[Q]touch screen sometimes doesn't respond - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i think it only happens when im playing games.
the touch screen sometimes doesn't respond when i touch it. i need to re touch it again to work. i noticed that it happens when im touching the both half of the screen (left and right) at the same time.
For example when im playing GTA san andreas in my S3.
when im pressing the buttons (on the right side) and then i press the analog virtual stick on the left side, sometimes touching the left side (analog virtual stick to move the character) doesn't work or respond if at the same time im pressing the buttons on the right side of the screen.
anyone who also experience this?. i thought flashingv it with an updated stock rom will fix the issue but it is not (from MK7 to NA7 4.3).


CM9 touch screen freaks out!

So i just installed the stock cm9 rom on my new touchpad and the touch screen is not usable at all. For example when i try to type it types a hand full of random letters with it in less then a second. If I hold my finger down anywhere on the screen (even if its not the keyboard) the device will start clicking random points on the screen.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Screen not responsive in random situation

I played many games that make use of "landscape" mode, that is the screen is rotated. Those games where the on-screen "joystick" on the bottom-left of the screen (landscape) OR top left (portrait) and "button" on the bottom-right (landscape) or bottom left (portrait), I notice that sometimes the screen did NOT register my touch.
When it happened, I lift up my thumb and press it or move the button again and nothing is registered. After about 2-5 seconds, THEN it register again.
I used to have the International Note and I never experiences this issue.
I tried pretty much ANY games or apps and the problem persists.
Anyone experiences this?

Touch Screen Issues (incorrect keypresses)

Hi all, i received my Verizon Galaxy Edge on friday and the phone is perfect, but i'm having a issue. I've looked everywhere to see if others are having the same issue as me but nothing, zip, nada.
The issue im having is with the touch screen, lets just say i'm texting, i normally keep my left thumb near the volume down button, kinda touching the edge screen but not really much, well im texting and sometimes i dont have to be pressing the keyboard, but its the issue with the left edge screen, it's making it press in the center where my thumb would be. i've turned on to show my input presses and all that and its confirmed the center of the screen touch input when i'm only touching the edge. any help or issues? does this sound more of a hardware defect or a software defect?
This is weird. I'm kinda having the same problem, but not "frequently". I wonder if other people do. I think it has to do with our palm/fingers accidentally for a short period of time so it registers as a touch, then if you were already touching somewhere else then it'd mess up and register the touch in a random place, but I'm not sure. For me it isn't in the centre but it's annoying when it happens.
Well its not all the time dead center, but yeah its annoying. We might have same issue
an update, today i was typing on facebook and i noticed my right thumb was kind of near the L key but it was recognizing presses with my other hand without touching the screen (heat presses) tried to get the video but it went back to normal 5 seconds after the video, will record when it happens again.
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...

Playing games via mouse over USB?

Well, the touchscreen on my Lifepad S9314 is coming to an end. Via YATT (yet another touch tester app) i recognize there a a lot of spots where my 1-tap gesture/point will trigger 2-3 "ghost" taps on the same horizontal but on the other side of the screen. (which causes a multi-touch-gesture being recognized, which causes most inputs not doing what i intend to do. (Typing, Games).
Well i already ordered a new Lifepad (which is coming soon) but in the meantime i'm stuck with this one. Most of the time i have no problems, but sometimes the "ghost"-taps keep coming every time - very annoying. Anyway I just thought "why not plug a USB mouse in and play via mouse?" and it worked. (via package/stock USB-OTG-Cable).
I tried it out and it worked. Now i have a small mouse cursor on my tablet and can play around with a mouse. I can play games, but one point is still "missing":
how can i "emulate" a 2-finger tap (so a gesture where i touch the screen in 2 places, like for a blocking-sequence in a game)? Because every mouse button i press (left middle or right results in a single tap. I "could" just touch the screen with 2 fingers at events when needed, but as my mouse has more than 1 button, isn't there something like a "makro" wich for example tells the tablet, that right click results in that 2-finger-gesture? Or else like using mouse wheel for progressive/repetitive/fast/action tapping?

Some parts of touchscreen not responding

So I play a lot of PUBGM. For anyone who's not familiar with the game, you can switch weapons by tapping one of the two weapons from the bottom central part of the screen, in landscape mode.
While playing my first game today, I noticed that I can't switch weapons for some reason, no matter how many times I tap it. I even noticed my keyboard going haywire in landscape mode around the exact same position of the weapon switcher in PUBGM.
So I downloaded an app named Touchscreen Test which shows whether the screen is working properly or not with the help of White and Green dots (Green being good, white being bad).
This was the result: https://i.imgur.com/8Uqn2lp.png
I don't know whether what or how this happened, as my phone was working absolutely perfectly yesterday.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

