fps or 2k video?

slomotion video?

Is there any camera app available which enables us to capture true slow motion videos?
Miui camera, OnePlus camera, Moto camera..

Is it possible to make a mod to enable HEVC/x265 recording in the LG Camera app?

So I was just wondering if it would at all be possible to enable HEVC/x265 recording on the LG Camera app. It might be a useful feature which I believe is available on the LG V40, but not on the V30. I'm not sure if the 835 supports HEVC encoding/recording, but have used GCam and recorded video in HEVC and seen others use Filmic Pro to record in HEVC. So it seems to me that the 835 and the V30 may indeed support x265 recording.
I would use the GCam for video, but it isn't the best and have always preferred the LG camera app for video recording for the manual mode and all the options available so being able to record in HEVC would be a nice added feature
I want this feature so much!
This is a huge problem for me because it ruins my 4k shots (sky, clothes, any surface with gradient is pixelated), here is an example/proof https://youtu.be/E38lo4BbGh8
I used Filmic Pro and HedgeCam 2 before just for HEVC, but now I am forced to switch back to default camera app only because with it I get the best audio quality (stereo) and only with default camera I get good audio quality from external mic (from all other camera apps with external mic I get audio distorted/quiet without rich/clear ambient sounds).
P.S. iPhone users are lucky in this regard because it records in HEVC by default.

Video camera app suggestion

looking for a video camera app or Gcam version that can capture atleast 1080p 60 fps with working stabilization.
don't install any xml.
open seetings/open eis and ois.
best 1080p60 i have used so far
https://f.celsoazevedo.com/file/cfiles/gcm1/GCam_7.3 Burial_release_beta_8.apk

