[APP] C#Shell (C# Compiler for Android) - Your Portfolio

C#Shell is a C# compiler that lets you dynamically compile and execute C# code on your Android device.


[Q] C++ compiler for Webtop? O.o [NVM Found it]

I'm taking a C++ class this semester and was wondering if there is a decent C++ compiler or other compiler programs I can install in the Full Webtop that anyone would recommend?
Found G++ again LOL XD ~whistles~

Compiling NDK on Android Itself

I'm compiling a custom gcc including the D language on android itself. I have C4Droid gcc binaries installed as well as Debian Wheezy on chroot with gcc/g++ 4.6. I was thinking I could change the host mode to arm-linux-androideabi in configure? Does the NDK build-gcc.sh script call the NDK toolchain to compile or the host systems gcc? Would this be enough to get the source to compile a android runnable binary? Thanks in advanced.

[Q] Deploying aapt (license)

Hi! I'm writing desktop software which is using aapt (Android Asset Packaging Tool). The question is: what license does aapt use? I'd like to deploy it with my software (which licensed under GNU GPL v2) but I couldn't find any information about aapt licensing. Thank you.

Use javac instead of Eclipse ?

I am trying to build an open source project at github (https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer)
As I understand, the project includes a demo application and a library. The demo application plays a number of test streams with the help of the libary. The main page of the project says that I can use Eclipse and Android SDK to build the project. However, instead of using an IDE like Eclipse I want to compile the code from command line using javac. So, I tried it by following the method in this page :http://geosoft.no/development/android.html
1. Created the R.java file using aapt (Everything seems to work fine)
2. Ran the command
javac -d E:/bin -sourcepath E:/project/src -classpath C:/Android/android-sdk/platforms/23.0.2/android.jar;E:/bin E:/project/src/com/google/android/exoplayer/demo/*.java
Here javac throws a lot of errors like 'symbol not found'.
The main problem seems to be that the demo application and library are dependant projects and I don't know how to invoke javac for dependant projects.
Therefore, I am asking you to give an elaborate guide about compiling (this) project from command line.

Unable to locate NDK toolchain path

I'm building android from source using this xda university tutorial: http://xda-university.com/as-a-developer/getting-started-building-a-kernel-from-source. During the build process, I've encountered this obstacle in setting up the toolchain.
The instructions:
Add the path for your toolchain to the env variable by editing .bashrc, adding this line:
I'm using Android NDK r10e, and couldn't locate this directory. How do I find the path to my toolchain?

