[Q] adb works but not extract-files.sh - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am trying to extract vendor files from an i8730 phone using extract-files.sh
I have Linux Mint 14 with android-tools-adb installed as the adb
adb works fine to a point
[email protected] ~ $ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
333398202BDF00EC device
adb shell and ls shows files on the phone including the vendor folder
If I run ls from my working directly I can see extract-files.sh
Think the solution is in .bashrc but believe I am not doing it right. When I run extract-files.sh I get this
[email protected] ~ $ ./extract-files.sh
bash: ./extract-files.sh: Permission denied
[email protected] ~ $ sudo extract-files.sh
[sudo] password for megan:
sudo: extract-files.sh: command not found
[email protected] ~ $ sudo./extract-files.sh
bash: sudo./extract-files.sh: No such file or directory
location adb shows
location bashrc shows
I have edit bashrc
[email protected] ~ $ sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
[sudo] password for megan:
Have added this to the end
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/megan/usr/share/doc/android-tools-adb
Think this is where I have gone wrong. Any suggestions?


unable to create 99-android.rules
MoonBlade said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks MoonBlade. Think you are suggesting the version on the link so have been working through it. Had to source the files elsewhere as original link is dead. May or may not be a problem.
Got as far as creating the file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ but am unable to create a file in that folder. I am logged in as root. I can view the folder through GUI but not able to create 99-android.rules
Get this mess in terminal
[email protected] ~ $ su
megan-901 megan # cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
megan-901 rules.d # ls
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 21, in <module>
os.execvp("python3", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/os.py", line 344, in execvp
_execvpe(file, args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/os.py", line 380, in _execvpe
func(fullname, *argrest)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
megan-901 rules.d #
Not sure the above is anything to do with not being able to write to that folder. Any ideas?

ok im not sure exactly what youre trying to do but it sounds like you want to get files from your phones /vendor/ directory and copy them to a directory on your computer. if this is correct then you need to stop playiing around with your .bashrc and your $PATH appends. all you need to use is adb
you dont have to adb shell. once you run adb shell it opens up a terminal inside your device so if youre trying to run a shell script on your computer from inside an adb shell it just wont work.
a simpler way to put this is, if you want to get /vendor/firmware/bcm4329.bin from your phone and put it on your computer in a folder on your desktop you would run it like this
$adb pull /vendor/firmware/bcm4329.bin /home/megan/Desktop/phonevendorfirmware/bcm439.bin
and the directory and file will automatically be created on your computer. from there you can do what ever you wanted to do to the files that you pulled from the phone.
the same works in reverse if you want to move a file to the phone using $adb push

bazzan said:
[email protected] ~ $ ./extract-files.sh
bash: ./extract-files.sh: Permission denied
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to give execution permissions to the script, this way:
chmod +x extract-files.sh
And then, run your script like this (if the script doesn't need root permissions, run it without sudo):
sudo ./extract-files.sh

Many thanks haxin and RoberGalarga
I was given the extract-files.sh by a developer to extract vendor files for ROM development - i8730. He did not have the phone (I don't at the moment as has been wrapped for the kids to give to me for my birthday - practicing on an a Galaxy S)
From peeking inside the file it looks like a batch file that grabs all the content from the vendor folder. Did SQL 10 years ago and looks like that. Essentially does what you gave me haxim, but pulls the content of the entire folder. What is the best way to do that with adb pull?
Gave chmod +x extract-files.sh a try.
Without sudo I get
bash:./extract-files.sh : /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
With sudo
sudo: unable to execute ./extract-files.sh: No such file or directory.
Remember I am running this against a i9000, not the phone that I was given the sh file to run against. Get that back the begining of September. Not sure if that makes a difference but if it does not obvious to me.Seems to be falling over on the first line as that appears in the non sudo error message.
Have copied the content of extract-files.sh below.
Thanks again guys. Learning heaps and loving it.
set -e
export DEVICE=express
export VENDOR=samsung
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$0: bad number of arguments"
echo ""
echo "usage: $0 [PATH_TO_EXPANDED_ROM]"
echo ""
echo "If PATH_TO_EXPANDED_ROM is not specified, blobs will be extracted from"
echo "the device using adb pull."
exit 1
rm -rf $BASE/*
for FILE in `egrep -v '(^#|^$)' ../$DEVICE/proprietary-files.txt`; do
echo "Extracting /system/$FILE ..."
DIR=`dirname $FILE`
if [ ! -d $BASE/$DIR ]; then
mkdir -p $BASE/$DIR
if [ "$SRC" = "adb" ]; then
adb pull /system/$FILE $BASE/$FILE
cp $SRC/system/$FILE $BASE/$FILE

Where did you get the script? This error:
bazzan said:
bash:./extract-files.sh : /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
is caused by a bad formatting in the file (Window$ editing... pfff....), so, make a new file using Gedit and paste this directly (don't copy&paste from the original script!!):
bazzan said:
set -e
export DEVICE=express
export VENDOR=samsung
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$0: bad number of arguments"
echo ""
echo "usage: $0 [PATH_TO_EXPANDED_ROM]"
echo ""
echo "If PATH_TO_EXPANDED_ROM is not specified, blobs will be extracted from"
echo "the device using adb pull."
exit 1
rm -rf $BASE/*
for FILE in `egrep -v '(^#|^$)' ../$DEVICE/proprietary-files.txt`; do
echo "Extracting /system/$FILE ..."
DIR=`dirname $FILE`
if [ ! -d $BASE/$DIR ]; then
mkdir -p $BASE/$DIR
if [ "$SRC" = "adb" ]; then
adb pull /system/$FILE $BASE/$FILE
cp $SRC/system/$FILE $BASE/$FILE
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Delete the old file, and try the new one (you can use any filename, it doesn't matter).

Many thanks RoberGalarga.
Got the script off a recognised developer along with proprietary-files.txt and setup-makefiles.sh
He is working a CWM and a rom for owners of the i8730 - he does not have the phone so community feed in content. Get the impression he is not a Windows user (he did not have a Windows script for this) so reckon I might have corrupted it.
I did as you advised and made some real progress. Now we get the following:
[email protected] ~ $ sudo ./extract-files.sh
[sudo] password for megan:
egrep: ../express/proprietary-files.txt: No such file or directory
: not foundefiles.sh: 3: ./setup-makefiles.sh:
: Directory nonexistentk ./setup-makefiles.sh: cannot create ../../../vendor/samsung/express
[email protected] ~ $
It breaks further down the script. In the home folder there is proprietary-files.txt which list the files to be extracted along with their file path. Does that message indicate it is looking for proprietary-files.txt in /home/express?
Setup-makefiles.sh is in the home folder as well and appears to be a Cyanogenmod Project file to create a blob from the the results of extract-files.sh

bazzan said:
Does that message indicate it is looking for proprietary-files.txt in /home/express?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, that's it. Check again, seems like something is missing yet.

Thanks again. Got it to work by building the folder structure
And then running the files from there


[Request] Dev Help Pretty Please!

Ok I'm on the OTA 2.3.4 from a fresh unlocked 4.1.83 no problems what soever and I'm looking to make a few mods when I saw the link posted for the 2.3.4 HDMI Mirror over at
I went ahead and ran
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
sed -ie s/ro.hdmi.mirror.enable=false/ro.hdmi.mirror.enable=true/g /system/build.prop
mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
cd /etc/init.d
cp startXServer.sh startXServer.bak
(head -n 40 startXServer.bak; echo "if [ ! -e /var/run/noWebtop ]; then"; tail -n 12 startXServer.bak; echo "fi") > startXServer.sh
restart your phone
I read through the command and seemed pretty safe and was excited because the post listed the HDMI Mirror as being in "landscape" mode. Hell yeah right! Well it wasn't, it was the same portrait so I was looking to revert back. Go change the build.prop back for the ro.hdmi.mirror to equal false. No big deal that's easy enough with root explorer. Read through the commands and saw that the startXServer.sh was cp to startXServer.bak. Easy enough just delete the startXServer.sh and rename startXServer.bak to .sh.
Well there is the problem. When i ran the commands the first time didn't work so i went into the build.prop and did a manual change. Then re-ran the bottom half. It seems doing that I over wrote the .bak agan and now both files are exactly the same and have no way of reverting. I have the system, boot, and webtop backed up with an .img but that didn't fix my entertainment center when I plug in an HDMI to the TV. The original commands did a back-up so I didn't double back-up the file.lol
I was wondering if a dev that has a little more command line knowledge, maybe the orginal contents of startXServer.sh, or the actual file could help me out with the revert back and a working entertainment center. The current contents are
if [ ! -e /var/run/noWebtop ]
I'm pretty sure that's the problem, unless someone else sees something I'm missing.
This was solved under the Q&A Section from a earlier post yesterday afternoon. Mods please close if necessary. In case any one needs it see below. I just rewrote the startXServer.sh to contain the following.
# startX.sh
# This script starts the X server
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
DESC="OSH X Server"
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
#umask 002
log_begin_msg "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
rm -f /tmp/serverauth.*
rm -f /tmp/.X0-lock
rm -fr /tmp/.X11-unix
rm -fr /tmp/.ICE-unix
if [ ! -e /home/adas/.tag_master_reset_ls ]; then
/usr/local/sbin/update-language.pl "en_US.UTF-8"
echo 1 > /home/adas/.tag_master_reset_ls
. /etc/environment
export PATH
export LANG
export DISPLAY
export USER=adas
export HOME=/home/$USER
# new way of starting
if [ $1 = "webtop" ]
sudo -u adas -i /usr/bin/startx -- -nolisten tcp -layout HDMI vt2 &
sudo -u adas -i /usr/bin/startx /usr/local/bin/xnull -- -nolisten tcp -layout HDMI vt2 &

[HOW TO] Install/Run Android SDK 64 Bit Native on Device

I learned about this here... http://fieldeffect.info/w/NativeCompileSDK
You can install an i386/x86_64 chroot within your existing Debian chroot using qemu-user-static to run the Android SDK on your Android phone/tablet/phablet.
Get yourself a debian chroot, I recommend at least 2gb. I use DebianKit from market.
You will need a X11 desktop environment and a VNC client on your device. I use androidVNC from market.
Here is my working example...
Start your Debian chroot/environment and do...
apt-get install openbox openbox-themes obmenu obconf menu menu-xdg xdg-utils xfonts-base xfonts-terminus* nautilus terminator lxappearance gmrun leafpad man-db hicolor-icon-theme tightvncserver tint2
That gives you a window manager, fonts, filebrowser, terminal emulator, text editor, theme manager, taskbar, and a VNC server.
Now lets get some GTK engines and libraries....
apt-get install gtk2-engines-auroa gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-oxygen gtk2-engines-pixbuf libgtk2.0-bin gtk3-engines-oxygen gtk3-engines-unico libgtk-3-bin
Now 7zip to handle zips and archives comfortably(put non-free in your apt sources.list)...
apt-get install p7zip p7zip-full p7zip-rar zip unzip
##The Android SDK manager, qemu, and multistrap##
apt-get install ant file openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk qemu-user-static libswt-gtk-3-java libswt-cairo-gtk-3-jni
Now we can build a small x86_64 rootfs using multistrap
multistrap can use a config, have mine...
Copy multistrap.conf straight into your working(pwd) directory....
cp /sdcard/Download/multistrap.conf .
Do this to avoid multistrap complaining later...
cat multistrap.conf >mstrap
mkdir /data/mnt
Determine size of rootfs for loop image..
du -hs /data/mnt/
Now make an image for x86_64 chroot
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/64bit.img bs=$(( 0x100000 )) count=YOUR IMAGE SIZE
That byte size makes your image slightly larger than the count value in Mb, for example count=78 will write 82Mb image.
mkfs.ext2 /sdcard/64bit.img
tune2fs -c0 /sdcard/64bit.img
mkdir /data/tmp
busybox mount -o loop /sdcard/64bit.img /data/tmp/
cp -r /data/mnt/* /data/tmp/
umount /data/tmp
rm -r /data/tmp/
rm -r /data/mnt/
mkdir /data/mnt
busybox mount -o loop /sdcard/64bit.img /data/mnt/
Now the environment is set up and mounted, at this point install the SDK
Aim your browser to http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Select "Linux" from "SDK Tools Only", thats the last thing at the bottom of the list.
cp /sdcard/Download/android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tgz .
7z x android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tgz russosv
7z x android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tar
Now we need a couple goodies from http://fieldeffect.info/w/NativeCompileAPK ##--Thanks to russosv from FeildEffect
These are edited from original....
case "$1" in
if [ ! -e "./64BIT" ]; then
mkdir ./64BIT
for i in $(file ./* | grep "ELF 32" | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/://g | sed s/[./]//g); do
echo "Moving $i..."
mv $i ./64BIT
ln -s ~/bin/run-64-link $i
$QEMU $64CHROOT/lib64/ld-linux-x86_64.so.2 --library-path $64CHROOT/lib:$64CHROOT/usr/lib:$64CHROOT/usr/share/perl/5.12.4/unicore/lib:$64CHROOT/var/lib:$64CHROOT/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$64CHROOT/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu [email protected]
Copy that to run-64, then...
chmod 755 run64
cp run-64 /usr/bin/
One more...
echo $(dirname $0)/64BIT/$(basename $0) [email protected]
/usr/bin/run-i386 $(dirname $0)/64BIT/$(basename $0) [email protected]
Make that run-64-link
chmod 755 run-64-link
cp run-64-link /usr/bin/
Now launch VNC server
killall Xtightvnc
cat >.vnc/xstartup<<EOF
tint2 &
terminator &
export DISPLAY=:1
Now launch the VNC client I mentioned earlier, should connect with and your password you set.
Go back to terminal or use the one launched on X11 to do...
sh android-sdk-linux/tools/android
Install at least one api.
If all went well you can now go around "debugging" yours and your friends Android devices over wifi now.
For an example, and to see it work do....
svc wifi disable(or enable) ##this turns off/on wifi
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555(or -1) ##this turns on/off adb over network
stop adbd
start adbd
adb connect or any other adbd addy listening on your network,
Have fun
Never did a "how to" before, go easy and I'll make corrections and answer things. Thanks for reading. Leave feedback.
Potential necro post but I believe the information is still currently valid and not readily available on searches. I've looked variations of this up for years with no luck until I hit the right search terms.
bump, and thanks.
can't believe there's no comments.
I know it's a slower than real-64-bit-pc method but not all of us have access to new hardware... or pc's. Maybe a novelty, still cool and useful if you've got the time to let the slower hardware compile.
you have preserved the scripts, original link is dead.
here is the Internet Wayback Machine cache of the original circa 2012 for reference.
appreciate you sharing.

[Q] Building script help

Hi guys...
I'm a translator for MIUI, so i edit apks a lot.
To make things easier, i made this small tool, to help me automate things.. Something like Android Utility and APK Multitool..
But, i'm no programmer, i just got a lot of help from various places, ending up with this tool.
It's far from perfect, needs a lot of improvement and here's where xda comes in
The script is running more or less fine as it is, but it has some (serious?) issues i can't figure out how to fix..
It's a little tricky to explain, but here goes..
First, i press c to clean everything, the operation completes fine.
I press e. to extract apks from a rom zip, operation completes.
Then i install frameworks, operation completes..
BUT, if i now press 2 to decompile all, i get an error:
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 44: no match: *jar
Invalid choice
Thing is, if i quit the tool and restarts it, press2, then it runs fine... ( the *.jar error is expected, it's the "invalid choice" which is interesting..)
So, it has to be something in the menu function, in a loop somewhere, i don't know..
I was hoping someone could run through the script and perhaps catch the error.. I'm really hoping for a simple answer
Other than that, i could use some good inputs about how to improve the script, add functionality and develop it in general...
The script is on github:
I don't think you have a looping problem.
[COLOR=Gray]1067[/COLOR] [[ -z $zip ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
Looks like you explicitly want it to echo "Invalid choice"
I think the problem lies in line #53
for file in *.apk *jar; do
...you will receive an error if *jar doesn't exist.
You may want to split it up with an if/then...for, for both *.apk and *jar like so:
if [ -f *.apk ]; then
for file in *.apk; do
if [ -f *jar ]; then
for file in *jar; do
[Edit:] Also, you should be aware of this if you aren't already....You can debug your bash scripts with the -vx switch in your shabang statement like so:
#!/bin/bash -vx
okay, i tried changing line #53 as you said, but now i get another error:
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 53: [: too many arguments
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 64: no match: *jar
Invalid choice
And with the -vx set in the shebang:
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 53: [: too many arguments
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 64: no match: *.jar
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ echo 'Invalid choice'
Invalid choice
++ continue
Before i changed the code, it was normal that i threw the error with the *.jars not found, but it's supposed to continue anyway..
As i said, if i quit the tool when the error came up, start the tool again and press 2, it works. (it still gives me the error with the *.jar not found, but that was normal)
I don't understand why it takes me back to the prompt as if i were about to extract the apks??
It seems to me it's because i'm still "in" the "e. extract apks from zip" - function...?? I must admit,i don't fully understand the code in that function, so i'm having a hard time troubleshooting it..
1982Strand said:
okay, i tried changing line #53 as you said, but now i get another error:
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 53: [: too many arguments
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 64: no match: *jar
Invalid choice
And with the -vx set in the shebang:
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 53: [: too many arguments
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 64: no match: *.jar
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ echo 'Invalid choice'
Invalid choice
++ continue
Before i changed the code, it was normal that i threw the error with the *.jars not found, but it's supposed to continue anyway..
As i said, if i quit the tool when the error came up, start the tool again and press 2, it works. (it still gives me the error with the *.jar not found, but that was normal)
I don't understand why it takes me back to the prompt as if i were about to extract the apks??
It seems to me it's because i'm still "in" the "e. extract apks from zip" - function...?? I must admit,i don't fully understand the code in that function, so i'm having a hard time troubleshooting it..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, I forgot using an 'if' statement in that way would produce the "too many arguments" error. This is from '*.apk' having more than one match, so this is what I came up with:
cd $IN
if [ "$(ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then #if there are more than 0 results of *.apk...
for file in *.apk ; do
echo "Decompiling $file" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG/decompile_log.txt
apktool -q d -f $file $DEC/$file
cp -f $HJEM/sort.py $DEC
cd $DEC
python sort.py
rm -r sort.py
if [ "$(ls -1 | grep '.\+\jar$' | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then #if there are more than 0 results of *jar...
for file in *jar; do
echo "Decompiling $file" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG/decompile_log.txt
apktool -q d -f $file $DEC/$file
After running options 'e' & 'c', then running option 2, there is no error and the script runs as it should (That is, assuming you chose option 2 of 'c' - "Clean all but apks in apk_in folder". Chosing option 1 of 'c' will obviously result in an error because no .apk or jar files will exist to decompile).
The reason you keep getting the "Invalid choice" error is because you're explicitly asking for it.
With the line #1067 mention earlier and others similar to it like the example below:
[COLOR=Gray]914[/COLOR] [[ -z $file ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
When the variable string for '$file' has a zero length, as would be the case if '*jar' doesn't exist, the script will echo "Invalid choice". My example above ensures that the '$file' variable string will not have a zero length.
My suggestion would be to change "Invalid choice" to something more specific to the function for which it is being used, that way you can get a better idea of the source of your error.
As far as why you would get that error only after choosing options 'e' & 'c' and not after restarting the script, I couldn't say for sure without digging into it a little more, but at least this fixes your original problem.
I hope that helps.
Wow! That did the trick for option 2!!
But then it returns when i continue and get to option 4 "Fix sources":
[--- Fix MIUI sources ---]
...Fixing framework-miui-res.apk
patching file /home/dan/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/framework-miui-res.apk/apktool.yml
/home/dan/buildtool/functions.sh: line 132: no match: *.rej
Invalid choice
The point here is, that sometimes the patching fails and patch will generate some files (*.rej and *.orig) that needs to be deleted. But often, like most of the time really, the patching succeeds, so these files are not generated and my simple "remove" commands fail, obviously..
So, i'm guessing here that i get this zero-length issue and my script returns me to this code...
Well, this brings us back to
[[ -z $file ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
From the "e" option..
This seems to be it.. I'm not entirely sure about what the code exactly means, except the "invalid choice" and continue..
The point with the option "e. Extract apks from zip", is that the user gets a list of zip files contained in the source_rom folder, then choose one.
Then a set of apks (defined in translation_list.txt) must be extracted to apk_in.
The function should simply give the options to choose a zip, x to return to the main menu, or write "invalid choice" if wrong key is entered...
But something seems broken in code, i just can't figure out what and where...
Btw, the code itself is from stackoverflow.com, so i didn't write it myself like that, i just used it for my script as it seemed to do what i needed, but i guess it needs some adjustment still
Okay, in the previous example, you had a 'for' loop that was written like this...
for file in *.apk *jar; do
and that
...which is saying, For every file (one at a time) in the current directory that matches the patterns *.apk and *jar, assign that filename to the variable '$file', then do..."this and that" while plugging in the value of '$file' for that particular iteration of the loop to the set of commands represented by "this and that". If for some reason, say, no files match the pattern *jar, then for each iteration of the loop regarding that pattern, $file will be equal to ' ' instead of something like 'filename.jar'. That is a variable string length of 0.
[[ -z $file ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
...what that is, is a test to see if the string (or in this case filename) represented by '$file' has a zero length as with the example above where there were no jar files to assign to the variable '$file'. Similarly, it would most likely be the case with option 4 when there is no match for '*.rej' & '*.orig'.
In my example:
if [ "$(ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
...I'm testing to see if the output of the command 'ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l' is greater than 0, before continuing with the 'for' loop.
The 'ls -1'command lists the contents of the current directory to one column, instead of the typical two or more. The 'wc -l' counts the number of lines in the resulting output. And grep '.\+\.apk$' is a regular expression that makes sure the resulting output only contains filenames that end in '.apk'. So if there are files that end in .apk, then the output of the command 'ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l' would be greater than 0, and the same would hold true for jar files. I'm sure there's a more elegant way of doing it, but it works.
Side note: Regular Expressions are powerful pattern matching tools that you definitely need to learn if you want to get the most our of your shell scripts. Google "regexp" or "Bash regexp" to learn more. It can be very confusing to understand at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is really pretty easy.
Anyway, getting back on track...
After running option 2 to decompile, then running option 4 to fix MIUI sources, everything runs fine...even with, or without '*.rej' & '*.orig'. I'll use the following debug as an example:
+ echo '...Fixing framework-miui-res.apk'
...Fixing framework-miui-res.apk
+ echo ''
+ patch -i /home/soup/buildtool/src_fix/framework-miui-res/apktool.diff /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/framework-miui-res.apk/apktool.yml
patching file /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/framework-miui-res.apk/apktool.yml
+ cd /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/framework-miui-res.apk/
[COLOR=Red]# notice there are no files that match '*.rej' or '*.orig' [/COLOR]
+ rm -f -r '*.rej'
+ rm -f -r '*.orig'
[COLOR=Red]# and there are no errors as a result of it[/COLOR]
+ echo ''
+ echo '...Fixing MiuiCompass.apk'
...Fixing MiuiCompass.apk
+ echo ''
+ patch -i /home/soup/buildtool/src_fix/MiuiCompass/apktool.diff /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/MiuiCompass.apk/apktool.yml
patching file /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/MiuiCompass.apk/apktool.yml
Hunk #1 FAILED at 4.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/MiuiCompass.apk/apktool.yml.rej
[COLOR=Red]# here, there is now a match available for 'apktool.yml.rej' but not 'apktool.yml.orig'[/COLOR]
+ cd /home/soup/buildtool/apk_in/decompiled/MiuiCompass.apk/
+ rm -f -r apktool.yml.rej
+ rm -f -r apktool.yml.orig
[COLOR=Red]# still no error[/COLOR]
+ echo ''
...so I wouldn't know what to tell you without being able to recreate it on my end.
It may be helpful to give your variables $file and $zip in those functions a non-zero value after they are run to make sure there isn't any zero length hangover from a previous option, like so...
pull () {
shopt -s failglob
echo "[--- Choose rom zip to extract from, or x to exit ---]"
echo ""
echo ""
select zip in $SRC/*.zip
[[ $REPLY == x ]] && . $HJEM/build
[[ -z $zip ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
for apk in $(<$HJEM/translation_list.txt); do
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/app/$apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/framework/framework-res.apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/framework/framework-miui-res.apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
zip=dummy [COLOR=Red]<-- after the script is run, assign the string 'dummy' to $zip[/COLOR]
soupmagnet said:
In my example:
if [ "$(ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
...I'm testing to see if the output of the command 'ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l' is greater than 0, before continuing with the 'for' loop.
The 'ls -1'command lists the contents of the current directory to one column, instead of the typical two or more. The 'wc -l' counts the number of lines in the resulting output. And grep '.\+\.apk$' is a regular expression that makes sure the resulting output only contains filenames that end in '.apk'. So if there are files that end in .apk, then the output of the command 'ls -1 | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l' would be greater than 0, and the same would hold true for jar files. I'm sure there's a more elegant way of doing it, but it works.
Side note: Regular Expressions are powerful pattern matching tools that you definitely need to learn if you want to get the most our of your shell scripts. Google "regexp" or "Bash regexp" to learn more. It can be very confusing to understand at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is really pretty easy.
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Really good stuff! Learning a lot from this, thanks! I'll dig into regular expressions right away
Anyways, i think i got around the missing *.rej and *.orig by approaching the operation with SED instead of PATCH..
First of all, it makes my code shorter and i don't need an external .diff file for the operation to succeed. (Given that i write the SED code correctly of course..)
It may be helpful to give your variables $file and $zip in those functions a non-zero value after they are run to make sure there isn't any zero length hangover from a previous option, like so...
pull () {
shopt -s failglob
echo "[--- Choose rom zip to extract from, or x to exit ---]"
echo ""
echo ""
select zip in $SRC/*.zip
[[ $REPLY == x ]] && . $HJEM/build
[[ -z $zip ]] && echo "Invalid choice" && continue
for apk in $(<$HJEM/translation_list.txt); do
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/app/$apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/framework/framework-res.apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
unzip -j -o -q $zip system/framework/framework-miui-res.apk -d $IN 2&>1 > /dev/null;
zip=dummy [COLOR=Red]<-- after the script is run, assign the string 'dummy' to $zip[/COLOR]
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Added the code
For now, the script runs through all options fine without halting. Great! But i still need to test it more thoroughly.
Now, i will look into refining the script. Especially the "5. mods" and "10. build flashable zip".
Here's how i'd like it to operate:
When option 4 is processed, i'd like to be able to add some modding to the files. I think it's better to do this before recompiling (option 6/12) because if an apk needs to be edited, it's already decompiled.
For the 3way reboot, it needs to modify some jars. I'd like the user to choose which zip from the source_roms folder to work with and extract the version number the zip filename. (The filename will ALWAYS contain a version number..) So that when the jars are processed, the output files will be placed in a folder with the version number (like /out/"version") This is because, when i want to build my flashable zip, i want the user to input which version number to build it for and then it would pull whatever mods are made for this version number. (Because the entire ROM would probably break if those version numbers don't match)
For the crt-off effect, it should do the same, but it has to check wether a jar file is already existing in /out/"version" and modify that one if it is. (Both mods need to modify the same file)
Right now, i have extra options for OFFICIAL roms. The mods are exactly the same, only the file naming in the function are different. I'd like to eliminate those options, by having the user choose what file to process, like i explain in the above..
Guess that gets a little complicated, hope you get what i mean.. It'll take some time to re-write my functions and the code, but eventually, i'll get there!
Ok, so I got it working, with the creation of the folder from the filename. Cool, one step further, I'll continue development tonight or tomorrow
Ok, next problem
In the following function, i want the script to check, if any apks exist in the folder. If yes, present the menu to choose which one to decompile. If no, display an error message and return to the main menu.
But something is up with the LS command, no matter if there are files or not in the folder, it returns the message "no files found"..
Having trouble figuring this one out..
decompile_single () {
shopt -s failglob
echo "[--- Choose apk number, or x to exit ---]"
echo ""
echo ""
cd $IN
if [ "$(ls -A $IN)" ]; then
echo ""
echo "No files found.."
echo ""
select file in *.apk
cat /dev/null > $LOG/decompile_log.txt
[[ $REPLY == x ]] && . $HJEM/build
[[ -z $file ]] && echo "Invalid choice for single decompiling" && continue
echo "Decompiling $file" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG/decompile_log.txt
apktool d -f "$file" $DEC/$file
cp -f $HJEM/sort.py $DEC/$file
python $DEC/$file/sort.py
rm -r $DEC/$file/sort.py
Any ideas?
The output of the command "ls -A $IN" exits with 0 if successful, otherwise it exits with 1. A good way to look at 'if' constructs is...(if "0" (goto)-> then.....if "anything else" (goto)-> else). If you're unsure of what the exit status of a command is, you can enter it in the terminal while piping it into the "echo $?" command. "$?" is a bash variable that represents the exit code of the previous command only.
For your example, you can test the exit status of that command like so...
ls -A ~/buildtool/apk_in | echo $?
Since the exit status is 0, then your output will be "No files found.." But here's where it gets tricky...The exit status of the 'ls' command will always be 0 unless the directory just cannot be accessed, which is why you will always get the same output..."No files found..". You can find out more about the exit status of a command by visiting its man page (man ls).
To get around this, you need to write the command in such a way that will give you an exit status of anything other than 0 if the condition is not met. Since you only want to check for the existence of ".apk" files you could expand on the command using a regular expression and the 'wc' command, like with my previous example...
if [ "$(ls -A $IN | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo 'No ".apk" files found..'
echo ""
soupmagnet said:
The output of the command "ls -A $IN" exits with 0 if successful, otherwise it exits with 1. A good way to look at 'if' constructs is...(if "0" (goto)-> then.....if "anything else" (goto)-> else). If you're unsure of what the exit status of a command is, you can enter it in the terminal while piping it into the "echo $?" command. "$?" is a bash variable that represents the exit code of the previous command only.
For your example, you can test the exit status of that command like so...
ls -A ~/buildtool/apk_in | echo $?
Since the exit status is 0, then your output will be "No files found.." But here's where it gets tricky...The exit status of the 'ls' command will always be 0 unless the directory just cannot be accessed, which is why you will always get the same output..."No files found..". You can find out more about the exit status of a command by visiting its man page (man ls).
To get around this, you need to write the command in such a way that will give you an exit status of anything other than 0 if the condition is not met. Since you only want to check for the existence of ".apk" files you could expand on the command using a regular expression and the 'wc' command, like with my previous example...
if [ "$(ls -A $IN | grep '.\+\.apk$' | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo 'No ".apk" files found..'
echo ""
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Yes, thankyou!! Again, learning new stuff..
I just added your earlier code to this function.. Of course, it works like a charm! Facepalm on me! Hehe!
Been reading page after page about regular erxpressions, tests and all kinds of commands this weekend, i kinda stares blind at my code sometimes, haha!
1982Strand said:
Yes, thankyou!! Again, learning new stuff..
I just added your earlier code to this function.. Of course, it works like a charm! Facepalm on me! Hehe!
Been reading page after page about regular erxpressions, tests and all kinds of commands this weekend, i kinda stares blind at my code sometimes, haha!
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I would say, the things you need to be comfortable with are (in order of importance IMO)...
man pages
exit statuses
regular expressions
data manipulation
everything else
soupmagnet said:
I would say, the things you need to be comfortable with are (in order of importance IMO)...
man pages
exit statuses
regular expressions
data manipulation
everything else
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Got some more reading ahead of me
Anyways, i think the script is pretty good now, it suits my needs so far and most of the errors are taken care of..
I can always improve the code, so i'll probably continue developing on this.. Also because it's not perfect at all and still got some flaws here and there...

[Q] Can someone please help me run this script?

Hi everyone
I am trying to run a script on my android that extracts asec files back to apk's on my phone. The scripts works fine when i put in every line manually into terminal though obviously that is a pain in the ass. So i put it into a .sh file and put the .sh file in system root for ease of execution..
i then do:
sh deasec.sh
though it returns:
unexpected syntax error: do
can someone tell me what i am doing wrong? - thank you kindly! (will press thanks!)
Code is below
for ASEC in $(find /data/app-asec/ -name '*.asec')
echo "Deasec $ASEC"
PKG=$(basename $ASEC|cut -d'-' -f1)
echo "Package name $PKG"
if [ -d /mnt/asec/$PKG*/lib ]
echo "Relocate libs"
find /data/data/$PKG/ -type l -name lib -exec rm {} \;
cp -r /mnt/asec/$PKG*/lib /data/data/$PKG/
echo "Fix libs permissions"
chown -R system:system /data/data/$PKG/lib
chmod -R 755 /data/data/$PKG/lib
APK=$(pm path $PKG|cut -d':' -f2)
echo "APK location $APK"
cp $APK /data/local/tmp/pkg.apk
chmod 644 /data/local/tmp/pkg.apk
pm install -r -f /data/local/tmp/pkg.apk && rm /data/local/tmp/pkg.apk
Have you done the script under Windows, you don't? You need to write the script under Linux. You can also write the script directly in your phone:
Open Terminal Emulator, and write the lines one by one this way:
echo line1 >> /sdcard/script.sh
echo line2 >> /sdcard/script.sh
echo line3 >> /sdcard/script.sh
Then move the script to its final location, and give it permissions (if needed).
nice one mate Thankyou

[Q] Writnig a .sh script cant get var to dd command

The main objective is to send a splited file to an android and join it back up with a .sh script, the file is splited to 5MB parts but its total size is unknown (trying to make an universal script), I've splited the file and transferred the file parts and the script to a dir inside the android device and ran the .sh with adb shell sh script.sh. every thing is is ok but the dd command which wont accept a variable
file="$(ls /data/local/tmp/ | grep -i --include="*.tul" tul)"
echo file is "$file"
echo short name is "$name"
tmp="${file: -3}";
echo number of files is "$num"
while [ $i -le $num ]; do
dd if="/data/local/tmp/$"${name}.part""$i"" of="/data/local/tmp/cust" bs=1024 count=5120 seek="$((($i-1)*5120))"
let i=i+1
echo DONE
the output normally is that the end of the name cuts the beginning and I get dd if No such file or directory meaning
becomes something like
while in command lind adb shell it works OK
adb shell
adb shell
>dd if="/data/local/tmp/$"${name}.part1"" of=/data/local/tmp/cust bs=1024 count=5120
$file is an index file that has the parts name and total number of them generated by the split code (in java) Important to say that Im a total noob and it took me few hours to get to this so any help is appreciated
dd if=/data/local/tmp/"$name".part"$i" of=/data/local/tmp/cust bs=1024 count=5120 seek="$((($i-1)*5120))"
working in command line (adb shell) but when running the .sh file I get
.part2: No such file or directory
Bump, can any one help ?

