[Q] Wifi is not working! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, I'm having some problems with MIUI rom. When I turn on wifi it says "is on ..." and "error". I've saved logcat file. I hope that you can help me.
Here is the logcat file:
V/FileViewActivity( 855): computeScrollPosition: result pos: /mnt/sdcard stack count:0
I/MobclickAgent( 855): Could not get location from GPS or Cell-id, lack ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission?
I/MobclickAgent( 855): Start new session: 0e48c863d99972e32c282b9eecef3540
I/MobclickAgent( 855): Could not get location from GPS or Cell-id, lack ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission?
V/FileCategoryActivity( 855): update category info!
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Music info >>> count:40 size:464884698
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Video info >>> count:0 size:0
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Picture info >>> count:0 size:0
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Apk info >>> count:7 size:18249497
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Doc info >>> count:5 size:4352
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): Retrieved Zip info >>> count:6 size:8565317
V/CategoryBar( 855): startAnimation!
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk]
V/FileIconLoader( 855): Ready to get apk icon[/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/WiFix_1.0.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/X-plorev3.10TiengViet.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/fix_permissions.log]
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/swapfile.swp]
V/FileCategoryHelper( 855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/int2ext+.zip]
V/CategoryBar( 855): Animation stopped!
V/FileViewInteractionHub( 855): mFileListView:onItemClick!!!
V/IntentBuilder( 855): viewFile[/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk
V/IntentBuilder( 855): mimeType[application/vnd.android.package-archive]
V/IntentBuilder( 855): change mimeType to [application/vnd.android.package-archive]
V/FileCategoryActivity( 855): onSaveInstanceState!![All]
E/MobclickAgent( 855): onPause() called without context from corresponding onResume()
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity: +443ms
D/skia ( 1195): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity: +460ms
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/PackageParser( 180): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-6106522.tmp
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress: +382ms
D/PackageManager( 180): Scanning package org.jtb.alogcat
D/PackageManager( 180): Services: org.jtb.alogcat.SaveService
D/PackageManager( 180): Receivers: org.jtb.alogcat.WakeLockReceiver org.jtb.alogcat.SaveReceiver
D/PackageManager( 180): Activities: org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity org.jtb.alogcat.PrefsActivity
D/PackageManager( 180): New package installed in /data/app/org.jtb.alogcat-1.apk
V/AppList ( 855): Begin get Apps!
D/Launcher.Model( 317): Got action android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 483): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.jtb.alogcat flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver (has extras) }
V/RecognizerEngine( 483): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/com.android.voicedialer/files/openentries.txt
W/Searchables( 180): No web search activity found
I/ActivityThread( 1218): Pub com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider: com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider
I/System.out( 1226): LuckyPatcher 3.5.9: Application Start!
I/System.out( 1226): SQLite base version is 40
I/System.out( 1226): LP - exit.
D/LauncherSettings( 317): Updating home screen for package org.jtb.alogcat
D/ScreenUtils( 317): Updating home screen for package org.jtb.alogcat
D/ScreenUtils( 317): Found existing items: []
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.settings: com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.android.gsf.gservices: com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider
I/GservicesProvider( 1235): Gservices pushing to system: true; secure: true
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub subscribedfeeds: com.google.android.gsf.subscribedfeeds.SubscribedFeedsProvider
D/ScreenUtils( 317): Adding new app aLogcat to screen 5, pos (1, 0)
D/AllAppsList( 317): Loaded application aLogcat at (1, 0) of screen 5 under container -100
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
D/IconHelper( 317): Generate customized icon for org.jtb.alogcat.png
D/skia ( 1243): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.android.providers.talk: com.google.android.gsf.talk.TalkProvider
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
I/ActivityThread( 1256): Pub com.google.android.partnersetup.rlzprovider: com.google.android.partnersetup.RlzProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1256): Pub com.google.android.partnersetup.rlzappprovider: com.google.android.partnersetup.RlzAppProvider
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +885ms
W/InputMethodManager( 1243): Ignoring onBind: cur seq=27, given seq=26
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1275): Pub com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.shortcuts: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.ShortcutsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1275): Pub com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.google: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.google.GoogleSuggestionProvider
I/global ( 180): Loaded time zone names for vi_VN in 1850ms.
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
D/GTalkService( 1235): handlePackageInstalled: re-initialize providers
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
W/logwrapper( 109): In fsckdelay end. Kill dosfsck, ret=-1
D/Finsky ( 435): [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
D/skia ( 317): purging 312K from font cache [42 entries]
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/skia ( 180): purging 94K from font cache [12 entries]
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/skia ( 1027): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed com.android.settings/.TabbedSettings: +762ms
W/dalvikvm( 1027): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 124
W/dalvikvm( 1027): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 124
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: +369ms
V/DATA ( 303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Line 2: unknown global field 'iface_name=eth0'.
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Line 2: Invalid configuration line 'iface_name=eth0'.
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): wapi_supplicant_init: Init WAPI packet eth0
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): eth0: CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Failed to initialize control interface 'DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi'.
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): You may have another wpa_supplicant process already running or the file was
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): left by an unclean termination of wpa_supplicant in which case you will need
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): to manually remove this file before starting wpa_supplicant again.
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): eth0: CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=0 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
I/dun_service( 132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 3
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +445ms
D/skia ( 286): purging 97K from font cache [12 entries]
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
E/WifiHW ( 180): ioctl failed: No such device
V/DATA ( 303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
D/skia ( 317): purging 283K from font cache [37 entries]
W/lights ( 180): LCD backlight current value =20
W/lights ( 180): LCD backlight current value =102
D/skia ( 318): purging 39K from font cache [5 entries]
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia ( 1027): purging 280K from font cache [36 entries]
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
W/lights ( 180): LCD backlight current value =20
W/lights ( 180): LCD backlight current value =0
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
V/DATA ( 303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
E/InputDispatcher( 180): channel '40301570 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher( 180): channel '40301570 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 180): wakeWhenReadyLocked(26)
W/lights ( 180): LCD backlight current value =102
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
V/DATA ( 303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
I/ViPER4Android( 304): screenOnReceiver::onReceive()
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/Tethering( 180): InitialState.processMessage what=4
D/Tethering( 180): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
E/Tethering( 180): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
W/lights ( 180): Battery light current red value = 0,green value= 0, blue value= 0,onMS=0, offMS=0
I/System.out( 1395): LuckyPatcher 3.5.9: Application Start!
I/System.out( 1395): SQLite base version is 40
I/System.out( 1395): LP - exit.
D/UsbModeStateReceiver( 318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:usbConnected:false
D/UsbModeStateReceiver( 318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:usbConfigurationLast:0
D/UsbModeStateReceiver( 318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:adbEnableLast:1
D/UsbModeStateReceiver( 318): UsbModeStateReceiver: onReceive: usbConnected false
D/UsbModeSelectorService( 318): onStartCommand: usb state is false
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1406): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1406): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
I/ActivityThread( 1416): Pub com.android.mms.festival: com.android.mms.data.FestivalSmsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1416): Pub com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider: com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider
V/Mms ( 1416): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(129): Intent received: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x20000000 (has extras) }
V/Mms ( 1416): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(138): ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED: 0
D/Mms ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(270): Creating TransactionService...
D/Mms ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(318): onStartService: startId=1
V/Mms ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(340): Posting enqueueAllMessages
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1428): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1428): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
V/Mms ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(560): enqueueAllMessages: Pending transaction count=0
V/Mms ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(565): enqueueAllMessages: No pending transaction. Stopping service.
V/Mms ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(433): endMmsConnectivity
D/Mms ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(294): Destroying TransactionService
V/Mms ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(303): Requested killing handler thread.
D/Mms ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(572): TrasctionService stopped.
D/skia ( 286): purging 15K from font cache [2 entries]
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia ( 1243): purging 80K from font cache [9 entries]
D/skia ( 180): purging 50K from font cache [7 entries]
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA ( 303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia ( 1462): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/.RootExplorerPhone: +827ms (total +972ms)
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2( 113): Driver and server are alive
W/KeyCharacterMap( 295): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 295): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 295): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
I/dun_service( 132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 132): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +445ms
D/skia ( 286): purging 7K from font cache [1 entries]
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
I/ActivityManager( 180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.PrefsActivity: +517ms
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...

This is often caused from a kernel issue. I'd check to see if there's another MIUI compatible kernel for your phone to try. It helps to let us know what phone and version of MIUI being used too.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

es0tericcha0s said:
This is often caused from a kernel issue. I'd check to see if there's another MIUI compatible kernel for your phone to try. It helps to let us know what phone and version of MIUI being used too.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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My phone is Huawei Y210D and this is just a rom port from GT-I9100. Can you build the kernel for this rom please? This is the link kernel of my device: http://consumer.huawei.com/cn/support/downloads/detail/index.htm?id=16407
Thanks for help

some one can help me please?

I'm not a kernel developer, sorry. Surely the people who posted the MIUI rom have a thread where you can ask them about the wifi issues or read if others have had similar problems?

es0tericcha0s said:
I'm not a kernel developer, sorry. Surely the people who posted the MIUI rom have a thread where you can ask them about the wifi issues or read if others have had similar problems?
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I'm trying to replace wpa_supplicant in the bin folder and it found wifi. But it can not connect, it hangs at "Obtain an IP address ..". This is the error in logcat:
E:/WifiStateTracker( 179): DHCP request failed: Timed out waiting for dhcpcd to start
E:/WifiStateTracker( 179): Could not stop DHCP
E:/WifiStateTracker( 1148): wpa_driver_wext_set_probe_req_ie failed (-1)
How to fix it?

pls help me


[Q] Repack system.img

Hello everyone!
I'm trying to repack a system.img file.
I have a working system.img which I unpacked with unyaff2 (under linux ubuntu LTE 10.4 64bits). I did some minor changes (delete applications and the like) and after that, I rebuild the system with mkfs.yaffs2 ~/system ~/system.img
My problem is that when I flash the file (fastboot flash system system.img), the phone doesn't start. It shows the splash screen and the animation, and after that, the phone shows a black screen and stay like that forever
Anyone have some tip to what might be the problem, so I could do a bit more research?
Thanks in advance!
Judging by the fact that it's actually booting, it seems that you did everything right in unpacking and re-packing the image.
If I were to guess, I'd say there's at least a chance that you deleted the launcher...
Do a logcat though, and pastebin it for me.
I'm trying to use pastebin.com but it seems to be offline (or unreachable from my current position).
I have attached a full detailed log, and copy the first of the log here:
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/DEBUG ( 74): debuggerd: Mar 14 2011 12:52:08
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): modem is present in configuration
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 82): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 82): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 82): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 82): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 82): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 82): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
E/SensorBMA023( 89): acc_bma023_init++
E/SensorBMA023( 89): acc_bma220_init fail to open file 0xffffffff
E/SensorBMA023( 89): acc_bma023_init--
E/SensorBMA023( 89): acc_bma023_open--
D/loc_api_rpc_glue( 83): Loc API RPC client initialized.
W/libdbus ( 79): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/dbus.conf": Permission denied
D/WiperIface( 83): WiperIface open : Location handle 0, pid 83
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 72): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
D/libloc ( 83): loc_read_gps_conf: using /etc/gps.conf
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
D/Vold ( 72): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
E/NetlinkEvent( 72): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_NAME' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 72): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_STATE' not found
W/Vold ( 72): Switch /devices/virtual/switch/h2w event missing name/state info
E/NetlinkEvent( 72): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_NAME' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 72): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_STATE' not found
W/Vold ( 72): Switch /devices/virtual/switch/usb_mass_storage event missing name/state info
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_NAME' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_STATE' not found
W/UsbController( 73): Switch /devices/virtual/switch/MSM72K_UDC event missing name/state info
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_NAME' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_STATE' not found
W/UsbController( 73): Switch /devices/virtual/switch/h2w event missing name/state info
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_NAME' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 73): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'SWITCH_STATE' not found
W/UsbController( 73): Switch /devices/virtual/switch/usb_mass_storage event missing name/state info
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
D/UsbController( 73): UsbController: notifyUsbConnected: USB Not Connected
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
D/Vold ( 72): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/Vold ( 72): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 82): got usb online event
I/dun_service( 82): ustate is DUN_USBSTATE_PLUG
I/dun_service( 82): Post event 2
I/dun_service( 82): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_PLUG
I/dun_service( 82): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_PLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
W/UsbController( 73): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_mass_storage'
W/Vold ( 72): Ignoring unknown switch 'MSM72K_UDC'
D/UsbController( 73): UsbController: handleSwitchEvent: Inside USB KERNEL EVENT
D/UsbController( 73): UsbController: handleSwitchEvent: USB ONLINE
D/UsbController( 73): UsbController: notifyUsbConnected: USB Connected
I/dun_service( 82): Successfully opened SMD port: a, ext port: f
I/dun_service( 82): Configured external host port in RAW mode
I/dun_service( 82): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_IDLE)
I/dun_service( 82): modem_bits0, prev_mdm_bits 0, init = 1,
I/dun_service( 82): smdtoextctrl: ext port bits 320, smdoldstatus 0, init = 1
I/dun_service( 82): portbridge: Turning ON external port bits 140
I/AUDMSM ( 78): get_audpp_filter
E/AUDMSM ( 78): failed to open AUDIO_NORMAL_FILTER /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv: No such file or directory (2).
V/AUDMSM ( 78): constructed (0 SND endpoints)
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 0 ept->name = HANDSET ept->id = 0
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 1 ept->name = MONO_HEADSET ept->id = 2
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 2 ept->name = HEADSET ept->id = 3
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 3 ept->name = SPEAKER ept->id = 6
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 4 ept->name = TTY_HEADSET ept->id = 8
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 5 ept->name = TTY_VCO ept->id = 9
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 6 ept->name = TTY_HCO ept->id = 10
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 7 ept->name = BT ept->id = 12
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 8 ept->name = IN_S_SADC_OUT_HANDSET ept->id = 16
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 9 ept->name = IN_S_SADC_OUT_SPEAKER_PHONE ept->id = 25
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 10 ept->name = LOOPBACK_HANDSET ept->id = 26
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 11 ept->name = LOOPBACK_HEADSET ept->id = 27
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 12 ept->name = LOOPBACK_SPEAKER ept->id = 28
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 13 ept->name = LINEIN_HANDSET ept->id = 29
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 14 ept->name = LINEIN_HEADSET ept->id = 30
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 15 ept->name = LINEIN_SPEAKER ept->id = 31
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 16 ept->name = HEADSET_AND_SPEAKER ept->id = 32
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 17 ept->name = VOC_HEADSET ept->id = 33
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 18 ept->name = VOC_SPEAKER ept->id = 34
V/AUDMSM ( 78): cnt = 19 ept->name = CURRENT ept->id = 36
E/AUDMSM ( 78): failed to open AUTO_VOLUME_CONTROL /system/etc/AutoVolumeControl.txt: No such file or directory (2)
I/AUDMSM ( 78): Set master volume to 7.
I/dun_service( 82): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
V/AUDMSM ( 78): AudioStreamOutMSM72xx::setParameters() routing=2
V/AUDMSM ( 78): set output routing 2
I/AUDMSM ( 78): Routing audio to Speakerphone
I/AUDMSM ( 78): Routing audio to 6
V/AUDMSM ( 78): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 6, mMode 0, EarMute 1, MicMute 1
D/AUDMSM ( 78): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
I/AUDMSM ( 78): Setting in-call volume to 7 (available range is 0 to 7)
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 77): Profiler is disabled.
E/Zygote ( 77): Couldn't find preloaded-classes.
It seems that it is in a bootloop.
Thanks for your help!
Here is the pastebin
Thanks again
Was the build that you modified ODEXed, and did you remove some ODEX files?
I haven't yet read the pastebin (will do tomorrow when I have more time), but I saw unable to load class...
nprussell said:
Was the build that you modified ODEXed, and did you remove some ODEX files?
I haven't yet read the pastebin (will do tomorrow when I have more time), but I saw unable to load class...
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No. I just wanted to add and delete some apks or xml configuration files and I'm unable to boot.
The logcat I pastedbin, is only uncompressing the system.img with unyaff2, then edited build.prop to change the version number, and then compressed again with mkfs.yaffs2
I'm completly lost to what might be the cause, as I only edited the file build.prop

[Q] Wifi error

Ive had an Atrix with AT&T for awhile and have been flashing roms for about one and a half years now ( I always wipe data/factory reset/ and wipe caches) and havent run into any major problems I couldn't google or look up and fix. However Ive finally ran into problem that I cannot seem to fina an answer to. About a week ago I think it was a day after I flashed the neutrino rom, not too sure, but when I went to turn on my wifi, displayed "Error" where it usually displays the network I'm connected to. I did see a wifi fix on the dev forums, but on of the commands the guide calls for gives me a " Directory not found message". Ive tried replying to the thread but I cant due to the fact I have not reached the post quota. Also I ran a logcat and I get "E/WifiService< 1479>: Failed to load Wi-Fi driver." I got < 1454> yesterday idk if that means anything. Anyways if anyone else has had this problem and manage to fix it or if anyone knows how to fix this problem, all help is appreciated. Thank you.
Check the owner of the file /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant. It should be set to wifi. I get the same error when I restore that file which has all my wifi networks saved.
I have the same problem and I've noticed it after flashing the neutrino ROM too
I re flashed the older ROM that I used to have and the same problem persists.
inconceivable124 said:
Check the owner of the file /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant. It should be set to wifi. I get the same error when I restore that file which has all my wifi networks saved.
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I tried to set the owner form "system" to "wifi" and it didn't work too
Anybody who suggest us any solutions to our problem, please?
yeah this was the first time I restored my Wifi locations with TB. However my data driectory is empty, but I can find wpa_supplicant through /etc/wifi , but I dont exactly understand what you mean by change it to wifi. oh and when I look at the location that my TB says it save the Wifi locations to, it is the /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant , but I cant seem to find this location through Astro.
Q80 said:
I have the same problem and I've noticed it after flashing the neutrino ROM too
I re flashed the older ROM that I used to have and the same problem persists.
I tried to set the owner form "system" to "wifi" and it didn't work too
Anybody who suggest us any solutions to our problem, please?
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Did you try rebooting? Also, check the permissions that it has rw.
NoeL Z said:
yeah this was the first time I restored my Wifi locations with TB. However my data driectory is empty, but I can find wpa_supplicant through /etc/wifi , but I dont exactly understand what you mean by change it to wifi. oh and when I look at the location that my TB says it save the Wifi locations to, it is the /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant , but I cant seem to find this location through Astro.
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I did that using Root Explorer. I accessed the path and found the file and opened the menu ( you could open the menu by holding your finger on the file name). Afterwards I chose "Change owner" option from the menu and changed the owner from "system" to "wifi".
But unfortunately, the trick doesn't work for me
PS: I found that the Bluetooth driver doesn't work too but the difference is it's recognizable by the android while the WiFi seems not to be recognized at all.
NoeL Z said:
yeah this was the first time I restored my Wifi locations with TB. However my data driectory is empty, but I can find wpa_supplicant through /etc/wifi , but I dont exactly understand what you mean by change it to wifi. oh and when I look at the location that my TB says it save the Wifi locations to, it is the /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant , but I cant seem to find this location through Astro.
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/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant does something else and doesn't save your networks.
I'm not sure how you can have an empy /data directory. That's where all your apps data should be stored. Perhaps it's an issue with Astro. As for changing the owner, there should an option to change the owner of the file. Usually, you long press on the file and a menu comes up giving you that option. I've never used Astro so I don't know if that gives you that option.
---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------
Q80 said:
I did that using Root Explorer. I accessed the path and found the file and opened the menu ( you could open the menu by holding your finger on the file name). Afterwards I chose "Change owner" option from the menu and changed the owner from "system" to "wifi".
But unfortunately, the trick doesn't work for me
PS: I found that the Bluetooth driver doesn't work too but the difference is it's recognizable by the android while the WiFi seems not to be recognized at all.
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Try deleting the file (backup first) and reboot. That should fix the wifi issue but you will lose all of your saved networks. Then note the owner and permissions of the newly generated wpa_supplicant and use those when you restore your wpa_supplicant.
inconceivable124 said:
Try deleting the file (backup first) and reboot. That should fix the wifi issue but you will lose all of your saved networks. Then note the owner and permissions of the newly generated wpa_supplicant and use those when you restore your wpa_supplicant.
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I've tried this but unfortunately this doesn't work too.
Sounds like the software doesn't even sense the driver
I hope that neutrino ROM didn't affect the hardware of the device!
Does root explorer give you the option to set both the owner and group? They both need to be wifi.
inconceivable124 said:
Does root explorer give you the option to set both the owner and group? They both need to be wifi.
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Yea that's what I tried to do before and seems not to solve it at all.
Not being pessimistic, but our problem seems to be bigger than just fixing it by tweaking or even deleting that file
I guess it's maybe a Radio or Kernel related issue..
It certainly sounds like a bigger problem. Good luck.
wifi n bluetooth problem
i had the same problem it happened after c7 rc1 n the new neutrino rom ....i tried flashing other roms n radios n kernels and nothing helped.....i thought it was a sd card problem since i bought a new one ..am going to try n figure the method mention in this thread .....i cant post in the neutrino rom thread or the cm7 thread because i never post anything because i find what i need or similar problems by looking around......i should of post more often
inconceivable124 said:
Check the owner of the file /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant. It should be set to wifi. I get the same error when I restore that file which has all my wifi networks saved.
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so Im using Root Explorer now and I can get all the way to /data/misc/wifi but when i get there the only folder is "sockets" no wpa_supplicant...
It sounds like you have some other problem too. If that file doesn't exist, it should be automatically created when turning on wifi.
k well i was flashing back to neutrino gt because i like the rom to try n rename the file as i was flashing neutrino from scratch with sync add on n other add ons also n changed the kernel to 1ghz cm7 stock one ...n the radio to the 37p one ....the last thing i did i upgraded the cwm to the touch screen one... now my phone just turns on to the boot animation screen n turns off doess this all time unless i take off the battery............when i try to sync to the cpu it says tho make sure the drivers r installed i am using a new mc sd card i just transfer my pics n music from my old to the new i think thats what messed the cwm which doesnt load up when i try doing it by the phone it self
I'm having the same issue. I believe it started with a CM7-based ROM and has persisted with CM9 and now Neutrino's latest. I didn't really care at first because I have unlimited data, but then I got the throttling text less than halfway through my billing cycle...
Meursau|t said:
I'm having the same issue. I believe it started with a CM7-based ROM and has persisted with CM9 and now Neutrino's latest. I didn't really care at first because I have unlimited data, but then I got the throttling text less than halfway through my billing cycle...
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I'm having the exact same issue, tried doing the wifi fix which didn't work, tried different roms, nothing has fixed it. Here's a logcat if it helps, I notice it says wifi driver fails to load.
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 106K, 48% free 2805K/5379K, external
0K/0K, paused 31ms
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 20K, 48% free 2835K/5379K, external 5
13K/519K, paused 22ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +379ms
I/ggheart ( 1998): onStop
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=4
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=
com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings } from pid 2584
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
V/NFC ( 2584): this device does not have NFC support
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings: +317
D/ ( 1547): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist from client: 1
D/ ( 1547): rt_exist=1, add client ref
D/ ( 1547): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist to client: 1
D/ ( 1547): NVRM_DAEMON(1011): master_dispatch_thread() running
I/WindowManager( 1612): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/410 loc=en_US tou
ch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/2 orien=2 layout=268435490 uiMode=17 seq=5 themeResource=n
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist from client: 1
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): rt_exist=1, add client ref
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist to client: 1
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): NVRM_DAEMON(1011): master_dispatch_thread() running
D/dalvikvm( 1707): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 278K, 50% free 2961K/5895K, external
628K/1132K, paused 46ms
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Clearing any old widget stuffs
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up widget
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Default buttons being loaded
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSo
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleWifi
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleBluetooth
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleGPS
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleSound
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_CONCURRENT freed 90K, 47% free 3027K/5639K, external 819K/
1034K, paused 1ms+12ms
I/dalvikvm( 1612): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
W/SurfaceComposerClient( 1612): Destroying surface while a transaction is open.
Client 0x20efe0: destroying surface 2, mTransactionOpen=1
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_EXPLICIT freed 977K, 39% free 5791K/9415K, external 4198K/
5232K, paused 87ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=5
D/dalvikvm( 1695): GC_CONCURRENT freed 235K, 47% free 3126K/5895K, external 2006
K/2013K, paused 2ms+2ms
W/InputManagerService( 1612): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2657
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2658
I/WindowManager( 1612): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=0
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/410 loc=en_US tou
ch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/2 orien=1 layout=268435490 uiMode=17 seq=6 themeResource=n
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Clearing any old widget stuffs
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up widget
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Default buttons being loaded
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSo
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleWifi
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleBluetooth
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleGPS
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleSound
W/SurfaceComposerClient( 1612): Destroying surface while a transaction is open.
Client 0x20efe0: destroying surface 3, mTransactionOpen=1
I/BATTD ( 1539): Battd USB INSERT = Success
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): USB online
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Cable Status Changed, need to notify Cable Status to
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_notify_current_status(): Notifying App with Current Stat
us : cable_connected
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: cable_connected
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbCableAttachment()
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbEvent(), Received event: 0, current state: 0
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbListener( 1743): received usb mode change command from UI: usb_mode_charge_
D/UsbListener( 1743): Writing command usb_mode_charge_adb to usbd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Read and handle a pending message from the App
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_socket_event(): recieved usb_mode_charge_adb
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_socket_event(): Matched new usb mode = 16 , current mode
= 0
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_set_usb_mode(): new_mode: charge_adb
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: usb_mode_msc:ok
D/Vold ( 1490): USB connected
I/ftmipcd ( 2666): USBLAN interface not available
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbEvent(), Received event: 2, current state: 1
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_voltage=4200
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=100
D/lights ( 1612): RGB: USER, "battery", color=0xff00ff00, onMs=0, offMs=0
D/lights ( 1612): RGB, blink=0, RGB=0 0 0
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=0
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=100
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps for broadcast
com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.android.MapServiceReceiver: pi
d=2693 uid=10041 gids={3003, 1015}
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): get event from usb_device_fd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): devbuf: none:none:none:get_desc
I/usbd ( 1540): rc: 23 usbd_curr_cable_status: 0
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): pcSwitchbuf = none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): adbEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): tetheringEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): length = 9
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): enubuf: get_desc
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): received get_descriptor, enum in progress
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Notifying Apps that Get_Descriptor was called...
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: get_descriptor
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleGetDescriptor()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/MotUsbService( 1743): setUsbConnectionNotificationVisibility()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
D/MotUsbService( 1743): enableInternalDataConnectivity(): true
D/UsbService( 1612): Got USB reconfiguration event, connected 1
D/dalvikvm( 2693): GC_CONCURRENT freed 131K, 46% free 3045K/5639K, external 0K/0
K, paused 2ms+7ms
D/Tethering( 1612): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
D/Tethering( 1612): interfaceAdded :usb1
D/BluetoothNetworkService( 1612): updating tether state
D/BluetoothNetworkService( 1612): interface usb1
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LayerInfoProvider: com.goog
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.TrafficAppWidgetProvider: c
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.SuggestionProvider: com.goo
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalActivePlacesProvider:
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.StarredItemProvider: com.go
D/dalvikvm( 1695): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 151K, 48% free 3101K/5895K, external
1964K/2013K, paused 33ms
I/System.out( 2693): VectorGlobalState: Server:https://mobilemaps.clients.google
.com/glm/mmap Type:3
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): get event from usb_device_fd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): devbuf: none:none:none:enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): rc: 25 usbd_curr_cable_status: 0
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): pcSwitchbuf = none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): adbEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): tetheringEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): length = 11
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): enubuf: enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): recieved enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): usbd_app_fd = 12
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_enum_process(): current usb mode = 16
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_enum_process(): enum done
W/Vold ( 1490): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_mass_storage'
D/Vold ( 1490): USB connected
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=500
D/dalvikvm( 2693): GC_CONCURRENT freed 226K, 45% free 3390K/6087K, external 0K/0
K, paused 1ms+2ms
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalSuggestionProvider: co
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.SearchHistoryProvider: com.
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.NavigationAvailabilityProvi
der: com.google.googlenav.provider.NavigationAvailabilityProvider
D/dalvikvm( 2174): GC_CONCURRENT freed 275K, 50% free 2853K/5639K, external 0K/0
K, paused 2ms+11ms
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_EXPLICIT freed 572K, 39% free 5756K/9415K, external 867K/1
379K, paused 65ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Starting: Intent { cmp=com.motorola.usb/.UsbModeSelect
ionActivity bnds=[0,197][540,293] } from pid -1
W/ActivityManager( 1612): startActivity called from non-Activity context; forcin
g Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { flg=0x800000 cmp=com.motorola.usb/
.UsbModeSelectionActivity bnds=[0,197][540,293] }
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): onCreate()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): getPositionFromMode() -- 5
D/dalvikvm( 1743): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 165K, 50% free 2728K/5379K, external
0K/0K, paused 36ms
D/ViewConsistency( 1743): AbsListView com.android.internal.app.AlertController$R
[email protected] enabled= false
D/ViewConsistency( 1743): AbsListView com.android.internal.app.AlertController$R
[email protected] enabled= false
D/dalvikvm( 1743): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 32K, 49% free 2750K/5379K, external 5
38K/542K, paused 33ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.motorola.usb/.UsbModeSelectionActivity:
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): onClick() -- -2
W/InputManagerService( 1612): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread top dispInit=1 state=0
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=6
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread starting loop dispInit=1 state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
D/dalvikvm( 1716): GC_CONCURRENT freed 363K, 48% free 3189K/6087K, external 0K/0
K, paused 8ms+3ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=7
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 UMTS CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=3
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 HSPA CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=10
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(10) state=1
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2887
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2888
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 UMTS CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=3
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 HSPA CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=10
E/WifiService( 1612): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(5) state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=8
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
D/BluetoothService( 1612): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11
I/bluedroid( 1612): Starting hciattach daemon
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 2584): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STA
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Start proc com.android.bluetooth for broadcast com.and
roid.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppReceiver: pid=2910 uid=10027 gids={3003, 3002, 3
001, 1015}
D/szipinf ( 2910): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityThread( 2910): Pub com.android.bluetooth.opp: com.android.bluetooth.op
V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 11
I/ActivityManager( 1612): No longer want com.google.android.apps.maps:FriendServ
ice (pid 2185): hidden #16
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(5) state=1
E/bluedroid( 1612): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up
D/BluetoothService( 1612): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 2584): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STA
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_CONCURRENT freed 839K, 39% free 5786K/9415K, external 867K
/1379K, paused 3ms+5ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=9
V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 10
I/GOPOWER_TaskReceiver( 1927): action = com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.powersave
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(4) state=1
Sorry for the double post, but I think this post is worthy because I found something that seems to work somewhat, but only temporarily. Under the cover try rubbing and tapping the smooth plastic below the camera and above the sdcard and then rebooting. I managed to get the wifi to turn on for at least a minute or so before it stopped working again. This makes me think it's an issue with the small battery located underneath the plastic
shows just error no rebooting
my wifi just shows up error thats all with no rebooting after attempting to connect it...
Nothing I've tried seems to work and I'm a month out of warranty. Might have to just use the ol' upgrade. Sucks that I can't really sell a phone w/o wifi or bluetooth, though.

Major issues randomly started today, please help!

So everything was running fine today with Faux's oc kernel and ics cm7 but then my phone suddenly started rebooting constantly. I tried doing a full reset to some success, with only occasional reboots but it broke my wifi. Now I tried installing neutrino's GT rom and have been getting reboots and no wifi. Does anyone know what I can do to fix the reboots and my wifi access? When I try to turn on wifi it just says error, maybe a radio issue? My market app also no longer launches. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I love this phone and would love to fix the problem.
I've got the phone working relatively well now with one notable exception, wifi and bluetooth do not work. When I try to turn on bluetooth it just doesnt turn on and when I try to turn on wifi it just says "error". Below is a logcat.
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 106K, 48% free 2805K/5379K, external
0K/0K, paused 31ms
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 20K, 48% free 2835K/5379K, external 5
13K/519K, paused 22ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +379ms
I/ggheart ( 1998): onStop
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=4
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=
com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings } from pid 2584
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
V/NFC ( 2584): this device does not have NFC support
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings: +317
D/ ( 1547): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist from client: 1
D/ ( 1547): rt_exist=1, add client ref
D/ ( 1547): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist to client: 1
D/ ( 1547): NVRM_DAEMON(1011): master_dispatch_thread() running
I/WindowManager( 1612): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/410 loc=en_US tou
ch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/2 orien=2 layout=268435490 uiMode=17 seq=5 themeResource=n
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist from client: 1
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): rt_exist=1, add client ref
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): nvrm_daemon: rt_exist to client: 1
I/nvrm_daemon( 1538): NVRM_DAEMON(1011): master_dispatch_thread() running
D/dalvikvm( 1707): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 278K, 50% free 2961K/5895K, external
628K/1132K, paused 46ms
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Clearing any old widget stuffs
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up widget
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Default buttons being loaded
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSo
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleWifi
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleBluetooth
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleGPS
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleSound
D/dalvikvm( 2584): GC_CONCURRENT freed 90K, 47% free 3027K/5639K, external 819K/
1034K, paused 1ms+12ms
I/dalvikvm( 1612): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
W/SurfaceComposerClient( 1612): Destroying surface while a transaction is open.
Client 0x20efe0: destroying surface 2, mTransactionOpen=1
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_EXPLICIT freed 977K, 39% free 5791K/9415K, external 4198K/
5232K, paused 87ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=5
D/dalvikvm( 1695): GC_CONCURRENT freed 235K, 47% free 3126K/5895K, external 2006
K/2013K, paused 2ms+2ms
W/InputManagerService( 1612): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2657
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2658
I/WindowManager( 1612): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=0
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/410 loc=en_US tou
ch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/2 orien=1 layout=268435490 uiMode=17 seq=6 themeResource=n
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
D/ViewConsistency( 2584): AbsListView [email protected] enabled=
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Clearing any old widget stuffs
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up widget
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Default buttons being loaded
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSo
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleWifi
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleBluetooth
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleGPS
I/PowerWidget( 1695): Setting up button: toggleSound
W/SurfaceComposerClient( 1612): Destroying surface while a transaction is open.
Client 0x20efe0: destroying surface 3, mTransactionOpen=1
I/BATTD ( 1539): Battd USB INSERT = Success
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): USB online
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Cable Status Changed, need to notify Cable Status to
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_notify_current_status(): Notifying App with Current Stat
us : cable_connected
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: cable_connected
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbCableAttachment()
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbEvent(), Received event: 0, current state: 0
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbListener( 1743): received usb mode change command from UI: usb_mode_charge_
D/UsbListener( 1743): Writing command usb_mode_charge_adb to usbd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Read and handle a pending message from the App
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_socket_event(): recieved usb_mode_charge_adb
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_socket_event(): Matched new usb mode = 16 , current mode
= 0
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_set_usb_mode(): new_mode: charge_adb
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: usb_mode_msc:ok
D/Vold ( 1490): USB connected
I/ftmipcd ( 2666): USBLAN interface not available
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleUsbEvent(), Received event: 2, current state: 1
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_voltage=4200
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=100
D/lights ( 1612): RGB: USER, "battery", color=0xff00ff00, onMs=0, offMs=0
D/lights ( 1612): RGB, blink=0, RGB=0 0 0
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=0
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=100
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps for broadcast
com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.android.MapServiceReceiver: pi
d=2693 uid=10041 gids={3003, 1015}
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): get event from usb_device_fd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): devbuf: none:none:none:get_desc
I/usbd ( 1540): rc: 23 usbd_curr_cable_status: 0
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): pcSwitchbuf = none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): adbEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): tetheringEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): length = 9
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): enubuf: get_desc
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): received get_descriptor, enum in progress
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Notifying Apps that Get_Descriptor was called...
D/UsbListener( 1743): handleEvent: get_descriptor
D/MotUsbService( 1743): handleGetDescriptor()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/MotUsbService( 1743): setUsbConnectionNotificationVisibility()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
D/MotUsbService( 1743): enableInternalDataConnectivity(): true
D/UsbService( 1612): Got USB reconfiguration event, connected 1
D/dalvikvm( 2693): GC_CONCURRENT freed 131K, 46% free 3045K/5639K, external 0K/0
K, paused 2ms+7ms
D/Tethering( 1612): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
D/Tethering( 1612): interfaceAdded :usb1
D/BluetoothNetworkService( 1612): updating tether state
D/BluetoothNetworkService( 1612): interface usb1
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LayerInfoProvider: com.goog
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.TrafficAppWidgetProvider: c
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.SuggestionProvider: com.goo
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalActivePlacesProvider:
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.StarredItemProvider: com.go
D/dalvikvm( 1695): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 151K, 48% free 3101K/5895K, external
1964K/2013K, paused 33ms
I/System.out( 2693): VectorGlobalState: Server:https://mobilemaps.clients.google
.com/glm/mmap Type:3
I/usbd ( 1540): process_usb_uevent_message(): cable type: usb
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): Spurious Cable Event, Ignore
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): get event from usb_device_fd
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): devbuf: none:none:none:enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): rc: 25 usbd_curr_cable_status: 0
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): pcSwitchbuf = none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): adbEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): tetheringEnablebuf: none
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): length = 11
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): enubuf: enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): recieved enumerated
I/usbd ( 1540): main(): usbd_app_fd = 12
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_enum_process(): current usb mode = 16
I/usbd ( 1540): usbd_enum_process(): enum done
W/Vold ( 1490): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_mass_storage'
D/Vold ( 1490): USB connected
I/BATTD ( 1539): set_charge_current=500
D/dalvikvm( 2693): GC_CONCURRENT freed 226K, 45% free 3390K/6087K, external 0K/0
K, paused 1ms+2ms
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalSuggestionProvider: co
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.SearchHistoryProvider: com.
I/ActivityThread( 2693): Pub com.google.android.maps.NavigationAvailabilityProvi
der: com.google.googlenav.provider.NavigationAvailabilityProvider
D/dalvikvm( 2174): GC_CONCURRENT freed 275K, 50% free 2853K/5639K, external 0K/0
K, paused 2ms+11ms
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_EXPLICIT freed 572K, 39% free 5756K/9415K, external 867K/1
379K, paused 65ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Starting: Intent { cmp=com.motorola.usb/.UsbModeSelect
ionActivity bnds=[0,197][540,293] } from pid -1
W/ActivityManager( 1612): startActivity called from non-Activity context; forcin
g Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { flg=0x800000 cmp=com.motorola.usb/
.UsbModeSelectionActivity bnds=[0,197][540,293] }
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): onCreate()
D/UsbSettings( 1743): USB mode (UI) : 5
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): getPositionFromMode() -- 5
D/dalvikvm( 1743): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 165K, 50% free 2728K/5379K, external
0K/0K, paused 36ms
D/ViewConsistency( 1743): AbsListView com.android.internal.app.AlertController$R
[email protected] enabled= false
D/ViewConsistency( 1743): AbsListView com.android.internal.app.AlertController$R
[email protected] enabled= false
D/dalvikvm( 1743): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 32K, 49% free 2750K/5379K, external 5
38K/542K, paused 33ms
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Displayed com.motorola.usb/.UsbModeSelectionActivity:
D/UsbModeSelectionActivity( 1743): onClick() -- -2
W/InputManagerService( 1612): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread top dispInit=1 state=0
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=6
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread starting loop dispInit=1 state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
D/dalvikvm( 1716): GC_CONCURRENT freed 363K, 48% free 3189K/6087K, external 0K/0
K, paused 8ms+3ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=7
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 UMTS CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=3
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 HSPA CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=10
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(10) state=1
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2887
W/ProcessStats( 1612): Skipping unknown process pid 2888
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 UMTS CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=3
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyServiceState: 0 home AT&T AT&T 310410 HSPA CS
S not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1612): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPoss
ible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=10
E/WifiService( 1612): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(5) state=1
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=8
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(0) state=1
D/BluetoothService( 1612): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11
I/bluedroid( 1612): Starting hciattach daemon
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 2584): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STA
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
I/ActivityManager( 1612): Start proc com.android.bluetooth for broadcast com.and
roid.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppReceiver: pid=2910 uid=10027 gids={3003, 3002, 3
001, 1015}
D/szipinf ( 2910): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityThread( 2910): Pub com.android.bluetooth.opp: com.android.bluetooth.op
V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 11
I/ActivityManager( 1612): No longer want com.google.android.apps.maps:FriendServ
ice (pid 2185): hidden #16
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(5) state=1
E/bluedroid( 1612): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up
D/BluetoothService( 1612): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10
V/BluetoothEventRedirector( 2584): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STA
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): Widget is from a previous version... Let's u
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 2584): No instances yet... Wait for at least one in
stance to exist before adding global settings
D/dalvikvm( 1612): GC_CONCURRENT freed 839K, 39% free 5786K/9415K, external 867K
/1379K, paused 3ms+5ms
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread running
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_cabc_thread is restarting err_cnt=9
V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth
D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 2910): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 10
I/GOPOWER_TaskReceiver( 1927): action = com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.powersave
I/ ( 1547): odm_disp_esd_thread is running(4) state=1

[Q] unbrick via adb - recovery fails

I believe I have bricked an Alcatel 990 after flashing "cm-7-20121221-UNOFFICIAL-brandy.zip" via CWM.
Here are reasons why I believe it's bricked good and proper ;-P
1/ device boot loops when charging only via usb connection to PC
- 1.1 - device shows android logo - then "Alcatel One Touch Cyanogenmod 7" text/logo
- 1.2 - this loops continuous and never fully boots - output of adb logcat below
2/ when power-up off charge, only "menu", "search" and "back" soft keys illuminate - the screen+backlight stay completely off
- 2.1 - this remains constant until battery pull
- 2.2 - recovery mode via key combos do not work. Period. (no user error - assured!)
3/ when connected via usb during point 2 - there is not feedback from adb logcat - dead as a doorknob
- 3.1 - when boot looping (1.1 above) I get ~2seconds of adb connectivity then device reboots.
- 3.2 - fastboot <options> <commands> does nothing - device stays as "waiting forr device" this is contstant
- 3.3 - adb has better luck - I can invoke adb logcat and this captures log info as below
- 3.4 - adb recovery options fail and device reboots and hangs as on point 2 above
- 3.5 - adb shell shows rooted prompt for 2 seconds when <up/previous command+enter> very quickly repeated keyboard bashing style
- 3.6 - I have invoked "adb shell rm\ -r\ /cache/*" and "adb shell recovery --wipe_data - all to no avail in context of unbricking device
[email protected]:~/Downloads/src/adt-bundle-linux-x86/sdk/platform-tools$ adb logcat
- waiting for device -
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/cm ( 105): Welcome to Android 2.3.7 / CyanogenMod-7-20121221-UNOFFICIAL-brandy
I/cm ( 106): _
I/cm ( 107): __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __))
I/cm ( 108): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(
I/cm ( 109): )) _))
I/cm ( 110):
I/DEBUG ( 144): debuggerd: Dec 21 2012 22:47:32
E/bdaddr ( 154): Can't read btaddr from service.brcm.bt.mac.
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): modem is present in configuration
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbstate_fromsys is 1
I/dun_service( 156): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 156): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 156): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 156): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 156): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 156): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 142): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
D/Vold ( 142): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): got usb offline event
I/dun_service( 156): ustate is DUN_USBSTATE_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 156): Post event 1
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): got usb online event
I/dun_service( 156): ustate is DUN_USBSTATE_PLUG
I/dun_service( 156): Post event 2
I/dun_service( 156): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG
I/dun_service( 156): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 156): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service( 156): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 156): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_PLUG
I/dun_service( 156): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_PLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service( 156): Successfully opened SMD port: a, ext port: f
I/dun_service( 156): Configured external host port in RAW mode
I/dun_service( 156): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_IDLE)
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
W/Vold ( 142): Ignoring unknown switch 'MSM72K_UDC'
W/Vold ( 142): Ignoring unknown switch 'MSM72K_UDC'
W/Vold ( 142): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_configuration'
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
I/dun_service( 156): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
D/Vold ( 142): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/Vold ( 142): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
I/Netd ( 143): Netd 1.0 starting
I/dun_service( 156): modem_bits0, prev_mdm_bits 0, init = 1,
I/dun_service( 156): smdtoextctrl: ext port bits 320, smdoldstatus 0, init = 1
I/dun_service( 156): portbridge: Turning ON external port bits 140
D/AndroidRuntime( 146):
D/AndroidRuntime( 146): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
I/AndroidRuntime( 146): Heap size: -Xmx32m
D/AndroidRuntime( 146): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 146): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
D/dalvikvm( 146): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
I/ ( 147): ServiceManager: 0xae08
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): get_audpp_filter
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.
E/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): malformatted pcm control buffer
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): failed to set audpp parameters, exiting.
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 147): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): Set master volume to 7.
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): getCameraInfo: IN
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): getCameraInfo: loading libqcamera at 0xb000d828
E/mm-camera( 147): mm_camera_get_camera_info: [S]
E/mm-camera( 147): mm_camera_get_camera_info: num 2
E/mm-camera( 147): mm_camera_get_camera_info: 0 [E]
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): getCameraInfo: numOfCameras = 2
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): Camera sensor 0 info:
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): camera_id: 0
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): modes_supported: 1
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): position: 0
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): sensor_mount_angle: 90
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): Camera sensor 1 info:
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): camera_id: 1
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): modes_supported: 1
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): position: 1
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): sensor_mount_angle: 270
I/QualcommCameraHardware( 147): getCameraInfo: OUT
I/AudioFlinger( 147): AudioFlinger's thread 0xcbb8 ready to run
D/AudioFlinger( 147): setParameters(): io 1, keyvalue routing=2, tid 227, calling tid 147
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 6, mMode 0, mMicMute 1, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): Setting in-call volume to 7 (available range is 0 to 7)
[email protected]:~/Downloads/src/adt-bundle-linux-x86/sdk/platform-tools$
the two lines of output have since not been replicated since I "adb shell rm\ -r\ /cache/*"
D/dalvikvm( 146): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
D/dalvikvm( 146): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
the logcat above outputs at the same time as the adb shell outputs four hash/root prompts (about 2secs then device reboots/loops) at the very last line of output:
I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 147): Setting in-call volume to 7 (available range is 0 to 7)
This is replicated on command and is constant. Replicated under slackware/linux and under win7-32bit-ultimate.
Recovery fails to boot so I need some sort of usb 'bridge' to interrupt the boot loop and invoke recovery - or flashall back onto device - but fastboot fails to identify the device/connectivity. - or other solution. any tips or guidance is appreciated.
Hope I've been articulate enough. thanks in advance.
Did you ever find a fix? I'm having a similar issue on a different device (softwinerEvb a13 tablet) and I can't find any fix.:crying:
HI, wow, old thread - the good news (for me - hopefully for others) is that I did fix.
The root cause of the problem is that I flashed cyanogenmod which requires Kernel 2.3.4/Gingerbread 2.3.4 (I believe from memory).
It appears you must first flash the kernel by 'fudging' the 2.3.4 kernel onto the device - there is no official way to complete this.
My Alcatel had only 2.1 (Eclair).
Despite Alcatel saying that they do support upgrading to 2.3.4 - my experience conflicts with this, they don't
- and their software does not advise of any upgrade available - so don't bother.
Please see and follow the Moonstone Rom installation - this will guide you safely in getting 2.3.4 onto your device (if Alcatel like ine)
link to moonstone-Rom/and-guide here:
When Moonstone is on the device you can safely follow the guide to get Cyanogenmod 7 on your Alcatel.
This is the easiest way I found to get Cyanogenmod 7 on my Alcatel.
I can't comment on your device (softwinerEvb a13 tablet) - but if you are advising you are getting the same problems as I did -
then check what Android version you are using and make sure this matches the Cyanogenmod version you are trying to flash.
Hope above helps others.
dholl2000 said:
HI, wow, old thread - the good news (for me - hopefully for others) is that I did fix.
The root cause of the problem is that I flashed cyanogenmod which requires Kernel 2.3.4/Gingerbread 2.3.4 (I believe from memory).
It appears you must first flash the kernel by 'fudging' the 2.3.4 kernel onto the device - there is no official way to complete this.
My Alcatel had only 2.1 (Eclair).
Despite Alcatel saying that they do support upgrading to 2.3.4 - my experience conflicts with this, they don't
- and their software does not advise of any upgrade available - so don't bother.
Please see and follow the Moonstone Rom installation - this will guide you safely in getting 2.3.4 onto your device (if Alcatel like ine)
link to moonstone-Rom/and-guide here:
When Moonstone is on the device you can safely follow the guide to get Cyanogenmod 7 on your Alcatel.
This is the easiest way I found to get Cyanogenmod 7 on my Alcatel.
I can't comment on your device (softwinerEvb a13 tablet) - but if you are advising you are getting the same problems as I did -
then check what Android version you are using and make sure this matches the Cyanogenmod version you are trying to flash.
Hope above helps others.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the reply and I hope it helps others too! It won't help me cuz I'm dealing with a different device and mine is basically soft bricked as of yet, but I hit "Thanks" anyway!!

[Q] [HELP] understand my logcat

Hello, here is my problem,
I have always ported the miui rom to my thl w200 device.
in the latest builds, after porting it to my phone I get stuck at bootlogo.
I did a logcat but cant really find what causes this.
someone can look at it and help me?
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/Resize ( 86): The size of data already meet the request.
I/Resize ( 86): Partition has been resized,so nothing to do!
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): install_listener('tcp:5037','*smartsocket*')
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): adb_main(): pre init_jdwp()
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): adb_main(): post init_jdwp()
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): Event loop starting
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): transport: 0xf67520 init'ing for usb_handle 0xf67498 (sn='')
I/ADB_SERVICES( 158): transport: usb
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): transport: (null) registered
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): transport: (null) (16,17) starting
W/ADB_SERVICES( 158): (null): starting transport input thread, reading from fd 17
W/ADB_SERVICES( 158): (null): starting transport output thread on fd 17, SYNC online (2)
D/ADB_SERVICES( 158): recv: SYNC 00000001 00000002 0000
W/ADB_SERVICES( 158): (null): transport SYNC online
E/ccci_mdinit(0)( 121): md_init ver:1.00
E/ccci_mdinit(0)( 120): md_init ver:1.00
I/6620_launcher( 117): open device node succeed.(Node:/dev/stpwmt, fd:3)
I/6620_launcher( 117): keypersist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid)-value0x6628),chipId:0x6628
I/6620_launcher( 117): index:1, chipId:0x6628
I/6620_launcher( 117): chiId:0x6628
I/6620_launcher( 117): index:1, chipId:0x6628
I/6620_launcher( 117): set chipId(0x6628) to HIF-SDIO module
I/6620_launcher( 117): Info:key:mt6620.defAnt value:mt6620_ant_m3.cfg
I/6620_launcher( 117): Info:key:mt6628.defAnt value:mt6628_ant_m1.cfg
I/6620_launcher( 117): NULL is returned, eighter EOF or error maybe found
I/6620_launcher( 117): close /system/etc/firmware/WMT.cfg succeed
I/6620_launcher( 117): index:1, chipId:0x6628
I/6620_launcher( 117): STP Mode is not set, fetching default mode...
I/6620_launcher( 117): chipId(0x6628), default Mode(1), strlen(gWmtCfgName)(39), wmtCfgFile(/system/etc/firmware//mt6628_ant_m1.cfg)
I/6620_launcher( 117): HifConfig:0x0001, wmtCfgFile:/system/etc/firmware//mt6628_ant_m1.cfg
I/6620_launcher( 117): keyro.build.type)-valueuser)
I/6620_launcher( 117): MCU patch folder path: /system/etc/firmware/
I/6620_launcher( 117): Common Interface: UART mode
I/6620_launcher( 117): MCU patch folder path: /system/etc/firmware/
I/6620_launcher( 117): Common Interface: UART mode
I/6620_launcher( 117): uart name ttyMT2
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): Msensor deamon statr!!!!!!!!!!!!
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): msensor demon start process detect demon name = memsicd3416x
D/MsensorDaemon( 151):
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): msensor demon start process detect demon prop = init.svc.memsicd3416x
D/MsensorDaemon( 151):
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): start_msensor_demon
E/MsensorDaemon( 151): [99] ''
D/permission_check( 145): permission check ver:0.01
D/permission_check( 145): Empty, not decrypt!
D/permission_check( 145): change_md_nvram_attr++
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
E/POAD ( 155): boot_mode = 0
E/POAD ( 155): update boot reason = 0
D/permission_check( 145): new_ver file exist!!!
D/permission_check( 145): change_md_nvram_attr--0
I/stp_dump( 143): ==>main
I/stp_dump( 143): stp_dump_ctrl_iface_trace_logger_sendto_fd succeed
E/stp_dump( 143): [STP_DBG] family id = 19
I/stp_dump( 143): sending dummy command
I/stp_dump( 143): set sock number to 9
I/stp_dump( 143): addr.sun_path:stp_DIR=/data/misc/stp_dump GROUP=stp
I/stp_dump( 143): Using existing control interface directory.
E/stp_dump( 143): mkdir (/data/misc/stp_dump) succeed
I/stp_dump( 143): ctrl_interface_group=1000 (from group name 'stp')
I/stp_dump( 143): chown (/data/misc/stp_dump) succeed
I/stp_dump( 143): CTRL: chmod[/data/misc/stp_dump] succeed
E/stp_dump( 143): ctrl_iface bind(PF_UNIX) failed: Address already in use
E/stp_dump( 143): ctrl_iface exists, but does not allow connections - assuming it was leftover from forced program termination
D/stp_dump( 143): Successfully replaced leftover ctrl_iface socket '/data/misc/stp_dump/stpd'
I/stp_dump( 143): set sock number to 10
I/stp_dump( 143): stp_dump_ctrl_iface_init succeed.
I/stp_dump( 143): ==>main222
I/busybox ( 114): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d: No such file or directory
D/wlanLoader( 144): checkSupport 0x6628
D/wlanLoader( 144): Match 0x6628
D/wlanLoader( 144): Get the correct chip version mt6628
D/wlanLoader( 144): Get chip Version mt6628.
D/wlanLoader( 144): DRIVER_MODULE_PATH is /system/lib/modules/wlan_mt6628.ko
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): memsicd3416x running
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): Msensor deamon2 statr!!!!!!!!!!!!
D/MsensorDaemon( 151): open demon attr err = No such file or directory
E/stp_dump( 143): table == NULL || table->table == NULL
E/stp_dump( 143): table == NULL || table->table == NULL
D/wlanLoader( 144): Success to insmod the /system/lib/modules/wlan_mt6628.ko
I/thermal_repeater( 154): START+++++++++ 154
I/thermal_repeater( 154): Success to write 154 to /proc/wmt_tm/tm_pid
I/thermal_repeater( 154): Fail to chmod ffffffff
I/thermal_repeater( 154): Enter infinite loop
I/AEE/AED ( 122): Built Jan 30 2013 19:35:15
D/AEE/AED ( 122): ChangeAEEWorkMode: 3
I/AEE/AED ( 122): AED config
I/AEE/AED ( 122): mode '3'
I/AEE/AED ( 122): exp level '1
I/AEE/AED ( 122): dal enable '0'
I/AEE/AED ( 122): db count '20'
I/AEE/AED ( 122): db storage '1'
I/AEE/AED ( 122): SMP Info => 1
I/MobileLogD( 123): [void change_permission()] set mobile_log_d is in root user, adjust caps for its thread
I/MobileLogD( 123): mobilelog start after boot, mode:0
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): init cache configure items....
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): value of ro.build.type:user.
I/installd( 140): installd firing up
D/PQ ( 130): PQ init start...
D/PQ ( 130): PQ test...
I/ ( 137): ServiceManager: 0x41661698
D/PQ ( 130): PQ init end !
E/AEE/LIBAEE( 122): Can't remove file /sdcard/mtklog/aee_exp/temp: No such file or directory
E/AEE/LIBAEE( 122): Can't remove file /data/aee_exp/temp: No such file or directory
V/AEE/AED ( 122): ETB buffer length = 512
I/AEE/AED ( 122): wdt_status = 2, fiq_step=0
I/AEE/AED ( 122): reboot_reason = 0
V/AEE/AED ( 122): ETM start
D/installd( 140): LBE is enabled, starting...
D/NVRAM ( 152): NvRAMAgent created
E/NVRAM ( 152): Haman, serviceManager work well
D/NVRAM ( 152): NvRAMAgent Service is now ready
I/DPFD ( 149): [DPFD] main start ...
I/DPFD ( 149): [DPFD] set priority to RR:268435540
I/DPFD ( 149): [int adjustPriority()] set dpfd is in root user, adjust caps for its thread
D/DPFD ( 149): [DPFD] Wait Request.....
I/DMAgent ( 147): DMAgent created
I/DMAgent ( 147): [DMAgent]register OK.
D/DMAgent ( 147): DMAgent Service is now ready
D/MobileLogD( 123): write "mobilelog start after boot, mode:0" to mblog
E/installd( 140): Failed to load liblbesec.so
I/installd( 140): add service shelld success!
W/installd( 140): service start entry 'shelld', flag :0
W/installd( 140): starting 'shelld'
E/ccci_fsd(0)( 118): md_fsd Ver:v1.00
I/Hald ( 133): Hald 1.1011 starting
D/ccci_fsd(1)( 118): /dev/ccci_fs is opend(600).
D/ccci_fsd(1)( 118): Check OTP...
D/Hald ( 133): Create ResetManager
D/Hald ( 133): Size of initial message: 6
D/Hald ( 133): [MTK_WIFI] family id = 20
D/Hald ( 133): Reset Manager Prepare Dummy command
D/Hald ( 133): Reset Manager Send Command for binding
D/Hald ( 133): Start ResetManager
E/ccci_fsd(0)( 119): md_fsd Ver:v1.00
E/ccci_fsd(2)( 119): /dev/ccci2_fs is not enabled(2).
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config autostart=0 same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config logpath=/mnt/sdcard same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config logsize=300 same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config AndroidLog=1 same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config KernelLog=1 same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config BTLog=1 same as current value
D/MobileLogD/cache( 123): config BTLog=1 same as current value
E/MobileLogD/cache( 123): cant get true log path through property
E/MobileLogD/cache( 123): true path is /mnt/sdcard
D/MobileLogD( 123): create local socket server success
D/Vold ( 116): Check whether nvram restore ready!
D/NVRAM ( 128): g_i4CFG_File_Count: 25
D/NVRAM ( 128): NVM_Init Max Lid: 43
D/NVRAM ( 128): Total nvram Lid number is 43
I/Netd ( 125): Netd 1.0 starting
W/InterfaceController( 125): Warning (Cannot load library: load_library(linker.cpp:745): library "/system/lib/libnetcmdiface.so" not found) while opening the net interface command library
D/agps ( 142): [agps] WARNING: [Main] mtk_agpsd is running ver=0.46
D/agps ( 142): [agps] WARNING: [Main] mkdir failure for /data/agps_supl/log reason=[File exists]
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplRawLog.bEnable:0
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplRawLog.szPath:/sdcard
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplRawLog.szFile:agps_raw.log
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplSslLog.bEnable:0
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplSslLog.szPath:/sdcard
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): SuplSslLog.szFile:agps_ssl.log
I/MtkAgpsNative( 142): Enter up_int_init
I/MtkAgpsNative( 142): Enter mtk_agps_up_init
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): FS_CreateDir: /data/agps_supl
W/MtkAgpsNative( 142): -> errno(EEXIST) => dir already exists
D/MtkAgpsNative( 142): ############ mtk_agps_up_init --> agps_disable_enalbe_times = 1 ############
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