Again with bootloop problems, this time with CWM - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Well, my problems with recoveries are sorta of a jokle by now, but I still feel compeled to share my experiences so maybe anyone can tell me what the hell is happening on my phone....
So as I said some time ago, I experienced problems with the PhilZ recovery, which I solved swapping to CWM version The problem was the infinite bootloop of the Samsung Galaxy GT-I9300 logo, the black screen, which did not allow me to access to the recovery. But inmediatly after flashing to the old CWM the problem was gone away. Also, in a case of a possible kernel panic due to doing some stuff with Xposed modules CWM was the only recovery I could get access into.
Now, the problem is the following. Yesterday I installed the CWM Touch version, which I got from this thread After installing it everything was normal. However, after one hour or so the phone screen wouldnt turn off when I pressed the Power Button. In fact the Power Menu appeared, but the screen, as I said, dindt get to sleep mode. To top that, after freezing for a second the phone suddenly turned off, and then get to the infamous black screen with the model logo looping and looping.
Fortunately, after pressing Volume Up+Menu+Power I could get to the Recovery, but not after quite some seconds pressing these three buttons. And in some times it would not get me to the recovery, but instead completely rebooting the phone and working again. Just to, in half an hour, freezing and looping again and again and again.
This problem happened to me with virtually every ROM I installed, being Neat ROM, Archi, and even CM11 from Temasek. Nothing would solve that problem. The only remedy I had was a temporary one, which consisted on uninstalling and reinstalling again the kernel (I used boeffla) and the problem would not disappear that way. Also, when wiping data, for some weird reason it gave an error message while wiping the /preload partition, in the Mounts and Storage menu.
Until I got home today, and then flashed through Odin the old CWM Touch version, that finally stopped the problems. I tested it by pressing the Power buton again and again and it hadnt redirected me to the black bootloop screen. Seriously, I am wakelocking my phone on an intensive basis and nothing has happened for now, and I think it probably wont happen again. Maybe it takes three seconds, maybe the Power Menu displays again, but no bootloop again.
So I ask to you, what is happening on my phone that it wont run recoveries younger than my old
Some hours ago, I was chatting using Whatsapp while charging the phone on an USB charger, when it suddenly suffered the black screen bootloop again. This time was unexpected, since I was using the CWM Touch, the one supposed to work fine. So for now I feel completely finished. My phone is officialy into a unsolvable problem.
But, thinking about it, there were some things that might help you:
-This time I did not uninstall and reflash the kernel: When I got to the recovery menu, I just selected "reboot", as such, without flashing anything else, and the phone then worked as fine, booting into the ROM bootanimation screen (this time the Neat ROM bootanimation). So basically a manual reboot through Recovery got me out of this. Also, I kept using the phone until now and there werent more problems, at least for now.
-As far as I can recall, these problems started some weeks ago, when I accidentally formated the internal SDcard. I was using PhilZ Touch Recovery and flashing a ROM as usual, when I selected without knowledge the option "Format /data and /data/media (sdcard)" in the Mounts and Storage menu. I did this after doing the usual Full Wipe before flashing an new ROM, and after that I had to turn off the phone in order to insert a ROM in the external SD card to flash it through the recovery to make the phone working again. But when I wanted to get back to the recovery, I couldnt. I had to flash CWM because it was the only recovery that let me access to the recovery menu-the already installed PhilZ wont allow me to access to the recovery menu. So in CWM I got to the External SD card and flashed a Neat ROM, and got the phone working again. And after that I reflashed PhilZ. But since then the phone started to experiment these freezes, reboots and bootloops. One happened to me when in College, and couldnt get out of it because PhilZ wont respond to the Manual Recovery command. I had to wait to get home, to reflash the CWM recovery through Odin because that Recovery was the only responding. And in that moment it did well, and didnt have more reboot problems. Until I flashed, which is why I am here.
-Lastly, about the reason I trust in CWM Some time ago, when flashing Blackbox ROM 2.0.2, I downloaded the Gravity Box module from Xposed, and installed it alongside with other modules, which, supposedly, caused a kernel panic problem that sent my phone into the dreaded black bootloop again. I was using PhilZ recovery, and as you may expect now, I couldnt get access to it, so I flashed the CWM recovery, which let me access to a recovery. I too flashed TWRP, but it accessed for one second to the recovery menu, and then faded away, returning to the bootloop logo screen. So basically PhilZ and TWRP failed me during that kernel panic problem, while CWM stood the problem. And thats why I turn to this recovery when everything else fails.
And thats why I am troubled now, because this recovery is showing signs of failure

Try cwm as I've used this for all sorts of Roms and have no problems

andrewwright said:
Try cwm as I've used this for all sorts of Roms and have no problems
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I used and I had the problems previously described....I mean, I used a more updated version than the one you propose. Do you believe its gonna work better?
And thats why I will stick to until someone tells me whats happening. If an updated version of gives me problems...well, go imagine.

I can confirm that works. I Also tested it for nandroid bk up and restore and it works. I have flashed the latest tw 4.3 and the old 4.1.2 and aokp/cm/aosp 4.4.2 and all flashes with no errors. I have but not tested it this is why I said to you to use
Only thing I haven't tested is adb.

andrewwright said:
I can confirm that works. I Also tested it for nandroid bk up and restore and it works. I have flashed the latest tw 4.3 and the old 4.1.2 and aokp/cm/aosp 4.4.2 and all flashes with no errors. I have but not tested it this is why I said to you to use
Only thing I haven't tested is adb.
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Interesting. And where do I get the I dont see it neither in the new CWM thread nor in the old one.

Look down

here. zip so just flash in recovery

andrewwright said:
here. zip so just flash in recovery
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I apreciate your help, but now some new problems have emerged, and I need more help, because maybe I might have a corrupted partition or such, who knows.
With this quote, I too try to bump the thread, in order to gain more attention to my new problems
If anyone is interested, please look the OP, as it has been edited to describe the new problems.

Best thing to do now is go bk to stock firmware with Odin and see if any problems persist. Totally stock for a few days.

andrewwright said:
Best thing to do now is go bk to stock firmware with Odin and see if any problems persist. Totally stock for a few days.
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I will try that in a few weeks, I am a bit busy by now to test anything...
Fortunately, the CWM, while not infallible, works better than the other I only had one bootloop problem, solved by simply rebooting from the recovery....I can keep it for one week or two, it doesnt worry me for now.
Also, there is a guide to reflash stock? Sometimes I reflashed stock, but it kept bootlooping on the Samsung animation...probably because I didnt know how to wipe data while reflashing stock. Thats a little problem I have with reflashing stock, any help is appreciated.

Odin wipes the phone while flashing. What rom are you on? Custom

Well, I have to bump this post again because I am having the same problems again.
I am using CWM as my current recovery. Today, I was browsing the Facebook app when I pressed the Power Button. Then, a lag of 2 seconds happened, the Power Menu displayed on screen, and the phone got into the black boot screen again. But this time I could not get to the recovery. Whenever I pressed Volume up+Power+Menu there appeared a black screen featuring the CWM logo and then it returned again to the black boot screen again. So what I did was to remove the battery, then eject the Exterior SD Card (A Lexar, 32 gb) and put again the battery in its place. The phone started all normal again, and when I put again the SD Card it continued to work normally.
So, what do you think its happening? Not even my old recovery, the one which works better for me, is reliable anymore. Could this be a component of my phone failing? Particulary the emmc chip? Or its not a hardware problem? Should I sent the phone to reparation?

How much data do you have on ext sd? Maybe phone is scanning ext sd and if alot of data is there that maybe the cause of the reboots. Try a different sd for a few days or none at all. See if you have the problem.

andrewwright said:
How much data do you have on ext sd? Maybe phone is scanning ext sd and if alot of data is there that maybe the cause of the reboots. Try a different sd for a few days or none at all. See if you have the problem.
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I have almost 29 gb on the sd, but I had that data since the very first day I bought the card....thats more than one year ago. And I started having the problems since february of this year....
The problem has not reappeared. But what I still have is an insane battery consumption. See, I use apps like Facebook and Twitter, but I too use Greenify to hibernate them. It even drains too much battery by using the web browser. And I repeat, those problems trace back to February...which is the month when I accidentaly formatted the internal SD Card...

One year old + battery using Facebook and twitter and all the rest of them very power hungry apps are no good for battery life. Greenify uses battery, people forget that too. Remove all the apps above and test. Also if anything formatting int SD will speed up the phone not slow it down. It get rid if all the bit left over from ROMs/Recovery's/kernel's. Formatting int sd is good for the phone once in a while. Just remember to back up data first

andrewwright said:
One year old + battery using Facebook and twitter and all the rest of them very power hungry apps are no good for battery life. Greenify uses battery, people forget that too. Remove all the apps above and test. Also if anything formatting int SD will speed up the phone not slow it down. It get rid if all the bit left over from ROMs/Recovery's/kernel's. Formatting int sd is good for the phone once in a while. Just remember to back up data first
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Thanks! Whenever I can, I will try those tips for battery saving.
But what still puzzles me is the "Sudden reboot problem". It vaguely happens, but when it does I am basically screwed, and each time the reboots seems to get worse from recovering....Also, the reboot problems started after formatting the int sd card for first time. And, after that, I remember that, when I wiped data for installing a new ROM, it gave me "(E: unknown volume for path [/sd-ext])" or, something similar. Does this help you for identifying my problem?

OK, now I am royally screwed
I have suffered another sudden bootloop problem, and this time, even by removing the ext SD Card, phone doesnt restarts. Also, I cant access to the Recovery Menu. It does appear for a while and then fades away. But the worst part is that I cannot get into the Download Menu. When I get to the select screen, when I cant choose between Continue and Cancel, the Volume buttons doesnt work. I can not get into Continue button. And then it restarts.
So this time I can not even access to the Download Menu.
I am using the same ROM as before: Neat ROM 6.7 with CWM Touch and Boeffla Kernel
I dont know if I can even send the phone to repair, as seen that I may have the Binary Counter...and I cant even access to Download.
Please, really, help me to get out of this, so I can factory reset this.

Take the battery out then hold buttons for download mode and while holding these buttons put the battery back in and pray mate. Not being able to get into download/recovery mode as you know is really not good. Maybe a jig to force it to download mode.

andrewwright said:
Take the battery out then hold buttons for download mode and while holding these buttons put the battery back in and pray mate. Not being able to get into download/recovery mode as you know is really not good. Maybe a jig to force it to download mode.
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I did that, and I got into the Download Menu. But the menu was frozen as usual. I could not access to the Odin Menu. It didnt matter which option I chosed, since both of them didnt work and the menu would still be frozen, and then restarting the phone a few seconds later. I mean, I got to the screen where you can choose to get to Download Mode or to restart the phone, and it still was a stuck screen, no matter what I chose, the options did not work, and then the phone restarted again.
And I have no jig next to me. So, I am screwed. For real.
Im going to take it to the store where I bought it, which is near where I live...To see if they can do something. Otherwise...I think I will throw away this phone. Its been almost 2 years, and recently it started to fail, probably because of a crappy emmc chip...that store sells the Moto G, which is great, since I dont plan to waste a lot of money on a new phone, watching how this has ended.
And it sucks that I can not recover the data in the Internal SD


[Q] Stuck on Vibrant splash, can't recovery/download via hard buttons.. HELP!

i've read almost every single post related on this subject, tried almost everything but no go.
recently, i installed SS-6 to my girlfriend's Vibrant but she didn't like it, so i attempted to revert to my nandroid from the original stock rom.. nandroid gave an MD5 error and did not installed.
at that point, i had already wiped data/cache, prior to nandroid.
i rebooted the phone, and now im stuck on the Vibrant splash.
i have tried to go to recovery mode via hard buttons but no go. i actually tested with another Vibrant and on that one, im able to get into recovery so it is not that i'm missing pressing a button or what not. been trying anxiously to see if im able to go either to download mode or get into cwm and flash cyanogenmod!
tried to use ODIN/ADB in order to boot into cwm to flash another rom, but it doesn't see the phone. ive already installed samsung drivers.
if i connect the charger, the battery indicator doesnt come up. it stays on that lined-circle screen forever, even after taking the USB cable out.
please help!
EDIT: added [Q] and added some more grammar errors.
any help is highly appreciated.
I had this same problem... The only thing that would fix it was this thing I had to buy called a Jig. It was less than $8 (with free shipping) on eBay.
It delivered in 2 days and my phone is working perfectly now
just ordered one!
one more thing, are you able to just install a different ROM through ODIN or ADB without having to do the full wipe? im wanting to save the contents of the internal SD.
thanks again

Black Screen after galaxy s3 boot logo!!

I installed Chainfire3D (after hearing good things about it) and then realized the problems it causes, so i deleted the app and then its CF3D drivers from system/lib which didnt work properly anyways. Upon restart device doesnt boot anymore :crying: (welI maybe its on cause the battery generates heat, but its black screen) I also couldnt get titanium backup to work in the past just in case something like this happens cause it was constantly stuck on yahoo finance when backing up.
My main issue is I had alot of things (worth a couple days) installed on my phone, and dont want to lose all of it. Bad thing i didnt realize there is Nanadroid backup (cause its my first android phone) which works unlike titanium quickly and efficiently, but backing things up now after black screen is pointless no? i can acess CWM recovery, but dont want to factory reset yet.
So any way to inject those stupid CF3D drivers via ADB? Or maybe backup everything but that certain system/lib folder?
Edit: i ran into this:
On CF-Root just boot into recovery, ADB shell to it, and type "rootsh" (instead of "su") to have root shell access... if anything goes wrong, just "mount /system" and "/system/lib/" to remove the CF3D driver and restore the old one. Not very likely it will happen, but a good fallback option in case of issues (no need to reflash firmware or restore backup)
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, unfortunately was one of the files i deleted, but maybe if someone who has Chainfire3D installed on S3 LTE can share that file, i can then inject it and restore the old drivers?
Seems mine suffered a similar fate.
a friend suggested SPB 3D loaded it. It sucked and caused lock-ups and delays. I uninstalled and the phone seemed to be fine after.
I plugged the phone in to charge overnight and about an hour later when going to bed the screen was stuck on the boot-up screen.
has not gone past this since.
Wanted to get the firmware restored and after trying to find a suitable stock one I took it to my SP for repair they tried to flash it but it fails every time, they said the motherboard is toast.
It will boot to flash mode so it can be uploaded but it doesn't work. Odin says no partitions.
Tried Heimdall it detects the phone but it tells me the image is corrupt and I also have no idea how to repair the partition that seems to be lost.
white 16GB Tmoble GS3
Actually my current issue is similar, it boots up says galaxy S3 then black screen. I can connect to odin, i can boot into clockwork, and i can flash roms, ODIN says everything is successful after i flash but when it boots it still goes to a black screen. this happened after i flashed a rom(that worked) and flashing a kernel that also previously worked....after that its been stuck....i can flash whatever with success but i cannot seem to get it past that Galaxy S3 screen....
I flashed the new FreeGS3 rom, and the TGST STOCK ICS Alpha37 kernel i cleared caches and wiped davliks not too sure where to go from here.....Do i need factory tmoble GS3 PIT file?
Redsalamander said:
Seems mine suffered a similar fate.
a friend suggested SPB 3D loaded it. It sucked and caused lock-ups and delays. I uninstalled and the phone seemed to be fine after.
I plugged the phone in to charge overnight and about an hour later when going to bed the screen was stuck on the boot-up screen.
has not gone past this since.
Wanted to get the firmware restored and after trying to find a suitable stock one I took it to my SP for repair they tried to flash it but it fails every time, they said the motherboard is toast.
It will boot to flash mode so it can be uploaded but it doesn't work. Odin says no partitions.
Tried Heimdall it detects the phone but it tells me the image is corrupt and I also have no idea how to repair the partition that seems to be lost.
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Not to offend anyone the Dev app said he wasn't going to support it for the galaxy s3
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Turns out mine was a faulty mainboard after dragging their feet to repair it including a delay due to them wanting to verify warantee with proof of purchase samsung finaly agreed to swap it out for a new one.
Redsalamander said:
Turns out mine was a faulty mainboard after dragging their feet to repair it including a delay due to them wanting to verify warantee with proof of purchase samsung finaly agreed to swap it out for a new one.
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Well thing is on my end...i didn't flash whatever the OP had flashed. What i DID do though is flash a rom and a kernel on the same cwm event. when it just does this....
i have a backup file....its on my laptop though....with only using odin or cwm how can i push that file onto my phone? My CWM doesnt have USB mount else id just do that.....?

[Q] Help... Stuck in recovery :(

So here is the deal, i went to flash a new ROM last night. I usually do everything on my phone as my computer does not normally recognize my USB for some reason, but anyways, i tried flashing last night and the flash failed. and i have no back ups nor can i plug in a USB and transfer anything to my "sd" portion of my phone because it does not work. Oh and when i go back to stock (Factory reset), when i try to boot into system. It just shoves me back into recovery mode, someone please help. I'm usually pretty good with this stuff and if i don't know a quick Google search is sufficient. But i have found nothing. This is my last resort.
FYI: I believe it failed because my recovery is an old version, I'm using team win recovery touch. not sure if that changes anything
Dylerium said:
So here is the deal, i went to flash a new ROM last night. I usually do everything on my phone as my computer does not normally recognize my USB for some reason, but anyways, i tried flashing last night and the flash failed. and i have no back ups nor can i plug in a USB and transfer anything to my "sd" portion of my phone because it does not work. Oh and when i go back to stock (Factory reset), when i try to boot into system. It just shoves me back into recovery mode, someone please help. I'm usually pretty good with this stuff and if i don't know a quick Google search is sufficient. But i have found nothing. This is my last resort.
FYI: I believe it failed because my recovery is an old version, I'm using team win recovery touch. not sure if that changes anything
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Well u need to get something on the phone to flash. I suggest you work on the usb issue or get a micro sd reader.
Well the "sd" card is the integrated one i cant remove. And i have tried fixing the usb but nothings seems to remedy it. Very rarely i can get it to work but it will stop working the next time i try to plug it in. I have a ROM i can flash, but the recovery fails to flash it every single time, even after clean install. im fairly sure its my recovery that wont let me flash the rom but i also cant update that till i figure out how to at least get the phone to a homescreen. I honestly dont know much about odin but it looks like i may be able to try and flash it there, is this correct?

[Q] Flashing issues

Hi, got some difficulty flashing.
Just trying to flash liquid smooth onto my old s3, but having some difficulty.
Previously loaded with a temasek rom and with devil recovery, pretty sure that the partitions had been reformatted to f2fs to boot. Well, I tried to reformat the partitions to ext4, complete wipe, install rom, gapps and then wiped cache and dalvik. Tried many times to boot, got it to load once but resulted in an unresponsive touchscreen (still works in recovery though). I didn't do anything specific to get it to boot this time, it just hung on the Samsung screen for over 10 minutes, saw a liquid smooth writing (which I thought was a boot loop) for about 20 minutes and then the intostart screen but unresponsive. Needless to say something isn't right, and it can't take half an hour just to reboot the phone!
I would go through odin, and start from scratch, but it's no longer my phone and the phone is no longer recognised by my pc (I guess the connector has been damaged, I had to get the volume buttons repaired this morning just to access recovery!). It can charge, just not specified under device manager on the pc... therefore can't seem to use odin at the moment.
Question is does anyone have a solution? Is there a specific recovery (do you have to use TWRP)? or am I doing something wrong? I've loaded lollipop onto my xperia z2, and a friends galaxy s4 but I'm facing issues with the s3... I have no idea why it just won't boot but if anyone could give me a hand it would be greatly appreciated! I've been banging my head against the wall for hours now! The only way I can get the phone to work again is to restore from my backup... something is definitely wrong here but for the life of me I can't figure out what!

i717 will not boot Samsung logo stays on screen.

After years of great service my i717 will not boot. It shows Samsung, then this changes to a slightly fuzzy version of Samsung and just hangs there.
I am totally new to doing any modifications to phones.
I tried pressing vol up/dn then power and and it showed a screen about downloading a custom something but it didn't look like anything downloaded and this didn't help.
I then tried the genius method of just trying stuff!
I downloaded Odin 1.85.rar and cwm-i717-120305.tar.md5 and installed this as the pda option.
The phone still hangs at Samsung
But now when I hold vol up / dn and power I get a CWM-based Recovery v5.5.0.4 menu.
I put a sdcard in and chose the menu options to format the sd card, mount it and then do a back up to the sdcard.
It listed a lot of files and then rebooted.
When I mount the sd card in a PC it is blank.
I would like to recover my contacts from this phone if possible and I would like to get the phone working mostly so I can read NFC chips for some NFC development I am doing.
Please someone tell me what to do to get the phone to boot and a link to getting started information for someone totally new to phone modding.
What no one wants to help a total noob?
Was I too honest?
Would it have helped if I said I spent two whole days researching this?
About half of the problems with boot loop on i717 seemed to be caused by a stuck power button which obviously was not my problem.
ALL of the other suggestions I found were no help either.
So totally new to this I figured out I should download odgin, and this specific cwm file cwm-i717-120305.tar.md5 and install it with specific options.
I then tried to wipe the cache,
And wipe the dalvik cache,
both didn’t help.
I then tried to do a full back up to sd card.
It ACTED like it did the back up but the sd card when mounted on a PC was blank.
I then did a factory reset and now I have my good old ATT i717 note v1 working again!!
I would have liked to get my contacts but had no help.
This is all I really needed because now I have NXP Taginfo running reading nfc tags which my new J7 doesn’t do even though it says it has NFC support.
I would REALLY like to know why
1) CWM back up looks like it works but ends up with a blank SD card.
2) Boot HANG on second “fuzzy” "Samsung" screen, why is this and how to get a back up of contacts when CWM doesn’t back up.
3) ATT store “help” should have done a simple factory reset on the phone to avoid me having to buy a new phone. But they of course acted like I needed a new phone. This alone makes me want to switch.

