gTab stuck at birds after repairing charge port - G Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

If anyone here could offer any tips or advice, I would appreciate it.
I opened my gTab up to resolder the charge port and all went well. I am a very meticulous person. I even take pictures, go slow and do not make dumb mistakes. But... somewhere I did make a mistake, I guess.
Charge port connector works fine now. Wiggle the charge cable and no interruption or blinking on the indicator light.
But... after putting the motherboard back in and testing it, It sticks at the birds. Thought SOMEHOW I must have bricked it because the charge port repair went perfectly. All connectors snugly in their place and oriented correctly.
I have VeganTab 7.0 Ginger and an older CWM on it (non touch). (or rather I did) So I tried to redo a new rom, booting into CWM. I get the standard "recovery key detected" and "booting recovery kernel image" messages at top left.
But, it just sticks there.
So I decided to try the NVFlasher method here:
I tried both the 250 and 300 meg partition file.
Wow... went right into APX mode. (I did not expect it to) I ran the nvflasher file and it seemed to finish correctly and successfully.
When I tried to boot into the newer CWM that's in the package, I still see the older CWM come up and it sticks there as it did before.
I tried rewriting files a couple more times but got the same results.
Part of the prob is I guess, is that I don't remember what bootloader was on ot. 1.1 or 1.2.
Also... does the fact that the nvflasher could write to the internal sd card mean that it is ok and I did not screw something up when I did the charge port repair? Well... I mean, I can not verify that it wrote correctly but it seemed to and said "completed successfully".
I was supposed to be selling this to a lady at the Moose lodge today. She has already paid me money on it
Can anyone help me out here or is all lost?
Thank you for your time,
John Dumas

pede69 said:
I opened my gTab up to resolder the charge port and all went well. I am a very meticulous person. I even take pictures, go slow and do not make dumb mistakes. But... somewhere I did make a mistake, I guess.
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Did you take the appropriate anti-ESD (electrostatic discharge--static electricity) precautions whilst working on the board? Other people here have--from their problem descriptions which match yours--I think, fried some component on their board while fixing the same charge port problem.
Part of the prob is I guess, is that I don't remember what bootloader was on ot. 1.1 or 1.2.
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If you do a full nvflash (and the images were written correctly), then bootloader version doesn't matter since the bootloader and the kernels in the images will match.
Also... does the fact that the nvflasher could write to the internal sd card mean that it is ok and I did not screw something up when I did the charge port repair? Well... I mean, I can not verify that it wrote correctly but it seemed to and said "completed successfully".
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Nvflash does not write to the internal SD card--only CWM or the ROM can manipulate it. Nvflash only works on the built-in NAND flash chip. Ie. There are 2 separate storage devices on the gTab.
Ordinarily, based on the on-screen error messages, I would've said that it was a bootloader/kernel mismatch problem, but, this quote of yours below makes me think that it might be a NAND flash problem:
When I tried to boot into the newer CWM that's in the package, I still see the older CWM come up and it sticks there as it did before.
I tried rewriting files a couple more times but got the same results.
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Both Recovery and the ROM kernel are read from the NAND flash and then is booted into. So, if you can't get into CWM, then you'll have to:
1. Check if the NAND flash is OK by writing to the device partitions and then reading the important partitions back and comparing the resulting image files byte-for-byte. See this post for the read command to be used after doing a full nvflash.
2. If the NAND flash checks out OK, then use a custom kernel which prints diagnostics to see if it detects any other HW problems. See this post for that. The modified kernel is for bootloader version 1.1 only, so you'll have to be on that bootloader to run it.

Awesome reply... Thank you.
I have formated using nvflash and went to write the file but the zip file that I downloaded did not have a bat file in it to tell nvflash what to do. The files came from here: >>> "" and """
Neither has a bat file to start an nvflash write.
And no, I did not use an anti-static bag. I know it can happen but I have been repairing computers for 20 years and have not zapped anything yet
I'm getting confused now. Can you point me to the correct file to load with nvflash?
Oh yeah... how do I figure out which bootloader I'm on?
You are most awesome for helping, thank you very much.

pede69 said:
I have formated using nvflash and went to write the file but the zip file that I downloaded did not have a bat file in it to tell nvflash what to do. The files came from here: >>> "" and """
Neither has a bat file to start an nvflash write.
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According to that thread, it does. The file is called "nvflash_gtablet.bat". You might try to: open a CMD.exe window, change to the correct directory and then type: .\nvflash_gtablet
And no, I did not use an anti-static bag. I know it can happen but I have been repairing computers for 20 years and have not zapped anything yet
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"Yet"--Always a first time, no?
Oh yeah... how do I figure out which bootloader I'm on?
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As I said, if you do a full nvflash (ie. create, format, and write all the partitions on the NAND flash), then bootloader version does not matter, as the nvflash zip package will have the bootloader and the correct boot and recovery kernels in the image files to match that bootloader. Still, if you want to determine your bootloader version, see this thread.
What you should do first is write bekit's nvflash package to the NAND, then read the important partitions back, then do a byte-compare. I don't use, or have, Windows, but, I recall a MS-DOS command called fc which might still be present on the newer Windows variants:
C:\SOME\PATH> [B]fc /b [I]file1.img[/I] [I]file2.img[/I][/B]
Do a file compare using fc on the original image file and the read-back image file. If fc reports that one of the files is smaller/larger but reports no differences, then that's OK because a NAND partition read using nvflash reads the whole partition and not just the image that needs to be written to that partition.
If fc reports that the files are the same, then you can move on to step 2 of post #2.

Thanks again for the info. I will try to absorb and apply what you suggest.
BTW... I only asked the bootloader question because of what you mentioned above... "custom kernel which prints diagnostics - only works with 1.1"
Thank you for being there for me. I'll see what I can do now.
PS - Here are the unzipped files from

pede69 said:
BTW... I only asked the bootloader question because of what you mentioned above... "custom kernel which prints diagnostics - only works with 1.1"
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If you write bekit's image files, then you'll be on a 1.1 bootloader.
PS - Here are the unzipped files from
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As the thread says, you need to download two zip files. The batch file is in the other one:

OK... I ignored the windows one because there are no instructions to use it and I thought it was for setting up APX on Windows. So I will re-read the instructions again and see what I may have overlooked, and If I can figure out how to use the both of them.
Thank you,

OK... after I get my foot out of my mouth, I'll give it a whirl.

Well... put contents of both zip files in one folder and ran nvflash.
Said "Completed successfully"
Still boots to old CWM.
Will go read your other instructions now...

Linux is failing to complete.
The following link has some pics from the gTab screen and also three .img files that was created when running the command on the linked page you referred me to. I could not find a txt file that it created.
.\nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --read 4 ebt.img --read 9 rec.img --read 10 lnx.img
So... I guess all is lost. Not sure how to proceed now.

pede69 said:
Said "Completed successfully"
Still boots to old CWM.
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I'm slighty puzzled now--can you elaborate on this: How did you determine that your CWM is unchanged when you're always stuck at the 3 birds screen? Ie. When the gTab isn't booting into CWM where its version can be seen.
I had assumed thus far that you were going by the "Recovery key detected" & "Booting recovery kernel image" messages. Those are bootloader messages (not CWM!) and depending on the bootloader installed you can sometimes differentiate between different bootloaders by looking at what message is printed. But, this is not a definitive method as many bootloaders print the same messages.
pede69 said:
Linux is failing to complete.
The following link has some pics from the gTab screen...
So... I guess all is lost. Not sure how to proceed now.
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The kernel is stopping at the same place as it is here. Except that it is taking ~20 seconds more than is usual to do so. I have to say that this is a HW problem--probably something on the board. The NAND might still be OK, though.
Inspect the place where you soldered, and around it, for stray solder traces or bridges. Otherwise, something on the board has gotten borked. Sorry.

Guess I'm giving up and giving the person their money back. Damn, I needed it...
What I was saying is that when I installed the old CWM, I used to access it my pressing the power + volume up button. I thought what I see now is what I seen before when it started it but I may be wrong.
Guess I'll koad bekit back on it.
So is there a file to load JUST the CWM script using nvflash?
Also... is there a diag program that I use nvflash to load that will do a NAND and SD Card test?
Thanks for everything,

pede69 said:
Guess I'm giving up and giving the person their money back. Damn, I needed it...
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Technically, the tablet might not yet be a total loss. The error messages indicate that the soft-key controller (SO340010) is failing to respond. Assuming that this is the only HW problem (a big assumption--there might be other things wrong on the board), the kernels (both in the ROM and in CWM) could then be recompiled without that soft-key device driver. Neither CWM nor the newer ICS+ ROMs require those soft-keys anyway. If the new kernels boot, then the soft-key controller is the only problem. Otherwise, the error messages will again have to be looked at to see what else has failed.
As you can see, all this will involve a fair amount of diagnosing and work. You may be able to use the tablet because you know what's wrong and because you have a custom kernel for the ROM and CWM of your choice, however, I don't think the buyer would like to be stuck with only one choice of ROM. Also, if other critical controllers (the touchscreen or WiFi, for instance) have gone belly up, then there's little hope for any Android ROM.
What I was saying is that when I installed the old CWM, I used to access it my pressing the power + volume up button.
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Recovery mode is always accessed using power and Vol +. These keys assignments, as far as I know, can't be changed.
Not entirely clear on what you're trying to say here...
So is there a file to load JUST the CWM script using nvflash?
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This post.
Also... is there a diag program that I use nvflash to load that will do a NAND and SD Card test?
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Because both the bootloader and both CWM and ROM kernels are loading and running, the NAND is very likely OK. If you want to check the NAND partitions, the standard method is to do a full nvflash, read back the partitions, then check the original and read-back images using fc as I've shown. Alternatively, you could try this technique (I haven't tried it, so tell me how well, or if, it works out):
Edit the batch file you're using to do the full nvflash, and add a --verifypart -1 to the nvflash command line, before the --create flag. Save and run the batch file as usual.
The SD card cannot be tested using nvflash. You need either CWM or a ROM for that.

Thanks rajeevvp...
I'll get back at this unit in a while. Between this and the S3 and Note II issues i'm going through, I need a break.
You any good with Verizon phones? hehe...

Thanks rajeevvp...
I'll get back at this unit in a while. Between this and the S3 and Note II issues i'm going through, I need a break.
You any good with Verizon phones? hehe...

pede69 said:
You any good with Verizon phones? hehe...
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Sorry, no--can't help with hardware that I don't have.


TF201 Big Time Noob in waaay over his head

The Good:
I used the unlocker, and installed clockworkmod from fastboot.
The Bad:
Mistake 1: I was not logged into a google account when I used the unlocker. When the device boots, it says that it is unlocked in the top left, but I can't shake the feeling that it was not done correctly,
Mistake 2: I did not make a backup. I was coming off a factory reset, and figured I had no app data to protect, so why do a backup? I followed some instructions I found on the net, did some cmd: commands on my computer, and BAM: Clockwork Mod.
Mistake 3: When I could not get a rom to load in CWM, (would not detect, I started looking for fixes all over. Root Checker said I was not rooted. I tried using an APK to root that I found in a forum, that did not work either. The exploit involving using an app backup did not go through for me.
Mistake 4: In an attempt to get rid of Mistake 1, I thought "why not do a factory data reset?". Now, my Transformer prime only boots into CWM. I am sitting here looking at v5.8.2.0.
Any time I select "reboot system now", I end up back here.
I realize that as a total noob, I do not deserve the kindness of this forum, however, any mercy/help that you give me will give you several karma points.
Please help.
Any links you can provide will not just help me, but any additional noobs that are dumb enough to do what I did.
Mistake 1: google account has nothing to do with unlocking. If you have fastboot access you're unlocked! so forget mistake 1 and 4
Mistake 2: no comment except that i don't understand what instructions you followed from the net, the cmd part... A backup is performed within CWM ... Nevertheless you're bricked so it isn't very important.
Mistake 3: a big mess in your head. If you just unlocked and flashed cwm it's logical that you are not rooted in your ROM. CWM has nothing to do or care with root !! CWM is totally independant from the ROM, it has by default root power as it runs froms a different partition and deals with /system and /data etc from 'outside'.
You gain root by either flashing a custom ROM (they are all rooted) or flashing the super user itself only (
Mistake 4: don't use cwm on that device.
Mistake 5: you are a monkey typer.... STOP trying every crap you find 'on the net' ! You seem to have quite blurred knowledge of what is an android device, so be extremelly carefull or you'll end with a real hard bricked prime.
Prime is very specific, don't use things that have not been designed specifically for it.
You are in recovery bootloop, see in dev section the unbrick thread (in stickies threads), option 1a.
Don't use cwm.
big time noob said:
The Good:
I used the unlocker, and installed clockworkmod from fastboot.
The Bad:
Mistake 1: I was not logged into a google account when I used the unlocker. When the device boots, it says that it is unlocked in the top left, but I can't shake the feeling that it was not done correctly,
Mistake 2: I did not make a backup. I was coming off a factory reset, and figured I had no app data to protect, so why do a backup? I followed some instructions I found on the net, did some cmd: commands on my computer, and BAM: Clockwork Mod.
Mistake 3: When I could not get a rom to load in CWM, (would not detect, I started looking for fixes all over. Root Checker said I was not rooted. I tried using an APK to root that I found in a forum, that did not work either. The exploit involving using an app backup did not go through for me.
Mistake 4: In an attempt to get rid of Mistake 1, I thought "why not do a factory data reset?". Now, my Transformer prime only boots into CWM. I am sitting here looking at v5.8.2.0.
Any time I select "reboot system now", I end up back here.
I realize that as a total noob, I do not deserve the kindness of this forum, however, any mercy/help that you give me will give you several karma points.
Please help.
Any links you can provide will not just help me, but any additional noobs that are dumb enough to do what I did.
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Okay so you messed up... slightly... no big deal... here is what you do..
From the sounds of it you have no rom atm... no big deal... download a rom.. i suggest blackbean or eos...
blackbean found here...
eos found here..
Download and install naked drivers.... follow the instructions...
I prefer blackbean... anyways.... now download nvflash from here
Unzip the file.. put your rom where you find adb.exe shoudl be in C:\nvflash\tf201_nvflashpack if you put the file in C:
*******Now.... boot to recovery... connect tab to the pc.... with the windows open (nvflashpack) clcik in the window... press and hold shift button the right clcik mouse and select open command prompt here... this should give you the command prompt.
Now copy this adb devices right click in the command prompt window and paste... press enter... you should see your transformer...
now type adb push /name of rom you downloaded .zip/ sdcard
This should push the rom to your tab... it will take about 5 minutes be patient....
Install the zip through cwm....
Now there is a chance this does not work.. don't worry... if it doesn't work .. go here .... this is twrp.... download then follow the fastboot install instructions
At this point you probably want to follow the nvflash instructions to install the custom bootloader since twrp says it needs it... go back here and follow instructions...
start again from ******now boot to recovery....
After you accomplish this, you should complete the nvflash instructions and make your backups...
Yes it does seem like a lot... but unless you want to sell me a paper weight for $5 you need to complete this... if you need further assistance write here or pm me..... good luck Luke... may the force be with you...
A helpfull answer without trolling? really.. Whats this world coming to!!
anyway.. I added a "thank you" even though I didnt brick my prime ( yet )
johanjonker said:
A helpfull answer without trolling? really.. Whats this world coming to!!
anyway.. I added a "thank you" even though I didnt brick my prime ( yet )
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Your welcome ... I think.... did I get you out of a jam?
I dont troll I try to help people from what i have experienced..... I myself have made some questionable decisions.... just figure since I have learned from them .. no reason to make others suffer through needless anxiety......
big time noob said:
The Good:
Mistake 3: When I could not get a rom to load in CWM, (would not detect, I started looking for fixes all over. Root Checker said I was not rooted. I tried using an APK to root that I found in a forum, that did not work either. The exploit involving using an app backup did not go through for me.
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The others already answered everything else, but here I'm wondering if it's not just a simple mistake.
If I remember correctly, there are 2 options in CMW to flash a zip file : either an file which has to be in a specific directory, or choose the file from the storage.
My guess is that you tried the first option which returned an error because you don't have an file.
Have you tried browsing to the ROM file manually?
Besides that, you might want to setup NVFlash on your device (be sure to ask for help in the NVFlash thread if you have any doubt about one of the steps, so you don't end up with a brick).
The NVFlash thread is here :
Since you don't seem to understand Android very well, having NVFlash would at least protect you from most (if not all) software bricks in case you make a bigger mistake like flash an Official Asus ROM on your unlocked device..
Hopefully this will help.
Mithrandir007 said:
The others already answered everything else, but here I'm wondering if it's not just a simple mistake.
If I remember correctly, there are 2 options in CMW to flash a zip file : either an file which has to be in a specific directory, or choose the file from the storage.
My guess is that you tried the first option which returned an error because you don't have an file.
Have you tried browsing to the ROM file manually?
Besides that, you might want to setup NVFlash on your device (be sure to ask for help in the NVFlash thread if you have any doubt about one of the steps, so you don't end up with a brick).
The NVFlash thread is here :
Since you don't seem to understand Android very well, having NVFlash would at least protect you from most (if not all) software bricks in case you make a bigger mistake like flash an Official Asus ROM on your unlocked device..
Hopefully this will help.
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Very valid point Mithrandir007.... just to be cleear when following the nvflash instructions.... follow step by step.... all the way to the end..... from this thread dont stop until you see the statement ... coming soon... then you are actually done....
Thank you guys for your help, and not being too hard on me...except maybe the first guy.
I will try those things when I get back from work.
Gage_Hero said:
Okay so you messed up... slightly... no big deal... here is what you do..
From the sounds of it you have no rom atm... no big deal... download a rom.. i suggest blackbean or eos...
Download and install naked drivers.... follow the instructions...
I prefer blackbean... anyways.... now download nvflash from here
Unzip the file.. put your rom where you find adb.exe shoudl be in C:\nvflash\tf201_nvflashpack if you put the file in C:
*******Now.... boot to recovery... connect tab to the pc.... with the windows open (nvflashpack) clcik in the window... press and hold shift button the right clcik mouse and select open command prompt here... this should give you the command prompt.
Now copy this adb devices right click in the command prompt window and paste... press enter... you should see your transformer...
now type adb push /name of rom you downloaded .zip/ sdcard
This should push the rom to your tab... it will take about 5 minutes be patient....
Install the zip through cwm....
Now there is a chance this does not work.. don't worry... if it doesn't work .. go here .... this is twrp.... download then follow the fastboot install instructions
At this point you probably want to follow the nvflash instructions to install the custom bootloader since twrp says it needs it... go back here and follow instructions...
start again from ******now boot to recovery....
After you accomplish this, you should complete the nvflash instructions and make your backups...
Yes it does seem like a lot... but unless you want to sell me a paper weight for $5 you need to complete this... if you need further assistance write here or pm me..... good luck Luke... may the force be with you...
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I ask this next question with a scared expression on my face...what if the TF201 is not taking a charge now?
Last night it would boot into clockworkmod, and I did not plug it in, so it just sat there burning battery in clockworkmod screen.
Today, I go to plug it into the usb, and I briefly get the screen that shows the battery in the red, then it fades out.
I am going to try plugging it into the wall when I get home, but I am scared that I might not get the chance to fix my device.
It comes vaguely in my mind that I read something about cwm not supporting charging but I'm not sure.
If the battery is drained completely it will need several minutes with wall charger to come back to life.
You are really messed up. Download a Rom from development section.. put it in your Sdcard.
First plug your phone to charger.. let it charge for an hour.
When your mobile switches ON.
Enter CWM recovery or anyone you have.. go to mount option, wipe everything except sdcard. Go to advance and wipe dalvik cache.. then go to Install zip from sdcard option in it.. select the downloaded file.
big time noob said:
I ask this next question with a scared expression on my face...what if the TF201 is not taking a charge now?
Last night it would boot into clockworkmod, and I did not plug it in, so it just sat there burning battery in clockworkmod screen.
Today, I go to plug it into the usb, and I briefly get the screen that shows the battery in the red, then it fades out.
I am going to try plugging it into the wall when I get home, but I am scared that I might not get the chance to fix my device.
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Some usb connections don't charge... my pc at work is like that.... or they charge so little that it barely makes a difference. Plug it into the wall for at least a hour... preferably longer since you are going to be doing things that may not work out so well if the battery dies in the middle of things.... Also given how frail the charger socket is, unless you have it sitting on a flat surface, I wouldn't attempt doing the work while it is plugged in... Would want you to get the software fixed and you bust up the charging socket or cable...
Prime needs 15 volts to charge, USB only delivers 5, so it's discharging while plugged to an USB most of the time.
Don't know how to fix your CWM problem but I do know the Prime will charge on a USB port if it's turned off. It does take a very long time though.
From the TF201 manual:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Might help
Mithrandir007 said:
The others already answered everything else, but here I'm wondering if it's not just a simple mistake.
If I remember correctly, there are 2 options in CMW to flash a zip file : either an file which has to be in a specific directory, or choose the file from the storage.
My guess is that you tried the first option which returned an error because you don't have an file.
Have you tried browsing to the ROM file manually?
Besides that, you might want to setup NVFlash on your device (be sure to ask for help in the NVFlash thread if you have any doubt about one of the steps, so you don't end up with a brick).
The NVFlash thread is here :
Since you don't seem to understand Android very well, having NVFlash would at least protect you from most (if not all) software bricks in case you make a bigger mistake like flash an Official Asus ROM on your unlocked device..
Hopefully this will help.
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Does that mean me? If so, I might be stuck.
I tried installing with the option, didn't work. I also tried installing by browsing, but weirdly, it does not give me the options of any of the roms I have on the SD card...when the prime was stock, it saw the files on the SD card, but now it just shows me options of several folders that do not actually exist, a couple of subfolders, but no actual files or zip files.
When I boot (holding the power and down volume button) The message basically says, The device is unlocked, Android cardhu-user bootloader. Says something about the version I was running, .28, and that it is looking for an ota update. At the bottom, it says booting recovery kernel image. Then it loads clockworkmod.
I installed the naked drivers, so I can now see the Android ADB interface on my windows device manager. I cannot see the device as one of the drives from windows explorer.
I hope that info helps. What do you think? How screwed am I still?
rr0yy said:
You are really messed up. Download a Rom from development section.. put it in your Sdcard.
First plug your phone to charger.. let it charge for an hour.
When your mobile switches ON.
Enter CWM recovery or anyone you have.. go to mount option, wipe everything except sdcard. Go to advance and wipe dalvik cache.. then go to Install zip from sdcard option in it.. select the downloaded file.
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The options I get there are:
format system
format cache
format staging
format data
Which one do I pick? All of them?
big time noob said:
The options I get there are:
format system
format cache
format staging
format data
Which one do I pick? All of them?
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Nope.. none of them.... in cwm you have update from zip... or install zip file (or something like that) you want the one that doesn't say update.....
big time noob said:
The options I get there are:
format system
format cache
format staging
format data
Which one do I pick? All of them?
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Nope.. none of them.... in cwm you have update from zip... or install zip file (or something like that) you want the one that doesn't say update.....
The image is from 5.5 but it says install zip from sdcard... if you adb push the rom there you will be able to install...
Gage_Hero said:
Nope.. none of them.... in cwm you have update from zip... or install zip file (or something like that) you want the one that doesn't say update.....
The image is from 5.5 but it says install zip from sdcard... if you adb push the rom there you will be able to install...
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2 things:
1. I cannot see the sd card in the mount/unmount area of CWM. I feel like this is a big part of my problem.
2. The instructions I see for nvflash involve fastboot. I could be wrong, but if I cannot get to the fastboot screen on my prime, how can I run the fastboot command lines? I can only get to the cwm screens.
Gage_Hero said:
Nope.. none of them.... in cwm you have update from zip... or install zip file (or something like that) you want the one that doesn't say update.....
The image is from 5.5 but it says install zip from sdcard... if you adb push the rom there you will be able to install...
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Attached 2.1.2 twrp....give it a go....

[Q] Destroyed memory partitioning. What do? [YP-G70]

Here's what happened:
-Had Eryigit GB​-Installed PA w/ mevordel's kernel 4.0​Rebooted recovery​Started weird bootloop=would go back into recovery and act like its installing something, then reboot, ad infinitum​
I tried reflashing Eryigits rom from odin,
then repartitioning. Somehow it was able to boot into Eryigit's ROM once, but the capacitative buttons didnt work and I couldnt reboot into anything except for download mode or a normal samsung logo bootloop.
I tried a few more things in Odin (not blindly, mind you) and still no go.. I can get it into recovery only if I flash a bootloader in Odin and auto-reboot it, otherwise it just goes back to the bootloop.
I believe I have the same problem as in this thread
I'm trying to adb into my device, but am having trouble detecting it. It'll connect in Odin fine, but not in adb, whether in download mode or just hanging at the samsung logo.
What can I do to fix this without adb working? I'm hoping for an odin fix for it, but through the mountains of threads I've been reading I don't believe there to be.
According to the thread above ^ it needs to be repartitioned manually... I read all the threads linked to and tried adb & heimdall but no luck after like 3+ weeks ):
Can anybody give me a better explanation of whats going on or throw me some troubleshooting advice?
<3 <3 <3
bmxer4130 said:
Here's what happened:
-Had Eryigit GB​-Installed PA w/ mevordel's kernel 4.0​Rebooted recovery​Started weird bootloop=would go back into recovery and act like its installing something, then reboot, ad infinitum​
I tried reflashing Eryigits rom from odin,
then repartitioning. Somehow it was able to boot into Eryigit's ROM once, but the capacitative buttons didnt work and I couldnt reboot into anything except for download mode or a normal samsung logo bootloop.
I tried a few more things in Odin (not blindly, mind you) and still no go.. I can get it into recovery only if I flash a bootloader in Odin and auto-reboot it, otherwise it just goes back to the bootloop.
I believe I have the same problem as in this thread
I'm trying to adb into my device, but am having trouble detecting it. It'll connect in Odin fine, but not in adb, whether in download mode or just hanging at the samsung logo.
What can I do to fix this without adb working? I'm hoping for an odin fix for it, but through the mountains of threads I've been reading I don't believe there to be.
According to the thread above ^ it needs to be repartitioned manually... I read all the threads linked to and tried adb & heimdall but no luck after like 3+ weeks ):
Can anybody give me a better explanation of whats going on or throw me some troubleshooting advice?
<3 <3 <3
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If you are sure of what you state, solution is from post 39 at the following adress
But check if you have a true "memory partitioning issue" best is said when wiping cache you get many advices about what is wrong (normaly in red letters!)
good luck and welcome to our club!
lolo9393 said:
If you are sure of what you state, solution is from post 39 at the following adress
But check if you have a true "memory partitioning issue" best is said when wiping cache you get many advices about what is wrong (normaly in red letters!)
good luck and welcome to our club!
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Hey thanks. I already read through all that stuff ^ and am not having much luck. Is there some way I can IM you or something? PM me if so. You seem very knowledgeable about this matter
bmxer4130 said:
Hey thanks. I already read through all that stuff ^ and am not having much luck. Is there some way I can IM you or something? PM me if so. You seem very knowledgeable about this matter
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Normally we can solve this within a thread that can help any other getting the same issue.
i am still very involved because end 2011 I got in trouble (I was expecting to have much better performance by flashing a Gnote kernel !!!!) and stayed for months reading at XDA for a save. (also good english training then)
your Pb:
did you check by wiping if you are in this situation? You should get advice that (partition from n 14 and upper can't be read) if so follow the tracks from the relevant post and tell me what goes wrong with you.
I fixed it! you will do it the same!
PS:To enter Adb you should flash FIRST a kernel (with ODIN) rj14 for int'll version or entropy for US model
lolo9393 said:
Normally we can solve this within a thread that can help any other getting the same issue.
i am still very involved because end 2011 I got in trouble (I was expecting to have much better performance by flashing a Gnote kernel !!!!) and stayed for months reading at XDA for a save. (also good english training then)
your Pb:
did you check by wiping if you are in this situation? You should get advice that (partition from n 14 and upper can't be read) if so follow the tracks from the relevant post and tell me what goes wrong with you.
I fixed it! you will do it the same!
PS:To enter Adb you should flash FIRST a kernel (with ODIN) rj14 for int'll version or entropy for US model
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Ok so I got into recovery with entropy's kernel and wiped everything,
When I try to mount usb storage it says:
E: Unable to write to ums lunfile (No such file or directory)
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So yeah, its the internal memory.. now if i could just get adb shell to work right
okay now I'm just trying to adb shell into it from win7 x64 and fedora 18 linux with no luck. in win7 it shows up in adb devices, but i cant connect to it, right now im thinking its because of the java sdk and problems with the fact that its a 64 bit comp. in fedora adb devices says ???????????? offline usb:2-2...
bmxer4130 said:
okay now I'm just trying to adb shell into it from win7 x64 and fedora 18 linux with no luck. in win7 it shows up in adb devices, but i cant connect to it, right now im thinking its because of the java sdk and problems with the fact that its a 64 bit comp. in fedora adb devices says ???????????? offline usb:2-2...
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So, you were able to flash entropy's kernel (said you have a US device?) Now you can go to recovery mode and enter adb call for;" adb devices" and your will and must show up. No need to mount anything. I 've never, under win7, tryied this. so no comment.
Would you mind to give me what is said after you do a single wipe because we have to be sure your problem is really a memory partition wreck.
lolo9393 said:
So, you were able to flash entropy's kernel (said you have a US device?) Now you can go to recovery mode and enter adb call for;" adb devices" and your will and must show up. No need to mount anything. I 've never, under win7, tryied this. so no comment.
Would you mind to give me what is said after you do a single wipe because we have to be sure your problem is really a memory partition wreck.
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Ok, I was able to adb shell and rebuild the partition table, and it was indeed messed up, and I can mount usb storage, but I still can't get it to boot into any rom, and it refuses to boot into cwm recovery unless its just rebooted from odin. in recovery in the log it has an error about, idk if that has anything to do with it though. I'm beginning to think the problem may have to do with my usb cable. I accidentally switched the stock one with a Galaxy SII one, which should be fine, but maybe not.
bmxer4130 said:
Ok so I got into recovery with entropy's kernel and wiped everything,
When I try to mount usb storage it says:
So yeah, its the internal memory.. now if i could just get adb shell to work right
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The "mount USB storage" option is for mounting the SD card on your computer. That error is because you don't have an external SD card inserted.
Mevordel said:
The "mount USB storage" option is for mounting the SD card on your computer. That error is because you don't have an external SD card inserted.
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hehehe, I kinda realized that after posting. Derp.
But I think it may have to do with /data & maybe other folders/files being R/O (read only..) instead of R/W, as per this thread so I am now convinced I need the bootchain for the galaxy player, but this is just a sneaking suspicion, I need to do some more digging before making a fool of myself again
bmxer4130 said:
hehehe, I kinda realized that after posting. Derp.
But I think it may have to do with /data & maybe other folders/files being R/O (read only..) instead of R/W, as per this thread so I am now convinced I need the bootchain for the galaxy player, but this is just a sneaking suspicion, I need to do some more digging before making a fool of myself again
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Ok you have all the needed stuff and now you are trained and skilled enough. You will succeed.
Why not you to try flashing Mevordel's GB Chip 1.5 rom that is in my view the best for your device, it is light simple and fast and no need for more for what we expect from this excellent but outdated product.
lolo9393 said:
Ok you have all the needed stuff and now you are trained and skilled enough. You will succeed.
Why not you to try flashing Mevordel's GB Chip 1.5 rom that is in my view the best for your device, it is light simple and fast and no need for more for what we expect from this excellent but outdated product.
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Yes, I tried flashing it in cwm, along with eryigit (both with entropys kernel flashed over them) and PA venturi, but it refuses to boot properly. If it is the bootchain, how can I get a dump of a working one?
And I was able to dump a lot of stuff from [adb pull */*] and can access logs and dmesg, but havent inspected them fully. Is there an easy way to read the boot log and/or setup a custom log to run preboot? I figure that wouldnt be necessary since the linux kernel does a fine job of logging itself.
And yes I think I am skilled enough now, just was confused how to get to the adb shell, but I'm fairly well versed in linux, so the shell is relatively comfortable for me.
But if I'm able to figure it out I'm going to make a How To thread including what I've found and what you've found and posted to make it easier for nooblets in the future, maybe even make a simple shell script to repartition the US 8gb model.
I fixed it
Jistropy said:
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Mainly luck hehe. But actually from the mentioned threads ^^^^^ and this nifty trick, but use caution as I have no clue how well this works for other devices, if it all. And a large part of the problem was that my battery was dead because it wasn't charging correctly when plugged into my computer; and it kept dying in Odin.
Do you have a similar problem?? I can probably help..

How do I get into fastboot, am I missing something?

So I have a Prime that is stuck on the ASUS logo with a spinning circle. I want to try a few different things and can't seem to figure out fastboot for this device.
All the searched results say that I should see a USB icon when I hold Power+Down after I leave it be trying to get into RCK. However, I just see wipe data, and android. If I let it set, it cold boots.
At the top of the screen when holding Power+Down it also says
If that helps.
Also, what do I name the ROM that I download to the MicroSD card to push in RCK? I know the TF300T is EP201_768_SDUPDATE but is it the same for the TF201?
kmad86 said:
So I have a Prime that is stuck on the ASUS logo with a spinning circle. I want to try a few different things and can't seem to figure out fastboot for this device.
All the searched results say that I should see a USB icon when I hold Power+Down after I leave it be trying to get into RCK. However, I just see wipe data, and android. If I let it set, it cold boots.
At the top of the screen when holding Power+Down it also says
If that helps.
Also, what do I name the ROM that I download to the MicroSD card to push in RCK? I know the TF300T is EP201_768_SDUPDATE but is it the same for the TF201?
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You are still on ICS and are in a unique position to do the nvflash process and make yourself brick proof before you do anything else.
Once you upgrade to jellybean you will no longer be able to do this.
Check out nvflash thread on Dev forum but if you are not going to do it most people on here would happily swap their fully updated custom primes with you to be able to get nvflash.
flumpster said:
You are still on ICS and are in a unique position to do the nvflash process and make yourself brick proof before you do anything else.
Once you upgrade to jellybean you will no longer be able to do this.
Check out nvflash thread on Dev forum but if you are not going to do it most people on here would happily swap their fully updated custom primes with you to be able to get nvflash.
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Great, thanks! I will check it out.
Also, do you know on that file rename?
Oh, and I am trying to unlock it to get the fastboot option. Do you have any idea how to unlock if I can't boot into a rom with that ASUS unlock tool from their site?
Ok, so for those of you that have a problem and find this thread, I at least finally got it to take a rom thanks to the guidence of flumpster.
I went here and chose the same software I currently was on.
and then put the once unzipped .zip on my MicroSD card and renamed it EP201_SDUPDATE (.zip but on win 7 that's default and some people end up with
then I booted it with power and down held until I pushed up for RCK and it FINALLY took off.
I guess I was getting bad roms from all the other threads.
kmad86 said:
Ok, so for those of you that have a problem and find this thread, I at least finally got it to take a rom thanks to the guidence of flumpster.
I went here and chose the same software I currently was on.
and then put the once unzipped .zip on my MicroSD card and renamed it EP201_SDUPDATE (.zip but on win 7 that's default and some people end up with
then I booted it with power and down held until I pushed up for RCK and it FINALLY took off.
I guess I was getting bad roms from all the other threads.
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Glad you got it all sorted mate :good:
flumpster said:
You are still on ICS and are in a unique position to do the nvflash process and make yourself brick proof before you do anything else.
Once you upgrade to jellybean you will no longer be able to do this.
Check out nvflash thread on Dev forum but if you are not going to do it most people on here would happily swap their fully updated custom primes with you to be able to get nvflash.
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can you tell me what you mean by this. this is my first tab and there's a lot to read.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium

[Q] Still in a boot loop. Am I the 1%? g9101 hdd

Hello. I'm annoyed
I rooted to get rid of problems... So
I followed these tasks: and the root worked for a few days - then moved into a boot loop.... how/why... I don't know.
Ive tried many of the different .aos files to find a correct one for my 101g9 250gb, but I still can't get it out of the loop.
This is where I've been getting the different Aos files:
I get 2 different results 1)error 207 (update failed) or 2) boot loop.
One stange thing did happen once - It's managed to reload the android installer, I selected a language, then it crashed again. Of course I tried the same thing again, but it never got past the boot loop again.
After 2 weeks of trying, I'd like some help.
I always have it plugged in. It's not the battery. It's the HDD model and I don't know exactly which version came with the device. I think 4.0.25.. not 100% sure
Please help
I don't have the HDD model so don't know what to tell you exactly..
What I would do on my flash model is boot into recovery. completely reformat the system and use recovery to update the firmware with an Archos firmware (aos file) onto it.
Reformating it from recovery would bring the filesystem back to stock so it should fix anything wierd any of the other roms might have done. So dropping an Archos firmware on it should in theory fix it. Though you WILL lose your root and anything else you have on the drive.
Djirin said:
I don't have the HDD model so don't know what to tell you exactly..
What I would do on my flash model is boot into recovery. completely reformat the system and use recovery to update the firmware with an Archos firmware (aos file) onto it.
Reformating it from recovery would bring the filesystem back to stock so it should fix anything wierd any of the other roms might have done. So dropping an Archos firmware on it should in theory fix it. Though you WILL lose your root and anything else you have on the drive.
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Thanks for your help, but no luck- that didn't work. I'm sure I lost all my data a long time ago with the amount of reformats I've done. What I'm curious about is, can the tablet actually become a brick just by using these rooted firmwares? I'm assuming that it's fine and that I just have to 'crack to code' to installing the right firmware in the right order.....
I'm still curious if anyone else has had this problem..
Hmm.. Try going back into recovery and try the Reset Android option?
Maybe do Reset Android. Reformat Device. Upgrade Firmware?
The device boots.. so it has to be something causing it.. Have you tried to see if you can use ADB to get into the device and look at any log entries?
Djirin said:
Hmm.. Try going back into recovery and try the Reset Android option?
Maybe do Reset Android. Reformat Device. Upgrade Firmware?
The device boots.. so it has to be something causing it.. Have you tried to see if you can use ADB to get into the device and look at any log entries?
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ADB? ok, I didn't know what it was. But it's now installed and I followed a random setup on youtube, but when I type ADB devices, nothing comes up.
So now I have it installed, but I so far I can't get win7 to detect the tablet in device manager
Regarless, can the ADB detect problems on the tablet when the archos is only connected waiting for the AOS file (A101H-REC - 299MB)?
Btw, you've already got me waaaaay over my head on this stuff - but still, I'm learning.
pwnami said:
ADB? ok, I didn't know what it was. But it's now installed and I followed a random setup on youtube, but when I type ADB devices, nothing comes up.
So now I have it installed, but I so far I can't get win7 to detect the tablet in device manager
Regarless, can the ADB detect problems on the tablet when the archos is only connected waiting for the AOS file (A101H-REC - 299MB)?
Btw, you've already got me waaaaay over my head on this stuff - but still, I'm learning.
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Let me join the conversation
Adb works only is it is enabled in developer settings.
What kind of system do you have in use?
In your case i would probably try exporting hdd in sde. This allows you to browse files inside your hdd in linux operating system through usb.
If it is empty, i would export data partition through sde. This allows you to see if there are any files in your data partition.
You said that the device bootloops, yes? That means that the reformat device is not working. It would remove the system, so you shouldnt even see the bootanimation.
Sent from my ME301T using xda app-developers app
julle131 said:
Let me join the conversation
Adb works only is it is enabled in developer settings.
What kind of system do you have in use?
In your case i would probably try exporting hdd in sde. This allows you to browse files inside your hdd in linux operating system through usb.
If it is empty, i would export data partition through sde. This allows you to see if there are any files in your data partition.
You said that the device bootloops, yes? That means that the reformat device is not working. It would remove the system, so you shouldnt even see the bootanimation.
Sent from my ME301T using xda app-developers app
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Hi, thanks - any advice is welcome. I only have windows7 - Sorry.
As for the bootloop, yes that's the status. I hadn't even considered that the reformatting process wasn't actaully working [but it is] - I reformatted the device and didn't install an AOS. now every restart brings me straight into the Recovery menu [which should happen i assume].
So, with a "clean" but stubborn device, what would you advise to try to isolate the problem? (rather than me simply blindly trying random things)
pwnami said:
Hi, thanks - any advice is welcome. I only have windows7 - Sorry.
As for the bootloop, yes that's the status. I hadn't even considered that the reformatting process wasn't actaully working [but it is] - I reformatted the device and didn't install an AOS. now every restart brings me straight into the Recovery menu [which should happen i assume].
So, with a "clean" but stubborn device, what would you advise to try to isolate the problem? (rather than me simply blindly trying random things)
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So reformat works. Have you tried to flash the official 4.0.28(
After searching about your error 207, I found this:
Code 207 is issued by aosparser when the .aos upgrade file doesn't
pass the signature check.
There's more bad news... If the genuine original .aos files are also
giving the same error it means the signing keystore may also have been
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Of course, this is for Archos 5, so hopefully this is not the case.
julle131 said:
So reformat works. Have you tried to flash the official 4.0.28(
After searching about your error 207, I found this:
Of course, this is for Archos 5, so hopefully this is not the case.
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Yeah, I've used the aos from the archos site a bunch of times - still no luck. btw, that link to the 4.0.28 didn't work....
by "Flash" I hope you mean install.... not some other random process
pwnami said:
Yeah, I've used the aos from the archos site a bunch of times - still no luck. btw, that link to the 4.0.28 didn't work....
by "Flash" I hope you mean install.... not some other random process
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Yeah... I just noticed it was broken. And yes, I meant install.
I am sorry, but I'm out of ideas.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
julle131 said:
Yeah... I just noticed it was broken. And yes, I meant install.
I am sorry, but I'm out of ideas.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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So, do you know if I can access/use ADB on a win7 pc when the archos doesn't have an aos on it?
You could try this. it's written that it doesn't work on hdd model. but it can't get much worse it think. If I understand things correctly, you don't need to have installed any aos before installing this rom. with other roms you get a archos.ext4.update so you need a running system. yust give it a try but don't blame me if your tablet's completely dead afterwards. i don't know what will happen.
Or you could just follow the steps 1-7 (from link above!) to get cwm, maybe that helps for sth, but i don't know.
sry, but my writing style is bad. and do it on your own risk, I'm not that expirienced but that's what I would do...
Good luck
noaddress said:
You could try this. it's written that it doesn't work on hdd model. but it can't get much worse it think. If I understand things correctly, you don't need to have installed any aos before installing this rom. with other roms you get a archos.ext4.update so you need a running system. yust give it a try but don't blame me if your tablet's completely dead afterwards. i don't know what will happen.
Or you could just follow the steps 1-7 (from link above!) to get cwm, maybe that helps for sth, but i don't know.
sry, but my writing style is bad. and do it on your own risk, I'm not that expirienced but that's what I would do...
Good luck
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I gave up on this 6 months ago. but I turned it on 2 days ago and it magically worked.... Now, it's back in a bootloop again. Everything was working for two days, except sometimes the HDD wasn't reading the files, or the system wasn't detecting the HDD...
Could the HDD be damaged? If so, is there a way to check if it is (I was thinking about the ssd option)

Hard bricked sch-I545. Please help

Well I'm stuck with a black screen.....nothing. I know I can send it in for jtag but this is my daily driver so I'm hesitant and need it running soon. I was running stang5litre's oc1 rom and tried to flash gigilies port of albe96's super6 v1.87 ROM. I followed instructions to the T. I wiped then installed through flashfire. That could have been the problem but it was supposedly tested with it so idk. Any way I could fix with an sdcard or something? Thanks in advance!!!
Can you get into download mode?
Hold down the volume down, Home key, and Press and Release power
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
No sir completely hard bricked.
Will it turn on at all?
BtoGS488 said:
Will it turn on at all?
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No sir won't do anything.
Although when I plug it in it says searching for drivers for qhusb_dload. But after awhile it says that this device has malfunctioned.
turn it off again, hold Vol- and power.... (release power when screen light up) still nothing?
No sir but I meant when I plug it into the computer the computer says that.
That's really not good at all. I think JTAG repair is the only hope.
ToastyZ71 said:
That's really not good at all. I think JTAG repair is the only hope.
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OK thankyou. I was afraid that was what I was gonna have to do. But I still have hope for some kind of sdcard repair. Lol
hard bricked I545 also!
Looking to see if theres a SD Card method before I have to look into getting it JTagged. I dont know anything of how or what firmware it has but its a friends phone and he doesnt even know how it hardbricked. I've been trying to read before I posted anything so this is where im at as I am a newb lol.
I have win32diskimager. I need a debrick img for sch-I545. I also have a 32gb class 10 microsd card.
I'm guessing I get the img, write it to the sd using win32disk. put it in phone, then try to power on correct?
I got a debrick img somewhere on xda, but it was labeled backup.bin, and I didnt really know how to convert it to .img correctly nor do i know how to check if its been written properly?
Any help would be awesome! thank you
dougfunnieyo said:
Looking to see if theres a SD Card method before I have to look into getting it JTagged. I dont know anything of how or what firmware it has but its a friends phone and he doesnt even know how it hardbricked. I've been trying to read before I posted anything so this is where im at as I am a newb lol.
I have win32diskimager. I need a debrick img for sch-I545. I also have a 32gb class 10 microsd card.
I'm guessing I get the img, write it to the sd using win32disk. put it in phone, then try to power on correct?
I got a debrick img somewhere on xda, but it was labeled backup.bin, and I didnt really know how to convert it to .img correctly nor do i know how to check if its been written properly?
Any help would be awesome! thank you
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First off if your friend didn't do any type of modding or flashing then the problem could be that the power button is stuck in the open position and you may need to get that replaced.
But if it hardbricked during a flash or something of that sort then The sdcard has to be the same amount as phone storage. So if you have the 32gb then in theory that would work. But if you have 16gb phone you would need a 16gb sdcard. I haven't had any luck but I don't have a class 10 sdc so that's probably the problem. Also from the videos ive watched on youtube (so i could be wrong) you don't need to change the file to img just click on the bottom right corner when you are searching for the file press where it say ".img" ".IMG" and change it to "." Then you will be able to find the backup.bin file. Then me know if this helps and or if it worked then I may have to buy myself a class 10 sdc. Thanks
nathancarlile said:
First off if your friend didn't do any type of modding or flashing then the problem could be that the power button is stuck in the open position and you may need to get that replaced.
But if it hardbricked during a flash or something of that sort then The sdcard has to be the same amount as phone storage. So if you have the 32gb then in theory that would work. But if you have 16gb phone you would need a 16gb sdcard. I haven't had any luck but I don't have a class 10 sdc so that's probably the problem. Also from the videos ive watched on youtube (so i could be wrong) you don't need to change the file to img just click on the bottom right corner when you are searching for the file press where it say ".img" ".IMG" and change it to "." Then you will be able to find the backup.bin file. Then me know if this helps and or if it worked then I may have to buy myself a class 10 sdc. Thanks
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Ya he works for verizon so im guessing he did or tried to flash something. He said it was hardbricked but didnt say how or what he did. I was able to write to the card changing IMG to . allowing me to choose the bin file. The phone didn't boot up or anything, could be wrong debrick img? wish I had different ones to try. This looks like it could be leaning to a JTAG repair, but I still have hope with the SD method.
I have the debrick image for gs4 oc1 I made it from another gs4 thru terminal if you would like me to upload.
nathancarlile said:
I have the debrick image for gs4 oc1 I made it from another gs4 thru terminal if you would like me to upload.
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sure! definitely, anything is worth a shot at this point. Thank you
nathancarlile said:
I have the debrick image for gs4 oc1 I made it from another gs4 thru terminal if you would like me to upload.
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please upload the file, i need it my i545 is getting hardbrick
thanks before
i have vwz GS4 i try to unlock boot loader using EZ-unlocker that hard brick my device .neeed help to brind it back to life kindly upload debrick img and procedure
Same exact problem happened to me. All the way down to flashing the same ROM. I believe my battery popped out while flashing with FF, once I put it back in my phone wouldn't turn on. I'm in a bit of a panic over here :/
Unlocked to bricked
You can not unlock the boot loader there is no method yet to do so. I wonder if some of you have drained you battery & that's why it won't boot up to at least down loading screen. Try plugging it in to a charger for 1/2 hour or so then try.
If you can get to down loading screen you can hook id to computer & load the stock firmware with Odin.
traco1 said:
You can not unlock the boot loader there is no method yet to do so. I wonder if some of you have drained you battery & that's why it won't boot up to at least down loading screen. Try plugging it in to a charger for 1/2 hour or so then try.
If you can get to down loading screen you can hook id to computer & load the stock firmware with Odin.
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i try with new battery full charged but still no sign of life in it after using ez-unlocker to unlock boot loader and pc wont detect:silly::crying: any thing when i connect phone with it
nathancarlile said:
Well I'm stuck with a black screen.....nothing. I know I can send it in for jtag but this is my daily driver so I'm hesitant and need it running soon. I was running stang5litre's oc1 rom and tried to flash gigilies port of albe96's super6 v1.87 ROM. I followed instructions to the T. I wiped then installed through flashfire. That could have been the problem but it was supposedly tested with it so idk. Any way I could fix with an sdcard or something? Thanks in advance!!!
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funny i just did the opposite I bricked flashing stang's new 2.0 on my OC1 OTA phone (got it for cheap after the update) just had rooted it and flashed my gDux to it no problems then flashed stang's and bam. the issue resides in the fact that when I made the OP for Super6 it was based on my downgrading to 4.42 Kernel then using Safestrap. Which a kernel flash has to have the -orig tag at the end of the block in order to flash over the stock kernel. This means that if your on OC1 and you flash a ROM you must not flash a kernel and if you do on accident you need to pull the battery before the install finishes and if thats not possible hold the vol down button in hopes of getting to download mode before trying to boot the phone or it will brick. so if your going to try and flash Stang 2.0 don't use his FF instructions the only time you need to flash a kernel in FF is if your upgrading with mdk, or Safestrap is installed on the phone. otherwise make sure the block for the kernel doesnt have the -orig because that wont work obviously. sucks Im usually more careful when flashing other's releases. if someone has the OTA installed and bootloaders at 5.0 an SD .img for debricking would be useful could someone please zip a result of this command from terminal in the Stock ROM:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/debrick.img bs=1048576 count=128
if you zip the .img you'll save a lot of bandwidth. I'd like to try and attempt to revive via sdcard (doubt its possible I didnt have luck with NK and an SD) but if nothing else theres been some improvements the qhs_usb department it might be possible to force write the debrick.img I'll do some investigating but if anyones already fixed this issue please let me know

