[SOLVED?] About the rustling sound - Kindle Fire HDX 7" & 8.9" Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Am I the only one got the rustling sound with my kindle fire HDX 7'' 4G? When I plug in the earphone, the rustling sound appears until I turned on the airplane mode. Any way to solve it without turning on the airplane mode?
EDIT: turn off wifi and world is clear.


Bluetooth Sound routing bug? Please test for me

With Bluetooth on and paired/ connected to a headset (I use a Jambox in my case).
If the phone is muted or set to vibrate only, then no problem.
But if the phone has Sound On (ringtone comes on with a call), I answer the call and the call does not go to the earphone speaker on the phone or the Jambox but to the phone speaker instead.
Pressing the Speaker or the Headset icons during the call does nothing.
I can also hang up the call from the Jambox. So it has the call but not the sound.
I can hear hissing turning on and off on the Jambox as I press the Headset icon, as if it is attempting to send audio over but it stays with the phone.
Muting the phone or setting it to vibrate cures the problem. So does turning off Bluetooth. Restarting the phone does not help.
Can anyone please replicate?

Bluetooth headset switches to handset mode when another call comes in. ..

I just got my alpha 850m and noticed that if I'm on a call using my stock car bluetooth speaker, when a another call comes in, the phone switches to handset mode. I have to now pick up my phone and switch it back to bluetooth mode to get the sound to come back thru my car speaker. My S4 never had a problem.
Anyone else see this problem?
Any ideas? I think it is a software bug.

Issues with Bluetooth speakers

I've had an issue connecting to any of the Bluetooth speakers I own. I can connect but it won't play sound until I turn off the speaker and reconnect a few times. I never had his issue with my S7E with my speakers. This is really annoying. Anytime my phone goes out of reach of my speaker I have to disconnect and reconnect over and over to get it to play sound again.
No one else has this issue?

Problem with the volume setting

I'm using an old tablet for internet radio. As software I use TuneInradio. Unfortunately there is a problem with the volume setting and the active boxes: The tablet is always switched on. We only switch on the speakers when necessary. Unfortunately the tablet adjusts the volume after a few hours so that nothing can be heard after switching on the speakers. Then I have to increase the volume on the tablet every time. The loudspeakers are connected via the jack socket. The tablet is rooted. Is there any software to prevent this? I use lineage 7.1

video auto pausing on youtube

does anyone else have this problem on le max 2 ? it's the only phone where i experienced this problem. and the video pauses even when i'm not using headphones
When the phone switches audio earpiece/speaker mode , Youtube makes pauses.
It seems I have analog problem with my audio mode switching automatically between both (phone thinks I plug/unplug a headphones probably).
Sometimes it comes back when I plug the phone to the pc with USB.
I use thirdparty app to lock speaker mode (Less Audio Switch).

